85fr Us-Ml
85fr Us-Ml
85fr Us-Ml
Management Layer
User’s Guide
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without the prior written consent of Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc.
About Genesys
Genesys is the world's leading provider of customer service and contact center software - with more than 4,000
customers in 80 countries. Drawing on its more than 20 years of customer service innovation and experience,
Genesys is uniquely positioned to help companies bring their people, insights and customer channels together to
effectively drive today's customer conversation. Genesys software directs more than 100 million interactions every day,
maximizing the value of customer engagement and differentiating the experience by driving personalization and multi-
channel customer service - and extending customer service across the enterprise to optimize processes and the
performance of customer-facing employees. Go to www.genesys.com for more information.
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Although reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information in this document is complete and accurate at the
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Changes and/or corrections to the information contained in this document may be incorporated in future versions.
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Released by
Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. www.genesys.com
Preface ................................................................................................................. 11
About Management Layer ....................................................................... 11
Intended Audience................................................................................... 11
Making Comments on This Document .................................................... 12
Contacting Genesys Customer Care....................................................... 12
Changes in This Document ..................................................................... 13 13 13
Chapter 1 Overview................................................................................................ 15
Overview of Management Layer Functions ............................................. 15
New in This Release................................................................................ 17
Component Compatibility ........................................................................ 17
4 Framework 8.5
Table of Contents
6 Framework 8.5
Table of Contents
8 Framework 8.5
List of Procedures
Configuring an application to be started automatically by
Solution Control Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Viewing Centralized Log records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Tracing interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Viewing Audit logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Setting up a user account to access SCS as a Windows Service . . . . . 83
Associating SCS with a user account that has application change
permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Associating other applications with the same account designated
for Solution Control Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Configuring an Application object for a third-party application . . . . . . . 122
Disabling Microsoft’s media-sense feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Modifying an application to use a startup file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Modifying a startup file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
10 Framework 8.5
Welcome to the Framework 8.5 Management Layer User’s Guide. This
document introduces you to the concepts, terminology, and procedures relevant
to this layer of the Genesys Framework.
This document is valid only for the 8.5 release(s) of this product.
Note: For versions of this document created for other releases of this
product, visit the Genesys Documentation website, or request the
Documentation Library DVD, which you can order by e-mail from
Genesys Order Management at orderman@genesys.com.
Intended Audience
This document is primarily intended for system architects and system
administrators. It has been written with the assumption that you have a basic
understanding of:
• Computer-telephony integration (CTI) concepts, processes, terminology,
and applications
12 Framework 8.5
Preface Changes in This Document
This is the first release of the Framework 8.5 Management Layer User’s
Guide. In the future, this section will list topics that are new or have changed
significantly since the first release of this document.
14 Framework 8.5
1 Overview
This chapter briefly introduces Management Layer 8.5.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Overview of Management Layer Functions, page 15
New in This Release, page 17
Component Compatibility, page 17
16 Framework 8.5
Chapter 1: Overview New in This Release
Component Compatibility
Table 1 on page 17 highlights the Management Layer functionality available in
various releases of the Genesys configuration environment.
Consult this table to verify how Management Layer components of a particular
release would operate in the environment of the same or a different release.
To operate correctly, all Management Layer components must be of the same
major release.
18 Framework 8.5
2 Architecture
This chapter discusses the Management Layer architecture and describes each
component. It also provides component recommendations you can use while
planning your overall Genesys installation.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Management Layer Architecture, page 19
Components Description, page 20
Components Description
Local Control Agent
Local Control Agent (LCA) is a daemon component that monitors, starts, and
stops Genesys server applications as well as third-party server applications that
you have configured in the Genesys configuration environment. In addition,
LCA detects failures of Genesys servers and communicates their roles in
redundancy context.
Message Server
Message Server provides centralized processing and storage of all maintenance
events that Genesys server applications generate. Events are stored as log
20 Framework 8.5
Chapter 2: Architecture Components Description
Note: Some solution components may also exchange messages via Message
Server. You can find more details on this Message Server function in
solution-specific documentation.
Log Database
The Log Database stores all log records, including interaction-related records,
alarm history records, and audit records.
22 Framework 8.5
3 Management Layer
This chapter describes the Management Layer capabilities that help you
optimally manage the Genesys software serving your contact center.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Solution Control and Monitoring Functions, page 23
Logging Functions, page 26
Alarm-Signaling Functions, page 34
Fault Management Functions, page 38
Built-in SNMP Support Functions, page 44
Manual Switchover
The Management Layer provides an additional control function, a manual
switchover of an application’s operations to its backup application. Use this
function, for example, for test purposes, during application upgrades, or during
some hardware maintenance procedures. You can perform a manual
switchover for any pair of redundant applications on which both primary and
backup are running. During the switchover, the Management Layer changes
the mode of the selected backup application to primary and the mode of the
primary application to backup. The switchover mechanism is described in
detail in “Fault Management Functions” on page 38.
24 Framework 8.5
Chapter 3: Management Layer Functionality Solution Control and Monitoring Functions
To use Genesys Administrator to monitor solutions and applications, the user
must have Read permission for the corresponding objects in the Configuration
Database. To perform any control operations with respect to solutions and
applications, the user must have Execute permission with respect to the
corresponding objects. To receive alarm reactions related to applications and
hosts, the user must have Read permission for the corresponding objects in the
Configuration Database. For more information about security settings, see the
Framework 8.5 Deployment Guide.
Remember that the Management Layer is a multiclient environment that makes
solution-control functions available to an unlimited number of users
simultaneously. The proper and responsible use of these functions is crucial for
normal solution operations. Consider using the security capabilities of the
Configuration Layer to limit access to these control functions to the trained
personnel directly responsible for the contact center environment.
Furthermore, schedule all control operations to occur during off-peak hours,
preferably when the contact center is not processing any interactions, to ensure
the availability of the customer interaction functions.
Warning! Windows users, please note that the Management Layer attempts to
start an application without analyzing whether the application can
run on an unattended computer (for instance, on a Windows
computer with no user currently logged in) or whether the
application can operate without a console window. Because the
LCA that starts applications is always installed as a Windows
Service, all processes start without a console window.
Logging Functions
The Management Layer collects Genesys application logs of defined levels
and stores them in a centralized database.
Log Levels
Genesys applications can report log events at five levels of detail: Alarm,
Standard, Interaction, Trace, and Debug. Only the first four are intended for
on-site analysis by a user. Log events of the Alarm, Standard, Interaction, and
Trace levels feature the same unified log record format and can be stored in the
Centralized Log Database.
26 Framework 8.5
Chapter 3: Management Layer Functionality Logging Functions
This level contains the Management Layer translations of log events of other
levels into Alarms.
Warning! Using the Trace level generates a higher number of logging events
on the network and that may adversely affect performance of the
DBMS, Message Servers, and interaction-processing components.
28 Framework 8.5
Chapter 3: Management Layer Functionality Logging Functions
Before you set a logging level more detailed than the Standard level, carefully
consider whether a situation (such as the initial deployment or first signs of
technical problems) really calls for it. Then, test for how more-detailed logging
affects the network loads in a lab or controlled environment.
Note that changing the log level of a running application does not interrupt
solution operations.
In addition to asking for Debug-level log records when you report a problem to
them, Genesys Customer Care might also request that you reproduce the
problem because:
• During regular operations, many contact-center systems, such as DBMSs,
IVRs, and switches, do not employ logging at the level of detail required to
diagnose serious technical issues.
• Reasons other than application failure can contribute to
interaction-handling errors. For example, a call can be misrouted
(delivered to a wrong DN) despite the fact that applications are functioning
Reliability Logging
Starting in release 8.5, Genesys software supports a level of reliability logging,
most notably to provide information for estimating product availability. This
information is available from some log events, to which appropriate
information has been added or made available. At the Management Framework
level, three common log events (00-05090, 00-05091, and 00-05064) have been
enhanced with the addition of application name, type, and DBID as extended
attributes. Refer to the Framework 8.5 Combined Log Events Help file for full
descriptions of these log events.
Centralized Logging
The centralized logging function provides a number of advantages over the
more traditional logging to a text file:
• Keeping log records of all applications in one place and presenting them in
the unified log record format provides for a comprehensive view of the
solutions’ operations history.
• Using a relational DBMS such as the central log storage enables quick
access to the required records and allows for advanced record selections,
which you can base on a variety of search criteria.
• Viewing, via Genesys Administrator, the logs stored in a Centralized Log
Database gives you an integrated view of the solutions’ maintenance
history and complements the solution-control and alarming capabilities.
• Deleting the obsolete logs or logs of a particular solution, host, or
application makes the Log Database management more convenient.
30 Framework 8.5
Chapter 3: Management Layer Functionality Logging Functions
Logging Resilience
Starting in release 8.5, Genesys logging incorporates additional functionality
specifically aimed at maintaining the integrity and usefulness of the logging
system, including the Centralized Log, without causing input/output or
run-time logging issues from affecting normal operations or causing the
application to terminate unexpectedly.
Without this feature, logs are written to output by the application’s main
thread. Any delay or bottleneck in the log output system takes up processing
time and space for non-log operations using that thread.
This problem is greatly resolved, if not eliminated, by the logging resilience
feature. The feature is configured at the application level, and consists of two
• An internal log queue, for which a dedicated thread processes log messages
for output.
• A throttling mechanism, which only when a performance problem is
detected, changes the verbose level of the log system (as specified by the
verbose option in the log section). This element cannot be activated unless
the dedicated process thread is active.
When logging resilience is activated (as specified by enable-thread=true in
the log section), all log messages generated by the application are moved to an
internal queue, from which they are written to output using the dedicated
thread. This negates output problems backing up into regular processing.
Once the internal queue is established, the throttling mechanism can start (if
configured to do so). This throttling mechanism works by monitoring the size
of the internal log queue, and changing the value of the verbose option to
increase or decrease the number of logs being generated, as follows:
• When the queue size approaches a configured threshold (specified by a
non-zero value of the throttle-threshold option in the log section), the
value of the verbose option is reduced by one level to reduce the number of
log messages generated.
• When the queue size decreases to 50% or less of the threshold, the value of
the verbose option is increased by one level to increase the number of log
messages generated.
The verbose level is maintained at this level until both of the following
conditions occur:
• A configured period of time (called the throttle period, and specified by the
throttle-period option in the log section) expires. This timer is reset
each time that throttling (up or down) occurs.
