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University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Beliefs of Parents Towards COVID 19 Vaccination Among Children

A Research

Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School of the

University of Perpetual Help System Isabela Campus

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for the Subject

Practical Research 1


Birginias, John Raeben B.

Dela Peña, JV Stephen B.

Acupido, Princess Kyla B.

Eugenio, Kryztal Fate Joy S.

Tamayo, Alvienne A.

Totto, Arrheya Venish C.

March 2022
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School


This thesis entitled “Beliefs of Parents Toward COVID-19 Vaccination

Among Children” prepared and submitted by Arrheya Venish C. Totto, John Raeben B.
Birginias, JV Stephen B. Dela Pena, Kryztal Fate Joy S. Eugenio, Princess Kyla B. Acupido
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical Research 1 has been examined

and is recommended for Oral Examination.


Rhean Joy B. Acupido LPT., MaED



Approved by the panel on Oral Examination with the grade of__________

(Meritissimus, Benemeritus, Meritus, Probatus)

Thesis Committee:


Michelle B. Estillore, RN, LPT., MAN, MAEd.

________________________________ _____________________________

Neriza P. Bustamante, LPT., MAEd. Jemer B. Andres LPT., MAEd.

Member Member

_____________________________ _____________________________

Rhean Joy B. Acupido, LPT., MAEd Arrah Lea P. Vidal, LPT.

Member Member

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School


Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical
Research 1.


Michelle B. Estillore, RN, LPT., MAN., MAEd.

Principal, Basic Education Department

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School


First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His showers of

blessings throughout our research work to complete the research successfully.

We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our research teachers, Ma’am

Arrah Lea P. Vidal, for giving us the opportunity to do research and providing invaluable

guidance throughout this research. Her dynamism, vision, sincerity and motivation have deeply

inspired us. She thought us the methodology to carry out the research and to present the research

works as clearly as possible. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under her

guidance. We are extremely grateful what they have offered to us. We would also like to thank

her for her friendship, empathy, and great sense of humor.

We are extremely grateful to our parents for their love, prayers, caring and sacrifices for

educating and preparing us for our futures.

We would also like to say thanks to our research adviser, Ma'am Rhean Joy B. Acupido

for her guidance throughout this research. Her patience even on consultations on midnights and

also her motivations have deeply encouraged us.

We are also extending our thanks to our Research Editor, Sir Peejay O. Daranciang for his

support and kindness upon finalizing our research work by checking and editing the grammatical

errors and formats.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School


We are dedicating this research study to the people who have guide, supports, and

motivates us upon our stay to our school University of Perpetual Help System Laguna-Isabela

Campus Senior High School Level.

First and foremost, To God Almighty, our maker, our strong foundation, our source of

inspiration, wisdom, intelligence, and understanding, we dedicate this research. Throughout this

research, He has been our source of support, and we have only been able to fly on His wings.

Next, is to our Research Adviser and Editor, we will always appreciate all of the things

they have done for us, especially Sir Peejay O. Daranciang for helping us edit our research,

Ma’am Rhean Joy B. Acupido for hours of proofreading, and Ma’am Arrah Lea P. Vidal for

helping us to master the leader dots. Thank you for embedding in us a keen curiosity for


Lastly, we dedicate this study for our families and friends, as well. We owe a special debt

of gratitude to our devoted parents, whose words of support and insistence on perseverance still

echo in our ears. We sincerely extend our gratitude for supporting us throughout the process.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School


Title: Beliefs of Parents Toward COVID-19 Vaccination Among

Authors Arrheya Venish C. Totto, John Raeben B. Birginias, JV Stephen B.
Dela Pena, Kryztal Fate Joy S. Eugenio, Princess Kyla B. Acupido
Curriculum Senior High School
School University of Perpetual Help System - Laguna Isabela Campus

Academic Year 2020-2021

Adviser Rhean Joy B. Acupido

No. of Pages 121

This study aimed to determine the different beliefs of parents towards COVID-19

vaccination among children. This also aimed to determine an action plan based on the data that

were gathered. Results from this study can help inform future researchers about the actions

needed to advocate the importance of taking the covid-19 vaccine among children. The

researchers used qualitative case study in conducting this research.

The findings revealed that the beliefs of parents who are hesitant in vaccinating their child

are based on conspiracy theories, the vaccine's risk of death, beliefs they heard from other people

and their religion, the children's underdeveloped bodies, adverse effects of the vaccine, low trust

in vaccines, vaccine as disease trigger, vaccine doses, age impact, and the vaccine's effect to the

immune system. The researchers also made a mini infomercial based from the data gathered that

aims to advocate the importance of the vaccine. Keywords: Parents, Children, Beliefs, Vaccine,


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School


Title Page i
Recommendation for Oral Examination ii
Approval Sheet iii
Acknowledgement iv
Dedicaion v
Thesis Abstract vi
Tableof Contents vii

Introduction………………………………………………………... 1
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework…………………………….…. 2
Operational Framework……………………………………………. 3
Statement of the Problem…………………………………………...5
Assumptions of the Study…………………………………………. 6
Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………..6
Significance of the Study…………………………………………... 7
Definition of Terms………………………………………………… 7


State of the Art……………………………………………………... 10
Foreign Study……………………………………………….………10
Local Literature…………………………………………………… 13
Local Study………………………………………………………….14
Foreign Literature………………………………………………….. 15
Synthesis of the Study………………………………………………16
Gaps Bridged by the Present Study………………………………... 17

Research Design…………………………………………………….18
Sources of Data…………………………………………………….. 18
Participants of the Study…………………………………………… 18
Locale of the Study………………………………………………….19
Instrumentation and Validation……………………………………..19
Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………….. 20
Treatment and Analysis of Data…………………………………… 20
Ethical Considerations……………………………………………... 22

viii – JONELTA
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION………………………………………….. 23


Summary of Findings……………………………………………….61
Recommendaions………………………………………………….. 63


Appendix A: Letter to the Senior High School Coordinator and Authorities

Letter to the Participants

Appendix B: Interview Protocol

Appendix C: Verbatim Transcriptions and Coding

Appendix D: Curriculum Vita

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School




Vaccination is the most important factor to protect people from viral illnesses especially

this pandemic (Callender, 2016). With a lot of vaccine shots being given to the adults, children

are being left behind and are vulnerable against severe symptoms of covid-19. It also lowers the

success of achieving herd immunity (Walker, Owens, Head, & Zimet, 2021), Due to this, the

government is beginning to vaccinate children after successful Pfizer vaccination trials involving

children (Jenco, 2021). The vaccine is now being administered to children aged 5-12. What

concerns this is about the acceptance of the parents.

Parents are the ones responsible not only for their vaccination but also for their children's.

Parental hesitancy towards vaccination is in the top 10 global health threats that can have an

impact against covid vaccine uptake.(Walker, et al. 2021). A Department of Health memorandum

previously said the state can act as "parents patriae" or parent of the nation to give consent to a

child's inoculation even if a parent or guardian refuses. However, as per new DOH memo issued

on February 4, 2022, the provision has been "rescinded." Minors must have the consent of a

parent or guardian to be vaccinated against COVID-19, acting presidential spokesperson Cabinet

Secretary Karlo Nograles said on Tuesday, February 7, 2022. Children cannot decide for

themselves, even if they want to get vaccinated but their parents will not allow them to.

Campaigns involving vaccination for people below the age of 20 are progressing positively but

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

for children aged 5-12, it is still "on-label" since physical immunity and strength for this age has

a big gap compared to the people with ages close to 20. (Pratico & Ruggieri, 2021).

Examples of the factors that promote parental hesitancy are the beliefs of parents towards

the vaccine, these things worry them about the safety of their children despite not confirming its

credibility. (Front. Public Health, 2021). But of course, no one can deny the harmful side-effects

of vaccines where most of the beliefs and rumors about the vaccine originated. Lives of their

children are also at stake which makes them hesitate toward the vaccination of their children

(Suran, 2021).

This study aimed to determine the different beliefs of parents towards covid vaccination

among children. This also aimed to determine an action plan based on the data tha t were

gathered. Results from this study can help inform future researchers about the actions needed to

advocate the importance of taking the covid-19 vaccine among children.

Theoretical Framework

The theory underpinning this study is the Health Belief Model (1950) developed by social

scientists at the U.S Public Health Service. This theory suggests that one's belief in a personal

threat of a disease or illness and one's belief in the efficiency of the recommended health

behavior or act will anticipate the probability that the person will adopt the behavior. This theory

is also used to promote positive factors for health and disease prevention programs. This is

composed of six constructs namely; perceived severity, perceived susceptibility, perceived

benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, and self efficacy (LaMorte, 2019)

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

The fourth construct; perceived barriers states that an individual's emotions or beliefs

become a hindrance in performing recommended health actions. This construct is connected to

the parents whose beliefs makes them hesitant to the acceptance of children's covid vaccination.

A cue to action is also important to trigger the health action which is children's vaccination.

(Ruggiero & Keidy, 2021)

An additional theory for this study is the Rational Choice Theory which states that people

assess the costs and benefits of options while making decisions. According to rational choice

theory, the perceived costs, risks, and benefits of certain acts can all be influenced by one's

personal preferences. These decisions might make no sense to other people but it does for the

ones making the decision (Nickerson, 2021).

Furthermore, the idea of this theory can be seen in the decisions of parents about their

children's vaccination due to their beliefs which might not make sense to others but it does for

them. Parents who also hesitates to vaccinate their child are weighing the risks of the vaccine's

side effects and the health of their children.

Operational Framework

The operational framework is anchored on the Health Belief Model (HBM) which states

that an individual’s beliefs about a certain health condition affects their behavior and decision-

making (Rural Health Information Hub, n.d.). This theory is made up of 6 constructs; perceived

severity, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, and self


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

The construct; perceived barriers which cause individuals to avoid doing certain health

practices due to their beliefs or emotions. This describes the concept of vaccine hesitancy in

which vaccinating is a health practice and the reasons behind it are the barriers that prevent

parents from doing it which might be emotions, beliefs, historical reasons, or even rumors. The

concept of parental beliefs is also in line with the perceived barriers since it prevents parents to

vaccinate their child. The needed action in this pandemic is to vaccinate. A stimulus or an action

is needed to trigger the parent’s decision for vaccination which can be in the form of debunking

beliefs or giving the correct information. This concept is where the other construct of HBM

comes, which is the cues to action construct.

The “3 Cs” model, first proposed to the WHO EURO Vaccine Communications

Working Group in 2011, highlights three categories; complacency, convenience and confidence.

In the "3Cs" model, confidence means trust in the effectiveness and safety of the

vaccines; the system that provides them, the credibility and capability of health services and

health professionals and the motivation of policy makers who are in charge of the needed

vaccines are also included.

Vaccine complacency appears where risks of getting the diseases that the vaccine

prevents is low which causes vaccination to be deemed unnecessary. It is also influenced by a lot

of factors including health/life responsibilities which may be seen to be more important at a

certain time.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Vaccination convenience is an important factor when physical and geographical

accessibility, understanding ability (language and health literacy) and appeal of immunization

affect uptake. The service quality which might be real or perceived and the degree to which

vaccination services are provided at a time and place and in a cultural context that is convenient

and comfortable could also affect the decision for vaccination which could lead to hesitancy

(McDonald & the SAGE WG on Vaccine Hesitancy, 2015).

The researchers primarily identified the participants’ underlying assumptions per schema

about the vaccine. Then, the researchers asked what are the participants’ beliefs about covid

vaccination among children. Finally, the researchers made a description and analysis of the

findings or interpretations shaped by their in-depth observations and interviews with the


Statement of the Problem

This qualitative study aimed to determine the beliefs of parents towards COVID 19

vaccination among children. Specifically, this research sought to find answers to the following


1. What are the beliefs of parents about covid-19 vaccinations among children?

2. What are the parents’ beliefs that cause their hesitancy in involving their children in the

vaccination program?

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

3.Based on the results, what action plan can be made to advocate the importance of taking the


Assumptions of the Study

The researches based this study on the following assumptions:

1. Parents face hesitation upon allowing their child to be vaccinated because of the case of

Dengvaxia in the Philippines and their own personal beliefs about the vaccine.

2. The decision of the parent may have an impact on the child's safety.

3. The researchers will come up with a feasible action plan such as a mini-infomercial to

advocate the vaccination program.

4. The interviewees are truthful in their responses to the questions.

Scope and Delimitation

The study covered the beliefs of parents towards COVID 19 vaccination among children.

Participants were chosen on purpose based on the number of children they have. The primary

focus of this study was on parents with 2 unvaccinated children under the ages 5-12 years old.

Participants are the parents who are hesitant to let their children get vaccinated. Also, this study is

limited to five (5) parents who are living in the province of Isabela specifically Cauayan City,

municipality of Cabatuan, San Mateo and San Guillermo. The participants were chosen

regardless of their vaccination status.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Significance of the study

The following group of people are the ones that this research will benefit:

This study will benefit the children the most due to the fact that their future safety and

protection from the covid-19 pandemic depends on the parental acceptance of their vaccination.

This study will also help the parents who are having a hard time deciding whether to let

their children have the vaccine. This will also give them a signal to reconsider their decisions

regarding their children's vaccination.

This study may guide the Department of Health about other strategies they can use to

spread the accurate information regarding vaccines to lessen false rumors or beliefs about the

covid-19 vaccine.

The front liners will also benefit from this study since it increases the chance of

vaccination and more vaccinated people means higher protection from the covid-19 and closer to

the achievement of herd immunity and eradication of the virus.

The findings of this research may also help the future researchers as it may provide

them a foundation and may also encourage them to conduct a similar study in the future.

Definition of terms

The following terms are further defined either operationally or conceptually:

Advocate. to express one's support for a plan of action or a concept.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Beliefs. Something that is based on tradition, experiences, scientific research or a combination of

these in line with the COVID 19 vaccination. It also includes the health beliefs of the


Children. From birth to adulthood, boys or girls, or a son or daughter of any age. In this study

children means a child aged 5-12 years old.

Constructs. to construct something or bring together several elements to make a complete.

COVID 19 Vaccination. Taking the vaccine against COVID 19. In this study, this is where the

hesitancy of the parents is directed.

Cues to Action. This is the stimulant that starts a person's decision-making process to engage in

a recommended health action which can be internal (body pains) or external (advice, articles,


Herd Immunity. It happens when a large number of people(the herd) becomes immune to a

disease. (Mayo Clinic., 2021)

Hesitant. not doing something immediately due to various reasons. Operationally this is one of

the criterions in selecting the participants.

Perceived Barriers. A certain barrier prevents a person from engaging in a recommended health

action which leads to a risk or benefit situation. The person weighs the efficiency of an action, it

might be harmful, time wasting, or inconvenient.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Participants. A person who answers questions for information. Operationally, these are the

parents(either mother or father) with 2 unvaccinated children below 13 years old.

Vaccine hesitancy. Refers to delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccination despite availability of

vaccination services (MacDonald 2015, Sage working Group). In this study Vaccine hesitancy

refers to delay in acceptance or refusal of the parents towards the COVID 19 vaccination despite

the availability of vaccination services.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School



State of the Art

This is chapter reviews the related literature and studies which supports and give

credibility to the study presented by the researchers. The researchers listed 4 related topics around

the research problem and decided what topics will be referenced to a local study, local literature,

foreign study, and foreign literature. In the latter part, these literature and studies were

synthesized to further strengthen the research. A research gap that is bridged by the study will be

the closing part of this chapter

Foreign Study


The foundation of personality starts at a young age which is mostly influenced by parents.

One of the influences is parental decision wherein parents decide whether to accept or reject

factors that will affect their child since children are too young to make complex decisions. The

response of parents whether it is a reject or accept will always have an impact on their child's

emotional and mental growth since it talks about what the child should experience which can be

either a positive or negative growth (Calderon, 2018). An example is when a doctor asks for

parental consent about their child's medical operation (Diekma, 2018).

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Parenting is a thing that has a lot of responsibilities. You are obligated to focus on your

child's well-being from the moment the child is born until your death. It isn't easy as you have to

balance your mind and emotions. It also gets harder when they turn into a teenager where a lot of

changes happen physically, emotionally, and mentally and sometimes you agree or disagree with

each other's choice leading to a fight, with that it is safe to believe that the best form of parenting

style is democratic where you come to an understanding with your child with them still having to

follow the basic rules you set (Hendricks, 2017)

Parenting might be hard but it has a lot of benefits if done right. Rather than punishing the

child for bad behavior, you focus on developing it positively. This method has the advantage of

allowing you to focus on desired behaviors at any time, not only when the child misbehaves.

