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I would like to express my special thanks to my Geospatial Technology

teacher Ms. Parnita for her extended guidance and support throughout
this project work.

Secondly I like to thank my parents and friends who have helped in

finalizing this project.
This is to certify that Guru Sumanth of Class of XII C of Basava
International has completed this project successfully under my
supervision. He has taken care of the content properly. I further certify
that this project is up to my expectations and as per guidelines issued
by CBSE.

Internal Examiner Signature

What is Remote Sensing ?
• Remote sensing is the acquisition of
information about an object or
phenomenon without making physical
contact with the object and thus in
contrast to on-site observation,
especially the Earth.

• In current usage, the term "remote

sensing" generally refers to the use of
satellite- or aircraft-based sensor
technologies to detect and classify
objects on Earth, including on the
surface and in the atmosphere and
oceans, based on propagated signals.
Need for Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing has many benefits and is used for many activities :

• Large forest fires can be mapped from space, allowing rangers to see a much
larger area than from the ground.
• Tracking clouds to help predict the weather or watching erupting volcanoes, and
help watching for dust storms.
• Tracking the growth of a city and changes in farmland or forests over several
years or decades.
• Discovery and mapping of the rugged topography of the ocean floor (e.g., huge
mountain ranges, deep canyons, and the “magnetic striping” on the ocean floor).
SWOT Analysis
SWOTs are defined based on the following
1) Strengths are internal attributes of the
organization that are helpful to the
achievement of the objective.
2) Weaknesses are internal attributes of
the organization that are harmful to the
achievement of the objective.
3) Opportunities are external conditions
that are helpful to the achievement of the
4) Threats are external conditions that are
harmful to the achievement of the
1)Partitioning an image into objects is akin to the way 1) Under the guise of ‘flexibility’ current commercial object-
humans conceptually organize the landscape to based software provides overly complicated options.
comprehend it.
2) There are numerous challenges involved in processing
2) Using image-objects as basic units reduces computational very large datasets. Even if OBIA is more efficient than
classifier load by orders of magnitude, and at the same pixel-based approaches, segmenting a multispectral image
time enables the user to take advantage of more complex of several tens of mega-pixels is a formidable task
(efficient tiling/multiprocessing solutions are necessary).
techniques (e.g. non-parametric).

3) Image-objects exhibit useful features (e.g. shape, texture, 3) Segmentation is an ill-posed problem, in the sense it has
context relations with other objects) that single pixels lack. no unique solution.

4) There is a lack of consensus and research on the

4) Image-objects are less sensitive to MAUP (Openshaw conceptual foundations of this new paradigm, i.e., on the
1984) than units that do not keep a correspondence with relationship between image-objects (segments) and
the structure of the phenomenon under study. landscape objects (patches).