• One of:
The queue size increases and approaches the threshold, at which point
the verbose level is throttled again. This can only occur until
verbose=none, at which point there are no logs being processed for
The queue size drops to 50% or less of the threshold, at which point the
verbose level is increased by one level. This can only occur until the
value of verbose is back to its originally configured value.
Throttling is an optional part of the Logging Resilience feature, it can be
disabled or stopped without interfering with the internal log queue.
For detailed description of the three options used for and by this log resiliency
functionality, refer to the “Common Configuration Options” chapter of the
Framework 8.5 Configuration Options Reference Manual.
The Management Layer uses the Centralized Log Database to store detailed
and structured information about Alarm activation and clearance. (See
“Alarm-Signaling Functions” on page 34 for more information about how
alarms are generated.) Solution Control Server generates alarm-related
information as log events of the Alarm level for each Alarm activation and
clearance event. Solution Control Server attaches a set of extended attributes to
each Alarm log event; in particular, the ID attribute uniquely identifies each
For complete specifications of Alarm log events that SCS and Message Server
reports and for information about extended attributes for each log event, see
32 Framework 8.5
Chapter 3: Management Layer Functionality Logging Functions
Framework 8.5 Combined Log Events Help. To access this Help file, refer to
Appendix C on page 177.
Audit Trail
The Management Layer also uses the Centralized Log Database to store
Audit-Trail records (from here on referred to as Audit records) that Framework
components (in particular, Configuration Server and SCS) generate for
configuration changes and control actions performed over processes, solutions,
and alarms. Starting in release 8.1, the Audit records also include the name of
the client application and details about the host on which the client application
resides. This is to ensure compliance to Payment Card Industry Data Security
Standard (PCI-DSS) 10.3.
Framework components generate Audit records as log events and, if available,
attach extended attributes to Audit log events.
For information about setting up an audit trail and viewing the Audit logs, see
“How to Set Up an Audit Trail and View Audit Logs” on page 60.
For complete specifications of Audit log events that Framework components
report and for information about extended attributes for each log event, see
Framework 8.5 Combined Log Events Help. To access this Help file, refer to
Appendix C on page 177.
Interaction Tracing
You can configure Framework components to send Interaction-level log events
to the Centralized Log Database. You can later retrieve from the database all
records related to a certain interaction, enabling you to trace its progress in the
contact center.
Note: Storing Interaction-level log events in the Log Database might affect
application performance, so Genesys does not recommend it in
production environments.
Note: The set of extended attributes for Interaction-level log events may vary
depending on a particular interaction’s properties and the component
that generates the log event.
Alarm-Signaling Functions
Maintenance events that the user may want to become aware of and react to
immediately are communicated as Standard-level log events that Genesys
applications generate. Each log event is assigned a unique number, which
identifies the situation being reported. Thus, the alarm-signaling function of
the Management Layer is based on the capability to detect the log events that
have been preconfigured to trigger alarms and to send them to an
alarm-processing center. In addition, the Management Layer monitors certain
system and SNMP variables, which you can also use for alarm signaling.
Alarm Detection
The Management Layer detects alarms by matching the following against the
alarm conditions you have configured:
• Log events coming from all applications
• The thresholds of the system performance variables (such as CPU or
memory usage) and of local or remote SNMP variables. (The SNMP
threshold monitoring is available only when you have enabled SNMP
SCS provides the same alarm-reaction processing for both Alarm-detection
34 Framework 8.5
Chapter 3: Management Layer Functionality Alarm-Signaling Functions
Note: You can also use log events of the Interaction and Trace levels to
trigger an alarm message.
Warning! When you create Alarm Condition objects for log events of any
level, you must also configure applications to send log events of
this level to Message Server. Otherwise, the Management Layer
won’t be able to detect them.
When you are using thresholds for system performance variables, the
Management Layer detects an alarm by periodically comparing the current
value of the specified performance variable with the specified limits. If a
change in the variable’s value exceeds the specified limit, the Management
Layer triggers an alarm.
When you are using SNMP variables as thresholds, the Management Layer
detects an alarm by periodically comparing the current value of the specified
SNMP variable, as identified by OID, with the specified limits. Currently, the
following two SNMP variables are supported for this purpose:
• gsClientExistNum, in table gsInfoEntry (see page 93)
• tsCallsExistNum in table tsInfoEntry (see page 100)
If a change in the variable’s value exceeds the maximum limit of the specified
minimum to maximum value range, an alarm is triggered. When the variable’s
value falls below the minimum limit of the specified range, the active alarm is
The Rising Threshold, which triggers an alarm when crossed only if the value
is rising, must be a higher number than the Falling Threshold, which clears the
alarm when crossed only if the value is falling. For example, if the Rising
Threshold is 300 then the Falling Threshold must be less than 300.
This mechanism provides alarm signaling with both local SNMP variables—
that is, variables from the Genesys MIB file, implemented locally in SCS—and
with remote SNMP variables—that is, variables provided by third-party SNMP
To monitor a variable of either type, use Genesys Administrator to create:
• An Alarm Detection Script.
• A new Alarm Condition based on the Alarm Detection Script.
For more information, see Framework 8.1 Genesys Administrator Help.
36 Framework 8.5
Chapter 3: Management Layer Functionality Alarm-Signaling Functions
Note that for alarm processing to take place, you must connect SCS to the
Message Servers that detect the alarms.
Whenever you start Genesys Administrator, it automatically displays all active
alarms currently registered in SCS as long as you have permissions to view the
objects associated with the active alarms.
For more information, see Framework 8.1 Genesys Administrator Help.
Application Failures
A complete application failure may be a result of either an internal defect (for
example, an infinite loop) or an external event (for example, a power failure).
It may manifest as either a process nonresponse or termination. Typically, if a
solution component stops working, the solution is no longer available to
process customer interactions.
Since the application that fails cannot perform any functions, you must employ
an external mechanism for both detection and correction of faults of this type.
The Management Layer serves as such a mechanism. To detect an application
failure, the Management Layer employs a simple monitoring component called
Local Control Agent (LCA), which continuously maintains a connection with
the application, confirming both its existence and ability to communicate. To
make sure an application failure is never confused with a connection failure,
the LCA that monitors a specific application always resides on the computer
on which the application itself is running.
LCA is installed on a one-per-host basis and can connect to all Genesys
applications located on the host. When a connection is broken, LCA generates
a message to Solution Control Server, where an appropriate recovery action is
38 Framework 8.5
Chapter 3: Management Layer Functionality Fault Management Functions
chosen and executed according to the system configuration. SCS uses the
Advanced Disconnect Detection Protocol (ADDP) to recognize a loss of
connection with LCA. A loss of connection is interpreted as a failure of the
host (that is, as failures of all Genesys components running on that host).
Note: ADDP is, by default, enabled for the connection between SCS and
LCA, with the ADDP timeout set to 9 seconds. With the default
settings, SCS can detect and handle application failures in 20 seconds
or less.
However, if there is a particular risk of network delays, Genesys
recommends setting ADDP timeouts to values equal to or greater than
10 seconds, rather than relying on default values to avoid false
detection of disconnection. You can modify ADDP parameters for the
connection between SCS and LCA in the Host object of the computer
that runs LCA. For more information about these settings, refer to the
Framework 8.5 Configuration Options Reference Manual. For more
information about ADDP, refer to the Framework 8.5 Deployment
If you have not configured a backup application for the failed component, the
correction procedure normally consists of attempts to restart the failed process,
if so configured. The same LCA component that detects application failures
starts any Genesys application located on the host upon a command from SCS.
If the application in question is a server, the clients automatically reconnect to
this server once it is restarted and initialized.
Genesys recommends that you configure an automatic application restart
procedure for all daemon applications.
Warning! The Management Layer does not support cold standby redundancy
Note: While some applications support the Service Unavailable status and
report it under appropriate circumstances, others do not. (For instance,
when T-Server loses its connection to the CTI Link, T-Server changes
its status to Service Unavailable). The Management Layer operates
based on the information supplied by an application and cannot
automatically detect an application’s inability to provide service. Refer
to the application-specific documentation to determine if the Service
Unavailable status is supported on the application side.
40 Framework 8.5
Chapter 3: Management Layer Functionality Fault Management Functions
While normal operations are restored as soon as the standby process takes
over, the fault management effort continues. It consists of repeated attempts to
restart the process that failed. Once successfully restarted, the process is
assigned the standby role.
If Solution Control Server detects a loss of connection with the LCA of a host,
SCS performs switchover for all applications located on the host, if backup
applications are configured. There are two exceptions to this:
• A Configuration Server in backup mode ignores the switchover command
if it detects another Configuration Server in primary mode. In other words,
if the LCA residing on a host with a Configuration Server in primary mode
goes down, the SCS requests that a Configuration Server in backup mode,
on another host with an available LCA, switch over to primary mode.
When the request is received, this Configuration Server checks whether the
Configuration Server in primary mode is down, as indicated by a lost
connection between the two Configuration Servers. The Configuration
Server in backup mode switches over to primary mode only if this
connection is down. If the connection still exists, no switchover occurs.
• An SCS in backup mode does not try to switch itself over if it can still
detect the SCS that is in primary mode. In other words, if an SCS in
backup mode loses its connection to an LCA residing on a remote host
with an SCS in primary mode—either because the LCA went down or a
network timeout caused the SCS to drop its connection—the SCS in
backup mode checks whether it is still connected to the remote SCS in
primary mode. If that connection is also lost, the SCS switches over and
runs in primary mode.
redundancy type, refer to the latest version of the deployment guide for your
specific T-Server.
Hang-up Detection
Starting in release 8.0, LCA can use hang-up detection to detect unresponsive
Genesys applications supporting this functionality. Users can then configure
appropriate actions, including alarms if required.
To enable hang-up detection, use the configuration options heartbeat-period
and heartbeat-period-thread-class-<n> to set the time interval in which a
heartbeat message must be received before the application itself, or a thread of
the application, is considered to be unresponsive for each application. A third
option, hangup-restart, can be used to set the action that LCA takes when it
deems the application to be non-responsive, either automatically restarting the
application or just generating a notification of the situation.
For more information about these options, refer to the Framework
Configuration Options Reference Manual.
