Idioms 28.3
Idioms 28.3
Idioms 28.3
3. better late than never: doing something late is better than not doing it at all.
Example of Use: "Sorry I was late for the meeting today; I got stuck in traffic."
Answer: "That's okay; better late than never."
5. pass the hat around: to try to collect money by asking people or organizations
6. the game was up: a dishonest plan or activity has been discovered and will no
longer be allowed to continue
9. on pins and needles: to be very anxious or nervous because you are waiting to
see if something happens the way you want it to
10. come to mind: Be recollected, occur to one / you think of it without making
any effort
11. come clean: be completely honest; keep nothing hidden. As evidence piled
up, she was forced to come clean about her criminal activity
12. on the dot: exactly at a particular time. She arrived at 3 o'clock on the dot
13. over the top: the special effects are a bit over the top but I enjoyed it
14. the fat is in the fire: A course of action with inevitable bad consequences has
begun; there's trouble ahead
15. hit the jackpot: to win the largest prize in a competition or game. to have a big
success or make a big profit, usually through luck: He seems to have hit the
jackpot with his new invention