Keywords: This systematic review critically examines the intersection of digital transformation and circular economy (CE)
BIM principles within the built environment. While digitalisation has been shown to enhance efficiency, safety, and
Blockchain sustainability in construction, its role in fostering circularity is less established. This study analyzes literature
from 2010 to 2022, focusing on how digital technologies such as open-BIM, digital twins, material passports,
Digital twin
Material passport
blockchain, RFID, and gamification can integrate into and enhance the circular building lifecycle. The findings
Circular economy reveal that while digital tools are pivotal in design and construction phases, their application to existing
Digital transformation structures is less straightforward, with challenges including the absence of digital twins for demolished struc
Circular construction tures, the high costs of retrofit digitalisation, and the predominant focus on environmental benefits over practical
implementation. The review also highlights the need for a unified digital transformation strategy and greater
cross-industry collaboration. Future research directions are proposed, including the development of localized
material banks, the application of RFID in circularity, the scope of Design for Disassembly (DfD) tools, digital
inventory of existing buildings, the circularity of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) databases, and policy implications
for promoting circular construction practices.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: saeed.banihashemi@canberra.edu.au (S. Banihashemi).
Received 27 August 2023; Received in revised form 8 December 2023; Accepted 22 December 2023
Available online 28 December 2023
2666-7908/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
again (Ruiz et al., 2020). Hence, as CE and built environment are in the fragmented insights on digital and circular practices within the con
novice stage of their relationship, it is acceptable to discuss branches struction sector, and secondly, to chart a course for future research that
exceeding others in the CE principles applicability; however, the ten can catalyze the transition to a more sustainable and digitally integrated
dency and desire to revolutionise the whole industry must be present, as industry. In doing so, this study not only contributes to academic
Remøy et al. (2019) argue nothing less than systematic application. discourse but also propels practical advancements towards a circular
The design of the building is the most critical stage at which the ideas and digitally adept construction paradigm.
converge and where the circularity of the building is considered. Joen
suu et al. (2020) highlight the designing-out-waste importance of the 2. Conceptual review and frame of reference
project planning stage. The planned use of recycled materials or even the
reuse of the old building components would ensure that ‘waste’ is 2.1. Circular economy
eliminated. Also, carefully planning the future use of the materials
forming an integral part of the new building ensures the elimination of Manufacturing goods designed for single use has been an integral
waste at the end-of-life stage. However, not all building components part of the linear economy for a long time. However, population growth
could be removed in pristine condition. The design-for-adaptation or and increased consumerism created a plausible concern that some of
design-for-repair can also become an integral part of the design, these valuable raw materials are becoming scarcer, costly, and poten
“enabling expanding life cycle of component or product” (Joensuu et al., tially depleted (Adams et al., 2017). Therefore, finding an alternative to
2020, 9). Anastasiades et al. (2020) argue that when a linear economy is necessary and detrimental to the continuity of any
design-for-adaptability and design-for-disassembly are combined, the industry. Boulding, in his seminal study, spoke of the closed economy of
preservation of the building is also possible, as the parts could be easily the future in which “the earth has become a single spaceship, without
removed, modified, and repaired, without compromising the structure. unlimited reservoirs of anything … and in which, therefore, man must
Furthermore, Akbarieh et al. (2020) argue that design for decon find his place in the cyclical ecological system” (Boulding, 1992, p. 31).
struction is essential in disposing of building sustainably. Planning for He states that the difference between the closed economy of the future
the inevitable buildings deconstruction stage is not a novelty in the and the current economy is how it views consumerism and production
construction industry; however, it is far from achieving the targeted levels. Unsaturated consumption, unchecked production and use of raw
minimisation of construction and demolition waste (CDW) (Akinadeh materials are the measures of success in the current economy, while the
et al., 2020). Akinade et al. (2020) underline that if the plan for economy of the future measures its success in “nature, extent, quality,
deconstruction is not incorporated at the design stage, efficient material and complexity of total capital stock” (Boulding, 1992, 31). The fact that
recovery will not be possible at the end-of-life phase. However, this must Earth’s raw materials are depleting is not a piece of new information;
be underlined that the design stage of the building, incorporating however, the idea of finding a substitute for virgin materials took off
deconstruction and reuse of the building components, must ensure that with the reports on CE published by Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
the components used are compatible for eventual reuse. The 2013 publication focused on comparatively analysing both
Achieving the complete incorporation of the CE principles at every linear and CE, highlighting the adverse impact linear economy had and
stage of a building’s life, from ‘cradle to cradle’, is not an easy process. still does on the environment while simultaneously engraving the idea of
The desire and willingness to create a circular construction must be an inevitable switch to circularity (MacArthur, 2013). The report defines
combined with means and methods to achieve it. A well-meaning CE as “an industrial system that is restorative or regenerative by inten
designer must-have tools and materials available to plan a circular tion and design” (2013, 7), firmly focusing on the profitability of the
project. Hence, this cannot be achieved if other collaborating industries opportunity (2013, 9). The definition speaks of a deliberate movement
do not embrace CE. de Sousa Jabbour et al. (2018) and Ul Haq and towards circularity in business models.
