Life Elementary
Life Elementary
Life Elementary
A2 Mike Sayer
What is the Common European Framework of Note that the CEFR recognises intermediate levels between the
Reference? global levels above – A2+, B2+, etc.
The Council of Europe has developed the Common European Each of the six levels of the CEFR is defined by a large set
Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (or of descriptors – ‘can do tick points’ – which aim to define
CEFR for short) with a view to promoting language teaching the expected language ability of an individual at each of the
and learning within Europe. levels. For example, one of the descriptors under the heading
The CEFR aims to provide a descriptive framework which Conversation at A1 level is: can ask how people are and react to
encourages the development of language skills and inter- news. At C2 level, a descriptor under the same heading is: can
cultural awareness, learner autonomy and lifelong learning. It use language flexibly and effectively for social purposes.
is of interest to course designers and coursebook writers as well How does the CEFR correspond to LIFE?
as teachers, testers and teacher trainers. The LIFE series has a communicative approach with an
The CEFR aims to promote a coherent approach to language emphasis on learning language in real life contexts and on
learning with an emphasis on examining what we can do producing language in a broad range of speaking and writing
with a language. It also provides a framework which permits situations. Consequently, its approach mirrors the functional
the comparison of the language levels of individuals in an descriptors of the CEFR as well as its broad emphasis on being
impartial way. able to communicate in a range of realistic situations.
What are the aims of the CEFR? LIFE Beginner covers the competences for A1. LIFE Elementary
It is important to be aware that the CEFR is designed as a set covers the competences for A2. LIFE Pre-intermediate covers
of common reference points and not as a set of points that the majority of competences for B1. LIFE Intermediate covers
should be covered systematically in study. One level or one set the competences for B1 and some for B2 (hence the B1+
of reference points is not intended to refer to a year of study labelling). LIFE Upper Intermediate covers the competences for
or a number of hours of study. It recognises that students have B2. LIFE Advanced covers the competences for C1. There is, of
different aims and learn at different speeds. course, built-in revision of the competences from the previous
level before moving on to the new competence.
The CEFR does not intend to prescribe a method of teaching,
and recognises that there are a variety of methods relevant to In this booklet, each exercise of the LIFE series is mapped
different teaching contexts. However, it has a clear focus on the against core descriptors at the relevant global level. So, LIFE
four skills and on developing an ability to communicate rather Beginner is mapped against descriptors at the A1 Breakthrough
than acquire knowledge. level, LIFE Elementary at the A2 Waystage level, LIFE Pre-
intermediate at the B1 Threshold level, LIFE Intermediate at the
The CEFR also emphasises acquiring the skills to learn
B1 Threshold and B2 Vantage levels, LIFE Upper Intermediate
independently. It encourages autonomy in students and focuses
at the B2 Vantage level, and LIFE Advanced at the C1 Effective
on what they ‘can do’ and not on what they still need to learn.
Operational Proficiency level.
The CEFR intends to help define teachers’ and learners’
objectives. Teachers need to understand what they want to How does LIFE match the aims of the CEFR?
achieve on a course and students need clear objectives. The LIFE’s grammar and vocabulary syllabus encourages the
CEFR provides a set of descriptors and levels of competence linguistic competences needed for students to be able to
that help focus such aims. communicate successfully. In particular, the Grammar and Word
focus sections provide information and practice necessary for
How are the levels of the CEFR organised?
students to build their understanding and use.
The CEFR has six levels which range from A1 (students with
The emphasis on the four skills of reading, writing, speaking
a starter level of English) to C2 (students who can use the
and listening in LIFE reflects the same emphasis in the CEFR.
language fluently and with precision). Below is an overview
The Critical thinking sections develop students’ reading skills.
of these levels.
The Real Life section in each unit of LIFE introduces and
Students can use the language practises key functional areas of language which mirror those
C2 Mastery precisely and fluently with near in the CEFR.
native competence.
