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Helmet Magazine 10-12-2020

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Environment Health Safety

EHS journal of L&T Construction

Volume - 10, Issue - 2 July - September 2020

4 Size and safety matter
Safety at international even for a tiny island
L&T project sites Our success lies in effectively bringing together
employees of different nationalities under one
Rahul Sikka under one umbrella, embracing the not have enough experience and
umbrella, embracing the well-established L&T safety 8 Strategies to keep safe
Head – PT&D, Africa well-established L&T safety culture, and knowledge to ensure their own safety. culture, and ensuring the continuous adoption of across geographies
ensuring the continuous adoption of our our safety best practices.

As part of our preparation prior
s one of the world's oldest and safety best practices.

to commencing work, we must
largest EPC companies, L&T
The safety practices and problems acquire a clear understanding of the
Getting TBMs up and
has maintained the culture of
zero harm during site operations across
encountered at international subcontractors’ safety procedures, rather Some suggestions for our project teams to improve safety at our digging!
construction sites are as wide-ranging than to assume that the subcontractor international project sites are listed below:
Africa. As a result, we have reported
as the various geographies themselves. is implementing a safety programme
zero fatalities for the last five years, zero
Lost Time Injuries (LTI) for the current
All construction sites have their own
unique aspects of safety which must
of their own. The responsibility of
safety cannot be left to the individual
yy Produce a site-specific safety policy document that includes terms
and conditions, procedures, guidance notes and L&T safety SOP, also 20 8 cheers for B&F
financial year, zero major environmental
be considered. L&T has a globally subcontractors and as the main incorporating client requirements if necessary. This should be included projects that aced
incidents for the last five years and zero
environment legal contravention. Our
renowned reputation to uphold, as contractor, we should take an active in the contract documents for the subcontractors. BSC’s 5-Star rating!
well as a unique and proud safety part in ensuring that the subcontractor yy Nominate members and set up the site organization for management
efforts have been well recognized by is exercising all measures necessary to
record to maintain. We are also well of health and safety. Safety must be led from the front by the project
external safety institutes including five provide a safe working environment.
of our projects that have won various
prepared to manage the safety aspects
of the project. As the main contractor
We must moderate our expectations yy
management team, not left to the safety crew alone.
Ensure that subcontractors are briefed about anticipated construction
22 Dubai’s largest
international awards.
of a project, we are responsible for the however and understand that a methods, site/design factors, relevant hazards, precautions, general sewage treatment
Based on our experience over the years safety of the whole project including construction company’s emphasis on site safety rules and conditions, and are clear about divisions of plant can now be
the subcontractors’ part. However, responsibility.
at international projects, the project
the subcontractors we employ may
safety is often proportionate to its size. remote-controlled!
management team needs to pay close As an example, smaller companies yy Ask the subcontractors to inform us, and interfacing subcontractors,
attention to safety management as it may not place as high a priority on about possible hazards arising from their own activities.
is one of the most important aspects safety as larger companies. While
of project execution. International
We have reported
there are smaller firms with excellent
yy Ensure that subcontractors have made plans to work safely, have priced
their bids accordingly and have the necessary resources. 26 You cannot afford to
project sites are necessarily operating safety programmes and records, it
yy Ensure that subcontractors produce detailed method statements drop your guard!
in a social, economic, and physical zero fatalities is nonetheless a difficult process for
for high risk activities, and that we monitor the subcontractor’s
environment that is quite different for the last five years, them because of the expense incurred
performance against the method statements, acting where necessary.

from those to which we are accustomed in implementing such a programme.
zero Lost Time Injuries It is a good practice to consider safety as the first item on the agenda of WISA: The ticket to
to at home. Safety training is often left to on-the-
(LTI) for the current job learning, and implementation of
the regular subcontractor progress meetings.
efficient workmen
To add to this, at a typical international financial year, their safety management programmes yy Manage health and safety on site by coordinating activities with
L&T project site, one finds employees subcontractors, ensuring that planned procedures are implemented
zero major environmental is usually left to the site foreman or
and performance monitored so that revised arrangements can be made,
from several countries working together. project supervisor. Consequently, and
They are quite different from each incidents for the last because of the unrelenting pressures as necessary.
other in many aspects including their five years and
zero environment legal
of their normal workload, the method yy Carry out inter-inspections among subcontractors in turn. Each 34 Communicating
work ethic and culture. Our success employed by them often meets only the subcontractor has the chance of being the inspector of safety along effectively … even
lies in effectively bringing together with our safety staff.
contravention. minimum requirements at best, while
from behind a mask!
employees of different nationalities most fail even to do that.

2 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 3

Size and
&T is constructing the largest and drive economic opportunities “Phase 1 was also tough because we
transport infrastructure project for the country. The responsibility were on a steep learning curve,”
in the island of Mauritius. on Project Director, G Vinod, and his remarks Vinod, setting context to the
safety October 9th, 2019 was a red-lettered day
for the Mauritius Metro team when
team, especially Safety In-charge,
R Palanikumar is to deliver the project
progress of the project. “We had to
first understand the local conditions,

matter even 12 km that constituted Phase 1 of this

state-of-the-art light rail transit (LRT)
in time, to quality and safety.

