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Protein Folding

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Protein Folding in the Cytoplasm and the

Heat Shock Response

R. Martin Vabulas, Swasti Raychaudhuri, Manajit Hayer-Hartl, and F. Ulrich Hartl

Department of Cellular Biochemistry, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Am Klopferspitz 18, D-82152
Martinsried, Germany
Correspondence: uhartl@biochem.mpg.de

Proteins generally must fold into precise three-dimensional conformations to fulfill their
biological functions. In the cell, this fundamental process is aided by molecular chaperones,
which act in preventing protein misfolding and aggregation. How this machinery assists
newly synthesized polypeptide chains in navigating the complex folding energy landscape
is now being understood in considerable detail. The mechanisms that ensure the mainten-
ance of a functional proteome under normal and stress conditions are also of great medical
relevance, as the aggregation of proteins that escape the cellular quality control underlies a
range of debilitating diseases, including many age-of-onset neurodegenerative disorders.

roteins are the conformationally most com- components are so-called heat shock or stress
P plex and versatile biological macromole-
cules. They are responsible for almost all cellular
proteins. Their major role is to prevent protein
misfolding and aggregation, both under normal
functions. It is thus not surprising that cells conditions and under the influence of stresses
have evolved an elaborate machinery to ensure that increase the concentrations of improperly
the proper quality of their proteome. Pioneer- folded proteins. Together with the ubiquitin
ing experiments by Anfinsen over four decades proteasome system and other machinery for
ago showed that proteins can fold spontane- the clearance of misfolded species, the chaper-
ously in vitro, providing the fundamental in- one system constitutes the central element of
sight that the linear sequence of the polypeptide cellular protein quality control or proteostasis.
chain contains all necessary information to In this article we are reviewing the principles
specify a protein’s three-dimensional structure of chaperone action in the cytoplasm and the
(Anfinsen 1973). These findings suggested that mechanisms that allow cells to manage condi-
protein folding inside cells may also be a spon- tions of cytoplasmic conformational stress. Un-
taneous process. However, since the late 1980s derstanding the precisely balanced nature of
it has become clear that in the cell, a large frac- the proteostasis network and the reasons for
tion of newly synthesized proteins require assis- its gradual failure during aging is of great med-
tance from molecular chaperones to reach their ical interest in light of the growing number of
folded states efficiently and at a biologically age-of-onset diseases that are caused by protein
relevant time-scale (Hartl 1996). Many of these aggregation.

Editors: Richard Morimoto, Jeff Kelly, and Dennis Selkoe

Additional Perspectives on Protein Homeostasis available at www.cshperspectives.org
Copyright # 2010 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a004390
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010;2:a004390

R.M. Vabulas et al.

FOLDING AND AGGREGATION typically does not occur as an all-at-once proc-

ess but involves intermediates. Their formation
Although the physical principles of protein is considered the rule for larger proteins .100
folding have been studied intensely for almost amino acids (90% of all proteins in a cell),
50 years, how the final fold (and the folding which have a significant tendency to rapidly col-
process) is determined by the amino acid se- lapse in aqueous solution into compact non-
quence remains one of the most important native conformations (Brockwell and Radford
problems in biology (Fersht 2008). Several ideas 2007; Bartlett and Radford 2009). Such inter-
to explain the mechanisms of folding have been mediates either represent on-pathway “stepping
proposed from experiment and simulation. The stones” toward the native state or kinetically sta-
famous Levinthal paradox indicated that fold- ble, misfolded conformations that may require
ing cannot occur by a stochastic exploration of substantial reorganization before the native
all possible conformations, for even a small pro- state can be reached. The formation of metasta-
tein would need a biologically unrealistic time ble, non-native interactions during folding is
frame to do so (Levinthal 1968). Indeed, the interpreted as a consequence of the ruggedness
attractive and repulsive forces between neigh- of the funnel-shaped folding energy landscape
boring amino acid residues favor certain con- (Fig. 1) (Onuchic and Wolynes 2004; Jahn and
formations of individual amino acids in the Radford 2005; Lindberg and Oliveberg 2007).
polypeptide chain, thereby dramatically reduc- The propensity to populate such misfolded states
ing the conformational space and the number increases with topologically complex fold types
of possible folding pathways available. Folding that are stabilized by long-range interactions



folded states Oligomers


Amyloid fibrils

Intramolecular contacts Intermolecular contacts

Figure 1. Energy landscape of protein folding and aggregation. The light blue surface shows the multitude of
conformations “funneling” to the native state via intramolecular contacts and the dark blue area the conforma-
tions moving toward amorphous aggregates or amyloid fibrils via intermolecular contacts. Both parts of the
energy surface overlap. Aggregate formation can occur from intermediates populated during de novo folding
or by destabilization of the native state and is normally prevented by molecular chaperones. Cell-toxic oligomers
may occur as off-pathway intermediates of amyloid fibril formation. (Reprinted, with permission of Macmillan
Publishers Ltd., from Hartl and Hayer-Hartl 2009.)