Proficient The video section in each unit of LIFE develops students’ ability
Effective Students are proficient in the to follow real spoken interaction and production in English. It
C1 Operational language and have a wide range also encourages students to use English in realistic roleplay
Proficiency of vocabulary.
Students are able to express The I can sections in each unit set clear objectives and checks
B2 Vantage themselves in increasingly that these objectives have been achieved.
Independent abstract ways.
The Workbook and teacher’s resources give students extra
Students at this level can maintain practice and learning resources. The Workbook aims to develop
B1 Threshold
conversations. learner autonomy.
Students are able to get by in
A2 Waystage an increasing range of social Can I learn more about this?
Basic situations. You can find more information about the Council of Europe at
Students can express themselves Hyperlinked pdfs of the CEFR are also available
A1 Breakthrough at this site.
in simple, basic language.
Communicative activities:
Reception (spoken)
U1 ex2; U1a ex2, 8; U1d ex3, 4, 5; U1f ex4, 5, 6; U2 ex2; U2a ex5; U2d
ex2, 3; U2f ex3, 5, 6; U3 ex2; U3a ex8, 9; U3b ex4, 5; U3d ex3, 4; U3f
Overall listening comprehension: ex4, 5; U4 ex1, 2; U4b ex6, 7; U4d ex3, 4; U4f ex3, 4, 5, 6; U5 ex2, 3;
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas U5a ex, 6, 7; U5b ex7, 8, 10; U5d ex3, 4; U5f ex5, 6; U6 ex2, 3; U6b ex2;
of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic personal U6d ex2, 3; U6f ex4; U7 ex2; U7a ex8, 9; U7b ex4, 5; U7d ex3, 4; U7f
and family information, shopping, local geography, ex2, 3, 4, 5, 6; U8 ex2; U8a ex2, 3; U8d ex3, 4; U8f ex5; U9 ex2; U9a ex6,
employment) provided speech is clearly and slowly 7; U9b ex5, 6; U9d ex2, 3; U9f ex5; U10 ex2, 3; U10a ex6, 7; U10b ex8,
articulated. 9; U10d ex2, 3; U10e ex3, 4; U10f ex2, 3, 4; U11 ex2; U11a ex4, 5; U11d
ex2, 3; U11f ex5; U12 ex2, 3; U12 ex2; U12b ex9, 10; U12d ex2, 3; U12f
ex4, 5, 6
Reception (written)
U1b ex2, 3; U1c x3, 4; U1e ex1; U2b ex2; U3a ex2; U3c ex6; U3e ex2;
Overall reading comprehension: U4a ex2; U4b ex2, 3; U4c ex3; U4d ex1; U4e ex2; U5b ex2; U5c ex2,
3, 6; U6a ex4; U6b ex1, 7; U6c ex3; U6e ex2; U7 ex3; U7a ex2, 3; U7b
Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of ex1; U7c ex3, 4; U7e ex4; U8b ex2, 3; U8c ex4; U8e ex1, 2; U8f ex8;
a concrete type which consist of high-frequency everyday U9a ex3, 4; U9b ex4; U9c ex3, 4; U9e ex2, 3; U9f ex2; U10a ex4; U10b
or job-related language. ex2, 3; U10c ex2, 3, 5; U11a ex2, 3; U11b ex2, 3; U11c ex2, 3; U11f ex6;
U12a ex5, 6; U12b ex2, 3; U12c ex3
Interaction (spoken)
U1 ex3; U1a ex9; U1b ex6; U1b ex5, 6, 12; U1c ex7; U1d ex6; U1f ex1,
2, 7; U2 ex1, 3; U2a ex9; U2b ex8; U2c ex7; U2d ex1, 4, 7; U2f ex1, 2, 7,
9; U3 ex4; U3a ex12; U3b ex2, 3, 12; U3c ex5; U3d ex1, 2, 5; U3f ex1,
2, 6; U4 ex4; U4a ex6, 11; U4b ex1, 12, 13; U4c ex1, 8; U4d ex2, 6; U4
Overall spoken interaction: ex1; U4f ex1, 8; U4 Review ex8; U5 ex4; U5a ex11, 12; U5b ex3; U5c
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations ex1, 7; U5d ex2; U5f ex1; U5 Review ex8; U6 ex5; U6a ex11; U6b ex6,
