Smart India Hackathon 2024: Title Page
Smart India Hackathon 2024: Title Page
Smart India Hackathon 2024: Title Page
• Problem Statement ID – 1586
• PS Category- Software
❖ Node.js with Express.js
❖ RESTful API For data and functionality
❖ Netlify Product Status: 90% product built completed and further build is
on progress. Testing and validation process are next to be
❖ Encourages Self-Paced Learning: Students can learn at their own ❖ Integrated Learning Tools: Combines notes, videos, and quizzes
pace, revisiting materials and assessments as needed, which in a single platform, offering a cohesive learning experience
supports different learning speeds and schedules. with immediate feedback and performance tracking.
❖ Enhances Learning Experience: Combines diverse learning ❖ Skill Monitoring Dashboard: Centralizes student progress and
materials (notes, videos, quizzes) in a unified platform, catering to skill tracking in a clear, accessible format to help educators and
different learning styles and enhancing overall comprehension. students stay informed and focused.
❖ Interactive Features:The integration of AI tools for tasks like ❖ Interactive Chatbot: Features Quanta, a personalized chatbot,
translation and text rewriting adds value by making the website to provide instant assistance and enhance user engagement.
more interactive and user-friendly.
❖ Credibility and Trust: The website has a polished and professional ❖ Enhanced Security: Incorporates industry-standard security
look, which helps build trust with the audience. practices to protect user data and maintain privacy.