2 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010;2:a004390

Protein Folding in the Cytoplasm and the Heat Shock Response

(e.g., a/b domain architectures) or when pro- largely precludes folding beyond the formation
teins contain multiple domains that are separate of a-helical elements (Woolhead et al. 2004; Lu
in the native state but may interact during fold- and Deutsch 2005) and thus prevents the car-
ing (Netzer and Hartl 1997; Wright et al. 2005). boxy-terminal 40 – 60 amino acid (aa) residues
Partially folded or misfolded states often of the chain to engage in tertiary interactions.
tend to aggregate because these forms typically As a consequence, productive folding can only
expose hydrophobic amino acid residues and occur after a complete protein or at least a do-
regions of unstructured polypeptide backbone, main (50 to 300 aa in length) has emerged
features that are largely buried in the native from the ribosome, consistent with recent sim-
state. Like intramolecular folding, aggregation, ulations of nascent chain folding (Elcock 2006).
i.e., the association of two or more non-native Because translation is relatively slow (25 –
protein molecules, is driven by hydrophobic 120 s for a 500 aa protein), nascent chains are
forces and predominantly results in the forma- exposed in partially folded, aggregation-sensi-
tion of amorphous structures that lack long- tive states for prolonged periods of time, es-
range order (Fig. 1). Alternatively, aggregation pecially in eukaryotic cells where polypeptide
can lead to the formation of ordered, fibrillar chains are on average longer and translation is
assemblies called amyloid, in which b-strands slower than in prokaryotes. Moreover, non-na-
run perpendicular to the long fibril axis (cross-b tive intra- or interchain contacts formed during
structure) (Fig. 1). Although apparently restric- translation could block folding on completion
ted to a subset of proteins under physiologi- of synthesis and favor aggregation. Although
cal conditions, these thermodynamically very the specific relative arrangement of ribosomes
stable structures are accessible to many proteins in poly-ribosome complexes helps to reduce in-
under denaturing conditions, largely indepen- terchain contacts (Brandt et al. 2009), molecular
dent of sequence, suggesting that their forma- chaperones interact cotranslationally with many
tion is an inherent property of the polypeptide if not most nascent polypeptides and inhibit
chain (Dobson 2003). Importantly, this type their premature (mis)folding and aggregation.
of protein aggregation often involves the forma- We define a molecular chaperone as any
tion of less ordered, oligomeric intermediates, protein that interacts, stabilizes, or helps a non-
which are thought to be highly toxic for eukary- native protein to acquire its native conforma-
otic cells (Haass and Selkoe 2007), giving rise to tion, but is not present in the final functional
neurodegenerative diseases, systemic amyloido- structure (Hartl 1996; Hartl and Hayer-Hartl
ses, and other disorders. 2009). Chaperones are involved in a multitude
of cellular functions, including de novo fold-
ing, refolding of stress-denatured proteins, oligo-
meric assembly, intracellular protein transport,
and assistance in proteolytic degradation. The
Aggregation is a concentration dependent chaperones that participate broadly in protein
process and is greatly enhanced in the highly biogenesis, such as the Hsp70s and chaperonins
crowded environment of the cell (Zimmerman (Hsp60s), promiscuously recognize hydropho-
and Trach 1991; Ellis and Minton 2006), which bic amino acid side-chains exposed by non-na-
results in excluded volume effects that substan- tive proteins and promote folding through ATP-
tially enhance the affinities between folding in- regulated binding and release cycles. Chaperone
termediates. The translation process further binding blocks aggregation, whereas transient
increases the risk of misfolding and aggregation, release of bound hydrophobic regions is neces-
because incomplete polypeptide chains are sary for folding to proceed. It is important to
unable to fold into stable native conformations. realize that chaperones act not by contributing
Additionally, the exit channel of the large ribo- steric information to the folding process, but
somal subunit, which is approximately 100 Å rather by optimizing the efficiency of folding.
long but at most 20 Å wide (Ban et al. 2000), Notably, a number of essential proteins, such

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R.M. Vabulas et al.