and short conversations, provided the other person helps 12, 13; U6c ex4; U6d ex1; U6f ex2; U7 ex4; U7a ex7, 11, 13; U7b ex3;
if necessary. Can manage simple, routine exchanges U7c ex1, 10; U7e ex1; U7f ex1; U7 Review ex8, 9; U8 ex3; U8a ex12;
without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and U8b ex11; U8c ex6; U8d ex1, 2; U8f ex1, 3; U9 ex3; U9a ex12; U9b ex1,
exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in 11; U9c ex2; U9d ex1; U9e ex1; U9f ex1; U9 Review ex7, 8; U10 ex5;
predictable everyday situations. U10a ex1, 2, 3, 11, 12; U10b ex1, 6, 12; U10c ex1; U10d ex1; U10e ex1,
2, 6; U10f ex1; U10 Review ex7, 8, 9; U11 ex4; U11a ex6; U11b ex1,
6, 11; U11c ex1, 4; U11d ex1; U11e ex1, 2; U11f ex1, 2, 3; U11 Review
ex7, 8; U12 ex1; U12a ex3, 4, 1, 12, 13; U12b ex1, 4, 12, 13; U12c ex1;
U12d ex1; U12e ex1; U12f ex1, 2; U12 Review ex8, 9, 10
Informal discussion:
U4a ex1; U4b ex2; U4c ex1, 2; U4d ex2; U5a ex5; U5b ex1, 3; U5c ex1;
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her U5d ex1; U6a ex2; U6b ex6; U6c ex1; U6e ex1; U6f ex5; U7a ex1, 4;
which is conducted slowly and clearly. U7b ex10, 12; U7c ex1; U7d ex2; U8a ex1, 4; U8b ex1, 5; U8c ex1, 2;
Can discuss what to do in the evening, at the weekend. U8e ex1; U9 ex1; U9a ex2; U9b ex7; U9c ex1, 7; U10 ex1; U10a ex1, 2,
3; U10b ex7; U10c ex1, 6; U11 ex1; U11c ex1; U12c ex1, 2
Can make and respond to suggestions.
Can agree and disagree with others.
Goal-oriented co-operation:
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine tasks
without undue effort, asking very simply for repetition
when he/she does not understand.
Can discuss what to do next, making and responding to U1f ex9; U2f ex7; U9a ex11, 12; U10f ex6; U11a ex10, 11; U11d ex5, 6;
suggestions, asking for and giving directions. U11f ex7; U12f ex8, 9
Can ask and answer questions about what they do at work
and in free time.
Can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan.
Can ask for and provide personal information.
Information exchange:
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a
simple and direct exchange of information.
Can exchange limited information on familiar and routine
operational matters. U1e ex6; U3b ex12; U3d ex5; U4d ex6; U5a ex11; U6b ex13; U6c ex4;
U7a ex11; U10a ex5, 11, 12; U12a ex7
Can ask and answer questions about what they do at work
and in free time.
Can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan.
Can ask for and provide personal information.
Interaction (written)
Notes, messages and forms:
Can take a short, simple message provided he/she can ask U4e ex5; U6e ex4; U8e ex3, 4; U8f ex9, 10; U10e ex5, 6; U11e ex5
for repetition and reformulation.
Production (spoken)
Overall spoken production:
Can give a simple description or presentation of people, U1b ex10; U1c ex1, 4; U1 Review ex9, 10; U2c ex1; U2 Review ex9; U3c
living or working conditions, daily routines, likes/dislikes, ex1, 10; U3 Review ex8; U5f ex3; U6 Review ex9; U8 Review ex7, 8; U9b
etc. as a short series of simple phrases and sentences ex10; U11b ex10, 11
linked into a list.
