Waste Topic Two
Waste Topic Two
Waste Topic Two
This paper investigates the environmental and socio-economic effects of solid waste generated activities on
the livelihood of the local people in Freetown, Sierra Leone. In addition to the sampling community opinions
of waste generated activities, the paper recommends participation that can help in solid waste management
in order to mitigate its negative effects. Obvious environmental and socio-economic enhancement can be
realized within waste disposal communities if the government provides the required financial and technical
support to community members together with the ability and willingness to recycle municipal solid waste.
Keywords: Local people, Solid waste, Socio-economic, Freetown municipality
threats which affect the environs of urban not directly transported from land to individuals,
municipalities (D. Sood, 2004). The UNEPA except in the circumstance of dusts and through
(2006) stated that wastes that are not contact with toxic constituents. Chemicals
appropriately managed, particularly solid waste dumped on land typically enter the human
from families and the community, are a crucial system through the form of polluted vegetables,
health risk and lead to the spread of infectious animals, food products, or water. These
diseases. The report additionally acknowledged surroundings are inferior in the summer because
that unattended wastes plying around entice of thrilling temperatures, which speed up the
flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats and other frequency of microbial action on decomposable
creature that turn out to spread diseases. organic solid. Dumping spots can also generate
Normally, it is the drizzly waste that decays and health hazards for the locality (K. O. Boardi and
releases a bad stench. The bad stench impacts M. Kuitunen, 2005). Gouveia and Ruscitto
the people settled next to the trash pile, which (2009) emphasized that in a number of health
shows that the dumpsites have serious effects to studies, a wide range of health issues, including
people settled around or next to them. The irritation of the skin, nose and eyes, respiratory
people at risk from this repulsive disposal of systems, intestinal glitches, mental illnesses, and
waste includes-the people in neighborhood anaphylaxis, have been revealed. Also, landfills
where there is no appropriate waste disposal closer to residential areas are continuously
scheme, particularly the preschool children, feeding homes for domestic animals such as cats
waste staffs and employees in facilities and dogs. These animals, together with rodents,
manufacturing toxic and infectious resources. transmit diseases with them to neighboring
Other high-risk set includes people staying close homesteads. Sierra Leone is one of the deprived
to the waste dump (M. Aatamila, et al., 2010). countries in the universe, facing one of the worst
In particular, carbon-based domestic waste solid waste administration challenges and
poses a great hazard, since they instigate, remains a constant concern for both indigenous
forming situations favorable to the existence and and Global agencies. The problem of waste
development of microbial pathogens. Direct management, tied with scarce economic
management of solid waste can result in resources, has led to unselective disposing of
numerous types of communicable and lingering solid waste into open places and drainages,
diseases with the waste employees and rag blocking pipes and causing overflowing,
pickers being the utmost at risk (J. A. Nwanta environment contamination and municipal
and E. Ezenduka, 2010). Studies led by Yongsi health problems (UNEP, 2013; Perera, 2003). In
(2008) display that subjection to harmful waste Sierra Leone, the problem of poor solid waste
in landfill can affect human health, kids being supervision in Freetown is exacerbated by rapid
the most susceptible to these contaminants. population expansion and continuous economic
Direct contact can result to infections through development; waste generation in residential as
biochemical subjection as the release of toxic well as business areas remains to grow quickly,
waste into the environs leads to chemical pushing pressure on community's ability to
extermination. Rushton (2003) in his research to process and discard of these resources. This has
ascertain a link between health and harmful positioned a massive pecuniary load on local
substance revealed that biochemical from administration, making it tough for them to
agriculture and manufacturing can also lead to achieve solid waste sustainably (Crook and
serious health hazards. On the other hand, co- Ayee, 2006; Oteng-Ababio, 2010). Also,
disposal of industrial waste with municipal improper waste handling in accord with
waste can subject people to toxic and unrestrained waste discarding can root a
radioactive hazards. Health care excess and comprehensive range of glitches, including
other medical unused disposed in landfill, mixed contaminating water, enticing rodents and bugs,
with domestic refuse, increasing the menace of as well as increasing overflows due to blockage
contamination with Hepatitis B and HIV, and in pipes. Improper solid waste supervision can
other associated diseases (World Bank, 2005). as well upsurge greenhouse gas (GHG) release,
Open land fillis a key problem to the hence contributing to climate change (M.