as actins and tubulins, encounter high energetic et al. 2009). RAC consist of the Hsp70 homologs
barriers in folding and are unable to reach their Ssb1/2, Ssz1, and the Hsp40 homolog zuotin
native states in the absence of chaperones. Their in Saccharomyces cerevisiae or of Hsp70L1/
folding is mediated by barrel-shaped chap- Mpp11, homologs of Ssz1/zuotin, in higher
eronins, a specialized chaperone class. Because eukaryotes (Hundley et al. 2005; Otto et al.
mutations often disrupt a protein’s ability to 2005). Additionally, archaea and eukarya con-
fold, it follows that the chaperone system is also tain the nascent chain-associated complex,
important in buffering such deleterious mu- NAC (Chang et al. 2007; Tang et al. 2007;
tations (Maisnier-Patin et al. 2005; Tang et al. Kramer et al. 2009) (Fig. 2B,C). Among these,
2006). This buffering function is thought to the function of TF is best understood. TF is an
be critical in the evolution of new protein func- abundant 50 kDa protein, consisting of an
tions and phenotypic traits (Rutherford and amino-terminal ribosome-binding domain, a
Lindquist 1998; Kerner et al. 2005; Maisnier- peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase) domain, and
Patin et al. 2005; Tokuriki and Tawfik 2009). a carboxy-terminal domain, the latter being
Different classes of structurally unrelated positioned in the structure between the ami-
chaperones have been described (Chang et al. no and PPIase domains (Ferbitz et al. 2004)
2007; Tang et al. 2007). Their members are often (Fig. 3A, left panel). All three domains partici-
known as stress proteins or heat shock proteins pate in binding to hydrophobic elements of
(Hsp),astheyareup-regulatedbycellsundercon- nascent chains. The amino-domain mediates
ditions of conformational stress in which the the interaction with the ribosome (Kaiser et al.
concentrations of aggregation-prone folding in- 2006; Lakshmipathy et al. 2007; Merz et al.
termediates increase. Chaperones are usually 2008). The carboxy-domain, containing two
classified according to their molecular weight armlike protrusions, is the major binding re-
(Hsp40, Hsp60, Hsp70, Hsp90, Hsp100 and gion for hydrophobic nascent chain segments
the so-called small Hsps). With some excep- (Merz et al. 2006; Lakshmipathy et al. 2007).
tions, members of all these classes are present Ribosome binding causes a conformational ap-
throughout the three kingdoms of life. erture of TF, presumably activating TF for nas-
cent chain interaction (Fig. 3A, right panel)
(Baram et al. 2005; Schlunzen et al. 2005; Kaiser
et al. 2006). Chain release from TF is ATP-in-
The chaperone pathways acting in protein fold- dependent and is probably facilitated by the
ing in the cytosol follow general organizational tendency of the bound polypeptide to bury
principles (Frydman 2001; Hartl and Hayer- hydrophobic regions. This may occur to some
Hartl 2002). In all three domains of life, a first extent within the protected environment of TF
tier of ribosome-associated chaperones func- (Ferbitz et al. 2004; Merz et al. 2008). However,
tion in stabilizing nascent polypeptides on ribo- when a nascent chain exposes strongly hydro-
somes and initiating their folding, whereas a phobic segments, TF may leave the ribosome
second tier of components act downstream in while remaining associated with the elongating
completing the folding process (Fig. 2) (Langer chain (Fig. 3A, right panel) (Agashe et al. 2004).
et al. 1992; Albanese et al. 2006). Both systems The eventual dissociation of TF facilitates
cooperate in coherent pathways. folding or polypeptide transfer to downstream
chaperones, such as the Hsp70 protein DnaK.
Evidence has also been presented for an alter-
native role of TF in the assembly of certain
This group of chaperones includes bacterial trig- ribosomal proteins (Martinez-Hackert and
ger factor (TF) (Fig. 2A) and eukaryotic ri- Hendrickson 2009). In this case, TF is thought
bosome-associated complex (RAC) (Fig. 2B,C), to transiently stabilize the folded structure of a
both of which dock on to the large ribosomal nonassembled subunit predominantly through
subunit close to the polypeptide exit site (Kramer electrostatic interactions.

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Protein Folding in the Cytoplasm and the Heat Shock Response

Bacteria Archaea Eukarya


DnaJ Hsp40 RAC Hsp40
DnaK DnaJ
(Hsp70) (Hsp40)
N DnaK Hsp70 Hsp70
~70 %

+ GrpE, ATP + cofactors + NEFs + NEFs

Other N Hsp90 + ATP + ATP
chaperones N N
~20 % system N
~20 %


~10 % ~10 %

Figure 2. Protein folding in the cytosol. (A) Models for the chaperone-assisted folding of newly synthesized poly-
peptides in the cytosol. Bacteria (left panel). TF, trigger factor; N, native protein. Nascent chains probably inter-
act generally with TF, and most small proteins (70% of total) may fold rapidly on synthesis without further
assistance. Longer chains interact subsequently with DnaK and DnaJ (Hsp70 system) and fold on one or several
cycles of ATP-dependent binding and release (20% of total). About 10% of chains transit the chaperonin sys-
tem (GroEL and GroES) for folding. (B) Archaea (middle panel). PFD, prefoldin; NAC, nascent chain-associated
complex. Note that only some archaeal species contain DnaK/DnaJ. (C ) Eukarya (right panel). Like TF, NAC
(nascent chain associated complex) probably interacts generally with nascent chains, but the role of NAC in fold-
ing is not yet clear. About 20% of chains reach their native states in a reaction assisted by RAC (ribosome asso-
ciated complex), Hsp70, and Hsp40. A fraction of these must be transferred to Hsp90 for folding. About 10% of
chains are co- or posttranslationally passed on to the chaperonin TRiC in a reaction mediated by Hsp70 and
PFD, both of which interact directly with TRiC. PFD recognizes the nascent chains of certain TRiC substrates,
including actin and tubulins. (Modified, with permission of The American Association for the Advancement of
Science, from Hartl and Hayer-Hartl 2002.)

THE HSP70 CHAPERONE FAMILY members consist of an amino-terminal ATPase

and a carboxy-terminal substrate binding do-
All cells, except certain archaea, contain consti- main, the latter being composed of a b-sand-
tutive and stress-inducible cytosolic Hsp70s that wich subdomain and an a-helical lid segment
do not bind directly to the ribosome, such as (Zhu et al. 1996) (Fig. 3B, left panel). The b-
bacterial DnaK, yeast Ssa1-4, and the Hsc70/ sandwich recognizes extended, approximately
Hsp70 proteins of higher eukaryotes (Chang seven-residue segments enriched with hydro-
et al. 2007). Besides co- or post-translationally phobic amino acids (Rüdiger et al. 1997). Such
assisting in the folding of approximately 20% segments occur on average every 50 – 100 resi-
of newly synthesized polypeptides (Teter et al. dues in proteins but are typically only exposed
1999; Thulasiraman et al. 1999), these com- in nascent or non-native chains. The a-helical
ponents have a variety of additional functions, lid and a conformational change in the b-sand-
including protein trafficking and assistance in wich domain regulate the affinity state for pep-
the proteolytic degradation of terminally mis- tide in an ATP-dependent manner (Mayer et al.
folded proteins. Hsp70s generally function in 2000; Pellecchia et al. 2000). In the ATP-bound
cooperation with Hsp40 or J-proteins and with state, the lid adopts an open conformation,
various nucleotide exchange factors (NEFs). As allowing peptide binding. Hydrolysis of ATP
a common structural feature, all Hsp70 family to ADP is strongly accelerated by Hsp40, leading

