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International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

Vol.9; Issue: 3; July-September 2024

Website: ijshr.com
Review Article ISSN: 2455-7587

Academic Stress, Its Sources, Effects and Coping

Mechanisms Among College Students
Huntharhmachhuani Sailo1, Divya Varghese2
MSc Nursing, Department of Community Health Nursing, St. John’s College of Nursing, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India- 560034
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing, St. John’s College of Nursing, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India-560034

Corresponding Author: Huntharhmachhuani Sailo

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20240316

ABSTRACT Gender, educational period, school type,

family socioeconomic status, and father’s
Aims: This article aims to review academic education were associated with academic
stress, its sources, effects and coping stress. Watching movies and comedies,
mechanisms among college students. prayer, sharing their problems with friends,
Background: Stress has become part of with their parents and teachers were mostly
students’ academic life due to the various adopted by the students for coping their
internal and external expectations placed stress.
upon their shoulders. It therefore, becomes Conclusion: The students are primarily
imperative to understand the sources and stressed by the inadequacy of proper
effects of academic stress. Academic stress support. There are many personal and social
refers to the emotional and physical strain factors that contribute to Students stress.
experienced by students as a result of the Lack of clarification and unavailability of
demands and pressures of academic life. right career consultants contribute to
This stress can stem from various sources unidirectional objectives, and even after
such as the pressure to perform well they graduate, students become clueless and
academically, the competition for grades vulnerable in their jobs.
and recognition, and the expectations set by
peers, family, and society. Stress is always Keywords: Academic stress, College
regarded as a psychological process that students, Source of stress, Effect of stress,
involves an individual’s personal Coping mechanisms.
interpretation and response to any
threatening event. INTRODUCTION
Coping is an important predictor of stress Stress is a mental or physical feeling of
among college students. Individual used tension. A wide variety of accidents occur in
coping mechanisms to manage their stress the life of a person which cause negative
and negative emotions. The way students emotions such as anger, frustration and
cope with stress can have a significant nervousness. Stress is the body's response to
impact on their stress levels and overall demand or threat1. It is also considered as
well-being. negative, behavioral, physiological process
Findings: Majority of the students that takes place when the person tries to
considered academic related stressors to be adapt or compromise with stressors.
the source of high stress which is followed Stressors are the circumstances that disrupt,
by inter and intra-personal related stressors. or threaten to disrupt, individuals, ‟daily

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Volume 9; Issue: 3; July-September 2024
Huntharhmachhuani Sailo et.al. Academic stress, its sources, effects and coping mechanisms among college

functioning and cause people to make guidance and counseling service as an

adjustments”2. integral part of educational institution to
Stress becomes part of human day to day provide ideal, high-quality learning has only
life but all kind of stress is not considered to gained little attention6 .
be bad because it guides people to perform The absence of a counselor in a university
well in their life task. In academics, stress is can leads to ignorance of students’ academic
unavoidable among students, and it stress. Such condition can result in students’
influences student performance in all poor competence and personal development
academic activities. Many students reported and consequently make students vulnerable
their experience of high academic stress at to stress disorders when students are
predictable times which have resulted from encountering academic burden and
preparing and taking exams, class ranking challenge7.
competition, and mastering huge amount of Fear of failure in the exams is among one of
syllabus in a comparatively very small the major causes of academic stress. The
amount of time. Academic stress plays a students felt anxious about falling short of
major role in determining the mental health attendance towards the end, it was also
of students3 . reported that students regretted having
A study by Kaur (2014) found that wasted time set apart for studies. The other
“significant differences exist in the mental non-academic sources of stress reported
health of adolescents due to their academic were lack of sufficient vacations staying
stress; girl students with high level of away from family worrying about future
academic stress had poor mental health low self-, having trouble with friends, facing
status than their counter part4. financial difficulties, interpersonal conflicts,
There are number of incidents in a person’s conflicts with roommates, issues with
life that leads to negative emotions like partners, sleeping disorders, transportation
anger, frustration and nervousness that problems, problems in the family, searching
further develops stress in an individual. a partner and lack of parental support8 .
Stress is the body’s reaction to challenge or The academic stress is distinguished as a
demand. It can be positive at times; however type of situational stress that arises in the
prolonged stress can lead to severe health educational context and is related to the
conditions1. demands and requirements of the academic
environment, among others. Barbayannis et
SOURCES OF STRESS al. (2022) note that academic stress can
According to Bernstein et al. (2008) sources manifest in the form of anxiety, depression,
of stress are every circumstance or event and emotional exhaustion, which can
that threatens to disrupt people’s daily negatively affect students’ psychological
functioning and causes them to make well-being9. Academic stress increased
adjustments. These sources of stress are during the pandemic due to the lockdown.
called “Stressors”. The impact of student academic stress
Stressors are demands made by the internal occurs due to increased academic
or external environment that upset balance, procrastination, fear of virus transmission
thus affecting physical and psychological and up to academic tasks; the pressure is
well-being and requiring action to restore also exacerbated by symptoms of depression
balance (Lazarus & Cohen, 1977). and loneliness10. In addition, the educational
However, they differ from the degree of system also plays an enabling role
severity and duration of stress; what is subsequently leading to increased stress
stressful for an individual may not be a levels experienced by students. Some of the
stressor for another5. sources include overcrowded lecture halls,
The level of academic stress prevalence has semester grading system, inadequate
been increased from year to year, while resources and facilities11.

