Business Meaning:
Business refers to all those economic activities which are
concerned with the production or purchase of goods &
services for the purpose of sale at a profit
1.Environment is Complex: A business environment has a
plethora of factors events, conditions, & influences arising
from a variety of sources. Therefore, it is very difficult to
understand all the factors affecting a given environment at any
time. Although we can understand it in parts, it is impossible
to grasp it in totality.
2.Environ mentisDynamic: Business also keeps a changing
constantly. This is due to a wide range of influencing factors.
These factors create dynamism in the environment causing it
to continuously change its shape & character.
1.Economic Enviromment: It refers to those economic factors
which have impact on the working of business. It consists of
economic factors that influence the business in a country.
These factors include gross national product, corporate profit,
inflation rate, employment, balance of payments, interest
rates consumer income etc.
a.Economic conditions: Economic conditions include income
level, distribution of income, demand & supply trends etc. if
the company is in boom condition, it positively affects demand
& market share. On the other hand if the economy is in
depression it will have negative effects on the business.
b.Economic Polices: Economic policies are framed by the
government. These policies establish relationship between
business & Policies are: i. Industrial policies ii. iii. iv. v. Fiscal
policies Monetary policies government. The effect of these
policies may be favorable or unfavorable. Some of the p
Foreign investment policies Export– import (EXIM) policies.
c.Economic system: Different economic systems prevail in
different countries. These systems affect the business. The
economic system includes capitalism, socialism &mixed
economies. The world economy is primarily governed by three
types of economic systems i.e.,
i. Capitalist economy
ii. Socialist Economy
iii. Mixed economy
d.Economic Growth: The stage of economic growth of the
economy has direct impact on the business strategies.
Increased economic growth rate result in increase in
consumption expenditure, lower the general pressure within
an industry & offers moreopportunities then threats.
e.The rate of interest: The rate of interest affects the demand
for the products in the economy, particularly when general
goods are to be purchased through borrowed finance. Low
interest rated provides opportunities to the industries to
expand whereas rising interest pose a threat to these
f. Currency Exchange: Current exchange rates have direct
impact on the business environment. When the rupee
wasdevalued in 1991, it was to make Indian products cheaper
in the worldmarket & consequently boost India’s exports.
2.Political Environment:
Political environment affects the different business units. A
stable & dynamic political environment is necessary for
business growth. Political environment includes political
stability in the country, relation of the government with other
countries, welfare activities of government, centre-state
relationship & views of opposition parties towards business. If
the political system is stable & efficient then the business
3.Socio-cultural Environment:
Socio-Cultural environment refers to social & cultural factors
which are beyond the control of business units. Such factors
include attitude of people to work, family system,
castesystem, educationsystem, habits, language, religion has
considerable components of business environment. Religion
has considerable effect on business. Some religious restrict
their followers they do not allow its followers to engage in
leather industry, wine making etc. similarly; the social
environment of business also includes social factors like
customer, traditions, values, beliefs, poverty literacy, life
expectancy rate etc.
4.Technological Environment:
It is the most important factor which affects the business
enterprise. The faster changes in technology create problems
for business enterprises. Products have shorter life span than
the past because of rapid technological developments.
Technology provides various advantages. Success in many
industries depends on innovation & research. To promote
innovation & research some companies establish research &
development departments in their enterprises.
5.Legal Environment:
It refers to the set of laws & regulations which influence the
business organization & their operations. Every business
organization has to obey & work within the framework of law.
The legal environment is derived partly from the political
climate in a country & has three distinct dimensions to it:
6.Natural Environment:
It refers to geographical & ecological factors which are beyond
the control of the enterprise. It includes natural resources,
weather & climatic conditions, landforms, rainfall,
environmental pollution etc. Climate & weather conditions
affect the location of certain industries like textile industries.
Similarly environmental pollution in the form of air pollution,
have caused disturbances in ecological balance.