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Strand 4-a-creating a professional learning community

1. Which of the following best describes a Professional Learning Community


A. Students or pupils and teachers simultaneously engage in learning.

B. Community leaders and internal stakeholders engage in learning


C. Administrators, non-teaching staff, teachers, pupils or students, and key

parents, together share learning.

D. Local community members, key parents, administrators, non-teaching

staff, teachers and students continuously enhance their effectiveness.

63. Build a community of learners among teachers.

2. What activity of SH is best geared on building a community of learners

among teachers? School head____________________

A. assists the teachers in accomplishing their IPPD.

B. prepares, implements and monitors the activities of inset and SLACs.

C. mentors and gives technical assistance to teachers.

D. conducts post conference with the teacher.

64. assess and analyze the needs and interests of teachers and
other school personnel

3. Which of the following does NOT indicate that teachers allocate time for
professional development?

A. Join educational tours

B. Participate in educational seminar

C. Engage in educational research

D. Read educational materials regularly.

65. Ensure that the School Plan for Professional Development(SPPD)

emerges from the individual plan for professional
development(Ippd0 and other identified needs of school personnel
included in the SIP/AIP

4. In preparing School Plan for Professional Development or SPPD, what

should be its content?

I. Annual Implementation Review.

II. Other identified needs of school personnel

III. Individual Plan for Professional Development (IPPD)

IV. Identified problems in School Improvement Plan

A.I and IV B. I and II

C. I,III, and IV D. II, III and IV

66. integrate the SPPD in the SIP/AIP

5. Training programs and projects in the School Improvement Plan are based
on the following except one


B. Classroom observations

C. Availability of resources

D. Suggestions

67. Mentor and coach employees and facilitate the induction of

new ones.

6. Joyce Anne Manalo & Dezmin Alvarez are newly-hired Permanent

Teachers I in Ambray Elementary School. Which of the following in- service
training programs is appropriate for them?
A. Orientation Program C. Reorientation Program
B. Induction Program D. Values Development
68. Recognize potentials of staff and provide opportunities for
professional development

7. Mrs. Loida Ovilla is a Master Teacher. She shifts from classroom teaching
to administration and supervision, what in-service training program does she
need to attend to develop her managerial competence and leadership skills?
A. Induction Program
B. Career Pathing Program
C. Values Development Program
D. Basic School Management Course
8. Which program is designed for teachers who have been teaching for 3
years and below?

A. Value Formation

B. Re-orientation Program

C. Induction Program

D. School Learning Action Cell

69. Ensure that the objectives of the school development plan

are supported with resources for training and development
9. Mrs. Rosa Garcia, the school Principal, prepares the School Plan for
Professional Development (SPPD). How much of the Annual School Operating
Budget will she allocate for human resource development purposes?
At least____
A. 1% B. 2% C. 3% D. 5%
70. Prepare, implement, and monitor school-based INSET for all
teaching staff based on IPPDs and the SPPD.
10. The Teachers Individual Plan for Personal Development (IPPD) and
School’s Plan for Professional Development (SPPD) are the basis of
providing school-based INSET or SLAC session for all teaching Staff.
Which of the following indicators reflect the effectiveness of the INSET?
I. Improved teaching performance
II. Higher learning outcomes
III. Increased pupils-teachers time on task
IV. Positive feedback of parent stakeholders

A. I & II B. II & III C. I, II & IV D. I, II, III &

71. Monitor and evaluate school-based INSETs
11. Before the opening of classes in June and during October Semestral
Break, Mrs. Karen Capuno, the school principal, regularly conducts
school- based INSETs to enhance teacher’s instructional competence. As an
empowered principal, what must she do to ensure that the planned activities
are religiously conducted?
I. Design Monitoring & Evaluation Tool
II. Assign Monitoring & Evaluation Committee
III. Involve community stakeholders in the monitoring
IV. Request the Division M & E Team to validate the activity.

A. I & II B. I, II & III C. I , II, & IV D. I, II, III,

& IV

Strand 4-b-Recruitment and Hiring

72. Utilize the basic qualification standards and adhere to
pertinent policies in recruiting and hiring teachers/staff.
12. Who is best to be hired first for a vacant position in a school situated in a
very remote barangay?

A. A teacher who ranks first but lives in the city.

B. A teacher who ranks first but lives in another barangay.

C. A teacher who ranks last but lives in another barangay.

D. A teacher who ranks 6th but lives in the same barangay.

13. Ms Faith Ogaro , a teacher applicant gets 0 in specialized training and

skills although she claims to be computer literate.What could have happened
why she was not given a point in this criteria?

A. Specialized training is rated based on the validation of experience.

B. Specialized training is rated based on certificates presented.

C. Specialized training is rated based on the interview conducted.

D. Specialized training is rated based on others’ testimony.

14. Miss Estrellado, the school principal, was called at the Division Office and
was blamed on the wrong information gathered on a certain document of a
teacher applicant. What role does she perform as the chairman of the school
ranking committee for her to take the blame?