Warning! Use this functionality with great care, and only with those
applications for which support of this functionality has been
announced. Failure to use it properly could result in unexpected
behavior, from ignoring the options to an unexpected restart of the
a. DB Server is discontinued in release 8.5, but can be used in place of the new internal database access system
implemented in 8.5 if desired. Refer to the Framework 8.5 Deployment Guide for more information.
42 Framework 8.5
Chapter 3: Management Layer Functionality Fault Management Functions
When the main site fails, the active Log Database is automatically replicated
into the dormant Log Database installed at the remote site. The dormant Log
Message Server is started and connects to that now-active Log Database.
Another dormant Message Server is started and provides communication
between the SCS at the failed site and the SCS at the remote site.
Refer to the Framework 8.5 Deployment Guide for a more information about
this functionality.
44 Framework 8.5
Genesys Starting with release 8.0, you can monitor solutions, applications, and hosts
Administrator through Genesys Administrator, a centralized Web-based user interface. The
Dashboard, located on the Monitoring tab under Environment, displays the
count and status of all applications and hosts that currently are configured. You
can view the status of individual Solution, Application, and Host objects by
selecting the appropriate category under Provisioning > Environment. Refer to
Framework 8.1 Genesys Administrator Help for more information.
mlcmd Starting with release 8.0, you can also use the mlcmd command-line utility to
view the status of hosts, application, and solutions. For detailed information
about this utility, and detailed instructions for using it, see Appendix A on
page 165.
46 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Start and Stop Applications and Solutions
Note: Genesys recommends that you start and stop entire solutions as
opposed to starting and stopping single applications.
Note: If you are using Configuration Server Proxy, SCS substitutes the
host and port parameters of Configuration Server Proxy, where
appropriate. For more information, see “How to Manage
Environments That Use Configuration Server Proxy” on page 69.
48 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Start and Stop Applications and Solutions
If unsuccessful, SCS interrupts the solution startup procedure and the
solution status remains Stopped.
Note that after starting a mandatory application, Solution Control Server
attempts to start a backup server configured for this application. This only
happens when the backup server is included in the same solution. If the backup
server application does not start while the primary server application is
running, SCS proceeds by starting the next mandatory component.
Configuring an application to be started automatically
by Solution Control Server
• The Configuration Layer has been installed and configured, and is running.
• Either the Application object that you want to configure already exists, or
you are performing this procedure while you are configuring it.
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator.
Start of procedure
1. In Genesys Administrator, go to Provisioning > Environment >
Applications, and double-click the application to open its Configuration
2. Click the Options tab, and select Advanced View (Annex) from the View
drop-down list.
3. If there is a section called sml, select it.
4. Click New.
5. In the New Option dialog box, specify the following:
a. In the Section field, type sml, unless it is already displayed.
b. In the Name field, type autostart.
c. In the Value field, type true.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Save and Close.
End of procedure
To disable an automatic application startup in scenarios in which SCS starts or
in which an application was not running prior to its computer restart, either
delete the autostart option or set its value to false.
At SCS Startup
When SCS starts, it:
1. Establishes connections with all LCAs in the system and receives current
statuses of all configured applications.
2. Checks the applications’ configurations in the Configuration Database to
determine whether you have enabled the autostart option.
3. For applications that have Stopped status and have the autostart option
enabled, SCS:
a. Waits for the interval specified in the Startup Timeout property of a
particular Application object.
b. Checks whether the application’s status changes after the timeout has
expired. If not, SCS starts the application as described in “Processing
the Start Command for Applications” on page 47.
At Computer Restart
When a computer restarts on which Management Layer–controlled
applications are installed, SCS:
1. Establishes a connection with the LCA running on that computer.
2. For applications that were running (that is, had Started or equivalent
status) prior to the computer restart, SCS:
a. Waits for the interval specified in the Startup Timeout property of a
particular Application object.
b. Checks whether the application’s status changes after the timeout has
expired. If not, SCS starts the application as described in “Processing
the Start Command for Applications” on page 47.
50 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Start and Stop Applications and Solutions
3. Identifies applications that were not running (that is, had Stopped status)
prior to the computer restart.
4. Checks the applications’ configurations in the Configuration Database to
determine whether you have enabled the autostart option (see the
procedure “Configuring an application to be started automatically by
Solution Control Server” on page 49).
5. For applications that have Stopped status and have the autostart option
enabled, SCS:
a. Waits for the interval specified in the Startup Timeout property of a
particular Application object.
b. Checks whether the application’s status has changed after the timeout
expires. If not, SCS starts the application as described in “Processing
the Start Command for Applications” on page 47.
As a result, both the applications that were running prior to a computer restart
and the applications that were not running but whose configuration contained
the autostart option set to true are started automatically after you restart a
Graceful Stop
When you stop an application or a solution, it shuts down, ceasing all
processing immediately. This can have a detrimental effect on the rest of the
system. Starting with release 8.0, you can stop an application or a solution
gracefully, in a manner known as a graceful stop, or graceful shutdown.
Note: You must use Genesys Administrator to stop solutions of type
Framework or Default Solution Type.
Applications that are being stopped gracefully refuse any new requests, but
continue to process their current requests. Applications are stopped only after
they have finished processing all of their requests.
The graceful stop command can be issued to any application. Applications that
support this functionality process the command as described in the preceding
paragraph. Applications that do not support the graceful stop functionality are
stopped ungracefully.
For each application, you can specify a timeout with the
suspending-wait-timeout configuration option in the Application object’s
Annex. If the status of the application does not change to Suspending after the
graceful stop command but before the timeout expires, the application is
considered not to support graceful shutdown, and is stopped ungracefully.
Note: The Shutdown Timeout does not apply to third-party applications. See
“Stopping Third-Party Applications” on page 127.
For a solution to stop gracefully, the graceful stop command is issued to each
of its composite applications. How each composite application handles the
command depends on whether the application supports the graceful-stop
Note: Because a number of solutions can share the same applications, some
solution components may continue to have a status of Started after
you stop the solution.
For more information about graceful stop, refer to Framework 8.1 Genesys
Administrator Help. For details about the suspending-wait-timeout
configuration option, refer to the Framework 8.5 Configuration Options
Reference Manual.
Note: For Genesys applications for which the command line, command line
argument, and start_command are all specified, the value in the
start_command would take precedence.
52 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Manage Third-Party Applications
Log Levels Log levels are defined in “Logging Functions” on page 26. Note that changing
the log level of a running application does not interrupt solution operations.
The exception to this rule is Configuration Server, as follows:
• You must configure options for Configuration Server in its configuration
• You have to restart Configuration Server for the new values to take effect.
• You cannot use the Log Wizard for Configuration Server.
LCA Logging
Unlike with other server applications, you do not configure an Application
object for LCA. However, you can change the default settings for common log
options for LCA.
Starting in release 8.5, the LCA configuration file, called lca.cfg,is created
automatically during installation of the IP, and stored in the same directory as
the LCA executable file. Edit the file directly to specify new values for
appropriate options. The configuration file only contains the log section.
Note: You can also specify a custom name for the configuration file. To start
LCA with a custom name use the following format:
<executable name> <port> -c <configuration file name>
For example (UNIX): lca 7117 -c lca_custom.cfg
Where lca_custom.cfg is the user defined configuration file.
54 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Customize Log Events
Note: Predefined log events of the Debug level are also in the unified log
record format, and therefore can be assigned to another log level.
However, any application can generate a raw text stream and call it
a debug log event. Such non-unified log messages cannot be
Refer to Framework 8.1 Genesys Administrator Help and the Framework 8.5
Configuration Options Reference Manual for instructions for customizing logs,
and detailed examples.
Viewing Centralized Log records
• Management Layer components are installed and running.
• Centralized Logging is enabled.
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator.
Start of procedure
1. In Genesys Administrator, do one of the following, as appropriate, to
display a list of log records in the Details panel:
• To view all log records stored in the Centralized Log Database, go to
Monitoring > Environment > Centralized Log.
• To view all log records for a specific Application object, go to
Provisioning > Environment > Applications and select the
• To view all log records for all applications running on a specific Host
object, go to Provisioning > Environment > Hosts and select the Host.
56 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Manage Log Records
End of procedure
Log Event For complete specifications of log events reported at the Alarm, Standard,
Specifications Interaction, and Trace levels, see Framework 8.5 Combined Log Events Help.
To access this Help file, refer to Appendix C on page 177.
Note: Log records also contain alarm history. You should be careful not to
delete current alarm history records when you remove log records
from the Log Database.
Refer to the Log Database structure description in Chapter 9 on page 131 for
more information about Log Database tables and fields. Combine the selection
criteria to achieve the level of purging that suits your environment.
Check the Log Database Maintenance Wizard in Genesys Administrator, for
examples of the records-removal SQL statements that the Wizard prepares.
The Wizard provides the graphical interface through which you specify various
log-records selection criteria, and it displays the resulting SQL statements.
58 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Trace Interactions
Using OS Services
If you decide to use scheduling tools available in your operating system, you
1. Prepare a command (either an executable file or a batch/shell file) that
executes your SQL statement(s).
2. Use an operating system tool that enables you to schedule the specified
command for execution.
To prepare a command that executes your SQL statement(s), use either a batch
file or shell script. A command like this usually calls an SQL Server–specific
tool to execute command-line SQL statements and passes an SQL statement to
this tool as a parameter. For example, you can use the following tools to
execute command-line SQL statements:
• isql.exe (a Microsoft SQL tool)
• sqlplus (an Oracle tool)
To schedule a specified command for execution with the required frequency,
consider using these tools:
• cron on UNIX platforms.
• at on Windows platforms.
Tracing interactions
• Management Layer components are installed and running.
Start of procedure
1. In Genesys Administrator, select Monitoring > Environment > Centralized
Log, and select the Interaction tab.
2. To view a single Interaction log record, click on the triangle to the left of
the record.
3. To view all Interaction-level log records for a specific application or host,
do one of the following:
• Filter these records by entering the name of the application or host in
the Application or Host field, respectively.
• Select Provisioning > Environment > Applications or Hosts> <name
of Application or Host object>, and select the Interaction tab.
For more information, refer to Framework 8.1 Genesys Administrator
End of procedure
60 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Set Up an Audit Trail and View Audit Logs
To set up an audit trail with Standard- and Trace-level Audit logs, configure
the following options:
• In the Application objects representing the components that have Audit
logs and for which you want to set up an audit trail:
and optional, but recommended:
• In Message Server:
This will ensure that log events of Standard, Interaction, and Trace level will
be stored in the Log Database, ready for viewing. Use the Framework 8.5 Log
Events Help to identify which of the Standard- and Trace-level logs are Audit
For more information about the options used in setting up an audit trail, refer to
the Framework 8.5 Configuration Options Reference Manual. For more
information about log levels, refer to “Log Levels” on page 26.