Francheschini (2019) argue that digital manufacturing is the key to The CE practice resides on three basic principles. First, the ‘designing
unlocking the circularity of the supply chain, and Bekrar (2021) states out waste’ is at the core of the CE. The assertion that “waste does not
that the same is valid for the transportation sector. exist” forces the industry to move in the direction of product design for
The digital transformation of the construction industry has undeni the purpose of disassembly, adaptation, and reuse (MacArthur, 2013, 7).
ably provided stakeholders with robust tools at every project phase, To accommodate the elimination of waste, CE is trying to incorporate
enhancing collaboration, expediting design and construction processes, the idea of a user rather than the consumer, thus minimising the prod
optimizing building maintenance, and ensuring responsible end-of-life ucts’ perishability, limiting them only to biodegradable, non-toxic ele
(EoL) disposal. Despite these advancements, there remains a discern ments and those whose durability warrants reuse. Hence, the durable
ible disconnect between the operational improvements brought about products in the hands of a user will find their way to the economy as a
by digital technologies and the principles of circular economy (CE) that material for new products, repurposed objects or retain their function
advocate for resource efficiency and regenerative design. This disjunc ality as reusable merchandise, which is the goal of CE. The final prin
tion underscores a critical knowledge gap: the integration of CE prin ciple addresses the energy used to power the CE cycle, which must be
ciples is not yet a widespread or intrinsic part of the industry’s digital renewable and sustainable. The direct reusability of the product ensures
transformation. a reduction in energy consumption, leading to environmental benefits
This study, therefore, embarks on a scholarly inquiry to bridge this and overall profitability.
gap, investigating the current state of literature on how the digital Adams et al. (2017) argued that the concept of CE in the construction
transformation within the built environment can embrace and oper industry is in its infancy, mainly limited to minimising waste and
ationalize circularity. By presenting a conceptual review and establish recycling. This study will assess the digital transformation paired with
ing a frame of reference for both CE and digital transformation, this CE, which could, in a small measure, assist its maturity in the built
research aims to illuminate the synergies and fissures between these two environment.
pivotal domains. The systematic review method, meticulously applied to
canvass literature from Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar 2.2. Digital transformation
spanning from the first of 2010 to the end of 2022, serves as the foun
dation for this exploration. The digitalisation of any industry leads towards “multiple value
The resultant analysis delves into the emergent themes and identifies creation mechanisms” and better use of resources (Nasiri et al., 2017, 5)
the lacunae in effectively weaving digital transformation technologies as well as the enhanced ability to link numerous stakeholders creating a
and processes into the fabric of a circular building lifecycle. The scien fertile ground for innovation (Simonsson and Magnusson, 2018). The
tific impetus for this review is twofold: firstly, to consolidate the digital transformation of the built environment involves “the
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
automation of all stages and procedures throughout the entire lifecycle Scholar digital databases available through the University of Canberra
of an object” (Esetova et al., 2019, 2). Ávila-Gutiérrez et al. (2020) argue Library.
that the benefits of digital transformation in the construction industry
relate to creating new opportunities, increasing efficiency, reducing 3.1.3. Rationale for database selection
complexities and general sustainability. The computation of the con Scopus is a well-known database with the wide coverage of scientific
struction industry has also opened the door to the innovative use of literature including engineering, environmental science, and urban
building materials (Janakieska et al., 2019). Furthermore, Antikainen studies relevant to the aim of this study. Its database consists of peer
et al. (2018) argue that digitalisation enables the drop in energy intake, reviewed articles and conference proceedings therefore ensures that the
streamlines the logistical processes, ensures waste reduction, and ren literature used are credible and quality. The advanced search facilities
ders greater access to product lifecycle data related to its use and po available in Scopus assist with formulating sophisticated literature
tential for reuse. Building information modelling (BIM) is the globally retrieval search strategies. The tool offers thorough citation analysis that
recognisable digital platform used in the construction industry. It is used is beneficial in locating seminal studies and assessing their significance
to create virtual replicas of the new and existing physical facilities. toward the subject area (Harzing and Alakangas, 2016).
Virtual models of the actual structures contain data regarding the size Google Scholar indexes wider ranges of scholarly works relating to
and form of the structure, and material inventories are used throughout research such as theses, books, abstracts, and articles from academic
the facility’s lifecycle. When incorporated with other digital technolo publishers, professional associations, online repositories, and univer
gies, such as Blockchain or EoL tools, BIM acts as a connector between sities. It is free and has a number of full-text links. This is especially
all relevant stakeholders, thus streamlining the processes and increasing important if an article is missing from the subscription databases. Ca
efficiency (Esetova et al., 2019). These trimmed-down processes are not pacity of the platform in encompassing interdisciplinary works in con
necessarily circular but are becoming sustainable, and managing the struction, digital transformation, circular economy and others makes it
business sustainably is one of the steps in CE. This study will examine the strong (Harzing and Alakangas, 2016).
state of digital transformation in CE principles and its integration within Web of Science covers a wide array of high-impact journals, a
the construction industry that goes beyond the current sustainable requisite since there will always be an intersection of technology, sus
business models. This refers to the innovative approaches that transcend tainability, and construction. It gives historical depth that is vital for
traditional practices, incorporating principles of the circular economy, comprehending the progression of digital transformation as well as
digital integration, and regenerative design. circular economy concept in the construction industry. Strict inclusion
criteria of the database guarantee that only credible literature is taken
3. Materials and methods into account, thus making the review more reliable (Harzing and Ala
kangas, 2016).
3.1. Systematic literature review Hence, a thorough systematic literature review entails an interdis
ciplinary pool with high quality and assurance that combines Scopus,
The systematic literature review was used as the principal source of Google Scholar and Web of Science. This is why this study uses these
data generated from literature related to digital transformation in a built databases as to ensure that it captures a comprehensive sphere of pub
environment incorporating the CE principles. The superiority of the lications such as high-impact journals and all accessible online sources,
systematic literature review lies in synthesising all literature discussing thus providing a holistic overview of the research landscape pertaining
the selected topic (Tight, 2019). Suri and Clarke (2009), in their review to digital transformation and circular economy in the construction
of data synthesising methods in research, highlighted three general industry.