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R.M. Vabulas et al.

domain Translation

C-domain t1/2 = ~10 s 3


Fast 4
1 Fast
5 N DnaK

B Hsp70
+ Pi
Peptide: 1 2
1 381 646
H2N ATPase Peptide binding EEVD-COOH NEF 3
NEF DnaJ/Hsp40 TPR proteins
N 5
GrpE Hop/p60
Bag-1 CHIP Chaperonin
HspBP1/Fes1 /Hsp90

Figure 3. Chaperone paradigms: Trigger factor and Hsp70 system. (A) Trigger factor (TF): The left panel shows
the domain structure of TF, including the FRK ribosome-binding loop in the amino-domain (PDB 1W26) (Fer-
bitz et al. 2004), and the right panel shows a model of the TF reaction cycle (modified from Kaiser et al. [2006]).
(1) Free TF is in rapid equilibrium between monomeric and dimeric states. (2) TF monomer binds to nontrans-
lating ribosomes with a KD of 1 mM and a mean residence time of approximately 10 seconds. Ribosome bind-
ing causes a conformational expansion of TF and may activate TF for interaction with nascent chains. (3)
Nascent chains that interact weakly with TF may begin to compact cotranslationally in the vicinity of TF. Release
of TF from nascent chain coincides with TF dissociation from the ribosome and allows completion of folding to
native state (N). (4) Structurally more complex proteins may strongly interact with TF. TF remains bound to
nascent chain after dissociating from the ribosome and a new TF molecule can enter at the ribosome. Eventual
chain dissociation from TF facilitates transfer to DnaK or folding. (5) Released TF enters the monomer-dimer
pool. (B) Hsp70 system. Left panel: Structures of the ATPase domain (PDB 1DKG) and the peptide-binding
domain (PDB 1DKZ) (Zhu et al. 1996) of Hsp70 shown representatively for Escherichia coli DnaK. The a-helical
lid of the peptide binding domain is shown in yellow and the extended peptide substrate as a ball-and-stick
model in pink. ATP indicates the position of the nucleotide binding site. The amino acid sequence of the peptide
is indicated in single-letter code. The interaction of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cofactors with Hsp70 is shown
schematically. Residue numbers refer to human Hsp70. Only the Hsp70 proteins of the eukaryotic cytosol have
the COOH-terminal sequence EEVD that is involved in binding of tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) cofactors
(Scheufler et al. 2000). Right panel: Hsp70 reaction cycle. NEF, nucleotide exchange factor (GrpE in case of
E. coli DnaK; Bag, HspBP1, and Hsp110 in case of eukaryotic cytosolic Hsp70). N, native protein. (A,B: Modified
with permission from Hartl and Hayer-Hartl 2009.)

6 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010;2:a004390

Protein Folding in the Cytoplasm and the Heat Shock Response

to lid closure and stable peptide binding (Fig. The GroEL/GroES chaperonin system of
3B, right panel). Interaction of substrate with E. coli has been studied most extensively (Hartl
Hsp70 is mediated by the so-called J-domain 1996; Hartl and Hayer-Hartl 2002; Horwich
that is present in all Hsp40s (Mayer et al. 2000). et al. 2007). GroEL interacts with at least approx-
Hsp40s also interact directly with unfolded imately 250 different cytosolic proteins. Most of
polypeptides and can recruit Hsp70 to protein these are between 20 and 50 kDa in size and have
substrates (Fig. 3B, right panel) (Young et al. complex a/b or aþb domain topologies (Ker-
2003). Following ATP-hydrolysis, various NEFs ner et al. 2005). Such proteins are stabilized by
(GrpE in bacteria; Bag, HspBP1, or Hsp110 in many long-range interactions and tend to popu-
eukaryotes) bind to the Hsp70 ATPase domain late kinetically trapped folding intermediates
and catalyze ADP-ATP exchange, which results (Gromiha and Selvaraj 2004). The GroEL dou-
in lid-opening and substrate release, thereby ble-ring is composed of approximately 57 kDa
completing the reaction cycle (Fig. 3B, right subunits that consist of an equatorial ATPase
panel). domain, an intermediate hinge-domain, and an
Hsp70-mediated folding and prevention of apical substrate-binding domain. The apical do-
aggregation may be explained by a process of mains expose hydrophobic amino acid residues
kinetic partitioning: Binding of Hsp70 to non- for substrate binding toward the ring center.
native substrate hinders aggregation by transi- GroES is a heptameric ring of approximately 10
ently shielding exposed hydrophobic segments. kDa subunits that covers the ends of the GroEL
Release allows fast-folding molecules (or do- cylinder (Fig. 4A, left panel) (Xu et al. 1997;
mains) to bury hydrophobic residues, whereas Horwich et al. 2007). Recent biophysical meas-
molecules that need longer than a few seconds urements have shown that GroEL-bound sub-
to fold will rebind to Hsp70 and avoid aggre- strates populate non-native states that lack stable
gation. A subset of proteins that are unable to tertiary interactions (Fig. 4A, right panel) (Horst
partition to fast-folding trajectories on Hsp70 et al. 2005; Hillger et al. 2008; Sharma et al. 2008).
cycling remain stabilized in a nonaggregated Folding depends on the global encapsulation of
state and must be transferred into the special- the substrate in the chaperonin ring by GroES
ized environment of the chaperonin cage for (Fig. 4A, right panel) (Brinker et al. 2001; Tang
folding (Langer et al. 1992; Kerner et al. 2005). et al. 2006; Horwich et al. 2007). GroES binding
is ATP-regulated and causes a dramatic confor-
mational change of the system that leads to the
formation of a cage with a highly hydrophilic,
Chaperonins are large double-ring complexes net-negatively charged inner wall. Encapsulated
of approximately 800 kDa. Two groups of protein up to approximately 60 kDa is free to
chaperonin exist (Horwich et al. 2007; Tang fold in this environment for 10–15 seconds, the
et al. 2007): Group I chaperonins (also called time needed for ATP hydrolysis in the GroES-
Hsp60s) occur in bacteria (GroEL), mitochon- bound ring (cis-ring). Protein substrate leaves
dria, and chloroplasts. They have seven-mem- the cage on GroES dissociation, which is induced
bered rings and functionally cooperate with by ATP binding in the opposite ring (trans-ring).
Hsp10 proteins (GroES in bacteria), which Not-yet folded substrate rapidly rebinds to GroEL
form the lid of the folding cage. The group II for further folding attempts (Fig. 4A, right panel).
chaperonins in archaea (thermosome) and in Proteins that exceed the size limit of the chap-
the eukaryotic cytosol (TRiC/CCT) have eight- eronin cage (60 kDa) either use the Hsp70 sys-
or nine-membered rings. They are independent tem for folding (Agashe et al. 2004; Kerner et al.
of Hsp10 factors, as their lid function is built 2005) or may reach native state through binding
into the chaperonin ring in the form of special- and release from GroEL without encapsulation
ized a-helical extensions. Unlike the Hsp70s, (Chaudhuri et al. 2001).
the chaperonins promote folding through ATP- Enclosing unfolded protein, one molecule
regulated cycles of global protein encapsulation. at a time, avoids aggregation during folding.