Viewing Audit logs
Start of procedure
1. In Genesys Administrator, select Monitoring > Environment > Centralized
Log, and select the Audit tab.
2. To view a single Audit log record, click on the small triangle to the left of
the record.
3. To view all Audit log records for a specific application or host, do one of
the following:
• Filter these records by entering the name of the application or host in
the Application or Host field, respectively. If the Filter panel is not
visible, click on the binoculars icon in the far right end of the Filter bar.
• Select Provisioning > Environment > Applications or Hosts> <name
of Application or Host object>, and select the Audit tab.
For more information, refer to Framework 8.1 Genesys Administrator
End of procedure
62 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions
64 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions
When configuring an alarm reaction of the Switchover type, you can specify
whether Solution Control Server should perform the switchover when an
application, which generates an alarm, is running in a particular mode:
• Select primary if you want SCS to perform a switchover only if the
application that has generated an alarm is currently operating in Primary
• Select backup if you want SCS to perform a switchover only if the
application that has generated an alarm is currently operating in Backup
• Select perform switchover always if you want SCS to perform a switchover
regardless of the operating mode of the application that generates the
You might use these options, for instance, when associating an alarm reaction
of the Switchover type for T-Server with the CTI Link Disconnected log event.
Selecting primary for the alarm reaction configuration may prevent an
unwanted switchover if the T-Server that produced this log event currently
operates in Backup mode.
Warning! Although you can specify any valid command name, use alarm
reactions of this type with caution. To avoid unauthorized actions,
limit access to Solution Control Server and Genesys Administrator
to the administrators’ group.
SCS executes all alarm reactions. In the case of an alarm reaction of the
Execute OS Command type, SCS executes the specified command on its own host
computer. Therefore, a currently logged in user must have sufficient
permissions to execute the specified operating system command.
SCS passes information about a detected alarm to the operating system
command to be executed. For this purpose, SCS adds command-line arguments
(listed in Table 3) to the command line you specify in the Command property
when you configure the alarm reaction.
Parameter Description
-appid ID of the application that generated the log event that resulted
in the alarm
-appname Name of the application that generated the log event that
resulted in the alarm
-hostname Name of the application host that generated the log event that
resulted in the alarm
66 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions
The following are three examples using Alarm Reactions of Execute OS
Command type to filter specific alarms:
Filtering by type of To log occurrences of certain log events to a database other than the Genesys
log event Log Database, create a *.bat file that provides logging in to your independent
database. Name this file process_alarm.bat. Then using the Alarm Reaction
Wizard, configure an Alarm Reaction of the Execute OS Command type and set
the Command property to:
When a corresponding alarm is detected, SCS executes the following operating
system command:
-msgid 20002 -msgtext "CTI Link disconnected" -condid 103 -condname
"CTI Link Failure" -conddesc "Failure of connection between any
T-Server and a switch." -appid 120 -appname "T-Server_Application"
-hostname “NameOfHost”
Collecting A script called react_script.sh, for the bash UNIX shell, saves information
information about about each alarm in the reaction.log text file located in the
alarms /home/genesys/logs/ directory:
echo `date|cut -c4-16` : msgid=$2 : msgtext=$4 : condid=$6 :
condname=$8 :
conddesc=${10} : appid=${12} : appname=${14} >>
Filtering by the To save information about alarms generated by a specific host, you must create
host that a script that writes only those logs generated by a specific host. The following
generated the sample script, HostA_alarms.sh for the bash UNIX shell, writes only those
alarm: alarms generated by HostA to the HostA_reactions.log text file located in the
/home/genesys/logs/ directory.
while [ 0 -lt "$#" ]; do
case "$1" in
"-msgid") shift; MSGID="$1" ;;
"-msgtext") shift; MSGTEXT="$1" ;;
"-condid") shift; CONDID="$1" ;;
"-condname") shift; CONDNAME="$1" ;;
"-conddesc") shift; CONDDESC="$1" ;;
"-appid") shift; APPID="$1" ;;
"-appname")shift; APPNAME="$1" ;;
"-hostname")shift; HOSTNAME="$1" ;;
Note: If you don’t specify the application name, the Management Layer
updates the option configuration of the application that triggers the
Warning! The account under which you run SCS must have appropriate
permissions for the application whose option configuration you
want to change.
You might configure this alarm reaction, for example, so that an application
changes its log level to a more detailed one once the application reports the
first signs of a critical situation in a particular log event.
68 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Manage Environments That Use Two Configuration Servers
tab of the SCS Properties dialog box. Set the option value to any positive
integer, which means the number of seconds and depends on your typical
network conditions. When SCS initiates a switchover process, it waits for the
interval you specified and checks the LCA connection:
• If the problem has been temporary, the connection is restored and the
applications on the LCA host are in running status. In this case, SCS does
not perform a switchover.
• If the problem is serious, the LCA remains disconnected and the status of
the applications on the LCA host is unknown. In this case, SCS proceeds
with the switchover.
Note: The disconnect-switchover-timeout option setting has no effect on a
manual switchover, a switchover resulting from an alarm reaction, or a
switchover resulting from service unavailability at the primary server.
70 Framework 8.5
Chapter 4: Using the Management Layer How to Manage Environments That Use Configuration Server Proxy
72 Framework 8.5
A stuck call occurs when information about the release of a call in the
communication system fails to reach one or more of the components of a CTI
solution. One possible cause is the temporary loss of communication between
CTI applications and devices, such as switching and interactive voice response
systems, in the communication infrastructure.
Having missed the call release information, CTI applications continue to treat
such calls as active, which results in less efficient operation and inaccurate
Because T-Servers are directly involved in communications with the switching
systems, they play a critical role in detecting and handling stuck calls. This
chapter describes the procedures related to detecting and ways of dealing with
calls that appear to be stuck.
Stuck calls can be handled by any of three methods:
1. Using the T-Server switch-specific functionality (page 76)
2. Using the SNMP interface in the Management Layer (page 77)
3. Using the gstuckcalls utility in the Management Layer (page 77)
gstuckcalls Utility
This method has the advantages of the second method but does not require
• The stuck call detection logic is highly customizable.
• This method is integrated with the Management Layer. A stuck calls event
can be configured and reacted upon when corresponding log messages are
received by SCS.
74 Framework 8.5
Chapter 5: Stuck Calls Management Overview
The Stuck Calls functionality requires that Perl be installed on the SCS host
computer. Table 4 lists the names and minimum versions of Perl extension
modules required. Users may need to install some or all of them, depending on
their current Perl installation.
Table 4: Perl Extension Modules
These modules are available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
(CPAN) website:
The Framework 8.5 stuck calls functionality—including the Perl scripts
GStuckCallsDetect.pl and GStuckCallsClear.pl and the above modules—were
tested using Perl version 5.6.1.
Using T-Server
To support the stuck calls handling in T-Server, a set of configuration options
has been introduced. These options control stuck call detection, notification,
and automatic cleanup. For more information, refer to the “T-Server Common
Configuration Options” chapter in the latest version of the Deployment Guide
for your T-Server.
To support the stuck calls handling in the Management Layer, a set of log
messages have been added to the T-Server Common Part. See “T-Server
Common Log Events” in Framework 8.5 Combined Log Events Help for more
information. To access this Help file, refer to Appendix C on page 177.
To support the stuck calls handling in client applications of T-Server, a new
property has been added to the T-Server events that define the end of the call
(EventReleased and EventAbandoned). See the latest version of the Genesys
Events and Models Reference Manual for more information.
Based on a specified timeout, T-Server waits for a call information being
updated. After the timeout is expired, T-Server considers a call as a stuck call
and reports a standard log message.
Processing of timeouts and notifications is implemented in the T-Server
Common Part, but the actual call cleanup involves interaction with the
switch-dependent part for each T-Server.
This option specifies the time interval that T-Server waits for a call being
updated from its last update. After this time elapses, if no new events about the
call are received, T-Server reports this call as a stuck call.
This option specifies the time interval that T-Server waits for a call being
updated from its last update. After this time elapses, if no new events about the
call are received, T-Server clears this call as a stuck call either by querying the
switch (if a CTI link provides such capabilities), or by deleting call
information from memory unconditionally. The option description in the latest
version of the Deployment Guide for each T-Server reflects the actual
implementation for that particular T-Server.
This option specifies the time interval for periodic checks for stuck calls
(affects both notification and cleanup functionality) by checking the T-Server’s
76 Framework 8.5
Chapter 5: Stuck Calls Management Using the SNMP Interface
own call information with call information available in the switch. For
performance reasons, T-Server does not verify whether the notify-idle-tout
or cleanup-idle-tout option has expired before performing this checking.
EventReleased on special DN
The value of the TReliability parameter indicates that the update was forced
by external request:
TReliabilityExternal = 3
TReliabilityExternal - cleared by an external SNMP request
GStuckCallsDetect.pl script
The GStuckCallsDetect.pl script performs these functions:
1. Retrieves all the information about all T-Servers from the configuration.
2. Queries each T-Server for stuck calls according to the specified filter using
the gstuckcalls utility.
3. If stuck calls are found, sends log message 9500 on behalf of the T-Server.
4. If stuck calls are not found, sends log message 9501 on behalf of the
If you require alarming for stuck calls, schedule this script for periodic
execution, by using tools provided by your operating system, such as
Scheduled Tasks for Windows and Cron for UNIX.
GStuckCallsClear.pl script
The GStuckCallsClear.pl script clears stuck calls in the specified T-Server. If
you need to clear stuck calls automatically, use this script as an alarm reaction
for the active alarm Stuck Calls Detected. This script performs the following:
1. Connects to the specified T-Server.
2. Uses the gstuckcalls utility to clear all stuck calls according to the
specified filter.
78 Framework 8.5
Chapter 5: Stuck Calls Management Using the gstuckcalls Utility
1. Script periodically checks
5. Clears the stuck call, Administrator or
sends 9501 log message. Configuration
T-Server for stuck calls.
