Module 8 - Introducing Containers and Container Services
Module 8 - Introducing Containers and Container Services
Module 8 - Introducing Containers and Container Services
Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services 4
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Section 1: Introduction
Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Section 1: Introduction.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Module objectives
At the end of this module, you should be able to do the following:
• Describe the history, technology, and terminology behind containers
• Differentiate containers from bare-metal servers and virtual
machines (VMs)
• Illustrate the components of Docker and how they interact
• Identify the characteristics of a microservices architecture
• Recognize the drivers for using container orchestration services and
the AWS services that you can use for container management
• Host a dynamic website by using Docker containers
• Describe how AWS Elastic Beanstalk is used to deploy containers
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Module overview
Sections Lab
1. Introduction • Lab 1: Migrating a Web Application
2. Introducing containers to Docker Containers
This module also includes two labs where you will work with Docker containers.
Finally, you will complete a knowledge check to test your understanding of key
concepts covered in this module.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Frank and Martha recently acquired a coffee bean supplier, and they would like to
include the supplier’s inventory tracking system into the café's application
infrastructure. Sofía is thinking about migrating the application database to
containers to complete the integration. The supplier’s inventory tracking application
runs on an AWS account. Sofía has been asked to learn how the application works
and then create a plan to integrate it into the café’s existing application infrastructure.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
The diagram on this slide gives an overview of the application that you will build
through the labs in this course. The highlighted portions are relevant to this module.
As highlighted in the diagram, you will first migrate the coffee suppliers application to
run on containers. Then, you will deploy the database tier with Amazon Aurora
Serverless and deploy the web tier with Elastic Beanstalk.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Shipping containers
Before shipping containers After shipping containers
• Goods were shipped in a variety of • Uniformly sized shipping containers
vessels with no standardized simplified loading, unloading,
weight, shape, or size. storing, and transferring between
transport types.
• Transporting goods was slow,
inefficient, and costly. • Abstraction of shipment details
improved efficiency, increased
productivity, and reduced costs.
Before the introduction of modern shipping containers, transporting goods from one
point to another was a challenge. Goods were shipped in sacks, crates, cartons,
drums, casks, barrels, and boxes of various weights, shapes, and sizes. They often
were loaded by hand into whatever vessel was carrying them. The vessel wouldn’t
know how much cargo it could take until all of the cargo was loaded. Transporting
goods this way was slow, inefficient, and costly.
Shipping containers revolutionized the shipping industry. Their uniform size made it
much more efficient to load, unload, and stack them. Containers could also be easily
moved between ships, trucks, and railroad cars. In this way, containers improved
efficiency, increased productivity, and reduced costs.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
This concept can move from the physical world to the virtual world of computing
platforms. Virtually, a container is a standardized unit of software designed to run
quickly and reliably on any computing environment that runs the containerization
Containers provide operating system (OS) virtualization so that you can run an
application and its dependencies in resource-isolated processes. A container is a
lightweight, standalone software package that contains everything that a software
application needs to run. For example, it can contain the application code, runtime
engine, system tools, system libraries, and settings. Containers can help ensure that
applications deploy quickly, reliably, and consistently regardless of the deployment
A single server can host several containers that all share the underlying host system’s
OS kernel. These containers might be services that are part of a larger enterprise
application, or they might be separate applications that run in their isolated
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Increasing levels of abstraction are often associated with technical maturity. The
move toward containers is part of the evolution of deployment models.
In earlier phases, you had bare-metal servers. You had to build the architectural
layers, such as the infrastructure and application software layers. For example, you
would install an OS on top of your server hardware. Then, you would install any
shared libraries on the OS, and then install the applications that use those libraries.
This architecture was inefficient.