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R.M. Vabulas et al.

intermediate 5
DnaK 6

cis DnaJ
~184 Å Segmental GroES + ATP

Stretching release

GroEL GroEL ~10 s
ADP ADP <100 ms ADP
trans GroES Pi
Incompletely Native
~1 s
1 2 3 4

B N domain

p23 ATP

Aha1 Hop
ADP, Pi 2 Cdc37
M domain ~127 Å 4


C domain

Figure 4. Chaperone paradigms: Chaperonins and Hsp90 system. (A) The GroEL-GroES chaperonin. Left panel:
Crystal structure of the asymmetric GroEL-GroES complex (PDB 1AON) (Xu et al. 1997). Cis, the GroES-bound
chamber of GroEL. Trans, the opposite GroEL ring. Right panel: Working model summarizing the conforma-
tional changes in a substrate protein on transfer from DnaK/DnaJ (Hsp70 system) to GroEL and during
GroEL/GroES-mediated folding. Note that binding of a second substrate molecule to the open ring of GroEL
in steps 4 and 5 as well as the transient formation of a symmetrical GroEL-GroES2 complex is omitted for sim-
plicity. (1) Substrate protein may be delivered to GroEL by DnaK/DnaJ in a nonaggregated, but kinetically
trapped state. On binding to GroEL it undergoes local unfolding to an ensemble of expanded and more compact
conformations. (2) ATP-dependent domain movement of the apical GroEL domains result in stretching of
tightly bound regions of substrate and in release and partial compaction of less stably bound regions. (3) Com-
paction is completed on substrate encapsulation by GroES. (4) Folding in the chaperonin cage. (5) Substrate
release on GroES dissociation. (6) Rebinding of incompletely folded states. N, native state; I, folding intermedi-
ate. (Reprinted, with permission of Macmillan Publishers Ltd., from Hartl and Hayer-Hartl 2009.) (B) The
Hsp90 system. Left panel: Crystal structure of the Hsp90 dimer from S. cerevisiae with the regulator p23 bound
to the amino-domain (PDB 2CG9) (Ali et al. 2006). Right panel: ATPase cycle of Hsp90. On ATP binding (1) the
amino-terminal ATPase domain (ND) of Hsp90 undergoes a conformational change leading to the closure of
the ATP lid. After lid closure, the first 24 amino acid residues of each Hsp90 monomer dimerize and the first
b-strand and a-helix swap to associate with the ND of the other monomer (2). Furthermore, in each monomer,
the ND contacts the corresponding M-domain (MD). This metastable conformation is committed for ATP
hydrolysis (3). This results in a compaction of the Hsp90 dimer, in which the individual monomers twist around
each other. After hydrolysis (4), the NDs dissociate and both monomers separate amino-terminally. Various
cofactors regulate this cycle: Cdc37, which delivers certain kinase substrates to Hsp90, inhibits the ATPase activ-
ity, and Hop, a TPR-protein that joins Hsp70 to Hsp90, inhibits ND dimerization. Aha1 stimulates ATP hydrol-
ysis, whereas p23 stabilizes the dimerized form of Hsp90 before ATP hydrolysis. These factors are thought to
adjust the kinetic properties of the cycle to achieve certain conformational transitions in Hsp90-bound client
proteins, as well as their release from Hsp90. (Modified, with permission, from Wandinger et al. 2008.)

