Coles GEV
Coles GEV
Coles GEV
Theorem 3.1 If there exist sequences of constants {an > 0} and {bn}
such that
Pr{(Mn- bn)fan ~ z}--+ G(z) as n--+ oo,
where G is a non-degenerate distribution function, then G belongs to one
of the following families:
III: G(z) = {
exp{-[-{z-;;b)a]}, z < b,
1, z 2:: b,
for parameters a > 0, b and, in the case of families II and III, a > 0. 0
In words, Theorem 3.1 states that the rescaled sample maxima (Mn -
bn)/an converge in distribution to a variable having a distribution within
one of the families labeled I, II and III. Collectively, these three classes
of distribution are termed the extreme value distributions, with types
I, II and III widely known as the Gumbel, Frechet and Weibull fami-
lies respectively. Each family has a location and scale parameter, band a
respectively; additionally, the Frechet and Weibull families have a shape
parameter a.
Theorem 3.1 implies that, when Mn can be stabilized with suitable se-
quences {an} and {bn}, the corresponding normalized variable M~ has a
limiting distribution that must be one of the three types of extreme value
distribution. The remarkable feature of this result is that the three types
of extreme value distributions are the only possible limits for the distribu-
tions of the M~, regardless of the distribution F for the population. It is in
this sense that the theorem provides an extreme value analog of the central
limit theorem.
48 3. Classical Extreme Value Theory and Models
defined on the set {z : 1 + e(z- J.L)/u > 0}, where the parameters satisfy
-oo < J.L < oo, u > 0 and -oo < < oo. This is the generalized extreme
value (GEV) family of distributions. The model has three parameters: a
location parameter, J.Lj a scale parameter, Uj and a shape parameter, e.
The type II and type III classes of extreme value distribution correspond
e e
respectively to the cases > 0 and < 0 in this parameterization. The
subset of the GEV family with = 0 is interpreted as the limit of (3.2) as
e -+ 0, leading to the Gumbel family with distribution function
Theorem 3.1.1 If there exist sequences of constants {an > 0} and {bn}
such that
Pr{(Mn- bn)fan ~ z}-+ G(z) as n-+ oo (3.3)
for a non-degenerate distribution function G, then G is a member of the
GEV family
defined on {z : 1 + e(z- J.L)/u > 0}, where -oo < J.L < oo, (j > 0 and
-oo < < 00. 0
Interpreting the limit in Theorem 3.1.1 as an approximation for large
values of n suggests the use of the GEV family for modeling the distribution
of maxima of long sequences. The apparent difficulty that the normalizing
constants will be unknown in practice is easily resolved. Assuming (3.3),
GEV family for large n, the distribution of Mn itself can also be approxi-
mated by a different member of the same family. Since the parameters of
the distribution have to be estimated anyway, it is irrelevant in practice
that the parameters of the distribution G are different from those of G*.
This argument leads to the following approach for modeling extremes
of a series of independent observations X1, X2, .. .. Data are blocked into
sequences of observations of length n, for some large value of n, generating a
series of block maxima, Mn, 1 , ... , Mn,m, say, to which the GEV distribution
can be fitted. Often the blocks are chosen to correspond to a time period
of length one year, in which case n is the number of observations in a year
and the block maxima are annual maxima. Estimates of extreme quantiles
of the annual maximum distribution are then obtained by inverting Eq.
z ={ p-f[1-{-log{1-p)}-(], fore¥ 0,
P J.t- a log{ -log{1- p)}, fore= 0,
where G(zp) = 1 - p. In common terminology, Zp is the return level
associated with the return period 1/p, since to a reasonable degree of
accuracy, the level zp is expected to be exceeded on average once every
1 j p years. More precisely, zp is exceeded by the annual maximum in any
particular year with probability p.
Since quantiles enable probability models to be expressed on the scale of
data, the relationship of the GEV model to its parameters is most easily
interpreted in terms of the quantile expressions (3.4). In particular, defining
Yv = -log(1 - p), so that