Your hardware costs are the same whether you are running at 0 percent utilization or
100 percent utilization. All of your applications must compete for the same resources,
and you must keep the versions of your libraries in sync with all your applications. If
one application requires an updated version of a library that is incompatible with
other applications running on that host, then you run into problems.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Isolated applications
Isolated libraries
More OS maintenance
More server space for OS
Better resource
These shortcomings led to the use of a virtualization platform over the host OS. Now,
you have isolated applications and their libraries, which have their own full OS inside
a VM. This arrangement improves utilization because you can add more VMs to run
on top of the existing hardware, which greatly reduces your physical footprint. The
downside to VMs is that the virtualization layer is heavy. In this example, you now
have three operating systems on the physical host server, instead of one. That means
more patching, more updates, and significantly more space that is taken up on the
physical host. It also can cause significant redundancy: you have installed potentially
the same OS three times, and potentially the same library three times.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Highly portable ;
applications run identically across
Shared or isolated
Shared OS kernel
Better resource
Containers improved upon the idea of virtualization. The container runtime shares
the host operating system’s kernel. You can use this arrangement to your advantage
to create container images by using file system layers. Containers are lightweight,
efficient, and fast. They can be started up and shut down faster than VMs, which
means better utilization of the underlying hardware. You can share libraries when
needed, but you can also have library isolation for your applications. Containers are
also highly portable. Because containers isolate software from other layers, their
code runs identically across different environments—from developing and staging all
the way to production.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
The following are the key takeaways from this section of the module:
• A container is a standardized unit of software that contains everything that an
application needs to run.
• Containers help to ensure that applications deploy quickly, reliably, and
consistently regardless of the deployment environment.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
The following list summarizes some of the important benefits of Docker containers:
• Docker is a portable runtime application environment.
• You can package an application and its dependencies into a single, immutable
artifact that is called an image.
• After you create a container image, it can go anywhere that Docker is supported.
• You can run different application versions with different dependencies
These benefits lead to much faster development and deployment cycles, and better
resource utilization and efficiency. All of these abilities are related to agility.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Docker containers are created from read-only templates, which are called container
images. Images are immutable and highly portable. You can port an image to any
environment that supports Docker. Images are composed of layers.
Images are built from a Dockerfile, which is a plain text file that specifies all of the
components that are included in the container. Instructions in the Dockerfile create
layers in the container image.
You can create images from scratch, or you can use images that others created and
published to a public or private container registry.
An image is usually based on another image, with some customization. For example,
you might build an image that’s based on the Ubuntu Linux image in the registry. The
image could also install a web server and your application, in addition to the essential
configuration details to make your application run.
Each container has a thin, read/write layer on top of the existing image when it is
instantiated. This architecture is what makes the actual process of instantiating the
containers fast. Most of the actual work is read-only because of the file system layers.
The read/write layer of the container enables your applications to function properly
while they are running, but it’s not designed for long-term data storage. Persistent
data should be stored in a volume somewhere. Consider a container as a discrete
compute unit, not a storage unit.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
To build your own image, you create a Dockerfile by using a simple syntax to define
how to create the image and run it. Each instruction in a Dockerfile creates a read-
only layer in the image.
In this simple example, you start with the Ubuntu latest image that is already created
for you, and hosted on Docker Hub or some other site. The only thing that you do is
add a command to echo the message Hello World! after the container is instantiated.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
# Copy the .jar file that contains your code from your system to the
COPY /hello.jar /usr/src/hello.jar
This is a slightly more involved example, in which you want to run a Java application.
You start with the open Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 image. You copy the .jar
file that contains your code from your system to the container and then call Java to
run your code. When this container is instantiated, it runs the Java application.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
# Expose port 80—the port that the web server “listens to”
EXPOSE Port 80
This is a more real-world example of a Dockerfile. You start with the CentOS 7 image.
Next, you update the OS and install Apache. Then, you expose Port 80. Finally, you
copy the shell script for your application and give it run permissions. After the
container is instantiated, the command will run the shell script.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
This example shows what the previous example looks like in terms of layers. Each
instruction in the Dockerfile creates a layer.
• The first layer, starting from the bottom of the diagram, is the base layer
• The next layer includes the software update and the Apache installation.
• The next layer opens and exposes port 80.
• The layer after that includes the command to copy the shell script.
• Finally, the last layer makes the shell script run.
These layers are all read-only, which makes the container image an immutable object.
If you change the Dockerfile and rebuild the image, only the layers that have changed
are rebuilt. This feature is part of what makes container images so lightweight, small,
and fast compared to other virtualization technologies.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
You can run Docker command line interface (CLI) commands from a Bash terminal to
manage your Docker images and containers.
For example, you can build an image from a Dockerfile by running docker build. You
can then verify your image by running docker images. To launch a container from the
image, run docker run. To verify that the container is running, enter docker ps.