8 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010;2:a004390

Protein Folding in the Cytoplasm and the Heat Shock Response

In addition, an effect of steric confinement like- the co-chaperone prefoldin (Geissler et al. 1998;
ly modulates the folding energy landscape. No- Vainberg et al. 1998; Leroux et al. 1999; Siegers
tably, larger substrates fully occupy the limited et al. 1999; Siegert et al. 2000), which functions
volume of the GroEL/GroES nano-cage (Clare in substrate transfer to chaperonin (Martin-
et al. 2009). Although it has been suggested that Benito et al. 2002). Substrate transfer to TRiC
the chaperonin merely functions as a passive is also mediated by Hsp70, consistent with the
aggregation-prevention device (Apetri and Hor- general sequence of chaperone interactions in
wich 2008), other studies provided evidence the cytosolic folding pathway (Langer et al.
that encapsulation can substantially accelerate 1992; Frydman et al. 1994) (Fig. 2). Hsp70
folding over the rate of spontaneous folding appears to fulfill this role by interacting directly
(measured in the absence of aggregation) (Brin- with TRiC (Cuellar et al. 2008).
ker et al. 2001; Tang et al. 2006; Chakraborty TRiC/CCT interacts with approximately 10
et al. 2010). This rate acceleration may be % of newly synthesized cytosolic proteins (Thu-
attributed to steric confinement entropically lasiraman et al. 1999; Gavin et al. 2002; Spiess
destabilizing misfolded states and promoting et al. 2004), including actin and tubulins as
their conversion to more compact, native-like the most abundant substrates (Gao et al. 1992;
conformations, consistent with confinement Yaffe et al. 1992). TRiC substrates do not share
theory (Baumketner et al. 2003; Hayer-Hartl any apparent similarity in sequence or struc-
and Minton 2006). Mutational analysis showed ture, except for a certain preponderance of
that the polar residues of the cavity wall are proteins with WD40 b-propeller domains (Ho
critical in this process (Wang et al. 2002; Tang et al. 2002; Valpuesta et al. 2002). Several sub-
et al. 2006; Tang et al. 2008). These polar resi- strates are 100– 120 kDa in size, suggesting
dues are expected to promote folding by accu- that TRiC may be able to assist the co-transla-
mulating ordered water molecules in their tional folding of individual domains of larger
vicinity, thereby generating a local environment proteins, consistent with its capacity to interact
in which a substrate protein is forced to bury with nascent polypeptide chains (Frydman et al.
exposed hydrophobic residues more effectively 1994; Etchells et al. 2005). As in the case of
(England et al. 2008). Other elements of the GroEL, protein folding by TRiC involves ATP-
chaperonin mechanism may also contribute to dependent substrate encapsulation in the chap-
accelerating folding. For example, it has been eronin cavity (Meyer et al. 2003; Shimon et al.
suggested that repeated unfolding events in 2008). The TRiC reaction cycle is much slower
successive binding and release cycles may help than that of GroEL, potentially providing a sub-
to reverse kinetically trapped states (“iterative stantially longer period of protein encapsula-
annealing”) (Thirumalai and Lorimer 2001; tion and folding in the chaperonin cage.
Lin et al. 2008).
The group II chaperonin in the eukaryotic
cytosol is called TRiC (for TCP-1 ring complex)
or CCT (for chaperonin containing TCP-1). It Hsp90 is another important chaperone system
is hetero-oligomeric and consists of eight paral- that functions downstream of Hsp70 in the fi-
ogous subunits per ring (Frydman 2001). The nal structural maturation and conformational
general domain structure of the group II chap- regulation of a number of signaling molecules
eronins is similar to that of GroEL (Ditzel and transcription factors (Pearl and Prodromou
et al. 1998). However, all group II chaperonins 2006; Zhao and Houry 2007). Hsp90 cooperates
deviate from GroEL in that their apical domains in this process with a multitude of regulators
contain finger-like protrusion, which act as a and cochaperones, many of which contain tet-
built-in lid and replace the function of GroES. ratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains (Scheuf-
These segments open and close in an ATP- ler et al. 2000). As a result, the Hsp90 system
dependent reaction cycle (Meyer et al. 2003). is of considerable complexity and the mecha-
Class II chaperonins interact functionally with nisms by which this machinery mediates client

