Analysis of Work Zone Traffic Behavior For Planning Applications
Analysis of Work Zone Traffic Behavior For Planning Applications
Analysis of Work Zone Traffic Behavior For Planning Applications
To cite this article: Sujith Racha, Mashrur Chowdhury, Wayne Sarasua & Yongchang Ma (2008)
Analysis of Work Zone Traffic Behavior for Planning Applications, Transportation Planning and
Technology, 31:2, 183-199, DOI: 10.1080/03081060801948175
(Received 31 May 2006; Revised 10 October 2007; In final form 17 January 2008)
ISSN 0308-1060 print: ISSN 1029-0354 online # 2008 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/03081060801948175
184 S. Racha et al.
Construction and maintenance activities take place in work zones along
highways, reducing capacity and resulting in traffic congestion and
delays. This is an international problem that transportation agencies
everywhere responsible for the construction and maintenance of
highways must consider in the planning of work zone operations. In
May, 2003, the South Carolina Department of Transportation
(SCDOT) under a funding agreement with the United States Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) initiated a research study to
quantitatively examine the development and implementation of a
methodology for use in determining an updated lane closure policy
within work zones along South Carolina’s interstate highway system.
Specific emphasis of the study would focus on determination of the
number of vehicles per hour per lane (vphpl) that can pass through
open lanes in short-term interstate work zone when one or more lanes
have been closed with minimum or acceptable levels of delay. This
paper presents research results based on this project.
The literature on traffic behavior on highways is widespread. The
model developed by Greenshields in 1934 has served as a milestone in
describing the fundamental relationships between flow, density and
speed on highways (Greenshields, 1934). This single-regime model was
based on observing speeddensity measurements obtained from an
aerial photographic study (May, 1990). Other researchers, such as
Greenberg (1959), developed multi-regime models based on non-linear
relationships between speed and density. Multi-regime models provide
a considerable improvement over the single-regime one proposed by
Greenshields in that they introduce the idea of generalizing traffic
stream models into families by considering different traffic parameters.
The multi-regime models attempt to more closely replicate observed/
measured relationships between major traffic flow parameters; how-
ever, none of these theoretical models perfectly estimate speed, density
and flow as observed under field conditions. In Greenberg’s model, as
traffic operations move from congested to uncongested situations, a
rapid reduction in the maximum flow occurs. Similarly, when queuing
conditions occur, there is a rapid decline in capacity due to the
turbulence caused in the traffic flow (Hall & Agyeman-Duah, 1991).
Most of the research of non-linear models has been conducted on
traffic flow patterns on freeways under normal daily conditions.
However, not many studies have involved traffic flow in work zones.
Investigations in this area are important because non-linear models
reflect real-world conditions more accurately in many situations than
linear models.
Analysis of Work Zone Traffic Behavior 185
heavy vehicles, and the grade and intensity of the work zones. When
compared side by side, this model performed better than several other
capacity models in the HCM.
Adeli and Jiang (2003) proposed an innovative method using neuro-
fuzzy logic to estimate the capacity for freeway work zone. As many as
17 factors that possibly affect the work zone capacity was considered in
their case study. The authors applied back propagation neuro-network
to search for associated parameters used in fuzzy logic, which had a
Gaussian-shaped membership function. The case study indicated that
proposed method performed accurately, especially when only partial
parameters are available. They also declared the advantage of their
method in terms of incorporating large number of factors and no
requirement of prior knowledge about these factors.
Chitturi and Benekohal (2004, 2005) used selected software pro-
grams and analyzed the effect of lane width on work zone traffic flow.
Quewz, FRESIM and QuickZone models were used to analyze
capacity, queuing and delay in construction work zones and compared
results to field collected data. The findings indicated that none of the
programs produced results that were reasonably close to observed field
As this review suggests, several factors play a role in speedflow
relationships and in the capacity of work zones. While there are
numerous methods for modeling traffic flow and the capacity of work
zones, there is not a consensus on which method provides the best
estimate of actual traffic flow conditions. This research project focused
on developing models predicting relationships between speed, flow, and
density based on non-linear approaches in an effort to more accurately
model traffic and estimate capacity of work zones. Specifically, the
objectives of the research on which this paper is based were:
. to understand work zone traffic behavior using non-linear ap-
proaches to modeling the speedflowdensity relationships; and
. to develop capacity thresholds for work zone lane configurations,
where out of two lanes one lane is closed (a 2 to 1 lane closure).
