➢ A presupposition is an assumption of
something you believe is implied in an
➢ it happens even without confirmation.
PARALANGUAGE ➢ For successful communication, the
➢ Paralanguage is a kind of non-lexical context of the utterance must be
component of communication, that you appropriate.
use everyday, sometimes consciously and ➢ A presupposition should be mutually
other times unconsciously. known or assumed by the speaker and the
➢ It alter the meaning and reflects your addressee.
impression of the person you are talking Why do we have presuppositions?
with also hints at the role and experiences ➢ Presuppositions are linguistic shorthand.
you had with that person. ➢ When you use them, you lessen the words
There are three groups of paralanguages: you say.
1. Vocal characterizers ➢ There is no need to explain every detail of
➢ include the vocal aspect of the the meaning of what you are
following actions yawning, communicating.
whispering, snoring, yelling, ➢ If there are no presuppositions, every idea
laughing, smiling, crying, you try to communicate will be lengthy,
moaning, groaning, sucking, entailing much time to send something.
sneezing, sighing, and hiccups. Examples:
Examples: Gianni no longer enjoys dancing.
Presupposition: Gianni once enjoyed dancing. ➢ Intrapersonal communication is the type of
Jerych regrets buying Ana's car. communication we use when we talk to or
Presupposition: Ana sold her car to Jerych. communicate with ourselves.
If I were a man, then I would be a hunk. ➢ In our everyday life, we consciously or
Presupposition: The person is a woman. unconsciously do intrapersonal
communication. We process symbolic
CULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL messages internally and act as both the
CONDITIONS sender and the receiver of these
➢ Culture, as defined by Merriam-Webster, messages.
refers to the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of Examples:
a particular society, group, place, or time. ➢ Preparing ourselves before facing an
➢ Since each nation or group has a unique audience
set of cultural traits, these may affect ➢ Speaking loudly to remind ourselves of
communication between people from something, repeat what we just heard, or
different countries. console ourselves
➢ As an aspect of nonverbal communication, ➢ Daydreaming
environmental conditions refer to the ➢ Making body movements while thinking
strength of the influence of various factors ➢ Deciding on something
in a particular place or time. ➢ Understanding communication between
➢ The environment may communicate body parts
nonverbal messages to a person, and how ➢ Making sense of non-verbal
this person interprets the messages may communication or written communication
affect how he would act. ➢ Critiquing a speaker or a work of art
➢ If the cultural and environmental ➢ Writing our thoughts
conditions communicate codes that the
receiver can understand, then the receiver INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION
can easily adjust or adapt. ➢ Interpersonal communication is the type of
➢ But if the receiver cannot decode the communication with another person or
message sent by the cultural and group.
environmental conditions, then the ➢ It involves both verbal and non-verbal
receiver will not understand, therefore, communication channels.
cannot adjust or adapt. ➢ This type of communication establishes
➢ From the start of this chapter, we have how personal to impersonal our
reiterated the importance of non-lexical relationship is with the receiver/s.
communication. This component of ➢ The form of interpersonal communication
communication is more noticeable than one engages in determines how a
the lexical component. relationship is weighed.
➢ Verbal or lexical communication is just a different forms of interpersonal
small part of the communication flow, communication
therefore, you should not limit your 1. Dyadic communication
development to only the lexical or verbal ➢ occurs when two people
component of communication. communicate face to face.
➢ The lexical component may have the ➢ Topics of communication may
structure of the message you would like to range from common ideas, views,
convey, but the non-lexical component and standards, to questions of
greatly supports and makes (when used existence and death.
correctly) the spoken language clear. ➢ Usually, a person creates an
impact on the other person during
TYPES OF COMMUNICATION dyadic communication.
INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION ➢ In this form of interpersonal
communication, the sender is the
one who initiates the conversation
and encodes the message. The non-lexical reactions to the speech
message will pass through a are considered feedback.
channel called sound waves: Upon The following are three reasons a
receiving and understanding the speaker would deliver a speech in
message, the receiver will give his public:
feedback or reaction. This time, he 1. to entertain - to have the audience
becomes the sender, and the appreciate the event
sender becomes the receiver The 2. to inform- inform-to aid the
exchange of roles as sender- audience in grasping and
receiver will continue until they remembering the presentation.
decide to end the conversation. 3. to persuade - to convince the
2. Small group communication audience to believe the things
➢ occurs when three or more presented.
individuals connected with mutual
objectives, purpose, or identity are MASS COMMUNICATION
communicating. ➢ Mass communication is called the "one is
➢ The task of small group to many" type of communication that uses
communication is primarily to media to communicate to a mass
attain goal accomplishment. audience.