Stuck Calls Stuck Calls Alarm Condition
Detect Script Clear Script
Detect Event:
Cancel Event:
2. If a stuck call is detected, 9501
sends 9500 log message
to Message Server. 4. Sends a command
to clear the stuck call.
80 Framework 8.5
6 E-Mail Alarm-Signaling
This chapter describes how the Management Layer processes alarm reactions
of the E-Mail type and how to configure an e-mail system for this function.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Alarm Reactions of the E-Mail Type, page 81
Configuring E-Mail Systems, page 82
Log Events
Message Recipient
Alarms e-mail
SCS Host
e-mail E-Mail
SCS System
On UNIX operating systems, Solution Control Server can use either the
sendmail command or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send e-mail
messages. Depending on the protocol you prefer:
• You must correctly configure the sendmail command on the host computer
running SCS.
• You must configure SMTP server host and port for SCS as values for the
smtp_host and smtp_port configuration options.
On Windows
On Windows operating systems, Solution Control Server can use either the
Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) or Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
82 Framework 8.5
Chapter 6: E-Mail Alarm-Signaling Interface Configuring E-Mail Systems
To enable the operation of e-mail alarm reactions via an MAPI e-mail system,
you must install the system and configure it properly on the host computer
running Solution Control Server. Also install Microsoft's CDO (Collaboration
Data Objects).
The simplest way to set an MAPI e-mail system is to install Microsoft Outlook
on the host computer for SCS. SCS then uses the default MAPI profile to
connect to the system and send messages.
If you have installed SCS and are running it as a regular application (as
opposed to a Windows Service), SCS uses the credentials of the user who is
currently logged into Windows to open the default MAPI profile. So you must
set permissions that allow users to use the default MAPI profile.
If you have installed SCS as a Windows Service, you must explicitly specify a
user account to log on to Windows for this service. That account must have
sufficient permissions to use the default MAPI profile.
Setting up a user account to access SCS as a
Windows Service
• Solution Control Server has been installed and configured.
Start of procedure
1. Open the Control Panel window.
2. Double-click the Services button to open the Service window.
3. Select the Genesys Solution Control Server service.
4. Click the Startup button.
5. Select This Account and specify user account information.
6. Click OK and close the Service window.
End of procedure
To enable the operation of e-mail alarm reactions via an SMTP e-mail system,
you must configure the mailer section. Specify the SMTP server host for SCS
as the value for the configuration option smtp_host, and specify the SMTP
server port for SCS as the value for the configuration option smtp_port.
84 Framework 8.5
7 SNMP Interface
This chapter describes Management Layer built-in support for network
management systems (NMS) that comply with the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP). It also describes how to activate this function.
In particular, this chapter focuses on how the Management Layer distributes
SNMP commands from an NMS and how it processes alarm reactions of the
SNMP Trap type. It also describes the layout of the Genesys Management
Information Base (MIB) file and the format of the SNMP traps, including the
abbreviations for the Genesys application types.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Built-in SNMP Support, page 85
SNMP-Managed Objects, page 89
How to Activate SNMP Support, page 116
How to Use Graceful Contact-Center Shutdown Script, page 117
Note: The Genesys built-in SNMP implementation for SNMPv1 passed all
the tests developed and published by CERT/CC for this sort of
application. For information about tests with which you can check your
system against vulnerability to SNMPv1 malformed SNMP packets, go
to http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-03.html.
The following subsections describe the architecture of the SNMP support. The
Management Layer provides you, as a network administrator, with three ways
to monitor and control Genesys products via an NMS user interface:
• You can start, stop, and monitor the status of any Genesys or third-party
application that the Management Layer monitors and controls. In addition,
you can modify log options for Genesys server applications.
• You can retrieve application-specific SNMP statistics and data as defined
in the MIB file for those Genesys server applications that support
application-specific SNMP requests.
• You can receive alarms from any Genesys server application in the form of
SNMP traps.
With all three options, the communications between SCS and NMS require an
SNMP master agent application that is compliant with the AgentX protocol. If
your NMS does not contain such an application, you can use Genesys SNMP
Master Agent to integrate the Management Layer into your NMS. The Genesys
MIB file, which the NMS uses, defines the communication interface between
the Management Layer and the NMS.
86 Framework 8.5
Chapter 7: SNMP Interface Built-in SNMP Support
Informational SNMP
SNMP Traps Commands
88 Framework 8.5
Chapter 7: SNMP Interface SNMP-Managed Objects
SNMP-Managed Objects
The Genesys MIB file contains all SNMP objects available to the NMS.
Genesys MIB utilizes the SMI-v2 Row-Status mechanism and the
control/data-tables concept to facilitate management of multiple Genesys
servers simultaneously.
RowStatus—a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION defined in IETF’s
SNMPv2-TC—is commonly used to control the dynamic creation and deletion
of rows in SMIv2 defined tables.
A conceptual SMIv2 table using Row-Status also acts as a control table or
configuration table. Using the control table, the NMS application configures
the information to be monitored. A separated data table holds the information
that is gathered.
One control entry (one row) is linked to the data that is gathered. Each control
entry contains control parameters that specify which data or statistics you want
to access and collect.
Genesys MIB uses one control table and several data tables. Data tables are
organized based on their functional areas and divided into two main groups:
server-generic data tables and server-specific data tables.
Each data table, whether it is server-generic or server-specific, is assigned a
unique identifier. (Refer to TableID Textual Convention in the Genesys MIB
file, for the complete list of tables and their identifiers.)
This table identifier along with the Genesys server identifier (server DBID
number) is used as an index in the control table. Thus, each row in the control
table gathers particular data from a particular Genesys server.
You can enable an automatic refresh of MIB tables. When you set up a row to
gather data from a particular table, you have a choice of automatic or manual
refresh for the table. If you select Automatic Refresh mode, specify the time
period, in seconds, after which Solution Control Server is to refresh the table.
In addition to control and data tables, you can access a group of server standard
objects independently of the control/data-table mechanism.
The following sections present information about each object set:
• “Standard SNMP Objects” on page 90 describes the standard Genesys
SNMP objects.
• “The gServerControlTable Table” on page 91 describes the Control Table
• “T-Server-Specific SNMP Objects” on page 99 describes the SNMP
objects specific to T-Server.
For information about supported traps, see “SNMP Traps” on page 106.
gsCleanupTimeout Unsigned 32 read/write The time, in minutes, the agent should keep
rows in the gsControlTable and consequently
in related data tables if there were no requests
to objects of this row or corresponding rows
from data table(s). After the timeout, the agent
should automatically delete unattended rows.
Value 0 set for this object specifies that MIB
clean up should not be performed.
gServerType string read Indicates the type of a server; that is, the
application type specified for this application
in the Configuration Database.
90 Framework 8.5
Chapter 7: SNMP Interface SNMP-Managed Objects
gServerCommandLine string read Indicates the full command line used to start
this server, as specified in the Configuration
Database. For example:
scs -host host1 -port 4135 -app SCS_Primary
92 Framework 8.5
Chapter 7: SNMP Interface SNMP-Managed Objects
gsPollingLastTrap string read Specifies the last trap value of a polling signal
sent to the NMS. For more information about
this variable, see Table 19 on page 106.
Permission Requirements
To change log option settings for a particular application via SNMP, you must
first use Configuration Manager to associate both the Application object and
the Solution Control Server Application object with the account in the
Configuration Database having permissions to modify configuration object
properties. In other words, the account must have Change permissions for
Application object(s).
94 Framework 8.5
Chapter 7: SNMP Interface SNMP-Managed Objects
Associating SCS with a user account that has
application change permissions
• Management Layer components are installed and running.
• The Solution Control Server Application object has been installed and
• GenesysAdministrator is started.
Start of procedure
1. Log into GenesysAdministrator under a user account having Full Control
2. Go to Provisioning tab > Applications, and click on the SCS application
to open the properties of the SCS.
3. In the Server Info section of the Configuration tab:
a. If the Log On As SYSTEM checkbox is checked, clear it.
b. In the Log On Account field, click on the Search icon and select any user
account (Person object) from the Browse window. This can be one of
the following:
• An account that belongs to the Administrators default access
• An account that belongs to the role-specific Access Group with the
Change permissions you have created for this purpose.
• An individual account to which you will grant Change permissions
in any Access Group.
4. Click Savior Save and Close to save configuration changes.
End of procedure
Associating other applications with the same account
designated for Solution Control Server
• Management Layer components are installed and running.
• The Solution Control Server Application object has been associated with
an account with application change permissions. Use the procedure
“Associating SCS with a user account that has application change
permissions” on page 95.
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator.
Start of procedure
1. Select the Application object which you will be associating with the
account the selected in the procedure on page 95. You can also select a
folder or subfolder that contains Application objects, in which case
permissions change for all Application objects in the selected folder.
2. Open the properties of the Application object and click the Permissions
3. Add the user account you designated as This Account for SCS as follows:
a. Click Add User in the toolbar, and select the user from the Browse
b. Click on the entry in the Access column for this user and select Change.
4. Click Save or Save and Close to save your changes.
You could grant change permissions for Application objects to the SYSTEM
account, but doing so (and making all servers connect to Configuration Server
with change permissions) might impact data security.
End of procedure
96 Framework 8.5
Chapter 7: SNMP Interface SNMP-Managed Objects
logTrace string read/write Lists the set of log outputs for the log messages
of the Trace level. Corresponds to the trace
log option.
logStandard string read/write Lists the set of log outputs for the log messages
of the Standard level. Corresponds to the
standard log option.
logDebug string read/write Lists the set of log outputs for the log messages
of the Debug level. Corresponds to the debug
log option.
logAll string read/write Lists the set of log outputs for the log messages
of all levels. Corresponds to the all log option.
logExpire string read/write Sets the expiration mode for old files
(segments); that is, specifies whether to remove
old files when new ones are created.
Corresponds to the expire log option.
logMessageFile string read/write Sets the name of the file that defines log
messages specific to applications of this type.
Corresponds to the messagefile log option.
logMessageFormat string read/write Specifies the format of log record headers that
an application uses when writing logs in the log
file. Corresponds to the message_format log
logTimeFormat string read/write Specifies how to represent in a log file the time
when an application generates log records.
Corresponds to the time_format log option.
gsClientGotEvents Unsigned32 read Specifies the number of events the client has
gsClientSentReqs Unsigned32 read Specifies the number of requests the client has
gsClientSocket Unsigned32 read Specifies the socket number through which the
client is connected to the server.