Addressing audiences:
Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on a
familiar subject.
U5a ex13; U6c ex5; U6f ex6; U8f ex7
Can answer straightforward follow up questions if he/
she can as for repetition and if some help with the
formulation of his reply is possible.
Production (written)
Overall written production: U1e ex3, 4, 5; U1f ex10; U2b ex10, 12; U2e ex3, 4, 5, 6; U3e ex3; U3f
Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked ex7; U4a ex9; U4e ex3, 4; U5e ex2, 3; U6e ex3; U7b ex8, 11; U7e ex5, 6,
with simple connectors like and, but and because. 7; U8a ex10; U9e ex4; U10e ex4; U11c ex9; U11e ex4; U12e ex3, 4
Creative writing:
Can write about everyday aspects of their environment,
e.g. people, places, a job or study experience in linked
U3e ex4; U8a ex11; U9e ex5; U10c ex8; U12c ex6, 7; U12e ex5
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, past
activities and personal experiences.
Linguistic – control
U1a ex5, 6, 8; U1b ex6, 7, 9; U1 Review ex1, 2, 3, 4; U2a ex3, 4, 6, 7;
U2b ex5, 6, 7, 9, 10; U2 Review ex1, 2, 3; U3a ex5, 6, 10, 11; U3b ex8,
Grammatical accuracy: 9, 11; U3 Review ex1, 2, 3; U4a ex7; U4b ex4, 5, 9, 10; U4c ex6, 7; U4
Review ex1, 2, 3; U5a ex8, 9, 10; U5b ex4, 5; U5 Review ex1, 2, 3; U6a
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still ex7, 8; U6b ex8, 9, 10; U6 Review ex1, 2; U7a ex5, 6, 7, 10; U7b ex6, 7,
systematically makes basic mistakes – for example 8; U7c ex7, 8, 9; U7 Review ex1, 2, 3, 4, 5; U8a ex5, 6; U8b ex6, 7, 8, 9;
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; U8 Review ex1, 2; U9a ex1; U9b ex8, 9; U9d ex5; U9 Review ex1, 2, 3;
nevertheless, it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say. U10a ex8, 9; U10 ex10; U10 Review ex1, 2, 3, 4; U11a ex9; U11b ex7,
8; U11c ex7, 8; U11 Review ex1, 2, 3, 4; U12a ex8, 9; U12b ex5, 6, 7, 8;
U12 Review ex1, 2, 3
Vocabulary control: U3a ex4; U3b ex7; U4a ex6; U5a ex2; U6 ex4; U6a ex6; U6b ex5; U6
Review ex6; U8 ex1; U8b ex11; U8 Review ex5; U9a ex8, 9; U9b ex3;
Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete U10a ex3; U10b ex6; U10c ex1; U11b ex6; U12a ex2, 3; U12b ex4; U12c
everyday needs. ex1
Phonological control: U1a ex7; U1b ex8; U1d ex1, 2; U2a ex8; U2c ex5; U2d ex6; U3b ex10;
Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be understood U3c ex9; U4a ex8; U4b ex11; U4d ex5; U5a ex3; U5c ex5; U5d ex5; U6b
despite a noticeable foreign accent, but conversational ex11; U6d ex5; U7b ex9; U7d ex5; U8a ex9; U8d ex5; U9a ex10; U9d
partners will need to ask for repetition from time to time. ex4; U10a ex10; U10d ex4; U11b ex9; U11d ex4; U12a ex11; U12d ex4
Unit 1 People
Unit 1 opener (page 9)
Component Descriptor Exercise
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate
Overall listening
priority (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local 2
geography, employment) provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 5, 6, 8
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 6, 7, 9
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
5, 6, 12
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Reading for Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as
orientation advertisements, prospectuses, menus, reference lists and timetables.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
3, 4
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can establish social contact: greetings and farewells; introductions; giving thanks.
