EjournalMDMS HelpScreen 2023
EjournalMDMS HelpScreen 2023
EjournalMDMS HelpScreen 2023
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TNMGRMU – Ejournal Help Screen
e-Journal .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................3
Login 3
Login 6
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TNMGRMU – Ejournal Help Screen
1. Introduction
Students who are registered for Post Graduate Degree in Medical broad speciality in the
Affiliated Institutions of this University have to submit a research paper in the e-journal
portal and get it approved to become eligible for their final examination.
Students can login with their username and password directly, If the students have
already logged for e-Dissertation, they need not register again for e-journal.
URL : https://cms2.tnmgrmu.ac.in
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TNMGRMU – Ejournal Help Screen
Step 1 : For New User, click the link in the login page “ New User (Student/Faculty) Login”
Step 2 : Select the option “Student” on the screen
Email Id will auto populate. If not, please Enter Student’s Email Id.
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TNMGRMU – Ejournal Help Screen
Mobile No. will auto populate, if already given during registration.
Enter the Student Date of Birth.
Click on Submit Button.
OTP will be received by the Student in the given registered email id.
OTP received in the Student Email ID to be entered.
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Figure 2.3: Redirected to Login page
Enter Student Register Number as User Name.
Enter Student Registered Mobile Number as Password.
Enter Captcha.
Click on Login button.
Submission of Document
After Login, the students can view the menu Students Corner.
Click on e- Journal Submission in the side bar menu.
In the Research paper Submission Form screen, Course, Institution, Student
Name,Mobile No., Email Id, and Students Register No. will be auto populated.
Student’s HOD/Guide Name to be selected from the Pick list ( * If HOD/Guide
name is not available in the pick list, Student has to contact their institution
immediately to get the HOD/Guide name to be included through Faculty
Management System in the CMS portal by the Institution.)
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Figure 2.4: Research Paper details
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Enter all the details in the “Research Paper Details” section.
1. Title
2. Name, Designation, Department, Institution, Author and Co-Author,
HOD and Guide.
9. Discussion
10. Summary and Conclusion
11. Bibliography
12. Tables and Charts (Size – upto 1MB per Table /Chart. File format
allowed JPG, JPEG, PNG Only)
13. Figures and Illustrations (Size – upto 1MB per Figure /Illustrations. File
format allowed JPG, JPEG, PNG Only)
Now the student can download / view the document on clicking “Download
Consolidated Document” / “Preview Consolidated Document” button and
check the content of the Research Paper. If any changes are required, the
student can edit in the appropriate text boxes and Save as Draft again and
then view the corrected document.
Finally the student can click on Submit button for the Final Submission.
Once Research Paper is submitted,
o An acknowledgement email will be received by the student.
o HOD and Guide will be receiving a mail of Research Paper.
Subsequently, HOD has to confirm the same through email.
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Students have to contact their HOD/Guide and check if any modifications are
required with the submitted Research Papers.
After reviewing the Research Paper by the reviewer, the reviewer can provide
the following status as “Approve/Reject/ Corrections to be made”. If
“Corrections to be made”, the students shall modify and “Resubmit” the
Research Paper.
If the submitted Research Paper is “Rejected” by the Reviewer, then the
student has to submit a new Research Paper for approval.
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