atmosphere particularly to the air that we gasp. Aatamila, et al., 2010). Besides the ancient and
Open landfills release horrible smells that fairly well-structured neighborhoods of the
causes infection to those living close to them (E. center of Bangui, the entire of the capital (more
Marshal, 1995). According to Medina (2002), than 80% of the urbanized space) has the
effluence, a key ecological effect of landfills, is following characteristics: high density and risky
living situations of the inhabitants, insalubrity localities (Dominguez-Torres et. al., 2012). It
and under- equipment (drainage networks, has a total estimated land size of 71,740 sq.km),
roads, urban equipment and services, water, geographically lies between latitude 4°22′N and
electricity). In the different neighborhoods this 18°35′E and longitudes 7° 0' 0" N and 21° 0' 0"
situation can be aggravated to the topography E and located within the mountainous woodland
which directly determines the exposure to floods Region of the country.
and waste transported by rainwater (Nguimalet,
Data Collection and Analysis
2007). In some municipalities, the overflow of
runoff exposes sites susceptible to immense A direct face-to-face interview was employed in
floods requiring protective works. The main this study to elicit information by using a
capital is one of the most affected town halls combination of methods, including participatory
because it is located in the lower chunk of the rural appraisal (PRA) tools and techniques,
city and receives a lot of runoff from the hills, participant observations, and formal and
crossing the city. informal surveys. Pair-wise ranking was initially
carried out to help identify harms caused by
This paper therefore sought to present findings
solid waste disposal as acknowledged by the
of a study carried out in Freetown municipal
local people in the research area, and to rank
area in Sierra Leone to determine the
socio-economic activities based upon their
environmental and socio-economic influence of
contribution to household livelihood. The
solid waste dumping on local livelihood.
discussion made use of frequencies, percentages
We suggested new insights concerning the and means. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
dumpsite in conjunction to reducing the high cross tabulations involving chi-square tests were
prevalent rate of air and water borne diseases used to test statistical discrepancies in various
and other waste generated infections in the indicators between solid waste disposal and
municipality. The results obtainable could be of non-solid waste disposal communities.
significance for many urban communities in
emerging countries and researchers interested in RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
waste management. Socio-Economic Characteristics of the
In a case study of the Freetown Municipality, Respondents
the current study wanted to examine the extent Table 1details the percentage of the respondents
of Sierra Leone solid waste environmental and interviewed during the survey. There was no
socio-economic impacts. The specific objectives significant difference in gender within surveyed
of the research are as follows: waste disposal and non-waste disposal
communities (p > 0.05). Only 28.4% of the
To categorize and evaluate socio-economic
respondents in solid waste disposal areas were
activities which are significantly influenced
males (Table 2), likely because solid waste
by solid waste activities.
disposal activities are gender and age-oriented,
To evaluate local communities observations demanding the services of more females and
on how solid waste activities impact the young children (age bracket < 18) than males
environment. (particularly adults).
To proffer solid policy recommendations that Solid waste disposal and non-solid waste
can help in mitigating the harmful impacts of disposal communities exhibited minimal
solid waste. difference in terms of average household size:
On average, household size was 5.4 and 5.7
Study Area persons per household within the surveyed
The study was conducted in Freetown the main waste disposal and non-waste disposal
capital of Sierra Leone, Freetown metropolis communities respectively (Appendix 1).
was selected for the study because of rapid Surveyed areas likely have comparatively higher
urbanization and expansion of the metropolis household sizes because of the existence of the
which has led to enormous increase in solid commercial and or industrial activities, which
waste generation (Dominguez-Torres, Carolina; generate population increase through migration.
Foster, Vivien. 2012). According to the 2012 The characterization survey found that all types
Population and Housing Census (PHC), it had of waste are produced by a large majority of the
an estimated population of 1.2 million people, population surveyed in the waste disposal
with a higher proportion (43.6%) living in urban communities (Appendix 3). The composition of
waste is marked by the high production of incombustibles (pebbles, stone ...) are also
agricultural waste (31%) and organic waste found in household waste with a fairly
(25%). The fine elements (sieving 10 mm) and significant fraction (11%).