➢ The maximum number of people in Mediums for mass communication can be
a small group is not specific or classified into two: old media and new
cannot be set. media.
➢ We can consider a group small if ➢ Old media include books, newspapers,
the purpose or goal of the group is magazines, and other forms of printed
met and nobody gets disconnected. media, radio, television, and film.
It may be proper to say that if a ➢ New media, on the other hand, include
group reaches more than 18 computers and their technologies.
members, it would be difficult to
engage in a smooth flow of ➢ Using televisión as a medium, let us
communication, and there is a analyze the communication process at this
possibility that some members will level. We start with the news anchor as
feel disconnected. the sender, and the message is the news
3. Public Communication report. The message passes through a
➢ is the type of communication that transmitter and is received by the viewers
occurs when a person delivers a via the television. Feedback is indirect in
speech in a public setting. this level of communication.
➢ The speech delivered has a preset
intention that usually affects the COMMUNICATION AND
➢ The sender in this level of
communication is the speaker. He
➢ As defined by the business dictionary, is
prepares the speech according to
the worldwide movement toward
the topic given to him or the topic
economic, financial, trade and
he chooses to share. The
communications integration.
communication channels can be
similar to or exaggerated as those
used in interpersonal
➢ In communication, globalization can be:
communication. Although the
audience, who is the receiver of • the increase in social
the message, cannot directly connectedness or the expansion of
interact with the speaker, their one's social community
• the mutual reliance or dependence
of peoples and nations
• the evolution of a language most • Intra-cultural communication.
countries would understand
• the development of global 1. Interracial communication is the
communication skills or the ability ➢ interaction among people of
to send messages across cultures different races.
through the four macro skills (e.g., Example:
speaking, listening, reading, and ➢ A tourist guide conducts a tour for
writing), and the use of non-verbal a group of people of different
communication. nationalities
➢ Developing one's global communication 2. Interethnic communication
skills can lead to cultural diversity. ➢ is the interaction among people
➢ Cultural diversity refers to people from with different ethnic groups.
different cultures or nations respecting Example:
each other's differences. This respect ➢ A group of social workers
for differences results from their educates the members of the
understanding of cultural divergence, i.e., tribes from Baguio about the
how people process communication, how government benefits allotted to
other people speak, and how these people them.
see and understand the world around 3. International communication
them. ➢ is the interaction between persons
representing different political
SETTING Example:
➢ When you interact in a multicultural setting, ➢ The president of a parliamentary
you should learn to observe how government meets the president
communication works in a diverse of a democratic government.
community or organization. 4. Intra-cultural communication
➢ Look for similarities and differences in how ➢ is the interaction that includes all
people from different cultural backgrounds forms of communication among
communicate. members of the same racial, ethnic,
➢ Also, focus on facts and not entertain your and subculture groups.
personal biases to avoid conflict. Example:
➢ The head of the Manobo tribe
➢ Intercultural communication is the sharing
of meanings with and receiving and FACTORS THAT MAY AFFECT
interpreting ideas from people with INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION
different cultural backgrounds from yours. The non-verbals used by people from different
➢ Discovering and learning new patterns in countries and by people from diverse cultures may
each other's culture and observing the vary. The following factors can help you understand
these variations.
similarities and differences in non-verbal
communication may be interesting. ➢ Cultural Identity
➢ A deep understanding of each other's ➢ Racial Identity
culture can also lead to earning the ➢ Social Class
respect of the members of society. ➢ Gender and Role Identity
➢ Samovar and Porter (2001) enumerated ➢ Age
some of the variations of intercultural ➢ Individual personality
communication as follows: ➢ Proxemics
➢ Clothing and Physical Appearance
• Interracial communication
➢ Paralanguage
• Interethnic communication,
➢ Facial Expressions and Eye
international communication
➢ Gestures and Body Stance