The deadline to complete Phase 1

the work culture, the unpredictable
weather with frequent torrential rains

for a tiny
project was inaugurated by the Prime and cyclones, the uncharted utilities,
within a stringent timeline of 2 years
Ministers of India and Mauritius. narrow roads, availability of materials,
that included not just track works
Suddenly, the Mauritians have realized equipment & manpower.” His list

island nation the value of this new form of quick,

clean, green commute to escape from
but construction of the depot and
other infrastructure such as a control
is long, but he hastens to add, “our
understanding is certainly standing us
centre, a substation and the like was a
their ever-growing, dense traffic, and in good stead in our construction of
tough enough proposition to complete
how an improved public transport Phase 2 that is on in full swing.”
without compromising on safety.
system can reduce harmful emissions

Work in full swing on the riverbed

Facing the threat of

Phase 1 was also tough
because we were on a working next to ‘live’
steep learning curve. traffic
Our understanding is
certainly standing us When building the LRT, one of the most
in good stead in our critical challenges for Palanikumar and
G Vinod construction of Phase his team has been to ensure the safety of
Project Director
2 that is on in full swing. the workforce and the public while work
proceeds next to ‘live’ traffic. A particularly
critical activity, he points out, was the
construction of a flyover above one of the
busiest motorways on the island. “The M1
Road was a 6-lane divided carriageway
with a speed limit of 110 kmph!” He
pauses, perhaps recalling the multiple
control measures that they put in place
to ensure that they completed that stretch
without any incident. “We provided a
A majestic view of the flyover above the M1 Road, one of the busiest motorways in Mauritius double-layer safety catch net, resorted to

4 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 5

lane closures, temporary traffic diversions, G P Sujith. “Since our Phase 2 was in
speed restrictions, power shutdowns full swing, we had advance planned
to be protected from the overhead HT our materials requirement and
electrical line and much more.” importation. Shipping time for new
orders could be anywhere from 30 to
Building a new bridge 60 days but we are fine.”

next to a heritage one Mauritius has an old utility network

especially for water supply (managed
The construction of the River Bridge on
by the Central Water Authority) and
the GRNW (Grand River North West)
wastewater discharge (managed by the
was another critical activity. Apart from
Wastewater Management Authority)
having to construct the bridge over the
that are not mapped. The team has
island’s main river to the catchment
had to contend with electricity and
area in the north and west, the more
multiple telecom service provider
critical consideration for the team was
lines in and around the project
to construct this new bridge without
corridor. “The onus of tracking these
harming an old, historic railway bridge
unchartered utilities and relocating
next to it. “The 249 M long new bridge
several of them was our additional
we were constructing was a mere
responsibility,” says Vinod. “Yes,” he
6.5 M away from the old one,” shares
nods, “there have been some incidents
Palanikumar. The old bridge with stone
of utility damage especially in the
piers had been in operation till the
water supply and sewer pipelines
mid-60s, after which it was abandoned
but those were proactively managed
when the island’s rail network was
by the utility service provider and
removed. “It was a heritage structure
contractor’s teams.”
and we had to be extra careful that our
piling did not in anyway harm it.” “Our regular EHS reviews by
management has helped to continually
improve our EHS performance,” shares
on the island nor were they allowed, so professionals into the EHS team who
Palanikumar in conclusion. “The
Luckily, our pre-planning we had to erect the girder with a crane were closely monitored by our field
Our regular EHS reviews by management has helped to continually client’s regular joint site visits and
was spot on and we from the flood plain,” ticking off yet staff,” says Palanikumar, again ready improve our EHS performance. We have good planning, adequate EHS reviews have helped but what
had sufficient stock of another challenge but despite them all, with a solution for an issue. Keeping resource allocation, and robust risk assessments and with our is best is that the management is
major materials and Palanikumar smiles, “we were able to the workforce safe in the face of teamwork, stakeholder support and proper planning, we should be very committed to project leadership
tools. Since our Phase face and overcome all these challenges COVID-19 has been top priority for able to deliver the project on schedule. and safety. We have good planning,
2 was in full swing, we with proper planning, dedication and Palanikumar and his team ever since adequate resource allocation, and
G P Sujith had advance planned our collaborative effort.” R Palanikumar
Planning Manager the 57-day national confinement was Safety In-charge robust risk assessments and with
materials requirement
lifted. “A ‘Back to Work Procedures & our teamwork, stakeholder support
and importation.
Addressing more issues Guidelines’ document has been shared and proper planning, we should
of men and material with all detailing the measures to be able to deliver the project on
be strictly adhered to by employees, schedule.” Palanikumar’s optimism is
There were more challenges in store for heavy construction machinery. of the Indian Ocean, the pandemic
Coordinating with the local workmen workmen, subcontractors and other encouraging.
the team: constructing the 24 M tall pier, Fulfilling the project’s requirements induced disruption of supply chains
and subcontractors and synchronizing external stakeholders and we are
building the approach to the riverbed, for material was a massive task that could have been a huge deterrent A due recognition of Palanikumar
their pace of work with the foreign doing well so far.”
and working on a riverbed had its own was managed by advance material for the project. “Luckily, our pre- and his team’s effort to maintain
workforce was tough, more so because
issues of flash floods and high velocity Being a sea-locked island nation, procurement planning in relation planning was spot on and we had safety at the Mauritius Metro project
most of the locals only spoke the
of water flow because of the gradient. Mauritius depends heavily on to the project requirements and sufficient stock of major materials site has been a RoSPA Gold Award.
native, Creole. “We filled this gap by
“Girder launchers were not available imports including cost-effective progress. In fact, sitting in the middle and tools,” smiles Planning Manager, Well done!
inducting locally graduated safety

