Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Cost of
S Advertise Earnest Head of
Tender Time of Class of
N Name of Work ment Cost AAA Money in A/C
Doc. Completion Contract
o. (in Lacs) Rupee(s M-H
(In Rs)
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
7) The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission of tender due to
any reason/ reasons.
8) Scanned copy of earnest money/ bid security in shape of CDR/FDR, CDR/FDR cost of tender
documents in shape of e-challan
challan or Treasury challan/ receipt pledged to the Executive
Engineer Irrigation and FC Jal Shakti Division Ganderbal, enlistment card with
verification duly renewed for the current financial year i.e., 202
2024-25, G. S. Tin No., Latest
GST Return (latest quarter i.e, upto June-2024 or onwards and PAN Card
Card, Income Tax
Return up to 03/2024 i.e., FY 2023-24
2023 (Assessment Year 2024-25)
9) Bidders are advised not to make any change in BOQ (Bill of quantities) contents, in no
case they should attempt to create similar manually. The BOQ downloaded should be
used for filling the item rate inclusive of all taxes and it should be saved with the same
name as it contains.
10) The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the bidder entirely in Indian Rupees and the
rates quoted shall be deemed to iinclude nclude price escalation and all taxes up to
completion of the work unless otherwise, specified.
11) For all concrete works, the contractor has to use concrete mixers and vibrators as per
the directions of the Engineer In-Charge.
12) Special Conditions: -
a) Price escalation and Taxes: The item wise cost / offer be quoted by the bidder entirely
in Indian Rupees and the cost quoted shall be deemed to include price escalation and
all taxes till completion of work.
b) Deduction on account of taxes shall be made from the bills of the contractor on gross
amount of the bill of the contractor as per the rates prevailing at that time.
c) The bidder should upload the latest GST return (latest quarter) & the payments will also
be made subject to the production of latest GST returns.returns
d) Bidders are advised to use “My Document” area in their uses on JK tenders
Tendering portal to store such documents as are required.
e) Complete Bio Data of contractor/ agency as per Appendix (I).
f) Errors/omissions, if any shall be read with SOR 2022.
g) Nothing shall be paid on account of dewatering, diversion or construction of ring bund
quantities executed in or under water, making of tracks, ramps and removal of the
same after completion even if involved at site. The contractor shall quote their rates
i) Drawl of Agreement within 10 days after fixation of contract.
j) Production of original documents necessary for verification on declaration of the lowest
bidder by or before 07 days of the opening of Price Bid/ Bid/generation
generation of comparative
13) Material: -
a) In case of non-availability
availability of stocks in divisional stores the contractor may purchase the
required material of quality and specifications prescribed, to be certified by the
Assistant Executive Engineer in charge after getting non availability certificate from
Executive Engineer and shall not be entitled for any type of excessive rates on this
14) Qualification criteria for the work and other terms and conditions are as below: -
a) All bidders shall include the following information and documents with their bids G.S.T./
latest GST Return (Latest quarter)/ PAN No/Regd. Card duly renewed for the current
financial year.
b) If the bidder does not quote rate for any item of the BOQ, such item/items shall be
deemed to be part of the overall/ total contract value and no rate shall be allowed for
such item/ items.
c) The date of start of the work shall be reckoned with in 7th day from the date of issuance
of LOI/ contract allotment as the case m may be.
d) Restoration of work: - On completion of contract the contractor shall be responsible to
remove all un-used
used material and restore all work in its original position at his own cost,
any damage if caused during execution of work shall be restored by th thee contractor at
his own cost.
e) Any damage if caused due to delay in execution of work by the Contractor shall be the
sole responsibility of the Contractor and has to be restored by the Contractor at his own
f) Keeping in view, the ongoing irrigation sea
son and subsequent urgency of the work, the
successful agency on award of contract shall dump the requisite quantity of stones at
site as directed by the engineer incharge and accordingly the necessary permission
from Geology and Mining department and oth other
er concerned departments shall be the
responsibility of contractor and the rates quoted for the item shall be inclusive of all
royalty etc charged by the concerned departments as per the rates in vogue.
g) The contractor has to manage housing for labours, electricity,
electricity, water storage for material,
watch and ward and other facilities at his own.