After you launch a container, you can interact with it in a variety of ways. To open a
Bash prompt on your running container, use docker exec. You can also stop a running
container (docker stop) and start it again (docker start). To view your container logs,
enter docker logs. To list the port mappings for your container, run docker port. Run
docker tag to tag your image and use docker push to push it to a registry.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
This example runs the docker build command to create an image from a
Dockerfile in the current directory. The tag option names the new image
The actual output would show the progress of each instruction in the Dockerfile
(steps 1 through 7).
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
This example runs the docker images command to list the images that your Docker
client is aware of. The actual output might include other images, but the example
output highlights the image that was created with the build command in the previous
The actual output would show the progress of each instruction in the Dockerfile.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
This example runs the docker run command to create a container from the node_app
The -d (or –detach) argument specifies that it should run in the background and print
the container ID.
The –name argument specifies that the container should be named node_app_1.
The -p (or –publish) argument specifies to publish container port 8000 to the host
port 80. By default, when you create or run a container by using docker create or
docker run, it does not publish any of its ports to the outside world. The –p tag makes
a port available to services outside Docker or to Docker containers that are not
connected to the container’s network. This technique creates a firewall rule, which
maps a container port to a port on the Docker host to the outside world.
The visible output of this command is the container ID. You could follow this up with
the docker ps command, as illustrated in this slide, to further verify that the container
is running.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
/usr/src/app # exit
This example uses the docker exec command to open a terminal window on the
running container. In this way, you can interact with the contents of the container.
When you run docker exec with -it <container-name> sh, Docker attempts to open an
interactive connection to the shell that is running on the container. The -t specifies
that you want a terminal session to be invoked. The -i option specifies interactivity, so
that the terminal session that you invoke will stay open. You can continue to run
commands and interact with the contents of the container until you exit the terminal.
In this simple example, after connecting to the container and opening the terminal
session, you use ls to list the contents, and then exit to end the session.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
This example runs the docker stop and docker rm commands to stop and then
remove the container that is named node_app_1.
The visible output of this command is the name of the container for each part of the
command (stop and remove). You could again follow this up with the docker
container ls command to further verify that the container has been removed.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
The following are the key takeaways from this section of the module:
• Docker containers are created from read-only templates, which are called images.
• Images are built from a Dockerfile and often based on other images.
• Containers are runnable instances of an image with a writable layer.
• A container registry is a repository of images.
• To manage your Docker images and containers, you can run Docker CLI commands
from a Bash terminal.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
You will now complete Lab 8.1: Migrating a Web Application to Docker Containers.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Lab: Scenario
Recently, the café owners acquired one of their favorite coffee
suppliers. The acquired coffee supplier runs an inventory tracking
application on an AWS account.
In this lab, you again play the role of Sofía, and you will work to
migrate the application to run on containers.
In this lab, you again play the role of Sofía, and you will work to migrate the
application to run on containers.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Lab: Tasks
1. Preparing the development environment
2. Analyzing the existing application infrastructure
3. Migrating the application to a Docker container
4. Migrating the MySQL database to a Docker container
5. Testing the MySQL container with the node application
6. Adding the Docker images to Amazon ECR
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
The diagram summarizes what you will have built after you complete the lab.
Both the application and the backend data have been migrated to run on Docker
containers. The containers run on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
~ 90 minutes
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Lab debrief:
Key takeaways
After you have completed the lab, your educator might choose to lead a conversation
about the key takeaways from the lab.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Monolithic Storefront UI
Account service
Cart service
Account service
Cart service (Python)
UI (Node.js)
Browser Load Shipping service (Java)
One of the strongest factors that drive the growth of containers is the rise of
microservice architectures. Microservices are an architectural and organizational
approach to software development that is designed to speed up deployment cycles.
The microservices approach fosters innovation and ownership, and improves the
maintainability and scalability of software applications.
Now, consider having the same applications run in a microservice architecture. Each
service is built as an independent component that communicates by using lightweight
API operations. Each service performs a single function that could support multiple
applications. Because the services run independently, they can be updated, deployed,
and scaled to meet the demand for specific functions of an application.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
• Decentralized, evolutionary design • Each container uses the language and technology that are best suited for the
• Smart endpoints, dumb pipes service.
• Each component or system in the architecture can be isolated, and can
evolve separately, instead of updating the system in a monolithic style.
