Courts and Jurisdiction
Courts and Jurisdiction
Courts and Jurisdiction
(1) Arbitration
Is a form Alternative Dispute Resolution
Governed by Arbitration Act 2005 (as amended)
Private and Confidential
Subject to the parties agreement
Awards are final, generally not appealable
The judicial trend now is to support arbitration, not to go into the court.
Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd(2016)
S.10 Arbitration Act 2005
Allows the counter party to apply for stay of proceedings pending
referral of the dispute to arbitration.
There must be a binding arbitration agreement between the parties.
Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd(2016)
The court will lean towards granting the stay, even in the case where the
court is in some doubt about the validity of the arbitration clause, or
where it is arguable whether the subject matter of the claim was within
or outside the ambit of the arbitration clause.
In essence, in cases of doubt, go for arbitration
(2) Sources
Federal Constitution
Court of Judicature Act (CJA) 1964
Subordinate Court Act (SCA) 1948
Subordinate Court (Amendment) Act [SC(A)A] 2010
Sessions Court
Magistrates’ Court
Court of COURTS
First Class Second Class Governed by
First SCA 1948
Magistrate Maistrate
O.59 r.16(6) RC 2012
A party may be penalized in cost if an action is filed in the wrong court
(4) Monetary Jurisdiction(General)
a) First Class Magistrates’
S.90 SCA 1948 (as amended)
≤RM 100,000
Small Claims
b) Second Class Magistrates’
S.92 SCA 1948 (as amended)
≤RM 10,000
c) Sessions
S.65(1)(b) SCA 1948
≤RM 1,000,000
S.65(1)(a) SCA 1948
Motor vehicle accidents
Landlord & Tenant
Distress => a summary remedy of seizure of tenant’s property
for non-payment of rental.
S.7 Contracts Amendment Act 1976
Scholarship agreements
d) High Court
Procedural Rules
O.1r.8(1) RC 2012
High Court only
S.23 CJA 1964
Unlimited monetary jurisdiction
Bank Negara Malaysia v Gerald Glesphy(1992)
It remain open to a plaintiff to file a claim in the High Court which
is within the jurisdiction of the Sessions Court.
The adverse effects could arise from such a step would be cost
e) Court of Appeal
No original jurisdiction
f) Federal Court
Original jurisdiction only for matters under Art.128(1), Art.128(2) and
Art. 130 FC
Where the validity of legislation is in question.
Dispute between states or between Federal Government and State.
Constitutional questions.
g) Small Claims
O.93 RC 2012
O.93 r.1 RC 2012
Individual plaintiff to defendant (can be company)
O.93 r.2 RC 2012
≤ RM 5,000
O.93 r.7 RC 2012
No legal representation except where the defendant is required by
law to be represented by an authorized person.
b) Certain Remedies
i. S.65(1)(c) SCA 1948
With the deletion of S.69(b) and the introduction of a new S.65(1)©,
the Sessions Court now has jurisdiction to order:
Specific performance
Cancellation of instruments
Rectification of instruments
c) Land-related Claims
i. General Rule
S.69(a) SCA 1948
The Sessions Court does not have jurisdiction to hear civil
claims relating to immovable property.
ii. Exception
S.70(1) SCA 1948
A claim for recovery of land or repossession of land may be
tried in the Sessions Court.
iii. Supplementary claims
S.70(2) SCA 1948
A money claim may be added to the claim for recovery of the
This includes a claim for rent, mesne profits, damages for
breach of covenant or damages consequential to the defendant
holding over or resisting the plaintiff’s right to re-enter the
iv. Exception’s exception
S.70(4) SCA 1948
If there is a “bona fide question of title involved”, Sessions
Court should not exercise jurisdiction to hear the matter.
Hiew Kim Swee v G.C.Gomez(1955)
v. Exception to the Exception’s exception
S.71 SCA 1948
Enables the parties to confer jurisdiction on the Sessions Court
by agreement; provided all the parties consent.