guiding principles: “informed subjectivity and reflexivity, purposefully Utilizing all of the analyzed databases, the literature search was
informed selective inclusivity, and audience-appropriate transparency” systematically recorded in an Excel spreadsheet reflecting the successful
(408–413), underlining the nature of the systematic review and how the searches and those that showed no promising results. The search was
researcher’s bias could impact it. Hence, there is a need to incorporate limited to the publications from the first of 2010 to the end of 2022 to
guiding principles to ensure the transparency and replicability of the highlight the digital transformation development in the built environ
review. Therefore, the search for the literature was conducted focused, ment relating to CE. Furthermore, the position of the term was expanded
purposefully selecting only literature that discussed the topic this project to all sections of the publications, including the title of the study, ab
intends to examine. stract, keywords, the body of the text and bibliography. The combining
search terms technique was used to ensure the collected literature re
3.1.1. Inclusion criteria flects all necessary aspects this project examines. First combining terms
used were “digital transformation” AND “circular economy” AND “built
• Peer-reviewed articles published between January 2010 and environment”, which are at the core of this study. In subsequent searches,
December 2022. the term “built environment” was replaced with “construction industry”,
• Articles that explicitly discuss digital transformation in the context of “building design”, and “building industry”. A similar method of terminol
CE within the built environment. ogy substitution was done in respect to “circular economy”, replacing it
• Studies that provide insights into the application of digital technol with “resource efficiency”, circularity, “circular business model” and “cir
ogies in advancing CE principles in construction. cular model”, and to “digital transformation” with use of digitalisation,
both Australian English and American English spelling. The literature
3.1.2. Exclusion criteria search called for an innovative outlook at search terms, trying to deci
pher the terms and their combination generally used in the built envi
• Non-peer-reviewed literature, grey literature, and unpublished ronment literature, potentially replacing two or all three terms deemed
works. essential for this project. The developed terminology combinations
• Articles not written in English. (Table 1) were resulted in 120 publications which were mostly circu
• Studies that do not directly address the intersection of digital lated in Science Direct, IEEE Explore, IOP Science, Springer Link, and MDPI
transformation and CE within the built environment. (Table 2).
• Publications that focus on industries outside of the construction The further examination of the results exposed that some of the
sector, even if they mention relevant terms in their bibliography. publications were unrelated to the project. The disconnectedness was
due to the broad exploration of the texts, particularly the exploration of
The search was conducted in the Scopus, Web of Science, and Google bibliography, where search engines highlighted the presence of the
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
Table 1 Table 2
Terms used to identify and collect relevant literature. Publications outlet.
“Built Environment” (AND) “Circular Economy” (AND) “Digital Primary Outlet Records Publisher Journal Conference
Transformation” Number proceeding
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
Table 2 (continued ) buildings are recorded in the BIM-created database for that building or
Primary Outlet Records Publisher Journal Conference could be subsequently created if the building predates the digital age.
Number proceeding Akinade et al. (2017) argue that adapting BIM for Design for Decon
Applied Sciences 1 MDPI
struction (DfD), not only accommodates the identification of reusable
Busniess Strategy and the 1 Willey materials but also improves the collaboration between stakeholders, the
Environment conception of deconstruction processes, effective deconstruction plan
AIP Conference 1 AIP ✓ ning, “performance analysis and simulation of EoL alternatives”, better
buildings LCM and “interoperability with existing BIM software”.
EG-ICE 2020 1 ICE ✓
Proceedings: Workshop Publishing However, Akbarieh et al. (2020) point out that “BIM-based DfD is a
on Inteligent mixture of immature or underdeveloped topics with few practical ex
Computing in amples”, primarily due to the disconnection between the BIM-based DfD
Engineering and EoL tools. The issue with the breadth of technologies and their
E3S Web of Conferences 1 EDP Science
interconnectivity is a matter of general technological evolution; how
Institution of Civil 1 ICE ✓
Engineers – Waste and Publishing ever, what is its status with respect to the CE and individual stages in a
Recourse Management building’s life is examined in this section.
International HISER 1 BAMB2020 ✓
Conference on
4.1. Digitalised design and circular economy
Advances in Recycling
and Management of
Construction and The design stage is the most crucial step in a building’s lifecycle, at
Demolition which point, stakeholders involved will consciously decide whether to
IOP Conference Series: 3 IOP ✓
create a circular building or not. Anastasiades et al. (2020) argue that
Earth and Publishing
Environmental Science
designers are often unaware of the CE importance. Akbarieh et al.
ISARC Proceedings of the 1 ISARC ✓ (2020) note that designing a building with eventual reuse in the plan is
International not a new concept in the built environment; however, there is hardly a
Symposium on building designed for deconstruction (Kanters, 2018). The low number
Automation and
of circular buildings could be potentially due to the lack of a globally
Robotics in
Construction recognised standard (Cottafava and Ritzen, 2021). Nevertheless, it is
Engineering Project 1 EPOC understood that every circular building design creates a future-proofed
Organization building, generating the potential for adaptability and eventual disas
Conference (EPOC)
sembly or deconstruction (Iyer-Raniga, 2019). The DfD is an additional
2nd World Conference on 1 TIIKM
Waste Management Publishing
design step that the design team incorporates into project planning. It
involves considering materials used for the construction, such as
avoiding toxic constituents and increased use of prefabricated compo
3.3. Descriptive analysis nents or modern construction methods, e.g., the use of bolts rather than
welding. Kanters (2018) argues that the benefits of DfD eventually lead
As noted earlier, the literature search resulted in 120 publications, to “the preservation of embodied energy, the reduction of carbon
from which 86 publications were selected for analysis after a careful emissions, and reduction of pollution” (2018, p. 2); however, he also
refinement process. The breakdown of the chosen literature is as follows: underlines complex DfD processes, whose digitalisation would ease the
10 conference papers, four books/thesis and 71 peer-reviewed journal execution.
articles. The researchers limited the publication search to 2010 onwards, Developing a building digital twin by incorporating the CE principles
and the search did not result in relevant records published before 2016 in the design stage creates a materials database and allows for better
(Fig. 2). The primary outlets for the major studies and most of them performance analysis executed through the EoL simulation.
