Diagnostics: Machine Learning-Based Predictive Models For Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases
Diagnostics: Machine Learning-Based Predictive Models For Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases
Diagnostics: Machine Learning-Based Predictive Models For Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases
Machine Learning-Based Predictive Models for Detection of
Cardiovascular Diseases
Adedayo Ogunpola 1 , Faisal Saeed 1, * , Shadi Basurra 1 , Abdullah M. Albarrak 2 and Sultan Noman Qasem 2
1 DAAI Research Group, College of Computing and Digital Technology, Birmingham City University,
Birmingham B4 7XG, UK; adedayo.ogunpola@mail.bcu.ac.uk (A.O.); shadi.basurra@bcu.ac.uk (S.B.)
2 Computer Science Department, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud
Islamic University (IMSIU), Riyadh 11432, Saudi Arabia; amsbarrak@imamu.edu.sa (A.M.A.);
snmohammed@imamu.edu.sa (S.N.Q.)
* Correspondence: faisal.saeed@bcu.ac.uk
Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases present a significant global health challenge that emphasizes the
critical need for developing accurate and more effective detection methods. Several studies have
contributed valuable insights in this field, but it is still necessary to advance the predictive models
and address the gaps in the existing detection approaches. For instance, some of the previous studies
have not considered the challenge of imbalanced datasets, which can lead to biased predictions,
especially when the datasets include minority classes. This study’s primary focus is the early
detection of heart diseases, particularly myocardial infarction, using machine learning techniques.
It tackles the challenge of imbalanced datasets by conducting a comprehensive literature review
to identify effective strategies. Seven machine learning and deep learning classifiers, including
K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, Convolutional Neural Network,
Gradient Boost, XGBoost, and Random Forest, were deployed to enhance the accuracy of heart disease
predictions. The research explores different classifiers and their performance, providing valuable
insights for developing robust prediction models for myocardial infarction. The study’s outcomes
emphasize the effectiveness of meticulously fine-tuning an XGBoost model for cardiovascular diseases.
This optimization yields remarkable results: 98.50% accuracy, 99.14% precision, 98.29% recall, and
a 98.71% F1 score. Such optimization significantly enhances the model’s diagnostic accuracy for
Citation: Ogunpola, A.; Saeed, F.;
Basurra, S.; Albarrak, A.M.; Qasem,
heart disease.
S.N. Machine Learning-Based
Predictive Models for Detection of Keywords: cardiovascular diseases; deep learning; disease detection; heart diseases; machine
Cardiovascular Diseases. Diagnostics learning; ensemble learning; XGBoost
2024, 14, 144. https://doi.org/
to combatting and lessening the impact of cardiovascular diseases worldwide. There are
risk factors that contribute to the development of CVDs, including blood pressure, excess
body weight and obesity, abnormal lipid profiles, glucose irregularities or diabetes condi-
tions, tobacco usage or smoking habits, physical inactivity or sedentary lifestyle, alcohol
consumption, and cholesterol levels. The WHO predicts that CVD will remain a cause
of mortality, silently posing a substantial threat to human life for the foreseeable future,
possibly even beyond 2030.
Machine learning, as highlighted by Ramesh et al. [2], enjoys major transformative
capability within the healthcare industry. Its outstanding advancements can be ascribed to
its exceptional data processing abilities, which are far superior to those of humans. Conse-
quently, the field of healthcare has observed the development of several AI applications that
leverage machine learning’s speed and accuracy, paving the way for revolutionary solutions
to diverse healthcare challenges. Several machine learning methods have been applied for
the purpose of detecting cardiovascular diseases. However, there is still a need to enhance
the predictive models and address the research gaps in the existing detection approaches,
such as the challenge of imbalanced datasets, which can lead to biased predictions.
By investigating the effectiveness of hybrid models combining different techniques,
various researchers have explored diverse methodologies, including neural networks
and various machine learning methods, to enhance prediction accuracy [3–12]. While
these studies provide valuable insights, the variability in datasets, models, and outcomes
underscores the complexity of the predictive task. Despite the advancements, there remains
a pressing need for further investigations to refine existing models and improve the overall
performance of cardiovascular disease prediction. The diverse landscape of machine
learning applications in this domain emphasizes the importance of continued research
to enhance the accuracy, reliability, and generalizability of predictive models, ultimately
contributing to more effective clinical interventions and patient care.