Table1. Socio-economic characteristic of respondents in this survey
Variable Community status Total χ2 –Value
Waste disposal community Non-waste disposal community (n=172)
(n=86) (n=86)
Gender 0.275ns
Male 17 (19.8) 24 (27.9) 41 (23.8)
Female 69 (80.2) 62 (72.1) 131 (76.2)
Household size 0.703ns
1-4 11 (12.8) 13 (15.1) 24 (14.0)
5-7 32 (37.2) 30 (34.9) 62 (36.0)
8-10 28 (32.6) 26 (30.2) 54 (31.4)
>10 15 (17.4) 17 (19.8) 32 (18.6)
Source: Field survey (2017).
Figures out of parentheses are frequencies and ns = Non-significant at P > 0.05.
those in parentheses are percentages
Table2. Characteristics of waste depositors interviewed
Variable Community status Total χ2 –Value
Waste disposal community Non-waste disposal community (n=110)
(n=95) (n=15)
Gender 0.041*
Male 27 (28.4) ….. 27 (24.5)
Female 68 (71.5) 15 (100.0) 83 (75.5)
Age category 0.038*
<18 25 (26.3) 5(33.3) 30 (27.2)
18-30 6 (6.3) ….. 6 (5.5)
31-43 19 (20.0) 3 (20.0) 22 (20.0)
44-56 32 (33.7) 7 (46.7) 39 (35.5)
>56 13 (13.7) …. 13 (11.8)
Source: Field survey (2017).
Figures out of parentheses are frequencies and diverse economic activities, including trading
those in parentheses are percentages (petty trading), Agricultural activities,
*Significant at p<0.05. Within the surveyed construction works and civil service activities
area, respondents reported to be involved in etc. (Table 3).
Table3. Socio-economic activities of the respondents
Variable Community status Total χ2 –Value
Waste disposal community Non-waste disposal community (n=172)
(n=86) (n=86)
Main occupation
Trading 38 (44.2) 62 (72.1) 100 (58.1) 0.014*
Agriculture 27 (31.3) …. 27 (15.7) 0.000***
Civil service 6 (7.0) 10 (11.6) 16 (9.3) 0.721ns
Construction 3 (3.5) …. 3 (1.7) ……
Driving 4 (4.7) 9 (10.5) 13 (7.6) 0.035*
Saloon …. 2 (2.3) 2 (1.2)
Unemployed 5 (5.8) …. 5 (2.9)
Retired …. 3 (3.5) 3 (1.7)
Others 3 (3.5) …. 3 (1.7)
Some 31.3% of respondents in solid waste Large proportions of respondents (44.2% and
disposal communities reported to be engaged in 72.1% solid waste disposal and non-solid waste
agricultural activities as a primary occupation. disposal communities, respectively) were
engaged in trading activities. It was indicated in solid waste disposal communities, findings
that poor waste management are the main reason which suggest that solid waste activities have a
behind unpredictable disease outbreak, due to negative socio-cultural impact on the livelihoods
the fact that many locals have chosen to take up of the local people.
petty trading and agriculture as an occupation.
Table4. Pair-Wise Ranking of Socio-Economic
Excessive garbage disposal, which are
Activities in Waste Disposal Community
commonly associated with high risks and
destruction, are as a result of poor management Socio-economic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rank
in the waste that are largely generated from activities
participating in these socio-economic activities. 1 Agriculture x 2nd
2 Civil Service 1 x 3rd
Figures in parentheses are percentages and those 3 Driving 1 2 x 4th
out of parentheses are frequencies. 4 Waste Collection 1 2 3 x 5th
***Significant at P<0.001, 5 Trading (Petty 5 5 5 5 x 1st
*Significant at P<0.05. 6 Unemployed 1 2 3 4 5 x 6th
7 Saloon 1 2 3 4 5 6 x 7th
ns = Non-significant at P > 0.05 Frequency 5 4 3 2 6 1 0
Generally, it was found that solid waste Source: Field survey (2017).