98 Framework 8.5
Chapter 7: SNMP Interface SNMP-Managed Objects
gsServersLastAlarm string read Specifies the last trap value sent to the NMS.
For information about traps that use this
variable, see Table 19 on page 106.
gsAlarmLogText string read The text of the log event that triggered this
gsAlarmMessagesIds string read The unique identifier of the log event that
triggered or removed this alarm.
tsLastChangedLink-Statusa string read Specifies the server name, link name, and
link’s new status.
Note: Reserved for future use.
The tsCallFilterTable
Table 13 supports stuck calls functionality by describing objects that belong to
tsCallFilterTable, which provides the interface for setting call filter criteria
for tsCallInfoTable (see Table 14 on page 101), and for cleaning calls by their
Table 13: tsCallFilterTable Table of T-Server-Specific SNMP Objects
fltCallCreatedBefore Unsigned32 read-write Reports the calls that were created earlier
than a specified number of seconds
counting from the time of the request. The 0
(zero) value means the filter is not used.
fltCallCreatedAfter Unsigned32 read-write Reports the calls that were created later than
a specified number of seconds counting
from the time of the request.
fltCallUpdatedBefore Unsigned32 read-write Reports the calls that were last time updated
earlier than a specified number of seconds
counting from the time of the request.
fltCallUpdatedAfter Unsigned32 read-write Reports the calls that were last time updated
later than a specified number of seconds
counting from the time of the request.
timeElapsedSec Unsigned32 read-only The time (in seconds) that have elapsed
since the last statistics were measured.
numberMessagesTx Unsigned32 read-only The number of CTI messages that have been
sent by T-Server over this link since the last
statistics were measured.
rateMessagesTx Unsigned32 read-only The rate at which CTI messages are sent by
T-Server over this link.
Literally, the ratio of numberMessagesTx to
numberMessagesRx Unsigned32 read-only The number of CTI messages that have been
received by T-Server over this link since the
last statistics were measured.
rateMessagesRx Unsigned32 read-only The rate at which CTI messages are received
by T-Server over this link.
Literally, the ratio of numberMessagesRx to
callCallID string read Specifies the current call identifier that the
switch has assigned to a call.
callInstanceID counter read Specifies the instance number for each call.
callTimeStamp string read Specifies the timestamp of when the call was
created, in seconds starting from January 1,
tsDtaDigits string read Specifies the digits field of the DTA structure.
tsDtaMode string read Specifies the mode field of the DTA structure.
tsDtaState string read Specifies the state field of the DTA structure.
tsDtaType string read Specifies the type field of the DTA structure.
tsLinkDTEClassa string read Specifies the DTE class for the X.25
tsLinkPort string read Specifies the physical port number of the link.
tsLinkStatus string read Specifies the current status of the link. The
status property is used in fault monitoring,
providing the NMS with information about
which links are currently established and
which links have lost physical or logical
Here are the valid values:
• 0 Link is not configured properly.
• 1 No physical or TCP/IP connection
between T-Server and the switch.
• 2 Both physical and logical connections
are OK.
• 3 Physical connection exists between
T-Server and switch, but the logical
connection is missing.
SNMP Traps
This section discusses the SNMP trap messages you can receive from Genesys
• Table 19 on page 106 lists SNMP traps that only server applications built
with the management library can generate. (See the list on page 87).
• Table 20 on page 109 lists alarm-related SNMP traps that SCS generates
on behalf of any Genesys server it monitors.
01 TServer T-Server
26 DARTServer Obsolete
32 Database Obsolete
41 IServer I-Server
46 RealDBServer DB Server
65 MediaLink MediaLink
84 GProxy G-Proxy
162 Reserved
a. Prior to release 8.0, this value was used for the Application Type IS Transport Server. In release 8.0 and
later, this value is used for the new application type SMS Server.
Default: 2
-sr SNMP retries—number of attempts that the script prompts for
a reply to the SNMP request. If no response is received within
the timeout specified in value -st, the request is resent and a
new response awaited with a longer timeout. Should be equal
to or greater than 1.
Default: 5
-sb SNMP backoff—factor used to increase the timeout every time
an SNMP request is retried. Should be equal to or greater
than 1.
Default: 1
Separate flags from their values with a word space.
8 Managing Third-Party
This chapter describes which Management Layer functions you can use with
third-party applications and how the Management Layer processes the related
commands. It also lists the software prerequisites for and describes how to
configure these applications.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Prerequisites, page 121
Required Components and Configuration, page 122
Monitoring Third-Party Applications, page 123
Starting Third-Party Applications, page 125
Stopping Third-Party Applications, page 127
Example, page 128
In Genesys terms, a third-party application is an application not instrumented
with Genesys libraries. The Management Layer can monitor, start, and stop a
third-party application as long as that application:
• Supports a startup from a command line.
• Starts if the computer it runs on is unattended (for instance, on a Windows
computer with no user logged in); however, this is not mandatory.
• Works without a console window on Windows; however, this is not
• Is registered in the Configuration Database as an Application of the Third
Party Server type.
• Runs on an operating system that Genesys supports.
Configuring an Application object for a third-party
• Management Layer components are installed and running.
• The third-party application is installed.
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator.
Start of procedure
1. Register the third-party application in the Configuration Database as an
Application object of the Third Party Server type.
2. In the Server Info section of the Application object’s Configuration tab,
specify the following:
• Working Directory— The full path to the directory from which the
application starts.
• Command Line— The command line used for starting the application;
usually, it is the name of the executable file.
3. If you also want to start and stop the third-party applications, do the
a. In the Server Info section of the Application object’s Configuration
tab, in the Command Line Arguments field, specify any additional
parameters used to start the application.
b. If the application is started with a batch file or script, specify the name
of the command used for launching that file or script. In the Annex list
of the Application object’s Options tab, create a section named
start_stop and an option named start_command.
c. As a value for this option, specify the command that launches the batch
file or script, including the full path to the executed file or script. (The
start_command option may also contain the command to start the
executable file.)
d. If the application is stopped with a batch file or script that performs the
correct shutdown of the application, specify the name of the command
used for launching that file or script. In the Annex list of the
Application object’s Options tab, create (or open) a section named
start_stop and create an option named stop_command. For its value,
specify the command that launches the batch file or script, including
the full path to the executed file or script.
End of procedure
• The operating system function returns an error. In this case, LCA passes
the error to SCS, which retains the Stopped status for the third-party
• The operating system function does not return an error. In this case, LCA
determines the status of the third-party application and passes the status to
SCS. (See “Determining Application Status” on page 126 for a description
of the methods LCA uses to determine the application status.)
Whichever scenario occurs, the startup process is then considered finished.
The Management Layer can only stop a third-party application that has a status
of Started; that is, LCA knows the PID for this application.
When the Management Layer receives a request to stop a particular third-party
application, SCS passes it to LCA, which executes the required operating
system function.
LCA processes the request as follows:
• If you have not configured the stop_command option and the application
runs on UNIX, LCA sends the SIGINT signal to the process with the PID
corresponding to the third-party application. Then, LCA sets the
application status to Stopped and notifies SCS.
• If you have not configured the stop_command option and the application
runs on Windows, LCA calls the TerminateProcess function for the process
with the PID corresponding to the third-party application. Then, LCA sets
the application status to Stopped and notifies SCS.
• If you have configured the stop_command option, LCA either executes the
specified operating system command or launches the specified script or
batch file. LCA sets the status of the third-party application to Pending and
then determines the actual status of the application, which, when
To demonstrate how you can use the Management Layer to control a
third-party application, such as License Manager, running on a
Windows-based computer, do the following:
1. Install License Manager to directory d:\flexlm. Use the License Manager
installation procedure for Windows described in the Genesys Licensing
Guide document.
2. Create two *.bat files, one (named lmgrd_run.bat) for starting License
Manager and the other (named lmgrd_stop.bat) for shutting down the
application. The file content should be as described in “Start Script and
Stop Script Content” on page 129.
3. Save both files to the d:\flexlm directory.
4. Create an Application object of the Third Party Server type and name it
FLEXlm. Refer to the configuration procedures in “Configuring Third-Party
Applications” on page 122.
In the third-party Application object’s Startup Info, set the parameters as
Specify d:\flexlm as the value for Working Directory.
Specify lmgrd as the value for Command Line.
Specify -c d:\flexlm\license.dat as the value for Command Line
stop_command = d:\flexlm\lmgrd_stop.bat
c) Save configuration changes.
7. Try to stop and start the FLEXlm application using appropriate commands
in Genesys Administrator.
9 Log Format
A log record is a data record that stores information communicated in a single
log event. Log records are stored in the Centralized Log Database in the
following tables:
G_LOG_MESSAGES, page 131
G_LOG_ATTRS, page 139
The structure of the G_LOG_MESSAGES table is described in Table 22:
Table 22: Structure of G_LOG_MESSAGES Table
TIMEGENERATED datetime The time when the record was written to the database, in GMT
TIMEWRITTEN datetime The time when the record was written to the database, in GMT
PRIORITY integer The log level of the reported event. The Standard level of logging
contains high-level events that report both major problems and
normal operations of in-service solutions. The Interaction level of
logging reports the details of an interaction process by solution
components that handle interactions and contains information
about the processing steps for each interaction by each solution
component. The Trace level of logging reports the details of
communication between the various solution components and
contains information about the processing steps for each
interaction by each solution component. The Alarm level of
logging reports the events related to alarm detection, processing,
and removal. The PRIORITY field can have one of the following
2—for Trace-level events
3—for Interaction-level events
4—for Standard-level events
5—for Alarm-level events
CATEGORY integer Identifies the type of the log record and can have one of the
following values:
0—for application-related log events
2—for audit-related log events
APPTYPE: integer The type of application that reported the event. Refer to Table 23
on page 133 for a list of the valid values.
HOSTNAME string The name of the host, as specified in the Configuration Database,
on which an application that reported the event runs.