5) There exists a poor understanding of scale and

5) Image-objects can be more readily integrated in vector hierarchical
GIS than pixel-wise classified raster maps. relations among objects derived at different resolutions.
Opportunities Threats
1) While further research is needed, interesting integrative
object-based proposals already exist that offers ontological 1) OBIA is far from been an operationally established
foundations (Castilla 2003). paradigm, yet many users of commercial OBIA software
do not recognize this fundamental fact. OBIA
2) There are new IT tools (e.g. wikis) that may accelerate
consensus and cohesion of OBIA. is not one specific research or commercial software.
Much remains to be solved.
3) There is a steadily growing community of RS/GIS
practitioners that currently use image segmentation for 2) Trying to make distinct OBIA from other OO concepts
different GI applications. Thus, as OBIA matures, new and methods may contribute to insulation and
commercial/research opportunities will exist to tailor isolation rather than to consolidation.
object-based solutions for specific fields, disciplines and
user needs i.e., forestry, habitat mapping, urban mapping,
mineral exploration, transportation, security, etc. 3) The visual appeal of image-objects, their easy GIS-
integration and the enhanced classification possibilities
4) Symmetric multiprocessing, parallel processing and grid
have attracted the attention of major RS image
computing are recent technologies that OBIA methods
processing vendors, who are increasingly incorporating
may build upon to tackle problems related to the analysis new segmentation tools into their packages. This
of large datasets. provides a wider choice for practitioners, but promotes
Applications of remote sensing
1. Land Use Mapping
Remote sensing data is useful in obtaining up-to-date land use pattern of large areas at any given
time and also monitor changes that occur from time to time. It can be used for updating road maps,
asphalt conditions, and wetland delineation. This information is used by regional planners and
administrators to frame policy matters for all-round development of the region.
2. Weather Forecasting
Remote sensing is extensively used in India for weather forecasting. It is also used to warn people
about impending cyclones.
3. Environmental Study
It can be used to study deforestation, degradation of fertile lands, pollution in atmosphere,
desertification, eutrophication of large water bodies and oil spillage from oil tankers.
4. Study of Natural hazards
Remote sensing can be used to study damages caused by earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, floods
and melting of ice in polar regions. Many times remote sensing will be helpful to predict the
occurrence of natural hazards.
5. Resource exploration
Remote sensing data is helpful for updating existing geological maps, rapid preparation of lineament
and tectonic maps, identifying the sites for quarrying the minerals and helpful in locating fossil fuel
Data Acquisition Techniques
Remote sensing is the measurement of the acquisition of data about the Earth’s surface without contact with
it. This is done by sensing and recording reflected or emitted electromagnetic radiation. Remote sensing
involves analysing and applying that information. The process involves the following elements :
• Energy source - the first requirement for remote sensing is an energy source which provides electromagnetic energy.
• Radiation and the atmosphere – as the energy travels from its source to the target, it will come in contact with and
interact with the atmosphere it passes through. This interaction may take place a second time (active remote sensing) as
the energy travels from the target to the sensor.
• Interaction with the target - once the energy makes its way to the target through the atmosphere, it interacts with the
target depending on the properties of both the target and the radiation.
• Recording of energy by the sensor - after the energy has been reflected by, or emitted from the target, we require a
sensor (remote - not in contact with the target) to detect and record the electromagnetic radiation.
• Transmission, reception, and processing - the energy recorded by the sensor has to be transmitted, often in electronic
form, to a receiving and processing station where the data are processed into an image (hardcopy and/or digital).
• Interpretation and analysis - the processed image is interpreted, visually and/or digitally, to extract information about the
• Application - the final element of the remote sensing process is achieved when we apply the information we have been
able to extract from the imagery about the target in order to better understand it, reveal some new information, or assist
in solving a particular problem.
Data processing levels
Level Description To facilitate the discussion of data
Reconstructed, unprocessed instrument and payload data at full processing in practice, several
resolution, with any and all communications artifacts (e. g.,
synchronization frames, communications headers, duplicate data) processing "levels" were first defined
removed. in 1986 by NASA as part of its ’Earth
Reconstructed, unprocessed instrument data at full resolution, time- Observing System’ and steadily
referenced, and annotated with ancillary information, including adopted since then ; these definitions
1a radiometric and geometric calibration coefficients and georeferencing
parameters (e. g., platform ephemeris) computed and appended but
not applied to the Level 0 data.
Level 1a data that have been processed to sensor units (e. g., radar
backscatter cross section, brightness temperature, etc.); not all
instruments have Level 1b data; level 0 data is not recoverable from
level 1b data.
Derived geophysical variables (e. g., ocean wave height, soil moisture,
2 ice concentration) at the same resolution and location as Level 1
source data.
Variables mapped on uniform spacetime grid scales, usually with
some completeness and consistency (e. g., missing points
interpolated, complete regions mosaicked together from multiple
orbits, etc.).
Model output or results from analyses of lower level data (i. e.,
4 variables that were not measured by the instruments but instead are
derived from these measurements).
Case Studies
Guru Sumanth
Kosi river floods – India
During humanitarian emergencies the immediate need is to relief and rescue. To undertake relief work in the flood affected
area it is necessary to have better planning and management. In this scenario Geospatial tool is the best tool to understand
the actual ground reality. This present study on humanitarian mapping by ACTED in joint collaboration with Sphere India
during Kosi river flood has proved the effectiveness of this technology among the humanitarian world.
Step – I
In humanitarian emergencies maps are required to visualize, understand, plan,
coordinate and monitor a humanitarian crises and responses to it. To support
the relief and rescue operation ACTED jointly with Sphere India did flood
inundation mapping. Flood inundation maps are required to understand the
extent of flooding. Satellite remote sensing provides synoptic view of the flood
affected areas at frequent intervals for assessing the progression and recession
of the flood 10th ESRI India User Conference 2009 Geography in Action
inundation in short span of time which can be used for planning and organizing
the relief operations effectively. Remote sensing can effectively be used for
mapping the flood-damaged areas. In 2008 flood, Kosi River change its course.
ACTED used pre and present MODIS data
• for zoning the flood affected area
• to identify the shifting of river course
• the detailed geographic extent of the crisis area.