h) In case of any disputes/differences, the jurisdiction shall be to the courts situated in
Srinagar only. In case of any dispute regarding the work, the concerned Chief En Engineer
shall be the sole Arbitrator.
i) Defect Liability Period (DLP): The contractor should be responsible to maintain the work
within a defective liability period of Six (06) months. The Defective Liability Period (DLP)
shall be 06 (Six) months after the completion
completion and successful commissioning of the work
and the date of completion of the works shall be taken financially as recorded by the
concerned Assistant Executive Engineer in the works register maintained by him for the
said works. 10% of the payment re retained
tained as deposit money shall be released after
completion of this Defective Liability Period.
j) Safety: The contractor shall be responsible for safety of all activities at site of work during
k) Termination: The employer may terminate the contract if the contractor causes any
fundamental breach of the contract, which shall include stoppage of work without any
15) Any damages that will occur to the work during the course of execution due to flash
floods or any other natural calamity, the work will have to be rectified/ repaired by the
executing agency out of his own expenses and nothing extra will be paid on the
account by the department
16) The successful bidder (L1) has to submit performance security @ 10% o off contract value
and has to deposit an additional performance security within 03 days from the date of
issuance of intimation as per the below mentioned scale:
1 0% to 15% NIL
2 15% to 20% 5%
17) The Chief Engineer I&FC Department/ Superintending Engineer Hydraulic Circle
Srinagar/ Executive Engineer I&FC Division Ganderbal (whichever applicable) reserves
the right to postpone the tender submission/opening dates and to accept/reject any or
all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. The decision of the Chief Engineer
I&FC Department/ Superintending Engineer Hydraulic Circle Srinagar/ Executive Executi
Engineer I&FC Division Ganderbal (whichever applicable) after assessment of suitability
as per eligibility criteria shall be final and binding.
18) The tenders have been issued after receiving the requisite Administrative Approval by
the competent authority and as per the budgetary provisions under the relevant Head
of Account and as such the payment payments as and when made available shall be disbursed
ratio proportionately in case the requisite funds under the relevant Head of Account are
received phase wise.
19) For any clarification, the bidders can contact Divisional Office on Mob. No. 9469003777
or can email the department at the email: exenifcdganderbal@ifckashmir.com.
20) Insurance: - Insurance cover to labour / Machinery/ Work/ Plant/ Material/ Equipment
by the contractor shall be mandatory
21) Time Extension: -
a. The work to be completed within the limit specified in the NIT and the time of completion
will also increase/ decrease in propos
ition with additional/ deleted quantum of work
depending upon the actual quantum of work.
b. Request for extension of time shall be made by the contractor in writing not later than
fifteen days of happening of the event causing delay. The contractor shall also indicate
in such a request the period for which extension is desired.
c. Abnormal/ bad weather or serious loss of damage by fire or civil commotion, strike or
lockout (other than among the labour engaged by the contractor) affecting any or the
trades employed
loyed on the work or Non availability of departmental stores. Any other
cause which in the absolute discretion of the accepting authority is beyond the
contractor’s desire.
d. On contractor’s representation based on the grounds as details above the time for
completion of the work may be extended by a period considered reasonable by the
Page 5 of 9 Shahnaz Baba CC
PIN: 191201, PHONE: 0194
0194-2416246, EMAIL-exenifcdganderbal@ifckashmir.com
26) Penalty for Delay on account of Contractor: in case of delay not justified & caused due
to the faults of the Contractor a penalty upto maximum of 10% of the contract valuev will
be imposed.
27) The material viz-a-viz B.A. Wire Crates and EC Bags only shall be supplied
departmentally against the Stock Rates and the contractor shall confirm the stock rate
from the Divisional Office. Besides the carriage for departmental material will be
provided from Divisional Store to actual site of work
28) The Contractor or shall be bound to use Rapidite as per the directions of Engineer Incharge
in case of low temperatures and corresponding cost shall be met out from the
respective works.
29) The Bidders who have failed to fulfil the contractual obligations during the financial
financi year
24 as per the specification laid down in the eNIT’s issued by this office from time to
time or has left the work incomplete despite issuance of several notices. The bids of such
bidders will not be accepted.
Seal/Signature of tenderer/s