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Volume 9; Issue: 3; July-September 2024
Huntharhmachhuani Sailo et.al. Academic stress, its sources, effects and coping mechanisms among college

Academic stressors can be classified into six Intrapersonal Related Stressors: These
broad categories (Bashir et al., 2019). These refer to relationships of a person with
are: him/herself, for instance self-conflict,
feeling of inadequacy, low self-esteem and
Academic Related Stressors: It entails any confidence, high self-desire to be better
educational, institutional, instructive or academically12.
understudy situations that affects students’
performance and causes stress. Peer Related Stressors: Exposure to peers
and other students can also create pressure,
Group Social related stressors: These are as entering university involves a process of
identified as the type of gathering events social adaptation. Students find themselves
and communications, group and social in an environment where they must establish
network connections that lead to stress. For new relationships and social networks,
example, participation in discussion, which can generate social anxiety due to the
presentation with groups and the desire to need to be accepted into a new group of
do well, time spending with family and peers and participate in extracurricular
working interruption by others. activities.

Learning and Teaching Related Other possible stressors are:

Stressors: Financial stressors: In addition to
These include situations pertaining to academic and social factors, other aspects
teaching or learning that cause stress to outside of university life can also contribute
students. For example, the teaching and to stress. For example, many university
learning methods, frustration with the students must deal with financial pressure,
quality of education, ineffective feedback both their own and their parents’, as well as
systems and supervision, lack of recognition the cost of studying, which can generate
to work done, and obscurity of what is additional stress as they try to balance
expected from the students. studying and finding income to cover
tuition, housing, food, and other related
Teacher Related Stressors: These are expenses, especially among those who have
identified as competency and personality of migrated to study. McCloud and Bann
the instructors such as discontent with (2019) examined the impact of financial
instructors’ supervision abilities, aptitudes, stress on the mental health of university
delay or not providing study materials, and students and found that stress related to
assigning of improper and dull tasks to finances can have negative effects on the
students; which the students find boring. mental well-being of the students,
increasing anxiety and depression9.
Interpersonal Related Stressors: These College students may also become
relate with relationship among people. frustrated when bills are overdue, threat of
These include physical, verbal, mental and account going to collection and racking up
emotional mistreat and troubles caused by debt through loans and credit card debt.
instructors, staff, family members, peers, Credit cards have become readily available
and associates. For example, conflict with and could be gotten by a single click and
peers and family members, too many filling an application on the internet. A
assignments given by the instructors, study says one out five students reduced the
unwilling to go to university, crowded number of courses they enrolled in due to
classrooms, bullying, and interruption by their finances.

