Servicing Brake System
Servicing Brake System
Servicing Brake System
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Brake and brake fluid Lines
Disk Brake
The main components of a disk brake are
the Brake Pads, Rotor, Caliper.
Brake and brake fluid Lines
Types of disc brake caliper
◼ Fixed caliper type
1. Brake Pad
2. Squeal Shim
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Brake and brake fluid Lines
Disc brake rotor
◼ This is a metal disc that
rotates together with the
wheel. There is a solid
type that is made from a
single disc rotor, and a
ventilated type that is
hollow inside.
◼ There is also a parking
drum brake type disc
brake rotor. a. Solid type
b. Ventilated type
Replace brake pads c. With drum type
Brake and brake fluid Lines
Drum Brakes
Drum brakes consist of a
backing plate, brake shoes,
brake drum, wheel cylinder,
return springs and an
automatic or self-adjusting
system. When you apply the
brakes, brake fluid is forced
under pressure into the wheel
cylinder, which in turn pushes
the brake shoes into contact
with the machined surface on
the inside of the drum. When
the pressure is released, return
springs pull the shoes back to
their rest position.
Brake and brake fluid Lines
Wheel Cylinder
◼ There is a piston, which the wheel cup is attached, in
the cylinder. This piston transmits the hydraulic
pressure to the brake shoe from the master cylinder,
and presses against the brake lining.
Brake and brake fluid Lines
Brake shoe and lining
Brake shoes consist of a steel shoe
with the friction material or lining
riveted or bonded to it. Also like
disk pads, the linings eventually
wear out and must be replaced. If
the linings are allowed to wear
through to the bare metal shoe,
they will cause severe damage to
the brake drum.
Brake and brake fluid Lines
Brake Drum
Brake drums are made of iron and have a machined
surface on the inside where the shoes make contact.
Brake and brake fluid Lines
Parts of a rear brake
Brake and brake fluid Lines
Proportioning Valve
◼ - This valve is placed between the master
cylinder and the rear brakes. It distributes the
hydraulic pressure appropriately to the front and
rear wheels in order to provide a stable braking
Brake and brake fluid Lines
LSPV (Load Sensing Proportioning Valve)
- This valve senses the load and increases the
hydraulic pressure to the rear brakes if the load
is heavy.
Brake and brake fluid Lines
Procedure in bleeding a hydraulic system:
1. Park the vehicle in a appropriate area.
2. Check the Brake fluid reservoir (refill if necessary and
use appropriate brake fluid).
3. Pump the pedal for several times then step on steadily.
4. Loosen the bleeder valve (fluid will spit off with air
bubbles) then tighten again and repeat step 3 until solid
fluid is coming out on the bleeder valve.
5. Tighten the bleeder valve and check for any sign of
Brake and brake fluid Lines
Parking Brake
◼ Parking brakes are used mainly when the car is
parked. They mechanically lock the rear wheels.
◼ Lever type
◼ Stick type
◼ Pedal type
Brake and brake fluid Lines
ABS (Anti-lock Brake System)
◼ The system uses a computer to monitor the speed of each wheel. When it
detects that one or more wheels have stopped or are turning much slower
than the remaining wheels, the computer sends a signal to momentarily
remove and reapply or pulse the pressure to the affected wheels to allow them
to continue turning.
◼ The system consists of an electronic control unit, a hydraulic actuator, and
wheel speed sensors at each wheel.
Brake and brake fluid Lines
Major components:
Brake and brake fluid Lines
Wheel speed sensor
- The wheel-speed sensors for the front and rear wheels are
installed on the knuckles. These produce electrical pulses by
monitoring the rotation of the sensor rotor installed on the
wheel hub.
Brake and brake fluid Lines
Hydraulic unit
- They are controlled by the
control unit and operate
the control pistons.