Sem 3 Exam From Fill Up Cu
Sem 3 Exam From Fill Up Cu
Sem 3 Exam From Fill Up Cu
87/1, College Street, Kolkata 700073, West Bengal, India
Sir /Medam,
Jnindita Aan
I request pemission to present myself at the ensuing examination and furnish the required particulars as follows:
Examination & other Fees to be deposited by the candidate to the College 355.00
TH=Theory.P=Practical,TU=Tutorial Total 990.00
I declare that if any of the statement made in the above is found to be untrue or if it appears that, in the opinion of the University,I
have contravened the provisions of the University Rules and Regulations relating to thee examination to which I now seek
admission, my candidature for the examination shall be liable to be cancelled by the University.
Anindet Deo. 201-22
Date Full Signature of the applicant with Date
1. Last date of submission of the form to the College by the Candidate - 24/12/2022
Received an amount of Rs.990.00 from ANINDITA DAS having Registration No. 023-1212-0412-21 and Roll No.213023-11-0073
as examination& other relevant fees for B.Sc. SEMESTER I(HONOURS) Examination (Under CBCS), 2022, ater proper
verification of all conditions including attendance as prerequisite of the candidatefas per extant regulation) to st for the said