management activities was not the major socio-
economic activity of the local people in Bangui Table5. Pair-Wise Ranking of Socio-Economic
community but rather a complimentary source Activities in Non-Waste Disposal Community
of income (Tables 4 and 5). Socio-economic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rank
In Freetown municipality, the dominant native activities
tribes are the Kerios, Temnes and Mendes 1 Civil Service x 2nd
which comprises mainly traders (petty 2 Driving 1 x 3rd
3 Retired 1 3 x 4th
traders).The results in Table 3indicate that
4 Waste Collection 4 4 4 x 5th
44.2% and 72.1% of respondents in waste 5 Petty Trading 1 5 5 4 X 1st
disposal and non-waste disposal communities, 6 Agriculture 6 6 6 4 5 x 6th
respectively, are petty traders (p<0.05). 7 Construction Work 7 7 7 4 7 7 x 7th
Nevertheless, it was frequently observed that Frequency 3 0 1 6 3 3 5
waste dumping sites (figure 1) contributed to the
exposure of the people to outbreaks of diseases Source: Field survey (2017).
Within waste disposal areas, some 14% of The presence of large waste generated activities
participants benefit from sources of waste in Freetown Municipality has created market
management employment; 37.2% from petty opportunities for local farmers. As shown in
business; 26.7% from selling food crop; and Table 6, roughly 26.7% and 20.9% of
9.3% from construction works. It was participants in waste disposed and non-waste
established that none of the respondents in non-
disposed communities, respectively, secure
waste disposal areas benefit from direct waste
markets for their agricultural produce through
generated activities as a source of alternative
market for waste generated products, while their waste generated activities. Within surveyed
15.1% benefit indirectly from petty business, waste disposed communities, the average annual
and 23.3% from employment. The results show income earned from agriculture through selling
that solid waste generated activities have created of food crops was reported to be XAF
a massive amount of income opportunities for 57,804.93, compared to XAF 46,242.34 in the
the inhabitants of Freetown municipality. There non-waste disposed areas surveyed
were significant differences in the benefits (Appendix2).
provided by the large-scale waste generated
activities to waste disposed and non-waste The entry of people in seeking job at waste
disposed area in terms of market for waste disposed areas has increased demand for
generated products (p<0.001); particularly, non- commodities, consequently increasing
waste disposed communities tend to be more opportunities for local community members to
neglected than waste disposed communities. sell their food crops. The results imply that
The results are in conformity with findings by waste generated activities significantly
Nguyen et al., (2011) which demonstrated waste contribute to the incomes of local people
disposed communities as the recipients of a engaged in crop production by providing
wide range of new services, including market
markets to their agricultural produce.
for agricultural produce.
Table6. Respondents’ viewpoint on household benefit of waste generated activities
Variable Community status Total χ2 –Value
Waste disposal community Non-waste disposal community (n=172)
(n=86) (n=86)
Type of benefit
Petty business 32 (37.2) 13 (15.1) 45 (26.1) 0.000***
Employment 12 (14.0) 20(23.3) 32 (18.6) 0.000***
Selling food crops 23 (26.7) 18 (20.9) 41(23.8) 0.017**
Construction works 8 (9.3) 3(3.5) 11 (6.4) 0.000***
Market for waste 9 (10.5) …… 9 (5.2) 0.000***
generated products
No benefit 2(2.3) 32 (37.2) 34(20.9)
Figures in parentheses are percentages and those Freetown municipality , most of which is
out of parentheses are frequencies. dumped in waterways or informal trash heaps,
***Significant at P<0.001, making solid waste management an area of
increasing concern for the country (IPA, 2014).