Can generally understand clear, standard speech on familiar matters directed at
Conversation him/her, provided he/she can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time. 6
Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest.
Can express how he/she feels in simple terms, and express thanks.
Reading for Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as
orientation advertisements, prospectuses, menus, reference lists and timetables.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
3, 4, 5
production like and, but and because.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding out and passing on
straightforward factual information.
Can ask and answer questions about habits and routines. 6
Can ask and answer questions about pastimes and past activities.
Can give and follow simple directions and instructions, e.g. explain how to get
Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, accidents, etc.
Watching TV and film 3
where the visual supports the commentary.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided
4, 5, 6
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine tasks without undue effort,
Goal-oriented asking very simply for repetition when he/she does not understand.
co-operation Can discuss what to do next, making and responding to suggestions, asking for
and giving directions.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
production like and, but and because.
Can establish social contact: greetings and farewells; introductions; giving thanks.
Can generally understand clear, standard speech on familiar matters directed at
Conversation him/her, provided he/she can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time. 7, 8
Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest.
Can express how he/she feels in simple terms, and express thanks.
Unit 2 Possessions
Unit 2 opener (page 21)
Component Descriptor Exercise
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
1, 3
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 3, 4, 6, 7
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
10, 12
production like and, but and because.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
2, 3
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can deal with common aspects of everyday living such as travel, lodgings, eating
Transactions to and shopping.
obtain goods and 4, 7
services Can get all the information needed from a tourist office, as long as it is of a
straightforward, non-specialised nature.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
3, 4, 5, 6
production like and, but and because.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding out and passing on
straightforward factual information.
Can ask and answer questions about habits and routines. 7
Can ask and answer questions about pastimes and past activities.
Can give and follow simple directions and instructions, e.g. explain how to get
Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, accidents, etc.
Watching TV and film 4
where the visual supports the commentary.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided
3, 5, 6
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine tasks without undue effort,
Goal-oriented asking very simply for repetition when he/she does not understand.
co-operation Can discuss what to do next, making and responding to suggestions, asking for
and giving directions.
Can establish social contact: greetings and farewells; introductions; giving thanks.
Can generally understand clear, standard speech on familiar matters directed at
Conversation him/her, provided he/she can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time. 7, 8
Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest.
Can express how he/she feels in simple terms, and express thanks.
Unit 3 Places
Unit 3 opener (page 33)
Component Descriptor Exercise
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate
Overall listening
priority (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local 2
geography, employment) provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 4
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 5, 6, 10, 11
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided
8, 9
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
2, 3, 12
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 7
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 8, 9, 11
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct
exchange of information.
Can exchange limited information on familiar and routine operational matters.
exchange Can ask and answer questions about what they do at work and in free time.
Can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan.
Can ask for and provide personal information.
Reading for
Can identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters
information and 2, 3
such as letters, brochures and short newspaper articles describing events.
Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday
Identifying cues and
topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words from 4
the context.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct
exchange of information.
Can exchange limited information on familiar and routine operational matters.
exchange Can ask and answer questions about what they do at work and in free time.
Can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan.
Can ask for and provide personal information.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
production like and, but and because.
Can write about everyday aspects of his environment, e.g. people, places, a job or
study experience in linked sentences.
Creative writing 4
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, past activities and personal
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding out and passing on
straightforward factual information.
Can ask and answer questions about habits and routines. 5
Can ask and answer questions about pastimes and past activities.
Can give and follow simple directions and instructions, e.g. explain how to get
Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, accidents, etc.
Watching TV and film 3
where the visual supports the commentary.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided
4, 5
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine tasks without undue effort,
Information asking very simply for repetition when he/she does not understand.
exchange Can discuss what to do next, making and responding to suggestions, asking for
and giving directions.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
production like and, but and because.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Reading for
Can identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters
information and 3
such as letters, brochures and short newspaper articles describing events.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 6
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
6, 11
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 7
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
production like and, but and because.