6 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 7

Strategies Closing the gaps
By involving the local
“The safety scheme for working communities, we sent
to keep at heights is fundamental and
going by the rule book, PT&D
out a strong message
that we care for them

safe across international projects have a simple

but secure method to protect
and that infrastructure
development is to
Debasis Ghosh transform their lives.
operatives,” mentions EHSO, Senior Construction Manager,
Chimuara - Nacala
Ranjuraj Radhakrishnan Nair, Transmission Line Project
ME-UAE-SS-132 kV Substation. “The
risk of fall increases when site
operatives fail to perceive the
hazard, as in the case of openings in
substation floors, many of which are of floor protection is ensured by a
large enough for them to fall through,” work permit requiring measures
he points out. like suitable positioning devices,
evacuation, demarcation, and
It is now mandatory that all openings signposting of areas.
with dimensions larger than
300 mm by 300 mm to have
Every drop matters
secondary protection from below of
19 mm thick plywood held in place To prevent soil contamination due
by means of adjustable props. Safety to fuel spillage, Gaurav Gaur, Project
during installation and removal Manager, 132/11 kV Substation, Qatar,

A community focus session in progress

or the last four decades, the Power projects. PT&D has quickly addressed At the Chimuara - Nacala transmission
Transmission & Distribution IC such concerns by creating a well- line project in Mozambique, Senior A key feature of
has established itself as one of the defined framework, fully aligned with Construction Manager, Debasis Ghosh the community
foremost EPC players in the Middle East the International Finance Corporation and team had the onus of making the focus process is to
by prioritizing stakeholder concerns and at the 300 MWac Jeddah Solar Power locals aware of the safety precautions maintain consistent
winning their trust. An approach that is Project, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to be taken as works began. “The high communication with the
holding the IC in good stead across other to efficiently receive, register, track, voltage line is aligned to pass through complainants through
geographies too. resolve, and close out complaints. villages where people are predominately Abdul Hanif Khan various modes.
Project Director,
“A key feature of the community focus engaged in activities such as setting 300 MWac Jeddah Solar
Power Project
Driving a community process is to maintain consistent animal traps for hunting, tapping honey
from bee combs that were exposing
focused approach communication with the complainants
through various modes such as our surveyors to hazards. To prevent
While community welfare has been SMSes, emails, calls, etc.,” highlights any untoward incident, we gathered with appropriate compensation. By
an imperative for L&T projects, the Project Director, Abdul Hanif together the community leaders involving the communities, we sent out
management of community grievances Khan, who is confident that once in Sede de Nipiode and conducted a strong message that we care for them
has assumed more seriousness in streamlined, the initiative can be a toolbox talk requesting them to and that infrastructure development is
recent times especially at international rolled out across projects. remove their animal traps and beehives to transform their lives.”

8 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 9

Looking to stay safe
Some interesting work site
improvisations by project teams
include the establishment of
portable, easily installable, self-
contained eye wash stations that
do not require plumbing. “They are
ideal for construction sites in remote
locations that do not have a water
source or ready access to healthcare
facilities,” shares, Construction
Manager, Kiran Devan, 132/11kV
Khalifa Substation. The eyewash flow
is a gravity activated mobile station
aligned to ANSI Z358.1 standard
and can deliver over 5 gallons
per minute for 15 minutes. These
stations are currently available
in the UAE and will subsequently
be implemented at other sites in the
Middle East.

Secondary containment for prevention of fuel spillage Misting fan installed at shading sheds

and team have adopted a secure rolled out to other sites, it is being
containment approach to strengthen Eye wash stations are tested to determine its efficiency in
the bund and the integrity of wall sand ideal for construction humid conditions typical to the Middle
seal pipeline and cable penetration. “The sites in remote locations East,” mentions EHSO, Bilal Yasin.
client was delighted with our initiative,” that do not have a water
his delight is obvious. “Today, this source or ready access to Biosafety certification
secure approach is being implemented healthcare facilities.
across all projects while at sites without Kiran Devan COVID-19 has taught us how important
Construction Manager,
space constraints, a refueling apron has 132/11kV Khalifa it is to ensure a safe business and
been suggested.” project environment towards which
PT&D has initiated the certification
Staying cool under continuously monitors the Heat of a biodiversity management system,
pursuant to the requirements of
pressure Stress Index/Thermal Work Limit and
adjusts the work/break timings. At the Biosafety Management System
Heatwaves severely impact work and the 400/132 kV RACECORS substation Standard developed by Bureau Veritas.
can result in serious or even life- project, the resting shed is fitted with This exercise will greatly benefit
threatening illnesses if exposed to portable misting fans that prove projects as the scheme will align to
Refueling apron particularly useful at remote sites a management systems approach,
open environment for an extended
period. However, thanks to years having mobile work fronts and no to holistically manage the risk of
of expertise, PT&D has evolved a access to airconditioned rest areas. infectious disease outbreaks most
Heat Stress Management Plan which “However, before this initiative is optimally.
Eye wash stations

10 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 11

With the ever-present
threat of wild animals at
the ongoing transmission
line projects in Botswana,
game wardens have been
roped in for extra vigil and
Hemananda Chowdary to accompany construction
Planning Manager,
Lethlakane to Mawana teams in specific areas
Transmission Line Project
where wildlife activity is
more. Routes are
inspected with drones
wherever accessibility
is a challenge.

