1) Credit limits preset / set by clerk 1) 1 CL should be set by SRO 1) 1 Review the sample of new customers that
performed by clerk
E: Out of date / Clerks not competent 2 CL should be reviewed and updated
enough to set credit limits (/amended) on regular basis by SRO (FD/SD) 2 Review the authorisation performed by SRO
Imp: CL set too high, poor credit risks / 3 CL regularly updated based on level of 3 Inquire the clerk who can set the CL
risk of bad debts transactions
Imp: CL set too low, loss of revenue
2) 1 Enquire the clerk to the frequency of GRNS are
1) 1 CL should be set by senior member received
2) GDNs / GRNs are sent to finance on a 2 Review by SRO and evidence with signature 2 undertake a sequence check of GRNs to discuss
weekly basis / failure to sent any missing orders
E: Finance not promptly receive (_) which
2) 1 Print four-copy of GDNs and send to each
goods being dispatched but being
department 2) 1 Review the file of copy GRNs held by clerk
invoiced late
2 (_) should undertake a sequence check of 2 Review for evidence that GRNs have been
E: Invoices could not agree to (_) /
the GDNs matched to POs and flagged as complete
Increase UFOs
2 Match the GDNs to SOs to ensure accuracy 3 Review the file of UFPOs for any overdue items
Imp: Revenue cut-off issues / Loss
revenue / Receivables understated 3 Raise invoice in a timely manner after 4 Discuss with manager the current status
confirming the details of order
Imp: Liabilities understated / Loss of early
settlement discount 4 Review for all UFOs
4) 1 Attempt to process order in the website by using
test data which are not currently held in inventory
3) Credit controller is currently on leave 3) 1 Alternative member of the finance department 2 If order excess the inventory level, flag as being
and no one has taken over her duties should be trained in the credit control role (/ out of stock and indicate an approximate waiting time
temporary credit controller recruited)
E: No one has been responsible for
monitoring and chasing ageing 2 Assigned the responsibility for reviewing the
receivables 5) 1 Discuss with members the process for setting
aged receivable listing and following up on any
the sales discount
overdue customers
Imp: Increased risk of irrecoverable
receivables / lead to customers not paying 2 Review and report the sales discount for
their outstanding balances on time / evidence of signature by FD
leading to reduced cash flows 4) 1 Update the website to include an interface
into the inventory system
6) 1 Request the clerk to attempt to access the ,aster
2 Check inventory levels and only process
4) Website is not integrated into inventory file or make changes on it, which the system should
orders if adequate inventory is held
Identify + Explain + Implication - What should we do? - test recommendations by using these:
1) Access to the master file data for 1) 1 The monthly exception report of changes to 10) 1 Select a sample of PO to review for evidence of
suppliers is available to all those in the master file data should be reviewed by SRO + authorisation
purchasing department and not reviewed evidence this review
2 Agree to appropriate signature on the approved
E: Amend data and potentially, add new 2 Any unauthorised or unexpected signatories list
suppliers to the payables ledger system
changes should be investigated and appropriate
as it is unlikely that this would be identified
action taken
11) 1 Review the payment list for evidence of review
Imp: Increase risk of fraud as clerks could
3 The ability to make amendments to master file by FD
add fictitious suppliers and then place
data should be restricted to those required +
fraudulent orders without detection. 2 Inquire staff which supporting documents have
authorised the changes
requested by FD to review
11) FD authorise invoices without looking 12) 1 Clerk should input invoice in batches and
at the details apply application control (control totals)
E: FD only views at the total amount of 2 Undertake a sequence check into the system
payments to be made to ensure C
Imp: Paid incorrect amount / Paid to
fictitious suppliers
1) No records of customer signatures as 1) 1 CLIENT should remind all couriers to obtain 1) 1 Review a sample of dispatched by courier and
proof has received the goods signature as a proof of delivery ask CLIENT for proof of despatch by viewing
customer’s signatures
E: Customers may make a false claim by 2 Payment will be not be made when missing
stating that they did not receive the order signature on despatch
2) 1 Review UFO report to identify any issues or
E: CLIENT could not prove that the goods matters
have been despatched 2) 1 Send a copy of SO to despatch department
and match it to other copies 2 Inquire manager the reasons why if there is
Imp: Goods could have been despatched