Step – II
In the second step, humanitarian agencies require information on the location
of the relief camps to distribute relief items based on the need of the affected
people. ACTED and Sphere identified and mapped the location of relief camp
with relation to different zones of flood affected area. To prepare this map
multiple thematic layers was used. Location of camp was shown by using point Kosi after flooding
symbol and name of the camps including the number of people are staying
there are shown in the map in tabular format. . Information on camp locations
was collected from local Government authority. Different thematic layers were
overlaid to project in the map.
Step – III
In the third step humanitarian agencies require information on
the response which means which agency is doing what and
where. The response map is commonly known as 3 W map. 3 W
map is one of the most important information for a humanitarian
agency for decision making and further planning. 3 W map helps
to develop coordination among agencies. ACTED prepared
response map by overlaying different thematic layers and
information on the agencies activities were shown.

This study cite an example to the humanitarian world that
geospatial technology act as a best decision making tool
due to following reason during humanitarian emergencies
• good reference to understand the geography of a region
where the agencies have no
previous experience
• Planning for a fast response to assessed needs & gaps
• Coordination avoid overlapping/duplication of
interventions by different actors
• Advocacy helps in raising the profile of the crisis Flood affected areas
• to create elaborate and effective Disaster Management
Information System
The Preselection of Sites Favourable for Tropical
Fish Farming – Ecuador
The French Institute of Oceanographic and
Coastal Studies (IFREMER), together with the
National Centre for Space Studies, CNES), are
interested in promoting the use of SPOT
satellite imagery for improving aquatic
resource use and for coastal management
generally. They have produced a quantity of
promotional materials, much of which is
devoted to aquaculture.

SPOT Image Showing Shrimp Ponds Near

Guayaquil, Ecuador

The criteria for site selection and assessment

of potential involve complex considerations of
meteorological, hydrological, geomorphic and
socio-economic factors. However, as IFREMER
state, the necessary secondary data sources
are not always available, or they are out of
date; the relevant coastal features are either
not on the maps or they are inaccurate, and in
certain tropical countries aerial flights are
either forbidden or made impossible by bad
weather. Hence the advantages of satellite RS
SPOT image showing preselection sites for aquaculture in part
of New Caledonia
Results and Conclusions
The availability of real time and precise geographic data for
identifying site potential is offered by imagery such as SPOT.
This data can lead to exact locational positioning and to precise
aerial quantification - a positive aid to decision-making. The
digital form of this data allows for analysis under a huge array
of circumstances, at selected scales varying from 1:20 000 to
1:400 000. IFREMER claim to have a selection of images for all
tropical coastal areas available and, since SPOT imaging has
now been in progress for more than four years, temporal
analysis of coastal developments are already possible. Where
airborne sensing is not possible, or where it is not easily
available, then clearly the resolution achievable by SPOT is
sufficient for identifying potential locations for shrimp culture.
For understandable reasons, this promotional material fails to
mention the additional potential which digitized SPOT imagery
would have as source data for a range of more complex GIS
investigations. And, although the type of “map” which Figure Enlargement of a SPOT Image Showing the Bouches du
7.3 represents, is a valuable and up to date aid, far more data is Diahot Area of New Caledonia
needed before a realistic site selection process can be
1) www.researchgate.net
2) www.fao.org
3) www.Wikipedia.org
4) www.sciencedirect.com

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