Flying safe with drones

Across the ASEAN region, PT&D is making
extensive use of drone technology for a
range of survey and tower integration
applications. At the Medamit to Lawas
Town 275 kV transmission line project,
drones monitor the entire transmission
Tower erection team equipped with Bluetooth wireless communications
corridor. “In normal conditions, this
would have been impossible,” says EHS
In-charge, Choo Siaw Ju, “but thanks to changed radically,” he highlights. “Of To protect employees from snake
technology, our team members across course, there are challenges as most Our unique SOPs to bites, solar snake repellents have been
work fronts are now in sync.” Any of the transmission and distribution safely execute every installed around storage areas and
safety noncompliance is immediately projects are long span but for now, at this task along with those clearing bushes are equipped
communicated for rectification and with site, we are managing communicating at digitalization, an with these tools too.
some lead time gained, the core team is heights.” in-depth appreciation
able to address any unlikely challenges
of the risks involved, Consistently raising
that emerge. The good work has drawn Keeping safe from wild V Ramanathan
Head – EHS, PT&D IC
and our safety
the bar
measures have given
appreciation with a silver rating for EIA threats us a decisive edge.
compliance from the client, Sarawak The once-fledgling Africa BU has
Energy Berhad. L&T-ites excel in teamwork and established itself as a force to reckon
at remote locations, this is critical with in 10 countries across the North,
Ensuring communication especially when the alignment is close line projects in Botswana, game East and South of the continent
to a forest. “Workmen gangs are told with a vision zero record while the
at heights to move only in groups to face and
wardens have been roped in for extra
vigil and to accompany construction ASEAN and Middle East regions have
Site in-charge, Anandamoy Mandal overcome the threat of wild animals teams in specific areas where wildlife gained their clients’ trust with safe
at the Matang substation project while EHS coordinates have dedicated activity is more. Routes are inspected project deliverables. “Our unique
communicates with his crew through people to keep vigil and prompt alerts,” with drones wherever accessibility is SOPs to safely execute every task
Bluetooth. “Earlier, we used to have mentions Hemananda Chowdary, a challenge. Local EHS professionals along with digitalization, an in-depth
walkie talkies which is still so at remote Planning Manager, Lethlakane to with comprehensive insights about appreciation of the risks involved,
locations but largely the process of Mawana transmission line project. their country have been brought on and our safety measures have
keeping the gangs informed on ground “With the ever-present threat of wild board to assist teams to implement given us a decisive edge,” sums up
Monitoring of site locations through drone developments while at heights has animals at the ongoing transmission and enforce legislative requirements.” V. Ramanathan, Head- EHS.

12 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 13

high safety standards, recognizing diameters), the shield and supporting
which L&T’s Tunnelling Excellence gantries which were assembled at the
Academy is training and preparing factory and then disassembled for
tunnelling experts. transporting.

En route, the risks are enormous for the

Safely transporting a trucks and their escorts are regularly
TBM to site checked and verified at various
check posts. “We must consider the
Launching any TBM takes weeks of emergency vehicles accompanying the
planning and preparation but the TBM, notify the police and fire brigade
mandatory first step is for the OEM to about our routes and timing but
confirm that the TBM has successfully public safety is paramount,” Michael
undergone a Factory Acceptance Test emphasizes.
(FAT) before shipping it. “This is where
the fun starts,” grins Michael William Safely building it at
Sanderson, Head – EHS, Heavy Civil
IC. “Once the TBM arrives in India, site
it has to be safely transported to the Once safely unloaded at site, the
project site and our safety obligations team must put their minds and
begin as soon as the TBM is off loaded muscle to building the TBM. The
onto a trailer.” The MCRP TBM when sequence is crucial, and the shaft
dismantled filled as many as 17 trailer determines the order of reassembly.
trucks. Right from leaving the dock Some L&T projects have vertical
yard, the EHS team must be on their shafts that only allow the shield to
toes. Transporting the TBM in urban be lowered followed by the cutter
environments is particularly strenuous: head by cranes, carefully chosen
carrying the cutter head (with varying considering their lifting capacity
TBM shield being lifted at Mumbai Metro Package 03 UG 01

ith the rising demand for Director of Package 4 has an 80 M long
underground infrastructure TBM with a 12.19 M diameter, weighing
primarily due to space 2,300 T with an installed capacity of
TBMs up and constraints, the role of TBMs or Tunnel
Boring Machines are assuming greater
7,280 kW to assemble. “It is the largest
in the country,” he says seriously,

digging! relevance to excavate tunnels, across

various types of soil strata. Since India
“specially procured to excavate in
deep overburden through a compound
does not presently manufacture TBMs, stratum of basalt, breccia and shale
all those presently in use are imported. for which it is equipped with a mixed
Of late, L&T has been employing cutter head with eight spokes and
several TBMs across project sites having eight panels to bore in the complicated
launched a few recently at the metro strata for a long distance.” Assembling
rail projects in Mumbai, Bengaluru, and such a complex piece of equipment is
Ahmedabad, in several cases without Sandeep’s biggest challenge.
much help from the OEMs.
Certainly, the process of assembling,
At the Mumbai Coastal Road Project launching, and putting a TBM to work
(MCRP), Sandeep Singh, Project calls for knowledge, precision, and
TBM 1 (AVNI) commissioned and TBM 2 (LAVI) assembling in progress