01 T-Server
02 Stat Server
03 Billing Server
08 DB Server
09 Call Concentrator
11 List Manager
21 Configuration Server
28 Custom Server
29 External Router
32 Database (Obsolete)
33 Web Option
34 Detail Biller
35 Summary Biller
41 I-Server
42 Message Server
46 DB Server
52 ETL Proxy
55 VSS System
59 Chat Server
60 Callback Server
61 Co-Browsing Server
63 Contact Server
64 E-Mail Server
65 Media Link
77 HA Proxy
81 Load Balancer
82 Application Cluster
84 G-Proxy
90 Classification Server
91 Training Server
94 XLink Controller
95 K-Worker Portal
96 WFM Server
97 WFM Builder
98 WFM Reports
99 WFM Web
158 Advisors
162 Reserved
a. Prior to release 8.0, this value was used for the Application Type IS Transport
Server. In release 8.0 and later, this value is used for the new application type SMS
The structure of the G_LOG_ATTRS table is described in Table 24:
Table 24: Structure of G_LOG_ATTRS Table
LRID numeric The unique identifier of the log record stored in the
G_LOG_MESSAGES table to which this extended attribute belongs
10 Predefined Alarm
This chapter describes alarm conditions that are preconfigured by Genesys and
become available immediately after you set up Framework 8.5. The conditions
under which alarms are generated, the actions automatically taken by the
system to cope with or recover from the failure, and the maintenance actions
appropriate in each situation are discussed for each alarm condition:
Connection Failure, page 141
Application Failure, page 143
Licensing Error, page 145
CTI Link Failure, page 146
Host Inaccessible, page 148
Service Unavailable, page 149
Host Unavailable, page 150
Host Unreachable, page 151
Unplanned Solution Status Change, page 153
Message Server Loss of Database Connection, page 154
Connection Failure
This section describes the Connection Failure predefined alarm condition.
Table 25 on page 142 describes the default configuration of the Connection
Failure predefined alarm condition.
Description The connection between any two Genesys components has been lost.
Category Major
Detect Event 00-04504: Connection to [server type] [server name] at host [host name]
port [port number] lost
Cancel Event 00-04503: Connected to [server type] [server name] at host [host name]
port [port number]
Detailed Description
Reports that the specified connection between any two applications has been
lost. Always reported by the client application and might indicate one of the
• The connection was intentionally closed by the server (for example, in
response to an overload situation).
• The connection was closed by a networking software (for example, in
response to a long interval without any data exchange through the given
• The server terminated.
• The server stopped responding.
• The server host failed.
• A network connectivity problem occurred between the computers that run
the given client application and the server.
Application Failure
This section describes the Application Failure predefined alarm condition.
Table 26 describes the default configuration of the Application Failure
predefined alarm condition
Table 26: Application Failure Predefined Alarm Condition
Category Major
Detailed Description
Reports that the specified application has either terminated or stopped
responding. It might indicate one of the following:
• The application terminated because of an internal condition.
• The application was closed by means other than the Management Layer
(for example, with an operating system command).
• The application entered a no-response condition.
2. If the alarm is still active, check the status of the application through the
operating system tools.
3. If the application is running but not responding, restart the application with
an operating system command.
4. If the application is not running, start the application with an operating
system command.
5. Ensure that SCI shows the status of the application correctly.
6. Verify that the Auto-Restart check box for this application is selected.
Licensing Error
This section describes the Licensing Error predefined alarm condition.
Table 27 describes the default configuration of the Licensing Failure
predefined alarm condition.
Table 27: Licensing Failure Predefined Alarm Condition
Category Critical
Detect Event 00-07100: Licensing violation is identified, the violation type [type]
Detailed Description
Reports that a licensing error occurred. Possible violation types are as follows:
1. License information is invalid.
Table 28 describes the default configuration of the CTI Link Failure predefined
alarm condition.
Table 28: CTI Link Failure Predefined Alarm Condition
Category Major
Detailed Description
Reports that the connection between the specified T-Server and its switch has
been lost. Always reported by T-Server and might indicate one of the
• The connection was intentionally closed on the switch side (for example,
as an automatic defense action).
• The control system of the switch failed.
• A network connectivity problem occurred between the T-Server host and
the switch.
Host Inaccessible
This section describes the Host Inaccessible predefined alarm condition.
Table 29 describes the default configuration of the Host Inaccessible
predefined alarm condition.
Table 29: Host Inaccessible Predefined Alarm Condition
Description The Management Layer cannot access a host computer on which Genesys
daemon applications run.
Category Major
Detect Event 00-08000: Host [host name] inaccessible. LCA is not listening on port [port
Detailed Description
Reports that the Management Layer cannot contact the Local Control Agent on
the host on which Genesys daemon applications are running. Might indicate
one of the following (in the order of probability of occurrence in a typical
production environment):
• The connection between SCS and the LCA of the specified host failed.
• LCA is not started on the specified host.
• LCA is listening on a port that is different from the one specified in the
• The LCA of the specified host has terminated or stopped responding.
Service Unavailable
This section describes the Service Unavailable predefined alarm condition.
Table 30 on page 149 describes the default configuration of the Service
Unavailable predefined alarm condition.
Description A Genesys component is unable to provide service for some internal reasons.
Category Major
Detailed Description
Reports that a Genesys component cannot provide service for some internal
Host Unavailable
This section describes the Host Unavailable predefined alarm condition.
Table 31 describes the default configuration of the Host Unavailable
predefined alarm condition.
Category Major
Detailed Description
Reports that a host on which Genesys daemon applications are running is
unavailable (turned off). Might indicate one of the following (in the order of
probability of occurrence in a typical production environment):
• Specified host has failed or has been turned off.
• Network problems prevents SCS from connecting to LCA at the specified
Host Unreachable
This section describes the Host Unreachable predefined alarm condition.
Table 32 describes the default configuration of the Host Unreachable
predefined alarm condition.
Table 32: Host Unreachable Predefined Alarm Condition
Description The Management Layer cannot reach the host on which Genesys daemon
applications are running (no route to the host).
Category Major
Detailed Description
Reports that the Management Layer cannot reach the host on which Genesys
daemon applications are running (no route to the host). Might indicate the
• Network configuration is incorrect: there is no route to the host of interest
from the host on which SCS is running.
Table 33 describes the default configuration of the Unplanned Solution Status
Change predefined alarm condition.
Description Solution status has changed from Started to Pending without any requests to
stop the solution. This may indicate a failure of one of the solution
Category Major
Detect Event 43-10385: Solution [solution name] nonplanned change of state from Started
to Pending.
Detailed Description
Reports that a solution status has changed from Started to Pending without any
requests to stop the solution. Might indicate the following:
• Failure of one or more of the solution components.
Table 34 describes the default configuration of the Message Server Loss of
Database Connection predefined alarm condition.
Description Message Server has lost connection to the Centralized Log Database.
Category Major
Detailed Description
Reports that Message Server has lost connection to the Centralized Log
Database. Might indicate one of the following (in the order of probability of
occurrence in a typical production environment):
• Failure of the DB Server used by Message Server to access the Centralized
Log Database.
• Failure of the DBMS that stores the Centralized Log Database.
11 Troubleshooting
This chapter contains suggestions on how to identify and handle the most
common mistakes made when you are enabling the Management Layer
This chapter contains the following sections:
Major Checkpoints, page 157
Alarming, page 158
Logging, page 159
Application Start/Stop, page 160
Alarm Reaction, page 162
Distributed SCS Functionality, page 162
Major Checkpoints
The Management Layer must be configured correctly to function properly.
When you are configuring the Management Layer, ensure that it operates
properly by using the following checklist:
• SQL server is running and configured properly.
• Configuration Server is running.
• Solution Control Server (SCS) is running.
• Local Control Agent (LCA) is running with sufficient permissions on each
monitored host.
• At least one instance of Message Server is running.
• Message Server, used for centralized logging, has the db_storage
configuration option set to true. (Check the messages section on the
Options tab of the Message Server Properties window.)
• The Log Database scripts have been executed successfully.
This section suggests actions to take if you have difficulty enabling
Management Layer’s alarm-signaling functionality.
• Make sure that the correct Message Server is configured in the SCS
Application object’s Connections.
• Check the Message Server log to make sure that Message Server sends
messages to SCS.
• In Genesys Administrator, make sure that the correct SCS is configured in
the Configuration Manager Application object’s Connections.
This section suggests actions to take if you have difficulty enabling
Management Layer’s logging functionality.
No Application Logs
• Check the log section in the Application object’s Options and make sure
that the verbose configuration option is set to a value other than none.
• Check the log section in the Application object’s Options and make sure
that at least one output type is specified.
Application Start/Stop
This section suggests actions to take if you have difficulty enabling
Management Layer’s control functionality.
Disabling Microsoft’s media-sense feature
Start of procedure
1. Start the registry editor (regedit).
2. Move to
3. From the Edit menu select New - DWORD value.
4. Name the new item DisableDHCPMediaSense and press Enter.
5. Double click the new value and set it to 1.
6. Click OK
End of procedure
Point your browser to http://www.microsoft.com, and search for media-sense
to read more information about disabling this feature.
Alarm Reaction
This section suggests actions to take if you have difficulty enabling alarm
reactions of the Send an e-mail and Send an SNMP Trap types.
• Make sure the host on which SCS is running has an e-mail system, which
is installed, configured, and running correctly.
See also Chapter 6 on page 81.
SNMP Traps
• Make sure that the SNMP Master Agent Application object is configured
in the SCS Application object’s Connections.
• Make sure that the host and port parameters are specified correctly on the
SNMP Master Agent Application object’s Server Info section (in Genesys
Administrator) or Start Info tab (in Configuration Manager).
• Make sure that the configuration options are set correctly in the SNMP
Master Agent Application object’s Options.
See also Chapter 7 on page 85.
A mlcmd Command-Line
This appendix describes how to use the mlcmd command-line utility, with
which you can:
• Query the status of hosts, applications, or solutions.
• Start, stop, and gracefully stop applications and solutions.
• Send a custom command to an application.
This appendix contains the following sections:
Installing the Utility, page 165
Using the Utility, page 166
Utility Output, page 169
Parameter Description
-timeout <seconds> Optional. Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) that the
utility will wait for SCS to perform the requested action. If SCS
does not respond within the specified time, the utility will
return an error. Default value = 60 seconds.
Parameter Description
WARNING! Specify only one of the following parameters and any associated sub-parameters in a single
invocation of the utility command.