• Independent products, not projects • You can use containers to package all of your dependencies and libraries into
a single, immutable object.
• Designed for failure • You can gracefully shut down a container when something goes wrong and
• Disposable create a new instance. You start fast, fail fast, and release any file handlers.
• The development pattern is like a circuit breaker. Containers are added and
removed, workloads change, and resources are temporary because they
constantly change.
• Development and production parity • Containers can make development, testing, and production environments
• This consistency facilitates DevOps, in which a containerized application that
works on a developer's system will work the same way on a production
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Recall the shipping container analogy. Suppose that you have one ship and a half
dozen containers. Keeping track of what's being shipped on which transport, the
schedule of starts and stops, and the state of the containers is manageable. However,
consider what happens when you scale up the number and type of transportation
methods, along with the number of containers you are working with. Scheduling and
managing which are loaded, where, and when requires a lot more logistical effort.
Likewise with software containers, running one or two containers on a single host is
simple. But things get complex when you move into environments where you have
tens of hosts with possibly hundreds of containers. Or you might have a full
production environment with hundreds of hosts and maybe thousands of containers.
You now must manage an enterprise-scale, clustered environment.
You must know the state of everything in your system. For example, you need to
know which containers aren't working, and which are starting and stopping. You need
to know where you have enough room and memory to add new containers. Finally,
you need a way to place your containers intelligently on instances to maximize
availability, resilience, and performance.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
This situation is where container orchestration platforms become useful. They handle
the scheduling and placement of containers based on the underlying hardware
infrastructure and needs of the application. Container orchestration platforms
integrate with other services, such as services for networking, persistent storage,
security, monitoring, and logging.
Many options exist, including native tools like Docker Swarm, open-source platforms
like Kubernetes, and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). The
orchestration platform is arguably the most important choice that you will make
when you architect a container-based workload.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Amazon ECS
For more information about Amazon ECS, see the product page at
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Amazon ECR
Fully managed container registry that you can
use to easily store, run, and manage container
images for applications that run on Amazon
• Scalable and highly available
• Integrated with Amazon ECS and Docker CLI
Amazon Elastic • Secure:
Registry (Amazon • Encryption at rest
• Integration with the AWS Identity and Access
Management Service (IAM)
Amazon ECR is a fully managed, cloud-based Docker image registry that makes it easy
for you to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images. Amazon ECR
integrates with Amazon ECS and the Docker CLI, which simplifies your development
and production workflows. You can push your container images to Amazon ECR by
using the Docker CLI from your development machine. Then, Amazon ECS can pull
them directly for production deployments.
Amazon ECR reduces the need to operate your own container repositories or be
concerned about scaling the underlying infrastructure. Amazon ECR hosts your
images in a highly available and scalable architecture, which enables you to reliably
deploy containers for your applications. Amazon ECR is also secure. Amazon ECR
transfers your container images over HTTPS, and it automatically encrypts your
images at rest. You can configure policies to manage permissions for each repository
and restrict access to IAM users, roles, or other AWS accounts.
For more information about Amazon ECR, see the product page at
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First, container images are pulled from a registry. This registry can be Amazon ECR—
which is one of many AWS services that integrate with Amazon ECS—or a third-party
or private registry.
Next, you define your application. Customize the container images with the necessary
code and resources, and then create the appropriate configuration files to group.
Then, define your containers as short-running tasks or long-running services within
Amazon ECS.
When you are ready to bring your services online, you select one of two launch types:
AWS Fargate or Amazon EC2. You can mix and match the two launch types as needed
within your application. The next slide highlights distinctions between these two
launch types.
Finally, you can use Amazon ECS to manage your containers. Amazon ECS scales your
application and manages your containers for availability.