significant time lapse (SO and DD)
twice which resulted in loss of revenue 2 Once goods despatched, matched to SO and
flagged as fulfilled 3 Assess whether waiting time is reasonable and
within the predetermined period
3 Flag any UFOs that passed a predetermined
2) No copy of SO forwarded to the
despatch department for fulfilment period automatically
E: SO have not been fulfilled in a timely 4 Review by SRO and evidence with signature
manner - damage reputation of CLIENT
as a reliable supplier
Imp: Loss customer goodwill
Identify + Explain + Implication - What should we do? - test recommendations by using these:
1) No monitoring / supervision of the 1) 1 Monitor by a supervisor / appropriate level / 2) 1 Review a sample of of the gross to net pay
clocking in/out process / No clock out CCTV camera installed to prevent one individual calculations for evidence that they are undertaken
when taking break clocking in multiple employees and approves
E: Staff may ask colleagues to clock them 2 Automatically clocked out at the end of their
in when they are not present / Staff shift + clock back in for overtime
3) 1 Request the clerk to attempt to access the
swiped in as present when they are not
3 Undertake a random check of employees to master file or make changes on it, which the system
E: Staff could be taking excessive breaks confirm visually the employee is present should reject this
Imp: Increase in payroll costs / Decrease 2 Obtain and review logs and exception, master
in productivity file report to data changes and amendments
1) 1 Allocate set break times and review by
supervisor to ensure employees only take the 3 Review the authority of those making
break when they are entitled to amendments which by a senior member
2) Not reviewed or checked calculations
for payroll cost / 100% reliance on payroll
2) 1 Supervisor / Senior member recalculate the 4) 1 Review a sample of overtime sheets with time
E: System errors occur during processing gross to net pay then compare with the computer- taken off to confirm that there is evidence of signed
would not be discovered generated figures report
Imp: Wages over or under calculated / 2 Sign as approved before payments are made
Additional payroll costs / Loss of
5) Review a sample of overtime reports emailed to
employee goodwill
HOD to confirm that a response has been received
3) 1 Access in master file should only be given to
from each head by reviewing all responses
supervisor / senior member and controlled by
3) Clerk has access in master file / passwords
standing data / Clerk decided bonus paid
2 Clerk can have the read access only 6) 1 Discuss with clerk the follow-up process for
E: Clerk is not senior enough / Make obtaining authorisation of overtime sheets
3 Review regularly by SRO and evidence with
unauthorised changes / Set up a fictitious
signature 2 Compare this to the process which they should
adopt to identify any control exceptions
Imp: Incorrect payment of wages /
Incorrect bonus payment
3) 1 Check against written confirmation from 7) 1 Obtain a sample of payments list
production director by another member
2 Review signature by FD as evidence
4) Overtime report sent out on (long) basis
or not reviewed
4) 1 Clerk should be reminded of procedures to be
11) 1 Review the overtime report for evidence of
E: Employees take unauthorised leave as undertaken when processing overtime sheets
time off but not worked
2 Sign as evidence to agree any time taken off
2 Inspect the date this occurred to ensure that
E: Unauthorised overtime
3 Authorise by SRO prior to payment being this was undertaken prior to the payment of the
Imp: False payments being made for processed by payroll overtime
overtime hours not worked / Increase
4 Evidence wit signature
additional payroll cost
5) Sales sheets are scanned and 5) 1 Daily sheet should be sequentially numbered
emailed on weekly basis 2 Send to head office on daily basis
E: Some sheets misplaced 3 Run a sequence check on a regular basis to identity
Imp: Incomplete sales and cash any missing sheets and investigate if there are any gaps
receipts recorded 4 Once received, post sales and cash data on daily
6) Store safe key inappropriate place 5 Evidence with sign
E: Significant sum of cash onsite
each day 6) 1 Replace the current safe to a safe with a digital
Imp: Risk of significant cash loss / code
Increase risk of theft 2 Give the code to authorised staff only and update
on a regular basis
7) Cashier is responsible for all or
several cash receipt system 7) Key roles should be split between different members
E: Lack SOD of finance team
Imp: Unable to identify errors in a
timely manner 8) 1 Reconcile the credit card vouchers per restaurant to
monthly statement
8) Credit card statements are not 2 Agree daily amounts per statements to bank
