Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Question Bank)
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Question Bank)
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Question Bank)
Unit 2
1. Mention the principles and functions of transportation
2. What are the different cost associated with transportation.
3. What are product related and material related factor influencing
transportation cost and pricing.
4. Distinguish between key features of road/rail/water/airways
5. What is intermodal mode of transportation
6. Pipeline as a mode of transportation
7. Define Packaging .What are the functions of packaging and what are the
various packaging material
8. What are the objectives/guidelines of material handling. (Principles of
Material Handling).
9. What are the factors to be consider while considering different type of
material handlings equipments.
10. What are the various material handling equipments
11. What are the Transport functionality and warehouse functionality?
12. What are the economic and service benefits of warehousing?
13. What are the ways in which a warehouse can be classified and how do you
determine the location and layout of the warehouse?
14. Warehouse is no longer a storage place but place which create value.
Unit 3
1. Explain reorder level
2. EOQ Sums
3. Explain external performance techniques in Logistics performance mgmt.
4. Explain the importance of inventory control in logistics and SCM
5. Explain fixed order quantity approach (Q Model)
6. Explain the concept of DRP. What are its Logistics and Marketing Benefits.
7. Explain Inventory Control Techniques.
8. Explain Activity Based Costing.
9. Explain Mission Based Costing.
10. Distinguish Between ABC and MBC.
11. Explain Total Cost Approach of logistical costing.
12. What is Performance Management System? Explain its Objectives of
developing and implementing performance system in logistics.
13. Define Performance Measurement. Explain external performance
techniques in logistics and SCM.
Unit 4
1. Explain Milk Runs and RO-RO with suitables exampls.
2. What are the different transportation network design options available in
Logistics Network Analysis.
3. Explain Information tools used in Logistics & SCM.
4. Explain the role of information technology in Todays Modern Logistics.
5. Explain Internal and External Logistics Information System.
6. Explain RFID and EDI and also explain their merits and demerits
7. Explain Principles of LIS.
8. Explain Inland container Depot. State its advantage and disadvantage in
9. What is logistics infrastructure? What are the projected benefits from
Golden Quadrilateral project.
10. Explain Cold Chain Logistics.
11. Difference between 3PL and 4PL.