Tenancy Agreement
Tenancy Agreement
Tenancy Agreement
Mr./Mrs./Ms. Mukasa Joseph (hereinafter called “the Landlord” which expression shall where the
context so admit include his/her legal representatives, agents, nominees in title and assignees) of one part;
Ms. Namujju Vanessa of telephone No. 0771234567 (hereinafter called “the Tenant” which expression
shall where the context so admits include his/her successors in title and assignees) of the second part:
WHEREAS: the Landlord as the registered owner of property situated at Plot 56 – BAGORO DRIVE,
Lyamutundwe, and developments thereon, is desirous of renting the said property to the Tenant.
WHEREAS the Tenant is desirous of taking on rent of the property (hereinafter referred to as the
Demised Premises) as a tenant.
The Landlord hereby LETS and the Tenant hereby takes all the premises known as Plot Keneth Dale
Drive, Kamwokya (Hereinafter called “the premises”)
TO HOLD unto the Tenancy for a term of ………...months commencing on the……... October 2024
paying the sum of UGX 1,300,000 (One million three hundred thousand) per month, to be paid six
months in advance, each half.
(1) (i) To pay the said rent at the times and in the manner aforesaid.
(ii) To deposit the equivalent of 1 (one) month’s rent at the commencement of the term of tenancy;
a) as compensation to the Landlord for any damages caused to the demised premises by the
tenant during the period of tenancy,
b) as payment of rent in the event of nonpayment for the period as agreed between the
c) as payment in lieu of notice by the tenant or to cover one month after notice of
Provided that if this amount is wholly or partly used by the tenant during the time of Tenancy,
the tenant shall replenish it to the same level and that the Landlord shall furnish the tenant
with details supporting the costs involved.
(3) To discharge all future electricity, and water charges whatsoever incurred and charged upon the
occupiers of the demised premises.
(4) To keep the interior of the demised premises and doors, including floors, walls, doors, and all
fittings and fixtures thereof in good and tenantable repair (reasonable wear and tear expected).
(5) Not to do or permit or suffer to be done on the said premises any act or thing which may be an
annoyance or a nuisance to the Landlord, his other tenants, or occupiers of any adjoining
(6) Not to assign underlet or part with the possession of the said premises or any part thereof without
the previous written consent of the Landlord.
(7) Not without the consent in writing of the Landlord to use the demised premises or any part
therefore for any other purpose other than the permitted usage under this agreement.
(8) To permit the Landlord or his authorized agents at all reasonable times, during the said term upon
giving two (2) days prior notice in writing [except in cases of emergency] to enter upon the
demised premises or any part thereof to inspect and to give or leave on the demised premises
notices in writing addressed to the Tenant of all defects found and requiring the Tenant to make
good all such defects.
PROVIDED THAT the exercise of the right of entry into the demised premises by the landlord
and/or his authorized agents provided for above shall not be done in any way that will
compromise the security interests of the Tenant with respect to its business and that both parties
shall first agree on the best modalities to use in a given situation.
(9) Not to pull down or alter or in any manner, interfere with the construction or arrangement of the
premises or cut, alter, and injure any of the walls, partitions, joints, floors, doors, or windows of
the demised premises without the previous written consent of the Landlord.
(10) To pay to the Landlord a penalty on any dishonored cheques of UGX. 75,000= and it is
clearly agreed by and between the parties that the obligation to pay a penalty on dishonored
cheques in no way shall detract or effect adversely all the rights and remedies of the Landlord to
effect recovery of rent and other sums due from the Tenant to the Landlord including the right to
levy distress or re-enter the leased premises and take possession.
(11) To comply with all such reasonable regulations as the Landlord may from time to time
make for the management of the building of which the leased premises form part.
(12) Not to permit any open internal combustion fires to be burned in the demised premises.
(13) To comply with the provisions or any Legislation, Regulation, by-law, and notice or
direction made hereunder so far as the same shall affect the demised premises.
(14) To provide adequate security for the premises and its property at its own cost.
(15) At the end of the term created herein to hand over the premises properly upheld, repaired,
cleaned, maintained, and kept in accordance with the covenants in that behalf herein contained.
1) At all times to pay all future rates, taxes, assessments, and outgoings chargeable upon the premises
during the tenancy hereby created.
2) At all times during the said term, to keep in good and substantial repair all the main external walls
and timbers, the roof and exterior of the premises, and water pipes (except as regards damage caused
by or resulting from any act or default or negligence of the Tenant and/or their agents).
3) That the Tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing and obeying the covenants and
conditions herein contained on the part of the Tenant to be performed and observed, shall peacefully
hold the premises (subject to the exceptions and reservations herein contained), during the said term
without any interruption by the Landlord, or any person claiming under or in trust for him.
4) (a) (i) That if the rent herein before reserved or any part thereof shall at any time be in arrears and
unpaid on the 1st day of the month for which the same shall have become due (whether legally
demanded or not).
(ii) or if the Tenant shall at any time fail or neglect to perform or observe any of the covenants or
conditions herein contained and on the Tenant’s part to be performed and observed,
(iii) or if the Tenant for the time being shall become bankrupt or being a company enter into
liquidation whether compulsory or voluntary (other than for the purpose of reconstruction or
(iv) or if the Tenant for the time being shall enter into any arrangement or composition for the benefit
of the Tenant’s creditors or shall suffer any distress or execution to be levied on the Tenant’s
goods, then and in any such case, it shall be lawful for the Landlord or any persons duly authorized by
the Landlord in that behalf, WITHOUT recourse to any court process whatsoever, to re-enter into
and upon the demised premises or any part thereof and thereby determine this tenancy absolutely and
the landlord shall be entitled to repossess and enjoy the demised premises as its former state. For
the avoidance of doubt the Landlord shall within fifteen days before the rent falls due give a demand
notice to the tenant.
(b) The Landlord may on re-entry on seeking recovery of arrears of rent engage an advocate and
bailiff to effect re-entry and such recovery and the tenant shall in addition to the arrears of rent pay
10% interest thereof to cover the advocates and bailiff’s costs.
5) Either party may terminate their tenancy hereby created by giving one (1) month’s previous notice
in writing to the other but so that in the case of termination by the landlord, the Tenant shall not be
required to vacate the premises until a refund of any rent paid in advance has been made by the
Landlord to the Tenant.
7) Any notice to the Tenant shall be deemed duly served if addressed to the Tenant and left at the
premises or if sent by registered post to the last known address of the Tenant.
8) Any notice to the Landlord shall be deemed served if left addressed to the Landlord and left at his
representative office or if sent by registered post to the last known address of the representative’s
9) Proof of posting to either the Tenant or the Landlord shall be proof of service.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF both the Landlord and Tenant have hereunto set their respective hands and
common seals on the day, month, and year first above written.
…………………………… LANDLORD
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