Furthermore, positive parenting causes the child to have a high self-esteem, better

communication abilities, better decision-making, and a great bond with parents. Studies also

show that positive parenting can prevent childhood depression and mental health issues at

adulthood which can be passed on to their children (Royal St. George's College n.d.)

Vaccine Hesitancy

People's willingness to accept vaccination is an outcome of a complex decision making

process that may be affected in various ways. Vaccination is accepted by the vast majority of the

world's population, but some people refuse some vaccines while accepting others, while others

delay vaccination or accept vaccination but are unsure about doing so. As a result, vaccine

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

hesitancy is defined as a continuum between those who accept all vaccines with no reservations

and those who refuse to vaccinate at all (McDonald 2015, Sage work group).

'Vaccine hesitancy' was already a growing problem prior to the COVID-19 pandemic,

which was a major public health issue (McDonald 2015). According to WHO EURO Working

Group on Vaccine Communication (2011) there's "3 Cs" model of hesitancy which are

confidence, complacency, and convenience.

As part of the "3 Cs" model, confidence is defined as trust in vaccine efficacy and safety;

the reliability and competence of health care providers; and the motivations of policymakers who

choose vaccines that are necessary.

Complacency in vaccination occurs when the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases is low

and vaccination is not considered a necessary preventative action. As a result of a variety of

factors, including the importance of other life and health concerns at the time, people can become

complacent about a particular vaccine or vaccinations in general. In the event that an

immunization program is successful, it may lead to complacency and, ultimately, hesitancy, as

people weigh the risks of vaccination against the risks of contracting the disease that the vaccine

is designed to prevent.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Vaccination convenience Is a significant factor in determining uptake when it comes to

physical accessibility, affordability and willingness to pay, geographical accessibility, ability to

understand (language and health literacy), and appeal of immunization services.

For vaccine uptake (especially against COVID-19) to succeed, we must know whether

people are willing to be vaccinated, the reasons why they're willing or unwilling, and the

information they rely on most. This research was carried out by Solis Arce et al. (2021) between

June 2020 and January 2021 across 15 studies in Africa, South Asia, Latin America, Russia, and

the United States using the same set of survey items.

Local Literature

Covid Vaccination

"Every person deserves the right to choose which brand of vaccine he or she will get for

protection." As Cordero (2021) stated. Human freedom should not be infringed upon by

government officials implementing the COVID-19 vaccination program, as the author correctly

points out. Governments must play a key role in procuring and distributing the COVID-19

vaccines in order to build public trust and achieve herd immunity.

A recent bill in the Philippines, known as the "Mandatory COVID-19 Immunization Act

of 2021," alarmed the public because it mandated that all Filipinos receive the vaccine for free at

any government hospital or health center, except for those who were deemed unfit due to medical

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

reasons. This bill is too early to pass because of the uncertainties and vulnerabilities of the

Philippines' COVID-19 vaccination program (Cardenas, 2021).

Even prior to COVID-19, vaccine confidence and uptake was already declining in many

parts of the world—including the Philippines. Various factors could be influencing this trend,

such as anti-vaccine campaigns based on disproved studies linking vaccines to autism spectrum

disorder, or on suspicions over corrupt schemes of pharmaceutical companies. In the Philippines,

the controversy surrounding Dengvaxia, Sanofi's dengue vaccine, that flared-up in 2017 has

certainly impacted the population's trust in vaccines, and is likely to affect the country's COVID-

19 vaccination prospects (Mendoza, Dayrit, Alfonso and Ong 2021).

Local Study

Vaccine Hesitancy in the Philippines

Historically, the Philippines was one of the countries with generally high vaccine

confidence rates. (Larson, Hartigan-Go, de Figueiredo) However, since the dengue vaccine

controversy in 2017, confidence levels have gone down, affecting subsequent vaccination efforts

such as the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. In the Philippines, it has been suggested that recent

events surrounding the dengue vaccine Dengvaxia® have contributed to a decrease in vaccine

confidence. (Montemayor & Department of Health, 2019).

Beginning in late 2017, the Dengvaxia® issue was widely publicized in all forms of

media in the Philippines, and three-quarters of study participants who reported hearing negative

information about vaccines also reported hearing negative information about Dengvaxia®. The

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

majority of the media information was reported on Internet news sites, newspapers, and social

media, and included reports of adverse events occurring during or after the vaccination campaign,

including official statements on fatalities and growing distrust of the vaccine. (Tomacruz,

Punzalan, Geronimo, and Aurelio, 2019)

Vaccine hesitancy endangers both individuals and public health. Individual, interpersonal,

and/or structural barriers to COVID-19 vaccination may all interact to influence decisions.

Individual perceptions play a significant role in the decision to vaccinate, and these perceptions

are shaped by exposure to (mis)information amplified by the media, community, and health

system. Vaccine brand hesitancy and misinformation are common in the Philippines, owing to

their rapid spread via social media and sensationalism in traditional media(Amit, Pepito,

Tanchanco, & Dayrit, 2021).

Foreign Literature

Parental Beliefs

Beliefs are what people tend to believe is true with a conviction. Even in the scenario that

their beliefs are debunked, they still maintain their beliefs due to the fact there are still logical or

attractive explanations supporting it. Learning how beliefs form and how they underpin frequent

attitudes and behaviors is necessary due to the fact that it can help people understand social

phenomena such as prejudice, inequality, violent behaviors, formation of impressions, obedience

to authority, and group decision making, in other words, beliefs are the most fundamental form of

social knowledge in general (Anonymous, 2016).

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Parental beliefs are the sources of influence in a child's development, parents themselves,

and their relationships. Psychological studies have concluded that parental beliefs are the things

that guide parents in their decisions towards their children, that beliefs control parents' actions not

just with their children but also in the community. This also implies that the world is organized

by beliefs and it helps individuals to cope with it. Beliefs provide a mechanism for developing

behaviors that may later alter a child's social and cognitive development in response to parental

demands for information and decision-making. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all

rights reserved) Lisi, M. D., Ann, V., & Sigel, I. E. (1995). Parental beliefs.

A concrete example of parental beliefs are the toxic beliefs within a family. These beliefs

are planted within a child's mind then later on grow and pass it to the next generation. Beliefs like

"Children should respect their parents no matter what", "There are only two ways to do things –

my way and the wrong way", and "Children should be seen but not heard. It's wrong for children

to be mad at their parents". Children blindly follow these beliefs since they don't want to be a

traitor to their own family due to disobedience (Kos, 2017).

Synthesis of Reviewed Related Literature and Study

In accordance with the foreign study, parents are responsible for their child's well-being

from their birth till the parent's death which puts on heavy responsibilities on the parent's side

that they must fulfill throughout their life. The local literature says that the credibility of covid

vaccines in the Philippines aren't increasing due to the anti vaccine campaigns, corruptions

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

caused by vaccines and the history of Dengvaxia. These factors are making the parents hesitant to

vaccinate their children since their well-being is at stake.

The local study states that misinformation is common in the Philippines and it spreads fast

in social media. Fatalities of vaccines are also found in social media like Dengvaxia. It also states

that the Philippines was one of the countries with high vaccine confidence but it decreased due to

Dengvaxia. In the foreign literature, beliefs are what people believe to be true. It is formed due to

an experience of people and the mass beliefs which affect decision making of parents. Even if

beliefs are debunked, people still believe in it due to a logical or attractive reason behind it.

Putting things together, misinformation that is common in the Philippines and the fatalities of

Dengvaxia greatly affects the beliefs formed in the covid-19 vaccine.

Gaps Bridged by the Present Study

Although numerous studies are about adults' belief and hesitancy towards covid vaccines,

this study is focused specifically in the part of children whose parents have beliefs which causes

their hesitancy toward their child's vaccination. Covid vaccination for children aged 5-12 years

old was also approved by the government recently and this study is one of the first ones to be

conducted after the legalization. Therefore this study attempted to address this gap by focusing

on the parent's beliefs of vaccination towards their children not towards themselves.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School



Research Design

The researchers applied the qualitative case study to understand the beliefs and attitudes

of parents toward children's vaccination. In accordance with the report of Cherry (2021) a case

study is a detailed investigation of a single person, organization, or an event. A case study

examines practically every aspect of a person's life and background in order to seek patterns and

cause of behavior. The majority of qualitative methods are employed in case study research, but

quantitative approaches are occasionally used as well. Case studies can be used to describe,

compare, evaluate, and comprehend various elements of a study subject (McCombes 2019). The

researchers used this type of research because they want to understand the beliefs of parents

towards covid vaccination among children.

Sources of Data

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Data are information or facts used to decide or solve the research problems (University of

Leeds, 2022). The sources of data in this research are primary and secondary data. The

primary data are the participant’s answers who are the parents. The secondary data are related

literature and studies like literature and studies published online like articles, past research, and

journals. These data were taken in order to understand and answer the problems of the research.

Participants of the Study

The participants were selected using criterion sampling. Criterion sampling involves

selecting cases that meets the criterion that a study needs. In criterion research, the researcher

first determines which criteria are crucial to the study. The researcher seeks out those who have

that information and investigates the situations that satisfy the requirements. Participants are

chosen based on their expertise with the topic of interest, and hence their ability to offer

information (Patton, 2001, p.238 cited by Crabtree, 2006).

The participants consisted of 5 parents in Isabela who have two(2) unvaccinated children

ages 5-12 years old. The participants are the parents who are hesitant in involving their children

in the vaccination program. The participants were chosen regardless of their vaccination status.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted in:

Cauayan City, Isabela

San Mateo, Isabela
San Guillermo, Isabela

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Instrumentation and Validation

This study was done through semi-structured interviews towards the participants via

online platforms. The researchers used unstructured questionnaires to obtain detailed beliefs of

parents who are hesitant to have their children vaccinated. The questionnaire was validated by the

experts (2 experts from the field of the study, 1 expert in research, 1 in language). The data

gathered helped the researchers to investigate and clarify the facts and myths in order to broaden

their understanding of the question that the researchers will generate.

Data Gathering Procedure

The interviews that were used in this study are the primary method of data collection. The

researchers in this study explored the parents' beliefs about COVID vaccinations for their

children. In order to gather information, the researchers requested permission to conduct the

study to the authorities, to the Principal of Basic Education and to the target participants. Then,

the researchers conducted online conferencing with parents who have two (2) unvaccinated

children under thirteen years old and asked them questions regarding their beliefs on the COVID

19 Vaccination. In preparation for polling participants, the unstructured questions that were used

by the researchers were developed and validated by research experts. Follow-up questions were

necessary to gain more data.

Treatment and Analysis of Data

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

The researchers used thematic coding. Braun and Clarke (2006) define the phases of

theme analysis, which allow for a systematic manner of perceiving as well as the processing of

qualitative data through "coding." The following are the phases of the theme analysis that were

used in the current study (Braun & Clarke, 2006):

1. Data familiarization: this step involves transcribing the data, reading and re-reading the data,

and noting down the initial ideas. Major ideas were highlighted and written down for each


2. Generating initial code: “Coding interesting features of the data in a systematic fashion

across the entire data set, collecting data relevant to each code” (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 87).

While translating and transcribing, features were coded as a small phrase or keyword

representing a specific idea. Memos were written down to keep track of the condensed


3. Searching for themes across the data: “Collating codes into potential themes, gathering all

data relevant to each potential theme” (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 87). The data were read and re-

read, and the cycle was repeated several times to narrow down the number of codes and

categorize them into identifiable themes. The codes were then analyzed and grouped into four

central themes as stated in the next section.

4. Reviewing themes: “Checking if the themes work in relation to the coded extracts at the first

level and then the entire data set at the second level, generating a thematic map of the analysis”

(Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 87). The complete interview data was read again to validate the codes.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

5. Producing the report: “The final analysis; selection of vivid, compelling extract examples,

the final analysis of selected extracts, relating to the analysis to their search question and

literature, producing a scholarly report of the analysis” (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 87). Several

vital statements/features representing the data were extracted to showcase the resulting outcomes

both as statements in the form of ideas and feelings, and visual representations were drawn using

interconnections between codes.

Ethical Considerations

It is important to consider ethical issues when drawing conclusions from the study,

particularly the need to notify and obtain permission from school administrators and participants.

As a safeguard for the participants' privacy, the participants asked them to sign a consent form

before recording the interview. In addition, the written consent stated that he or she has the option

to withdraw from the study at any time. The data was treated also with utmost confidentiality.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School



This chapter presents the analyzed and interpreted data gathered by the researchers. The

data were analyzed with respect to the thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke.

First, the responses of the participants were translated into English then labeled with

codes that presented specific ideas, then themes were created out of the related codes. Then

themes were presented in a table with its supporting codes. Finally, themes were discussed with

the actual responses as a support and a literature review at the last part of each theme discussion.

Table 1

Beliefs of parents towards COVID-19 vaccination among children.

Theme 1: Vaccine as a Human Population Control

-Biological Weapon

-Decrease Human Population

-Micro Chips

-Causes Infertility

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

-Shortens Lifespan

Theme 2: Vaccine as Government’s Medium of Manipulation

-Intentionally Made

-Cover Up Crime



-Vaccine is Also a Virus


Theme 3: Vaccine's Issues



-Rushed Development



-Not Immune

-Not Needed

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Theme 4: Risk of Death and Triggering Dormant Diseases

-Adverse Effects

-Side Effects


-Disease Trigger

-Existing Health Conditions


-Weaker Body

-New Diseases


-Future Effects

-Unknown Side Effects

Theme 5: Beliefs from External Sources


-News Proofs


-Proof from Others

Theme 6: The Participant’s Experiences




Theme 7: Proof of Beliefs

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

-Makes Sense



Table 2

Beliefs that make parents hesitate to vaccinate their children.

Theme 8: Not Physically Ready

-Not Ready

-Underdeveloped Body

-Weak Immune System

-Underdeveloped Immune System

-Immune System

-Not Physically Ready

Theme 9: Vaccine's Effect to Physical Health

-Existing Health Conditions


-Disease Trigger



-Body Pain

Theme 10: Low trust in COVID-19 Vaccines

-Not guaranteed

-High Doubt

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

-Not Safe


Theme 11: The Vaccine Weakens the Immune System

-Disease Trigger


-Lowers Immune System

Theme 12: Vaccine Dose vs Body Strength

-Vaccine Strength

-Body Strength

-Dosage to age

Theme 13: Adverse Effects of the Vaccine

-Lowers Lifespan


-Side effects

-Severe Side Effects

-Multiple Side Effects

-Brain Damage

Theme 14: Beliefs Heard or Observed from External Factors


-People’s Stories


-Internet Influence

Theme 15: Permanent and Future Vaccine Effects

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

-Unpredictable Effects

-Unexpected Effects

-Future Effects

-Third Dose


Theme 16: Age Impact



-Age Dependent

Theme 17: Things that Will Persuade the Parents



-Vaccination Campaign



Theme 18: Not Ready for Vaccination

-None Yet


-Still observing

1.Beliefs of Parents Toward COVID-19 Vaccination Among Children

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Theme 1: Vaccine as a Human Population Control. The participants say that the COVID-19

vaccine is a biological weapon used to control the number of human populations by shortening

their lifespans, making one person infertile, and implanting microchips in the human body.

Participant 1: Yun lang, parang biological weapon na ituturok sayo

( It’s like a biological weapon that will be injected to you)

Parang ang one point na bagsakan niya, ti decrease population sa mundo.

( It will make your immune system weak which falls into one purpose; to lessen the

world's population.)

Kung di man totally agad agad mamatay kung malakas yung immune system ng tao

parang ishshorten niya yung life mo.

(If not instant death due to your high immune system, then it will just shorten your


Participant 2: May mga nilalagay na microchip para malaman nila, parang namomonitor

nila kung nasaan ka ganon

(There are microchips placed which monitors your location)

Participant 3: And then nakakabaog daw ang bakuna

(They say it makes you infertile)

According to the World Population Data Sheet, the global population is expected to reach

9.9 billion people by 2050, an increase from its current level of 7.3 billion (2020). As of today,

this level represents an increase of more than 25% over the value predicted for the year 2020. A

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

great deal of incorrect information has been disseminated about the two most widely used

COVID-19 vaccines. It is one of these that has been the subject of speculation for quite some

time: vaccination as a method of population control.

One of these came from Brigadier-General Mohammdreza Naghdi who quoted on the

Iranian Students News Agency that the world's population must be reduced by 20%, according to

those who own coronavirus vaccine companies. Increasing deaths is the only way to reduce.

Vaccine manipulation and contamination have been proven (Maryam Sinaiee, 2021).

Rumors abound regarding the vaccine being introduced in Africa; some claim it is being

used to reduce the population. Nevertheless, the vaccine is not being introduced in Africa for the

purpose of population control according to Dr. Josh Lesko, lead policy analyst at Brief19 (Amber

Strong, 2020). Many medical professionals and academics spoke out in defense of the practice.