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protein conformational changes are not yet fully beginning to understand cell stress at the level
understood (Wandinger et al. 2008). However, of precise biochemical mechanisms and net-
recent crystal structures of full-length Hsp90s works. Of central concern are environmental
provided long awaited new information (Ali insults that affect proteostasis, the stability of
et al. 2006; Shiau et al. 2006; Dollins et al. 2007) the proteome (Balch et al. 2008), as its acute or
(Fig. 4B, left panel). Hsp90 functions as a dimer. chronic disturbance is increasingly recognized
Similar to other chaperones, the Hsp90 cycle as the cause of disease. Except perhaps for spe-
is ATP-driven and is accompanied by consider- cific chemical noxes, stress generally affects the
able structural rearrangements (Hessling et al. cell as a system. The classical physical stressors
2009) (Fig. 4B, right panel). How these changes include heat shock and cold shock, osmolality
translate into structural work on a bound client changes, and pH fluctuations. Aging may be con-
protein is not yet clear, however. A number of sidered as a chronic form of proteome stress
cofactors modulate the reaction cycle. Some of (Cohen et al. 2006). Heat shock is the best under-
these, such as the TPR-protein Hop, form a stood stressor in regard to its physico-chemical
link between Hsp90 and Hsp70, facilitating consequences for the proteome. Proteins are
substrate transfer (Scheufler et al. 2000). Hsp90 dynamic polymers that can leave their native
appears to have several substrate interaction conformation, fluctuating into and out of
regions and the interaction strength seems to aggregation-prone, near-native states (Chiti
be strongly influenced by a substrate’s structural and Dobson 2009), and additional input of ther-
flexibility. For example, the exchange of only a mal energy can critically shift the conformational
few amino acids in the viral v-Src renders this equilibrium of a subset of proteins to more
kinase strongly dependent on Hsp90 as com- unfolded states. As a result, the danger of proteins
pared with the cellular c-Src variant (Xu and aggregating via exposed hydrophobic surfaces
Lindquist 1993; Falsone et al. 2004). This ob- increases sharply, explainingtheneedfor the rapid
servation is in line with the proposed role of up-regulation of molecular chaperones (stress
Hsp90 as an evolutionary capacitor in protecting proteins) under these conditions. In a similar
mutated and thus destabilized forms of proteins way cells respond to various covalent modifica-
from degradation (Rutherford and Lindquist tions of proteins, including prominently those
1998; Queitsch et al. 2002; Cowen and Lindquist elicited by reactive oxygen species. Generally,
2005). When displaced from Hsp90 by other cells seem to be better equipped to respond to
denatured proteins under stress conditions, these acute proteome stress than to chronic forms, as
mutant proteins may provide a critical advant- it may occur during aging (Morimoto 2008).
age to the organism, as shown in Drosophila
and plants. The regulatory role of Hsp90 extends
to a large variety of cellular processes, including
vesicular transport, the cell cycle, and cell Molecular chaperones that are transcriptionally
division (McClellan et al. 2007). Because a up-regulated under stress participate in the res-
number of Hsp90 substrates are kinases with toration of proteostasis in various ways. As in de
well-documented roles in tumor development, novo folding, their primary role is to prevent
inhibition of Hsp90 with drugs like geldana- protein aggregation by shielding the hydropho-
mycin has emerged as a new therapeutic strat- bic surfaces exposed by partially unfolded pro-
egy for certain cancers (Neckers 2007). teins. They may facilitate refolding when more
favorable conditions return. Moreover, these
chaperones cooperate with various proteolytic
systems, primarily the ubiquitin proteasome
The concept of stress as a disturbance of system (UPS) and autophagy (Chiang et al.
homeostasis is of fundamental importance 1989; Dice 1990; Arndt et al. 2007; Kon and
in biology. Although initially formulated in Cuervo 2009), in clearing terminally misfolded
physiological and clinical contexts, we are now proteins. As suggested more recently, chaperones

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Protein Folding in the Cytoplasm and the Heat Shock Response

may also have a role in mediating the temporary proteins, as well as various posttranslational
deposition of misfolded proteins as large ag- modifications, including phosphorylation/de-
gregates for later resolubilization (Weibezahn phosphorylation, acetylation/deacetylation, and
et al. 2005; Kaganovich et al. 2008). This may be sumolyation during stress play a role in shifting
beneficial, because large aggregates expose less the monomeric HSF1 to an active trimeric form,
potentially dangerous surfaces than the mono- which is only present in the nucleus (Hong et al.
meric or oligomeric states of non-native chains. 2001; Guettouche et al. 2005; Westerheide et al.
In E. coli, the transcriptional up-regulation 2009). This trimeric form of HSF1 is competent
of the heat shock genes on stress is mainly regu- for DNA binding at the conserved promoter
lated by s32, a transcriptional activator of RNA sequence of the 50 flanking regions of hsp genes,
polymerase with specificity for heat shock genes the so called heat shock element (HSE) (Lis and
(Grossman et al. 1984; Landick et al. 1984; Wu 1993). Various transcriptional cofactors may
Cowing et al. 1985; Bukau 1993). A dramatic regulate this step (Gomez et al. 2008; Xu et al.
up-regulation in chaperone capacity is observed 2008). HSF1 binding to the HSE promotes the
on shift to high temperatures, such as 468C, transactivation function of HSF1 through inter-
with DnaK and GroEL accounting for as much action with various regulatory factors down-
as 20% of cellular protein (Herendeen et al. stream of the HSE. This sequence of events
1979; Bukau 1993). The rapid synthesis of co- culminates in the activation of RNA polymerase
chaperones, such as DnaJ and GrpE, as well as II, thus inducing transcription (Lis and Wu
of the La and Clp proteases is also observed 1993; Shamovsky and Nudler 2008; Whitesell
under these conditions. and Lindquist 2009). According to a recent re-
The transcriptional induction of the stress port, HSF1 is not only self-regulated by various
response in higher eukaryotes is a highly regu- posttranslational modifications but also specifi-
lated multistep event. Activation of heat shock cally interacts with histone deacetylases, HDAC1
transcription factors (HSFs) is central to this and HDAC2, to regulate gene expression dur-
process. Four different HSFs (HSF1-4) are ing heat shock through large-scale epigenetic
known in vertebrates (Akerfelt et al. 2007), with remodeling by histone deacetylation (Fritah
HSF1 being considered the master regulator for et al. 2009).
the induced transcription of hsp genes dur- Chaperones have a critical role in the stress
ing most stress conditions (Morimoto 1998; response as negative regulators of HSF1 (Fig.
Akerfelt et al. 2007). Simultaneous activation 5). In particular, the Hsp90 multichaperone
of HSF1 and HSF2 has been described in stress complex is important in this regard. Both, in
conditions triggered by proteosomal malfunc- vitro and in vivo experiments have shown that
tion (Ostling et al. 2007). HSF1 and HSF2 are Hsp90 binds HSF1 in the inactive, monomeric
also involved, as a heterotrimer, in regulating form (Zou et al. 1998; Guo et al. 2001). The
the transcription of satellite III DNA at the application of geldanamycin and other ansamy-
nuclear stress bodies, although the consequence cins to mammalian cells, which inhibit Hsp90
of this process remains elusive (Sandqvist et al. by blocking its ATP binding pocket (Prodro-
2009). HSF3 is mainly present in avian species, mou et al. 1997; Stebbins et al. 1997), disrupts
except for the recent report of a novel functional the Hsp90-HSF1 complex and induces HSF1
HSF3 in mouse (Fujimoto et al. 2009). There is activation (Murakami et al. 1991; Grenert et al.
as yet no evidence for the involvement of HSF4 1997; Prodromou et al. 1997; Zou et al. 1998).
in the stress response (Akerfelt et al. 2007). As shown in an in vitro system derived from
Under normal physiological conditions, HeLa cells, immunodepletion of Hsp90 in-
HSF1 is present as an inert monomer, mostly duces HSF1 trimerization and HSE binding
bound to chaperones, either in the cytoplasm or activity (Zou et al. 1998). Because Hsp90 has
nucleus, or both (Morimoto 1998; Vujanac et al. an important role in stabilizing the non-native
2005; Whitesell and Lindquist 2009) (Fig. 5). Dis- states of proteins in the cytosol, the increased
placement from chaperones by stress-denatured concentration of unfolded proteins under stress