A. Validates the documents and interview applicants.

B. Validates the documents and submits them to the DO.

C. Recommends applicants to the SDS.

D. Acts as observer/rater in the conduct of Demo teaching.

15. Teacher Pen is next to be promoted to teacher 2 based on the ranking

done on March 2015. A position becomes available on November 2016 but
he was not given the position. School ranking of teachers expires on a
certain time.

A. After 6 months

B. After a year

C. After 2 years

D. After 3 years

16. Who assumes full responsibility and accountability on checking the

validity and authenticity of the documents of the applicants?

A. The school selection committee

B. The applicant himself/herself

C. The Division Selection Committee

D. The Division Sub-committee

17. Who is likely to get the highest rating if already given almost the same
rating in other criteria in the ranking of new teachers?

A. An applicant who is a doctoral degree holder.

B. An applicant who has a specialized training in journalism

C. An applicant who displays fluency in communication.

D. An applicant who performs a very commendable Demonstration Teaching.

18. In case a school has an excess teacher and needs to be transferred to
another school, what should be considered?

A. age of teachers

B. Localization law

C. First in, first out policy

D. Performance rating

19. Other than gaining points in authorship for the conduct Research and
Development Projects in vying for promotion as teachers, what are the other
criteria where he can claim for additional points?

I. Awards

II. Innovations

III. Publication

IV. Demonstration Teaching

A. I B. II and III C. I, II, and III D. I,II,III, and IV

73. Create and train School Selection and Promotion

Committee and train its members
20. What is the composition of the School Selection Committee at the
Elementary Level? The Committee shall be chaired by the School Head

A. three (3) Master Teachers/Best Performing teachers as members

B. three (3) Head Teachers/Best Performing teachers as members

C. four (4) Master teachers/Best Performing teachers as members

D. four( 4) Head Teachers/Best Performing teachers as members

21. The School Selection Committee has the following functions:

I Receives applications

II Verifies documents as to completeness, veracity, accuracy and


III Submits the list of applicants to the Division Sub-Committees

IV Recommends to the SDS the appointments of qualified applicants

listed in the RQA for the current school year who are bona fide
residents of locality where the vacancies exists and those from the
“catchments areas” who are assigned in the public elementary and
secondary schools consistent with the provision of RA No. 8190

A. I,II and III B. I and II C. I,II and IV D. I, II, III and IV

74. Recommend better ways and means to improve

recruitment, hiring,and performance appraisal of teachers.
22. What i the 4-phase cycle of the Strategic Performance Management
System in RPMS?

A. Performance Planning and Commitment; Monitoring and

Coaching; Review and Evaluation; Rewards
B. Performance Planning and Commitment; Monitoring and
Coaching; Review and Evaluation; Development Planning
C. Performance Planning and Commitment; Monitoring and
Coaching; Review and Evaluation; Rewards and Development
D. Performance Planning and Commitment; Monitoring and
Coaching; Review and Evaluation; Rewards and Progress Report

Strand 4-c- Managing Performance of Teacher and Staff

75. Assigns teachers and personnel to their area of specialization

23. An elementary Master Teacher I, who has been teaching Science VI
for ten years, is going to retire in the second week of August. The said
teacher agrees to teach Edukasyon sa Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP)
instead of Science with the same grade level until the time of his retirement.
A new teacher with a specialization in Science is going to take over his load at the
beginning of the school year.
Was the principal’s decision for the best of the pupils, teachers and the
A. No, the new teacher is not a master teacher.
B. No, it is unfair for the master teacher who has been teaching Science for

ten years.
C. Yes, the new teacher fits the profile of the teacher to take over the
learning area.
D. Yes, the pupils will not have a hard time adjusting to a new teacher after
the Master teacher retires.

24. Mrs. Dela Rosa, a BSEEd graduate has been a Kindergarten teacher for
five years and has had a rating of Very Satisfactory for three years. However, she
does not have any unit in Early Childhood Education. A newly-hired teacher with a
Bachelor of Science in Preschool Education was deployed in Mrs. Dela Rosa’s school.
Should the principal of the school replace Mrs. Dela Rosa with the newly-hired
I. No, Mrs, Dela Rosa performed well as a Kindergarten teacher.
II. No, Teachers’ experience and performance is already a basis for the Kinder

pupils’ needs and learning.

III. Yes, because the new teacher is highly qualified for the position.
IV. Yes, the newly-hired teacher is a preschool education graduate and is
qualified to teach in Kindergarten.

A. II B. I, II c. III, IV D. IV

76. Assist teachers and staff in setting and resetting performance


25. In the midyear review of the Results-Based Performance Management

System (RPMS) of Miss Adajar, the school head found out that she was not able to
present any evidence regarding one of her objectives. Thus, the teacher was given
a score of 1. How can the school head help the teacher improve her performance?
A. The school head needs to accept that a teacher has limits.
B. The school head advises the teacher to reset her objective.
C. The school head provides intervention for the teacher to accomplish her

D. The school head gives the teacher an orientation on accomplishing her
77.Monitor and evaluate performance of teaching and non-teaching
personnel vis-à-vis targets

26. The School Head was informed by the School Based Feeding
Program Focal Person that the school utility worker has not replaced the
faucets at the washing area for use during the school feeding program. It has
been almost two weeks since. When called in, the school utility worker
replied that cleaning the grounds has taken up most of his time to perform
other tasks. How could the school head have avoided the situation?

