UNDERSTANDING ARTICLES Articles are words combined with nouns that function to limit or modify nouns. In English, there are only 3 articles, a an and the. JENIS-JENIS ARTICLE INDIFINIE Definite A definite article is an article that is used to The indefinite article is an article that is talk about a noun specifically. The noun used to indicate a noun that is not specific indicated by the definite article is a noun or still sounds general to the speaker or that the speaker and listener know listener. The speaker will use the indefinite specifically. If the speaker mentions the article if the noun being discussed is a object with the definite article, the speaker noun that the listener does not know and listener already know which noun is specifically. The listener will not know meant. In English, the definite article is what kind of noun and which noun is the.A is used for nouns that begin with a meant by the speaker.In English, the vowel sound (a, i, u, e, o) while an is used indefinite article is expressed with a and for nouns whose sound begins with a an. consonant sound. EXAMPLE INDIFINIE a book, a student, a car, a boy (sebuah buku, sebuah pecil, seorang siswa, seorang anak laki-laki, sebuah mobil)
an appel, an unifrom, an orange,an eeg, an umbrella
(sebuah apel,sebuah jeruk, sebuah seragam,sebuah telur, sebuah payung) 1. a cat is sleeping on the sofa. 2. She wants a new car. 3. He is an artist. 4. I saw an elephant at the zoo. 5. Would you like a cup of coffe? EXAMPLE DEFINITE the house, the car, the people, (rumah,mobil, rakyat atau masyarakat)
1. the book on the table is mine.
2. She visited the museum yesterday. 3. I love the music you recommended. 4. the sun is shining brightly. 5. Please close the door. KESIMPULAN So it can be concluded that articles are words combined with nouns which are used to modify nouns. ADA SARAN DAN PERTANYAAN ? Silahkan disampaikan kepada kami TERIMA KASIH telah mendengarkan dan memberikan saran kepada kami