relate to the environmental aspects of industrial operations – Sustain Ávila-Gutiérrez et al. (2020) while conceptualising a circular business
ability/MDPI (Switzerland) and Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier. model founded on eco-holonic architecture, established that in order for
The major publications’ environmental focus indicates the direction of the system to work, digital models and simulations must be incorporated
the current knowledge, which sporadically discusses the digital trans into the digital twin. A digital twin represents a virtual copy of an actual
formation from the CE perspective. A similar statement applies to the building constructed through BIM, containing both the geometric
conference papers, as most are published in conferences centred around proposition of the building and the materials database used in con
environmental themes, such as IOP Conference Series: Earth and Envi struction (El Jazzar et al., 2020). The digitalisation of the building
ronmental Science (Table 2). design, particularly having a digital twin, also accommodates for records
Moreover, Fig. 2 displays the distribution of papers during the study keeping of all changes in materials used and the forms of modifications
period in further details. Since 2016, the number of publications done. Building designers also employ artificial intelligence (AI) to
addressing CE in the construction sector has significantly increased and perform generative and parametric design tasks, allowing them to focus
equally peaked in 2020 and 2021. on more complex design issues. The AI’s ability to perform multiple
simultaneous tasks and generate alternatives for the design (Ernstsen
4. Content analysis: a review of the existing practices of circular et al., 2021) could also generate circular design options if these were
economy principles through digital transformation in built introduced to the system.
environment Increased incorporation of the DfD using digital tools in the design
stage could contribute to the more thoughtful selection of reusable
The goal of CE in the built environment, beyond waste reduction, is materials utilised for future construction. The BIM-based Whole-life
to eliminate the usage of virgin materials and replace those with already Performance Estimator (BWPE), developed by Akanbi et al. (2018),
used ones, which are almost always a part of current structures. The conducted the three primary building materials appraisal and potential
literature overwhelmingly discusses the BIM application as a base for of their reincorporation in the new building. Their findings indicated
any attempt to digitalise built environment processes, ranging from that steel-based constructions are highly reusable (93%), concrete-based
green BIM (Olanrewaju et al., 2020) to open BIM databases shared with constructions are primarily recyclable, and timber-based ones are split
various stakeholders (Xing et al., 2020). The materials used in existing between the two (65% reusable and 35% recyclable). However, the
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
Akanbi et al. (2018) study focuses only on those three components, in the field are irregular (Xing et al., 2020). RFID technology has been
while CE aims to reuse or repurpose all components involved in the increasingly adopted in the construction sector. For example, a case
building. Xing et al. (2020) suggest the use of cloud-based cyber-phys study in Australia demonstrated how RFID tags were used to track
ical data-sharing platforms enabling designers “to explore and identify prefabricated concrete elements, resulting in the reduction of waste and
reusable/reused components to assess their suitability for their building around 15% increase in productivity (Moon et al., 2018). Singapore’s
projects in comparing with other new products” (2020, p. 9). The data Building and Construction Authority (BCA) (Annual Report, 2021) has
regarding the building components are collected through Radio Fre paved a way for this in South East Asia where the use of RFID has been
quency Identification (RFID), processed through the BIM, and stored on used to track and manage construction waste. Furthermore, a remark
the cloud; however, the technologies’ development and subsequent use able case study from the US demonstrates how RFID can be involved in a
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
green/circular construction project where a building is designed for et al., 2020, 12). Therefore, the fully automated interaction between
disassembly purposes. Material passports were developed using RFID BIM and LCA tools is yet to be developed (Dalla Valle, 2021a; Kovacic
tags, hence facilitating at the building’s EoL, easy identification of every et al., 2020). Xue et al. (2021) highlight the importance of BIM-LCA
part that can be remade or recycled (Moreira et al., 2012). integration in advancing CE of construction industry. They identified
Nevertheless, any knowledge regarding the location of the reusable significant opportunities and challenges in merging BIM and LCA,
building components and materials leading towards better reuse in the particularly in terms of data management and interoperability. Oppor
buildings EoL does inform design teams how better and more efficiently tunities lie in enhanced decision-making, sustainability, and efficiency
to design a circular building. Fig. 3 summarises the interaction of the in building designs. However, the challenges include managing complex
built environment design stage in line with CE and digital trans data, ensuring technical interoperability between BIM and LCA tools,
formation Principles. and standardizing methodologies.
Succar and Poirier (2020) advanced the Lifecycle Information Trans
formation and Exchange (LITE) framework, which is an “extendable
4.2. The Life Cycle Assessment as a circularity tool conceptual skeletal for defining, managing, and integration project and
asset information” (2020, 1). The LITE complete information loop would
The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is regarded as a practical perfor ensure data utilization from ‘cradle to cradle’, which could promote the
mance assessment methodology and tool analysing products environ CE principles at a larger scale. Creating an interface that links both BIM
mental repercussions (Welling and Ryding, 2021), with the capacity to and LCA tools or developing a framework like LITE would enhance
increase the built environment’s circularity. The LCA in the construction circular automatization in construction and subsequently increase the
industry is recognised as a method used to measure the environmental number of circular projects implemented (Fig. 4).
impacts of the whole building or the evaluation of specific building
components (Fokaides et al., 2020). LCA tools such as GaBi and SimaPro,
amongst others, are used to assess products’ environmental impact and 4.3. The digitalisation of stakeholders’ collaboration and circular
compile an inventory assessment. Anastasiades et al. (2020) argue that economy
although already digitalised, the method should be simplified if it is to
be used as an efficient tool for CE purposes. The standardisation of the The cooperation of all stakeholders at any stage of a building’s life
buildings’ LCA (Joensuu et al., 2020) and the incorporation of its tools cycle is contingent upon effective communication and collaboration.
into the BIM (Kovacic et al., 2020) could reduce the mentioned com This is best achieved through the digitalisation of the relationship.
plexities. Kovacic et al. (2020) have found that databases used by LCA Chiaroni et al. (2021) highlights the crucial role of digital technologies
are region-based (i.e., America – BEES, Denmark – DBRI4, IO-Database – in circular building business model’s transition. It delves into how dig
EU etc.), conforming with national standards, which are not necessarily ital technologies enhance circularity in building, exemplified through a
circular and most certainly not universal, (Fig. 4). building company’s stakeholder collaboration platform, illustrating the
Regarding a potential link between LCA tools and BIM, Akbarieh contribution of digital technologies to the business model shift towards
et al. (2020) find that the link currently takes a form of a plug-in. They CE.
state that “direct data exchange in BIM-LCA studies is not mature Fedoseeva (2020) argues that digitalisation fosters “dynamic coop
enough and these tools have remained disconnected so far” (Akbarieh eration by implementing constant information exchange of network
Fig. 3. The design stage in line with CE principles (adopted from Akanbi et al., 2018; Akbarieh et al., 2020; Antwi-Afari et al., 2021; Ernstsen et al., 2021 & Xing
et al., 2020).