14 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 15

up the onus of assembly with only
‘virtual’ help from OEM engineers.
due to certain geological constraints.
“We were forced to use an umbilical
Lowering after the
Project Manager, Sridharan Srinivasan, system that is more complicated both assembly
RT 03 Bangalore Metro project, who in assembly and operation, but we
Once the TBM shield is built, the
spearheaded the successful launch succeeded.” Vivek is both exultant and
gantries are lowered. Each gantry
of two TBMS at his site shares, relieved.
has a specific function and has been
“Collectively, we had very little
experience in TBM commissioning and All in it together designed specifically with safety in
mind. As the build continues, every
zero experience in this type of Slurry
Although there are experts, everyone part of the TBM must be tested, under
TBMs but we took it on as a challenge
involved in the TBM assembly must a Permit. “Here, the left hand must
and our young team of some young
take specific tunnel inductions as know what the right is doing,” smiles
and bright engineers were able to pull
different tunnels pose different Michael. “Accidents occur during
it off!”
hazards and safety risks. An EHS the assembling and commissioning
The challenge for Project Manager, Tunnel personnel guide lays down the stage as the machines become very
Vivek Maruti Pai at the other Bangalore EHS systems to ensure a safe assembly. confined so wearing PPE is a must
Metro package RT 02 project was to All likely hazards and risk must especially protection for the eyes
assemble and operate Slurry TBMs to be prior identified and controlled, during welding and handling of
suit Bangalore’s geological conditions, captured in risk assessment and pressurised hoses,” he stresses. Fire
an entirely new proposition. To add to method statements that are submitted protection systems and personnel
their troubles, the excavation of the to the client for approval before must remain on red alert till the build
shaft was becoming extremely difficult starting the process. is complete. Work at height needs to

TBM 1 (AVNI) auxillary shield tandem lifting & lowering in progress

and capability to lower all the TBM failures can be catastrophic. “Every
components above the shaft. “The day brings new activities and fresh
Mumbai Metro Line 3 used a 1000 T challenges,” chips in G Divakar, EHS
Every day brings new crane and they had to divert traffic Compliance Head, Heavy Civil IC, who
activities and fresh for nearly 3 months in an extremely has been in the thick of TBM action at
challenges. people and vehicle dense location to several Heavy Civil sites.
complete the task,” remarks Michael
No external support;
G Divakar
EHS Compliance Head,
with a roll of his eyes.
Through all this, Safety remains the key only internal strength
consideration. Understanding the risk
of every activity is crucial for the team Normally, specialized TBM erection
and then to plan and work together on teams from the OEM lead the process
every aspect from design, P&M, EHS, of assembly. In the new normal, with
execution. Safety is top priority for the overseas teams unable to travel, it
Tunnel Manager too because any load has been left to the L&T teams to take
Ahmedabad Metro Tunnel

16 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 17

be considered too when assembling Therefore, only authorised persons machine. The sight of the cutter head
the shield and the gantries in the are allowed into the shaft to ensure rotating for the first time is certainly Tunnellers are a rare
shaft area. “The shield is round and safety. exciting but only privy to the Tunnel breed. They work all
if you miss your step walking on team with all safety systems in place around the world, but
the top, you can land several meters Putting them all with a specific pass system called a team spirit is always the
same everywhere you
below so fall protection is important,”
points out Divakar. Gantries require
together ‘Tally’. “Everyone must Tally in and
Tally Out of the shaft,” points out go: Safety runs in their
handrails as walkways over 1 m Gradually the TBM takes shape and Michael, mentioning the need for a Michael William blood like tunnelling.
as anyone can fall, because the every component must function as self-rescuer in the shaft area once the Head – EHS, HCI IC

existing tunnel lining is used for it is intended to. Tunnel experts use TBM starts boring. Gas is measured
protection of falls during tunnelling. temporary umbilical cords to move the too for unwanted pockets and, oxygen

Lifting of TBM backup gantry at Mumbai Costal Road project, package-04

levels checked. Prior to boring a tunnel, defined methodology, perfect teamwork,

soil investigations are conducted to and fastidious adherence to safety
understand the lay of the land, though protocols. “It is asking for a lot,” laughs
risks still exist especially in the form Michael, but then assembling a TBM
of undetected hazards such as gas or does take a lot out of the team.
water, so every risk has to be considered “Tunnellers are a rare breed. They
to protect workmen and the public. work all around the world, but team
spirit is always the same everywhere
Assembling a TBM requires meticulous
you go: Safety runs in their blood like
planning, careful preparation, clearly
Launch of TBM Avni at BMRCL RT 02 tunnelling.”