In this paper, we have explored the strengths and limitations of the existing machine
learning (ML) techniques in the context of heart disease analysis. Then, we investigated
and applied seven machine learning-driven predictive models that can enhance the de-
tection of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; these models include K-Nearest
Neighbors, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, Convolutional Neural Network,
Gradient Boost, XGBoost, and Random Forest. Two datasets were used in this study, which
were pre-processed using different techniques such as oversampling, feature scaling, nor-
malization, and dimensionality reduction to optimize data for effective machine learning
analysis. Finally, we evaluated and compared the efficacy of different machine learning
(ML) techniques for analyzing heart diseases within the healthcare sector.
2. Related Works
In this paper, we present a concise technical background and review pertinent literature
related to research studies conducted on the early forecast of heart disease utilizing machine
learning and deep learning techniques. We highlight the different methods that have been
employed in these studies to foretell heart disease at an initial stage.
effectively learn complex features from the data, leading to improved classification accuracy.
Experimental results from the study revealed promising outcomes, with the hybrid model
achieving an accuracy of 89%, sensitivity of 81%, and specificity of 93%. These results
outperformed conventional machine learning classifiers, indicating the potential of the
proposed hybrid approach in advancing the accuracy of heart disease classification [18].
The healthcare sector has emerged as a prime beneficiary of the growing volume
and accessibility of data [19]. Various entities, such as healthcare providers, pharmaco-
logical firms, research institutions, and government parastatals, are now accumulating
vast volumes of data from diverse sources, including research, clinical trials, public health
programs, and insurance data. The merging of such data holds immense potential for
advancing healthcare practices and decision-making [20]. Traditionally, doctors used to
diagnose and treat patients based on their symptoms alone. However, evidence-based
medicine has become the prevailing approach, where physicians review extensive datasets
obtained from medical trials and treatment paths on a huge scale to make decisions built
on the most comprehensive and up-to-date information available. This shift towards data-
driven decision-making is transforming healthcare practices, improving patient outcomes,
and driving further advancements in the medical field [14].
Numerous industry and research initiatives are actively working on implementing
machine learning expertise in the healthcare sector to enhance patient care and well-being
globally. One such initiative is the Shah Lab, based at Stanford University [14]. The
Shah Lab focuses on leveraging machine learning and data science to address critical
healthcare challenges and develop innovative solutions for various medical applications.
Through these initiatives, researchers and experts aim to harness the power of machine
learning to analyze large-scale healthcare data, including electronic health records, medical
imaging, genomics, and patient outcomes. By extracting valuable insights and patterns
from this data, they aim to improve disease diagnosis, treatment prediction, personalized
medicine, and overall patient management. The goal is to provide healthcare professionals
with advanced tools and technologies that can assist them in making more accurate and
timely clinical decisions, leading to better patient outcomes and an overall improvement
in healthcare services worldwide. Table 1 below presents a summary of the performance
metrics related to the existing methods under evaluation, with each entry corresponding to
specific evaluation criteria.
istics, including uneven vessel thickness, complex vascular structures in the background,
and the presence of noise. The dataset consisted of 130 X-ray coronary angiograms, each
having a size of 300 × 300 pixels. The data was collected from the cardiology department of
the Mexican Social Security Institute, and ethical approval was obtained (reference number
R-2019-1001-078) for the use of this medical database in heart disease diagnosis. To train
and evaluate their proposed model, called ASCARIS, the dataset was randomly divided
into two parts: a training set containing 100 images and a test set comprising 30 images.
The ASCARIS model was developed based on color, diameter, and shape features extracted
from the angiography images.