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The Amazon EC2 launch type is useful when you want more control over the
infrastructure that supports your tasks. When you use the Amazon EC2 launch type,
you create and manage clusters of EC2 instances to support your containers. You also
define the placement of containers across your cluster based on your resource needs,
isolation policies, and availability requirements. You have more granular control over
your environment without operating your own cluster management and
configuration management systems, or worrying about scaling your management
For example, you can use EC2 to launch services that have more predictable resource
requirements. You can use Fargate to launch other services that are subject to wide
swings in demand. Regardless of the launch type that you use, Amazon ECS manages
your containers for availability, and it scales your application as necessary to meet
For more information about AWS Fargate, see the product page at
For more information about the Fargate and EC2 launch types, see
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You can programmatically access Amazon ECR from the AWS Command Line Interface
(AWS CLI) and by using the APIs. You can use the AWS CLI and APIs to create, monitor,
and delete repositories and set repository permissions. You can perform these same
actions in the Amazon ECR console, which you can access from the Amazon ECS
console. Amazon ECR integrates with the Docker CLI, which allows you to push, pull,
and tag images on your development machine.
This example shows how to create a repository that is called hello-world with Amazon
ECR. The example uses Docker CLI commands to build and tag an image, and then
push it into the repository. To push an image into Amazon ECR, you must first
authenticate the Docker client to your Amazon ECR registry.
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Amazon EKS
You can use AWS services to run Kubernetes in the cloud. These services include
scalable and highly available VM infrastructure, community created service
integrations, and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). Amazon EKS is a
managed service that runs the Kubernetes management infrastructure across
multiple Availability Zones to reduce the chance of a single point of failure.
Amazon EKS is certified Kubernetes conformant, so you can use existing tools and
plugins from partners and the Kubernetes community. Applications that run on any
standard Kubernetes environment are fully compatible, and they can be migrated to
Amazon EKS. Amazon EKS automatically sets up secure and encrypted channels to
your worker nodes, which makes your infrastructure that runs on Amazon EKS secure
by default. AWS actively works with the Kubernetes community by contributing to the
Kubernetes code base, which helps Amazon EKS users employ AWS services and
For more information about Amazon EKS, see the product page at
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Amazon EKS
When you select Amazon EKS as your container management service, you provision
an Amazon EKS cluster and deploy Amazon EC2 or Fargate worker nodes (that is,
worker machines) for your Amazon EKS cluster. You then connect to Amazon EKS and
run your Kubernetes applications.
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The following are the key takeaways from this section of the module:
• Container orchestration services (or systems) simplify managing containers at
• Amazon ECS is a fully managed container orchestration service that you can use to
launch containers to either Fargate or EC2 instances.
• Amazon ECR is a fully managed container registry service.
• Amazon EKS is a managed service that you can use to run Kubernetes in the cloud.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic Beanstalk is a service for deploying and scaling web applications and services.
It automatically handles deployment details like capacity provisioning, load balancing,
auto scaling, and application health monitoring.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Specific, labeled iteration of deployable code for a web application.
Designation of the type of application that the environment runs. Determines what resources
Environment tier
Elastic Beanstalk provisions to support it.
Environment Collection of parameters and settings that define how an environment and its associated resources
configuration behave.
Template that you can use as a starting point for creating unique environment configurations.
Combination of an OS, programming language runtime, web server, application server, and Elastic
Beanstalk components. You design and target your web application to a platform.
Elastic Beanstalk CLI for Elastic Beanstalk. Provides interactive commands that simplify creating, updating, and
CLI monitoring environments from a local repository.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk enables you to manage all of the resources that run your
application as environments. This slide lists key Elastic Beanstalk components.
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The Elastic Beanstalk permissions model requires you to assign two roles when creating an environment: the
service role and the instance profile.
Service role:
Elastic Beanstalk assumes the service role to use other AWS services on your behalf.
Suppose that you create an environment with the eb create command in the Elastic Beanstalk CLI. If you don't
specify a service role through the
--service-role option, Elastic Beanstalk creates the default service role, aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role. If the
default service role already exists, Elastic Beanstalk uses it for the new environment.
Instance profile:
An instance profile is a container for an IAM role that can pass role information to an EC2 instance when the
instance starts.
The instance profile is applied to the instances in your environment. The instances retrieve application versions
from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), upload logs to Amazon S3, and perform other tasks. The
tasks vary depending on the environment type and platform. In multicontainer Docker environments, the
instance profile coordinates container deployments with Amazon ECS.
When you launch an environment by using the Elastic Beanstalk console or the CLI, Elastic Beanstalk creates a
default instance profile, called aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role. Managed policies are assigned to the role with
default permissions.