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 2
slowly and clearly.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
2, 3
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 4, 5, 9, 10
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
1, 8
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 1, 2
slowly and clearly.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Reading for
Can identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters
information and 4, 5
such as letters, brochures and short newspaper articles describing events.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 6, 7
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
2, 6
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 2
slowly and clearly.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
3, 4
production like and, but and because.
Notes, messages and Can take a short, simple message provided he/she can ask for repetition and
forms reformulation.
Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, accidents, etc.
Watching TV and film 3
where the visual supports the commentary.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided
3, 4, 5, 6
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday
Identifying cues and
topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words from 7
the context.
Can establish social contact: greetings and farewells; introductions; giving thanks.
Can generally understand clear, standard speech on familiar matters directed at
him/her, provided he/she can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to
Conversation time. 8
Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest.
Can express how he/she feels in simple terms, and express thanks.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Unit 5 Food
Unit 5 opener (page 57)
Component Descriptor Exercise
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate
Overall listening
priority (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local 2, 3
geography, employment) provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 2
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 5
slowly and clearly.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy - for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 8, 9, 10
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
11, 12
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct
exchange of information.
Can exchange limited information on familiar and routine operational matters.
exchange Can ask and answer questions about what they do at work and in free time.
Can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan.
Can ask for and provide personal information.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 4, 5
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 1
slowly and clearly.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
2, 3, 6
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Reading for Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as
orientation advertisements, prospectuses, menus, reference lists and timetables.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
2, 3
production like and, but and because.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding out and passing on
straightforward factual information.
Can ask and answer questions about habits and routines. 4
Can ask and answer questions about pastimes and past activities.
Can give and follow simple directions and instructions, e.g. explain how to get
Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, accidents, etc.
Watching TV and film 4
where the visual supports the commentary.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided
5, 6
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can establish social contact: greetings and farewells; introductions; giving thanks.
Can generally understand clear, standard speech on familiar matters directed at
Conversation him/her, provided he/she can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time. 8
Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest.
Can express how he/she feels in simple terms, and express thanks.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Unit 6 Money
Unit 6 opener (page 69)
Component Descriptor Exercise
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate
Overall listening
priority (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local 2, 3
geography, employment) provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 4
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 2
slowly and clearly.
Reading for
Can identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters
information and 3, 5
such as letters, brochures and short newspaper articles describing events.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 6
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 7, 8
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences about their family, living
Creative writing conditions, educational background, present or most recent job. 10
Can write short, simple imaginary biographies and simple poems about people.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 5
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
6, 12, 13
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 6
slowly and clearly.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 8, 9, 10
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct
exchange of information.
Can exchange limited information on familiar and routine operational matters.
exchange Can ask and answer questions about what they do at work and in free time.
Can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan.
Can ask for and provide personal information.
Reading for
Can identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters
information and 2
such as letters, brochures and short newspaper articles describing events.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can establish social contact: greetings and farewells; introductions; giving thanks.
Can generally understand clear, standard speech on familiar matters directed at
Conversation him/her, provided he/she can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time. 6
Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest.
Can express how he/she feels in simple terms, and express thanks.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
production like and, but and because.
Notes, messages and Can take a short, simple message provided he/she can ask for repetition and
forms reformulation.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 5
slowly and clearly.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 6
Unit 7
Unit 7 opener (page 81)
Component Descriptor Exercise
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate
Overall listening
priority (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local 2
geography, employment) provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
2, 3
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
7, 11, 13
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct
exchange of information.
Can exchange limited information on familiar and routine operational matters.
exchange Can ask and answer questions about what they do at work and in free time.
Can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan.
Can ask for and provide personal information.
Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday
Identifying cues and
topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words from 2
the context.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 6, 7, 8
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
8, 11
production like and, but and because.
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
slowly and clearly.
Informal discussion Can discuss what to do in the evening, at the weekend. 10, 12
Can make and respond to suggestions.
Can agree and disagree with others.