18 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 19

8 cheers for B&F projects that aced
BSC’s 5-Star rating!
ight B&F projects from across sectors The auditors were pleasantly surprised by the
won 5-Star ratings from the British look & feel of the work places, the various work
Safety Council (BSC) with audit scores
of more than 92% and have thus qualified
practices, the digital initiatives as well as the
robust EHS management systems.
Work with Machines & Tools
for the coveted ‘Sword of Honour’ award.
The stringent audit took place for about
BSC’s 5-Star audit is recognized worldwide Scenario
and this is the fifth year running that B&F
20 man-days (in each of the projects with at A workman was engaged in unloading an AEC (Arial
has received this global recognition for OHS.
least two central reviews at headquarters) Earth Conductor) drum at the store area with a Pick-
through the virtual mode. 15 B&F projects have also bagged RoSPA and-carry crane (F-15).
Gold Awards in 2020. At around 13.40 Hrs. the workman put the web sling in
The virtual audit process involved
verification of the adequacy of systems and Kudos to all the project & cluster team the wire drum to unload it into the store. While inserting
procedures by verifying data, conducting members and especially to the EHS Head, the web sling into the hook and fixing the hook latch, the
virtual site visits, and interviewing leaders and teams for their concerted effort F-15 operator raised the boom of the crane without any
employees, supervisors & workmen. for this significant achievement! instruction. Immediately, the Store In charge instructed
to lower the boom. No human injury or material damage
occurred during the incident.

The Winners are:

What was the cause?
1. The operator was not concentrating on the lifting
Chennai Airport (Phase II) operation
2. The rigger was not deployed for material handling
Bengaluru Airport T2 3. Lack of supervision during the material handling

IIT Phase II, Hyderabad

What precautions need to be
RAMCO Line – III, Jayanthipuram taken to prevent a recurrence?

EW !
1. The rigger should be deployed during material
Raheja Project, Hyderabad

handling activties

2. The operator should follow hand signals during

Prestige Jindal City Project, Bengaluru the lifting activty

Piramal Aranya Project, Mumbai 3. Lifting and shifting operations need to be closely

Crescent Bay Project, Mumbai 4. Refresher training should be given to site

personnel & workmen on safety precautions to be
taken, while handling or shifting material

5. The Store In-charge should conduct TBT before

starting physical work and remind workmen about
the safety precautionary measures.
20 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 21
Built in partnership with Besix,
All the various construction of the STP began in March
components of the 2016 and it was commissioned in March
STP like sewage lines, 2019, one month ahead of contractual
valves, pumps, electrical delivery date and constructed with
distribution panels and utmost safety with the project clocking
such like can be remotely 10 million safe man hours in the process.
Syed Abdul Noor operated, but most The STP has long sewerage network
Project Director
critically, this facility lines of different diameters amounting
will speed up technical to 3 million linear meters, ten main
decision making.
pumping, 56 sub-pumping stations and
two STPs in Jebel Ali and Al Warsan.

For Project Director, Syed Abdul Noor,

this is an icing on the cake having
The CCC up close
delivered a complex and difficult A large video wall in the CCC streams
project ahead of time to a satisfied real time data about all the connected
client, the Dubai Municipality. “All the equipment through a master SCADA
various components of the STP like system. The pumping stations, valves
sewage lines, valves, pumps, electrical and other equipment are connected
distribution panels and such like can to the CCC through a wired private IP
be remotely operated,” he shares, “but internet connection and GSM-based
most critically, this facility will speed SIMs are a backup to ensure seamless
up technical decision making in the data transfer. A comprehensive
event of any fractures in the network database enables supervisors to
lines or faults in the valves, pumps or analyse data, submit reports and
any other component. Considering the evolve quick solutions. There are
size, spread and scale of the STP such a planning maintenance programmes
modern system with smart applications too that ensure the optimal use of the
was required to operate it efficiently.” properties.

Dubai’s largest sewage

he Jebel Ali Sewage Treatment
Plant (STP) Phase 2 built by our
team from the Water & Effluent
treatment plant can now be Treatment IC is Dubai’s largest with a
capacity to treat 375 million litres of

remote-controlled! sewage daily, designed to meet current

and future demand generated from
the surrounding areas. With the newly
A huge step forward to enhance the inaugurated Command Control Centre

region’s sustainability. (CCC), this state-of-the-art STP can now

be comprehensively monitored and
controlled remotely, all at the click of a

22 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 23

The CCC will help the city of Dubai reduce
the use of expensive fresh water by reusing
375,000 litres per day treated sewage
effluent for non-potable applications such
as irrigation.

Furthering the ‘green’ water conservation plans of the Dubai

Municipality. It will help the city of
through the treatment process into
useful resources. The major by-product
mission Dubai reduce the use of expensive fresh is sludge that is anaerobically digested
water by reusing 375,000 litres per day while the solid sludge is pelletized and
With water becoming such a precious
treated sewage effluent for non-potable used as fertilizer.
commodity the world over, projects
applications such as irrigation.
like these will make a huge difference A legacy for the UAE from L&T, the Jebel
to the ecology of the UAE which is The plant ensures true zero discharge by Ali STP continues to efficiently clean
why the Jebel Ali STP is critical to the converting the by-products generated and green Dubai!