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Volume 9; Issue: 3; July-September 2024
Huntharhmachhuani Sailo et.al. Academic stress, its sources, effects and coping mechanisms among college

Unhealthy Eating Habit: cognitions which affect how rational they

According to the Physicians Committee for may act and feel (Saunders & Balinsky,
Responsible Medicine (2015), unhealthy 1993).
eating habits have the tendency to increase a
student’s level of stress. Diets that can Cognitive symptom: It appear as placing
induce stress include food high in fat, sugar, the blame of errors on others, confusion,
caffeine and refined starches. It is poor attention, and poor decision-making
encouraged that a healthy diet with abilities. Heightened or lowered alertness,
provision of fruits, vegetables and low-fat poor concentration, memory problems, poor
food will be efficient for a student (Kessler, problem-solving ability, poor abstract
2016). thinking, and nightmares are included as
Parental pressure:
Parental pressures and teachers’ Behavioral symptoms: It manifest as
expectations have been revealed to be changes in activity, withdrawal, emotional
associated with stress around the time of outbursts, suspiciousness, change in usual
examinations or about choosing academic communication abilities, and loss or
study or a future career13. increase of appetite. In addition, the
beginning of an increase of alcohol
consumption or other harmful substances,
the inability to rest, nonspecific body
Students may be experiencing irritability
complaints, pacing, and being hyper-alert to
because of lack of proper sleep at night.
the environment.
▪ They may be unable to concentrate on
academics and sports.
Emotional symptoms: It include anxiety,
▪ Students may be having unexplained
guilt, grief, denial, fear, a sense of
fears or increased anxiety.
uncertainty, a loss of emotional control,
▪ Students separate themselves from
Depression, apprehension, a feeling of being
family activities or peer relationships.
overwhelmed, intense anger, irritability, and
▪ Students may be experimenting with
drugs and alcohol.
▪ Students may complain about headaches
or stomach aches.
According to the World Health
▪ Students may have a poor appetite and
Organization, the COVID-19 pandemic
low immunity.
increased the prevalence of stress, anxiety,
According to Vlisides et al (1994),
and depression by 25% worldwide. Stress is
Symptoms of Stress can be categorized as
a common part of daily life, and when dealt
emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and
with responsibly, it may help us stay
motivated and focused. However, when
stress levels become excessive and are not
Physical symptoms: Physical symptoms of
appropriately handled, they can have a
stress include fatigue, nausea, muscle
harmful influence on mental health,
tremors, twitches, and headaches. It also
particularly among students.
includes visual difficulties, grinding or
Stress can trigger a range of mental health
clenching of one's teeth, and weakness.
problems for students, with anxiety being
Physiological or psychological responses to
one of the most common issues. Another
stress, If chronic or frequently occurring,
prevalent mental health issue among
can result in illness or disease (Greenberg,
students is depression, which can have a
1992). Many students complain of
significant impact on academic
headaches and exhaustion (Greenberg,
achievement. Depression can cause
1996). Other students experience negative

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Volume 9; Issue: 3; July-September 2024
Huntharhmachhuani Sailo et.al. Academic stress, its sources, effects and coping mechanisms among college

difficulties with sleep and focus, leading to evaluate impacts on ourselves and others.
problems with academic performance. It is When they’re shut off, we make more
essential for students to seek help when dangerous choices. Emotions assist
experiencing symptoms of anxiety or 13
decision-making .
depression and to learn effective coping
strategies to manage their mental health15. COPING MECHANISMS:
Major effects of stress include: Coping is defined as the thoughts and
behaviors mobilized to manage internal and
Emotional and psychological problems external stressful situations. It is a term used
encountered by student distinctively for conscious and voluntary
Anxieties about aspects of study including mobilization of acts, different from 'defense
exams and presentations, general stress and mechanisms' that are subconscious or
anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, unconscious adaptive responses, both of
eating problems, bereavements and parental which aim to reduce or tolerate stress.
separations, loneliness and homesickness, Coping is generally categorized into four
lack of self-confidence or low self-esteem, major categories which are:
managing transitions, making difficult • Problem-focused- Which addresses the
decisions, traumatic experiences including problem causing the distress: Examples
rape, assault and abuse, difficulties with of this style include active coping,
alcohol or drugs, issues around sex and planning, restraint coping, and
sexuality, self-injury, suicidal thoughts16. suppression of competing activities.
• Emotion-focused- Which aims to
Physical and psychological responses to reduce the negative emotions associated
stress with the problem: Examples of this style
Generally, both occur together, principally include positive reframing, acceptance,
when stressors become more intense. turning to religion, and humor.
However, one category of stress responses • Meaning-focused- In which an
can influence other responses. For instance, individual uses cognitive strategies to
mild chest pain may lead to the derive and manage the meaning of the
psychological stress response of worrying situation
about getting a heart attack. Physical • Social coping (support-seeking)- In
responses can be when a person escapes which an individual reduces stress by
from a terrible accident or some other seeking emotional or instrumental
frightening events, he or she will experience support from their community17.
rapid breathing, increased heart beating, Several researches showed that Problem
sweating, and even shaking little later. Focused Coping (PFC) basically aims to
These reactions are part of a general pattern solve the problem completely and how to
known as the fight-or-flight syndrome. The deal with stress anxiety effectively and is
psychological responses to stress can appear relatively associated with reduced levels of
as changes in emotions, thoughts and depression problem-focused strategies are
behaviors5. expected to moderate the negative effects of
the stressor18.
Effect of stress socially: Seiffge-Krenke (1995) performed a factor
When students get stressed, there is a visible analysis that revealed a three-factor
sign of frustration, snap at friends and structure: ‘active coping’, ‘internal coping’,
family, or feel annoyed by the minutest and ‘withdrawal’.
things. Stress can also affect emotional • Active coping involves seeking social
intelligence. Emotions serve as part of our support though various strategies, such
regulatory system – when functioning as discussing the problem with others
appropriately they assist us to carefully and finding information about the