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
Fig. 4. LCA incorporating CE Principles (Adopted from Akbarieh et al., 2020; Fokaides et al., 2020; Kovacic et al., 2020; Naneva et al., 2020 & Succer and
Porier, 2020).
members, coordinating the mutual exchange of resources or services, engineers, builders and all other stakeholders involved leads towards
reducing paper document flow and response time to events (2020, p. 8). efficient construction, and the collaboration, according to Ernstsen et al.
However, Chang and Hsieh (2019) find what is lacking in Taiwan’s (2021).
construction industry is the awareness of other stakeholders (i.e., The digitalisation of the construction industry relationships also
manufacturing), thus, impeding the circularity of Taiwanese buildings. leads to a more significant problem and solution identification, i.e.,
Having the stakeholders’ collaboration in mind, Durmisevic et al. (2017) standardisation and reduction in complexities (Ernstsen et al., 2021) and
examined the reversible building design by examining the potential of faster processes (Li et al., 2016). Li et al. (2016) propose the incorpo
material transferability. The software framework developed should ration of Distributed Ledger Technologies or Blockchain with the
portray a connector between all stakeholders at a building design stage, shared-access BIM models, enabling all stakeholders to insert and update
acting and providing “the optimum solution by offering immediate the information and thus streamlining the processes. Hence, a BIM
feedback to each design step” (Durmisevic et al., 2017, p. 265). The handover should be developed to ease the transition (Cavka et al.,
efficient collaboration between the manufacturers, suppliers, designers, 2018).
Fig. 5. Options for increased stakeholder connectivity (adopted from Akbarieh et al., 2020; Cavka et al., 2018; Durmisevic et al., 2017; Li et al., 2016 & Xing
et al., 2020).
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
The examples above (Fig. 5) recommend either the creation of a new materials, such as prefabricated building components, could lead to
software framework (Durmisevic et al., 2017), linking two platforms (Li wards a more circular construction industry and faster, more efficient,
et al., 2016) or efficient handover (Akbarieh et al., 2020; Cavka et al., and safer onsite work. In addition, prefabricated components, due to
2018). However, Xing et al. (2020) discuss using a cloud-based BIM their standardised sizes, accommodate for subsequent reuses (Akbarieh
System, allowing all stakeholders to exchange design information online et al., 2020; Xing et al., 2020), ensure a reduction in onsite waste as none
and in real-time. The open sharing of the designs leads to their acces to minor modification is needed (Esa et al., 2016; Iyer-Raniga, 2019;
sibility to more significant numbers of stakeholders. Likewise, Iyer-Ra Osterreich and Teuteberg, 2016).
niga (2019) argues that should the designs become a part of an Additionally, it exhibits water and energy savings as hours are spent
open-source, it would allow other stakeholders to review, reuse and on the project, wet construction is reduced (Esa et al., 2016; Iyer-Raniga,
build on the design. Oesterreich and Teuteberg (2016) find that ‘cloud 2019), and prefabricated components are easily disassembled (Xing
computing’ eases the collaboration between various stakeholders et al., 2020). The disassembly at the EoL stage is probably the most
involved in the construction project. It creates digital storage accessible important attribute here. Nazareth (2019) examined the potential for
by all (Ávila-Gutiérrez et al., 2020), thus allowing the greater circularity reusability of the fully modular Deen Street building and concluded that
of the design, bringing it closer to the fruition of CE principles. stakeholders had made maximum possible reuse by using prefabricated
components. However, applying prefabricated components is not new in
the building industry, and yet, reuse was not always given in modular
4.4. Circular construction – prefabrication, reversible connections and on-
construction. The reuse of the modular building components can be
site manufacturing
eased with the technology.
The digital transformation has enabled the greater circularity of the
The circularity of the industry could be drastically improved by
prefabricated building components. Li et al. (2016) proposes an
rethinking the type of construction methods and means employed.
RFID-enabled BIM platform (RBIMP) to mitigate risks and improve
Materials used and methods employed in the project are predetermined
stakeholder communication. The RFID chips, integrated into the pre
during the design stage but executed during the construction phase.
fabricated components, connect the physical element and virtual data
Antwi-Afari et al. (2021) argue that using modular integrated con
(Antwi-Afari et al., 2021). Kedir and Hall (2021) highlighted the po
struction and reversible connections combined with digital technologies
tential of RFID technology as a tool for material management,
is one path to achieving circularity. Selecting adequate construction
Fig. 6. Technology supporting CE at the construction stage (adopted from Akbarieh et al., 2020; Antwi-Afari et al., 2021; Esa et al., 2017; Iyer-Raniga, 2019; Kedir
and Hall, 2021; Li et al., 2016; Osterreich and Teuteberg, 2016; Xing et al., 2020).
