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1 author:
Natia Rekhviashvili
Caucasus International University (Georgia)
All content following this page was uploaded by Natia Rekhviashvili on 09 October 2023.
Natia Rekhviashvili
This article was written to describe the main regulations under Georgian labor law about fixed-term and
permanent labor contracts. It was made to analyze the problems under Georgian Labor Code about regulating
these two type of contracts.
Under Georgian labor code the labor contract of fixed-term can be signed by the parties if the prerequisites
strictly regulated by Georgian labor code is protected. It means that the parties can sign fixed-term labor contract
only in few cases, which are written in Georgian labor Code. This article has for the main object to analyze
these prerequisites strictly regulated by Georgian law, compare them to international labor documents and give
recommendations to refine Georgian labor legislation.
Under international law, under Social Charter, under COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 1999/70/EC of 28 June 1999
concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP the fixed-
term labor contract can be signed between two parties if there is an objective reason and this objective reason
should be written in labor contract.
Due to Georgian labor code there are five prerequisites to sign fixed-term labor contract. One of them is
„another objective“ reason, which gives to employer the power to sign fixed-term labor contract with an employed
with „another objective“ reason, the employer can use„ another objective reason“ without any obligation to
prove why is he drafting the fixed-term contract with an employed person. According to this article the author
tries to give recommendations to evaluate Georgian legislation and practice in labor law, gives the example of
foreign country’s labor legislation and is trying to underline the need of good and fare interpretation of Georgian
labor code about fixed-term labor contracts by Georgian court.
1. Abraham S.k., 2002, “ The Forms and Functions of Tort Law”, Second Edition, New York, New York Foundation
Press. (In English)
2. Boron A., Zaalishvili V., Amiranashvili G., 2016, Comments of the Labor Code of Georgia, Edition „Meridiani”.
(In Georgian)
3. Brief Overview of Compliance of Georgian Labor Legislation with International Labor Standards in the
Requirements of the Generalized System of Preferences of the European Union", 2007, Georgian Law
Review. (In Georgian)
4. Dumbadze M., 2014, "Labour law“ (Collection of articles) p. 295-340. (In Georgian)
5. Foskuler B., 2014, New Georgian Labor Law: Selected Issues for Consideration, Labor Law (collection of
articles), III, p. 174. (In Georgian)
6. Kardava E., 2016, "Development of Labor Law under the background of European Integration Processes",
Law Journal N1, p. 148-160. (In Georgian)
7. Lunney M., Oliphant K., 2010, “Tort Law”, Oxfors University Press. (In English)
8. Rukhadze E., 2019, Key aspects related to the organization of work in the EU and compliance with Georgian
legislation, Private Law Review, N2, p. 71. (In Georgian)
9. Shvelidze Z., Bodone Q. and others, 2017, Georgian Labor Law and International Labor Standards, Georgia,
International Labor Organization, p. 176. (In Georgian)
10. Shvelidze Z., 2011, Characteristics of Legal Status of Employee as provided by the Labor Code of Georgia,
Labor Law (Articles of Collection), I, p. 85. (In Georgian)
11. Zenaishvili A., 2015, Comments of the Labor Code of Georgia, Edition "Lawyers World". (In Georgian)
Natia Rekhviashvili
1. Abraham S.k., 2002. “The Forms and Functions of Tort Law”, Second Edition, New York, New York Founda-
tion Press.
2. Boroni A.,Zaalishvili V., Amiranashvili G., 2016, Le Commentaire sur le Code du travail de Géorgie, Editeur:
3. «Bref aperçu de la conformité de la législation du travail géorgienne avec les normes internationales du tra-
vail dans le contexte des exigences du système de préférences généralisées de l’UE», 2007, La revue de la
loi géorgienne.
4. Dumbadze M., 2014, Droit du travail (recueil d’articles), p. 295-340
5. Foskuleri B., 2014, Nouvelle législation géorgienne du travail: plusieurs questions sélectionnées pour exa-
men, législation du travail (recueil d’articles), III, p. 174.
6. Kardava E., 2016, «Développement du droit du travail dans le contexte des processus d’intégration euro-
péenne», Le Magazine de Droit N1, p. 148-160.
7. Lunney M., Oliphant K., 2010. “Tort Law”, Oxfors University Press
8. Rukhadze E., 2019, Aspects clés de l’organisation du travail dans l’UE et du respect de la législation géor-
gienne, Revue de droit privé, N 2, p. 71.
9. Shvelidze Z., Bodone Q. et les autres, 2017, Le droit de travail georgien et les standarts internationals de
droit, L’Organisation internationale du travail, p. 176.
ნათია რეხვიაშვილი
საკვანძო სიტყვები:
სიტყვები: შრომა, ფორმა, ხელშეკრულება
გამოყენებული ლიტერატურა:
1. ბორონი ა., ზაალიშვილი ვ., ამირანაშვილი გ., 2016. საქართველოს შრომის კოდექსის კომენტა-
რი, გამომცემლობა „მერიდიანი“.
2. დუმბაძე მ., 2014. „შრომის სამართალი“ (სტატიათა კრებული), გვ. 295-340.
3. ზენაიშვილი ა., 2015. „საქართველოს შრომის კოდექსის კომენტარები“, გამომცემლობა: „იუ-
რისტების სამყარო“
ნორმატიული მასალა: