Portfolio Performance
Note: Live performance includes rebalances. It is a tool to communicate factual return information and should not be seen as advertisement or
Wright ⚡️Momentum
Momentum investing: Aiming to capitalize on market
trends for potential growth.
Month-on-Month Performance
month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2014 1.40 4.60 1.50 3.70 7.00 3.20 4.00 -1.20 -2.00 4.20 3.90 4.20
2015 9.30 2.80 2.80 -4.40 10.70 3.10 -0.10 -8.80 -0.40 9.60 1.80 4.20
2016 3.20 -1.30 1.50 -1.40 2.80 6.90 2.70 4.40 -2.10 -1.70 -1.70 -1.10
2017 7.90 4.50 10.40 7.90 3.50 1.20 5.00 7.40 0.00 -0.30 6.70 0.10
2018 -5.20 -6.60 -1.40 -2.70 1.10 -4.40 7.20 4.80 -1.80 -2.80 5.60 10.20
2019 -0.50 -3.00 2.30 1.30 5.20 1.50 0.10 -6.30 7.80 4.50 2.10 1.50
2020 10.80 -2.40 -9.90 1.80 5.60 6.10 13.70 0.00 2.40 1.50 5.70 7.00
2021 2.60 15.60 6.40 8.20 7.60 3.70 6.00 0.60 6.30 2.00 0.50 8.10
2022 1.30 -7.30 9.10 -2.20 -8.90 -2.40 11.60 8.30 -2.10 -0.60 2.20 -0.70
2023 -2.50 -2.20 -1.40 6.10 5.80 7.70 8.90 4.60 3.00 -2.10 10.40 4.60
2024 11.60 -4.60 -0.10 5.50 -0.50 6.50 8.60 4.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
Organisation Overview
Sonam Srivatsava
Founder, Portfolio Manager
10+ years experience in Quantitative Trading and Portfolio Management
HSBC, Edelweiss, Qplum
IIT Kanpur graduate, Masters in Financial Engineering Worldquant University
Dr Miquel Alonso
Advisor, Machine Learning
Founder Artificial Intelligence in Finance Institute
Faculty - CQF, Columbia, NYU
Executive Director - UBS
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Company Name: Wright Research & Capital Pvt Ltd | SEBI
Registered Portfolio Manager Reg No: INP000007979
(Validity: Apr 03, 2023 - Perpetual)
SEBI Registered Investment Advisor Reg No: INA100015717
(Validity: Jan 12, 2021 - Perpetual)
CIN: U67100UP2019PTC123244
+91 - 6360127635
Wright Research, 1233-A EFC Limited , 12th Floor, Parinee Crescenzo, G Block BKC, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051
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