Al Mehedi et al. [28] utilized a dataset of 299 heart failure patients obtained from
the Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology and the Allied Hospital in Faisalabad. The dataset
consisted of 13 attributes, including features such as Age, Anemia, High Blood Pressure,
Creatinine Phosphokinase (CPK), Diabetes, Ejection Fraction, Sex, Serum Creatinine, Serum
Sodium, Smoking, Time, and a target column labeled as “Death Event”, which was used
for binary classification. The dataset underwent preprocessing to ensure its quality and
consistency. After preprocessing, the dataset was divided into separate train and test sets
for model training and evaluation. Two feature selection methods were applied to the train
set to identify the most relevant features for the heart failure prediction task.
Deepika and Seema [29] conducted a study on heart disease with datasets available
online from the UCI Machine Learning Repository at the University of California, Irvine.
They comprise 76 attributes, including the target property, but only 14 of these attributes
were considered essential for analysis. The researchers used two specific datasets for their
study: the Cleveland Clinic Foundation dataset, with records from 303 patients, and the
Hungarian Institute of Cardiology dataset, with records from 294 patients. Various machine
learning algorithms, including Naïve Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision
Tree (DT), and Artificial Neural Networks, were employed in the analysis to predict heart
disease. Within the broader context, Table 2 clarifies the preprocessing approaches and
predictive methodologies utilized in previous studies.
applying machine learning for cardiovascular disease detection [10,33–36]. For instance,
the studies [8,37–40] proposed different data mining and machine learning methods based
on heartbeat segmentation and selection process, ECG images, images of carotid arteries,
and others.
Numerous studies have concentrated on applying machine learning algorithms such
as Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and Logistic Re-
gression on the Heart Disease Dataset, yielding promising accuracy rates for classification.
Moreover, deep learning methods, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN),
have gained significant traction for effectively handling complex tasks and unstructured
data. The review also examined discussions regarding the implementation of data pre-
processing techniques, feature selection methods, and performance evaluation metrics to
optimize the efficiency of predictive models. Some studies underscored the importance of
data quality and the relevance of specific features in enhancing the accuracy of the models.
Machine learning algorithms play a crucial role in precisely foretelling heart disease by
discovering suppressed patterns in data, making predictions, and improving performance
based on historical data. These programs make it possible for us to anticipate and diagnose
heart disease more accurately, while deep learning, fueled by artificial neural networks, is a
critical factor in handling complex computations on large volumes of data. These algorithms
play an essential role in identifying key attributes and patterns in both structured and
unstructured data, enhancing more efficient data analysis and processing.
Employing machine learning and deep learning approaches offers considerable poten-
tial in the field of heart disease diagnosis and treatment. These sophisticated techniques
enable the integration of various data sources, such as medical records, imaging data, ge-
netics, and lifestyle factors, to create a universal and individualized approach to healthcare.
The iterative nature of machine learning acknowledges continuous learning and adapta-
tion, resulting in progressed diagnostic and predictive models over time. This promises to
enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of heart disease management, ultimately leading to
better patient outcomes.
After reviewing the available literature, it is evident that there is a lack of exten-
sive experimentation on the use of Gradient Boosting models in the detection of heart
disease. However, considering the unique capabilities of Gradient Boosting models in
analyzing data and capturing temporal dependencies, their potential in this domain is
worth exploring.
The potential of Gradient Boosting models to progressively enhance predictive accu-
racy by refining weaker learners within the model positions them as promising contenders
for improving the precision of heart disease detection. Consequently, there is a need for fur-
ther exploration and experimentation dedicated to harnessing the capabilities of Gradient
Boosting models in this context.
By embracing the use of Gradient Boosting models in heart disease detection and
conducting more targeted experiments, we can unlock new possibilities for advancing
healthcare interventions and ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and well-being.