**Significant at P<0.01.
Two changes in the flow of solid waste have
Indigenous Perceptions of the Environmental occurred over the last few years: 1) the volume
Impacts of Solid Waste Disposal of waste generated by residential households has
A pair-wise ranking of problems, which elicited significantly increased; and 2) the combination
local peoples‟ perceptions on the problems of solid waste has changed from primarily
experienced in waste disposed communities, organic material to a mix of synthetic and
indicates that the most pressing problems in organic matter. The increase in quantity and
waste disposed areas are environmental change in combination are ascribed to the
pollution especially of water sources from following factors 1) Rapid population growth and
organic materials, public health issues, economic expansion (meaning more people to
environmental fouling and flooding due to create waste and more money to buy products
blockages (Table 7). A massive amount of tons that will become waste); 2) inadequate of
of solid waste are produced every day in infrastructure to deal with the increase and; 3)
inadequate financial support for planning and biodiversity, and have severe effects on the
appropriate operation. Solid wastes disposed in welfare of the waste disposed communities,
these communities have formed a mountain of particularly groups of children and women
garbage (see figure 1). being the major disposers of waste. The health
Table7. Problem ranking in waste disposed and safety of waste disposers without protective
communities gears and the nearby communities are at risk
Waste Problems 1 2 3 4 Rank
from a range of factors, ranging from the
Environmental Pollution x 1st inhalation of foul air, to water pollution and
Public health issues 1 X 2nd poor safety procedures. Unprotected dumping
Flooding due to blockage 1 2 X 4th sites (figure 1), for example, during the rainy
Environmental Fouling 1 2 4 x 3rd seasons, create breeding grounds for disease
Frequency 3 2 0 1
carriers such as houseflies and mosquitoes that
Source: Field survey (2017). serve as agents that spread water borne diseases
Table 2presents the age categories of waste and malaria. Table 8 shows some of the
disposers (waste staffs) in the households widespread diseases pointed out in the research
interviewed. Some 26.3% of the waste disposers area. The water and air pollution mainly
interviewed were children aged eighteen (18) originating from improper solid waste
and below. Many children in waste disposed disposition in Freetown municipality has been
dominated areas were seen either working reported by local community people to increase
autonomously or helping their parents with the rate of maternal mortality and air borne
activities such as collecting and disposing waste infections. Prior to the actual survey,
without protective gears: activities which expose characterization was carried out in three (3)
them to serious health hazards. According to districts of the pilot project in Freetown in the
medical officers in the municipality of densely populated area located downstream of
Freetown, the excessive exposure of children to the city of Freetown where floods are recurrent
waste can cause different sickness in them due to intensive rains and the high level of the
through air borne diseases. The tendency of river which does not facilitate the city's
children engaging in waste disposition rainwater evacuation system where all waste
encourages absenteeism in school and increases and residues settle in collectors and drains,
the rate in school dropout. Environmental causing flooding in the southwestern parts of the
pollution and public health issues (table 7) are a capital. Based on the technical services of the
major problem in the waste disposed areas of municipality of Freetown, the daily production
Freetown municipality. Continuous and of garbage in the city of Freetown is estimated
improper disposal of solid wastes contributes to at 930 m3 / day which should be a great concern
air and water pollution, which are harmful to for its consequence on the environment and the
human health, domestic animals and wildlife livelihood of the local people.
Table8. Surveyed responses on the impacts of solid waste on human health
Variable Community status Total χ2 –Value
Waste disposal community Non-waste disposal community (n=172)
(n=86) (n=86)
Common disease
Air borne 32 (37.2) 17 (19.8) 49 (28.5) 0.040***
Water borne 26 (30.2) 11(12.8) 37 (21.5) 0.022***
Malaria 12 (14.0) 41(47.7) 53(30.8) 0.037**
Worms 3 (3.5) 7(8.1) 10 (5.8) 0.721ns
Bilharzias 9 (10.5) 1(1.2) 10 (5.8) 0.000***
Others 4(4.7) 9 (10.4) 13(7.6) 0.654ns
Figures in parentheses are percentages and those some improper waste disposal areas in Sierra
out of parentheses are frequencies. Leone, including Freetown municipality. These
***Significant at P<0.001, problems include environmental pollution, harm
**Significant at P<0.01. to water quality, spread of water and air borne
ns = Non-significant at P > 0.05 diseases, and harm to domestic animals and
wildlife biodiversity. Despite the increasing
RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS consciousness of the significance of effective
Solid waste activities have already caused solid waste management amongst communities
severe social and environmental impacts in and Government officials in Sierra Leone,