1."God cannot be everywhere, so he created Mothers". Do you think Bholi's
mother complies with this statement? Grve at least three reasons supporting your
Bholi's mother does not comply with this statement. Following are the reasons for
it: Bholi's mother never took care of her-neither in childhood nor in young age.
She was not concerned even about her studies or clothing. She did not bother
about Bholi's groom whether he was an aged person or a greedy one, whether he
will honour her daughte or keep her as a slave in his house.
2. The Tehsildar was an agent of change in Bholi's life. Justify.
The Tehsildar changed Bholi's life as he was the one who convinced her father to
send her to school. Bholi's going to school turned out to be the biggest blessing of
her life .Education gave Bholi the confidence to challenge societal norms, and
protest against evil practices like dowry and an unequal marriage.As an educated
person, Bholi knew her worth in society. Bholi's mother did not want to send her
to school, but her father could not disobey the Tehsildar and was forced to admit
Bholi in school.
3.When and why did Bholi feel that her heart was throbbing with new hope and a
new life?
Bholi had achieved what she could have never even dreamt. With the
encouragement and help of her teacher she could pronounce her name: "Bholi"
and say "Yes" then the teacher gave her a picture book. She was sure that Bholi
would finish r within a week. In time she would be more learned than anyone in
the village. Then nobody would ever dare to laugh at her Bholi felt her heart
throbbing with new hope and new life.
4. Was Bishambar a suitable bridegroom for Bholi? Give your opinion.
No, Bishamber was not at all a suitable match for Bholi. No doubt, he was rich,
had a big shop a house of his own and thousands of rupees in the bank. But he
was mean, greedy and a worthless man. When he came to know of the pock-
marks or Bholi's face, he demanded a dowry of 5000 rupees to marry her Even
the turban of Ramlal at his feet could not melt his heart ,Bholi did the right thing
to reject him
5.How did Bholi react to the remarks of an old woman who called her "a
shameless girl" and " a harmless dumb cow"?
When Bholi refused to accept a mean, greedy and cowardly man as her husband,
everybody was stunned. An old woman called her "a shameless girl". She had
thought her "a harmless dump cow". Bholi turned violently on the old
woman .She told that everybody had thought her a dumb cow and so they
wanted to hand her over to such a heartless creature .She reminded that the
'dumb cow had got a tongue now and she could speak out to defend herself.
IILong answers:
1.The credit of Bholi's transformation to Sulekha goes to her teacher Elaborate
with reference to the text.
Ans. There is no doubt that the credit of Bholi's transformation to Sulekha goes to
her teacher Bholi's teacher played a very important role in transforming the shy
and dumb Bholi into a bold and confident girl. The teacher's kind and encouraging
words helped her to overcome her issue of stammering. It was the teacher's
untiring efforts which helped her to become so bold that she had the courage to
finally refuse to marry Bishamber Nath who was much older to her age Also he
was a very greedy and contemptible person
The metamorphosis of the innocent Bholi to a bold and confident person was
because of her teacher. The teacher had definitely created a masterpiece. Under
her teacher's guidance, she bloomed as a bold and confident person. The shy and
reticent child like Bholi had transformed into a bold and confident girl. She was a
true masterpiece because she had the courage to revolt against a social evil of
dowry and refused to marry the greedy Bishamber Nath.
Ans. Everyone called Sulekha as Bholi, the simpleton. She used to stammer and
her face was disfigured by pock-marks.She was neither wise nor beautiful. She
was ill- treated by everyone. She was sent to school as she supposedly had no
future. But her education changed her personality .Her teacher's love and
affection moulded her She became confident and bold. She knew what was good
or what was bad Her father agreed to marry her to Bishamber. But she didn't
accept to marry the lame, old and greedy man.Education had, thus, turned Bholi
into a fearless, bold and confident girl. She even chose her future rightly. She told
her parents that she would serve them in old age. Thus, she became an
inspiration for all girls and became a teacher in the same school from where she
had studied.