Elastic Beanstalk provides three managed policies that are assigned to your environment by default. The policies
consist of one for the web server tier, one for the worker tier, and one with additional permissions necessary for
multicontainer Docker environments:
• AWSElasticBeanstalkWebTier grants permissions to instances in your environment to upload logs to Amazon
S3 and send debugging information to AWS X-Ray.
• AWSElasticBeanstalkWorkerTier grants permissions for log uploads, debugging, metric publication, and
worker instance tasks, including queue management, leader election, and periodic tasks.
• AWSElasticBeanstalkMulticontainerDocker grants permissions for Amazon ECS to coordinate cluster tasks.
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User policies:
User policies enable users to create and manage environments. Elastic Beanstalk provides managed
policies for full access and read-only access:
• AdministratorAccess-AWSElasticBeanstalk
• AWSElasticBeanstalkReadOnly
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You can also continue to customize your Elastic Beanstalk environment as you
experiment and learn more about working with containers. When you create an
Elastic Beanstalk environment, Elastic Beanstalk provisions and configures all of the
AWS resources necessary to run and support your application. In addition to
configuring your environment's metadata and update behavior, you can customize
these resources by providing values for configuration options.
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You can use Elastic Beanstalk to create an environment where your EC2 instances run
multiple Docker containers side by side.
This diagram shows an example Elastic Beanstalk environment that is configured with
three Docker containers running on each EC2 instance in an Auto Scaling group.
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Container instances are EC2 instances that run multicontainer Docker in an Elastic
Beanstalk environment. Container instances require a configuration file that is named This file is specific to Elastic Beanstalk. The file can be used alone
or combined with source code and content in a source bundle to create an
environment on a Docker platform.
This example uses an instance with two containers. The snippet on the left illustrates
the syntax for the AWSEBDockerrunVersion and volumes sections. The snippet on the
right shows the continuation of the file with the containerDefinitions section. Only
the first definition is shown in the snippet. For the full example, see the Elastic
Beanstalk Developer Guide at
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Choose the method that makes the most sense for your use case. Consider how fast
you can make updates compared to how much tolerance your users have for issues
with a new version and downtime during updates.
All at once deployments are the fastest but require at least some downtime.
If you created the environment with the CLI and it's a scalable environment (you
didn't specify the --single option), it uses rolling deployments.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Immutable deployments are the safest but require a longer deployment time.
With traffic splitting, you can test a small amount of traffic to the new version while
still sending most traffic to the existing version. Then, you can automatically shift all
traffic to the new version after a period if health checks are successful.
For more information about these options, see the Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide
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• Choose the percentage of traffic to go to new instances
• Choose how long to wait before continuing to shift more traffic
Elastic Beanstalk defines a large number of configuration options that you can use to
configure your environment's behavior and the resources that it contains.
Configuration options are organized into namespaces.
If you choose the traffic-splitting policy, additional options for this policy are available
in the aws:elasticbeanstalk:trafficsplitting namespace.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
NewVersionPercent: "15"
EvaluationTime: "10"
You can use traffic-splitting deployments to perform canary testing. You direct some
incoming client traffic to your new application version to verify the application's
health. As soon as the application’s health is verified, you can commit to the new
version and direct all traffic to it.
Then, for the configured amount of time (EvaluationTime), Elastic Beanstalk tracks
the health of the new set of instances. If all is well, Elastic Beanstalk shifts remaining
traffic to the new instances and attaches them to the environment's original Auto
Scaling group. They replace the old instances. Then, Elastic Beanstalk cleans up—it
terminates the old instances and removes the temporary Auto Scaling group.
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Elastic Beanstalk gives you the option to clone an environment. Then, you can deploy
your updates and test the new version in the clone. After completing all verification
and testing, use the swap URL option in the original environment (blue) to redirect all
traffic to your newly deployed version.
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The following are the key takeaways from this section of the module:
• You can use Elastics Beanstalk to manage all of the resources that run your
application as an environment.
• You can quickly launch a Docker multicontainer environment with Elastic Beanstalk
without worrying about Amazon ECS configuration details.
• Deployment options include traffic splitting and blue/green to support testing new
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You will now complete Lab 8.2: Running Containers on a Managed Service.
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Lab: Scenario
• Sofía has containerized the coffee suppliers application, but wants
to reduce the effort to maintain the application and improve its
• As noted in the previous lab, Sofía wants to move the database to a
managed database service rather than running it in a container.
