Ycm 9085
Ycm 9085
Ycm 9085
N THIS issue of the erable overlap also exists. What are this brings up a question about the
ARCHIVES, Johnson et al1 the mechanisms whereby child role of gender and its potential ef-
present the findings of a abuse and neglect lead to increased fect on the development of person-
longitudinal study demon- risk for personality disorders? Which ality disorders. It is commonly as-
strating that abused and ne- mechanisms lead to which specific sumed that men externalize and
glected children are more likely than types of personality disorders? Does women internalize their responses
nonvictims to develop personality the age of the child at the time of to pain and suffering. Yet, in most
disorders in young adulthood. This maltreatment make a difference in samples, women are more likely to
article has many strengths: a pro- the development of these personal- have been sexually abused than men,
spective longitudinal design, a rep- ity disorders? which would introduce the con-
resentative community sample, a Although childhood neglect has found of gender. Also, gender dif-
definition of childhood abuse and not received much scholarly atten- ferences exist in the prevalence of
neglect based on documented cases, tion, there is an increasing body of different forms of personality and
a comprehensive assessment of per- literature on the topic.2-8 Johnson et psychiatric disorders in general com-
sonality disorders, and statistical al are to be commended for their ex- munity samples. Thus, an unan-
controls for age, gender, childhood amination of findings for the ne- swered question is whether for-
temperament, and parental psycho- glected group separately from the merly abused and neglected men and
pathology. The authors’ finding that other forms of childhood abuse. Here, women manifest different forms of
childhood maltreatment is associ- the findings related to childhood ne- personality disorders and, if so,
ated with increased risk for person- glect are the most robust and quite whether these differences conform
ality disorders in young adulthood interesting. Neglected children were to gender role stereotypes.
is particularly impressive, given the found to be at increased risk for clus- The model for much contem-
relatively small number of docu- ter B disorders (antisocial, border- porary thinking about the conse-
mented cases of child maltreat- line, and narcissistic personality dis- quences of child maltreatment is
ment (31 of a total sample of 639) orders), as well as cluster A (paranoid based on an ecological model, which
and even smaller numbers of cases and schizotypal personality disor- stresses the importance of consid-
of specific types of abuse and ne- ders), cluster C (avoidant and de- ering the child in the framework of
glect (for example, there were 4 pendent personality disorders), and the broader environment in which
documented cases of sexual abuse). passive-aggressive personality disor- he or she develops.10 In that con-
ders, after controlling for offspring text, it is argued that our under-
See also page 600 age, parental education, and paren- standing of the long-term sequelae
tal psychopathology. Traditionally, of childhood maltreatment needs to
The study raises important the child abuse and neglect litera- take into account characteristics of
questions that await answers. For ex- ture has paid relatively little atten- the child (such as difficult tempera-
ample, documented child maltreat- tion to many of these forms of per- ment) prior to the abuse or neglect
ment was associated with symp- sonality disorders, particularly those experiences. Based on previous re-
toms in all 4 clusters of personality in cluster A. Why should neglect lead search, we know that children with
disorders. Are abused and ne- to increased risk for paranoid symp- difficult temperaments have been
glected youth at risk for all types of toms? One possibility relates to an- consistently found to be at in-
personality disorders or just some other body of literature that links creased risk for behavior prob-
types? Do differences in kinds of childhood neglect to increased risk lems,11 personality disorders,12 and
child maltreatment lead to the de- of violent offending.9 Perhaps devi- Axis I psychiatric disorders during
velopment of particular forms of per- ant lifestyles adopted by neglected adolescence.13 The results obtained
sonality disorders? What types of children mediate the risk of later de-
abuse and/or neglect will lead to velopment of paranoid symptoms?
which types of personality disor- As expected, Johnson et al This article is also
ders? The findings of Johnson et al found an increase in risk for bor- available on our Web site:
suggest that there may be some derline personality disorder associ- www.ama-assn.org/psych.
specificity in outcomes, but consid- ated with sexual abuse. However,