Data Analysis
Data analysis included data preparation, developing relationship
between traffic flow parameters and capacity estimations.
Data Preparation
As the results from the project demonstrated, truck volume has a
significant effect on the traffic flow in the work zones. When
approaching these areas, trucks often occupy all available lanes,
blocking passenger cars and causing delays. Therefore, the impact of
trucks is a significant consideration in minimizing the effect of work
zones on traffic flow. Each truck is mathematically converted into
passenger cars with a conversion factor called PCE. By measuring the
distance from the rear end of a leading vehicle to the rear of a trailing
one, referred to as the headway, these PCEs were determined for trucks
and recreational vehicles. PCEs reflect the number of passenger cars
that will occupy the space of these larger vehicles in a specific traffic
stream. Comparing the headways for passenger cars and trucks, the
PCE value was determined. These PCEs were categorized based on
speeds of the vehicles traveling in the work zones. The following results
generated from earlier studies (Narapsetty, 2004) were used in
performing the analysis for this research, as shown in Table 1.
Narapsetty found that PCE values for trucks are a function of speed.
This traffic phenomenon is supported by the findings of Chitturi and
Benekohal (2004, 2005). Chitturi and Benekohal suggest that predict-
ing speed reductions should be a function of vehicle size and not be a
constant value for all vehicle classifications.
After this conversion, consecutive and discrete flows were calculated.
The consecutive flow for one-hour intervals was achieved by adding 12
consecutive five-minute flows, with the speed corresponding to this
Analysis of Work Zone Traffic Behavior 189
Table 1. Average PCE values for trucks used for the analysis (Narapsetty, 2004)
Speed (mph) PCE for trucks
015 2.47
1530 2.22
3060 1.90
Flow (pcph)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Density (pcpmpl)
Flow (pcphpl)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Density (pcpmpl)
Speed (mph)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Flow (pcphpl)
Speed (mph)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Flow (pcphpl)
Speed (mph)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Density (pcpmpl)
Speed (mph)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Density (pcpmpl)
Figure 10. Partial SAS output for speeddensity model (discrete five-minute flows)
Percentage Error = = 0.2%
1 [PT (ET 1) PRV (ERV 1)]
where fHVheavy vehicle adjustment factor, PTproportion of trucks,
ET passenger car equivalents for trucks and buses, and ERV
passenger car equivalents for recreational vehicles and cars with
CB 1550fHV
where CB adjusted capacity for heavy vehicles with one lane open
It was recognized that the intensity of the work zone will also have
an effect on capacity. HCM 2000 suggests a 10% adjustment,
depending on whether or not the work zone activity is more or less
Figure 12. Model of speed versus density (12 consecutive five-minute periods)
Analysis of Work Zone Traffic Behavior 197
s = Ln −1 ( −0.8758 ) +
1 + (0.00456 * k )
Ln ( s ) = ( −0.8758 ) +
1 + (0.00456 * k )
we know that s = ; substituting in above equation
q 5.2369
Ln ( ) = ( −0.8758 ) + →I
k 1 + ( 0 .00456 * k )
Differenci ating on both sides,
Assuming at capacity, there is no change in flow, so →0
k× − q
1 dk (5.2369 × 0.00456 )
= − 2
q k2 (1 + (0.00456 × k ))
⇒ k 2 − 709 .85 k + 48091 .72 = 0
⇒ k = 75 .86 ≅ 76 pcpmpl
Figure 13. Base capacity calculations for discrete conditions for 2 to 1 projects
intense than normal. The final estimation for capacity is given below by
CWZ, which includes adjustments for intensity of work zone, heavy
vehicle factor and the number of lanes open through the work zone
where CWZ estimated capacity of a short-term work zone (veh/h) and
I adjustment factor for type, intensity, length and location of the
work activity.
This research collected five-minute traffic flow and velocity data in 22
work zone sites, which were maintained and operated by the South
Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT). The visual inspec-
tion of the scatter plot of the relationship for the traffic stream
parameters for 2 to 1 lane closure indicated that the relationships for
speeddensity were non-linear and that the relationship between speed
and flow, and flow and density were not parabolic as indicated by
Greenshields. Therefore, non-linear models of speed and density for
198 S. Racha et al.
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Analysis of Work Zone Traffic Behavior 199
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