CHAPTER - 8 Itt Yusna
CHAPTER - 8 Itt Yusna
CHAPTER - 8 Itt Yusna
a) Answer ALL questions.
b) All answers must use the space provided in this question paper.
c) Save this question paper as your ID number in *.pdf format and submit through the Microsoft
Team/UFUTURE/Google Classroom/etc (refer to your instructor).
5A : 88 : AA : 18 : 55 : F0
4. How does the Ethernet address 1A:2B:3C:AD:5E:6F appear on the line in binary?
5. The address 43:7B:6C:DE:10:00 has been shown as the source address in an Ethernet frame. The
receiver has discarded the frame. Why?
9. Compare the data rates for Standard Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and Ten-Gigabit
10. Based on the Standard Ethernet common implementations, describe the 10Base5
implementation. Your answer may include the explanation type of topology, maximum distance
of cable, type of cable or others.