24 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 25

You cannot Chief Medical Officer at the Manapakkam
HQ. “It is a well-established fact that Project sites have
medical counsel, get tested and, if found
positive, get quarantined and return to
one sure way of staying safe is to break realigned and re-worked work only after being medically certified
afford to drop the transmission chain by staying at a
safe distance from other people and,
their processes in
planning, working in
to be free from infection. Each employee
and workman must be their own judge.

your guard! at the same time, religiously follow all

the advisories issued by the WHO, the
shifts, increasing number
of entries & exits at sites
This holds good even if someone in one’s
family or home or neighbourhood in
governments, Central & State and the P Nagarajan and modifying sequence close contact with is showing symptoms.
Head – EHS, B&F IC
local authorities.” The encouraging news of work to ensure that
people are able to
is that these strictures have been strictly Keep safe distance

ven as India is weathering the maintain a safe distance
enforced at project sites that has gone a
pandemic storm better than from each other. While it is relatively easier to shift to
long way to control the spread. "Positive
most other countries around the cases are showing a declining trend ‘virtual’ meetings, conference calls
world, we, at L&T, have to a large extent with very few cases reported recently,” and video conferencing in offices to
controlled the spread of COVID-19 confirms Dr Sathappan, “thanks to all the maintain social distancing, it is far
infections and achieved significant precautions we have been following.” the lives and health of the workforce. By more difficult at project sites where
progress since the unlock. However, the very nature of the virus, a person can multiple hands are required to perform
reports about subsequent waves and Stay away knowingly or unknowingly infect others tasks. “Project sites have realigned and
countries being forced to retreat into and hence it is vital that if one feels re-worked their processes in planning,
lockdowns reveal that the danger is If ill, stay away. Of course, progress is or suspects having COVID or flu-like working in shifts, increasing number of
still clear and present. The recent spike critical, but it cannot be at the cost of symptoms, he/she must stay away, seek entries & exits at sites and modifying
in numbers is largely because people
have become careless, disregarding the
safety advisories, falsely believing that
the good old days are back. Nothing can
be further from the truth. With a vaccine
still in the making, the reality is that it
will be dangerous for people to drop
their guard for by doing so they will
endanger both their lives and of those
around them, not to mention the latent
threat of asymptomatic people infecting

The world is still

learning about
COVID-19 and so all
efforts to stay safe
is certainly work
in progress. It is a
Dr G Sathappan well-established
Chief Medical Officer,
Manapakkam HQ fact that one sure Being a respiratory illness, transmitted thousands of people work together in
way of staying to people in close contact through proximity at hundreds of construction
safe is to break the droplets produced when an infected sites and offices. “The world is still
transmission chain. person coughs, sneezes or talks, the learning about COVID-19 and so all
onus on our project and office teams has efforts to stay safe is certainly work in
been to control the spread, even though progress,” observes Dr G Sathappan, Maintaining strict social distancing at a project site

26 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 27

sequence of work to ensure that people Re-arranging accommodation at labour SOPs. “They report into our COVID
are able to maintain a safe distance colonies, reducing the number of people Warriors who are our medical and EHS The COVID Watchers
from each other,” remarks P Nagarajan, working in restricted spaces, introducing staff,” explains Dr K N Sen, Head – EHS, report into our COVID
Head – EHS, B&F IC. “Modified alternating workdays or extra night MMH SBG, “who in turn apprise the Warriors who are our
protocols and systems have been shifts, increasing transport facilities so COVID task force to ensure control.” The medical and EHS staff,
discussed with clients and consultants that less workmen travel together are creation of a COVID Crisis Command who in turn apprise the
for smooth operations,” he adds. With some other safety precautions taken Centre at MMH’s Mansourah Massarah COVID task force to
the everpresent pressure to keep things at sites. An effective ploy, for example, Gold Project involving the client, Dr K N Sen ensure control.
ticking along, site leadership and adopted by several sites of MMH SBG the consortium partner, the senior
management have realized that it pays has been to introduce ‘COVID Watchers’ management, the medical team and
to stay safe rather than being reckless drawn from workmen mandated to staff members has lent muscle to their
in the pursuit of progress. ensure compliance with the COVID effort to combat the pandemic.