Features Details
1. Patient Id Individual unique identifier.
2. Age Numeric representation of patients’ age in years.
3. Gender Binary (1, 0 (0 = female, 1 = male))
Nominal (0, 1, 2, 3 (Value 0: typical angina Value 1: atypical
4. Chestpain
angina Value 2: non-anginal pain Value 3: asymptomatic))
5. restingBP Numeric (94–200 (in mm HG))
6. serumcholestrol Numeric (126–564 (in mg/dL))
7. fastingbloodsugar Binary (0, 1 > 120 mg/dL (0 = false, 1 = true))
Nominal (0, 1, 2 (Value 0: normal, Value 1: having ST-T wave
abnormality (T wave inversions and/or ST elevation or
8. restingrelectro
depression of >0.05 mV), Value 2: showing probable or definite
left ventricular hypertrophy by Estes’ criteria))
9. maxheartrate Numeric (71–202)
10. exerciseangia Binary (0, 1 (0 = no, 1 = yes))
11. oldpeak Numeric (0–6.2)
12. slope Nominal (1, 2, 3 (1-upsloping, 2-flat, 3-downsloping))
13. noofmajorvessels Numeric (0, 1, 2, 3)
Binary (0, 1 (0 = Absence of Heart Disease, 1= Presence of Heart
14. target
Diagnostics 2024, 14, 144 8 of 19
Shifting our focus to the Heart Disease Cleveland Dataset (Table 4), a widely rec-
ognized dataset frequently employed in the fields of machine learning and healthcare,
which has been extensively used in tasks related to predicting and classifying heart disease.
This dataset holds prominence for its pivotal role in assessing the effectiveness of diverse
machine learning algorithms in diagnosing heart disease with 303 patients’ information
in 14 attributes. Its primary objective revolves around predicting whether heart disease is
present or absent.
Features Details
1. Age Numeric representation of patients’ age in years.
Categorical feature representing gender, where Male is encoded as 1 and
2. Sex
Female as 0.
Categorical attribute indicating the various types of chest pain felt by the
3. cp patient. 0 for typical angina, 1 for atypical angina, 2 for non-anginal pain,
and 3 for asymptomatic.
Numerical measurement of the patient’s blood pressure at rest, recorded in
4. trestbps
Numeric value indicating the serum cholesterol intensity of the patient,
5. chol
calculated in mg/dL.
Categorical representation of fasting blood sugar levels, with 1 signifying
6. fbs
levels above 120 mg/dL and 0 indicating levels below.
Categorical feature describing the result of the electrocardiogram
conducted at rest. 0 for normal, 1 for ST-T wave abnormalities, and 2 for
7. restecg
indications of probable or definite left ventricular hypertrophy according
to Estes’ criteria.
8. thalach Numeric representation of the heart rate realized by the patient.
Categorical feature denoting whether exercise-induced angina is present.
9. exang
0 signifies no, while 1 signifies yes.
Numeric value indicating exercise-induced ST-depression relative to the
10. oldpeak
rest state.
Categorical attribute representing the slope of the ST segment during peak
11. slope exercise. It can take three values: 0 for up-sloping, 1 for flat, and 2 for
Categorical feature indicating the number of major blood vessels, ranging
12. ca
from 0 to 3.
Categorical representation of a blood disorder called thalassemia. 0 for
NULL, 1 for normal blood flow, 2 for fixed defects (indicating no blood
13 thal
flow in a portion of the heart), and 3 for reversible defects (indicating
abnormal but observable blood flow).
The target variable to predict heart disease, encoded as 1 for patients with
14. target
heart disease and 0 for patients without heart disease.
Precision and Recall: Precision assesses positive prediction accuracy, while recall
gauges the model’s ability to capture positive instances.
Cross-Validation: This technique partitions data for training and testing, guarding
against overfitting.
Hyperparameter Tuning: Optimizing model parameters through techniques like
GridSearch enhances performance.
4. Results
This section explores the detailed analysis of machine learning models for heart disease
prediction, leveraging two distinct datasets: the Cardiovascular Heart Disease Dataset and
the Heart Disease Cleveland Dataset using the Python programming language.
Our primary objective is to identify the most effective predictive models, considering
both traditional tabular datasets while keeping in mind the aims of the study.
