DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20240316
Academic stressors can be classified into six Intrapersonal Related Stressors: These
broad categories (Bashir et al., 2019). These refer to relationships of a person with
are: him/herself, for instance self-conflict,
feeling of inadequacy, low self-esteem and
Academic Related Stressors: It entails any confidence, high self-desire to be better
educational, institutional, instructive or academically12.
understudy situations that affects students’
performance and causes stress. Peer Related Stressors: Exposure to peers
and other students can also create pressure,
Group Social related stressors: These are as entering university involves a process of
identified as the type of gathering events social adaptation. Students find themselves
and communications, group and social in an environment where they must establish
network connections that lead to stress. For new relationships and social networks,
example, participation in discussion, which can generate social anxiety due to the
presentation with groups and the desire to need to be accepted into a new group of
do well, time spending with family and peers and participate in extracurricular
working interruption by others. activities.
difficulties with sleep and focus, leading to evaluate impacts on ourselves and others.
problems with academic performance. It is When they’re shut off, we make more
essential for students to seek help when dangerous choices. Emotions assist
experiencing symptoms of anxiety or 13
decision-making .
depression and to learn effective coping
strategies to manage their mental health15. COPING MECHANISMS:
Major effects of stress include: Coping is defined as the thoughts and
behaviors mobilized to manage internal and
Emotional and psychological problems external stressful situations. It is a term used
encountered by student distinctively for conscious and voluntary
Anxieties about aspects of study including mobilization of acts, different from 'defense
exams and presentations, general stress and mechanisms' that are subconscious or
anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, unconscious adaptive responses, both of
eating problems, bereavements and parental which aim to reduce or tolerate stress.
separations, loneliness and homesickness, Coping is generally categorized into four
lack of self-confidence or low self-esteem, major categories which are:
managing transitions, making difficult • Problem-focused- Which addresses the
decisions, traumatic experiences including problem causing the distress: Examples
rape, assault and abuse, difficulties with of this style include active coping,
alcohol or drugs, issues around sex and planning, restraint coping, and
sexuality, self-injury, suicidal thoughts16. suppression of competing activities.
• Emotion-focused- Which aims to
Physical and psychological responses to reduce the negative emotions associated
stress with the problem: Examples of this style
Generally, both occur together, principally include positive reframing, acceptance,
when stressors become more intense. turning to religion, and humor.
However, one category of stress responses • Meaning-focused- In which an
can influence other responses. For instance, individual uses cognitive strategies to
mild chest pain may lead to the derive and manage the meaning of the
psychological stress response of worrying situation
about getting a heart attack. Physical • Social coping (support-seeking)- In
responses can be when a person escapes which an individual reduces stress by
from a terrible accident or some other seeking emotional or instrumental
frightening events, he or she will experience support from their community17.
rapid breathing, increased heart beating, Several researches showed that Problem
sweating, and even shaking little later. Focused Coping (PFC) basically aims to
These reactions are part of a general pattern solve the problem completely and how to
known as the fight-or-flight syndrome. The deal with stress anxiety effectively and is
psychological responses to stress can appear relatively associated with reduced levels of
as changes in emotions, thoughts and depression problem-focused strategies are
behaviors5. expected to moderate the negative effects of
the stressor18.
Effect of stress socially: Seiffge-Krenke (1995) performed a factor
When students get stressed, there is a visible analysis that revealed a three-factor
sign of frustration, snap at friends and structure: ‘active coping’, ‘internal coping’,
family, or feel annoyed by the minutest and ‘withdrawal’.
things. Stress can also affect emotional • Active coping involves seeking social
intelligence. Emotions serve as part of our support though various strategies, such
regulatory system – when functioning as discussing the problem with others
appropriately they assist us to carefully and finding information about the
coping can also direct them to unwanted 9. Córdova Olivera P, Gasser Gordillo P,
behaviour and destroy it. Naranjo Mejía H, La Fuente Taborga I,
Grajeda Chacón A, Sanjinés Unzueta A.
Declaration by Authors Academic stress as a predictor of mental
Ethical Approval: Not Applicable health in university students. Cogent
Education. 2023 Dec 11;10(2):2232686.
Acknowledgement: None 10. Ibda H, Wulandari TS, Abdillah A, Hastuti
Source of Funding: None AP, Mahsum M. Student academic stress
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no during the COVID-19 pandemic: A
conflict of interest. systematic literature review. International
Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS).
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