Dehydration Pediatric
Dehydration Pediatric
Dehydration Pediatric
The World Health Organization defines dehydration as a condition that results from
excessive loss of body water. The most common causes of dehydration in children are
vomiting and diarrhea.
Infants and young children are particularly susceptible to diarrheal disease and
dehydration. Reason include higher metabolic rate, inability to communicate their needs
or hydrate themselves, and increased insensible losses. Other causes of dehydration may
be the result of other disease processes resulting in the fluid loss which includes:
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), diabetes insipidus, burns, excessive sweating, and third
spacing. Dehydration may also be the result of decreased intake along with ongoing
losses. In addition to total body water losses, electrolyte abnormalities may exist.
Dehydration is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in infants and young children
worldwide. Each year approximately 760,000 children of diarrheal disease worldwide.
Most cases of dehydration in children are the consequence of acute gastroenteritis.
Acute gastroenteritis in the United States is usually infectious in etiology. Viral
infections, including rotavirus, norovirus, and enteroviruses cause 75 to 90 percent of
infectious diarrhea cases. Bacterial pathogens cause less than 20 percent of cases.
Common bacterial causes include Salmonella, Shigella, and Escherichia coli.
Approximately 10 percent of bacterial disease occurs secondary to diarrheagenic
Escherichia coli. Parasites such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium account for less than 5
percent of cases.
Dehydration causes a decrease in total body water in both the intracellular and
extracellular fluid volumes. Volume depletion closely correlates with the signs and
symptoms of dehydration.
Most cases of dehydration are isonatremic. In selected cases, electrolyte abnormalities
may exist. This includes derangements in sodium levels, acidosis characterized by low
bicarbonate levels or elevated lactate levels. For patients with vomiting, who have not
been able to tolerate oral fluids hypoglycemia may be present. Evaluation of urine
specific gravity and presence of ketones can assist in the evaluation of dehydration.
End-tidal carbon dioxide measurements have been studied in an attempt to assess
degrees of dehydration greater than five percent in children. This non-invasive approach
has promise, but as of now has not proven to be an effective tool is determining the
degree of dehydration in children.
Treatment / Management
Priorities in the management of dehydration include early recognition of symptoms,
identifying the degree of dehydration, stabilization, and rehydration strategies.
Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, decreased oral intake, inability to keep up
with ongoing losses, decreased urine output, progressing to lethargy, and hypovolemic
Mild Dehydration
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends oral rehydration for patients with
mild dehydration. Breastfed infants should continue to nurse. Fluids with high sugar
content may worsen diarrhea and should be avoided. Children can be fed
age-appropriate foods frequently but in small amounts.
Moderate Dehydration
The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report recommends administering 50 mL to 100
mL of oral rehydration solutions per kilogram per body weight during two to four hours
to replace the estimated fluid deficit, with additional oral rehydration solution,
administered to replace ongoing losses.
Severe Dehydration
For patients who are severely dehydrated, rapid restorations of fluids are required.
Patients who are severely dehydrated can present with altered mental status, lethargy,
tachycardia, hypotension, signs of poor perfusion, weak thread pulses, and delayed
capillary refill.
Intravenous fluids, starting with 20 ml/kg boluses of normal saline are required.
Multiple boluses may be needed for children in hypovolemic shock. Additional
priorities include obtaining a point of care glucose test, electrolytes, and urinalysis
assessing for elevated specific gravity and ketones.
Hypoglycemia should be assessed at the point of care testing via glucometer, and
venous blood gas with electrolytes or serum chemistries should be treated with
intravenous glucose.
Hypoglycemia should be treated with intravenous/intraosseous glucose. The dose is
0.5 gm/km to 1 gm/km. This translates to 5 ml/kg to 10 ml/kg of D10, 2ml/kg to 4
ml/kg of D25, or 1 ml/kg to- 2 ml/kg of D50. The use of D50 is usually reserved for an
adolescent or adult-sized patients using a large bore intravenous line.
Replacement of Fluids
An assessment of the degree of dehydration will determine fluid replacement. Using
tables that can predict the degree of dehydration is helpful. If a previous "well weight"
is available, that can be subtracted from the patient's "sick weight" to calculate total
weight loss. One kilogram weight loss equates to one liter of fluid lost.
For patients where intravenous access can not be achieved or maintained, other methods
can be employed. They include continuous nasogastric hydration and subcutaneous
Hypodermoclysis refers to hydrating the subcutaneous space with fluid which can be
absorbed systemically.Hypodermoclysis is best reserved for the stable child or
infant with mild to moderate dehydration who either fails a trial of fluids by mouth or
who needs some degree of rehydration to facilitate gaining intravenous access after a
slow subcutaneous fluid bolus has been given.
The process begins with:
1. The placement of a topical anesthetic cream, such as EMLA, cover with an
occlusive dressing, wait for 15 to 20 minutes.
2. “Pinch an inch” of skin anywhere, but the most practical site for young children
is between the scapulae.
3. Insert a 25-gauge butterfly needle or 24-gauge angiocatheter
4. Inject 150 units hyaluronidase SC (if available).
5. Infuse 20 mL/kg isotonic solution over one hour, repeat as needed or use this
technique as a bridge to intravenous access.
Dehydration Scale. Contributed by Roy M. Vega MD
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2. Falszewska A, Dziechciarz P, Szajewska H. Diagnostic accuracy of clinical
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8. Vega RM, Avner JR. A prospective study of the usefulness of clinical and
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