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 1
slowly and clearly.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
3, 4
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 7, 8, 9
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 2
slowly and clearly.
Can establish social contact: greetings and farewells; introductions; giving thanks.
Can generally understand clear, standard speech on familiar matters directed at
Conversation him/her, provided he/she can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time. 6, 7
Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest.
Can express how he/she feels in simple terms, and express thanks.
Reading for Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as
orientation advertisements, prospectuses, menus, reference lists and timetables.
Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday
Identifying cues and
topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words from 3
the context.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
5, 6, 7
production like and, but and because.
Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, accidents, etc.
Watching TV and film 2, 3
where the visual supports the commentary.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided
2, 3, 4, 5, 6
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Interviewing and
Can answer simple questions and respond to simple statements in an interview. 6
being interviewed
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
8, 9
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Unit 8 Appearance
Unit 8 opener (page 93)
Component Descriptor Exercise
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of basic communicative needs.
Vocabulary range 1
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple survival needs.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 1
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 5, 6
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
production like and, but and because.
Can write about everyday aspects of his environment, e.g. people, places, a job or
study experience in linked sentences.
Creative writing 11
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, past activities and personal
Interviewing and
Can answer simple questions and respond to simple statements in an interview. 12
being interviewed
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
2, 3
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 6, 7, 8, 9
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 11
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Reading for
Can identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters
information and 3
such as letters, brochures and short newspaper articles describing events.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
1, 2
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Notes, messages and Can write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of
3, 4
forms immediate need.
Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, accidents, etc.
Watching TV and film 4
where the visual supports the commentary.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Notes, messages and Can write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of
9, 10
forms immediate need.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 5
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 2
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 2
slowly and clearly.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
3, 4
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can handle very short social exchanges but is rarely able to understand enough
to keep conversation going of his/her own accord, though he/she can be made to
understand if the speaker will take the trouble.
Conversation Can use simple everyday polite forms of greeting and address. 5
Can make and respond to invitations, invitations and apologies.
Can say what he/she likes and dislikes.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 8, 9
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine tasks without undue effort,
asking very simply for repetition when he/she does not understand.
Can discuss what to do next, making and responding to suggestions, asking for
Goal-oriented and giving directions.
11, 12
Can ask and answer questions about what they do at work and in free time.
Can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan.
Can ask for and provide personal information.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 3
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 7
slowly and clearly.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 8, 9
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
3, 4
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Reading for
Can identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters
information and 5, 6
such as letters, brochures and short newspaper articles describing events.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 5
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Reading for Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as
orientation advertisements, prospectuses, menus, reference lists and timetables.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
2, 3
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
production like and, but and because.
Can write about everyday aspects of his environment, e.g. people, places, a job or
study experience in linked sentences.
Creative writing 5
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, past activities and personal
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, accidents, etc.
Watching TV and film 4
where the visual supports the commentary.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Interviewing and
Can answer simple questions and respond to simple statements in an interview. 6
being interviewed
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
7, 8
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
1, 2, 3, 11, 12
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 3
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding out and passing on
straightforward factual information.
Can ask and answer questions about habits and routines. 5, 11, 12
Can ask and answer questions about pastimes and past activities.
Can give and follow simple directions and instructions, e.g. explain how to get
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 8, 9
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
2, 3
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 6
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 7
slowly and clearly.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 10
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Interviewing and
Can answer simple questions and respond to simple statements in an interview. 11, 12
being interviewed
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 1, 6
slowly and clearly.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 1
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
2, 3, 5
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday
Identifying cues and
topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words from 4
the context.
Reading for
Can identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters
information and 7
such as letters, brochures and short newspaper articles describing events.
Can write about everyday aspects of his environment, e.g. people, places, a job or
study experience in linked sentences.
Creative writing 8
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, past activities and personal
Can establish social contact: greetings and farewells; introductions; giving thanks.
Can generally understand clear, standard speech on familiar matters directed at
Conversation him/her, provided he/she can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time. 5
Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest.