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
potentially extending the component’s lifecycle through adequate at the design phase (Nazareth, 2019) and updated throughout the
maintenance. The maintenance aspect is raised by Anastasiades et al. maintenance stage (Kovacic et al., 2020) or by using the technology to
(2020) in their discussion regarding shearing layers. That is, the identi identify the materials used in buildings before the data digitalisation.
fication of the building components that age at a different pace allows Kedir and Hall (2021) argue that already existing BIM inventarisation of
these components to be repaired or replaced as per information collected the materials used for the construction could serve as a material passport
with RFID chips and BIM available inventory. However, Li et al. (2016) for the individual components, feeding into the material banks. How
state that BIM is often used by the stakeholders belonging to the con ever, to ensure the greatest circularity of the building materials, trans
struction industry. Akbarieh et al. (2020) suggest that data collected parency in the design, construction and maintenance must be observed
through the RFIDs could be stored in the Open BIM platform, thus, (Iyer-Raniga, 2019). The material passport ought to possess information
making the reuse accessible to a more significant number of stake regarding components of “lifecycle, reuse strategies and recycling out
holders. However, Xing et al. (2020) argue that the cloud-based system’s lets” (Antwi-Afari et al., 2021, p. 9) to viably contribute towards the
effectiveness for CE is contingent on the improved prefabrication of building circularity. Antwi-Afari et al. (2021) note that incorporating
components with disassembly and reuse in mind. Also, RFID monitoring RFID chips and their integration with BIM through an online and
of building components is mainly used for construction purposes and cloud-based framework ensures a real-time update of the material
updating the supply chain (Xing et al., 2020), thus promoting the ma passport supporting the second-hand material markets. Utilizing
terial loop (Fig. 6). cyber-physical systems leads to better lifecycle management (Rosa et al.,
Furthermore, as the material loop is prioritised in CE, it is best 2020). The further augmentation of the real-time frameworks could be
practised through the joints designed to be easily dismantled. The DfD achieved by the frequent use and interconnection of other digital plat
advocates for the non-permanency of building components; thus, easily forms, such as “digital twin, machine learning, virtual reality and
removable building elements are prioritised and ensure straightforward internet of thing (IOT)”, These could enhance material identification
maintenance and disassembly. In the same vein, Kedir and Hall (2021) and data storage (Antwi-Afari et al., 2021), as well the reduction of
argue that if the connection between components is invasive and not reliance on virgin materials (Nasiri et al., 2017). The data collected with
removable (i.e., nails rather than screws), the building components the RFID technology provides invaluable insight into how the product
could be damaged during the assembly and rendered unusable in the was used and its current condition, but it is not the only technique
EoL stage. Many of these joining building components are ready-made (Fig. 7).
by the manufacturer; however, in some more complex architectural The applied gamification-based concept is another method that
designs, technology such as additive manufacturing can be applied to could be used in updating the BIM-created digital twin of the building.
make components onsite. Oesterreich and Teuteberg (2016) state that The gamification process is the application of computer games and
additive manufacturing technology, based on a 3D printing digital virtual reality and augmented reality tools which are characterised by
model, can create onsite complex building components without extra decreased inhibition processes and increased motivation to participate
labour costs. Additive manufacturing is seen as one of the enablers of the in efficient user-BIM collaboration (Pütz et al., 2020). Gamification is
CE. It not only supports customised manufacturing, but additive particularly popular as a game that directly exhibits the impact of the
manufacturing also improves the lifecycle management of products actions (Santti et al., 2019), stimulating the input of user-dependent
(Rosa et al., 2020). It thus maintains the quality of the building stock, data. For example, a user would take an image of a section of the
which forms an integral part of the material passports (Fig. 6). building and upload it to the BIM gamification platform, directly
inserting the data and providing valuable feedback on the condition of
4.5. Material passports and material banks the building or recording any building modification (Kovacic et al.,
2020). However, gamification could only serve as one way of updating
Material passports are composed from building components data and material passports, as the user reliance is unpredictable. Monitoring
characteristics which facilitate greater reusability and simultaneously material conditions through intelligent sensor systems could assist (Liu
incentivise the supply of “healthy, sustainable and circular materials/ et al., 2021). Still, technology is currently reserved for intelligent homes
building products” (BAMB, 2016). Material passports are either created and introduced towards smart cities, far from contributing significantly
Fig. 7. The Material passport and material banks management through cloud-based digital technologies (adapted from Antwi-Afari et al., 2021; Gutiérrez et al.,
2020; Kovacic et al., 2020; Minunno et al., 2018; Nazareth, 2019; Oesterreich and Teuteberg, 2016; Xing et al., 2020).
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
towards material passport updates and CE (Fig. 7). frameworks are not a part of commercially available BIM options but are
The automatic update of material passports and real-time building rather subsequently added by stakeholders if circularity is considered.
component condition review could achieve its maximum benefit if it Adding tools is an option; however, Akinade et al. (2020) found that the
were deemed easily accessible by all interested stakeholders in the form “major limitation of existing end-of-life waste analytics and DfD tools is
of digital material banks. Minunno et al. (2018, 125) proposed “storing that they are not BIM compliant” (Akbarieh et al., 2020) (Fig. 8).
the information of every component of a building”, conceptualising The identification of the reusable components is better to be made
cities as material banks, thus, creating a new supply chain. Similarly, before buildings demolition; however, as most structures today do not
Xing et al. (2020) promote the benefit of the cloud-based BIM prototype have their digitalised material passports, nor is the CE business model
as a potential supply chain of reusable materials. The platform is widespread in built environment, most building components end up as a
designed to support the workflow between clients (i.e., building de part of the CDW. Huang et al. (2018) study conclude that otherwise,
signers) and suppliers (i.e., manufacturers). The information update reusable building components often end up in landfills because of the
depends on the RFID tags, directly communicating components data to contaminations caused by the demolition. Sorting through the CDW is
the BIM-generated digital twin through the seamless information ex an option, either done at the site or an alternative location (Lopez Ruiz
change via the cloud (Antwi-Afari et al., 2021). Progressively, Mêda et al., 2020). With this respect, Oesterreich and Teuteberg (2016) argue
et al. (2021) presents an advanced analysis of digital twin technologies that robotic hardware could be used to shift through CDW and separate
and delves into Digital Data Templates, Digital Building Logbooks, and reusable, recyclable or down-cyclable components. However, shifting
Digital Twin Construction, emphasizing their potential for enhancing CE through the debris is nearly impossible without easily accessible
of construction. The research is significant in clarifying the in knowledge of the actual components of the demolished structure. The
terrelations and synergies among these digital concepts, proposing an information is essential firstly, to maximise the materials extraction and
integrated, data-driven framework for promoting CE and resource secondly, to avoid potentially toxic components. Hence, creating the
efficiency. BIM model, either through laser scanning or digitalisation of the 2D
Oesterreich and Teuteberg (2016), not discussing CE per se, found blueprints, should be a priority for minimising and eventually elimi
that using cloud-based Big Data in construction could identify risky nating CDW in older structures (Fig. 8).
