English Communication SEC I
English Communication SEC I
English Communication SEC I
Introduction: This paper intends to build up the four primary skills in students in the academic
as well as in the wider domains of use like public offices. The books recommended only provide
guidelines for what to teach, and the list is in no way exhaustive. Teachers must be free and
resourceful enough to collect teaching materials on their own, and even use newspaper clippings
as teaching materials.
UNIT 1: Introduction
(i) What is communication?
(ii) Types of communication (Horizontal, Vertical, Interpersonal, Grapevine),
(iii) Uses of Communication, Inter-cultural communication, Communication today:
(iv)Distinct features of Indianisation, alternative texts of language learning, global English
and English in the print and electronic media in India.
UNIT 2: The Four Skills and Prospect of new material in language learning
(i) Listening-Passive and active, Speaking effective, intelligibility and clarity
(ii) Methods and techniques of reading such as skimming, scanning and searching for
information; Reading to understand the literal, metaphorical and suggested meaning of a
(iii) Identifying the tone (admiring, accusatory, ironical, sympathetic, evasive, indecisive,
ambiguous, neutral etc.) of the writer and view-points.
(iv) Cohesive and Coherent writing
(i) Doing exercises like filling in the blanks, correcting errors, choosing correct forms out of
alternative choices, joining clauses, rewriting sentences as directed, and replacing
indicated sections with single words / opposites / synonyms, choosing to use correct
punctuation marks, getting to understand and use formal and informal styles, learning to
understand the usages of officialese, sexism, racism, jargon.
(ii) Learning to understand information structure of the sentence such as topic-focus
relationship; strategies of thematization, postponement, emphasis, structural compression
(deletion of redundant parts, nominalization, cleft and pseudo-cleft sentences, elliptical
structures etc.), Logical Connectors between sentences, Methods of developing a
paragraph, structure of an essay and methods of developing an essay
Reference Books:
Ways of Reading: Advanced reading Skills for Students of English Literature. Martin
Montgomery et al. London: Routledge, 2007.
Applying Communication Theory for Professional Life: A Practical Introduction.
Dainton and Zelley, http://tsime.uz.ac.zw/claroline/backends/download.php?
Literature and the art of Communication, Cambridge University Press.
Vistas and Visions. Orient Black Swan (writing and grammar exercises at the end of
lessons are recommended)
‘Writing skills’, Remappings :An Anthology for Degree Classes Orient Black Swan.
Indian English through Newspapers (Chapter 4,5 and 6), Concept, New Delhi,2008.
Contemporary Communicative English, S Chand
Technical Communication: A Reader Centred Approach. P.V. Anderson. Wadsworth,
A University Grammar of English (Chapter 10,13,14) Randolph Quirk and Sidney
Greenbaum : Pearson Education, India