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Volume 9; Issue: 3; July-September 2024
Huntharhmachhuani Sailo et.al. Academic stress, its sources, effects and coping mechanisms among college

problem or getting help from focused approach can be the most

institutions. beneficial; while other studies have shown
• Internal coping involves using cognitive that some coping mechanisms are associated
strategies, such as perceiving the with worse outcomes. Maladaptive coping
situation and solutions, thinking about refers to coping mechanisms that are
the problem and finding different associated with poor mental health
solutions, making compromises, and outcomes and higher levels of
accepting personal limits. psychopathology symptoms. These include
• withdrawal involves retreating from the disengagement, avoidance, and emotional
stressor and using emotional outlets and suppression16.
distraction strategies, such as listening to
loud music, doing sports, not thinking MATERIALS & METHODS
about the problem, trying to forget about A review was performed by searching and
the problem using alcohol or drugs, or exploring PubMed, google scholar, journals
letting anger out by shouting, crying, or at full text for studies published in English
slamming doors. using the key word “Academic stress,
Active and internal coping strategies are “Academic stress and its source” or “Stress
considered to be adaptive, whereas among students”.
withdrawal is regarded as maladaptive
(Seiffge-Krenke, 2000)19. RESULTS
One common classification of coping Related to sources of stress
mechanisms focuses on approach and In a study by Mansoor Ahmed et al,
avoidance coping Approach and avoidance majority of the students (40.9%) considered
coping styles may be adaptive or academic related stressors to be the source
maladaptive depending on situational of high stress which was followed by inter
factors surrounding the source of stress. and intra-personal related stressors
• Approach coping: Approach coping is (33.3%)21, a contrasting result has been
the engagement in appropriate action discovered with significant association
that matches the stressor and provides a between stress and gender, females being
resolution to it. more stressed and students from rural
• Avoidance coping: Avoidance coping is background being significantly more
the withdrawal from or denial of the stressed as opposed to our results22.
existence of a stressor. Some students The other studies done by Chowdhury et al,
may engage in approach coping in an Panchu et al, Melaku et al all showed a
effort to either maintain their status quo similar result with academic related stressor
in school or to identify remedies for being the major contributor of stress. The
stressful experiences that promote vastness of the medical syllabus and lack of
positivity. This type of coping may be proper time management are the major
necessary for long-term stressors, as it stressor23.
allows for individuals to experience the A study conducted by Z. Hosseinkhani et al
stress in doses rather than one large, showed mean academic stress score of
overwhelming wave of extreme stress. 45.7%. The stress level was statistically
Additionally, individuals tend to use higher among older 47.5% than younger
avoidance coping when attempting to 44.1% adolescents. The main academic
manage stress regarding uncertain or stressors included: future uncertainty 69.7%
uncontrollable events, such as a global academic competition 58.5 and interaction
pandemic20. with teachers 56.1%. Gender, educational
Many of the coping mechanisms have been period, school type, family socioeconomic
proven to be useful in certain situations. status, and father’s education were
Some studies suggest that a problem- associated with academic stress24.