patterns or improve the decision-making process. Arguably, such tech
nology could also instigate the change process (Manfren et al., 2021) 5. Thematical and gap analysis
and bring the construction industry closer to sustainability (Ernstsen
et al., 2021; Esetova et al., 2019) if data regarding building components 5.1. Research themes
are processed and used accordingly. However, Ávila-Gutiérrez et al.
(2020) propose using local clouds created with the Arrowhead archi The dominant theme of the examined literature was drawn from an
tecture highlighting potential issues with security and scalability of intensive and critical examination of 36 highly relevant publications.
cloud interaction. Creating local clouds is good from a cost-cutting and Table 3 narrows three dominant directions on CE, built environment and
time-saving perspective, as the locally and easily accessible/reusable digital transformation where either two required concepts were exten
materials and suppliers align with the circular approach. However, the sively discussed, while the third was sporadically addressed, or all three
localisation of material banks versus creating a national database could components were present. A few studies examine the CE aspects through
diminish the number of opportunities, as materials would not be the digital transformation of the built environment such as (Çetin et al.,
adequately reused; the promotion would be limited to local construction 2021; Çetin et al., 2022); however, the dominant themes vary. Most of
projects (Fig. 7). the literature leans towards the development of an online open database
(OpenBIM, BAMB, etc.) which could ensure greater stakeholder con
4.6. From “End of Life” to “cradle to cradle” nectivity and maximum reusability of the building components
(Ávila-Gutiérrez et al., 2020; Della-Valle, 2021; Fokaides et al., 2020;
Newer constructions benefit from their already existing BIM-based Garcia-Muiña et al., 2018; Gepts et al., 2019; Joensuu et al., 2020;
material passports and digital twins; however, older buildings do not. Kovacic et al., 2020; Li et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2021; Oesterreich and
The potential of reusability for the building components of existing Teuteberg, 2016; Prakash and Ambekar, 2020; & Xing et al., 2020). The
buildings is often unknown; hence the reason for CDW is an extensive second most dominant topic is the incorporation of EoL tools at the
problem. The CDW accounts for approximately 30% of all solid wastes design stage, subsequently resulting in CDW reduction (Akbarieh et al.,
generated globally (Robayo-Salazar et al., 2020). The need to reuse, 2020; Akinade et al., 2017; Akinade et al., 2020; Anastasiades et al.,
repurpose or recycle, even downcycle the CDW, is pressing. The greater 2020; Durmisevic et al., 2017; Esa et al., 2017; Kedir and Hall, 2021;
reusability of the older building components is achievable through the Minunno et al., 2018 & Nazareth, 2019). Some works highlight the
subsequent digitalisation of the building’s design and the creation of importance of circular design in their discussion of buildings EoL
material inventory. Nazareth (2019) argues that laser technology could (Akbarieh et al., 2020; Akinade et al., 2017; Akinade et al., 2020;
scan older structures, creating a BIM 3D image of the building, which Anastasiades et al., 2020; Chang and Hsieh, 2019; Durmisevic et al.,
forms an integral part of the Asset Information Model. The UK super 2017; Hodorog et al., 2021 & Nazareth, 2019) (Table 3). One work
market chain Sainsbury has digitalised all their existing 2D assets blue (Rahla et al., 2021) is focused on CE in built environment however,
prints based on BIM standards, making them accessible as digital assets presenting practical case studies via the implementation of sustainable
through their Common Data Environment (PCSG, 2018). Likewise, Volk resource management, innovative design techniques, and the use of
et al. (2018) developed the ResourceApp, a system consisting of “a sensor digital technologies; BIM and Material Passports. This study serves as
and algorithms for data processing that allows data acquisition and real-world examples of how CE principles can be effectively translated
registration, object detection, analysing and optimised project planning from theory into practice.
for building deconstruction projects” (2018, p. 242). The system allows All in all, these dominant themes interconnect, thus addressing every
for the subsequent creation of buildings’ 3D modules or digital twins and building stage in one form or another. However, the low number of
maps the materials forming the part of the structure. Although Akbarieh publications points in the direction of neglect.
et al. (2020) argued that digitalisation had eased the pathway towards
the reuse of building materials, there is yet to be a universally accepted 6. Lifecycle perspective in digitally-integrated circular
BIM-based EoL solution. This could relate to the purpose of the older construction
building’s digitalisation and is rarely the material recovery but rather
the renovation and maintenance of the structure. Furthermore, EoL The integration of CE principles within the built environment is a
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
Fig. 8. The EoL reuse flow of the material components in existing buildings (adapted from Nazareth, 2019; Oesterreich and Teuteberg, 2016; PCSG, 2018 & Volk
et al., 2018).
multi-faceted endeavour that intersects with various stages of a build 6.3. Operation stage
ing’s lifecycle. Digital technologies play a pivotal role in this integration,
offering innovative solutions that enhance sustainability and resource In the operational phase, digital twins and smart sensors provide
efficiency from the design phase through to deconstruction (Zhang et al., ongoing data that can be used to optimize building performance and
2023). This section delves into the lifecycle stages, providing a granular extend the lifespan of materials and components. A case study by
view of how digital integration fosters circularity in construction. Motawa and Almarshad (2013) demonstrates how a digital twin model
can predict maintenance needs, thereby preventing premature material
6.1. Design stage
6.4. End-of-life stage
The design stage is critical for embedding CE principles, with digital
tools enabling architects and engineers to envision structures that are
At the EoL stage, digital tools support the systematic deconstruction
resource-efficient and adaptable to future uses (Ferdosi et al., 2022). For
and sorting of materials. The concept of ’urban mining’, facilitated by
instance, a study by Aghasizadeh et al. (2022) illustrates how BIM fa
digital inventories of building materials, is exemplified in the work of
cilitates the integration of ’design for disassembly’ (DfD) principles,
Cheshire (2019), who discusses how such platforms can enable the re
allowing for the anticipation of future material recovery and reuse
covery and redistribution of valuable construction resources.
