Model Building
Model Building
Model Building
The tethers restraining the arch should be configured so that the arch sits approximately mid-
water (i.e. 60m depth).
There are two tethers systems; one at either end of the arch, as shown in Figure 2-2 Each ‘tether
system’ is composed of a vertical tether extending from the seabed to just below the arch and two
short bridles (each 4m in length) then form the connection between the top of each vertical tether
and the arch itself – see Figure 2-2.
The vertical tethers are constructed from 75mm nominal diameter ‘wire with wire core’ rope. (The
line type wizard can be used to create the tether roper properties). Connecting each vertical tether
to the arch itself are two short bridles lines. For modelling purposes, these can be assumed to
have the same properties as the main tethers.
There are four risers going over the arch. These have the following properties.
1.2 Objective
To construct the mid-water arch model and establish the correct tether length to place the arch at
the correct position in the water column.
Also, to check whether the arch buoyancy is sufficient to prevent the arch from ‘sinking’ under the
weight of the risers. If you have time, you could try adjusting the arch mass and volume to see
what happens when the volume gets too low.
Take a look at the standard OrcaFlex examples (Section A, available for download from the Orcina
website) for guidance. The risers can be assumed to lie directly on the outer surface of the arch so
you don’t need to model any troughs etc.
Remember that lines and buoys don’t contact each other in OrcaFlex, therefore the risers won’t
contact the arch unless you also attach an elastic solid shape to the buoy to represent the arch
If time permits, try also applying some current and waves to the system. (A current of 1m/s with
the default wave height and period would be reasonable).
2.3 Objective
To model the system as described and to find suitable buoyancy to hold each line in a lazy wave
configuration – see the OrcaFlex example A01 Catenary and Wave Systems | A01 Lazy Wave Riser.sim,
available here, for more details on how to model this type of system. The number of buoyancy
modules required should be kept to a minimum.
Tip: As an initial estimate try to position the ‘hog’ bend of the lazy wave about 1/3rd of the water
depth up from the seabed. This is roughly sketched below. Having the hog bend in this position is
only an initial ‘guess’ (and the final position would likely be very different based on load case
results) but this will give you something to aim for when selecting your buoyancy.
Sea surface
And are positioned along a path which comprises of a straight section 20m long, followed by a
100m section with a bend radius of 150m, as shown below: -
The rollers are spaced every 5m along the straight section, and every 12m along the curved
section. They are positioned 1m above the path (z offset).
3.2 Objective
Build the stinger and pipe arrangement as described above.
Tip: use the ‘Simple’ method of geometry specification.
Run statics – does the pipe sit on the stinger correctly?
Set up the pipe so that it has a top tension of 180kN.
Tip: use the Line Setup Wizard
Study the results clearance and reaction force results for the supports. Which rollers are not in
contact with the pipe? What changes can you make to improve the roller arrangement for this