• Based on her research, she has made these decisions:
• Use AWS Elastic Beanstalk to deploy the application website.
• Use Amazon Aurora Serverless for the database. Sofía must retire
the container-based MySQL database and load the required user,
tables, and data into an Aurora Serverless database.
In this lab, you again play the role of Sofía. You will use Elastic Beanstalk and Aurora
Serverless to improve the scalability of the coffee supplier application.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Aurora Serverless
Fully managed relational database engine that
is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL
• Part of the Amazon Relational Database Service
(Amazon RDS), a managed database service
• Combines the performance and availability of
high-end commercial databases with the
simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open-source
Amazon Aurora
• Offers Aurora Serverless, an on-demand
configuration that automatically scales up or
down based on traffic and shuts down when not
in use
As you learned in the lab scenario, this lab uses Amazon Aurora Serverless. You
learned about Amazon Aurora in the AWS Academy Cloud Foundations course.
Aurora is a fully managed relational database engine that is compatible with MySQL
and PostgreSQL. Aurora is part of the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon
RDS), a managed database service.
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Lab: Tasks
• Preparing the development environment
• Configuring the subnets for Amazon RDS and Elastic Beanstalk to use
• Setting up an Aurora Serverless database
• Reviewing the container image
• Configuring communication between the container and the database
• Creating the application database objects
• Seeding the database with supplier data
• Reviewing the AM policy and role for Elastic Beanstalk
• Creating an Elastic Beanstalk application
• Configuring the API Gateway proxy
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The diagram summarizes what you will have built after you complete the lab.
This architecture shows a VPC with two public subnets across two availability zones.
Each availability zone includes an EC2 instance and an Aurora Serverless database. A
Classic Load Balancer routes traffic to the two EC2 instances.
API Gateway provides the API endpoint for incoming requests. The diagram shows
how Elastic Beanstalk uses a container image stored in Amazon Elastic Container
Registry (Amazon ECR) to deploy the containerized website code to the two EC2
The diagram also shows the Amazon Cloud9 IDE being used to connect developers to
the application.
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~ 90 minutes
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Lab debrief:
Key takeaways
After you have completed the lab, your educator might choose to lead a conversation
about the key takeaways from the lab.
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Module wrap-up
Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
It’s now time to review the module and wrap up with a knowledge check and
discussion of a practice certification exam question.
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Module summary
In summary, in this module, you learned how to do the following:
• Describe the history, technology, and terminology behind containers
• Differentiate containers from bare-metal servers and VMs
• Illustrate the components of Docker and how they interact
• Identify the characteristics of a microservices architecture
• Recognize the drivers for using container orchestration services and the AWS
services that you can use for container management
• Host a dynamic website by using Docker containers
• Describe how Elastic Beanstalk is used to deploy containers
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• Started quickly
• Experiment
It is important to fully understand the scenario and question being asked before even
reading the answer choices. Find the keywords in this scenario and question that will
help you find the correct answer.
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Choice Response
B Use Amazon ECR to host Docker images that they create from scratch.
C Configure EC2 instances with automatic scaling, and install Docker images on the instances.
D Configure Amazon ECS with a cluster of EC2 instances that run Docker containers.
Now that we have bolded the keywords in this scenario, let us look at the answers.
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Choice Response
B Use Amazon ECR to host Docker images that they create from scratch.
C Configure EC2 instances with automatic scaling, and install Docker images on the instances.
D Configure Amazon ECS with a cluster of EC2 instances that run Docker containers.
Look at the answer choices, and rule them out based on the keywords that were
previously highlighted.
You can use Elastic Beanstalk to set up a working multicontainer Docker environment.
You don’t need to deal with the details of configuring instances, networking, and IAM
You might want to use Amazon ECR, but you would want the team to use existing
images as a starting point.
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AWS Training and Certification Module 8: Introducing Containers and Container Services
Additional resources
Blog posts
• Building Container Images on Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate:
• Developing Twelve-Factor Apps Using Amazon ECS and AWS
• Amazon ECS Workshop:
If you want to learn more about the topics covered in this module, you might find the
following additional resources helpful:
• Blog posts:
• Building Container Images on Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate:
• Developing Twelve-Factor Apps Using Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate:
• Amazon ECS Workshop:
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Thank you
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