By virtue of S.936(1) SCA 1948, S.69 applies to the Magistrates’ Court. The
exception and ‘exception’s exception are also made applicable, with the
necessary modifications
Do note, however, that S.71 is not applicable.
b) Subordinate Court
S.59 SCA 1948
A Sessions Court shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any
civil cause or matter arising within the local limits of jurisdiction
assigned to it.
S.76 SCA 1948
For Magistrates’ Court
Given that the local limits of jurisdiction have yet to be assigned, what
territorial limits apply to the Sessions and the Magistrates Court?
All the Sessions Court have concurrent jurisdiction throughout the
Para 2 Third Schedule SCA 1948
The district in which:
a. The cause of action arose;
b. The defendant resides or has his place of business;
c. One of several defendants resides or has his place of business;
d. The facts on which the proceedings are based exist or are
alleged to have occurred; or
e. For other reasons it is desirable in the interests of justice that the
proceedings should be heard in that court.
Why there is no equivalent of S.23(1)(d) CJA 1964?
Subject Matter of land is not to be expected for Subordinate Court.
Is it possible for parties to confer territorial jurisdiction on a Subordinate
Court by way of written consent?
No, SCA has no equivalent to the Proviso to S.23(1) CJA 1964
c) Cases
Distillers Biochemicals v Thompson(1971)
“cause of action” meant “the act on the part of the defendant which
gave the plaintiff cause of complaint”.
On the fact, act complained of one D’s failure to warn P’s mother.
(9) Miscellaneous
a) Choice of Law Clauses
The governing law of the contract or the proper law of the contract
Choice of law clauses will not oust the Malaysian Court’s jurisdiction to
try disputes arising from such agreement.
Elf Petroleum S.E. Asia Pte Ltd v Winelf Petroleum Sdn Bhd(1986)
Parties agreed that Singapore Law would govern any dispute
High Court held however that this did not oust the jurisdiction of the
Malaysian Courts to try an action arising out of the agreement.
b) Choice of Jurisdiction
The court’s jurisdiction cannot be ousted by private contract.
ISC Technology Sdn Bhd v Premium Technology Pte Ltd
Look at statement of claim and apply S.23(1) CJA
Contract per se does not determine jurisdiction
This notwithstanding, the court are loathe to allow parties to breach their
contracts, and will “notwithstanding give effect” to such clauses (per
Lord Denning, The Fehmarn) as “parties should abide by [their]
contracts”(per Lord Denning, The Fehmarn)
Cargo Lately Laden On Board The Rehmarn v Fehmarn(1958)
The Court may in its discretion stay proceedings brought in violation
of a choice of jurisdiction clause.
c) Arbitration Clauses
Stay of proceedings pending referral of the dispute to arbitration
Section 10 Arbitration Act 2005
Conditions : there must be a binding arbitration agreement between
the parties.
Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd(2016)
Makes it very clear that S.10 Arbitration Act 2005 enders a stay
No waiver of the right to arbitrate
If take step in proceeding, will waive right to arbitration, there will be an
exempted step, i.e. entry of appearance.
d) Foreign Currency
i. Earlier Case
Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation v Fim of Yaik Joo
Ascot International Pte Ltd v Elevic Trading Sdn Bhd(1996)
A judgment can only be in local currency, and from this it would
appear to follow that the claim must also be expressed in local
ii. Development of English Case
Schorsch Meier GmbH v Hennin(1975)
Less stringent than the Miliangos case
German sellers sold goods to an English buyer
Currency of the contract: Price expressed in Deutschmarks
Court held that it could give judgment for the amount of price in
the Deutschmarks
Miliangos v George Frank (Textiles) Ltd(1975)
Swiss textile producer v English buyer in English Court
Whether English Court could give judgment in foreign currency
Key facts:
Currency of the contract => Price quoted in Swiss Francs
Governing Law of the contract => Swiss Law governed
HOL held that English Courts could give judgment in foreign
BUT, when is this allowed?