reviewed or reconciled statement to ensure all funds have been received
E: Risk that receipt of cash by credit 3 Review and evidence with signature by SRO
card may have been omitted
Imp: Errors could not be identified in 9) 1 Perform on monthly basis
timely manner 2 Review and evidence with signature by SRO
9) Bank reconciliation not performed 10) 1 FD should review the whole payments list prior to
E: Key control which reduces the risk authorising
of fraud 2 Agree the amounts to be paid to supporting
Imp: Increase risk of fraud documentation and
3 Review supplier names to identity any duplicates
10) FD only view the total amount of or any unfamiliar names
payments 4 Evidence with signature
E: No looking at the details of
payment list
Imp: Risk that supplier being paid
incorrect amount / Sums being paid
to fictitious suppliers
Identify + Explain + Implication - What should we do? - test recommendations by using these:
E + I + O + P + Test Data (attempt)
1) New member / Shortage 1) 1 Consider to recruit additional employees to join
E: Maintain IA department is an 2 Seconded from another department to assist them
important control
Imp: Reduce the effectiveness of this
monitoring control
Identify + Explain + Implication - What should we do? - test recommendations by using these:
E + I + O + P + Test Data (attempt)
1) Payroll set up new joiners 1) 1 Review the workload to assess whether the other 1) 1 Review the job description of (_) and HR to
E: Lack SOD tasks can be reprioritized confirm the split of responsibilities with regards to
Imp: Increase risk of fictitious / 2 Revert back to HR to undertake this role as payroll setting up new joiners
duplicate employees being set up need to cease from setting up new joiners 2 Discuss with member of (_) the process with
setting up new joiners and for confirmation the
2) HR increased wage rate and notify 2) 1 All increased of pay should be proposed and process is initiated by HR
payroll formally agreed by BOD
E: Significant expense for business 2 Sent a written notification of BOD to payroll 3) 1 Select a sample of new employees added to
which should be made by BOD the payroll to review the joiners forms for evidence
Imp: Increase a fraudulent expense 4) 1 Maintain a schedule of payments made to third of completion and the information was verified as
parties accurate
3) HR complete pre-printed form for 2 Reconcile (_) on a regular basis and sent to 2 Select a sample of edit reports for changes to
new employees (unique number) employee for agreement payroll and agree to the joiner forms
O: minimise the risk of incorrect wage 3 If payments due to cease shortly, confirm in writing
and tax payments with third parties prior to stopping
1) Supervision of inventory count by 1) 1 Inventory counts should be supervised by an 9) 1 Attend year-end inventory count
manager independent person / alternative supervisor
2 Inquire to counting teams which department they
E: Hide inefficiencies and inventory 2 Staff from warehouse department should not usually work in
discrepancies so that their departments be involved in the count at all
3 Inspect updated inventory count instructions
are not criticised
Imp: Inventory count records being
2) 1 All bays should be flagged as completed once
inaccurate / increase in inventory frauds 10) Inspect a sample of counting sheets used
2 Supervisor should check at the counting that
2) Not flagged areas once counted all aisles of finished goods have been flagged 11) 1 Observe counting teams to assess the
E: Double counted or missed out
2 Review the records of the sample checks
Imp: Increase risk of inventory balances 3) IA should check sample of counting undertaken
undertake by supervisor
misstated by teams to provide extra control over the C and A
of count
⮚ This reduces the risk of fraud and may also reduce the risk of error 3 1 Review the job descriptions of payroll and HR to confirm the split of
responsibilities with regards to setting up new joiners
⮚ To ensure unintentional mistakes can be spotted easily
2 Discuss with members of the payroll department the process for
⮚ To reduce risk of fictitious (_) being set up and also being paid setting up new joiners
3 Agree new joiners to documentation initiated by HR
4 Attempt to add a new joiner to the payroll system without a uniques
employee number which system should reject this
PHYSICAL 2 1 Attempt to login to the (_) system using a password which should be
out of date
2 Confirm that the system has rejected access (test data)
❖ Review of transaction prior to being processed 2 Review (_) for evidence of signature by SRO who review (_)
❖ Put in the right candidate with the right qualifications and experience
for the job
⮚ to ensure that they carry out their tasks efficiently and effectively