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3 Hsp70 4

2 U

P P P 6

Hsp70 Nucleus
1 P P P

hsp 7

Hsp70 HSP
Hsp90 8 mRNA

Figure 5. Transcriptional regulation of heat shock proteins by HSF1. (1) Under normal conditions HSF1 exists as
an inert monomer in a complex with Hsp90 and Hsp70. (2) Cellular stress increases the amount of denatured
proteins in the cytoplasm. (3) Denatured proteins bind to Hsp70 and Hsp90, resulting in the displacement of
HSF1 (4). (5) HSF1 then trimerizes and translocates to the nucleus where it undergoes a series of posttransla-
tional modifications, including phosphorylation (6). (7) Activated HSF1 trimer induces the transcription of a
number of hsp genes, resulting in the translation of HSPs, including Hsp90 and Hsp70 (8). (9) The increased
cellular concentration of these chaperones in turn inactivates HSF1 by binding to monomeric or trimeric forms
of HSF1. N, native protein; U, unfolded protein. (Powers and Workman 2007.)

conditions causes the displacement of HSF1 IMPLICATIONS IN AGING AND DISEASE

from Hsp90, triggering its trimer formation
and activation for transcription by phosphory- An important insight from studies in recent
lation (Morimoto 1998; Voellmy and Boell- years is that the aging process goes along with
mann 2007) (Fig. 5). Hsp70 and Hsp40 are a decline in the cellular capacity to maintain
associated with Hsp90 multichaperone com- proteostasis (Balch et al. 2008; Morimoto 2008).
plexes under various conditions (Shi et al. This decline of folding capacity has been shown
1998) and a direct interaction of Hsp70 with in Caenorhabditis elegans by a semiquantitative
HSF1 trimers has been observed during the phenotypic analysis of temperature sensitive
attenuation of the stress response (Abravaya mutants of different metastable proteins (Ben-
et al. 1992; Baler et al. 1992; Shi et al. 1998). Zvi et al. 2009). Although the mechanisms
Overexpression of Hsp70 or Hsp40 can repress underlying this phenomenon are not yet fully
HSF1 transcriptional activity (Shi et al. 1998), understood, a decrease in the production of
further suggesting a role of these chaperones in molecular chaperones and other components
HSF1 regulation, either as part of the Hsp90 of the proteostasis network is frequently ob-
multichaperone complex or independently. served during aging in various systems (Rattan
During the attenuation of the stress response, 1995; Rattan 1998; Finkel and Holbrook 2000).
as the level of non-native proteins decreases, Interestingly, the level of HSF1 itself appears
HSF1 shifts back to its inactive, Hsp90-bound not to be affected, rather its activation is im-
state (Fig. 5). paired, presumably as a result of a deregulation

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Protein Folding in the Cytoplasm and the Heat Shock Response

in the signal transduction pathways involved sufficient to prevent the aggregation and tox-
(Heydari et al. 2000; Soti and Csermely 2000; icity of huntingtin in cell culture models (Sittler
Morimoto 2008). As a consequence, aging ren- et al. 2001; Westerheide and Morimoto 2005).
ders cells increasingly sensitive toward protein In contrast, the well documented dependence
misfolding, providing a plausible explanation of cancer cells on molecular chaperones, such
for why age is the major risk factor for neurode- as Hsp70 and Hsp90, has added chaperone
generative diseases and other disorders associ- inhibitors to the arsenal of anticancer drugs
ated with amyloid-like protein aggregation. (de Billy et al. 2009; Whitesell and Lindquist
Although the toxic principle operating in 2009). Hsp90 inhibitors are already in clinical
the age-of-onset diseases is far from being un- trials, with promising results (Taldone et al.
derstood, a consensus is emerging that oligo- 2008; Hwang et al. 2009), and Hsp70 inhibitors
meric, soluble states of the respective disease are in the pipeline (Galluzzi et al. 2009; Leu et al.
protein are the primary cytotoxic species. These 2009). Taken together, the chaperone field is
aggregation intermediates are thought to in- an excellent example for how curiosity-driven
teract aberrantly with other proteins or mem- research can open up rich opportunities in im-
branes, altering their functional properties proving human health.
(Barral et al. 2004). Interestingly, molecular
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