ECON305 Midterm
ECON305 Midterm
ECON305 Midterm
There are three questions on this exam. A complete exam will have answers to
all three questions. Good luck!
Question 1: The Goods Market
𝐶 = 𝑐0 + 𝑐1 𝑌 𝐷
𝐼 = 𝑖0 + 𝑖1 𝑌
𝑇 = 𝑡0 + 𝑡1 𝑌
𝑌𝐷 = 𝑌 − 𝑇
and G (government spending) is greater than zero and exogenous. Assume that the
values of c1, t1 , and i1 are between 0 and 1, and that c0 is greater than zero.
T = t0 + t1Y describes how net taxes on households are determined. Net taxes
have an autonomous component, t0, which is the value of net taxes that
would be paid if household income were zero (this could be negative if
transfers exceed taxes at zero income, which is probably the case). Net taxes
also increase proportionally with income, t1Y, so as household real income
rises net taxes increase in proportion. t1 is the value of this proportion (e.g.
0.3). Taxes usually increase roughly in proportion to income while transfers
tend to decline with income. It is usually less than one; governments do not
tax away all of each additional unit of income.
𝑌 = 𝑐0 + 𝑐1 𝑌 − 𝑐1 𝑡0 − 𝑐1 𝑡1 Y + 𝑖0 + 𝑖1 𝑌 + G
Solve for Y.
𝑌=( ) (𝑐0 + 𝑖0 + 𝐺 − 𝑐1 𝑡0 )
1 − 𝑐1 + 𝑐1 𝑡1 − 𝑖1
b) Write down the multiplier for autonomous spending changes from your
solution in a). How does an increase in c1 affect the value of the multiplier?
Explain this result.
( )
1 − 𝑐1 + 𝑐1 𝑡1 − 𝑖1
c) How does the dependence of taxes on output through t1 affect the value of
the multiplier, compared to a situation in which taxes were independent of
output and t1 = 0? Explain.
a) Depict the money demand function in a graph in which M and i are on the
axes. Why does the money demand function slope (up or down) in the way
that you have drawn it?
b) Suppose that PY = 500 and M = 200. Solve for the interest rate at which the
money market is in equilibrium. Draw a diagram depicting this equilibrium
and label the equilibrium values of M and i on the diagram.
𝑀 = 𝑃𝑌(0.5 − 𝑖 )
The money demand curve should intersect a vertical money supply function
at an interest rate of 10% and a money supply of 200.
c) Suppose the Federal Reserve wants to set the interest rate equal to 5 percent.
What level must it set the money supply M at to achieve this interest rate,
assuming that nominal GDP continues to be equal to 500? Explain how the
Fed changes the money supply, and how the money supply differs from the
level of 200 in b). Explain why it differs from the level of 200 in b).
Solve the money market equilibrium condition by setting i=0.05, and finding
the M that is consistent with equilibrium at this interest rate.
𝑀 = 𝑃𝑌(0.5 − 0.05)
𝑀 = 250 − 25 = 225.
This implies that to reduce the interest rate on bonds, the Fed must increase
the amount of money, from 200 to 225. It achieves this increase by printing
currency, and using it to purchase bonds from households in an open market
operation. To persuade households to sell bonds and hold more money in
exchange, the Fed offers higher bond prices to households and this reduces
the interest rate on bonds as the Fed desires.
d) Suppose that the level of nominal GDP increases from 500 to 550. The Fed
continues to set the money supply to achieve an interest rate of 5 percent, as
you assumed in b). Depict the effect of the increase in nominal GDP for the
money demand function in a graph. Compute the level of the money supply
the Fed must set to achieve its interest rate target, and depict this policy in
your graph.
The money demand function shifts to the right in a graph of money demand
against the bond interest rate.
𝑀 = 𝑃𝑌(0.5 − 0.05)
In the graph, the interest rate of 5 percent is a horizontal line, and the vertical
money supply curve must shift to the right from 225 to 247.5.
Question 3: The IS-LM Model
𝐶 = 500 + 0.5𝑌 𝐷
𝐺 = 250
𝑇 = 250
𝑀 𝑑
( ) = 5𝑌 − 200,000𝑖
𝑀/𝑃 = 5000
a) Write down the IS relation, and describe in words what the IS relation
represents. Depict the associated IS curve in a diagram (don’t worry about
numerical axis labels).
𝑌 =𝑍 =𝐶+𝐼+𝐺
𝑌 = 3500 − 2000𝑖
b) Derive the LM relation, and describe in words what the LM relation represents.
Depict the associated LM curve in a diagram (don’t worry about numerical axis
labels). What does the variable, P, denote? Be specific.
Write down the equilibrium condition for money market and solve for Y as a
function of i:
𝑀/𝑃 = 5𝑌 − 200,000𝑖
5000 = 5𝑌 − 200,000𝑖
5𝑌 = 5000 + 200,000𝑖
𝑌 = 5000/5 + ( )𝑖
𝑌 = 1000 + 40,000𝑖
The LM curve is upwards sloping in (Y,i) space. P denotes the GDP deflator.
c) Solve for short-run equilibrium real output, Y, and the equilibrium interest
rate, i, by combining the IS and LM relations. In what direction will these
equilibrium values change if the Federal Reserve increases the money supply?
Show the effects of an increase in an IS-LM diagram. (Hint: Go back to the
money market equilibrium diagram first, and see what happens to the interest
rate needed for money market equilibrium for any given output level. Use this
to alter the LM curve).
Set output in the IS relation equal to output in the LM relation and solve for i:
2500 = 38,000𝑖
𝑖= = 0.0658
𝑌 = 1000 + 40,000𝑖
If M/P increases, the LM curve shifts to the right in an IS-LM diagram. The
equilibrium output level rises and the equilibrium interest rate falls.