Theme 2: Vaccine as Government’s Medium of Manipulation. According to the participants,

the government is the one behind everything that is happening in this pandemic by using it as a

way to gain money and lessen the population.

Participant 1: . Parang sinadya siyang gawin para ma shorten yung tao sa mundo, ganon

( The vaccine was just made to shorten the world’s population)

Yun kasing disease, hindi siya mapapatunayan as crime, kasi nga sakit siya,

parang ganon

(Death from a disease won’t be considered as a crime because it’s a disease)

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Tapos bigla silang mag crcreate ng parang pang market na din ng mga vaccine.

Parang counterpart na din ng pagkamatay nung mga tao. Parang proof ng government na

“ay tutulong kami” pero sa totoo lang sila yung gumawa ng virus tas sila din gagawa nung


(Then they wil create a market for the vaccine. It’s like a counterpart of the death of the

people. It’s like the government is saying they’ll help as a proof but the truth is they’re the

one who made the virus as well as the vaccine.)

Participant 5: Kasla ar aramid lang sa mut ti tao dijayun, nu maminsan mamati ka nu

maminsan kasla haan ka mut mamatin

(It’s like it was just made up by people, sometimes you believe it, sometimes you don’t)

Ay pagperperaan dan kin pagkukwaan dajay population

( They make money and things out of it)

Yung sinasabi nila na yung COVID-19 vaccination ay virus din daw yun na isasaksak sa


(They say that the COVID-19 vaccination is also a virus that will be injected to you)

Politicians' words aren't always taken seriously by many of us. We have a sneaking

suspicion that they keep the bad news under wraps while exaggerating the good. It's possible to

argue that we want them to lie, in order to portray our future in a more positive light than it

actually is. "We Want Promises," read a sign in Paris in May 1968. Someone in politics might

say that things will get worse and that there isn't much that can be done to prevent them. He or

she would have a hard time getting elected. This is what is known as an equilibrium in game
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

theory: As long as we want politicians to lie, they'll do just that. On the other hand, politicians

may misinform us not because they want to manipulate us, but because they themselves have

delusional beliefs.

There are so many things that the government uses to manipulate its people. One of these

is the 'No Vaccine, No Entry' policy at some establishments especially in Tacloban Samar and the

'No Vaccine, No Ride' policy of the LGU. Private companies and establishments have

complained that they need proof of COVID-19 vaccination before allowing employees to enter

their facilities. The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) issued Labor Advisory No. 3,

Series of 2021, or guidelines on the administration of COVID 19 Vaccines in the workplace. The

Advisory states that covered establishments and employers must adopt and implement

appropriate vaccination policies in accordance with existing laws, rules, and regulations. They

may also obtain COVID 19 vaccines, supplies, and other services from appropriate government

agencies, and may store, transport, and administer COVID 19 vaccines. Workplace vaccination is


Theme 3: Vaccine's Issues. The vaccine is questionable,because it was developed quickly and

the participants are doubting its effectiveness and safety.

Participant 3: Ahh kasi hindi sya ligtas, hindi kailangan yung bakuna hindi

effective,ummm mas malala yong side effects pag nabakunahan na ng COVID-19


(The vaccine isn’t safe, you don’t need it and it’s not effective. The side effects will be

worse after getting vaccinated)

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Na,hindi na kailangan magpavaccine hindi na natin kailangan mag COVID-19 vaccine.

(The vaccine isn’t safe, you don’t need it and it’s not effective. )

Participant 4: Oh diba kasi crineate lang nila yung vaccine in just a short period of time

so ibig sabihin yung mga ibang possibilities na pwedeng maging side effect ng vaccine

( It was just made in a short period of time which means it has a possibility of side


Participant 5: nu maminsan mamati ka nu maminsan kasla haan ka mut mamatin

(Sometimes you believe it, sometimes you don’t.)

Participant 4: Ikaw ba naman gagawa ka ng vaccine na ano pang apurahan eh kung

tutuusin yung mga ganyang bagay kailangang pinag aaralanyan nang matagal.

oh saan lang sila na ano ng example sa mga animals yata…sa mouse ba yon? Oh hindi

naman yun mismong taong ano, iba pa rin naman yung katawan ng tao sa katawan ng


(Imagine making a rushed vaccine. Those things should be studied for a long time.

Imagine using a mouse to test it, that's not a human's body.)

Participant 2: so don ako hindi naniwala na sabi nila na nakapag nagpavaccine ka na

hindi ka na matatamaan

( That’s where I don’t believe in, that you will be fully immune once you get vaccinated)

COVID-19 vaccines that are effective and safe have been developed at an unprecedented

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

rate to control the virus's spread and prevent hospitalizations and deaths. However, vaccine

hesitancy and anti-vaccination sentiments, a global shortage of vaccine supply, and inequitable

vaccine distribution, particularly among low- and middle-income countries such as the

Philippines, all pose challenges to COVID-19 vaccine uptake. Concerns about the novelty, safety,

and potential side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine were among the reasons for people's

reluctance to receive it when it became available. Negative attitudes toward vaccines, as well as

uncertainty or refusal to receive vaccinations, are significant barriers to long-term COVID-19

pandemic management.

In the Philippines, vaccine confidence plummeted after the Dengue vaccine controversy.

This negative consequences are exacerbated by the highly politicized Dengvaxia controversy, in

which individuals, particularly parents of school-age children, believed that health institutions

and governments were conducting experiments on them (Dayrit et al., 2020). Vaccine brand

hesitancy is unique to the Philippine context, particularly with regard to Chinese-manufactured

vaccines and mRNA vaccines. This is due, in part, to a lack of transparency and scientific

information, which has spread through networks and the media. . Adding to the problem is how

some people attempt to correct misconceptions in a way that alienates people rather than

addressing misinformation. People involved in vaccine promotion activities, particularly primary

care providers, may require training in how to engage with vocal vaccine deniers and promote

vaccination (World Health Organization, 2017).

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Theme 4: Risk of Death and Triggering Dormant Diseases. The vaccine’s reaction to the

human body might trigger dormant diseases or result in an adverse effect.

Participant 2: the adverse effects of the vaccine

Participant 3: uhmm mas malala yong side effects pag nabakunahan na ng COVID-19


(The side effects are worse after taking the vaccine.)

ang pinaka worst nakakamamatay lang yung ivavaccine

(and the worst, it is deadly)

Participant 4: Dahil daw sa vaccine parang nagigising yung... kum baga yung mga taong

may sakit na pero parang hindi nila masyadong nararamdaman, parang nagiging mas

active na yong sakit nila dahil daw sa vaccine.

(The vaccine causes the dormant diseases in a person to become active)

May mga may mga halos diba lagi noon nong kasagsagan ng covid tapos kasagsagan din

ng vaccine maraming namamatay.

(There were a lot of deaths during the surge of COVID-19 infection and vaccination.)

Parang mapanganib sya dun sa mga taong may mga sakit na,

( It’s dangerous to those people with existing health conditions.)

Oo, parang naniniwala ako sa mga ganon kasi nga yung nakikitamo naman, meron yung

diba nga meron yung napaka healthy nya ano lang yung sakit nya tapos nung ng vaccine

siya bigla siyang grumabe

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

(I believe in those because I’ve seen it. Imagine a kid with a disease which isn’t so serious

but became severe after vaccination.)

Oh diba kasi crineate lang nila yung vaccine in just a short period of time so ibig sabihin

yung mga ibang possibilities na pwedeng maging side effect ng vaccine.

(The vaccine was just made in a short period of time which means it has a possibility of

side effects,)

Kasi mayron at mayrong side effect yon hindi man ngayon maybe after 2 years or what

(it will always have side effects, maybe not now but 2 years in the future.)

Participant 1: Ano, sabi nila e parang madali na sila mapagod, madaling magkasakit,

ganon ba. Parang biglaan sila nagkaroon ng sakit nagkaroon na lang bigla na wala naman

dati, katulad ng allergies na wala naman dati.

(They say they get easily tired, easily get sick, then they have sudden illnesses that they

haven’t had in the past like allergies.)

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected millions of people worldwide since

the World Health Organization declared it a global emergency in March 2019. Its clinical

spectrum ranges from asymptomatic disease to infection of the lower respiratory tract and an

uncontrolled inflammatory response, culminating in severe respiratory distress syndrome. As a

result, recent reports of effective and safe vaccines (Polack et al., 2020) were met with great

enthusiasm, followed by FDA and EMA emergency approvals. Nonetheless, COVID-19 vaccines

have raised a number of concerns about their reactogenicity, while much of the field remains

unexplored, particularly among patients with autoimmune diseases. The link between immune

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

hyperactivity and excessive cytokine release, which leads to multiorgan failure and death in

COVID-19 patients, is well established. (Rodrigues & Brodin 2022) .

In accordance with recent restrictions, contraindications to COVID-19 vaccines includes:

people who have received vaccines and present with severe allergic reactions or people who have

had known allergy to any component of the vaccine, patients who have acute conditions which

are severe or uncontrollable, patients who have preexisting conditions, e.g. heart disease and

neurological disease which are aggravating or uncontrollable, people aged lower than 18,

pregnant women and Immunocompromised patients or HIV patients. Nevertheless, due to

vaccine limitations, not all vaccines are applicable to everyone. In addition, vaccines also pose a

wide variety of adverse reactions, ranging from mild to serious. Thus, special consideration and

recommendation made by expert specialists are required before being vaccinated.

Theme 5: Beliefs from External Sources. Beliefs are influenced by the religion, people around

the participants and the information they get from the internet.

Participant 2: Yong sinasabi kasi ni maam Yolly non na sa religion nila sinasabing may

microchip daw ang vaccine

(Just like what my co-teacher said, that their religion says vaccines has microchips.)

Participant 3: Uhmm,madami na kasing nababalita na namatay mula nong nabakuhan sila

(There’s a lot of news that people are dying after taking the vaccine.)

Participant 1: Parang ako hindi naman nangyari sakin kaya di ako maniniwala pero may

mga proof naman na nangyari sa ibang tao kaya maniniwala ka na ganon.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

(.It's like it didn't happen to me but there are proofs that it happened to others which

makes me believe it.)

Participant 5: Nagadu mut iti kwa imbes agita makit kita kasjay nagad addu ti anya nagan

agituyun, agijay biktima.

( There are a lot of victims)

The process through which people change their minds, modify their views, or change

their conduct as a result of social interactions with others is known as social influence. Many

self-organized phenomena, such as herding in cultural marketplaces, the transmission of ideas

and innovations, and the amplification of anxieties during epidemics, are influenced by social

impact in our highly interconnected world. The mechanisms of opinion creation, on the other

hand, are poorly known, and existing physics-based theories lack comprehensive empirical

validation (Moussaïd, Kammer, Analytis, & Neth, 2013).

Our opinions and attitudes are shaped by our experiences, environment, and even

heredity. These beliefs, in turn, shape our behavior and dictate what we do. Widely held beliefs

form part of our culture and, in many ways, shape the society in which we live.

Religion is most likely the oldest and most powerful belief system that has existed for

thousands of years. It is, in many ways, a code of conduct, a set of rules that permits believers to

live in a non-primitive or cultured manner. Religion was created in the beginning to help people

form social bonds. Religious rituals are also seen to be adaptive, having evolved to maintain

survival and reproductive advantages through gene selection or gene-culture coevolution

dynamics (Vajpayee, 2016).

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Theme 6: The Participant’s Experiences. What the participants experienced in their

vaccination and things regarding the vaccine and pandemic influences their beliefs.

Participant 2: Noong first dose ko hindi naman natamaan noon pero may nagpositive kasi

dito sa school namin, naramdaman ko pa rin yung symptoms.

(after my first dose, someone in our school got the virus and I still felt the symptoms but

only mild ones.)

Participant 4: Sa ngayon wala pang vaccine dose ko na wala akong side effect na


(For now there’s no vaccine dose of me where I didn’t feel any side effects.)

Participant 5: Kasla ajay kuma kinni tatay kasi agsaksakit nga nabayag

(Just like tatay when he is sick)

Researchers found that people's past experiences has an impact on our thinking patterns

which affects on how people decide when faced with a complex information. The brain must

evaluate and assign meaning to intrinsically ambiguous sensory input in order to choose a

successful course of action; this ability is critical for human survival! This capacity is especially

important when responding and acting in response to visual cues that are quite similar. This is

what happens when you're trying to identify pals in a crowd or distinguish a tumor from healthy

tissue on a medical scan (Spiegel T., 2017).

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

The goal of the decision-making study is to gain a better understanding of how humans

process various options and choose a course of action. The perception of the problem and/or the

assignment of responsibility by the resolution to the decision-maker. The decision-maker is the

person or group in charge of dealing with the situation at hand, and as a result, some fundamental

variables associated with them influence how the choice is made. The solution of the decision-

making process is determined by the number of decision-makers, as well as the quality and

personal preferences (Spiegel, 2011).

Theme 7: Proof of Beliefs. The participants have reasons and things that make sense involving

their beliefs which makes them believe in it like their observations, common sense, and the things

they watch.

Participant 1: Sabi nga nila, “kung walang sunog walang usok”. Parang wala naman kasi

yung mga pinanonood may mga proof naman.

( Just like what they say, if there's no fire then there's no smoke. It is because those things

I've watched have proof.)

Participant 2: Hindi ko narinig pero naobserve ko lang, Yung bata Dito sa kapitbahay

parang kabilis niya hingalin pag naglalaro, di tulad non mga ilang takbo pa bago


(just observed it, the child in our neighborhood, he quickly gets tired not like before

where he gets to run a lot of time before he starts catching his breath.)

Participant 4: may mga pag aaral din talaga na sinasabing di dapat same ang doses ng

mga bata sa adults when it comes to medicines.

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Basic Education Department
Senior High School

(There are studies that backs up the fact that children shouldn’t get the same medicine

doses as adults when it comes to medicines.)

Even though most individuals are unable to conduct tests to verify the truth for themselves,

scientific knowledge has become a significant source of universal, driving conviction for people.

Many scientific ideas, such as that the earth is a sphere, have become universally accepted as a

result of the advancement of scientific knowledge in the modern world. Science has practically

supplanted religion as the preeminent source of truth authority, resulting in a fierce battle for

control of that authority. Nonetheless, such authority coexists with other sources of authority,

such as national and international religious, civic, scientific, and organizational institutions (the

UN, the Government, the International Maritime Organization, the Pope, the US President). The

ideological conflicts.

Those that hold similar views will learn to believe in similar acts that are in their best

interests. They will become socially linked as a result of their common views and actions. This is

what gives humans their collective mentality, whether it's familial, racial, cultural, religious, or

interest group mentality. It manifests itself in a variety of group identities: some profound, such

as adherents of great faiths, subjects of states, and employees of companies; others, such as

scientists or actors, are based on a commonality of philosophy and practice. When those ideas

clash, when groups are geographically close together, or when group memberships overlap, the

stage is set for conflict. We are tied to individuals who share our interests, just as we are to those

who share our fears. Just as we are attached to individuals who share our values, while those who

disagree with us isolate us and make us feel threatened (Harding, 2017).

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

2.Beliefs that make parents hesitate to vaccinate their children.

Theme 8: Not Physically Ready. A child’s body cannot handle the vaccine because it is still

under development and there are those children who have an existing health conditions that

lowers their immune system.

Participant 1: Kasi, ang mga bata kasi kaya nga sila sinabing under age kasi under palang

sila ng parents ang connect niya hindi pa sila physically, emotionally ready.

(Children are called underage because they aren't physically and emotionally ready yet.)

Ang mga bata kasi nag dedevelop palang ang immune system nila until 12 years old.

(The immune system of children isn’t fully developed until the age of 12.)

Hindi naman ibig sabihin sinabi ko na malakas ay mahina na yung mga under aged kaya

lang yung immune system pa kasi ng mga bata hindi pa siya fully developed.

(I didn’t mean that children are weak, its just that their immune system is


Para bang nilalabanan niya yung immune system ko

( Its like my immune system is fighting the vaccine.)

Ang cause daw sabi naman ng DOH yung bata daw hindi ready nung na vaccinan. Its

either puyat o hindi kumain.

(According to the DOH, the child wasn’t ready when vaccinated. It’s either caused by

lack of sleep or lack of meal.)

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Participant 2: Una yung sa pangalawang anak ko kasi kahina immune system niya kase

nga weak lungs siya.

(First, my second child has a weak immune system because he has weak lungs.)

COVID-19 vaccines have been eagerly awaited by many parents, hoping that the

injections would help their children feel safe and secure as they returned to their normal routines.

There have been those who are more skeptical, fearful that the vaccine's risks, such as

myocarditis, will outweigh its benefits, given that children are less likely than adults to suffer

life-threatening outcomes from disease (Emma Yasinski, 2022).

Many aspects of a child's immune system differ greatly from an adult's, and these

differences become more apparent as a child ages. As a result, studies on the COVID-19 vaccine

in older individuals must be repeated in younger individuals. Particularly for children who are the

last to be tested, this procedure can take a long time (Juan C. Salazar, 2021).

To be approved for use in children, any drug or vaccine must undergo child-specific

clinical trials, which usually take place after a drug has been proven safe for adults. Adjusting

dosages based on a child's size is not sufficient to ensure safety and efficacy. Mobeen Rashore, an

infectious disease pediatrician at the University of Florida, explains that "children's immune

systems are still developing, so sometimes children will respond slowly or not at all to vaccines."

A sufficient response from their immune systems can be elicited only after additional doses have

been administered.

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Theme 9: Vaccine Affects Physical Health Status. The vaccine triggers diseases and weakens

the body, it also affects existing health conditions.

Participant 1: Yung isa, yung isa kong anak may G6 PD kasi siya. Ang G6PD sakit siya

na pag na trigger mag bburst yung red blood cell niya na pwedeng mag cause ng


(My other child has a G6PD which is a disease that makes red blood cells burst once it is

triggered which can cause leukemia.)

Karamihan don sa mga batang naospital nung ano nung nag vaccinate sila, pneumonia.

(the common things that those hospitalized children who were vaccinated have is


Yon parang humina sila. Humina ba parang ganon, yung madali mag ka sakit. Madali

silang magkasakit, kng dati e may ano dito sa kapitbahay, dati nag papaulan, ok lang.

Ngayon magpaulan na lang ganyan nagkakasakit na, nagkaka sipon na, mag kakaubo na,

magkakalagnat na parang ganun.

( They became somewhat weak, easy to catch diseases. There's someone here in our

neighborhood who was always playing in the rain and it's just okay. But now after playing

in the rain the child gets sick, colds, and coughs.)

Participant 3: Parang after ng vaccination nila parang mas humina yong immune system

nila mas prone sila sa sakit ubo,sipon

(It’s like their immune system became weaker after taking the vaccine, they’re more

prone to fever, cough, and colds.)

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Participant 2: Ang naexperience ko nung nagpavaccine ako is yun nga masakit ang


(My experience is that after getting vaccinated, my body was in pain.)

Once you receive your first corona virus vaccination, your body begins producing

antibodies to the virus. When exposed to the virus, these antibodies aid your body's ability to

fight it off, lowering your risk of developing the illness. A vaccine does not guarantee immunity

from infection; however, as vaccination rates rise, so does the likelihood of contracting a disease

due to an outbreak due to herd immunity. Thus, vaccinations help prevent the spread of disease

by reducing the risk of infection for those who receive them as well as those around them (MU

Health Care, ND).

There are also some effects that might occur after taking the vaccine. Some of these are

common side effects that only last for a few days or weeks. This includes pain at the injection

site, fever, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills and diarrhoea (WHO, 2021). Aside from this,

the World Health Organization confirmed that Vaccines against COVID-19 have no long-term

effects. In clinical trials, these vaccines have been shown to be completely safe for human

consumption. Due to its role in protecting us from the virus, its effects are more favorable than


Theme 10: Low Trust in COVID-19 Vaccines. The participants don’t trust ang guarantee the

effectiveness and safety of the vaccine.

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Participant 1: Pag hindi kinaya ng katawan ng bata, medyo may side effect kasi yon.

Hindi siya 100% guaranteed na pwede yung ganon, yon.

( If a child's body can't take it, then it will have side effects and it isn't 100% guaranteed.)

Bigyan lang nila ko ng assurance na it is 100% safe, ok na siguro. Or baliktarin natin ang

sitwasyon, sila ang pagawan mo ng waver. Sila ang papirmahin mo ng waiver na 100%

safe yung bata pag vinaccinan na nila sa school.

( I want them to give me an assurance that it is 100% safe. Or let's reverse the situation,

let them make a waiver and let them sign the waiver which says the child will be 100%

safe )

Hindi 100% na sure.

(Not 100% sure.)

Participant 2: Kasi ako, ayaw ko, sabi naman nung father nila ipavaccine mo nalang pero

natatakot ako sa mga bata

( I don't want to do it and I'm scared for them but their father said I should.)

On a personal level, one aspect of trust that may be shared by COVID-19 and other vaccines

is a general aversion to immunizations due to concerns about major side effects. Anti Vaccine

attitudes and negative views of any vaccine, for example, have been well-studied individuals and

social groups (Dubé et al., 2015; Larson et al., 2014). These people have reservations about the

service. considering vaccine components purity and probable negative effects (Smith, 2017).

According to a 2015 U.S. report on vaccine confidence, According to the National Vaccine

Advisory Committee, up to 85% of physicians have encountered guardians who plan to refuse

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Basic Education Department
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one or more recommended vaccines for their children, claiming concerns about side effects and

misconceptions about vaccine safety (National Vaccine Advisory Committee Report, 2015).

The social acceptance of a potential COVID-19 vaccination among peers and social

community members is another level of trust in a COVID-19 vaccine. Individuals' attitudes and

behaviors are influenced by the people in their social networks, yet most vaccine hesitation and

trust research focuses on individual-level studies. There is, however, some evidence on the

influence of social norms in vaccine uptake, with multiple studies on social norms and HPV

vaccines (Quinn et al., 2017; de Visser et al., 2011; Stout et al., 2020; de Bruine de Bruin et al.,


About the government's ability to appropriately oversee and regulate the COVID-19 vaccine

development and testing process are anticipated to grow as public trust in the government

declines. It's worth noting that, on both an individual and administrative level, faith in the

government varies depending on political party. Conservatives in the United States have

historically had a higher level of suspicion in government; nevertheless, a Republican

administration may boost conservatives' trust in government (Morisi et al., 2019).

Theme 11: The Vaccine Weakens the Immune System. The vaccine degrades the immune

system, making the body vulnerable to diseases like colds, allergies and fever

Participant 1: Tapos yung mga batang dati walang allergies, nag ka allergies.

(Other children got allergies which didn't have a record in the past.)

Partucupant 2: Kaya baka mas bumaba immune system niya pag pinavaccine ko

(Vaccinating my child might lower his immunity system more.)

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Participant 3: Mas humina yong immune system nila mas prone sila sa sakit, ubo, at


(Their immune system became weaker and they became prone to colds and coughs.)

The human immune system is composed of several components that work together to fight

disease and to provide protection at multiple levels by performing a variety of activities in

invasion by germs, bacteria, and viruses. These natural components work in tandem with vaccine

antibodies to combat disease. However, the immune system also generates memory cells that

learn and adapt to new infections (such as a new strain of Covid-19) in order to respond more

quickly and efficiently the next time. While vaccines temporarily increase the body's immunity to

Covid-19, the immune system stops learning from cell memory and instead relies on what the

vaccine taught it about the infection to survive.

Vaccines give the immune system the instructions it needs to recognize and mobilize lines of

defense against disease-causing microorganisms like bacteria or viruses. However, administering

COVID-19 booster shots too frequently may weaken immune response. European regulators are

concerned about a strategy that involves repeated vaccination in the short term (Cavaleri, 2022).

It is critical to allow the immune system time to process what it receives in the initial vaccination

series. It's simply well established that the immune system requires some time to process the

information it receives, whether it's from a vaccine or a natural infection. Then, if you want to

boost it, you have to give it some time to 'digest' that information so that it can respond optimally

(Schaffner , 2022).
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Theme 12: Vaccine Dose vs Body Strength. The dose of the vaccine depends on the

body’s strength, the doses should also be different in adults and children.

Participant 2: Baka hindi niya kayanin yung vaccine, siguro ang reason nun is yung

health, yung immune system ng bata.

(He might not be able to handle the vaccine, I think the reason is because of the health

and the immune system of the child.)

Participant 4: Yung dose nakadepende dapat sa age ng tao kasi hindi pareparehas ang

lakas nila.

(The vaccine dose should depend on the person’s age since not all people have the same

level of strength.)

Participant 5: Kasla win sa e, Kasi diba ata ngay it itud da ngay kut di da pay kaya jay

agas ngay.

( I think yes, because what if those who receive the vaccine can't handle it?)

There is a lot of evidence that Covid-19 vaccines help boost the body's ability to fight

coronavirus. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States,

those who did not receive a vaccine shot were 13 times more likely to be hospitalized if infected

with Covid-19. A third booster dose of an mRNA vaccine, according to research, can improve

protection against Omicron. The vaccines produce antibodies that aid the body's defense against

Covid-19. However, these antibodies begin to wane and must be replenished on a regular basis in

the form of booster doses to remain effective.

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Vaccines increase immunity to the virus, but they can also increase inflammation in the body.

This can manifest as either pain or inflammation at the injection site, or as general symptoms

such as fever or fatigue (symptoms similar to COVID-19 disease). Most vaccines cause mild

reactions that affect only a small percentage of subjects. Age is an important factor, and some

influenza studies have found that aging of the immune system reduces the effectiveness of

vaccination significantly (Lord, 2013). As a result, for any future anti-SARS-COV-2 vaccine, all

of these factors should be considered, and primary immunization failures should be reduced by

adjusting the doses or number of administrations.

Theme 13: Adverse Effects of the Vaccine. The vaccine has harmful side effects like short

lifespan and body aches that put lives at risk. These cannot be reversed once it has happened.

Participant 3: Kapag daw nagpavaccine ka may tanning na yong buhay mo after ng


(Once you take the vaccine, your days are already in count.)

Personally nong nag vaccinate ako nong nagvaccine ako a nag chill ako nagkaroon ako

ng fever tapos ahh headache medyo nagtagal sya mga two days na hindi ako bumangon

kasi masamang masama yong pakiramdam ko

(Personally, when I got my vaccine, I had a chill then a fever and headache that lasted for

two days. I was bedridden during those times since my body is in a bad shape.)

Participant 4: Yung isang bata dito daw na may down syndrome, nagvaccine sya tapos

hindi na daw sya nagising parang tumigil daw yung tibok ng puso nya.

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( After the child took the vaccine he didn't wake up anymore, it's like his heartbeat


Eh kasla ngay parang nangalay lang yung kamay ko yung parang ang bigat bigat lang

yung braso ko, tapos parang yung masama ang pakiramdam ko

(It’s like my arms and hands feel heavy and I don’t feel good.)

Participant 5: Nge baka ngay nu adda side effect na kanyada diba? Dim mut may

ana, ,madim mut maisublin in case nga adda nangyare kanyada, isu nga agdu dwa nak


( It might have side effects on them isn't it? You can't change it back in case something

bad happened to them, that's why I'm still hesitating.)

Participant 1: Tapos yon, mahirap malay mo mag ka severe na lagnat.

( Then it's also hard because what if you get a severe sickness.)

Adverse events are distinguished from adverse effects in that an event is something that

occurs but may not be causally associated, whereas an adverse effect implies causation. All

adverse effects are adverse events, but not all adverse events are adverse effects

When high population coverage is achieved with an efficacious vaccine, the occurrence of cases

of the disease that the vaccine prevents may be rare. In these circumstances, morbidity associated

with the vaccine itself or presumed to be associated with vaccination may cause more public

concern than the prevented disease.

Adverse effects which are relatively common vaccine, or earlier. However, such effects may

be missed, for any of several reasons. For example, Phase III studies may not have been

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conducted (e.g., if the change to a different vaccine formulation was based on serologic studies

only). The incidence of the adverse effect may be too low to be detected with reasonable

reliability in Phase III studies, and the effects may only become apparent when the vaccine is

introduced into general use. In addition, the adverse effect may occur after longer periods post

vaccination than were studied in Phase in trials. Finally, in general use, vaccines may be

administered to a population which is less homogenous than that vaccinated in a Phase III trial,

and there may be subgroups at higher risk of an adverse effect.and which appear shortly after

vaccination should.

Theme 14: Beliefs Heard or Observed from External Factors. There are beliefs heard from

other people and observed from those children who are vaccinated.

Participant 3: Uhmm,kasi meron akong narinig na kapag daw nagpavaccine ka may

tanning na yong buhay mo after ng vaccination.

( I heard people say that once you take the vaccine, your days are already counting.)

Kasi sa mga naririnig ko sa internet hindi na parang nawalan na ako ng tiwala na

ipavaccine sila.

(Because I saw some things in the internet that made me lose trust in the vaccine.)

Participant 4: Kasi may mga naririnig din ako dito, dito ah ewan ko lang kung totoo pero

may nagsabi sa akin.

( I heard something here, I don't know if it's true but someone told me.)

Sa ngayon naman parang wala naman parang okay lang naman yung mga bata pero nag

oobserve pa rin ako syempre.

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( For now I think it's still okay but I'm still observing)

Participant 1: May ano dito sa kapitbahay, dati nag papaulan, ok lang. Ngayon mag

paulan nalang ganyan nag kakasakit na, magkakasipon na, mag kakaubo na,

magkakalagnat na parang ganon.

(They became somewhat weak, easy to catch diseases. There's someone here in our

neighborhood who was always playing in the rain and it's just okay. But now after playing

in the rain the child gets sick, colds, and coughs.)

“Vaccines are a medical marvel. They are credited with saving more lives than any other

human innovation after clean water.” (Cendrowic, 2021). There is a concern among some that

having a vaccine does not mean it will be used. (e.g., Detoc et al., 2020). Despite this, widespread

vaccination is necessary to combat the coronavirus and bring it under control. Due to the

significant health and economic implications of the COVID-19 vaccination program's success,

it's critical to figure out what influences people's views on the vaccine. Reduced adherence to

health-protective behaviors like frequent hand washing and social isolation are two of these

factors that conspiracy theories are linked to (e.g., Allington et al., 2020; Bierwiaczonek et al.,

2020; Imhoff & Lamberty, 2020; Swami & Barron, 2020) and to COVID-19 vaccination

hesitancy. Contrary to this, empirical evidence on the antecedents and consequences of

conspiracy beliefs can be found scattered throughout the literature on the subject.

Some of this heard beliefs is that the COVID-19 vaccine can affect women’s fertility. But well

in fact the COVID-19 vaccine will not have any adverse effects on reproductive health or ability

to reproduce. According to the truth, the COVID-19 vaccine stimulates the body to produce
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copies of the spike protein found on the surface of the coronavirus. Essentially, this "trains" the

body's immune system to recognize and fight viruses that contain the specific spike protein that

has been introduced (Jhon Hopkins Medicine, 2021).

Another one is that the researchers rushed the development of the COVID-19 vaccine, so its

effectiveness and safety cannot be trusted. But well in fact. Studies have discovered that the two

initial vaccines are both approximately 95 percent effective — and that there are no serious or

life-threatening side effects associated with either. There are numerous reasons why the COVID-

19 vaccines were able to be developed in such a short amount of time. There are many more

beliefs about the COVID-19 vaccine. Some of these are spreading rumors, that's why we need to

do our research before believing so.

Theme 15: Permanent and Future Effects. There is a possibility of having side effects in the

future, it might also have a permanent effect to ones’ health.

Participant 1: Malay mo mag ka severe na lagnat. Yun yung nakakatakot kasi may side

effect siya e. Karamihan kasi may side effect, kaya yon.

(What if you get a severe sickness. That's the scary part because commonly, it has side


Participant 4: Pero syempre hindi naman lahat yun makikita ng pedia isu kasla ngay kahit

papaano agal-alanganin nak ta paylang malay ko ta ana tu ti side effect na ngay idjay

anak ko.

(But of course not everything can be seen by a pediatrician that's why I'm still hesitating

because I don't know what will be its side.)

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Participant 5: Madim mut maisublin in case nga adda nangyare kanyada

( You can't change it back in case something bad happened to them.)

Ajay kwa idi nagpa booster jk û6nak, kasi kasla ngay kuma kumapsot ajay bagik ngamin

idi aginggana idi nagpa booster nak, pero jay first kin second dose mayat mut ngum idi

nagpa boosterakun medyo madi kasla ngay kumapsut talaga jay bagik.

( When I got my booster shot, I felt my body become weak, I didn't feel it during my first

and second dose, only when I got the booster.)

Many people have inquired about the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine because it is a

new product. Clinical trial reports and personal experiences have made it clear that short-term

side effects (i.e., those that occur within a few days of receiving a vaccine) are common, but

people are also concerned about long-term consequences of these vaccinations. When attempting

to answer this question, scientists examine the available evidence. While the rules of science do

not permit scientists to state categorically that long-term effects are impossible, the evidence

suggests that these vaccines will not cause long-term harm (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia,


But when a booster vaccine was administered, the most common side effect was a local

reaction (such as redness or swelling at the injection site), which was followed by fatigue and

muscle or joint pain. Only a small percentage of people had to see a doctor because of side

effects. Booster vaccine side effects were reported to be less bothersome than those from the

second dose, suggesting that they were tolerable (Christopher Blyth, 2022).

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Theme 16: Age Impact. Age matters when it comes to vaccination, especially children.

Participant 1: Sa totoo lang oo, para sakin a. Kasi ang preferably na age para sakin ng

pag papavaccine is 19 to 59.

(Truthfully speaking, yes for me and my age of preference is 19-59 years old,)

Participant 2: Kasi ang pagkakaalam ko diyan. is depende, oo depende sa taon ng isang


( From what I know it depends, yes it depends on the age of a person.)

Participant 4: Kasi diba kung tignan mo sa mga adult mga adult diba depende naman

yun diba yung mga matatanda yung mga senior citizen yung mga matatanda na may mga

sakit na may comorbidities compared sa adults.

( Look at the adults, it depends, doesn't it? the senior citizens have more comorbidity

compared to those adults.)

With the snowballing effect of human population, life expectancy is shortened as well due

to the folds that the people are consuming. With, aging comes continuous drop of ones' immune

system which will be eventually vulnerable to diseases, bacterias, and viral infections. This

concept is also true when it comes to vaccination since ones' immune system depends on the

reaction of the vaccine. This caused the decline to vaccine trust and longevity when it comes to

older adults (Lord, 2013).

Vaccination in younger people has been a debated topic due to their underdeveloped

immune system which needed consent.Previous research revealed that some knowledge gaps

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would need to be filled in order to enroll youngsters in clinical trials. Vaccines in various groups

of youngsters required a convincing reason. Clinical trials for children should be carefully studied

because even if the COVID-19 is has mild symptoms there are still real differences between a

child and an adult's immune system which might affect the effectiveness of the vaccine (Rudan,

Adoye, Katikireddi, Murray, Simpson, Shah, Robertson, & Sheikh, 2021).

Theme 17: Things that will Persuade the Parents.. There are things that will make the

participants reconsider their decisions to vaccinate their child.

Participant 4: Ini insist naman ng DOH na yung mga vaccine ng mga bata eh safe naman

sa kanila parang ganon, na parang may kahit papaano may study naman na safe naman na

ma vaccine’an yung mga five years old ba yon mga five years old pataas.

(It is especially on the news where DOH insists that vaccination for children with ages 5

and up is safe and somehow it has a study backing it up.)

Participant 3: Meron,meron akong napanuod na video yong Covid -19 vaccine memes ng

GMA news meron kasi don yong comparison ng totoo tungkol sa covid 19 at tyaka hindi

totoo tungkol sa covid 19 so nabigyan nmn nila ng linaw yong mga fake news na

lumalabas sa internet.

(I watched a video in GMA about vaccine memes where they compared the facts vs fake

info about the vaccine. They made clarifications regarding the fake news found in the


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Participant 2: Yun ang isa mga kwan siguro, content nun, kasi nga sa mga pinapanood ng

DOH, lalo na sa resbakuna ganon, sa amin sa DepEd, talagang ang pinapakita don is yung

positive side ng vaccine.

( The other contents are the ones I watch from DOH, especially the Resbakuna, and to us,

in the DepEd, it shows the positive side of the vaccine.)

Vaccine apprehension is "a very, complex convoluted problem," according to Kathleen

Mazor, EdD, associate director of the Meyers Primary Care Institute and professor of medicine.

"However, some people can be persuaded and coerced to get vaccinated."

Early in the pandemic, Dr. Mazor and his colleague Kimberly Fisher, MD, associate

professor of medicine, began conducting national surveys to better understand the prevalent

reasons people will or will not obtain a COVID vaccination.

"The most prevalent concern individuals have is that it won't be safe," Dr. Fisher

explained. People want to look to a reliable source for information and vaccination

administration, according to Fisher and Mazor.

"Those who have been hesitant to get vaccinated are more likely to wish to get

immunized." (Sarah Willey & Bryan Goodchild UMass Chan Medical School Communications,


Theme 18: Not Ready for Vaccination. The parents aren’t yet ready to vaccinate their children.

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Participant 5: Kasla awan sa mut, kammu lang madik pay unay nga nai kwa.

(None for now.)

Adda mut siguro nu, ajay Makita nga addun tun iti nagpa vaccinen kasjay, gamin tatta

kut man manu da paylang mut.

( I think yes, since there will be more vaccinated people in the future.)

Participant 4: ngayon naman parang wala naman parang okay lang naman yung mga bata

pero nag oobserve pa rin ako syempre.

( For now I think it's still okay but I'm still observing)

Understanding why people are unwilling to receive a COVID-19 vaccination is critical,

since it can help health officials increase vaccine acceptability and so restrict the disease's spread.

Vaccine adoption is a complex decision-making process influenced by a variety of circumstances,

according to research. What determines the acceptance of people towards the vaccine is the risks

associated with the disease that the vaccine is against (Karlsson et al., 2021).

When asked to define what worries them about getting vaccinated in their own words, the

public's top fear about getting vaccinated is side effects, particularly allergic reactions and long-

term implications, according to the latest findings from the KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor.

The public's comments show that knowing more about the COVID-19 vaccines' safety and the

fact that they have no, few, or minor adverse effects will encourage more individuals to get

vaccinated (Anonymous, 2021).

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3. Action plan made to advocate the importance of the vaccine.

Based from the results of the 2 research questions, the researchers made a mini infomercial to

advocate the importance of the vaccine, it's contents included the following:

● How the pandemic affects our daily lives.

● Effects of information on the importance of the vaccine.

● Problems our family encounters during the pandemic.

● How the vaccine solves and lessen the problems we encounter during the pandemic.

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This chapter presents the summary and recommendations of the study to further enhance the

concepts and facts discussed in the preceding chapters as provided by the analysis of data.


The study focused on the beliefs of parents toward COVID-19 vaccination among children

with case study approach as the research design employed:

The significant findings of the study are as follows:

1. The beliefs of parents toward COVID-19 vaccination among children.

The participants stated their beliefs about the use of vaccines as government's medium for

manipulation and profit, the risks or side effects when taking the vaccine, and the external factors

affecting their beliefs.

2. The beliefs of parents that make them hesitate to vaccinate their children.

The participants had a variety of beliefs that made them hesitate to vaccinate their children.

These are the vaccine's reaction to physical health of the children whose immune systems are

underdeveloped, having low trust in vaccines, the adverse effects of the vaccine and it's

possibility of having an effect in the future. Beliefs that they heard from other people and how

they are going to be persuaded into vaccinating their child which is in a form of vaccine

campaign like Resbakuna program.

3. Action plan made to advocate the importance of the vaccine.

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The researchers made a mini infomercial containing the details of the pandemic and how it

affects our lives then connected the details about the vaccine and how it will solve or lessen the

problems encountered amid pandemic.


After analyzing the themes from each research questions, the following conclusions have been


1. The beliefs of parents toward COVID-19 vaccination among children.

The beliefs of the parents are mostly focused on the harmful side effects of the vaccine to the

human body. Next common thing that their beliefs have in common are conspiracy theories.

External influences also support their beliefs and they have reasons to believe them.

2. The beliefs that make the parents hesitant in vaccinating their children.

The responses of the participants towards this kind of beliefs are mostly the things or beliefs

involving the characteristics of a child below 13 years old (e.g age, body), these characteristics

compared to the strength and effects of the vaccine along with the parent's observations to other

vaccinated children and experiences after getting vaccinated. The next common things are the

adverse effects of the vaccine and its effects on the body permanently or temporarily. They also

elaborated the things that will make them vaccinate their children.

3. Action Plan made to advocate the importance of the vaccine.

The following link will direct the readers to the infomercial made by the researchers

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The following were offered as recommendations for possible future actions:

1. The researchers suggest that future vaccine-information materials to contain examples of

beliefs along with it's critical analysis.

2. The researchers encourage the World Health Organization or Department of Health to address

their responses to specific beliefs, not beliefs in general.

3. The researchers suggest that vaccine campaigns should widen their scope to reach people who

lacks information about the vaccine.

4. The researchers encourage health experts to start discussing specific beliefs or conspiracy

theories involving the vaccine to the public and use languages that will help them understand the

discussion easier.

5. For future researchers, the researchers suggest to raise the number of participants and research

questions to extract more data from the participants and further understand their beliefs.

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Appendix: Letter to the Senior High School Coordinator

April 7, 2022


Basic Education Department

Dear Madam:

Perpetualite greetings!

We, Senior High School students of University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – Isabela
Campus, are currently conducting a research work entitled “Beliefs of Parents Towards COVID
19 Vaccination Among Children”. Parents' beliefs about vaccinations and why they are reluctant
to allow their children to be vaccinated are the primary goals of this study.

In light of this, we are requesting permission to your good office to allow us interview five (5)
parents specifically from San Mateo, Cabatuan, San Guillermo, Naguillian, and Cauayan Isabela
who will be participants in the aforementioned research project. The method will be via online
and the platform will be the participants’ choice. We would like to assure you that the identities
of the participants, as well as the information they will provide, will be kept strictly confidential.
You can be confident that the study will have no negative consequences or risks for the
participants. If you would like to receive a copy of the executive summary or an electronic copy
(e.g., PDF) of the entire research, this can be arranged.

We eagerly await your affirmative response. Thank you very much, and may our Lord continue
to bless you.

Sincerely yours,
Researcher/Group Leader
Noted by: Recommending approval:


Research Teacher Research Adviser

Letter to the Participant

Date: April 22, 2022

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Name of Participant:

Dear Madam/Sir:

This communication is an invitation for you as you may desire to participate in our case study
research work entitled “Beliefs of Parents Towards Covid 19 Vaccination Among Children” as a
partial fulfillment of our requirements for the subject Practical Research 1. The main purpose of
this research work is to gather informations, beliefs and perceptions of parents towards Covid 19
Vaccinations and why are they hesitant to get their children vaccinated.

If you agree to participate, please accomplish the consent form attached to this letter. Please also
be informed that in case you decide to get involved in our study, we will have a one-on-one
interview with you via an online platform containing central and follow-up questions. The
interview may last about an hour and would be arranged at a time convenient to your availability.
To ensure the accuracy of your responses, we would also ask for your permission to audio-record
our conversation.

Participation in this undertaking is voluntary and there are no known or anticipated risks related
to it. You may decline answering any questions that you do not wish to answer considering your
preferences. Finally, we would like to assure you that your identity as well as the pieces of
information you will provide will be treated with strictest confidentiality. If you would be
interested to receive a copy of the executive summary or the electronic copy (e.g. PDF) of the
entire dissertation, this can be made available to you.

If you have further questions regarding this invitation, please contact us at 09068822496

Thank you in advance and we are looking forward to your positive response.

Respectfully yours,


Researcher/Group Leader

Noted by:


Research Teacher


Research Adviser

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

School Principal

I have read and understood the information presented in the invitation letter of JV

I am aware that it is within my discretion that the interview will be audio-recorded to

ensure the accuracy of my responses which may be included, in part or in whole, in the thesis

manuscript without my name being specified for confidentiality reasons.

I am also aware that there are no known risks related to the study and that I may

voluntarily withdraw from the study at any time I wish to decline by advising the researcher.

With full knowledge of the foregoing, I agree, with my own free will and by signing my

name, to participate in this study.

_________ __________
Signature Over Printed Name

____________ _____________

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Appendix B: Interview Protocol

1. What are the beliefs of parents about covid-19 vaccinations among children?

1. What are your beliefs about the COVID-19 vaccine?

2. Which of these beliefs do you think is the most alarming?

3. Why do you believe in these beliefs?

4. What are the beliefs about the COVID vaccine that you've heard from the people around you?

5. Are there any beliefs you've seen and thought it is just a false one? What are those beliefs?

2. What are the parents' beliefs that cause their hesitancy in involving their children in the

vaccination program?

1. What are your reasons why you're hesitant to vaccinate your child?

2. What are your observations to those children who were vaccinated?

3. Do you think age matters when taking the vaccine? Why?

4. Are there any possibilities wherein you might change your decision? What would be the reason

for that?

5. Are there any articles or videos that you've read on social media that made you think twice in

your decision? What are the contents of that article?

6. Do you have any experiences which caused you to hesitate in vaccinating your child? What are

those experiences?
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Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Appendix C: Verbatim Transcription and Coding


Participant 1

Researcher: Naka record na?

Researcher: Oo

Researcher: Sige mama irugi kon.

Researcher: Anya ajay paniniwalam sa vaccine?

Participant 1: COVID vacccine, yung vaccine e paraang ginawa lang kasi siya. Saakin a, sa

mundo kasi natin ngayon parang andami ng population. Parang sinadya siyang gawin para ma

shorten yung tao sa mundo, ganon. Parang yung covid vaccine pag iniinject siya parang yung

paniniwala ko parang ishshorten yung lifespan ng tao. Kaya parang pahihinain din yung immune

system mo, ganon. Parang ang one point na bagsakan niya, ti decrease population sa mundo. Yun

lang, parang biological weapon na ituturok sayo para naman hindi siya mag mukhang crime sa

mata ng mga tao, parang pa sikreto lang siya na ginawa siyang virus. Para hindi yung totally na

binaril ka mamatay ka na nung time na yon. Yun kasing disease, hindi siya mapapatunayan as

crime, kasi nga sakit siya, parang ganon.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
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Senior High School

Researcher: Yung mga nabanggit mong paniniwala ma, alin idjay iti pinaka delikado sa tingin

mo? Jay most alarming nga kunada.

Participant 1: Yung ano, yun nga parang ginawa siyang biological weapon meaning. Parang nag

create sila ng virus para pumatay ng tao or kung di man totally agad agad mamatay kung malakas

yung immune system ng tao parang ishshorten niya yung life mo. Kung halimbawa di ka na

vaccinan mga estimate na mabubuhay ka 70 o 40 magiging 60 or 70. Yun lang, yun lang yung

parang alarming napaniniwala ko na kwan. Yung kung anong cause kung bakit nila crineate yung

virus na yan. Crineate talaga nila yan.

Researcher: Bakit ka naniniwala dito, mama?

Participant 1: Kasi may mga ano na, may mga proofs na. Mga andaming namatay, biglaan.

Parang yung sa ano bang tawag don, yung black—? Yung parang ganon din noon pero malaria

lang, malaria sya noon nung mga unang panahon. Yun parang sa black death. Noon kasi yung

black death kasi noon, parang hindi pa masyadong advance yung technology kaya di siya nag

spread at di siya halos nalaman ng mga tao. Ngayon kasi siyampre, sa internet na isang click mo

lang makikita mo na. Kung titignan mo don sa cases sa ibang bansa parang may mga percentage

na sa part ng continent na to isang percent yung nawala sa population parang ganon e maniniwala

ka talaga, kasi may mga namatay, may mga nagkasakit. Tapos bigla silang mag crcreate ng

parang pang market na din ng mga vaccine. Parang counter part na din ng pagkamatay nung mga

tao. Parang proof ng government na “ay tutulong kami” pero sa totoo lang sila yung gumawa ng

virus tas sila din gagawa nung vaccine. Same effect din don sa vaccine na tuturukan ka. Kung

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

mahina immune system mo, siya lang din, ganon lang din. Pag kaya mo tas nakayanan mo, ganon

lang din, shoshorten lang yung lifespan mo or mas hihina yung immune system mo.

Researcher: Anya ajay panniwalam iti vaccine nga nangig mo ngay idjay karrubam kasjay?

Participant 1: Ano, sabi nila e parang madali na sila mapagod, madaling mag kasakit, ganon ba.

Parang biglaan sila nagkaroon ng sakit nagkaroon nalang bigla na wala naman dati, katulad ng

allergies na wala naman dati. Yung halimabawa yung mga dito yung mga kasama na farming.

Nasa farming kahit mag hapon silang nag fafarm, di sila napapagod. Ngayon, parang half day

nalang madali na silang mapagod, so ibig sabihin parang humina yung imune system nila nung

navaccinan sila, parang ganon. Yun lang yung mga naririnig ko naman.

Researcher: Adda ajay paniniwala mama nga nanggig mo jay internet pero kwan satingin mo

kwan lang siya, di totoo?

Participant 1: Ay hindi totoo parang mga ganon? Parang wala, kasi hindi naman siya kasi di

naman siya lalabas na ganon kung hindi siya totoo. Sabi nga nila, “kung walang sunog walang

usok”. Parang wala naman kasi yung mga pinanonood may mga proof naman, yung sa mga

internet. Parang lahat e at some point, parang ako hindi naman nangyari sakin kaya di ako

maniniwala pero may mga proof naman na nangyari sa ibang tao kaya maniniwala ka na ganon.

Yung mga lumalabas na balita na hindi totoo, parang wala naman.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
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Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Researcher: Ano yung mga rason mo kung bakit nag hehesitate kang ivaccinate yung children?

Participant 1: Kasi, ang mga bata kasi kaya nga sila sinabing under age kasi under palang sila ng

parents ang connect niya hindi pa sila physically, emotionally ready. Parang nag dedevelop

palang. Ang mga bata kasi nag dedevelop palang ang immune system nila until 12 years old.

Tapos 13 years old to 18, don palang sila nag papalakas sa developed na immune system nila. As

for research yon ng mga doctor. Kaya lang e, yon kaya nag aalangan akong mag pa vaccine yung

mga under age na anak ko kasi nga hindi pa sila fully developed, parang kasi tuturukan sila ng

virus. Totoo na parang good virus yon pero virus padin siya. Pag hindi kinaya ng katawan ng

bata, medyo may side effect kasi yon. Hindi siya 100% guranteed na pwede yung ganon, yon.

Researcher: Adda ba ti existing health condition na ajay children yu nu apay kwa, kasla ngay

additional nga reason nu apay ag heshestitate ka?

Participant 1: Yung isa, yung isa kong anak may G6 PD kasi siya. Ang G6 PD sakit siya na pag

na trigger mag bburst yung red blood cell niya na pwedeng mag cause ng leukemia. Pero nag pa

advise ako sa pediatrcian ok naman kaya lang there’s still doubt about the vaccine, hindi kasi

100% na assured na perfect pa yung vaccine doon sa bata, parang ganon.

Researcher: Yung mga navaccinan na bata mama, ano yung nga na observe mo sakanila?

Participant 1: Yon arang humina sila. Humina ba parang ganon, yung madali mag ka sakit.

Madali silang magkasakit, kng dati e may ano dito sa kapitbahay, dati nag papaulan, ok lang.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
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Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Ngayon mag paulan nalang ganyan nag kakasakit na, magkakasipon na, mag kakaubo na,

magkakalagnat na parang ganon. Tapos yung mga batang dati walang allergies, nag ka allergies.

Tapos weak lungs, pneumonia. Karamihan don sa mga batang naospital nung ano nung nag

vaccinate sila, pneumonia. Diba yung kwan ng vaccine natin sa lungs din yon. Imbes na wala

silang sakit, na trigger.

Researcher: Do you think age matters kung ittake yung vaccine?

Participant 1: Sa totoo lang oo, para sakin a. Kasi ang preferably na age para sakin ng pag

papavaccine is 19 to 59. Kasi yun yung period na malakas ang tao. Hindi naman ibig sabihin

sinabi ko na malakas ay mahina na yung mga under aged kaya lang yung immune system pa kasi

ng mga bata hindi pa siya fully developed. Parang yung sinabi ko kanina, kaya nga sila under

aged or under the care of parents kasi kailangan pa nila na what I mean maasikaso o ma guide sa

mga tamang pagkain, to be healthy. Sa mga tamang pag iisip, to be emotionally ready sila. Para

pag datng nila sa tamang edad, yon kasi mga bata mahihina pa immune system nila. And then

don sa mga upper naman hannggang 59 sabi ko lang kasi yung mga matatanda kasi arang

bumabalk sila sa agiging mahina. Kasi yung span na good sila na ubos na kaya humina na sila.

Ang gusto ko lang sana ang preferably age na ma vaccinan age 19-59. Kasi yung mga matatanda

na mahihina na mga yan, and yung mga bata mahihina pa siila, yon.

Researcher: May possiblidad mama na mag change decision ka na ipa vaccine yung mga anak


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Participant 1: Yes, pag ano na siguro mga aged 19 na siguro mga ganon. Pero pag sasabihin nila

na hindi ka pwedeng pumasok sa face to face class kasi hindi ka vaccinated e bigyan lang nila ko

ng assurance na it is 100% safe, ok na siguro. Or baliktarin natin ang sitwasyon, sila ang pagawan

mo ng waver. Sila ang papirmahin mo ng waver na 100% safe yung bata pag vinaccinan na nila

sa school, kasi sa school naman sila pag face to face na. Parang baliktarin mo tignan mo mag

ddoubt yang mga yan. Parang waver of assurance na 100% safe yung vaccine, tignan mo mag

ddoubt mga yan. Yon pag mga 18 or above papa vaccine ko.

Researcher: Meron bang mga article or videos na nabasa or napanood mo na nag think twice ka

sa decision mo?

Participant 1: Oo

Researcher: Ana ajay content na mama?

Participant 1: May napanood kasi ako na ay ano ng pangalan non. Yung about sa naturukan na

bata na mga around 17 years old siya tas naging ano siya na arang nasiraan na ng ulo. Actually,

ready ako na ipavaccine ko sana. E may nag send sakin sa facebook at napanood ko sa social

media anong pangalan non, Joy ata. Tas nung na vaccinan yung bata parang nag ano yung utak

niya tapos e nasiraan siya ng ulo. Tapos yon nung pina CT scan siya kasla limteg kano jay utak

na kaya ganon siya. Ang cause daw sabi naman ng DOH yung bata daw hindi ready nung na

vaccinan. Its either puyat o hindi kumain. So ibig sabihin kung hindi ka kumain at hindi ka

nakatulog ng gabing yoon, siyempre mag iisip ka ay mag papa vaccine ako ganon. So may

possibility na ganon. Hindi 100% na sure.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Researcher: Follow up question, ana ajay videos ken article nga nag pakita kanyam iti positive

side ti vaccine nga kasla nag think twice ka, mama?

Participant 1: Nag think twice na?

Researcher: Nga kasla naisip mo nga kailangan ag pa vaccine ta nakitam ajay nga positive side


Participant 1: Ah yung diba sa news, may ratings ratings sila na bumaba tumaas yung cases ng

vaccine. Nung nagkaroon naman ng vaccine bumaba naman yung aactive casses ng COVID, kaya

yon. Yun din yung isang ano na kailangan ko ipa vaccine yung bata. Kasi nung nag vaccine

naman na sila bumaba na.

Researcher: last question,may experience ka ba nung nag pa vaccine ka na dahil don nag hesitate

ka na ipa vaccine yung children mo?

Participant 1: Oo, nung nag a vaccine kasi ako nung nag ka COVID ako talagang eager na ko

mag pa vaccine. Kasi nga yon nga na expirience ko na mag ka covid talaga, di ka maka hinga yon

nga. Kaya after ko ma recover, nakahingi ako ng certificate, nag pa vaccine ako. Kaya lang ang

problema nung nag vaccine ako, nag lagnat din ako ganon. Para bang nilalabanan niya yung

immune system ko, kaya kailngan malakas talaga immune system mo bago ka mag pa vaccine,

ganon. Tapos yon, mahirap malay mo mag ka severe na lagnat. Yun yung nakakatakot kasi may

side effect siya e. Karamihan kasi may side effect, kaya yon.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School


Participant 2

Researcher: Maam i ask ko pay lang ti permission mo nga kwa maam irecord mi atoy meeting

maam okay lang kinyam?

Participant 2: A sige basta pang kwan lang a, anong tawag don. For the sake of your research

lang a ano?

Researcher: Wen maam confidential maam madi mi iruruwar

Participant 2: ok

Researcher: Maam agdamag nakon a

Participant 2: mm mm

Researcher: Ma'am ano yung mga paniniwala mo sa covid vaccine?

Participant 2: the adverse effects of the vaccine tapos Yung mga sinasabi nilang may mga macro

chips silang nilalagay ganon?

Researcher: Wen maam kasla kasjay

Participant 2: Oo ganon, parang ganon nga, pero wala naman atang mga scientific bases about

dun, pero sa mga religion sinasabi nila na may mga nilalagay na microchip para malaman nila,

parang namomonitor nila kung nasaan ka ganon

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Researcher: ah sige maam, maam next question garuden?

Participant 2: Sige sige

Researcher: Maam sa mga vaccine beliefs mo maam, Ma'am sino sa tingin mo ang pinaka


Pariticpant 2: Kung totoo man yung maglalagay ng microchip ganon

Researcher: Ma'am okay ajayen? or adda pay idagdag mo ma'am?

Participant 2: dun siguro, dun sa adverse effects nung vaccine, don mas malakas ang paniniwala


Researcher: Ma'am apay mamatmati ka ittoy nga beliefs?

Participant 2: Yong sinasabi kasi ni maam *** non na sa religion nila sinasabing may microchip

daw ang vaccine

Researcher: Ah sige maam, next question nen maam?

Participant 2: mm

Researcher: Anya agijay kwa maam, paniniwala mo sa vaccine na narinig mo lang sa kapitbahay

mo ganon maam or workmate ganon?

Participant 2: Paniniwala, yung sinasabi nila na yung COVID-19 vaccination ay virus din daw

yun na isasaksak sa atin, yun ang paniniwala nila yun ang sinasabi nila. Yun nga virus din daw

para maging ano, anong tawag doon, para maimmune daw katawan natin. Meron pa, hindi ko

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

narinig pero naobserve ko lang, Yung bata Dito sa kapitbahay parang kabilis niya hingalin pag

naglalaro, di tulad non mga ilang takbo pa bago hingalin.

Researcher: Maam atoy met ney next, Ma'am adda agijay beliefs nga nanggeg mo ma'am nga

kwa paniniwala na para sayo hindi siya totoo?

Participant 2: oo, marami akong naririnig, pero sa ngayon e hindi parin malinaw sa isipan ko

about sa vaccination, pero dahil sa, sa akin nga, mandatory sa aming mga teaching personel na

magpavaccine sabi nila noon, pero naniniwala ako na pag nagpavaccine ka daw, hindi ka na

matatamaan ng virus, ay naalala ko lang, noong first dose ko hindi naman natamaan noon pero

may nagpositive kasi dito sa school namin, naramdaman ko padin yung symptoms, so don ako

hindi naniwala na sabi nila na nakapag nagpavaccine ka na hindi ka na matatamaan diba? e

natamaan pa rin naman ako sa mga kwan ibang symptoms, hindi nga lang malala parang mild

symptoms lang

Researcher: Sige po maam, next question maam

Anya agijay rason mo maam ta apay nag hesitate ka nga ivaccinate agijay children mo maam?

Participant 2: Una yung sa pangalawang anak ko kasi kahina immune system niya kase nga weak

lungs siya, baka hindi niya kayanin yung vaccine, siguro ang reason nun is yung health, yung

immune system ng bata. Kaya baka mas bumaba immune system niya pag pinavaccine ko

Researcher: Existing health conditions kasjay maam?

Participant 2: Oo ayun nga ,kasi kung mahina yung bata, mahina yung immune system ng bata

maaaring hindi niya kayanin yung magiging effects ng vaccination, so health pa rin, existing
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

health condition

Researcher: Sige maam, next question nen maam?

Participant 2: yes

Researcher: Maam do you think age matters kapag tinetake yung vaccine?

Participant 2: Kasi ang pagkakaalam ko diyan. is depende, oo depende sa taon ng isang tao kung

ilang dosage ang ibibigay nila sayo ganon, sa mga bata iba yung dosage nila sa mga bata iba din

sa matatanda, kaya depende din sa age ng isang bata o isang tao

Researcher: Sige maam, atoy ney maam adda ti possibility nga paniwalaam jay vaccine? jay

agchange decision ka kasjay?

Participant: Kasi ako, ayaw ko, sabi naman nung father nila ipavaccine mo nalang pero natatakot

ako sa mga bata

Researcher: Ma'am adda agijay videos or articles ijjay social media nga idi nakitam ket kasla dim

kayat paniwalaan jay negative beliefs mon?

Participant 2: Ay oo naman syempre, yun nga ,yung mas lalakas ang immune system mo sa

paglaban sa virus, yun ang isa mga kwan siguro, content nun, kasi nga sa mga pinapanood ng

DOH, lalo na sa resbakuna ganon, sa amin sa DepEd, talagang ang pinapakita don is yung

positive side ng vaccine

Researcher: Ah, atoy ney maam last question, nung nagpavaccine ka maam, maam may mga

naexperience ka na kwan, na dahil dun e nag alangan kang ipavaccinate ang children mo

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Participant 2: Ang naexperience ko nung nagpavaccine ako is yun nga masakit ang katawan

parang di kayanin ng mga bata, siguro lang yung sakit ng katawan ang naramdaman ko na baka

hindi kaya ng mga bata


Participant 3

Researcher-Naka record na

Researcher-First question, Ano ang mga paniniwala mo sa vaccine ?

Participant 3-Uhmm,yong paniniwala ko tungkol sa vaccine kasi diba ngayon 61% ang mga

Pilipino ang hindi pa nababakunahan ,so ang mga ang reason ko yong mga paniniwala ko kung

bakit,ahh kasi hindi sya ligtas, hindi kailangan yung bakuna hindi effective,uhmm mas malala

yong side effects pag nabakunahan na ng Covid-19 vaccine.And then nakakabaog daw ang

bakuna ang pinaka worst nakakamamatay lang yung ivavaccine, yung ivavaccinate nila kapag

nagpavaccine sila


Researcher-Sa mga nabanggit mong paniniwala,Alin don ang mga pinakadilikado ?

Participant 3- Syempre yong baka mamatay ka

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Researcher-So bakit ka naniniwala doon?

Participant 3-Uhmm,madami na kasing nababalita na namatay mula nong nabakuhan sila ,so

syempre worried ako kasi baka mangyari rin saakin yon or mangyari din sa mga bata

Researcher-May mga paniniwala kabang narinig mo sa internet sa tingin hindi totoo?

Participant 3-Na,hindi na kailangan magpavaccine hindi na natin kailangan mag Covid-19


Researcher-Ano yong mga rason mo kung bakit naghehesitate kang ipavaccinate ang mga anak

mo ?

Participant 3 -Uhmm,kasi meron akong narinig na kapag daw nagpavaccine ka may tanning na

yong buhay mo after ng vaccination

Researcher-Yong mga navaccine na bata ano ang na observe mo sa kanila ?

Participant 3-Parang after ng vaccination nila parang mas humina yong immune system nila mas

prone sila sa sakit ubo,sipon parang kunteng hibot nagkakaroon sila ng ubo at tyaka sipon

Researcher-Do you think age matters kung itatake nila ang vaccine ?

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Participant 3- Yes!

Researcher -May possibility bang mag change ang desisyon mo na ipavaccine mo ang mga anak

mo ?

Participant 3-Uhmm as of the moment ,siguro mga ahh 40% yong desisyong ko na ano

magpavaccine sila kasi sa mga naririnig ko sa internet hindi na parang nawalan na ako ng tiwala

na ipavaccine sila

Researcher -Meron bang article o videos na nabasa mo o napanuod mo na nagthink twice ka sa

desisyon mo na parang nag dalawang isip ka?

Participant 3- Meron,meron akong napanuod na video yong Covid -19 vaccine memes ng GMA

news meron kasi don yong comparison ng totoo tungkol sa covid 19 at tyaka hindi totoo

tungkol sa covid 19 so nabigyan nmn nila ng linaw yong mga fake news na lumalabas sa internet

Researcher-Last question,follow up question lang po

Researcher -May experience kaba na nong nagpavaccine ka na dahil don naghesitate ka parin

ipavaccinate yong mga anak mo ?

Participant 3-Yes meron, a personally nong nag vaccinate ako nong nagvaccine ako a nag chill

ako nagkaroon ako ng fever tapos ahh headache medyo nagtagal sya mga two days na hindi ako
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

bumangon kasi masamang masama yong pakiramdam ko

Reasearcher -Yon lang ma thank you

Participant 3-Okay po thank you


Participant 4

Resarcher: Irugik ajay recordin?

Participant 4: Wen sige sige

Resarcher: Anya agijay paniniwalam idjay covid 19 vaccine?

Participant 4: Covid 19 vaccine? Oh diba sabi nila na yung covid, yung vaccine na ‘yon magiging

proteksyon natin sa covid, hindi naman 100 percent sya na dahil naka vaccine ka na di ka na

mahahawa ng covid, pero atleast kung naka vaccine ka kase…. mag kaka covid ka man pero mild

lang hindi ka mapupunta sa severe diba oh tapos, kaso may mga ibang beliefs naman lalo na nung

una diba may mga naririnig rinig ka kung ano yung mga side effect nya. Oh diba kasi crineate

lang nila yung vaccine in just a short period of time so ibig sabihin yung mga ibang possibilities

na pwedeng maging side effect ng vaccine hindi nila masyadong napag aralan. May iba na

nagsasabi na it shorten the life span of human being daw yung vaccine pero syempre hindi naman

natin sure yon, pero ang pinaka sure dun talaga na yung vaccine kasi mayron at mayrong side
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

effect yon hindi man ngayon maybe after 2 years or what syempre walang makakalaam kung ano

yung side effect nya. Tignan mo nalang diba yung mga vaccine ni ading moL*** pag mag

vavaccine si ading mong *** may side effect yun sakanya so ibig sabihin na yung vaccine natin

ngayon ng covid mayron talagang side effect yon. Tapos yung mga iba siguro kanonood na nila

ng Korean, sasabihin nila na after a years daw magiging zombie na daw tayo kase nga daw sa

vaccine may mga ganon o may mga iba naman na din na nagsasabi na dahil daw sa vaccine

parang nagigising yung... kum baga yung mga taong may sakit na pero parang hindi nila

masyadong nararamdaman, parang nagiging mas active na yong sakit nila dahil daw sa vaccine

ganon, lalo na yung mga may comorbidities or lalo na yung mga ano, mga taong may mga

kapansanan yung mga may down syndrome yung mga ganon.

Resarcher: Mamatmati ka mit idjay aya tita uray bassit lang kasjay?

Participant 4: Meron, meron parin syempre hindi mo matatanggal sa isip mo na pwedeng totoo

pwedeng hindi, kasi diba nga yun nga tignan mo minadali nila yung vaccine hindi naman

masyadong napag aralan yon e, kaya in the future hindi lang natin hindi natin alam na ano yung

may side effect sya pero hindi natin alam kung ano yon.

Resarcher: Next question na tita?

Participant 4: O sige sige

Researcher: Agijay nabanggit mo nga beliefs tita ayan na ti sa tingin mo nga pinaka delikado ?
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Participant 4: Yung sa may ano, parang naniniwala ako dun sa may mga sakit diba syempre yung

katawan yung may mga sakit syempre yung mga katawan nila hindi na siya normal, hindi na sila

ganon ka healthy so yung mga organs nila parang may something may mga deperensya na, so

hindi natin sure na pwede talaga na yung vaccine na yon may side effect sa kanila pwede yung

may mga sinasabi sila diba na nag vaccine lang sya pero namatay sya parang ganon pwedeng

totoo yon pwedeng dahil dun siguro sa vaccine yun. Kasi nga kasi nga diba hindi naman natin

hindi naman hindi naman nila hindi naman sure kasi kung ano talaga ang side effects, may side

effect yung sa kanila, ang pinaka mahirap lang talaga yan yung mga comorbidities na yung may

mga sakit na talaga dati pa na nag vaccine.

Resarcher: Apay ta mamatmati ka idjay nga beliefs tita ?

Participant 4: Kasi parang ano naman din naman sya, tawag dito may mga may mga halos diba

lagi noon nong kasagsagan ng covid tapos kasagsagan din ng vaccine maraming namamatay.

Maraming napapabalita na si na yung ganito namatay kasi nagpa vaccine lang sya namatay sya

ganon nagpa vaccine lang sya ganito na iba na yung iba na yung ano ng katawan niya yung mga

ganon… na something na pwedeng totoo kasi may sakit na dati yung tao eh, so parang yung

vaccine sakanya syempre iba iba ang hormones ng tao iba yung effect nya sa katawan ng bawat

isa… kaya parang ano parang tawag dito parang ano talaga sya parang mapanganib sya dun sa

mga taong may mga sakit na, lalo na yung mga malala na ganon, yung mga nag me maintenance

mga ganon. Syempre hindi lang sila sure kung ano yung ipekto ng vaccine sakanila pero syempre

wala naman silang choice kailangan nilag magpa vaccine.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Resarcher: Ti kayat mo ibaga tita nga mamatmati ka ta adda ti mabalbalita da nga unknown ti

sakit na?

Participant 4: Oo, parang naniniwala ako sa mga ganon kasi nga yu nga nakikitamo naman,

meron yung diba nga meron yung napaka healthy nya ano lang yung sakit nya tapos nung ng

vaccine sya bigla syang grumabe parang ganon, pwede pwede kasi syempre…

Resarcher: Kasla tita kayat ibaga dajay anya ti panagaramid da jay vaccine?

Participant 4: Oo, oo naman oo kasi ikaw ba naman gagawa ka ng vaccine na ano pang apurahan

eh kung tutuusin yung mga ganyang bagay kailangang pinag aaralanyan nang matagal, oh saan

lang sila na ano ng example sa mga animals yata…sa mouse ba yon? Oh hindi naman yun

mismong taong ano, iba pa rin naman yung katawan ng tao sa katawan ng hayop.

Resarcher: Anya agijay kwa tita agijay paniniwala ti tungkol idjay covid vaccine nga nangngig

mo ngay jay kwa jay lawlaw mo agijay kabbalay mo agijay kadkadwam kasjay?

Participant 4: Yun yun yun diba yun nga yung mga sabi nga nila basta yun no.1 so-shorten daw

nya yung life span ng tao, no. 2 yung mga agijay kunada nga dagijay matmaturog nga sakit mo

mariing gapu dayta nga vaccine mga ganon.

Resarcher: Next question?

Participant 4: Oo next question na

Resarcher: Anya agijay kwa tita agijay beliefs nga nakitam nga para kanyam kit madi paypayso


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Participant 4: Yung hindi totoo, yung ano saglit lang…...yung mga hindi totoo na ano

Resarcher: Adda ba nu awan?

Participant 4: Kasi parang ngayon wala ka pa namang ma po-prove na ano eh…. na pwedeng ano

yon mabalin mit nga ano ba yon dun sa mga bata may nagsasabi na parang hindi daw sana sya

okay sa mga bata at may mga pag aaral din talaga na sinasabing di dapat same ang doses ng mga

bata sa adults when it comes to medicines.

Resarcher: Di kwa tita awan ti kwa kanyam jay beliefs nga false?

Participant 4: Beliefs nga false sa ngayon wala pa, wala ka pa namang nakikitang ano, sa ngayon

wala pa.

Resarcher: Ana agijay kwa tita ajay rason mo pay nga agal-alangan ka nga ipa vaccinate ajay


Participant 4: Yung mga bata kasi ano sya parang….kasi may mga naririnig din ako dito, dito ah

ewan ko lang kung totoo pero nasabi yun sa akin yung isa sa mga klasmeyt ng anak ko na yung

isang baby daw dito na isang bata dito daw na may down syndrome, nagvaccine sya tapos hindi

na daw sya nagising parang tumigil daw yung tibok ng puso nya, ajay ubing saka kwan parang

nag aalangan agal-alangan nak latta ah ta ayun nga madim ammo ti side effect na tsaka uray

ibagam nga pwede yun na bago mo i-pa vaccine yung jay baby’m jay anak mo mabalin mo nga

pwede mo nga syang na ipa check up muna sa pedia parang ganon, pero syempre hindi naman

lahat yun makikita ng pedia isu kasla ngay kahit papaano agal-alanganin nak ta paylang malay

ko ta ana tu ti side effect na ngay idjay anak ko.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Resarcher: Anya agijay observation mo idjay kwa tita agiay ubbing nga na vaccine’an?

Participant 4: Sa ngayon parang ano naman kitdi sakanila parang mga normal na vaccine lang

parang ganon, kasi yung iba agijay dadduma meron yung nilagnat meron yung iba wala siguro

depende yun sa immune system ng bata. Sa ngayon naman parang wala naman parang okay lang

naman yung mga bata pero nag oobserve pa rin ako syempre.

Resarcher: Do you think age matters nu al-alain da ajay vaccine, do you think age matters when

taking the vaccine?

Participant 4: Pwede pwede yun pwede, kasi diba kung tignan mo sa mga adult mga adult diba

depende naman yun diba yung mga matatanda yung mga senior citizen yung mga matatanda na

may mga sakit na may comorbidities din kumpara dun sa mga bata pa na parang paranag ako

parang kayo, tapos yung mga maliliit talagang ano kailangan yung talagang kailangan dapat pag-

aralan na kung ano talaga yung mga dosage ng vaccine parang sa mga para sa may edad parang

ganon. Syempre talagang need naman yon need nalang I-ano iconsider yung mga edad yung

bawat isa na magpapa vaccine.

Resarcher: Di para garud kanyayo tita ki kwa, adda kinalaman na dapat ajay panag papa vaccine?

Participant 4: Oo wen ah haan mit mabalin nga basta nga kunware kanyak inturok da kanyak

mabalin nga ivaccine da mkit kanyam syempre madi, syempre yung age mo hindi naman parehas

yung katawan natin parang ganon kaya dapat yung dose nakadepende sa age ng tao kasi hindi

pareparehas ang lakas nila.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Resarcher: Adda mit ti possibility nga ag change decision ka nga ipa vaccine mo mit ajay

children mo?

Participant 4: Meron, meron pa rin I’m looking forward yung may possibilities pa rin na mag

change yung mind ko lalo na dayta face to face oh diba what if I required nila yon yung face to

face yung bata hindi pwedeng walang vaccine syempre no choice pero if ever nag anon

mangyayari talagang ipapriority muna na ipacheck up sila sa pedia bago ko sila mapapa


Resarcher: Adda pay tita ti mabalin nga rason apay ag change decision mo or awanen?

Participant 4: Na may chance? May chance meron

Resarcher: Adda pay ti reason tita?

Participant 4: Yun din kunware ayan na naman baka mamaya eh bigla nalang lumobo yung ano

diba, may ibang variant na naman baka bigla na namang lumobo yung yung mga may covid cases

so parang so parang proteksyon na rin nila at least kahit papaano mas panatag kaming parents na

pag naka vaccine naman sya, mahahawa man siya at least mild lang hindi sya yung magiging

severe, para sa proteksiyon na rin nila lalo na sa amin na si dade namin laging lumalabas araw

araw, oh nag wowork sya sa bangko iba ibang tao yung nakaka salamuha niya at least man di mo

masasabi na baka hindi siya mahawa kasi nga iba iba yung taong nakaka salamuha niya at least

kaming-mag iina may proteksyon naman kami kahit papaano

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Resarcher: Adda mit ti articles or videos nga nabasam ti social media nga kwa, kasla gapu idjay

ki kasla mitlang idjay previous question kasla pinanunot mo nga mabalin ka agchange decisions?

Participant 4: Meron din basta sa balita ata yun yung ano diba ini insist naman ng DOH na yung

mga vaccine ng mga bata eh safe naman sa kanila parang ganon, na parang may kahit papaano

may study naman na safe naman na ma vaccine’an yung mga five years old ba yon mga five

years old pataas.

Resarcher: Adda pay tita nu ajayin?

Participant 4: Wala na

Resarcher: Idi nagpa vaccine ka tita add ti experience mo nga idi na experience mo ajay ki kwa,

nag hesitate ka nga ipa vaccine jay children mo?

Participant 4: Sa akin kasi ang effect lang naman nong vaccine sakin ano lang sya eh kasla ngay

parang nangalay lang yung kamay ko yung parang ang bigat bigat lang yung braso ko, tapos

parang yung masama ang pakiramdam ko pero the whole night lang yun after kinaumagahan

wala na


Participant 5

Researcher: Nakarecord na

Researcher: Anya dijay paniniwalam aboutl ti covid-19 vaccine ate Kasla kuma ajay paniniwala

nga inaramid da lang ajay vaccine ate tapnu pabassiten iti population ti tao kasla kasjay ate?

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Participant 5 : Kasla ar aramid lang sa mut ti tao dijayun, nu maminsan mamati ka nu maminsan

kasla haan ka mut mamatin ta ajay ngay ar aramidin da lang nga paraan ajayun

Researcher: Tatnu mapa, bassit iti population ate?

Participant 5: Kasla pagkwar kwartaan dan sa payun e

Researcher: Anya pay ate iti paniniwalam about kasjay?

Participant 5: Jay pagperperaan dan kin pagkukwaan dajay population nga

Reseacher: Tapus apay man maniwala ka iajy ate? Agijay in bagam?

Participant 5: Kasi nagadu mut iti kwa imbes agita makit kita kasjay nagad addu ti anya nagan

agituyun, agijay biktima.

Researcher 5: Agijay nabanggit mu nga paniniwala ate anya kadagijay iti delikado? Ajay

inbagam tattay nga paniniwalam about covid-19 ate.

Participant 5: Ajay kas kuma nu ajay nabiktima ka kuma kasjay ajay example kasla ajay kuma

kinni tatay kasi agsaksakit nga nabayag

Researcher: Wen ate

Participant 5: Tapus idi natay ngay kut ibagada mut nga covid’n kasjay hmm

Researcher 5: Adda ba iti nangnangeg mon ate nga sab sabali nga tao about covid-19 vaccine,

ajay vaccine

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Participant 5: nga

Researcher: Nang nangngig mo nga paniniwala da ate iti sabali nga tao about ajay covid-19


Participant 5: Ahh, agijay dadduma mayat mut, agijay dadduma kasla madi kasjay jay bagi da


Reseacher: Add ba agijay paniniwala ate’n nga nakitam internet or napanood mo? Jay facebook

kasjay nabuybuyam nga video about covid-19 vaccine?

Participant 5: Awan pay a itta lang balita, kasi man manu ak mut ag an ano

Researcher: Ana mut dagijay rason mo ate apay nga ag hes hesitant ka nga ipa vaccine agijay

annak mo?

Participant 5: Nge baka ngay nu adda side effect na kanyada diba? Dim mut may ana, ,madim

mut maisublin in case nga adda nangyare kanyada, isu nga agdu dwa nak paylang.

Researcher: Add aba ti existing health condition da ate, adda iti sakit da kasjay? Agijay annak


Participant 5: Jay kwa laeng nuka ag no nosebleed da latta kasjay big bigla, Ajay lang mut kidti.

Researcher: Agijay na vac vaccinan nga ubingin ate, adda ba iti na ob observe mut kanyada ate?

Adda iti nagbago ba kanyada agiay na vaccinan nga ubbing kasjay ate?

Participant 5: Kasla awan sa mut, kammu lang madik pay unay nga nai kwa, kasi manun sa

paylang na vaccinan ittuy.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Researcher: Sa tingin mo ate kut kwa, mahalaga ba ajay edad nu agpa vaccine ka?

Participant 5: Kasla win sa e, Kasi diba ata ngay it itud da ngay kut di da pay kaya jay agas ngay

Researcher: Adda ba iti possibility ate nga agbago iti desisyon mo nga payagam suda nga agpa


Participant 5: Adda mut siguro nu, ajay Makita nga addu iti agpa vaccinen kasjay, gamin tatta kut

man manu da paylang mut ta kwa.

Researcher: Pati nu ipa kwa da jay school’n ate ipa mandatory dan?

Participant 5: Mabalin mut latta siguro.

Researcher: Adda ba ti mabuy buyam ijay facebook’n ate nga nagpabago iti desisyon mo or balita

lang kasjay?

Participant 5: Balita paylang mut.

Researcher: Anya mut iti ibag baga dadjay ate nga balita?

Participant 5: Ajay nu, kailangan kanu nu ag face to face dagita ubbing kasjay

Researcher: Agpa vaccine dapat?

Participant 5: Jay vaccine kinu man nu kailangan talagan edi kailangan agpa vaccine, nu ngay

dida pastriken diba.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Researcher: Wen ate, adda ba iti nabuy buyamun ate nga jay balita nga nagpakita ti magandang

idududlot na jay vaccine?

Participant 5: Kasla, Kasla awan sa pay

Researcher: Adda ba experience mo ate nga, nga dahil ijay ngay kut madim kayat isudan nga ipa

vaccine or ag hes hesitate ka paylang?

Participant 5: hmmm, ajay kwa idi nagpa booster nak, kasi kasla ngay kuma kumapsot ajay bagik

ngamin idi aginggana idi nagpa booster nak, pero jay first kin second dose mayat mut ngum idi

nagpa boosterakun medyo madi kasla ngay kumapsut talaga jay bagik

Researcher: Ay isu ag hes hesitate ka mut lang ate

Participant 5: Wun, isu nga kasla medyo nga

Researcher: Baka madi da nga kayanen

Participant 5: Wen baka di da nga kaya ngay

Researcher: Ajay lang a

Thematic Coding (Braun and Clarke)

Table 1 Beliefs of Parents Towards COVID-19 Vaccination Among Children

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

TEXTS (Responses) CODES

P1:The vaccine was just made to lessen the world's population. When (1)Biological

injected, it shortens the lifespan of a human being. It will make your Weapon

immune system weak which falls into one purpose; to lessen the world's Intentionally

population. (1)It's like a biological weapon that will be injected to you but Made

it won't be a crime to the eyes of the people,(2) it's like a secretly made (2)Decrease

virus. Death from a disease won't be considered a crime Human


Cover Up


P2: The adverse effects of the vaccine and the ones where they say it has Adverse

macro chips effects

Micro Chips

P3: My beliefs about the vaccine is it isn't effective since 61% of the Ineffective

population in the Philippines are not yet vaccinated. The vaccine isn't also Side-effects

safe, it has worse side effects and they say it makes you infertile (2)and Causes

the worst one; it is deadly. infertility


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

P4: It was just made in a short period of time (3)which means it has a Rushed

possibility of side effects since it hasn't been studied efficiently. They also Shortens

say it shortens the life span of a human being but we aren't sure about that Life Span

but the one thing which is sure is that (1) will always have side effects (1)Future

maybe not now but 2 years in the future , of course no one knows it's side Effects

effects. Other Korean watchers also say it might turn you into a zombie. (2)Disease

There is also a saying which is (2) awakens dormant diseases in our Trigger

bodies. (3)Unknown

Side Effects

P5: (1)It looks like it was just made-up by people and (2)for them to make Doubt

profit. Sometimes you believe it sometimes you don’t. (1)Made-up


P1: A lot of proofs said that a lot of people died just like the incident of Shorten

the black death but before, technologies weren't so advanced wherein you Lifespan

won't know an info about the disease unlike now, one click can get you the Business

information you want. If you will look at the cases in other countries there

is the information where a part of a continent labels the areas with cases

and deaths. That will make you believe that there are deaths and that the

disease exists. Then the government will make a vaccine market and say

that they will help but in reality, they are the one who made the virus and

the vaccine. If your body can take it then it will just shorten your lifespan

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

P2: Just like what my co-teacher said, that their religion says vaccines has Religion


P3: Because there is a lot on news saying that people died after they took News Proofs

the vaccine which worries me because it might happen to me or my


P4: (1)There were a lot of deaths during the surge of COVID-19 infection (1)Existing

and vaccination. A lot of news says that this or that person died and Health

his/her body became weird just by taking the vaccine which might be true Conditions

because the person has an existing health condition. Every people has (2)Death

different hormones which means the reaction of the vaccine differs (3)Disease

depending on the hormones of ones body. (1)It's like its dangerous to Trigger

those people with existing health conditions.

Yes, (3)I believe in those because I’ve seen it. Imagine a kid with a

disease which isn’t so serious became severe after vaccination?

P4: (1)Imagine making a rushed vaccine. Those things should be studied (1)Rushed

for a long time,(2) imagine using a mouse to test it, that's not a human's Developmen

body. t



University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

P1: They said they get tired easily, get sick easily, sudden sickness. (1)Weaker

(2)They got diseases they've never had before like allergies.(1) Example is Body

the ones involved in farming, they get tired quicker than usual, usually (2)New

they can go on full day scale but now just half day which means their body Diseases

just got weaker, that's what I hear. (3)Allergies

P2: (1)The vaccine is also a virus that will be injected so that we'll become (1)Vaccine

immune to COVID, that's what they said. I didn’t hear this other one but, is also a

(2) just observed it, the child in our neighborhood, he quickly gets tired Virus

not like before where he gets to run a lot of time before he starts catching (2)Observed

his breath.

P2: Yes I hear a lot, but for me, the concept of the vaccination still isn't Not Immune

clear but because we teaching personnel are obliged to take it, I once Experiences

believed the belief that taking the vaccine will make you immune to the

virus but after my first dose, someone in our school got the virus and I still

felt the symptoms but mild only. So that's where I don't believe in, that

taking the vaccine will make you fully immune to the virus.

P1:Those false beliefs? I don't think there is because it won't come out Proof from

unless it's true. Just like what they say if there's no fire then there's no Others

smoke. It is because those things I've watched has proofs and those things Makes Sense

in the internet.It's like it didn't happen to me but there are proofs that it

happened to others which makes me believe it. Those news that came out

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

that is fake? I think there’s none.

P3:That we don’t need to vaccinate, the vaccine isn’t needed. Not Needed

P4: Because you cannot prove it. Like the vaccine not being compatible to Studied

the children. There are studies that backs up the fact that children

shouldn’t get the same medicine doses as adults when it comes to


P4: For now I still have no false beliefs None

P5: I see a lot of victims Witnessed

P5: When you became a victim, for example just like death of my father. Experienced

Table 1.1 Themes


Biological Weapon Vaccine as Human Population Control

Decrease Human Population

Micro Chips

Causes Infertility

Shortens Lifespan

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Intentionally Made Vaccine as Government’s Medium of Manipulation

Cover Up Crime



Vaccine is Also a Virus


Ineffective Vaccine's Issues


Rushed Development



Not Immune

Not Needed

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Adverse Effects Risk of Death and Triggering Dormant Diseases

Side Effects


Disease Trigger

Existing Health Conditions


Weaker Body

New Diseases


Future Effects

Unknown Side Effects

Religion Beliefs from External Sources

News Proofs


Proof From Others

Experiences The Participant’s Experiences



Makes Sense Things that Prove Beliefs



Table 2 Beliefs that makes parents hesitate to vaccinate their children.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

TEXT (Responses) CODES

P1:(1)Children are called underage because they aren't physically and (1)Not ready

emotionally ready yet. They're still developing especially their immune (2)Underdevel

system until the age of twelve. Then those 13 to 18 years old has oped Body

developed immune systems which strengthens them based on the (1)Not

researches of doctors. That's why I am hesitating to vaccinate my Guaranteed

children (2)because they aren't fully developed yet, it's like injecting Existing

them with a virus. Yes it's true that the vaccine is a good virus but it is Health

still a virus. If a child's body can't take it, then it will have side effects Condition

and it isn't 100% guaranteed. (2)High Doubt

My other child has a G6 PD which is a disease that makes red blood
cells burst once it is triggered which can cause leukemia. I already

asked a pediatrician for an advise and the pedia said it's okay but there's

still doubt about the vaccine, it isn't a hundred percent perfect for


P2:First is because my second child has weak immune system because Weak Immune

that child has weak lungs, he might not be able to handle the vaccine System

and the reason is I think the health, the immune system of the child. Yes Vaccine

because if the child is weak then so is the immune system, that's why he Strength

might not be able to take the vaccine. That’s why his immune system Lowers
might become lower when he will take the vaccine. system

P3: I heard people say that once you take the vaccine, your days are Lower
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

already in count. Lifespan


P4: I heard something here, I don't know if it's true but someone told me People’s

that one of my son's classmate, the one who has a down syndrome. Stories

After the child took the vaccine he didn't wake up anymore, it's like his Death

heartbeat stopped and it made me hesitate because you don't know the Unpredictable

side-effects of the vaccine. Even if you let a pediatrician check him/her Effects

up. But of course not everything can be seen by a pediatrician that's

why I'm still hesitating because I don't know what will be its side effects

to my children.

P5: It might have side effects on them isn't it? You can't change it back Side effects

in case something bad happened to them, that's why I'm still hesitating. Irreversible

Yes but only nosebleeding.


P1: They became somewhat weak, easy to catch diseases there's Observation

someone here in our neighbor who was always playing in the rain and Weakened

it's just okay. But now after playing in the rain the child gets sick, colds, Pneumonia

and coughs. Then other children got allergies which didn't have a record Disease

in the past. Then weak lungs, pneumonia, the the common things that Trigger

those hospitalized children who were vaccinated have is pneumonia

since the vaccine relates to the lungs. In short it triggers diseases.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

P3: It's like after vaccination, their immune system became weaker, Weaker

they became prone to colds and coughs. Prone

P4: For now, I think it's still like just normal vaccine, there are those Still

who gets sick, there are those who do not, I think it depends on the Observing

Child's immune system. For now I think it's still okay but I'm still


P1: Truthfully speaking, yes for me and my age of preference is 19-59 Age

years old, because that’s the period where a person is strong but it Underdevelop

doesn't mean that underage are weak but their immune system isn't fully ed Immune

developed. Then the thing I said which is up to 59 years old, it means System

that those who are getting older are also going back to becoming weak

because their strength is drained during their prime, and I just want that

the preferable age for vaccination is 19-59 since old people are weak

and young people are still weak.

P2: From what I know is it depends, yes it depends to an age of a person Age

on how much dosage you should take. The children should have Dependent

different dosage than the older people. That's why it depends to the age

of a person.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

P4: Look at the adults, it depends isn't it? the senior citizens has Aging

comorbidity compared to those adults. That's why the dosage that Dosage and
should be given per age should be studied and considered.

P5: I think yes, because what if those who receive the vaccine can't Body Strength

handle it?

P1: Yes, if they reach the age of 19, but if they say it will be mandatory Need

for the face to face classes I want them to give me an assurance that it is Assurance

100% safe. Or let's switch it, let them make a waver and let them sign

the waver which says the child will be 100% safe when vaccinated, I'm

sure they will have their doubts.

P2: For me, I don't want to do it and I'm scared for them but their father Risky

said I should.

P3: As of the moment I'm 40% sure that my decision to vaccinate them Internet

because I saw some things in the internet that made me lose trust in the Influence


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

P1: Yes, when I got the virus, I really wanted to get the vaccine since Severe Side

the experience of having the vaccine like difficulty in breathing. So Effects

after I recovered, I got my certificate for vaccination. But the problem is Immune

I got sick after getting vaccinated, it's like my immune system is System

fighting the vaccine that's why you need a strong immune system before Unexpected

you take the vaccine. Then it's also hard because what if you get a Effects

severe sickness. That's the scary part because commonly, it has side


P2: The experience I had is body pain which might endanger the Body Pain

children. I think that's my only experience that my children can't handle.

P3:Personally, when I got my vaccine, I had a chill then a fever and Multiple Side

headache that lasted for two days, I was bedridden during those times Effects

since my body is in a bad shape.

P4: When I got vaccinated, I felt like my arm is heavy and I don't feel Side Effects

good the whole night, but after that I was fine.

P5:(2) When I got my booster shot, I felt my body became weak, (1)I (1)Future

didn't feel it during my first and second dose, only when I got the Effects

booster. (2)Third Dose

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

P1: I watched a video about a child around 17 years old. I was ready to Brain Damage

vaccinate them before but someone sent me that, her brain got damaged Not 100%

after getting vaccinated. The findings of the CT scan concluded that it Sure

was because the child’s body wasn't ready for the vaccine which is Not Physically

either caused by staying late at night or skipping meals. Of course if you Ready

haven't ate the night before getting the vaccine, you'll get anxiety. That's

why the vaccine isn't 100% sure

P2: Of course, when your immune system is stronger than the virus, the Vaccination

other contents are the ones I watch from DOH especially the Campaign

Resbakuna, and to us, in the DepEd, it shows the positive side of the


P3: I watched a video of in GMA about vaccine memes where they Comparison

compared the facts vs fake info about the vaccine. They made Facts

clarifications regarding the fake news found in the internet.

P4: There is especially on the news where DOH insists that vaccination Studies

for children with ages 5 and up is safe with a study backing it up. Safe

P5: I think none for now since there are still few here who are None yet


P5: I think yes, since there will be more vaccinated people in the future Waiting

and when face to face classes starts.

Table 2.1 Themes

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School


Not Ready Not Physically Ready

Underdeveloped Body

Weak Immune System


Immune System

Not Physically Ready

Existing Health Conditions Vaccine Affects Physical Health Status


Disease Trigger



Body Pain

Not guaranteed Low trust in COVID-19 Vaccines

High Doubt

Need Assurance


Not 100% Sure

Disease Trigger The Vaccine Weakens the Immune System


Lowers Immune System

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Vaccine Strength Vaccine Dose vs Body Strength

Body Strength

Dosage to Age

Lowers Lifespan Adverse Effects of the Vaccine


Side effects

Severe Side Effects

Multiple Side Effects

Brain Damage

Heard Beliefs Heard or Observed from External Factors

People’s Stories


Internet Influence

Unpredictable Effects Permanent and Future Effects

Unexpected Effects

Future Effects

Third Dose


Age Age Impact


Age Dependent

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Studies Things that will Persuade the Parents


Vaccination Campaign



None Yet Not Ready for Vaccination


Still observing

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Appendix D: Curriculum Vitae


Name : Princess Kyla B. Acupido

Address : Purok02,District 04,San Manuel, Isabela

Contact Number : 09363998273

E-mail Address :princesskylaacupido@gmail.com

Educational Attainment:

Grade School:

● San Manuel Central School 2016-2017

Junior High School:

● Callang National High School 2020-2021

Senior High School:`

● University of Perpetual Help System Laguna 2022-Present

(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Personal Data:

Height : 5’5

Weight : 52kg

Birthdate : May, 11, 2005

Age : 17

Birthplace : San Manuel, Isabela

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Methodist

Father’s Name : Romeo M. Acupido

Mother’s Name : Rhoda B. Acupido

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Name : John Raeben Birginias

Address : Minallo, Naguilian, Isabela

Contact Number : 09494762580

E-mail Address : johnraebenbirginias@gmail.com

Educational Attainment:

Grade School:

● Minallo Elementary School 2010-2017

Junior High School:

● Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School. 2017-2021

Senior High School:`

● University of Perpetual Help System Laguna 2021-Present

(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Personal Data:

Height :. : 5’6”

Weight : 66 kg

Birthdate : November 23, 2004

Age : 17

Birthplace :, Isabela

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father’s Name : Benny B. Birginias

Mother’s Name : Arabella Z. Buenaventura


Name : JV Stephen B. Dela Peña

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Address : Salinungan East, San Mateo, Isabela

Contact Number : 09068822496

E-mail Address : jvstephendelapena@gmail.com

Educational Attainment:

Grade School:

● Salinungan East Elementary School 2010-2017

Junior High School:

● La Salette of San Mateo Inc. 2017-2021

Senior High School:`

● University of Perpetual Help System Laguna 2021-Present

(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Personal Data:

Height :. : 5’7”

Weight : 80 kg

Birthdate : November 17, 2004

Age : 17

Birthplace : San Mateo, Isabela

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father’s Name : Jojo B. Dela Peña

Mother’s Name : Vienna Lou P. Blas


Name : Kryztal Fate Joy S. Eugenio

Address : Dipacamo, San Guillermo, Isabela

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Contact Number : 09122110365

E-mail Address : eugeniokryztal@gmail.com

Educational Attainment:

Grade School:

● Dipacamo Elementary School 2010-2017

Junior High School:

● San Guillermo Vocational and Industrial High School 2017-2021

Senior High School:`

● University of Perpetual Help System Laguna 2021-Present

(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Personal Data:

Height : 5’4”

Weight : 54kg

Birthdate : February 24, 2005

Age : 17

Birthplace : San Guillermo, Isabela

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Born Again-Christian

Father’s Name : Joey T. Eugenio

Mother’s Name : Zeny C. Sanchez


Name : Arrheya Venish C. Totto 1.7x 1.7 picture

Chest Level
Address :Villarta Street, District 1, Cauayan City,
Isabela Background
Contact Number : 09951342183
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

E-mail Address : ayiyayayi@gmail.com

Educational Attainment:

Grade School:
• Children Of Lourdes Academy Cauayan Incorporated 2011-2017
Junior High School:
• Children of Lourdes Academy Cauayan Incorporated 2017-2021
Senior High School:`
• University of Perpetual Help System Laguna 2021-2022
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Awards and Achievements: Grade 1:

• With honors
• Student of the month for the month of September
Grade 2:
• Student of the month for the month of January
Grade 3:
• Student of the month for the month of December
Grade 4:
• Student of the month for the month of February and October
• CCPRISAA Representative (Table Tennis)

• DSPC Representative (Photo Journalism)

• Nutrition Month Zumba Competition Champion

Grade 5:
• With Honors
• Student of the month for 8 months of the school year

• CCPRISAA Representative (Table Tennis)

• Festival Dance Champion

Grade 6:
• With Honors
• Student of the month for the month of September and January

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

• Quiz Bee Champion

• Leadership Training Camp Representative at Baguio

• DSPC Representative (Sports Writing)

• CCPRISAA Representative (Table Tennis)

Grade 7:
• With Honors
• Student of the month for the month of October and January

• Festival Dance Champion

• CCPRISAA Representative (Arnis)

• DSPC Representative (Sports Writing)

• Quiz Bee Champion

Grade 8:
• With Honors
• Student of the month for 3 months of the school year

• CCPRISAA Representative (Volleyball)

• DSPC Representative (Sports Writing)

• Festival Dance 2nd Runner Up

Grade 9:
• With Honors
• Student of the month for 3 months of the school year

• Festival Dance Champion

Grade 10:

• With honors

Personal Data:

Height : 5’8

Weight : 49kg

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
Basic Education Department
Senior High School

Birthdate : December 26, 2004

Age : 17

Birthplace : Cauayan City, Isabela

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father’s Name : Marvin A Totto

Mother’s Name : Karen Irish C. Totto

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