(Aghasizadeh et al., 2022). Moreover, BIM’s capacity to simulate ma
terial life cycles aids in selecting materials with lower environmental
footprints, as explored by Banihashemi et al. (2022). 6.5. Cross-Lifecycle Integration
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
S. Banihashemi et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 18 (2024) 100715
discern how digitalisation intersects with the various stages of a build • Regulatory Compliance: RFID can also assist in meeting regulatory
ing’s lifecycle. requirements for material traceability and waste management,
potentially reducing legal risks and enhancing the industry’s
7.2. Key findings reputation.
4) Design for Disassembly (DfD):
• Lifecycle Integration: Digitalisation is identified as a crucial element • End-of-Life Value: Buildings designed for disassembly retains more
across all stages of the building lifecycle, with a particular emphasis value at the end of their life, as components can be easily
on design and construction in the contemporary context where 3D dismantled and reused, reducing the need for new materials and
designs and digital twins are prevalent. the associated environmental footprint.
• Applicability to Existing Structures: The study acknowledges the gap • Innovation in Design: DfD encourages innovation in design prac
in applying digital transformation to existing structures, highlighting tices, leading to buildings that are not only more sustainable but
the potential of technologies like 2D blueprint digitalisation and also adaptable to future uses, extending their lifespan.
laser scanning for material reuse. 5) Circular LCA Databases:
• Efficiency and CE Tools: The research underscores the efficiency • Informed Decision-Making: Integrating circular LCA databases
gains from digital transformation in construction processes and with BIM aids architects and engineers in making more informed
suggests that embedding CE tools could further enhance these decisions about materials and construction methods that minimize
benefits. environmental impacts.
• Standardization and Benchmarking: Circular LCA databases can
7.3. Future research directions serve as a benchmark for sustainability standards, helping the in
dustry to measure and improve its performance over time.
• Localized material banks: The need for further research into local 6) Policy Influence on Circular Economy:
ized material banks and the implications of open-source access on • Guidance and Incentives: Clear policies can guide the construction
circularity. industry towards circular practices by setting standards and
• RFID utilization: An exploration of RFID tag usage and its impact on providing incentives for the adoption of circular principles.
circularity in both new and existing buildings. • Public Awareness: Policies can also play a role in raising public
• Design for Disassembly (DfD): An examination of DfD tool adoption awareness about the benefits of circular construction, driving de
in new building designs and the factors influencing their use. mand for buildings that are designed and built with sustainability
• Digital inventory of older structures: An investigation into the in mind.
methods and extent of creating digital inventories for older build
ings, and the regional factors affecting digitalisation. 8. Concluding remarks
• Circularity of LCA databases: An assessment of the circular nature of
LCA databases and their integration with BIM. While digital transformation holds promise for advancing circularity
• Policy and CE: A study on the current policies affecting CE in con in construction, the industry’s readiness varies, and there is a need for a
struction and the potential for these policies to drive future circu unified approach to fully realize the potential benefits. This study lays
larity in the industry. the groundwork for future research leading to a more sustainable and
circular built environment. The practical implications of this study’s
7.4. Practical implications findings offer a roadmap for industry stakeholders to follow as they seek
to implement these changes in the real world.
The findings from this study have significant implications for the
construction industry, suggesting that digital transformation could be a CRediT authorship contribution statement
catalyst for embedding circularity. However, the transition requires
supportive policies and industry-wide collaboration to ensure the supply Saeed Banihashemi: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Proj
of reusable materials and the promotion of circular designs. ect administration, Supervision, Formal analysis, Methodology, Writing
– review & editing. Senada Meskin: Formal analysis, Writing – original
1) Lifecycle Integration and Efficiency: draft, Data curation. Moslem Sheikhkhoshkar: Data curation, Meth
• Design and Construction: The adoption of digital tools like BIM odology, Visualization. Saeed Reza Mohandes: Validation, Visualiza
and digital twins streamlines the design and construction process, tion, Writing – review & editing. Aso Hajirasouli: Validation,
leading to reduced waste and more efficient resource use. This Visualization, Writing – review & editing. Khuong LeNguyen: Valida
results in cost savings and shorter project timelines. tion, Visualization, Writing – review & editing.
• Retrofitting and Renovation: For existing structures, digital in
ventories and the use of technologies such as 3D scanning facili Declaration of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the
tates the identification of materials for reuse or recycling, writing process
contributing to the reduction of demolition waste.
2) Localized Material Banks: During the preparation of this work, the authors used ChatGPT/
• Resource Optimization: The development of localized material ScholarAI tool in order to improve the language and readability of the
banks optimizes the use of resources by promoting the reuse of paper. After using this tool, the authors reviewed and edited the content
building materials within a specific region, reducing trans as needed and take full responsibility for the content of the publication.
portation costs and environmental impact.
• Economic Development: These banks can stimulate local econo Declaration of competing interest
mies by creating new markets for reclaimed materials and
fostering innovation in material recovery and recycling processes. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
3) RFID and Material Traceability: interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
• Asset Management: Implementing RFID technology enhances asset the work reported in this paper.
management by providing accurate data on material location,
condition, and history, thus facilitating maintenance and eventual
material recovery.
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