I. The school head mandates the utility worker to keep a daily

accomplishment log.
II. The school head checks regularly the utility daily accomplishment log.
III. The school head lets go of the incident.
IV. The school head outlines the daily tasks a utility worker must perform at
beginning of the school year.

A. I B. I, II C. I, II, III B. I, II, IV

78. Delegate specific task to help manage the performance of

teaching and non- teaching personnel

27. Which of the following tasks can be delegated to a teaching personnel?

A. Encode and submit reports on time

B. Secure the safety of the school clientele against untoward incidents
C. Monitor safety of facilities and school buildings
D. Observe classes and conduct coaching and mentoring

79. Coach deputized staff as needed in managing performance

27. One of the duties of the Master Teacher is to assist the School Head in
performing instructional supervision. What is likely to be the first activity that
a SH should do?

A. Require the Master Teachers to make their instructional supervisory plan.

B. Provide the Master Teachers with the different observation tools.
C. Provide technical assistance on how to conduct instructional supervision.
D. Instruct the Master Teachers to start observing classes.
80. Create a functional school-based performance appraisal

28. The Search for Gawad Parangal for Outstanding Teacher is open to
all teachers. One teacher per school will be selected for representation in the
division level.
What should be created to evaluate the applicants?
A. Performance Monitoring Team
B. School Selection Committee
C. Teacher Appreciation Committee
D. Division Selection Committee

81. Assist and monitor the development of IPPD of each teacher.

29. Teachers create Individual Performance for Professional Development

(IPPD) for their professional growth and improve their performance.
How can the principal help the teachers meet their needs?

I. Remind the teachers to go over their IPPD from time to time

II. Conduct classroom observation, coaching and mentoring
III. Reprimand non-performing teachers to do their duties and
IV. Recognize and appraise the good work done by the teacher


30. As a school head how do you motivate your teacher to deliver good

A. Conduct feedback
B. Prepare for the performance review
C. Focus on the performance and not the behavior
D. Create conditions that motivate and eliminate performance


Strand 4-a-creating a professional learning community


63. Build a community of learners among teachers.


64. assess and analyze the needs and interests of teachers and
other school personnel

3. A

65. Ensure that the School Plan for Professional Development

(SPPD) emerges from the individual plan for professional
development(Ippd0 and other identified needs of school personnel
included in the SIP/AIP


66. integrate the SPPD in the SIP/AIP


67. Mentor and coach employees and facilitate the induction of

new ones.


68. Recognize potentials of staff and provide opportunities for

professional development
7. D
8. C
69. Ensure that the objectives of the school development plan
are supported with resources for training and development
9. C
70. Prepare, implement, and monitor school-based INSET for all
teaching staff based on IPPDs and the SPPD.
71. Monitor and evaluate school-based INSETs

Strand 4-b-Recruitment and Hiring

72. Utilize the basic qualification standards and adhere to
pertinent policies in recruiting and hiring teachers/staff.
12. D
13. B

14. B

15. B

16. A

17. A
18. B

19. D

73. Create and train School Selection and Promotion

Committee and train its members
20. C


74. Recommend better ways and means to improve

recruitment, hiring,and performance appraisal of teachers.
22. C

Strand 4-c- Managing Performance of Teacher and Staff

75. Assigns teachers and personnel to their area of specialization

23. C
76. Assist teachers and staff in setting and resetting performance goals

77.Monitor and evaluate performance of teaching and non-teaching
personnel vis-à-vis targets

25. B

78. Delegate specific task to help manage the performance of

teaching and non- teaching personnel


79. Coach deputized staff as needed in managing performance


80. Create a functional school-based performance appraisal


28. B

81. Assist and monitor the development of IPPD of each


29. C

30. D


1. RA8190- An Act Granting Priority and Residents of the Barangay, Municipality, or City Where
the School is Located, in the Appointment and Assignment of classroom Public School
2. RA9155- Governance of Basic Education Act 2001
3. DECS Manual
4. DEPEd ORDER NO. 35,S.2016- The Learning Action Cell as a K-to-12 Basic Education Program
School-Based Continuing Professional development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching
and Learning
5. DEPEd ORDER NO. 21,S.2005-Adoptive Measures in the Transfer of Teachers from One Station
to Another.
6. DEPEd ORDER NO. 22,S.2013-Revised Guidelines on the Transfer of Teachers from One Station
to another.
7. DEPEd ORDER NO. 32,S.2010- National adoption and Implementation of the NCBSSH-TDNA
8. SBM-School-based Management
9. DECS Manual

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