LSM Method-6-1-2022
LSM Method-6-1-2022
LSM Method-6-1-2022
Yij = µ + Si +eij
µ S1 S2 S3 S4 RHM
µ n. n1 n2 n3 n4 Y.
S1 n 1 n1 - - - Y1
S2 n2 - n2 - - Y2
S3 n3 - - n3 - Y3
S4 n4 - - - n4 Y4
n. = ∑ni = n1 + n2 + n3 + n4
Y. = ∑Yi = Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4
Properties of LS equations:
1. LSE are symmetry
2. Whatever the coefficients are found in µ equation, the
same coefficients are found in diagonal elements of the
symmetry matrix.
3. Coefficient of µ i.e., coeffi (µ) =∑Si = S1 + S2 + S3 + S4
µ in RHS i.e., Y. = ∑ RHS of all sub effect = ∑ Yi = Y1 + Y2 + Y3 +
4. All off-diagonal elements of corresponding sub-effect
should be zero
Imposing Restriction
In the above case, we are not able to solve the above equations
until some restrictions imposed to remove the empty cells
carrying in the above matrix. This can be done by row and
column wise reduction of the matrix except µ equation to
obtained the reduced least squares equations and maintain the
symmetry in the equation which is one of the properties of
least squares equations.
The estimated constants obtained by inverting the reduced
least squares equations and multiplying the inverse elements
with the reduced right hand members of the equation. In terms
of notation, we can write
Setting up ANOVA
1. SS (Total) = SS of individual observation – CF
= ∑ ∑Yij2 - G2/N
Where, G = Grand Total and N is the total number of
2. SS (Season) = B’Z-1B, where B’ = [S1 S2 S3], is the column
vector of the set constants
B = is the row vector, i.e., transpose of B’ and
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