Atlas of Casting Defects
Atlas of Casting Defects
Atlas of Casting Defects
The Investment Casting Institute wishes to thank all of the members of the Institute’s Publication and
Casting Committees who provided information, photographs and valuable resources. This excellent
support has made it possible to create this Atlas of Casting Defects, an educational tool that will be of
great value to the industry now and in the future.
Casting Committee
Table of Contents
Cold Shut............................................................................ 6
Cut-off Damage................................................................. 7
Gas...................................................................................... 8
Slag................................................................................... 10
Hot Tears.......................................................................... 11
Inclusion........................................................................... 12
Ceramic Inclusion............................................................ 13
Non-fill/Misrun................................................................. 16
Rat-tailing/Oxidation Crazing......................................... 18
Shell Buckle..................................................................... 19
Shrinkage (Surface)......................................................... 21
Copyright reserved: Neither the Investment Casting Institute nor its officers accept
legal responsibility for information, advice given or opinions expressed. Revised 01-2004
Defect: Cold Shut
2 Poor pouring practice. 2. Increase head pressure and/or rate of pour; avoid
5. Heavy oxidation of metal increasing surface tension. 5. Melt under controlled atmosphere or vacuum
Defect: Cut Off Damage
1. Improper design of casting tree. 1. Ensure sufficient clearance for necessary blade
thickness while removing castings from tree,
lengthen the gate.
2. Worn and/or dull saw blades. 2. Maintain cutting edges on blades and abrasive
wheels to prevent walking.
3. Improper fixturing by operating personnel. 3. Improve fixturing to minimize mistake and improve
Defect: Gas
2. Metal held at superheat temperatures for extensive 2. Control time at temperature and cast at lowest
length of time. temperature possible.
3. Dirty, wet or contaminated (rusty) charge materials 3. Clean all materials charged. Be sure moisture is
along with possible moist ladles and furnace linings. removed from refractory materials.
Defect: Gas (Air Entrapment)
1. Turbulent metal flow. 1. Reduce pouring height between vessel and mold.
Modify gating to reduce turbulence, possibly
establish a self venting feeding system and also
bottom feeding.
2. Low shell permeability. 2. Use coarser refractory particles, use fewer coats,
vacuum assist during pour, increase sprue height.
Defect: Slag
2. Metal held at superheat temperatures for extensive 2. Reduce time at temperature and cast at lowest
lengths of time. temperature possible.
3. Dirty, wet or contaminated (rusty) charge materials 3. Clean all materials charges. Be sure moisture is
along with possible moist ladles and furnace linings. removed from refractory materials.
4. Impurities within metal being melted (i.e. slag, 4. Use clean melt stock.
refractories, rust on surface, etc.).
5. Particles of refractory from furnace ladle, furnace lip 5. Ensure lips of furnace and ladle are free of
and ladle lip. refractory particles prior to use.
6. Improper slagging practice. 6. Ensure adequate supply of slag bars and training
to melter. Use cobalt blue glasses while slagging.
Additions of ceramic/cloth filter reduces inclusions.
Defect: Hot Tears
5. Movement of shell before alloy solidified. 5. Allow sufficient time for solidification before moving
the mold.
7. Faster cooling rate after pouring (during 7. Reduce the cooling rate by insulating the mold.
8. Modify chemistry of alloy.
8. Improper chemistry of alloy.
Defect: Inclusion
1. Sand/refractory particles in shell. 1. Clean shell prior to pour (vacuum or turn upside
down and empty).
3. Foreign material from crucible/ladles. 3. Use proper refractory and keep free from
contaminants (i.e. good slag practice, etc.).
4. Poor wax assembly of gate to sprue in wax room. 4. Seal all undercuts to prevent flashing and chipping of
shell interior.
6. Slag entrapped during pouring. 6. Use adequate deoxidation and slagging practices.
Modify runner system to reduce turbulence. Use
teapot spout ladle.
Defect: Ceramic Inclusion
1. Mold, shell backup refractories, uncontrolled mold 1. Observe and correct improper mold build-up
process conditions. techniques with proper instruction and care.
3. Improperly sintered furnace and transfer ladle 3. Ensure furnaces and ladles are free of loose
refractories. refractories prior to melting or metal transfer.
Defect: Excessive Metal From Shell Failure
1. Mold, shell backup refractories, uncontrolled mold 1. Observe and correct improper mold build-up
process conditions. techniques with proper instruction and care.
Defect: Mold Cracking, Finning
2. Excessive drying rate during drying of primary coats. 2. Reduce drying rates. Refer to Atlas of Shell Defects.
Defect: Non-fill/Misrun
1. Low shell or metal pour temperature. 1. Increase gate and sprue size and height.
5. Thin sections. 5. Increase metal section, extend thin section then cut
back to drawing dimension.
6. Low shell permeability and absence of vents. 6. Increase permeability by using coarser refractory,
fewer coats, or addition of vents.
Defect: Primary Coat Buckle
1. Cracking of primary coat allowing back-up slurry 1. Ensure patterns are washed sufficiently and that the
to penetrate between pattern and the primary coat primary coat has good wetting properties. Ensure
faces; probably caused by an uneven primary coat that refractory particles are adhering to the entire
thickness, giving rise to variable rates of drying. area of the primary coat and that any surplus is
completely removed.
2. Drying of primary coat before application of 2. Control temperature and humidity through entire
refractory sand. shell manufacture cycle.
3. Primary slurry coat draining from areas too quickly 3. Ensure proper viscosity of slurry along with uniform
presenting a tendency for variations in thickness. coverage and drainage.
Defect: Rat-Tailing/Oxidation Crazing
1. High shell temperature and excessive time during 1. Reduce shell temperature.
2. Shell cracking permitting quantities of air to oxidize 2. Can-cover the shell immediately after casting.
vicinity of cracks during cooling. Addition of carbonaceous material (i.e. sugar, dried
wood chips, wax, etc.) before applying can cover
also helps.
Defect: Shell Buckle
1. Pattern not sufficiently rigid to support necessary 1. Support pattern in additional areas to sprue.
dipping and refractory coating operations.
2. Wax expansion during mold build-up and/or drying. 2. Avoid temperature fluctuations during mold build-up
and drying. Avoid excessive rate of drying of primary
coat. Ensure proper dewaxing methods.
4. Large flat surface. 4. Break the flatness by using ribs, dimples, etc.
Defect: Shrink in Gate Area
1. Improper gate design. 1. Adjust gate size and/or taper all locations.
2. Inadequate feeding. 2. Use larger feed bars and greater head pressure to
promote directional solidification. Insulate wrappings
of tree gate. Also use of exothermic in pour cup.
3. Higher pour temperature and gas content. 3. Reduce pour temperature and gas content.
Defect: Shrinkage (Surface)
1. Localized mold hot spots. 1. Improve pattern spacing and avoid refractory build-
up in completing molds.
Defect: Wax Flow Line
1. Excessive use of die lubricant during wax injection. 1. Check type, quantity and quality of lubricant used.
Refer to Atlas of Wax Pattern Defects.
Investment Casting Institute
136 Summit Avenue
Montvale, NJ 07645-1720
Phone: 201-573-9770 Fax: 201-573-9771