HBCH404 Industrial Biochemistry Note 8
HBCH404 Industrial Biochemistry Note 8
HBCH404 Industrial Biochemistry Note 8
Evaluation can be thought of as a set of linked activities, and the process for undertaking an
evaluation includes four main phases – planning, development, implementation, and action
and improvement. Evaluation is a fundamental part of the entire management process.
Along with monitoring, evaluation represents one of the five core processes of project
management. Whereas monitoring is an on-going process throughout the whole project or
programme to examine progress against plans, including identifying changes and potential
risks, and providing corrective and recovery actions. Evaluation in turn is conducted at the
end of phase of a project or programme, at a mid or terminal point, or real-time, providing
information to judge if a project has achieved its intended results, and to advise strategic
decisions about improvements for future similar projects or programmes. Data and analysis
gathered during the monitoring process are the basis for the evaluative analysis. Monitoring
and evaluation are thus interrelated, and they are integral part of project management.
Process Evaluation: This type of evaluation focuses on showing how a project outcome or
impact was achieved. It investigates types and quantities of services delivered and the re-
sources used to deliver the services. It also ensures that the project is being implemented as
originally planned with the assigned time and budget. Similar to formative evaluation,
process evaluation is conducted from the beginning and throughout the project, and it can
also be performed by the internal evaluation staff.
Process evaluations focus mainly on internal project or programme issues. They are
designed to generate information, findings and recommendations that can help to improve
the management of a project or programme. Process evaluations are normally carried out
during a project or programme, instead of at the end. Many other kinds of evaluation
contain some elements of process evaluation. A process evaluation may be carried out in
almost any circumstance.
Process evaluations are almost always formative in nature. This means they are designed to
generate information, findings and recommendations that help to improve a project or
programme. For this reason, process evaluations are normally carried out during a project or
programme, instead of at the end. However, in some situations they may be carried out at
the end of a project or programme: for example, if the project or programme is about to
enter a new phase, or an organisation wants to learn from one project or programme in
order to influence similar interventions elsewhere.
Process evaluations may be major exercises carried out at key times, such as the mid-point
of a project or programme. However, it is also possible to carry out smaller, more regular
process evaluations throughout a project or programme. This kind of process evaluation may
be very similar to an internal review. It may be conducted by internal staff (known as self-
evaluation) or by external facilitators. It may be formal or informal in nature. And it may be
based on existing information or involve the collection and analysis of new data.
When to use Process Evaluation
A process evaluation can be used in many different circumstances. It is most likely to be used
in situations where it is important to understand how the internal dynamics of a project or
programme (or organisation) are affecting, or are likely to affect, the end results. This could
include the following circumstances.
A process evaluation may be used if specific processes are considered an essential
part of a project or programme’s design. For example, if capacity or cultural change
within supported partners is important for ultimate changes to be sustainable. Or if
internal changes within an organisation are required as a pre-condition for successful
engagement with other stakeholders.
A process evaluation could be carried out if there are serious doubts about whether
a project or programme is being implemented properly, or how far initial, required
changes are being achieved. The process evaluation might help identify whether a
project or programme is not working because it is not being implemented properly,
or because the theory underlying the project or programme is wrong.
How it works
There are no fixed steps for a process evaluation. As an emerging area of evaluation
research, is generally associated with qualitative research methods, though one might argue
that a quantitative approach can also yield important insights. A process evaluation would
not be expected to use rigorous methodologies such as randomised control trials (RCTs),
qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) or contribution analysis. Instead process evaluations
tend to rely on simple methods of data collection such as literature reviews (financial
records, policy documents etc.) backed up by interviews, focus group discussions,
observation and questionnaires.
Perhaps the most important difference is that the primary users of a process evaluation are
often the management and staff of the organisation (or organisations) concerned, rather
than the targeted beneficiaries. This means it is important to ensure that these internal staff
have a large degree of input into the design of the evaluation, including helping to define the
evaluation questions.
There is little point in carrying out a process evaluation unless the findings will be used to
improve performance in the future. It is therefore important that a process evaluation
properly considers at the start how any findings and recommendations will be used, and
who will primarily be responsible for using them.
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