Can express how he/she feels in simple terms, and express thanks.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
production like and, but and because.
Notes, messages and Can take a short, simple message provided he/she can ask for repetition and
5, 6
forms reformulation.
Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, accidents, etc.
Watching TV and film 2
where the visual supports the commentary.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided 2, 3, 4
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can indicate when he/she is following and can be made to understand what is
Goal-oriented necessary, if the speaker takes the trouble.
co-operation Can communicate in simple and routine tasks using simple phrases to ask for and
provide things, to get simple information and to discuss what to do next.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
7, 8, 9
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Unit 11 Tourism
Unit 11 opener (page 129)
Component Descriptor Exercise
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 1
slowly and clearly.
Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday
Identifying cues and
topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words from 1
the context.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
2, 3
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 9
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine tasks without undue effort,
asking very simply for repetition when he/she does not understand.
Can discuss what to do next, making and responding to suggestions, asking for
Goal-oriented co- and giving directions.
10, 11
Can ask and answer questions about what they do at work and in free time.
Can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan.
Can ask for and provide personal information.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
2, 3
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 6
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 7, 8
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her which is conducted
Informal discussion 1
slowly and clearly.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
2, 3
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Reading for
Can identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters
information and 5, 6
such as letters, brochures and short newspaper articles describing events.
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 7, 8
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
production like and, but and because.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding out and passing on
straightforward factual information.
Can ask and answer questions about habits and routines. 10
Can ask and answer questions about pastimes and past activities.
Can give and follow simple directions and instructions, e.g. explain how to get
Can indicate when he/she is following and can be made to understand what is
Goal-oriented necessary, if the speaker takes the trouble.
5, 6
co-operation Can communicate in simple and routine tasks using simple phrases to ask for and
provide things, to get simple information and to discuss what to do next.
Reading for Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as
orientation advertisements, prospectuses, menus, reference lists and timetables.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
production like and, but and because.
Notes, messages and Can write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of
forms immediate need.
Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, accidents, etc.
Watching TV and film 4
where the visual supports the commentary.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine tasks without undue effort,
Goal-oriented asking very simply for repetition when he/she does not understand.
co-operation Can discuss what to do next, making and responding to suggestions, asking for
and giving directions.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
7, 8
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 2, 3
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
3, 4
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
5, 6
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding out and passing on
straightforward factual information.
Can ask and answer questions about habits and routines. 7
Can ask and answer questions about pastimes and past activities.
Can give and follow simple directions and instructions, e.g. explain how to get
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 8, 9
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
10, 12, 13
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
2, 3
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 4
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes
Grammatical accuracy – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, 5, 6, 7, 8
it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
Vocabulary control Can control a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs. 1
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which
comprehension consist of high-frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday
Identifying cues and
topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words from 5
the context.
Can write about everyday aspects of his environment, e.g. people, places, a job or
study experience in linked sentences.
Creative writing 6, 7
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, past activities and personal
Can tell a story or describe something in a simple list of points. Can describe
everyday aspects of his environment, e.g. people, places, a job or study
Can give short, basic descriptions of events and activities.
Sustained monologue Can describe plans and arrangements, habits and routines, past activities and 5, 6
personal experiences.
Can use simple descriptive language to make brief statements about and compare
objects and possessions.
Can explain what he/she likes or dislikes about something.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors
3, 4
production like and, but and because.
Can write about everyday aspects of his environment, e.g. people, places, a job or
study experience in linked sentences.
Creative writing 5
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, past activities and personal
Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, accidents, etc.
Watching TV and film 3
where the visual supports the commentary.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided
4, 5, 6
comprehension speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can indicate when he/she is following and can be made to understand what is
Goal-oriented necessary, if the speaker takes the trouble.
8, 9
co-operation Can communicate in simple and routine tasks using simple phrases to ask for and
provide things, to get simple information and to discuss what to do next.
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations,
Overall spoken provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine
8, 9, 10
interaction exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange
ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations.