M06 Wall and Floor Tiles
M06 Wall and Floor Tiles
M06 Wall and Floor Tiles
Based on March, 2022 Curriculum Version-I
MODULE TITLE: Cut and Fix Wall, Floor Tiles and Skirting
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Table of content
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2.3. Set out for tile work……………………………………………………………….46
2.3.1.The basic principles of setting out wall tiles……………………………………...47
2.3.2. Procedure for a square or rectangular room…………………………...…………48
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LAP Test..............................................................................................................................................100
Unit Five -Tile External and Internal Corners.....................................................................................101
5.1. Check setting out for plumb, level................................................................................................102
5.2. Check internal corners surface......................................................................................................104
5.3. Fix or trim curve bead angle.........................................................................................................109
5.4. Fix tiles voids in tile bed...............................................................................................................111
5.5. Keep corner to square finish..........................................................................................................112
Self-Check -5........................................................................................................................................120
OPERATION TITLE 5........................................................................................................................120
1.Select working area & working Materials.................................................................................121
2.Measure working area................................................................................................................121
3.Prepare necessary material........................................................................................................121
LAP Test 5..................................................................................................................................121
Unit Six- Fix Floor Tile and Skirting..................................................................................................123
6.1. Check set out for plumb, level and square....................................................................................123
6.2. Check Floors surface intersections are straight............................................................................126
6.3. Fixe Curve bead angle trim...........................................................................................................128
6.4. Fix and maintain Tiles with minimum voids in tile bed...............................................................129
6.5. Corner square................................................................................................................................131
Unit Seven- Grout Wall Tile Face.......................................................................................................133
7.1. Clean and prepare joints................................................................................................................133
7.2. Apply grout...................................................................................................................................135
Self-Check -7.......................................................................................................................................140
Unit Eight -Clean Up............................................................................................................................141
8.1. Clean work area.............................................................................................................................142
Tools and Equipment 144
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List of Reference Materials..................................................................................................................148
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Introduction to the Module
Cut and Fix Wall, Floor Tiles and Skirting helps to know Plan and prepare, Set out tiling job, Cut tiles
as required, Fix wall tiles, Tile external and internal corners, Fix floor tile and skirting, Grout wall and
floor tile face and Clean up in finishing construction field. This module covers the required skills,
knowledge and attitudes required to install fibrous plaster components
This module is designed to meet the industry requirement under Finishing construction work
occupational standard, particularly for the unit of competency: Preparing and Installing Fibrous Plaster
Clean up
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Module Instruction
For effective use this modules trainees are expected to follow the following module instruction:
1. Read the information written in each unit
2. Accomplish the Self-checks at the end of each unit
3. Perform Operation Sheets which were provided at the end of units
4. Do the “LAP test” giver at the end of each unit and
5. Read the identified reference book for Examples and exercise
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Unit one: Plan and prepare
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following
content coverage and topics:
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page. Specifically,
upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to:
OHS Requirements
Implement signage.
Learning Instructions:
2. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask your trainer for assistance if you have hard time understanding them
3. Accomplish the “Self-checks” which are placed following all information sheets.
4. Ask from your trainer the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your trainer to correct
your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-checks).
6.Perform “the Learning activity performance test” which is placed following “Operation sheets” ,
8.If your performance is unsatisfactory, see your trainer for further instructions or go back to
“Operation sheets”.
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1.1 work instructions
Work instructions and operational details are obtained using relevant
information, confirmed and applied for planning and preparation purposes.
Work instructions are meant to help workers perform their jobs. However, all too often we encounter
instructions that don’t focus on that goal at all. They are designed to show compliance with standards.
They are made for safety auditors. Created by engineers showing off their technical understanding. Of
course, it is important to be compliant, but if you really want your work instructions to be effective you
need to start with the employee:
In today's competitive world, contractors who are unable to demonstrate they have proficient safety
systems face the prospect of missing out on tenders, contracts or being placed on preferred provider
Diagrams or sketches
instructions issued by authorized organizational or external personnel
manufacturer specifications and instructions, where specified
Regulatory and legislative requirements pertaining to fixing floor tiles
Relevant Australian standards
Safe work procedures relating to fixing floor tiles
Verbal, written and graphical instructions
In construction site identify plan location and specification according to work instructions techniques.
A work instruction is a document that provides specific instructions to carry out any activity. It’s a step
by step guide to perform a single instruction. A work instruction contains more detail than a procedure
and is only created if detailed step by step instructions are needed.
In order to provide the mason with a setup which allow him to carry out the process required,
effectively and economically . such requirements:-.
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Environmental protection has to be considered
Should ensure that adequate support personnel are available
Should be checked adequate tools, equipment’s and other auxiliary tools are on site.
The following measures should to be taken to organize a building site.
The site should be accommodated rest rooms, toilets, changing rooms, office and working
Lockable store room for material, machines and equipment
Protected working places and sheds during rainy season to secure preparation and work process
There should be suitable access roads and circulation space for transportation of materials and
The site should accommodate and facilitated with water, electric power supply and temporary
storage for disposal.
1.1.1. Specification
Specification: - is defined as the designation or statement by which written instructions are given
distinguishing and/or limiting and describing the particular trade of work to be executed. In short
specification is a statement of particular instructions of how to execute some task. Specification is one
of the contract documents. Specifications are written based on the prepared design, drawings, general
and scientific trends of workmanship, quality expected equipment involved and materials to be used
for the particular trade of work.
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In so doing the methods of communication should complement each other and neither should
overlap or duplicate the other. Specifications are devices for organizing the information depicted on
the drawings and they are written descriptions of the legal and technical requirements forming the
contract documents.
Their differences that the drawings should generally show the following:
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1.1.2. Types of Specifications
In general, specifications can be broadly classified into four categories as follows:
Manufacturer’s specification:
Manufacturers prepare specification of their product for the guidance of their users, which may
include property description and installation guide lines.
Guide Specification:
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Contract (Project) Specification:
the specification prepared for a particular project to accompany the drawings and other contract
Quality requirements
Quality planning documents are used by organizations to ensure that quality at the highest level,
quality goals and plans should be integrated with overall strategic to applicable standards, practices,
procedures, and work instructions,
Quality in construction industry can be defined as the attainment of acceptable levels of performance
from construction activities. This performance would be attained when the activity meets the
requirements of client or owners
Work instructions and operational details are obtained using relevant information, confirmed A
well-planned project will be completed quickly and cost less than a poorly planned job that takes a
long time. Customers will appreciate how quickly you can complete a good quality job.
In today's competitive world, contractors who are unable to demonstrate they have proficient
safety systems face the prospect of missing out on tenders, contracts or being placed on preferred
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1.2. (OHS) requirements
Safety is the right way of doing to avoid accident, follows direction to prevent wastage of time,
energy & money
Fig2.1.Protective clothes
Safety glasses
Always use for cutting tiles - Eye protection is a must where there is a chance of getting something
caught in your eyes. Far worse than this is the chance that something may pierce your eye. It is
recommended that people wear quality protective safety glasses all of the time. They may also be
lightly tinted for sun protection. These are not expensive and can look quite fashionable. Once again,
many people take this advice far too lightly and only wish they had listened when told of the dangers.
Other forms of eye protection are available including full face shields.
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Fig 2.2 Safety glasses
Ear protection
Hearing protection is essential where ever excessive noise is being created i.e. more than 70 decibels.
Circular saws that cut brick, timber, tiles and other materials create a noise level that can permanently
damage your hearing
Helmet/hard hat: - to protect the head of the worker from any falling of object dropping high
level during construction site.
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Fig 1.4 Helmet/hard hat
Safety shoes: to protect the leg of the worker from nails & sharp objects.
Glove: - to protect the worker from oil, chemical, dust & and other dangerous materials at
affect the skin.
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Fig 1.6. Glove
Powered tools
Hand tools
Plumb bob
plum bob is made of metal. When suspended from a vertically attached string, it is employed to check
the vertical alignment of corners and surface of walls. A freely hanging plumb bob gives exactly the
vertical alignment, because any undisturbed freely hanging mass points to the center of the earth.
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Fig 1,7 Plumb bob
It is used to cut and shape red-hot steel pieces. Since heated steel is many times softer than cold steel,
these chisels are not typically hardened or tempered. The blade of the hot chisel is ground on one face,
so that the bottom face of the blade can ride flush against the surface of the anvil. The portion of a tool
or machine with an edge that is designed to puncture, chop scrape surfaces.
Water levels
It is a transparent PVC hose. It is used to transfer or mark vertical levels on surface of wall when it is
filled with water, but without any air bubbles. The water level in each end of the hose is equal. It is an
instrument to mark equal levels on site. It is very accurate but not eases to handle
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Straight edge/Level/:- This is a perfectly straight metal/aluminum/ with all long and short edges
parallel to its centerline. It is employed to check straight alignments of walls. Its length ranges from
2m up to 4m. Together with the sprit level, it can be used to bridge over the point to be checked. A
straight edge/Level/ can also be made from a wooden plank with perfectly parallel edges.
mer tool for cutting and trimming bricks and blocks and removing debris
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Fig 1.9 Mixer
Tape rule
Measuring tape is used to measure dimensions of building parts and distances in site. It is
manufactured from steel, plastic or fiber in lengths of 1m, 2m, 3m, 5m, 30m, etc. and 50m. In using
tapes for measurements, the two points should be aligned perfectly. In addition, when long horizontal
measurements are needed, care should be taken to avoid sag on the tape meters.
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Fig 1.11 knife
Spirit level:-It is used to control the horizontal and vertical alignment of wall surface and edges. The
length is at least 40, 80 to 120cm long. It is made of metal, synthetic material or wood. It has two
measuring bubbles: one is located at mid length is used to check horizontal positions. While the second
one, at the end, is used to check vertical position. This tool requires always to be handled with care and
needs to be checked from time to time weather it is still working accurate or not.
Safety of workers refers to the provision of a safe environment, safe equipment and safe procedures in
the workplace in order to ensure workers' health and safety.
A safe work environment is about more than just preventing injuries or the spread of disease, it is about
making employee well-being a priority. A safe workplace is one where employees feel secure and
enjoy a safe space, company values, and a positive co-working environment that encourages respect for
everyone. Keep all tools and materials out of the reach of children.
A safe and healthy workplace not only protects workers from injury and illness, it can also lower
injury/illness costs, reduce absenteeism and turnover, increase productivity and quality, and raise
employee morale. In other words, safety is good for business
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1.2.4. Materials Handling
Materials handling is the movement of raw goods from their native site to the point of use in
manufacturing, their subsequent manipulation in production processes, and the transfer of finished
products from factories and their distribution to users or sales outlets. materials handling.
To reduce the risk of damage, Cut & Fix materials should be delivered to Site just prior to Tiller.
-During handling and storage, sheets should be carried in an ‘Up right’ position with particular care
taken to protect the edges ground/floor in a dry covered area. This will prevent sagging and minimize
damage to Tile edges and surfaces. If storing outdoors, stack sheets on a level, moisture-free platform,
and keep fully protected from the weather.
Manual handling means transporting or supporting a load by hand or bodily force. It includes lifting,
putting down, and pushing, pulling, carrying or moving loads. A load can be an object, person or
Manual Handling Principles to avoid injury that we refer to are summarized as follows;
Plan – plan your lift adequately.
Position – centre the body & feet correctly.
Pick – lift item using good posture.
Proceed – move toward desired location.
Place – set object down safely.
The majority of work-related musculoskeletal disorders are caused by poor manual handling practices,
particularly tasks that involve:
Heavy or awkward loads (loads may be animate e.g. people or animals, or inanimate e.g. boxes
and tools).
Twisting, turning, and bending the back, neck, or whole torso.
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You might feel like your body is tough enough to take the strain of having to occasionally adopt
awkward positions, but no one’s body is built for misuse: over time it will inevitably wear down. Handling
Mechanical handling systems refer to the equipment which manages the storage and movement of
products. They are essential to provide an efficient and consistent product distribution service Because
of the bulky and heavy nature of products ,they are generally handled mechanically in warehouses,
staging areas, storage, etc.
Material handling equipment (MHE) is mechanical equipment used for the movement, storage, control,
and protection of materials, goods and products throughout the process of manufacturing, distribution,
consumption, and disposal.
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Fig 1.14. Mechanical handling
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Fig 1.15.Firefighting equipment
First aid refers to medical attention that is usually administered immediately after the injury occurs and
at the location where it occurred. It often consists of a one-time, short-term treatment and requires little
technology or training to administer
Workplace Health and Safety legislation requires employers to provide a safe and healthy workplace
for their workers and contractors. This includes: Providing and maintaining safe plant (e.g., machinery
and equipment) and safe systems of work (e.g., controlling entry to high-risk areas, controlling work
pace and frequency, and providing systems to prevent falls from heights);
Implementing arrangements for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of chemicals (e.g.,
dangerous goods and harmful materials). Maintaining the workplace in a safe condition (ensuring
Emergency procedures; Emergency plan is a written set of instructions that outlines what workers and
others at the workplace should do in an emergency. An emergency plan must provide for the following:
emergency procedures, including: an effective response to an emergency.
Extinguishing fires; Carbon Dioxide fire extinguishers extinguish fire by taking away the oxygen
element of the fire triangle and also are removing the heat with a very cold discharge. Carbon dioxide
can be used on Class B & C fires.
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First aid Hazard control; Refers to workplace procedures adopted to minimize injury, reduce adverse
health effects and control damage to plant or equipment. Hazard control practices are often
standardized and taught to managers and safety personnel in a given industry.
First aid is medical attention that is typically administered immediately after an injury or illness occurs.
It usually consists of one-time, short-term treatment, such as cleaning minor cuts, treating minor burns,
applying bandages
Plaster, Bandages, Ointment Disinfectant
First aid is the first and immediate assistance given to any person with either a minor or
serious illness or injury,[1] with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or
to promote recovery. It includes initial intervention in a serious condition prior to professional medical
help being available, such as performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) while waiting for
an ambulance
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fig 1.17.Safe life
When we refer to hazards in relation to occupational safety and health the most commonly used
definition is 'A Hazard is a potential source of harm or adverse health effect on a person or persons'
Hazardous materials must be disposed of properly to protect human health, safety and the environment.
Many materials being used at the University present some type of hazard (biological, chemical,
physical, or radiation) and specific disposal procedures are required. Therefore, all materials being used
by a laboratory or laboratory-related unit shall be disposed.
Hazardous materials are often subject to chemical regulations which include materials that are
radioactive, flammable, explosive, corrosive, oxidizing, asphyxiating, bio hazardous, toxic, pathogenic,
or allergen The Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) is a numerical hazard rating that
incorporates the use of labels with color-coded bars as well as training materials
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Fig 1.18..hazardous sig
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Skills copy right Ethiopia occupational standard August 2022 Hazard Assessment, Elimination and Control
A hazard is any situation, condition, or thing that may be dangerous to the safety or health of workers.
OHS legislation (OHS Code, Part 2) recognizes that an effective means of protecting worker health and
safety is to identify hazards in the workplace, then to either eliminate them completely or put in place
effective measures by which they can be controlled. From a laboratory perspective, important potential
sources of hazards include, but are not limited to:
Physical workspace – includes cleanliness and other conditions of the workplace that could lead to
injuries such as slips, trips, falls etc.
Equipment – anything used to equip workers at a worksite including tools, supplies, and machinery.
Controlled products – any product, material or substances included in one or more of the six WHMIS
classes (includes nearly all chemicals).
Hazardous Substances – substances that, because of their properties, application or presence, create
or could create a danger, including a chemical or biological hazard, to the health and safety of a worker
exposed to it. Exposure to hazardous substances must be kept as low as reasonably
practicable/achievable when there are no established occupational exposure limits .
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Hazard control measures
Some hazard control measures
Elimination. This control is considered as the most effective method. ...
Substitution. This control acts as the second defense. ...
Engineering Controls. ...
Administrative Controls. ...
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1.3. Implement Signage and barricade requirements
1.3.1. Signage
Signage is a term that is defined as all of the visual graphics (public advertisements, billboards, etc.) or
groups of graphics that communicate information to the public. A row of billboards along a roadway
advertising beer companies, insurance companies, lawyers and nearby restaurants is an example of
1.3.2. Barricade
A barricade is anything that prevents people or vehicles from getting through. Construction workers
often barricade a street to block traffic. This can also be a verb, like when parents barricade part of
their house to keep toddlers from getting into trouble.
Implement of barricade is the smart traffic barricade system for the purpose of reducing accidents and
smooth moving of traffic. Implementation of the smart traffic barricade system will ensure that driver
will have to compulsorily follow traffic signals and violation of traffic signals will not be possible.
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1.4. Select tools and equipment
Sand paper
paint brush (2 inches)
Plumb bob
Plastic garden sprinkler
Rubber gloves
Sand paper
paint brush
Roller Brush
Roller Brush (7 inches)
Hose level
Mortar dram
Measuring tape
Try square
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1.4 Calculate Material quantity requirements
To calculate the number of tiles needed for this room, first, we will calculate the area of this room.
Floor Tiles.
Since the area calculated for the room is in sq.ft., first we will convert the area of one tile into the same
unit i.e. into sq. ft.
= 900 ÷ 929.03
= 0.969 sq.ft.
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Now the number of tiles needed
Now let us calculate the no. of tile boxes needed for this room.
Suppose if the no. of tiles in a box is 11 nos. (no. of floor tile in a box varies as per the size, thickness,
brand, etc)
Then, dividing the total no. of tiles by the no. of tiles in a box, we get
Environmental protection begins at the building site with the air workers have to breathe. They should
be protected from any fumes from construction machinery, as well as fumes from building waste or
materials which need to be carefully separated and properly recycled or disposed of when the job is
complete, the soil should be treated as a valuable asset and left unpolluted
In practice, smaller building sites where "prior consent" has not been sought can cause problems
to immediate neigh bourse.
Common Hazards
Cave in of ground
Collapse of Trench walls
Instability of adjoining structures
Contaminated environment
Contact with services
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Inrush of water
Hazardous atmosphere
Falling loads
Placement of loads
Hazardous materials
Relevant principles of this act, which could impact on the contract, include:
That pollution and degradation of the environment must be avoided or, where they cannot be altogether
avoided, are kept to a minimum and corrected.
That waste is avoided, or where it cannot be altogether avoided, minimized. That negative impacts of
the contract, on the environment and the people in the environment, are prevented and where they
cannot be altogether prevented, are kept to a minimum and corrected.
During operation, introduction of contaminants (deleterious substances) into the River Marsh as a
result of discharge of roadway/bridge runoff from storm water management facilities.
During operation, release of hazardous materials as result of a spill associated with a vehicular accident
on the roadway, bridge deck or approaches.
During operation, introduction of contaminants (deleterious substances) into the Sturgeon River/Riel
Marsh as a result of roadway/bridge maintenance procedures
The above-described environmental protection measures will achieve the following:
Minimization of the potential for hazardous materials spills to occur during construction
Minimization of the potential for any spill occurring during construction or operation to
reach the Sturgeon River or Riel Marsh.
1.7.1.Waste management
Waste management is the precise name for the collection, transportation, disposal or recycling and
monitoring of waste. This term is assigned to the material, waste material that is produced through
human being activity.
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Self-Check -1 Written question
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Checking tiles size, patterns and colors
Determining and setting out of tile work
Fitting and laying waterproof membrane
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon
completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Prepare tile work area
Check tiles size, patterns and colors
Deter me and set out of tile work
Apply waterproof membrane
Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described below.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask your trainer for assistance if you have hard time understanding them
4 Accomplish the “Self-checks” which are placed following all information sheets.
5 Ask from your trainer the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your trainer to correct
your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-checks).
6 If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Operation sheets
7 Perform “the Learning activity performance test” which is placed following “Operation sheets” ,
8 If your performance is satisfactory proceed to the next learning guide,
9.If your performance is unsatisfactory, see your trainer for further instructions or go back to “Operation
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2. Prepare tile work area
2.1.1.Surface preparation
Tiles can be fixed to most floors. The surface must be properly prepared, suitably level, sound, clean,
dry, and free of dust, grease or any loose material. All surfaces must be completely secure without any
obvious deflection and capable of carrying the additional load. For specific guidance, please refer to
our substrate preparation. Every effort is made to ensure the guidance included in this booklet is up to
date and relevant, however it remains the responsibility of the fixer to ensure the sub floor is suitable
for tiling before any installation commences. Special care must be taken when tiling areas which may
become damp or wet. See our Waterproofing Showers and Bathrooms Installation guide. When tiling
onto walls with floor tiles consideration must be given to weight, as floor tiles are often heavier than
wall tiles. Our sales teams will be happy to confirm the weight of the tiles so you can confirm
suitability. Please include 3kg per m² in your calculation to allow for the weight of the adhesive and
New concrete floors must be allowed to dry for a minimum of 6 weeks. Residual traces of laitance and
curing agents should be mechanically removed before tiling commences. Further drying time may be
necessary, depending on weather and site conditions.
A new screed may shrink as it dries, and this may result in cracks across the screen. If tiles are fixed
Before it is dry and cracking does occur it is likely that the cracks will appear across the tiles as well.
Ensure that the screed is suitably dry and stable before any tiling is started. Any movement or day
joints in the screed must be carried through into the tiled surface with the use of an expansion joint.
The screed must be fully dry in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and lightly
sanded to remove all traces of laitance/dust. Prime using progressively stronger coats of Fired Earth
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Initially apply a 1:4 parts water dilution and when dry follow with a 1:3 dilution at 90º to the first coat.
If after these 2 coats the surface is still absorbent, apply a further coat at a 1:2 dilution and leave to dry.
Where bumps or hollows exist in the sub floor that exceed the chosen adhesives recommended fixing
bed (see adhesive packaging); please level the floor using Fired Earth Universal Leveling Compound
which is suitable for use up to a depth of 50mm without risk of shrinking or cracking.
Fired Earth standard set and fast-set adhesives can be used up to a depth of 10mm in isolated areas.
Fired Earth thick bed adhesive may be used up to a depth of 25mm.
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2.1.4. Suspended timber floors/Floating insulated floors:
Suspended timber floors:
The floor should be rigid, non-flexing and stable enough to bear the additional load. In order to
minimize the damaging effect of lateral movement in the floor surface, it is recommended that the floor
is prepared
Using Fired Earth Flexi mat. Our Sales Team will be happy to provide our separate information sheet.
Existing timber which should be screwed down at 150mm centers.
Floating If the suspended timber floor is subject to vertical movement, the floor must
be overlaid with 15mm plywood over the
Insulated floors:
-If the floating insulated floor (polystyrene with water resistant chip board over) is subject to vertical
movement the floor must be braced by screwing and gluing WPB plywood to its surface, or removing
some of the boards so 'bearers' can be fitted below to provide further support. Seal all the surfaces of
the plywood boards with Fired Earth Primer.
Vinyl sheet and floor tiles:
-Thoroughly clean the floor to remove all contaminants such as oil, wax and grease, using an
appropriate cleaner. Prime the floor with Fired Earth Primer before tiling.
Cork and Woodblock Floors:
Cork and woodblock floors must be removed; any bitumen left on the sub-floor should be scraped
away and all loose material removed. Prime the floor with neat Fired Earth Primer and when dry level
the area with Fired Earth Universal Leveling Compound.
-Prior to fixing tiles, damp of any nature should be rectified. Consult a specialist if any doubt exists.
Finished Floor Levels
-The finished level of an existing floor will be raised by the maximum thickness of the tile plus the
height of the adhesive bed and any sub floor preparation. Any resultant discrepancy with the levels of
adjoining rooms can be minimized with the use of threshold/reducer strips.
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Under Floor Heating
-Fired Earth floor tiles can be used over most under floor heating systems. The heating should be
correctly commissioned prior to tiling and switched off or lowered to a maximum of 15°C during tiling
and for a minimum of 14 days after installation. After 14 days, the under floor heating can then be
turned on or increased in temperature at a rate of 5°C per day to the maximum temperature then
reduced by 5ºc per day to the required working temperature. Fired Earth Flexi mat can be used as an
anti-fracture Membrane over Fired Earth under Floor Heating. Our Sales Team will be happy to
provide our separate information sheet.
-All Fired Earth adhesives and grouts are flexible and suitable for use with under floor heating. An
expansion gap should be left around all perimeters, abutments and changes in plane. As a general
guide, do not tile continuously over areas with a length of over 5 meters and fit an expansion gap to
prevent stress building up in the floor. Always fit expansion joints in doorways of adjoining tiled
rooms. Should you require any clarification, please contact the Fired Earth technical team .
Wet Floors
-Please refer to our Waterproofing Showers and Bathrooms Installation Guide for further advice.
Using Floor Tiles on Walls
-When tiling onto walls with floor tiles, consideration must be given to the weight of the tile and
suitability of the substrate. Our Sales Team will be happy to confirm the weight of any of our tiles. In
general, the following weights apply to the list of substrates, provided they are fixed correctly and
sound and stable:
Plaster – 20 kg/m2
Plasterboard – 32 kg/m2
Timber – 30 kg/m2
Brick/block render/Tile backer Board – 40 kg/m2
Please include in your calculations a 3kg per m² allowance for adhesive and grout. For information on
substrate preparation for wall tiling, please refer to the Fired Earth Wall Tiling Guide
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2.2. Tiles size, patterns and colours
Types of tile
No Wall tile Max size Min size No Floor tile Max size Mini size
5 5
6 6
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Types of tile:- wall tile floor tile, roof tile
Floor tile: cement tile, marble tile, ceramic tile, pvc tile, terrazzo tile.
wall tile: marble tile, ceramic tile, mosaic tile, porciliyan tile,
roof tile: inter looking tile, curved tile & flat tile
After fixing the tiles, ensure the adhesive has fully cured before proceeding with the sealant process.
Shake the Litho fin MN Stain Stop well, and apply one coat with a suitable applicator to the face and
edges of the tile (to ensure no bleeding from the grout). Remove any excess that has not been readily
absorbed within 10 minutes of application. After 45 minutes the floor can be walked
Floor tile: cement tile, marble tile, ceramic tile, PVC tile, terrazzo tile.
Wall tile: marble tile, ceramic tile, mosaic tile, porcelain tile,
Roof tile: inter looking tile, curved tile & flat tile.
We bring forth vast industrial experience and expertise in this business and are involved in providing
Tile Fitting Service.
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Customized as per specifications
Customized services
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2.2.2. Pattern and color
Patterning is a design option that many people fail to consider. Yet it’s one of the best ways tile can be
used to express a personal style. Tile can be laid in a grid; on a diagonal; different sizes, colors or even
finishes can be combined – the options are almost endless – and each dramatically changes the look of
a room.
Hints for getting started: –
Never assume a room is perfectly square – always square off from the center and begin pattern
along one edge.
To avoid rough edges on tile, always float the floor to a level state before installing tile.
Always round to the next highest footage when calculating square footage of tile needed.
Random is not a pattern, but a specific look designed by the installer.
Modular patterns, if laid according to this guide, will have a solid grout frame every three feet.
Each diagram represents nine square feet.
Lastly, you will notice the darker lines within each pattern. These lines indicate the pattern repeat,
providing a more visual understanding of the pattern.
The tile pattern charts show the number of tiles needed for 100 square feet.
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Two tile patterns
Tile Characteristics
Fire Resistance
Damp proofing
Sound Insulation
Thermal Insulation
Set out procedure
For a square or rectangular room:
1. Stretch a chalk line between the centers of two facing walls. Snap the line, and then do the same
between the other pair of walls. The resulting lines must cross at the center of the room at a precise 90
angle. Check with a carpenter's square. If necessary, adjust the line angle until it is 90.
2. Taking one line at a time, lay the tiles side by side along the floor from the line to one end. If less
than half a tile width remains between the last full tile and the wall or end, move the center point half a
tile width in the other direction. This will ensure a larger piece of tile at each end, giving a more
attractive effect.
3. Repeat with the other line cuts at one end only: You may want to start with full tiles from a very
visible line: e.g. a wide doorway, or where the tiles give way to carpet. This is particularly appropriate
where cut tiles against the opposite wall will be concealed by furniture.
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2.3. Set out for tile work
Set out tile work to be symmetrical and balanced, and to produce minimal waste in accordance with
specifications and standards
Setting out (Squaring-off the area) You will need to establish horizontal and vertical lines to tile to.
The length or width of a floor (or the height and width of a wall) is rarely an exact multiple of your tile
width. So, you will need cut tiles at one or both ends of both horizontal and vertical lines.
The way ceramic wall tiles are set out will have a large affect upon the final result, someone
looking at the finished tiling will often have an opinion as to the quality of the tiling without
really knowing why, they will just know. The guidance given here will help produce a
professional looking job.
Achieving equal tile width at the ends and equal height at top & bottom of a wall can lead to:
Set the tiles evenly about a horizontal feature - window, basin etc. so that equal width tiles are
on both sides. Try to achieve a full tile height above the side of a bath/worktop.
Where a recess is more than one tile deep, have a complete tile on the front edge.
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Keep the tiles in a recess lined up with the tiles on the wall around the recess so that the line of
grout appears continuous from the recess onto the adjacent wall tiling.
Where the tiles only go partly up a wall, or along a wall, end with a full tile.
Avoid using narrow strips of tiles at corners and top and bottom of a wall.
Try to take patterned tiles 'around' corners.
When using occasional patterned tiles in a layout, space the patterned tile evenly.
Do not tile up to fittings such as basins, cisterns, electrical sockets etc. - remove the fitting and
tile behind it and refit the fitting onto the tile surface. This normally is not as difficult as it
sounds and gives a far better finish appearance.
While these basic guidelines sound simple, the trouble is that they often conflict - e.g. trying to
place tiles evenly about a feature may cause the end tiles to be narrow. Some rooms are almost
impossible to tile meeting all the guidelines but there are ways to overcome some problems
(see examples below).
In most rooms however, some compromises will need to be made especially in rooms where the
fittings are already in place. The biggest problem is normally centering the tiles horizontally on
two or more features (such as a window, a basin and a cistern), generally it is better to line up the
tiles around the window as the eye is normally drawn towards light and so the window will be the
most obvious feature cuts at both ends:
It is usually better to have cuts along all edges, rather than a full tile at one end and a cut at the other.
Then if the side walls are out of square, the change in cut tile width is less noticeable.
The aim is to set full tiles in a squared rectangle in the center of the floor, with cut tiles all around the
edges. This is the same for a whole wall.
When tiling onto walls with floor tiles, consideration must be given to the weight of the tile and
suitability of the substrate. Our Sales Team will be happy to confirm the weight of any of our tiles. In
general, the following weights apply to the list of substrates, provided they are fixed correctly and
sound and stable:
Plaster – 20 kg/m2
Plasterboard – 32 kg/m2
Timber – 30 kg/m2
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Please include in your calculations a 3kg per m² allowance for adhesive and grout. For
information on substrate preparation for wall tiling, please refer to the Fired Earth Wall
Tiling Guide.
Stretch a chalk line between the centers of two facing walls. Snap the line, and then do the same
between the other pair of walls. The resulting lines must cross at the center of the room at a
precise 90 angle. Check with a carpenter's square. If necessary, adjust the line angle until it is
Taking one line at a time lay the tiles side by side along the floor from the line to one end. If
less than half a tile width remains between the last full tile and the wall or end, move the center
point half a tile width in the other direction. This will ensure a larger piece of tile at each end,
giving a more attractive effect.
Repeat with the other line cuts at one end only: You may want to start with full tiles from a
very visible line:
e.g. a wide doorway, or where the tiles give way to carpet. This is particularly appropriate
where cut tiles against the opposite wall will be concealed by furniture.
2.4.2. Lay waterproof membrane
A waterproofing membrane is a layer of water-tight material that lies on a surface to prevent water
leaks or damages. The process usually consists of liquid-applied or pre-formed sheet membranes.
Isomat Flexcoat is the ideal solution for waterproofing of external surfaces against rain. It is a highly
elastic, high quality water-soluble paint, based on acrylic elastomeric resins. isolate flex coat makes
walls totally impermeable by rain
Install a waterproofing membrane.
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A heavy coat of the membrane, an asphalt-modified polyurethane material, can be troweled or
sprayed on to seal the foundation wall against water from the outside. Elastomeric membranes are
made of modified asphalt and exhibit great waterproofing characteristics
The finished level of an existing floor will be raised by the maximum thickness of the tile plus
the height of the adhesive bed and any sub floor preparation. Any resultant discrepancy with the
levels of adjoining rooms can be minimized with the use of threshold/reducer strips.
Cementitious Waterproofing
Cementitious waterproofing is the easiest method of waterproofing in construction. The materials for
cementitious waterproofing are readily available from suppliers of masonry products. And they are
easy to mix and apply.
The applications of the cementitious waterproofing technique are in the internal wet areas, such as
toilets. That is why it does not go through the contract and expansion process.
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Self-Check -2 Set out tiling job
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Operation Sheet
PURPOSE:- The Trainee should have set out tile job .it used to the correct work
Tape rule,
Sprit level,
1. Preparing.
2. Clean the room. Move any furniture or appliances out of the installation area. ...
3. Subfloor and substrate. ...
4. Planning.
5. Measuring. ...
-The Trainee should be Intended all activities set out tile jobs ob the given procedure.
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LAP Test -2
LAP Test Set out tiling job
Instructions:Given necessary templates /guide To practice and demonstrate the skill, knowledge and
attitude required to set out tilling work.
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This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
Cutting tiles without damage.
Cutting hand or machine holes or curve
Edging biscuit to form miter
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon
completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Use Cut tiles without damage.
apply Cut hand or machine holes or curve
Use Edg biscuit to form miter
Learning Instructions:
1.Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
1. Follow the instructions described below.
2. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask your trainer for assistance if you have hard time understanding them
3. Accomplish the “Self-checks” which are placed following all information sheets.
4. Ask from your trainer the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your trainer to
correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
5. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Operation sheets
1. Perform “the Learning activity performance test” which is placed following “Operation sheets” ,
2. If your performance is satisfactory proceed to the next learning guide,
3. If your performance is unsatisfactory, see your trainer for further instructions or go back to “Operation
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3.1. Cut tiles
Cut tiles without jagged, fluid edges or damage to tile surfaces or finish, in accordance with
workplace procedures and manufacturer recommendation
Cutting tiles to the thickness and make-up of the majority of our floor tiles, it is recommended that
either a diamond cutter or an angle grinder is used to cut the tiles. Water cooled diamond cutters are
available from tool hire shops. It is essential to wear suitable protective eyewear and protective
clothing when cutting tiles. Porcelain tiles require high quality diamond blades for cutting; if hiring
cutting equipment please ensure you advise the hire company that you intend to cut porcelain tiles so
they can supply you with the most appropriate blades.
Drilling holes can be a difficult task without the correct equipment. Fired Earth recommends the use of
the ARMEG range of porcelain drill bits and core drills. Whilst cutting or drilling tiles, the surface of
the tile may become wet and/or dirty. Wipe the tile clean immediately after cutting. Using a water-
cooled diamond cutter will achieve the most accurate cut. When using an angle grinder, mark the tile
where you wish to cut it, run the cutting disc along the marked surface cutting the tile to at least two
thirds of its depth; then the tile can be snapped. Rough edges and chips should be smoothed and
finished with a sanding block or in severe cases, by rubbing the tile edge with a broken piece of
another tile. Roman Mosaic - Metal reinforcing bars are used in the manufacture of border designs and
may cause
Excessive wear on cutting equipment. Care should be taken to ensure that the pattern is correctly
matched, particularly in the case of the basket weave design. Small pieces of mosaic can become
detached during cutting and should be glued back into place using an epoxy or similar glue.
Basic principles/Tile types Wall tiling Background/base types for wall tiling & floor tile
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Manual cutting
Cutting Tools: There are various tile cutting tools available from retailers. The design and quality of
the tool selected will always determine how successful the cut through the tile will be. Please note:
correct health and safety procedures must be followed at all times when using tile cutting equipment.
Please consult the tile cutting tool supplier for specific health and safety requirements.
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Fig manual cutting
Remove the tile to a flat surface, line up a steel straight edge on the front
surface of the tile to the edge marks.
Using a suitable, handheld tile cutter, make one strong pull across the tile to score the glaze.
Working on a flat, solid surface, line up the tile (glazed side up) with a match sticks
under each end of the scored line.
With a hand on each half of the tile, apply firm downwards pressure to break the tile along the scored
Alternatively (especially if you have a large number of tiles to cut), use a tile cutting machine - some
cheaper models do not work very well but most Hire Shops offer professional type tile cutters which
can make life easy.
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Irregular cuts
Irregular shapes are harder to achieve than straight cuts and will require the use of a special tile saw
and/or tile nippers (an alternative to tile nibblers is a standard pair of pincers). Don't try to achieve
complicated shapes too accurately, filling in the edge with grout will provide a suitable finish.
A tile saw generally looks a bit like a hack saw, with a frame holding the ends
of a special tile cutting blade (the blade is round in section with cutting edges on all sides).
When using a tile saw, always work from the glazed side of the tiles and make the cut on the down
Tile nibblers are hand tools which break off a small piece of tile when the handles
are squeezed together, as mentioned above, a pair of woodworking pinchers can be used instead.
When using nibblers or pinchers, don't try to make too large a cut at one time, it's better to nibble away
small pieces of tile slowly.
Machine cutting
Ceramic tile cutters are used to cut tiles to a required size or shape. They come in a number of
different forms, from basic manual devices to complex attachments for power tools
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Cutting Tools: There are various tile cutting tools available from retailers. The design and quality
of the tool selected will always determine how successful the cut through the tile will be. Please
note: correct health and safety procedures must be followed at all times when using tile cutting
equipment. Please consult the tile cutting tool supplier for specific health and safety requirements
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Fig 3.1 Bridge or sliding rail type wet cutter.
Forming miter
spacer it is used to vertical & horizontal protects joint & alignments Cut the Tile
For cutting only a few tiles, a rail tile cutter can inexpensively and effectively snap apart tiles. Place the
uneven, snapped sides against the wall, where baseboards will cover them. Buy or rent a wet tile saw for
perfectly straight cuts. Use the tile nipper only for cutting around pipes, toilet bases, and for other non-
linear cuts. Always wear safety glasses with any mode of tile cutting to protect your eyes against flying
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3.2.Edge tile jolly to form a miter
Jolly trim is a linear trim or edge for tile. It can be ceramic or metal. It is used to finish a raw tile edge
just like a bull nose tile. It can also be used as a liner to accent your design.
A finished tile edge will give your tiled surface a professional touch. While you can always use a
standard bullnose trim, there are lots of other options as well, including wood and metal. With the right
trim, you can create all sorts of looks, from classic and seamless, to bold and contemporary. Installing a
trim is easy, and once you know the basics, you can take your project to the next level
3. Make sure that the thickness of your trim matches the tiles. You almost always want the trim
to be the same thickness as your tiles. The one exception to this are rail liners and moldings,
which are supposed to be raised. Use a ruler to measure your tile's thickness in inches and/or
If you can't find trim tiles in the right thickness, try to special order them, or use an alternative, such as
rail liners.
A finished tile edge will give your tiled surface a professional touch. While you can always use a
standard bullnose trim, there are lots of other options as well, including wood and metal. With the right
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trim, you can create all sorts of looks, from classic and seamless, to bold and contemporary. Installing a
trim is easy, and once you know the basics, you can take your project to the next level
73.Leave room for the trim when installing your tiles. This is especially important if you are installing
tiles that have something next to or above them, such as a kitchen backsplash beneath a cabinet or
window sill. Start at the bottom of your project and work your way up.
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Install the trim last, after you have finished grouting your tiles. Prepare the grout according to the
instructions on the package. Secure the trim pieces to your wall or counter with tile glue or grout. Fill
Use the same method to install your trim tiles as you did your other tiles.
You should use the same type of grout that you used on the rest of your project so
that everything matches.
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Self-Check -3 Written Test
Answer Sheet
Score = ___________
Rating: ____________
1 ____________
2 ____________
Name: _________________________ Date: __________
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PURPOSE: To practice and demonstrate the skill, knowledge and attitude required t
Cut and Fix Wall, Floor Tiles and Skirting
Instruction: Use the given tools and equipment Cut Floor Tiles and Skirting in
finishing construction field. For this operation you have given 5 Hour(but not
limited) each drawing and you are expected to provide the answer on the given
Tools and requirement
Tile hand saw
Straight Edge
Straight Edge
Tape rule
PRECAUTIONS: - Read and interpret manual which guide you how to cut, Fixing tile
Place the tile in the cutter.
Score the tile.
Apply a bit of pressure.
Check the edges.
Use tile nippers to cut small pieces.
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Cutting procedure
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LAP Test
LAP Test Cut floor tiles
Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________
Instructions: Given necessary templates /guide cut the tiles for wall, floors and skirting By seeing
the above picture.
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Unit Four - Fix Wall Tiles.
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
Mortar and/or adhesive is prepare and applieto tile surface
Tiles are prepare and fixed with pad tiles set to level alignment
Horizontal joint is checke for straightness and tile edges
Tiles are fixed to alignment maintaining design pattern to specification
Even margins are shown around openings, frames and fittings
Bottom course is cut and fixe to create a rake or square
Splayed, manufactured, forme coves are fixed
All vertical tiles are finished plumb and true to square corners
All joints are maintained straight and uniform in width with due allowance for tolerance of
tile sizes
Control joints are built
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon
completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Apply t mortar or adhesive.
Fix tiles pad to the level alignment
Check horizontal joint, tile edges and surface alignment
Fix tiles to alignment.
Show margins round openings, frames and fittings
Cut and fix bottom course
Fix splay and form coves.
Finish vertical tiles and square corners
Maintain joints straight and uniform tile sizes.
Build control joints
Learning Instructions:
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1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described below.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask your trainer for assistance if you have hard time understanding them
4. Accomplish the “Self-checks” which are placed following all information sheets.
5. Ask from your trainer the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your trainer to
correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
6. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Operation sheets
7. Perform “the Learning activity performance test” which is placed following “Operation sheets” ,
8. If your performance is satisfactory proceed to the next learning guide,
9. If your performance is unsatisfactory, see your trainer for further instructions or go back to “Operation
It is important to use the correct adhesive for a particular substrate (surface) in order to ensure a proper
bond. Before setting your tiles, select the correct adhesive.
Once you have chosen the proper adhesive or mortar, read all instructions and precautions on the
package before using. Mix thin set or mortar according to the directions on the package. Mix only
enough to be used within 30 minutes. Pre-mixed wall tile adhesives can be applied directly from the
can without mixing.
Tile adhesive is ready-mixed and specially formulated from OPC, selected fine sand, and
additives to improve its essential properties for laying tiles. High performance tile adhesive can be
used to lay tiles on existing tiles, on polished cement, on wooden substrates (with the use of
primer), or on other special substrates.
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Better bonding strength
Can be grouted within 24 hours without waiting for the moisture to evaporate
Applicable on existing tiles, many special substrates like polished cement, dry
wall system, etc.
Thinner layer
Higher price per bag
Substrate needed to be proper level
Cement Mortar
Laying tiles and levelling at the same time
Time consuming
Tiles must be soaked
Moisture can be accumulated beneath tiles
Tiles are easily de-bonded
Not applicable to lay low absorbent tiles like 60 x 60 cm granite or any larger
Not applicable to lay tiles on existing tiles, and on polished cement
Not applicable to lay glass mosaics
In order to mix tile adhesive mechanically you need a good drill machinery with torque control
and a mixing paddle attachment. On the other hand, for small projects you can mix tile adhesive
by using a margin trowel, but you should remember it will take a longer time
Next, after you have the right tools for mixing tile adhesive, you also need a rubber bucket. If the
construction bucket is not new, you have to clean it thoroughly before pouring in the water and
cement-based adhesive
Note: If you have no previous experience in working with adhesive and ceramic tiles, you should
mix a small quantity of tile adhesive. Consequently, pour about 1/4 gallon – 1 litter of water in the
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bucket, as to prepare a quantity of adhesive for 3 sq. feet / 1 m2.
If you have to mix the tile adhesive by yourself, we recommend you to use your feet to lock the
bucket into position while using the drill machinery. As you can see in the image, you have to
hold the bucket in place, by using your feet, otherwise the bucket would move continuously and
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you wouldn’t be able to mix the thin-set.
After you have mixed thoroughly the thin set adhesive, you have to leave it for 5 minutes, as
to allow the water to penetrate the powder and activate the adhesives. Although, at first
glance, it might seem unimportant to you, this aspect is essential for obtaining a good
adhesive. Another aspect that you should be aware of is that the thin set will dry out quickly,
so you have to be prepared to spread it on the wall/floor and install the ceramic tiles. After you
have mixed the tile adhesive, in most of the cases, you can use it within 3 hours.
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If the grout will have a light colour, you have to use white adhesive. On the contrary, if you will
apply a dark grout, you should use the regular grey thin set.
If you want to test the consistency of the tile adhesive, you should load material on a trowel. If the
thin set sticks to the trowel and doesn’t fall off, while being able to spread it on the floor, it means
it has the right consistency.
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4.1.2. Cement Mortar
Cement Mortar is one of the most common and cheapest binding materials used in construction
industry. Cement mortar is basically a mixture of cement, sand & water. It is used in various aspects of
civil engineering works such as masonry, brickwork, plastering, flooring etc. There are two types, dry
mortar and wet mortar.
Dry Mortar primarily constitutes of only sand and cement. To calculate the quantity of sand and cement
for a dry mortar, a standard mix proportion should be chosen from the various mix ratios available.
(1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8)
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Cement Mortar
Lime mortar
Compo mortar
Lime Mortar
Traditional lime mortar is a combination of lime putty and aggregate (usually sand). A typical
modern lime mortar mix would be 1 part lime putty to 3 parts washed, well graded, sharp sand.
Other materials have been used as aggregate instead of sand.
he addition of cement to lime mortars is a widespread, almost traditional practice, but few consider
why it is done or the consequences.
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Lime Mortar
Compo mortar
A mixture of whiting, resin, and glue for ornamenting walls and cornices. Lime cement mortar.
Lime-cement mortar is also known as composition or "compo" mortar, guarded or gauged mortar. The
mix contains, lime, cement and sand in proportions depending on the requirements of the work.
Compo mortar
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4.2. Fix tiles pad to the level alignment
The floor surface must be clean, dry, sound, flat and rigid. Smooth concrete is ideal, as it's perfectly
rigid. However, concrete floors should be at least four months old before tiling, so most of the
shrinkage in the concrete has occurred. Timber and particleboard floors can be tiled over, but all flex
must be taken out first. If you can feel the floor flexing when walked over, it's not suitable for tiling.
More floor joists may need to be installed. A screwed and glued overlay of fiber cement board provides
a smooth substrate for the tiles on top of timber
It includes the preparation, cutting, fixing and grouting of tiles for walls, including internal and tiles are
prepared and fixed, with pad tiles set to level alignment.
A damp-proof membrane is required when tiling over particle board in kitchens and bathrooms.
Starting at your chosen edge, or from the center line, lay tiles in one quarter of the floor at a time.
As you lay, check the lines of tiles are straight and at 90 to each other.
Floor tiles are often thicker, and have to be stronger than wall tiles. They can be difficult to cut. For
smooth curved cuts and cutouts use a rod saw. Support the tile well while cutting.
Use a contour gauge to duplicate irregular shapes, or make cardboard patterns. Cut out as neatly as
possible, then transfer the shape to the tile.
Make sure that the surface is as flat as possible before installing the tiles. Adjust and hand set each tile
to reduce the risk of lippage. Lift the tiles and add more thinnest if necessary, remove mortar to push
them down, and so on. Then use the leveling system to ensure and maintain a lippage-free tile surface
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Fig 2.3 Laying the tiles
It includes the preparation, cutting, fixing and grouting of tiles for walls, including internal ... Tiles are
prepared and fixed, with pad tiles set to level alignment
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Fig 6.1 Cement Mortar
Tiles are checked for conformity to size, patterns, colors and characteristics in tiles are prepared and
fixed, with pad tiles set to level alignment.
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Horizontal joint is checked for straightness, and tile edges and surface alignment are ... External
corners are checked to ensure surface intersections are straight
Step 1: Fix your straight length of timber batten to the wall you are going to tile.
The batten should run the full length of the wall and be positioned with the top edge one tile width plus
one grout joint width above the floor or work surface. Use a spirit level to check that the batten is
absolutely horizontal. This batten will provide a level from which to start the tiling and will ensure that
the tiling lines are straight, even though the floor or work surface may be uneven.
Step 2: Hold the measuring stick vertically against the wall and check that you will not be left with
a difficult row of very small cut tiles at the top. If necessary reposition the timber batten further
down the wall to even out the cut tiles at the top and bottom
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Step 3: Measure and mark the midpoint of the wall. From this point use the measuring stick
horizontally to determine where the last whole tile will finish. Mark this point ‘X’ on the batten.
Step 4: Drop a plumb line from the top of the wall to coincide with point ‘X’. Mark the position of
the plumb line onto the wall and using the measuring stick as a ruler, draw in this line. Fix another
timber batten alongside this line and check with a spirit level that it is absolutely vertical
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Horizontal join
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Fixing tiles on the other hand a well built and maintained Fixing tiles system is a very sustainable
Fixing: Before commencing tiling please ensure you are familiar with the important Due to
the transparent characteristics of some of our glass tiles, it is imperative that the following
instructions are followed. The substrate should be uniform in color and pale or neutral. A
dark substrate and/or poor adhesive coverage will affect the overall finish of the tiling when
using transparent glass. All Fired Earth Wall Tile adhesives are cement based, flexible and
designed for fixing our full range of tiles. They are water resistant and suitable for both
internal and external applications. We recommend using white standard set or fast-set with
all of our glass/glass slate mosaic and all other light-colored tiles. Grey can be used for
darker colored tiles.
Be certain that the tiles are suitable for the application and that you have purchased the most
appropriate adhesive.
Carefully follow the mixing recommendations supplied on the reverse of the adhesive product.
Where two tiled surfaces meet at right angles to form an external corner, finishing will be required
to dress or hide the exposed edges of the corner tiles.
-Some of our tile ranges have glazed edges and the simplest solution is to overlap and carefully
grout as shown. In the case of glass, rough edges can be overcome by building up the grout so as
to cover the exposed edge.
When using thicker, rustic and handmade tiles with partially or unglazed edges, a corner grouted in
this way may leave unglazed edges exposed. In this case it may be necessary to miter.
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The substrate needs to meet the maximum allowable surface deflection for the finish and the
installation system that will be installed. Keep in mind that deflection is the potential movement that
the installation can experience when subjected to use.
Proper surface preparation for residential installations of ceramic tile or stone
A highly flexible, full coverage membrane is roller applied to prevent cracks in the adhesive mortars
for tile and stone can have a hard time.
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A full range of high-quality fixing and sealing products, researched and developed to meet Fired Earth
standards, are available for both professional and DIY use.
Adhesive: Use to adhere tile and backer board to subsurface Thin-set mortar: Form of cement Mix
with water and apply with a trowel Mastic:
Form of glue Easy to use in pre-mixed container Only use on walls Do not use in wet areas .
Moisture Barrier: Use in wet areas to prevent moisture from damaging subsurface Rolled
waterproofing membranes: Underlayment sheeting Place under backer board Liquid waterproofing
membranes: Resembles paint Apply over backer board using brush, roller, trowel, or sprayer.
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Underlayment sheeting Place under Resembles paint Apply over backer board
backer board
Adhesive Coverage
Thick bed adhesive: All Thick bed adhesive can be used with all the above tile types up to a depth of
25mm should the floor substrate be uneven. For coverage guidance please refer to the leveling
compound coverage.
Please note adhesive coverage will depend on the size of tile, depth of adhesive required and to some
extent the substrate
Ceramic tile may be installed over most structurally-sound substrates. Make sure all surfaces to be tiled
are clean, smooth, dry and free of wax, soap scum and grease. Any damaged, lose or uneven areas must
be repaired, patched, and leveled. Remove all moldings, trims, appliances, etc. which may interfere
with the installation. Door jambs may be undercut for tiles to slip under
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Sealer :Protects tile and grout from stains and moisture penetration Apply with sponge, brush, foam
roller, or spray bottle Topical sealers create protective barrier on top of tile and grout Penetrating
sealers absorb into tile and grout.
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4.5. Show even margins around openings
Supersedes and is equivalent Fix wall tiles, specifications, workplace requirements, drawings and
When tiling above a window, basin, bath or any other fixture, fix a temporary batten in place to support
the first row of whole tiles, progressing upwards from there. Once the adhesive has set, you can then
easily measure any tiles you have to cut to size to fill in the space. Above a window, the cut tiles won't
have anything underneath to stop them slipping, but you can attach them to the fixed tiles above with
masking tape. This will hold them in place until the adhesive dries.
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Fig 5.2 Even margins around openings.
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4.6. Cut and fixing bottom course
Cutting due to the thickness and make-up of the majority of our floor tiles, it is recommended that
either a diamond cutter or an angle grinder is used to cut the tiles. Water cooled diamond cutters are
available from tool hire shops.
It is essential to wear suitable protective eyewear and protective clothing when cutting tiles.
Porcelain tiles require high quality diamond blades for cutting; if hiring cutting equipment please
ensure you advise the hire company that you intend to cut porcelain tiles so they can supply you with
the most
Appropriate blades.
Drilling holes can be a difficult task without the correct equipment. Fired Earth recommends the use of
the range of porcelain drill bits and core drills.
Whilst cutting or drilling tiles, the surface of the tile may become wet and/or dirty. Wipe the tile clean
immediately after cutting. Using a water-cooled diamond cutter will achieve the most accurate cut.
When using an angle grinder, mark the tile where you wish to cut it, run the cutting disc along the
marked surface cutting the tile to at least two thirds of its depth; then the tile can be snapped. Rough
edges and chips should be smoothed and finished with a sanding block or in severe cases, by rubbing
Roman Mosaic - Metal reinforcing bars are used in the manufacture of border designs and may cause
excessive wear on cutting equipment. Care should be taken to ensure that the pattern is correctly
matched, particularly in the case of the basket weave design. Small pieces of mosaic can become
detached during cutting and should be glued back into place using an epoxy or similar glue.
Cutting your tiles, you should always wear safety glasses and gloves when cutting your tiles. If
you're cutting floor or thicker wall tiles, or need to cut your tiles into an awkward shape, you'll
have to use an electric tile cutter, or buy purpose-made blades for your electric jigsaw.
Cutting wall tiles hold a straight edge on the cut line and, running a tile cutter along it, score the
Place a small wooden batten on the floor then hold the tile over it, making sure the scored line lies
directly in line with the batten.
Apply pressure on either side of the tile to snap it along the line.
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If it's a narrow off-cut, the snapping process will be difficult, so use a pair of pliers to gradually
nibble away at the tile, working slowly towards the scored line.
If you're creating a curved or L-shaped tile, score the surface along the trim line, then gradually
remove the excess in small pieces with pliers.
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4.7. Fix splay and form coves.
When setting out for cove and splay tiles the first consideration must be the height to which the base
course of wall tiles is set or the size to which the base course is cut.
To accurately gauge the height to which the base course begins, a full scale drawing is helpful.
Figures 42 and 43 are samples of cove and splay tile set outs.
-Fixing splay: square corners it means joint floor tiles to create square corners. To apply internal &
external corner using corner trowel & joint trowel
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To set out a template for formed cove tiling a screed stick is set at the finished floor height and
parallel to the wall. Refer to Figure 44.
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4.8. Finish vertical tiles and square corners
Tiling to a wall that is out of plumb Tile Forum/Advice Board. If I start in the bottom corner of the
large wall and go straight up I will end up with an Also, don't forget about the need to lay out the
vertical axis, as well.
How much you trim off the bottom depends on the height of the finished tile wall
The wall that is out of plumb is the short wall with the plumbing on a bath tub surround. The wall is
leaning out at the top. If I start in the bottom corner of the large wall and go straight up I will end up
with a sliver of a tile on the top row that would not look to hot. Oddly when you look at the wall it
doesn’t look out of plumb but put a level.
Step1. Mark the center line of the room from the wall of the primary entrance to the far end. You
will need to measure and mark the midpoints of walls A to B and C to D. Join these two points
with a taught chalk line and mark.
Step 2. Mark the midpoint of the room by measuring the center of the line. From this point, lay
down tiles (without fixing them) alongside the center line, allowing for joints, to see where the last
whole tile will end. Mark (with string or chalk) a line 1 to 2 at a right angle alongside this last
whole tile.
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Step 3. Locate starting point ‘X’ by laying down tiles along the new line 1 to 2 in the same way as
before, to see where the last whole tile will end. Now mark your side line 3 to 4 at a right angle
alongside this last whole tile.
Step 4. When tiling commences you should start at point ‘X’, so check that the lines you have
marked make a perfect right angle and the side line runs parallel to the center line.
With small cut sections of tile, apply the adhesive directly to the back of the tile, before pressing in
position. At internal corners, spacers will need to be used across the corner to maintain gaps Stick
along the corner with adhesive ideal if covering cut or unglazed tile edges
What are reasonable expectations about grout width accuracy in a professional tile installation?
We are currently redoing our master bathroom and our contractor just got half way through laying
the tile on the floor. The grout was supposed to be 1/8" wide, but there are quite a few places (mid-
field) where the gaps between the tiles are much wider or smaller.
The tile we chose is a dark gray limestone-look porcelain and we want to combine it with light
(platinum) grout, so the grout will stand out quite a bit relative to the tile.
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Clearly, it's not going to be possible for anyone to get all tile gaps to be exactly 1/8". What would be an
accuracy (minimum to maximum gap size, for example, or standard deviation), that I should be able to
expect from a professional contractor
4.10.1.Flexible Joints:
It is advisable to use silicone where tiles butt against other materials i.e. toilets, basins, floor or wall
junctions and corners. This is because there will always be movement or vibration at these points and
the flexible joint will tolerate this. There are colors to match the grout for these instances
A ‘movement joint’ is a general term used for all types of joints seen in construction materials that
control and allow movement. Most commonly, they are known as ‘expansion’ or ‘control’ joints, but
there are various categories. Generally, they contain an appropriate pliable sealant for the intended
application, which is often referred to as a ‘soft’ joint.
Movement joints allow for the material in which they are placed to move without restraint; they control
where the movement manifests to avoid random cracking in finish materials. An example would be the
joints or separations in a concrete sidewalk. If there were no movement joints in the concrete sidewalk,
then it would crack at a random point as it is subjected to shrinkage during curing, or to expansion
when it is exposed to moisture (and then contraction again as it dries). Rising temperatures cause
expansion, lowering temperatures cause contraction, and wet freezing conditions cause both, as the
temperature drops and the moisture freezes.
There are other types of structural movement from the ground or its foundation that can cause various
kinds of movement in the form of deflection. These stresses, and the resulting deformations, are
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compounded by adjacent materials that have a different coefficient of movement properties—the
differentials can lead to serious problems, particularly over time as the respective materials go through
various degrees and combinations of cycles from wet to dry or hot to cold, and so forth. Movement
joints are also designed to isolate different materials from each other so they do not affect adjacent
Written Test
Self-Check -4
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1Write steps of fixing tiles? (5 points)
2. What are the steps for vertical tiles ? (5 points)
Note: Satisfactory rating – 4 points Unsatisfactory - below 4 points
Answer Shee
Score = ___________
Rating: ____________
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OPERATION SHEET 4;- Fix Wall or Floor Tiles
PURPOSE: To practice and demonstrate the skill, knowledge and attitude required to prepare Fix
Wall, Floor and Skirting
Instruction: Use the given tools and equipment Fix Wall, Floor Tiles and Skirting in finishing
construction field. For this operation you have given 5 Hour(but not limited) each drawing
and you are expected to provide the answer on the given table.
Tools and requirement
Tile power saw
Tile removing chisel
Grout Rake
Tile Trowel
Profile gauge
Tile Nippers
PRECAUTIONS: - Read and interpret manual which guide you how to cut, Fixing tile
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Wall and floor tile fixing.
LAP Test
LAP Test 4 - Fix Wall and Floor Tiles
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Unit Five -Tile External and Internal Corners
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
Check set out for plumb, level and square .
Check external corners to ensure surface intersections are straight.
Fix curve bead angle trim or tiles so that measurements are accurate to junction with tiles and set out.
Fix tiles with minimum voids in bed to specifications.
Keep corner square within specified tolerance and finish to specifications
This guide will also assist you to attain the units stated in the coverage. Specifically, upon completion of this
learning guide, you will be able to:
Check set out for plumb, level and square.
Check external corners to ensure surface intersections are straight.
Fix curve bead angle to trim tiles set out.
Fix tiles with minimum voids in bed to specifications.
Keep and finish corner square
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Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described below.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets”. Try to understand what are being discussed. Ask
your trainer for assistance if you have hard time understanding them
4. Accomplish the “Self-checks” which are placed following all information sheets.
5.Ask from your trainer the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your trainer to correct your
work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-checks).
6.If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Operation sheets
7.Perform “the Learning activity performance test” which is placed following “Operation sheets” ,
8.If your performance is satisfactory proceed to the next learning guide,
If your performance is unsatisfactory, see your trainer for further instructions or go back to “Operation
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If the wall has too much give or flex, you may need to strip off the lining, fix more studs and/or
noggins, then reline with a suitable substrate. Wall tiles can be applied over plasterboard, fiber cement
board, plywood, solid plaster, brick or block work. MDF board or chipboard are also fine, but not in
wet or humid areas.
For tiling the whole wall: Setting out for walls is similar to floors, but you obviously can't lay tiles out
dry on the wall. Mark a stick of timber in tile widths (see Illustration 4). Use that to calculate the
position of full tiles. As with floors, adjust the position of the guide lines to ensure even and attractive
lines of cut tiles along all edges. Use your spirit level to draw a plumb vertical line from the center-
point, to the top of the area to be tiled.
Setting out is the process of marking the position, shape and size of a building on a construction site.
The details provided by the architect and surveyor on the project plans and drawings are transferred to
the ground on which the structure will be built. As with any other task on a building project, you’ll
need to prepare for setting out by identifying and organizing: • the task details and the work
environment • the tools and materials you’ll be using • safety and environmental requirements.
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Fig 1.2 check horizontal Level
Level Base: -
It is most important to select a level base for tiling. If tiling is to commence at floor level then nail or
screw a bittern horizontally, with its straight edge uppermost, one tile width above the lowest point of
the wall. Use a spirit level to make sure the bittern is level
Where two tiled surfaces meet at right angles to form an external corner, finishing will be required to
dress or hide the exposed edges of the corner tiles. Some of our tile ranges have glazed edges and the
simplest solution is to overlap and carefully grout as shown. In the case of glass, rough edges can be
overcome by building up the grout so as to cover the exposed edge. When using thicker, rustic and
handmade tiles with partially or unglazed edges, a corner grouted in this way may leave unglazed
edges exposed. In this case it may be necessary to miter
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Fig 2.1Tool List for Floor Tile – Extreme
5.2.1.Tile spacers.
Regardless of the type or style of tile (porcelain, ceramic or stone) a minimum of 3mm tile spacers
should be used for floor tiles. Depending on the tile, the spacer required can go as high as 10mm. Most
commonly a 5mm spacer is used, especially if you're using indoor to outdoor tiles
Tile spacers are small, plastic objects that are usually built in either “T” or a cross shape. They come in
quite a few sizes, ranging from ¼ to ⅜ of an inch. They are used to maintain a consistent space or
“gap” between your tiles when installing them on the mortar.
Tile spacers allow you to keep your floor level and ensure that each tile is properly grouted with the
right amount of product. If your tiles are too close together, you risk damage if they expand. They
could also become dislodged or chipped. Spacers provide a more secure, durable surface.
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Floor tiles: Keep traffic off floor tiles until the bedding has set and attained its working strength.
Cleaning: Keep the work clean as it proceeds and protect finished work from damage.
Set out tiles to give uniform joint widths within the following limits:
Provide whole or purpose-made tiles at margins where practicable, otherwise set out to give equal
margins of cut tiles. If margins less than half tile width are unavoidable, locate the cut tiles where
they are least conspicuous.
If possible position tiles so that holes for fixtures and other penetrations occur at the intersection of
horizontal and vertical joints or on the center lines of tiles. Continue tiling fully behind fixtures
which are not built in to the tiling surface. Before tiling ensure that fixtures interrupting the tile
surfaces are accurately positioned in their designed or optimum locations relative to the tile layout.
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External corners
Roman Mosaics:
As with all natural products, stone tiles require a certain degree of care. All stone tiles are porous,
therefore it is important to seal the stone correctly to reduce the natural absorption and maintain the
desired appearance. If the recommended care system is used the surface will be easier to maintain.
Before sealing commences, we recommend that the stone is cleaned with Litho fin MN Power
Clean to remove general dirt and quarry dust from the surface and pores. After use, rinse the
surface completely and allow to dry for 24 hours.
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Natural Stone and Stone Mosaics
As with all natural products, stone tiles require a certain degree of care. All stone tiles are porous,
therefore it is important to seal the stone correctly to reduce the natural absorption and maintain the
desired appearance. If the recommended care system is used the surface will be easier to maintain. The
filler used in our honed and filled stone may require attention from time to time. Simply fill any holes
that appear with either limestone grout or a 2-part resin based filler which is available for purchase
from Fired Earth. Please ask a member of our Sales team for more information.
If natural stone tiles are used, and cuts are neat, then there is no need to use a trim as the tile color is the
same all the way through. However, modern porcelain tiles with a digital printed surface, will be clay
color on exposed edges, therefore a plastic or metal trim should be used
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Product curved bed
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5.4. Fix tiles voids in tile bed
Fixing Tiles
notched trowel,
solid bed
buttering method. Never spot fix tiles. Press the tiles firmly into the
(one in 20 tiles) to see that the tile is fully in contact with the
adhesive. No voids are to occur under the tiles. Do not fix tiles
with tight joints. A guide for joints between tiles is internal tiles
The cements screed generally required 3-6 days to cure properly before tiling. This also applies if you
choose to waterproof on top of the cement screed rather than below. Both methods work equally as
good with some pros and cons to both.
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Floor Tiling
Start by measuring up all walls and working out the sizes of the cuts. Aesthetically, you want to try and
avoid small cuts where possible. Not only does this look better, but it avoids wastage of tiles.
We recommend using a rubber glue adhesive to lay your tiles. You require a 10-12mm notch to do this.
Australian standards for floor tiles are 3mm. Although many like to go smaller and do 1.5mm on the
floor, it is not recommended as the grout will be weaker on the floor.
Start by doing 1 row at a time and work your way back towards the entry. Make sure there is no
lippage with your tiles, press them down firmly. You don’t need to put the level over the tiles as you
are following your level cement screed you done prior. The tricky part is avoiding lippage of tiles
around areas with fall to the drain so take your time with this and pack up glue where necessary.
Wall Tiling
Start by laying the first row around your complete bathroom walls. Some like to use a laser level to
gauge this or alternatively use a long level, mark out your walls and follow accordingly. This is very
important as the rest of the walls will follow this base row. Work your way up, using spacers in
between tile joints. You want to make sure with every row that your work is still level and adjust
accordingly. You may need to lift a tile by a few mms at times, so use a tile wedge when required.
Cutting is very important around tap holes, windows etc. Mark your cuts out as close as possible and
use a diamond wheel on your grinder to avoid chipping tile while cutting
Keep careful records of all aspects of conversations, skills demonstration or the methodology you have
used to fix wall tiles, tile external and internal corners. ... Fixes riser tiles, tread infills and thresholds to
alignment and specified tolerances ... external corner tiles with minimum voids in tile bed and
maintaining a square
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Keep endorsed samples in good condition on site, until practical completion. Shop Drawings within the
plan dimensions, lines, grades, and tolerances specified. and texture with sharp square edges and
parallel faces. closest joint location to external corner: 2.5m close to external corners in large tiled
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Fig checking internal corner
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Fig Cut Tiles
Step 1 Cover any doors of the room leading to other areas of the house with a sheet of plastic taped
into place with masking tape to avoid dust from the cutting process spreading throughout the house.
Cover any vents in the room with the plastic sheeting as well for the same reasons. Open any windows
to provide ventilation and place a fan in the window directing air outward, to increase the air flow. Put
on a pair of safety goggles to protect your eyes from ceramic chips and put on a respirator to prevent
the inhalation of dust.
Step 2 Mark the cutline that you'll be making onto the tile face with a grease pencil. Place masking
tape onto the tile running along the edge of the marked line over the tile piece that you wish to keep
attached. The tape will prevent chipping on the tile that you aren't wanting to cut away.
Step 3 Spray the tile surface with water placed in a handheld sprayer to keep the dust created from
cutting down and to provide lubrication for the cutting blade.
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Step 4 Cut through the tile using an angle grinder. Start at one end of the cut line and run the blade
along the tile surface to the other end. Spray water onto the tile when needed to keep the surface wet.
Make multiple passes with the blade if needed, to cut through the tile and to the subsurface. Switch to a
rotary tool with a tile cutting bit to cut tile closer to the edges of the wall where the grinder blade is too
large to reach, or to make curved cuts in the tile. Do not wet the surface for the rotary tool.
Step 5 Pry cut pieces from the surface with a small pry bar placed into the joints. Apply pressure to the
bar as you move it behind the cut piece to pry it from the surface.
Step 6 Remove any dust from the area with a vacuum. Then wash all surfaces with a water dampened
rag to remove all traces of the dust. Keep the fan running in the window for several hours to help
remove any dust remaining in the air after cutting.
Start your tiles from the middle of the wall at the bottom.
Measure the gap from the edge of the last full tile to the corner.
Mark a tile with your measurement, subtracting about 1/4” for your spacing so it fits.
Cut a tile to fill the corner gap.
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Fig 7.1 Measure and mark your tile with a square and a pencil
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Measure and mark your tile with a square and a pencil.
A square is a ruler shaped like a right angle. Align one edge of the square with one edge of your
tile. Use a pencil and the other edge to draw your guideline.
This method is great if you have a lot of tiles to cut. It's also suitable if you need to cut a lot of
surface area, such as corner-to-corner cuts (as opposed edge-to-edge).
Set the tile into a tile cutter. Set the square aside and set the tile into the tile cutter. Push the tile right
up against the fence, and make sure there is no debris preventing the tile from touching the fence. Make
sure that the line that you drew is right under the scoring wheel
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Written Test
Self-Check -5
Answer Sheet
Score = ___________
Rating: ____________
3 ____________
4 ____________
Name: _________________________ Date: __________
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Wear appropriate clothes, shoe
Ensure the work shop hazard free
Ensure the working area is bright / good visibility
Make workstation comfortable
Use rages ,kerosene clearing purpose
Equipment tools and consumer materials : -
Tape rule,
Sprit level,
Try-square Strings,
Cement, Adhesive,
Plastic hammer
1.Select working area & working Materials
2.Measure working area
3.Prepare necessary material
4. tiles corners
5. Wait setting time.
6. Check the correct working system.
7.Clean the work area & instrument
LAP Test -5
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Instructions:Given necessary templates / To practice and demonstrate the skill, knowledge and attitude
required to tile external and internal corner of Wall,
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Unit Six- Fix Floor Tile and Skirting.
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
Setting out for plumb, level and square, is checked
Floors are checked to ensure surface
Curved bead angle trim or tiles are fixed and measurements
Tiles are fixed with minimum voids in tile bed and maintain fully bedded alignment
Corner is kept square within specified tolerance and finish to
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon
completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
check Set out for plumb, level and square,
check Floors are surface intersections are straight
Fixe Curve bead angle trim
Fix and maintain Tiles with minimum voids in tile bed
Keep Corner square within specified tolerance a
Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described below.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets”. Try to understand what are being discussed. Ask
your trainer for assistance if you have hard time understanding them
4. Accomplish the “Self-checks” which are placed following all information sheets.
5.Ask from your trainer the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your trainer to correct your
work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-checks).
6.If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Operation sheets
7.Perform “the Learning activity performance test” which is placed following “Operation sheets” ,
8.If your performance is satisfactory proceed to the next learning guide,
If your performance is unsatisfactory, see your trainer for further instructions or go back to “Operation
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The wall has too much give or flex, you may need to strip off the lining, fix more studs and/or noggins,
then reline with a suitable substrate. Wall tiles can be applied over plasterboard, fiber cement board,
plywood, solid plaster, brick or block work. MDF board or chipboard are also fine, but not in wet or
humid areas.
Walls must be dry, flat, firm, clean, grease and soap free, with no loose paint, plaster or dust. Holes,
dents and rough areas should be filled with plaster based filler, and then sanded smooth. Bare
plasterboard, MDF or particleboard should be sealed with an oil based sealer. Tiling over joints in
MDF or particleboard can cause problems unless a proper movement control joint is formed. Sound
painted surfaces should be sanded and scratched to give the tiles grip.
For tiling the whole wall: Setting out for walls is similar to floors, but you obviously can't lay tiles out
dry on the wall. Mark a stick of timber in tile widths . Use that to calculate the position of full tiles. As
with floors, adjust the position of the guide lines to ensure even and attractive lines of cut tiles along all
edges. Use your spirit level to draw a plumb vertical line from the centre-point, to the top of the area to
be tiled.
Level Base:
It is most important to select a level base for tiling. If tiling is to commence at floor level then nail or
screw a bittern horizontally, with its straight edge uppermost, one tile width above the lowest point of
the wall. Use a spirit level to make sure the bittern is level.
To check for accurate plumb vials, rest your level against a wall and note the location of the bubble
between the lines. Then rotate the level 180 degrees, edge to edge, keeping the same end facing up. The
bubble should be in the same spot. If not, your plumb vial is of
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Checking the wall surface vertical
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6.2. Check Floors surface intersections are straight
Setting out is the process of transferring the distance from the plan already prepared, to the ground
before starting a construction. The plan as designed and prepared is set out on the ground in the correct
position. The branch of surveying dealing with the setting out on the ground is known as construction
Aims :-
-Understand the roles of the various different types of personnel who are involved in the setting out
process -Understand the aims of setting out -Refer to the different types of plans that may be used in
the setting out process –
Appreciate the good working practices that should be undertaken in order that the aims of setting out
can be achieved -Understand the procedures required to ensure that the horizontal and vertical control
requirements of setting out operations can be met -Set out design points on site by a number of
-Apply horizontal and vertical control techniques to second-stage setting out operations -Appreciate the
application of laser instruments in surveying and setting out
Controls For Setting Out The setting out of work required the following two controls:
Horizontal control
Vertical control
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Straight edge
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6.3. Fixe Curve bead angle trim
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6.4. Fix and maintain Tiles with minimum voids in tile bed
Laying tiles with small gaps also prevents problems in case of mechanical damage to one of them. If
the tiles were indeed laid out without joints, it would not have been possible to safely remove one of
them. 1.5 to 2-millimetre gaps are enough for safely replacing a tile without damaging the other ones
This process consists of these steps:
Identify the problem.
Inspect the asset and premises.
Determine how work should be completed.
Secure needed parts and materials.
Prioritize tasks.
Schedule and complete work orders.
Gather data and follow up.
Tile joint
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6.5. Corner square
Companies use tolerances of 1.00 mm for tiles with an end size below 500 mm. When tile sizes are
larger (between 500 and 900 mm), some companies raise the tolerance to 1.50 mm, though most keep
it at 1.00 mm.
If a triangle has sides measuring 3, 4, and 5 feet (1.5 m) (or any other unit), it must be a right triangle
with a 90º angle between the short sides. If you can "find" this triangle in your corner, you know the
corner is square. This is based on the Pythagorean Theorem from geometry: A2 + B2 = C2 for a right
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Unit Seven- Grout Wall Tile Face.
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
joints are cleaned and prepared to receive grout
Mix and applying grout
Clean and polish tiles with dry cloth to specifications, removing all dust from surface and joints.
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon
completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Clean and prepare joints
Aply grout
Clean and polish tiles joints.
Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described below.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets”. Try to understand what are being discussed. Ask
your trainer for assistance if you have hard time understanding them
4. Accomplish the “Self-checks” which are placed following all information sheets.
5.Ask from your trainer the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your trainer to correct your
work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-checks).
6.If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Operation sheets
7.Perform “the Learning activity performance test” which is placed following “Operation sheets” ,
8.If your performance is satisfactory proceed to the next learning guide,
If your performance is unsatisfactory, see your trainer for further instructions or go back to “Operation
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It is thin mortar used for filling spaces (such as the joints in masonry) also : any of various other
materials (such as a mixture of cement and water or chemicals that solidify) used for a similar purpose
It is important to have a joint between tiles to allow for movement in the structure. The width of grout
joints will vary between 3–20mm.
Grout, for quarry tiles, comes in ready-mixed and powder form. We prefer to use the powder and it is
easily mixed, in a bucket, in quantities that you can easily work with. Apply a liberal amount of grout
to the tiles, then spread about, pushing into the gaps in a regimental way. Make sure each tile gap is
filled as it will sink late if not. A grout trowel (above) can be used for this and in tight corners we
prefer to use a sponge. When an area has been covered of approximately 3m x 3m, wipe off the excess
grout with the sponge. Rinse out the sponge well in a separate bucket full of water (do not be tempted
to use the sink, this will clog up in no time). Wring out to damp, and wipe over again...You will need to
do this several times to remove all the excess grout from the surface of the tiles. Using newspaper can
also achieve the same result, but you will use quite a lot of it The grout will dry quite quickly, and you
will (probably) find a very thin dust residue on the surface of your tiles. This can be polished off easily
with a dry cloth.
white cement is prepared according to the required and add the water as a required specification then
fill the joint between to tiles and all required areas.
Grouting is the process of filling joint between two tiles. careful application of grout between the tiles.
To avoid contaminating surface of the tile, use a damp sponge to wipe off any excess. Take care to
fully compress the grout into the full depth of the grout joints so that no air pockets exist and the joints
are fully filled. When grouting unfilled tiles, the grout needs to be pressed into the grout joints and
surface pits of the tile with a grout float or squeegee. Take care to fully compress the grout into the full
depth of the grout joints so that no air pockets exist and the joints are fully filled
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7.2. Apply grout
Mix grout according to packet instructions. Depending on the job, you may use latex grout additive
instead of, or as well as water.
Spread grout over tiles.
use grouting trowel
spread diagonally
force grout into joints
Wipe excess grout off with clean damp sponge. Use the rounded handle of a knife or a shaped piece
of dowelling, to clean out, shape and smooth grout in joints.
Remove grout from floor/wall or wall/wall joints and fill with an appropriate silicone to
accommodate movement. After the grout dries enough to form on the tile, polish the surface with a
dry cloth
Before using any stand and spray brands of sealant for ceramic tile grout, however, you should make
sure that the room you will be using it in is very well ventilated. You should also not use this type of
spray if you have any history of breathing problems as there have been some cases of breathing
problems after use.
If you are wary of using stand and spray sealant for ceramic tile grout, then you should look into using
one of the other types of sealant that are on the market. There are several available, and most of them
seem to work fairly well; in addition, they tend to cause the water to beat up on the grout itself, instead
of soaking in.
You can apply sealant for ceramic tile grout by getting down next to the tile and just wiping the sealant
onto the tile itself. If you get any of the grout sealant on the tiles, then you should make sure that you
wipe the sealant off before it dries, otherwise there might be a residue left on the tile.
step 2: tilt mixing bucket and stir with grout-mixing knife. ...
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step 4: let grout rest (slake) for up to 10 minutes. ...
Grouting is the careful application of grout between the tiles. To avoid contaminating the surface of
the tile, use a damp sponge to wipe off any excess. Take care to fully compress the grout into the full
depth of the grout joints so that no air pockets exist and the joints are fully filled. A timber dowel of an
appropriate diameter can be used to compact the grout within the joints. When grouting unfilled tiles,
the grout needs to be pressed into the grout joints and surface pits of the tile with a grout float or
squeegee. Take care to fully compress the grout into the full depth of the grout joints
so that no air pockets exist and the joints are fully filled. As above a timber dowel of an appropriate
diameter can be used to compact the grout within the joints. Work in manageable areas and clean off
any residues when the grout has begun to firm up in the joints, but before it sets on the tile face.
Cleaning with a damp but not overly wet fine textured foam sponge will provide the best results. Do
not over wash the grout as this may cause a white bloom (efflorescence) and discolor the grout. Ensure
your grouting is completed in one continuous sequence, particularly with mosaics, to avoid color
variation. Changing the cleaning water as it becomes contaminated will also aid 14 cleaning. When the
grout has set, any remaining grout can be polished off the surface with a clean, damp cloth.
Should efflorescence form, these salts can be removed once the grout has fully dried and cured by
frequent washing with clean water or suitable efflorescence cleaner. The surface of some tiles can be
easily scratched so the application and cleaning of the grout must be carried out carefully. Ensure that
any tools used for grouting are completely clean and free of any hardened grout etc. All perimeter
joints must be finished with a good quality silicone sealer and not with grout. This will allow for
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expansion and contraction in the tiles during normal heating and cooling cycles. Please note a neutral
cure silicone is recommended for all-natural stone.
Mix grout according to packet instructions. Depending on the job, you may use latex `1. grout additive
instead of, or as well as water.
- use squeegee
- spread diagonally
3. Wipe excess grout off with clean damp sponge. Use the rounded handle of a knife or a shaped
piece of dowelling, to clean out, shape and smooth grout in joints.
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Fig grout
Cleaning and polishing tiles with dry cloth to specifications, removing all
No matter what type of sealant for ceramic tile grout you end up using, there is one thing that you
should always do. Make sure that you wait for the grout to dry and set completely. For this reason,
it is usually recommended that you let the tile sit for a few weeks so that it is completely dry before
you start to seal it
Porcelain tiles are the choice for many home renovators because of their durability. A correctly
installed porcelain tile bathroom will last longer because porcelain is harder and denser than most
ceramic products, so it resists damage from harsh cleaning agents, scratches, stains, and fading. It also
comes in an infinite variety of colors and textures and is very low maintenance.
Efflorescence on Grout
Efflorescence on grout is a white powdery feathery deposit, caused by salts dissolving in moisture
retained by the grout and finding their way to the surface. The deposit can appear as splotches or a
white crust all over the grout surface. The minerals that form the salts can be present in the grout
itself or the water that was used to mix it; the salts are invariably sulfates or carbonates. Although
unsightly efflorescence can initially be easily removed by brushing it off with a fairly stiff brush.
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Returning Grout Efflorescence
Grout is the cement mixture you see in the joints between ceramic or stone tiles. It is made from
Portland cement and when it is dry, it is literally as hard as a rock. In some cases, however, this
grout needs to be removed. For instance, sometimes it cracks or mildews and looks unsightly and
you would like to replace it.
One of the most difficult problems facing homeowners that are remodeling their homes is how to
place tile grout in the extra wide joints between tiles to make the project look attractive and
complete the project correctly. Grouting extra wide joints is often one of the last steps to be
completed in a home improvement project and a sloppy or incorrect job in grouting extra wide
joints has the ability to ruin the rest of the project
the quickest methods to give your bathroom a new look is to re grout bathroom tile. The basic
process for re grouting bathroom tile is to power grind the old grout and replace with new grout.
This is a process that virtually any homeowner can do. You will love how the new bathroom looks
after you have completed re grouting bathroom tile.
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Self-Check -7 Essay questions
2.What is grouting?(4pts)
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Unit Eight -Clean Up
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
Clear work area,
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon
completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Clear work area,
Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described below.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets”. Try to understand what are being discussed. Ask
your trainer for assistance if you have hard time understanding them
4. Accomplish the “Self-checks” which are placed following all information sheets.
5.Ask from your trainer the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your trainer to correct your
work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-checks).
6.If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Operation sheets
7.Perform “the Learning activity performance test” which is placed following “Operation sheets” ,
8.If your performance is satisfactory proceed to the next learning guide,
If your performance is unsatisfactory, see your trainer for further instructions or go back to “Operation
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8.1. Clean work area
Clearing work area, is disposed of, reusing or recycling materials
Disposal methods adopted depend on the nature of the material. To obtain this information, a
comprehensive sampling and analysis program is required so that the correct route for disposal can be
determined. For an old tip, sampling should also ascertain the odor levels, presence of methane,
groundwater levels and leach ate quality.
All excess material should not be wasted, but used or safely removed from site according to
appropriate legislation.
Identify the waste types that are likely to be produced and aim to reduce the amount of
waste as much as possible, through identifying routes to reuse or recycle materials.
Control access to storage areas to minimize risk of theft or damage.
Set up a dedicated store for timber, from which workers can re-use supplies
Store any materials away from sensitive locations in fenced off areas.
Label all waste storage and skips, detailing the type of waste.
Employ a just-in-time policy to deliver materials in order to reduce the storage time on site.
Consider using recycled materials and recycle any materials used on site rather than
disposing of them (including timber, Brick Block) CIRIA provides lists of recycled
materials that companies will accept.
To ensure that all contaminated material uncovered on a construction site are excavated and disposed
of in an environmentally responsible manner. Suggested measures
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Seal remaining contaminated material or wastes, where only part of the tip has been excavated, to
ensure that there is no off-site effect now or in the future.
Transport odorous wastes in covered vehicles.
Dispose of contaminated material in a land fill licensed to take the type of contaminated material or
wastes uncovered.
Recyclability measures a material’s capacity to be used as a resource in the creation of new products.
Steel is the most commonly recycled building material, in large part because it can be easily separated
from construction debris by magnets.
Many building materials that cannot be reused in their entirety can be broken down into recyclable
components. Often, it is the difficulty of separating rubble from demolition that pre- vents more
materials from being recycled.
Waste Disposal
, store, and remove combustible waste products at the end of each workday or at the end of each work
shift. Use only noncombustible containers to dispose of waste and rubbish and equip them with fitted
or self-closing covers. Promptly remove and dispose of spills of flammable or combustible liquids.
Place scrap lumber in containers and do not allow it to accumulate in work areas. Remove or bend
over protruding nails unless the scrap lumber is placed directly in containers for removal.
When choosing between waste minimization options, the following hierarchy for waste management is
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8.1.2. Waste minimization opportunities
obtaining construction materials, paints, lubricants and other liquids in reusable packaging or
using noise barriers made from recycled materials
Using overburden to construct temporary noise barriers.
using contaminated water out of sediment dams for dust suppression and irrigating adjacent
vegetated land
sending waste concrete from demolition activities to a concrete recycler instead of landfill
segregating and recycling solid wastes generated by construction activities, offices and mess-
collecting lubricating oil from the construction vehicle fleet and sending it to a recycle
8.2. Maintain and tools and equipment
Maintenance on plant and equipment is carried out to prevent problems arising, to put faults right, and
to ensure equipment is working effectively.
Maintenance may be part of a planned program me or may have to be carried out at short notice after a
breakdown. It always involves non-routine activities and can expose those involved (and others) to a
range of risks.
Employees shall make frequent inspections of tools and equipment, and immediately remove
from service any items found defective. The following are examples of the types of defects
which should be looked for:
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Wrench jaws which slip or do not hold.
Frayed cords damaged or modified grounding plugs, or broken insulation on electrical tools.
When using hand tools, the employee shall place himself in such a position that he will avoid injury if
the tool slips.
Only soft faced hammers (brass, plastic, rubber, or similar materials) shall be used on highly
tempered steel tools such as cold chisels, star drills, etc. Proper eye protection must be worn when
performing such an operation.
Files, rasps, and other tools having sharp tangs shall be equipped with approved handles.
Tools which are not in use shall be placed where they will not present a tripping or stumbling
Tools shall not be thrown from one worker to another, or to another working location.
Extensions shall not be used on wrenches to gain leverage unless the wrench is designed to be used
in such a fashion.
When cutting wire or any other material under tension, the material being cut shall be secured to
prevent the ends from snapping free.
Gloves shall not be worn when operating lathes, drill presses, power saws, or similar equipment.
Loose clothing must not be worn and long sleeves should be rolled up prior to operation.
Hooks, brushes, vacuums, or special tools shall be used to remove dust or chips. Compressed air
shall not be used.
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Maintenance, repairs, adjustments, and measurements must not be made while saws, lathes,
grinders, and similar equipment are in operation.
Compressed air shall never be used to dust off clothing, or be directed toward another person.
Saw blades, gears, sprockets, chains, shafts, pulleys, belts, and similar apparatus shall not be
operated without the proper guarding.
Safety glasses, goggles, or face shields shall be worn when operating power tools
Before every use, look for signs of damage to blasting equipment and power tools.
Before use, check compressed air lines; check that any compressed air cutout works properly.
At least once a week, check the condition and operation of blasting equipment.
At least once a quarter, maintain the equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
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Skills copy right Ethiopia occupational standard August 2022
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Skills copy right Ethiopia occupational standard August 2022
List of Reference Materials
HRD-WHS-GUI-046.11 Personal Protective Equipment Guidelines 2016
September Page 14 of 14 Hardcopies of this document are considered
uncontrolled, please refer to the intranet for the latest version
Barricading and Signage Document Number – OHS-PROC-134
[2] J. Broomfield, Corrosion of Steel in Concrete: Understanding,
Investigation and
Building Construction Handbook Tenth edition Roy Chudley And
Building Construction Handbook Seventh Edition R. Chudley Mciob
Construction Materials Third edition Edited by J.M. Illston and P.L.J.
Building construction ( by Dr B.C.Punmia)
Building construction(by Sushil Kumar)
Text book of Building construction(by Abebe Dinku)
10.Sanding and finishing ALBARAA wood Marquetry spacialist
11.Application Guide (Air Atomized Spraying). International . yachtpai
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