International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (www.ijshr.com) 129

Volume 9; Issue: 3; July-September 2024
Huntharhmachhuani Sailo et.al. Academic stress, its sources, effects and coping mechanisms among college

Related to effects of academic stress included positive reappraisal (13%),

A study conducted by Casuso-Holgado MJ, acceptance (10%), avoidance or wishful
Moreno-Morales N, Labajos-Manzanares thinking (10%), venting emotions (6%) and
MT, Montero-Bancalero FJ, revealed that relaxation (3%), Planning and problem-
Academic stress is moderately correlated to solving (6.7 ± 0.86), seeking instrumental
health symptoms. Specifically, academic social support (7.8 ± 1.07), positive
stress reported by students is positively reappraisal (7.4 ± 0.82), acceptance (6.5 ±
associated to physical exhaustion, sleeping 0.84), venting emotions (6.8 ± 1.23) and
disorders, irascibility, negative thoughts, relaxation (7.7 ± 0.75) were regarded as
and feeling nervous. The results from this effective. Avoidance or wishful thinking
study support the assumption that academic was reported as ineffective (4.2 ± 1.03)29.
stress has a negative impact on college
students´ health25. CONCLUSION
Another study conducted by Yan YW, Lin The students are primarily stressed by the
RM, Su YK, Liu MY revealed that inadequacy of proper support. There are
Academic stress was significantly many personal and social factors that
associated with depression and school contribute to Students stress. Lack of
burnout and academic stress was negatively clarification and unavailability of right
correlated with adolescent sleep quality the career consultants contribute to
results also showed that the mediating effect unidirectional objectives, and even after
of school burnout and depression on the they graduate, students become clueless and
relationship between adolescent academic vulnerable in their jobs and help them
stress and sleep quality accounted for achieve their goals. Research stresses for
63.31% of the total effect. Of this, as the academics, extracurricular sports, duties etc.
mediating effect of depression accounted for developed beyond compare. Parents expect
44.34%, it was the major effect, and may, to their children to engage in the rat race and
some extent, show the intensity of the effect to raise the social standing of their own in
of academic stress on adolescent sleep society, outshine their rivals. In this age of
quality26. cutting throat rivalry, the latest fad is
running behind numbers, sad reality but
Related to coping mechanisms: true. There is a need to create a friendly and
A study on ‘Stressors and stress-coping supportive environment in the university
mechanisms of academic scholars in HEIs’ level, department level and classroom level.
Philippines showed that seeking help from Also, each child is different therefore, it is
friends seemed to be the most common important for parents to get their children to
approach in solving their problems27. Dawit realize the value of recognizing their forces
Yikaelo and Warede Tareke (2018) and motivating them to pursue a career in
suggested that, watching movies and the field of their skill of their ability. It is
comedies, prayer, sharing their problems important to do what you want or love.
with friends, with their parents and teachers Coping mechanisms play an important role
were mostly adopted by the students for in dealing with stress either academic or
coping their stress28. outside the academic, effective and proper
Another study which involved 32 medical coping can help a person in confronting
students, and it found that the participants his/her day-to-day life which further helps
reported a total of 62 stressful incidents them to grow personally and aid in
among the responses, 41% involved achieving their goals. Coping can be
problem-focused coping strategies such as positive and negative, when positive coping
planning and problem-solving, while 17% can lead a person/student towards achieving
involved seeking instrumental social his desire goals, on the other hand negative
support. (58%). Emotion-focused coping

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Volume 9; Issue: 3; July-September 2024
Huntharhmachhuani Sailo et.al. Academic stress, its sources, effects and coping mechanisms among college

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Declaration by Authors Academic stress as a predictor of mental
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Education. 2023 Dec 11;10(2):2232686.
Acknowledgement: None 10. Ibda H, Wulandari TS, Abdillah A, Hastuti
Source of Funding: None AP, Mahsum M. Student academic stress
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no during the COVID-19 pandemic: A
conflict of interest. systematic literature review. International
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