-getappstatus <Application Name> | Requests the status of the application specified by Application
<DBID> [-usedbid] Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-getappstatus-runmode <Application Requests the status and runmode of the application specified by
Name> | <DBID> [-usedbid] Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is
-gethoststatus <Host Name> | <DBID> Requests the status of the host specified by Host Name (the
[-usedbid] default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-getsolstatus <Solution Name> | Requests the status of the solution specified by Solution Name
<DBID> [-usedbid] (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-clear-app-alarms <Application Name> Clears all active alarms raised by the Application specified by
| <DBID> [-usedbid] the Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is
-clear-cond-alarms (-dbid <Alarm Clears all active alarms raised on behalf of the Alarm
Condition DBID>) | (-name “<Alarm Condition with a DBID specified by Alarm Condition DBID or
Condition Name>”) with the name specified by Alarm Condition Name.
-startapp <Application Name> | Starts the application with the specified Application Name (the
<DBID> [-usedbid] default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-stopapp <Application Name> | Stops the application with the specified Application Name (the
<DBID> [-usedbid] default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-switchapp <Application Name> | Switches over the application with the specified Application
<DBID> [-usedbid] Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-stopapp-graceful <Application Name> Gracefully stops the application with the specified Application
| <DBID> [-usedbid] Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-startsol <Solution Name> | <DBID> Starts the solution with the specified Solution Name (the
[-usedbid] default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
Parameter Description
-stopsol <Solution Name> | <DBID> Stops the solution with the specified Solution Name (the
[-usedbid] default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-stopsol-graceful <Solution Name> | Gracefully stops the solution with the specified Solution Name
<DBID> [-usedbid] (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-custom-command <Application Sends custom commands to the application with the specified
Name> | <DBID> [-usedbid] Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is
Must be used with one or both of the -custom-subcommand and
-custom-data parameters.
a. If -scshost and -scsport are not specified, and if authentication is successful, mlcmd will retrieve the SCS
connection parameters from Configuration Server. If there is more than one SCS, the utility will select the
first SCS it finds, and retrieve the host and port information from the application object for that SCS.
Utility Output
For all parameters, the utility returns a numeric code when it has finished,
regardless of whether execution was successful. This code can then be used in
downstream processing as necessary. A full list of return codes is given in the
section “Return Codes”.
If any errors occur when processing this utility, a log message is generated and
sent to stderr. Output is never sent to stdout unless the -help or
-custom-print-response parameters are specified.
The parameter get-app-performance enables you to output CPU Usage data in
an xml file. See “XML Data Output for Information Query” on page 171
Return Codes
A zero-value (0) or a positive two-digit return code indicates that processing
was completed successfully. If the command included one of the parameters
used to retrieve the status of a host, application, or solution, the return code
indicates the status. See Tables 36 and 37.
A negative return code, or on UNIX, a positive value in the range of 247 to
255, indicates that processing did not complete successfully. See Table 38 on
page 171.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 (PRIMARY) 0a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 (BACKUP) 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
2 (EXIT) 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
Code Description
-9 247 User does not have correct permissions to execute the command.
<tid>1st thread ID</tid>
<pctcpu>1st thread CPU usage</pctcpu>
<tid>2nd thread ID</tid>
<pctcpu>2nd thread CPU usage</pctcpu>
<tid>Nth thread ID</tid>
<pctcpu>Nth thread CPU usage</pctcpu>
B logmsg Command-Line
The logmsg utility enables you to configure log messages to be sent to a
specific Message Server on behalf of the specified application. For example, if
a specific situation occurs, you can call the utility to send a log message to a
specific Message Server for information purposes or to perform an appropriate
action. You can also use this utility to generate and clear Management Layer
alarms based on conditions external to the Management Layer. This appendix
describes the logmsg utility, and how to use it.
This appendix contains the following sections:
Overview, page 173
Installing the Utility, page 174
How to Use the Utility, page 174
Configuring Alarms for Events External to the Management Layer,
page 175
The logmsg utility was developed to serve the need of customer scripts to raise
alarms in the Management Layer. The utility is packaged with Solution Control
Server, and uses existing Management Layer functionality to generate and
clear Management Layer alarms based on conditions external to the
Management Layer. When an external alarm condition is detected, such as by a
script, the logmsg utility is called to send a log message with the corresponding
Log Event ID. SCS then triggers an active alarm specified by the Alarm
Condition identified by the Detect Log Event ID.
The logmsg utility is used by the stuck calls scripts (see “Using the gstuckcalls
Utility” on page 77). However, you can also use the utility independently of
the stuck calls scripts, as described in this Appendix.
Parameter Description
-atype <type> The type of the application on behalf of which the log
message is being sent.
Parameter Description
-lmattfile <filename> The name of the file containing the log message
attribute pairs, with each pair consisting of an
<attribute_name> and an <attribute_value>. This
parameter is optional.
Note: Detect and Cancel Log Events created in this situation must have an
event ID in the range of 9600–9800; this range is reserved for custom
Changes in 8.5
There are no changes in the Genesys MIB file in release 8.5
Changes in 8.1
There are no changes in the Genesys MIB file in release 8.1.
Changes in 8.0
In release 8.0, the Genesys MIB file is modified as follows:
• apps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { genesys 200 } is added to provide an
extension point for applications. This enables an application, such as
Genesys Voice Platform, to register additional MIB regions that are
controlled by the application itself (not by Solution Control Server).
• The gServerStatus object is extended with the following new status levels:
Changes in 7.6
There are no changes in the Genesys MIB file in release 7.6.
Modifying an application to use a startup file
• Configuration Layer components are installed and running.
• An Application object exists for the application that is use a startup file.
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator.
Start of procedure
1. In Genesys Administrator, open the Configuration tab of the Application
2. In the Server Info section, modify the following properties:
• Command Line property—Instead of the application executable file or
startup file name, specify the command prompt name (cmd.exe) with
the full path to it. For example:
• Command Line Arguments property—Instead of the Configuration Server
parameters and application name, specify the startup file name
(startServer.bat) with the full path to it, preceded with the /c
command line parameter. For example:
/c D:\GCTI\MessageServer\startServer.bat
End of procedure
Next Steps
• Modify the startup file if required. Use the procedure “Modifying a startup
file” on page 182.
Modifying a startup file
• The applications must be configured to use startup files. Use the procedure
“Modifying an application to use a startup file” on page 181.
Start of procedure
1. Using the text-editor of your choice, open one of the following files that
are located in the applications’ directories:
• on UNIX—run.sh
• on Windows—startServer.bat
2. If necessary, modify the existing line, or insert a new line specifying the
application’s executable file name with the full path to it, followed by this
sequence of symbols:
%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6
For example, for a Message Server application installed to a GCTI directory
on the D drive, the content of a startup file to use with the Management
Layer looks like this:
D:\GCTI\MessageServer\MessageServer.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6
3. Save the file.
End of procedure
Related Documentation
The following resources provide additional information that is relevant to this
software. Consult these additional resources as necessary.
• Framework 8.5 Deployment Guide, which will help you configure, install,
start, and stop the Management Layer components. This Guide also
describes the Framework Architecture, which will help you view the place
of the Management Layer in the Framework architecture.
• Framework 8.5 Configuration Options Reference Manual, which will
provide you with descriptions of configuration options for the Management
Layer components.
• Framework 8.5 Database Connectivity Reference Guide, which describes
how Genesys components connect to databases.
• Framework 8.1 Genesys Administrator Help, which will help you use
Genesys Administrator.
• Release Notes and Product Advisories for this product, which are available
on the Genesys Documentation website.
• Genesys 8.5 Security Deployment Guide, which describes the security
features available in Genesys software, and provides detailed instructions
for deploying these features.
• Genesys Technical Publications Glossary, which provides a
comprehensive list of the Genesys and computer-telephony integration
(CTI) terminology and acronyms used in this document.
• Genesys Migration Guide, which provides documented migration
strategies for Genesys product releases. Contact Genesys Customer Care
for more information.
Document Conventions
This document uses certain stylistic and typographical
conventions—introduced here—that serve as shorthands for particular kinds of
You will need this number when you are talking with Genesys Customer Care
about this product.
Type Styles
Table 40 describes and illustrates the type conventions that are used in this
Monospace All programming identifiers and GUI Select the Show variables on screen
font elements. This convention includes: check box.
(Looks like • The names of directories, files, folders, In the Operand text box, enter your
teletype or configuration objects, paths, scripts, dialog formula.
typewriter boxes, options, fields, text and list boxes, Click OK to exit the Properties dialog
text) operational modes, all buttons (including
radio buttons), check boxes, commands,
tabs, CTI events, and error messages. T-Server distributes the error messages in
EventError events.
• The values of options.
If you select true for the
• Logical arguments and command syntax.
inbound-bsns-calls option, all
• Code samples. established inbound calls on a local agent
Also used for any text that users must are considered business calls.
manually enter during a configuration or Enter exit on the command line.
installation procedure, or on a command line.
Angle A placeholder for a value that the user must smcp_server -host <confighost>
brackets specify. This might be a DN or a port number
(< >) specific to your enterprise.
Note: In some cases, angle brackets are
required characters in code syntax (for
example, in XML schemas). In these cases,
italic text is used for placeholder values.
stopping gracefully . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 U
Standard log level
definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Unplanned Solution Status Change
starting applications (alarm condition). . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
command line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 automatic recovery actions . . . . . . . . 154
with Configuration Server Proxy . . . . . 71 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
mlcmd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
starting solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 maintenance actions . . . . . . . . . . . 154
mlcmd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 using detection scripts for alarm detection. . . 63
stopping applications using log events for alarm detection . . . . . . 63
graceful stop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 using Management Layer . . . . . . . . . . . 45
mlcmd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
stopping solutions
graceful stop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 V
mlcmd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 viewing logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
stuck calls
definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
gstuckcalls utility. . . . . . . . . . . 73, 74, 77 W
GStuckCallsClear.pl . . . . . . . . . 77, 78, 79
GStuckCallsDetect.pl . . . . . . . . 77, 78, 79 warm standby
stuckcallsscript.cfg . . . . . . . . . . . 77, 79 defined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
stuckcallsscript.cfg Management Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
stuck calls configuration file . . . . . . . 77, 79
system performance
monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
third-party application
example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
managing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
log system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
TIMEGENERATED (log record field) . . . . . 131
TIMEWRITTEN (log record field). . . . . . . 131
Trace log level
definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
tracing interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
troubleshooting alarms
no active alarms in Genesys
Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
no alarm reactions "Send E-Mail"
executed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
no alarm reactions "Send SNMP Trap"
executed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
no alarm reactions executed . . . . . . . 159
troubleshooting logs
no application logs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
no log messages in Genesys
Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160