Figure distribution of
of the
the dataset
As shown in Figure 4, the pie chart is utilized to depict the distribution of the target
variable, which signifies the existence or non-existence of cardiovascular disease. The fig-
ure shows the distribution of features in the target variable, where 1 represents features
Diagnostics 2024, 14, 144 12 of 19
As shown in Figure 4, the pie chart is utilized to depict the distribution of the target
variable, which signifies the existence or non-existence of cardiovascular disease. The figure
shows the distribution of features in the target variable, where 1 represents features with
Diagnostics 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 20
heart disease, and 0 represents features without heart disease. It enumerates the instances
of each class and exhibits the proportions as percentages in the pie chart, illustrating the
presence and absence of cardiovascular disease. In Figure 4, the pie chart on the right
Disease Dataset,
represents while
features the target
of the left represents the featureofof
column distribution thethe target column
Cardiovascular distribution
Heart Disease of
theDataset, while theCleveland
Heart Disease left represents the feature of the target column distribution of the Heart
Disease Cleveland Dataset.
the recall score, measuring the model’s aptitude for recognizing genuine positive cases,
reached a remarkable value of 98.97% and 85.61.
5. Discussion
The experimental results are shown in Tables 5–8 and Figure 5. The thorough as-
sessment of machine learning models, specifically the XGBoost and K-Nearest Neighbors
models, in the context of heart disease prediction, provides valuable insights. These insights
Diagnostics 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 20
align with the research conducted by Zhang et al. [41], which underscores the effectiveness
of the XGBoost algorithm in this specific domain.
Figure Accuracyof
Across bothand
6. Conclusions datasets,
Futurethese models consistently demonstrate exceptional performance,
emphasizing their efficacy in heart disease prediction. Notably, the XGBoost model stands
As we discussed the broader scope of model selection and its implications for heart
out with an impressive accuracy rate of 98.50% in the Cardiovascular Heart Disease Dataset,
disease prediction, the conducted analysis has unearthed invaluable insights. Among the
while the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) model achieves a commendable accuracy of 91.80%
array of models under scrutiny, K-Nearest Neighbors and XGBoost have consistently
risen to prominence as top-performing candidates across both datasets, as shown below.
These models have exhibited remarkable accuracy and recall scores, rendering them ro-
bust contenders for the precise classification of heart disease. It is noteworthy, however,
that other models, including Logistic Regression, Convolutional Neural Network, Gradi-
ent Boost, Random Forest (RF), and Support Vector Machines (SVM), have showcased
Diagnostics 2024, 14, 144 16 of 19
in the Heart Disease Cleveland Dataset. These high levels of accuracy emphasize the
models’ reliability, positioning them as valuable tools for diagnosing heart disease.
Precision, a critical metric in healthcare, reflects the models’ ability to identify heart
disease cases precisely. Both models achieve outstanding precision, with the XGBoost
model leading at 99.14%, closely followed by the KNN model at 96.55%. These elevated
precision levels significantly reduce the occurrence of false positive diagnoses, alleviating
unnecessary concerns for patients.
Furthermore, the F1 Score, which balances precision and recall, highlights the XGBoost
model’s effectiveness in recognizing heart disease cases while minimizing the risk of
overlooking positive instances. The model achieves F1 Scores of 98.71% and 91.80% in both
datasets, showcasing its ability to strike this delicate balance effectively.
contributing to the innovative aspect of our approach. Importantly, the outcomes of our
models exhibit a noteworthy improvement in predictive accuracy, establishing a superior
performance benchmark.
This nuanced combination of dataset, model selection, and elevated accuracy under-
scores the distinctive contribution of our work to the field of heart disease prediction. It
positions our study as an advancement beyond existing research, offering a more refined
and accurate predictive framework.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.O. and F.S.; methodology, A.O. and F.S.; software,
A.O.; validation, S.B., A.M.A. and S.N.Q.; formal analysis, A.O., F.S., S.B., A.M.A. and S.N.Q.;
investigation, A.O., S.B., A.M.A. and S.N.Q.; resources, S.B., A.M.A. and S.N.Q.; data curation, A.O.;
writing—original draft preparation, A.O. and F.S.; writing—review and editing, A.O., F.S., S.B.,
A.M.A. and S.N.Q.; visualization, A.O.; supervision, F.S.; project administration, F.S. and A.M.A.;
funding acquisition, A.M.A. and S.N.Q. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported and funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Imam
Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU) (grant number IMSIU-RG23077).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The datasets are available online and upon request.
Acknowledgments: The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research
at Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University for funding this work through Grant Number
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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