Cover faces, keep

The creation of a COVID Crisis Command Centre at MMH’s Mansourah hands clean
Massarah Gold Project involving the client, the consortium partner, Though cumbersome, unfortunately
the senior management, the medical team and staff members has lent a mask has become a mandatory
accessory for some time to come
muscle to their effort to combat the pandemic. as is practicing ‘hand hygiene.’ It
is essential to keep washing hands
before and after shifts and/or breaks,
after blowing one’s nose, after using
the rest room, before eating, after
preparing food, after touching objects
like tools and equipment that are
being handled by co-workmen,
before donning or taking off gloves,
before donning or doffing eye or
face protection like safety glasses,
goggles, etc. and putting on, touching,
or removing masks with sanitizers
containing 60% alcohol. Make eyes,
“We conduct regular risk assessments “The pandemic is not going anywhere
nose or mouth hands-free!
to determine if hazards exist at our in a hurry,” warns Dr Sathappan, in
workplace,” shares Nagarajan with conclusion, “and hence it is extremely
Implement, assess, the onus sitting squarely on Medical important for every one of us to be
ensure and review and EHS personnel to determine, constantly on our guard, not letting it
select, provide, train both workmen down even for a moment because you
The success of any system lies in its and employees on the correct use never know where and how COVID-19
effective implementation and the of COVID PPE. “Employees and will strike.”
continued effectiveness of the COVID workmen are provided with a
precautionary measures depend on Let us all at L&T Construction take this
platform for reporting hazards or
how well everyone aligns to them. The warning to heart and continue to stay
giving suggestions for improvement
laxness of even one individual can be safe while we push forward to make up
in the workplace related to
disastrous for an entire office or site. lost ground.
COVID-19,” he elaborates.

28 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 29

The transition
The transition
from from
to contactless
to contactless
as sites
as was
was smoothened
as as
sites quickly
sites quickly
the attendance
the attendance
that required
that required
no infrastructure
no infrastructure
The success
The success
of anyofsolution
any solution
rests rests
on quick
on quick
and ready
and ready
for further
for further
“Be it“Be
the quality
of data
of or
the enhancements, it would
it would
not have
not have
the support
the support
and continuous
and continuousfeedback
from from
all theallICthe
site teams,”
up Anantha.
up Anantha.
is a testimony
is a testimony
to appreciate
to appreciate
the value
the value
of quality
of quality
of data
of in
a central
in a central
and the
and the
of using
of using
that data
that for
for critical

WISA: The ticket to efficient workmen COVID SOPs,” informs S Anantha

Sayana, Chief Digital Officer, L&T.
“Since the application also held
onboarding data about the state of origin of our
workmen, we could spread the good
word in their native languages to
more than 3 lakh workmen.”

The announcement of the lockdown

had sent lakhs scurrying to their
native places that rapidly depleted the
number of workmen at the various
L&T Construction sites from around
3.25 lakhs to about 1.25 lakhs and
their families. “It was important to
keep track and a daily count of these
workmen at our various labour
colonies,” points out Senior Manager –
WISA hastens return to in handy again for corporate and site
Digital, Krithika Venkatesh. “WISA was HR & IR teams to reach out by sending
the answer,” she smiles. “It’s QR-based normal bulk messages to subcontractors and
attendance feature enabled sites to do After the labour exodus, project sites workmen about the opportunities
contactless attendance and maintain went into overdrive to re-mobilize at various sites across the country.
records of the same.” workmen
Sensitivity: toConstruction
LNT progress.
LNT Construction
Use Use WISA came Multiple reach-out campaigns were


D A boon during tough

igital solutions have been
driving efficiencies at L&T It was important to keep
Construction ever since we times track and a daily count
embarked on our journey of digital The WISA data initially proved to be of these workmen at our
transformation about four years extremely useful to draw insights various labour colonies.
ago. Since its launch in August 2019, about the migratory trends of WISA's QR-based
WISA (Workforce Induction & Skills workmen but, even more critically, attendance feature
Application) is a digital tool that has turned out to be a boon for the
Krithika Venkatesh enabled sites to do
Senior Manager – Digital
gained significant traction with project humungous workmen remobilization contactless attendance
sites across ICs to manage the end- and maintain records of
effort. As part of the onboarding
the same.
to-end processes of onboarding and process, WISA captured and validated
managing the workforce. Its stringent the mobile numbers of workmen with
checks and validations enabled site which the organization was able to
HR to capture information about reach out to them individually during
workmen, cleanly and correctly that these tough times. “We ran multiple
helped create a database of nearly 4 campaigns using bulk messaging
lakh workmen by the time the country service to create awareness among
locked down against the pandemic. the workmen about self-hygiene and

30 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 31

Hydraulic Crane Work
The operator of a hydraulic crane tried to lift a
load, which was more than the safe working load,
bypassing the SLI to complete the assigned task.
When the crane was lifting the load, the piston of the
hydraulic cylinder got bent.

What was the cause?

1. Utilizing a lesser capacity crane

2. Lifting a load more than safe lifting capacity of

run again with the support of the IC were incorporated into WISA for sites to the crane
Be it the quality of data and site mobilization teams to convince monitor their new inductees right from
workmen to return to sites post the Day 1 to restart operations,” mentions 3. The operator bypassed the SLI.
or the enhancements,
it would not have been lockdown. Krithika
possible without the A most critical criteria to be considered The transition from fingerprint-based What precautions need to be
support and continuous
feedback from all the IC
during workmen inductions post the to contactless attendance as sites was taken to prevent a recurrence?
lockdown was their COVID-19 record. smoothened as sites quickly adopted
S Anantha Sayana and site teams.
Chief Digital Officer, L&T It warranted fresh SOPs to ascertain and the attendance feature in WISA that 1. Select the right equipment with respect to the
record if a workman was coming from a required no infrastructure requirement. load to be lifted
COVID-affected area and his subsequent
2. Carry out risk assessment with respect to
health screenings. “All these validations The success of any solution rests on quick
equipment selection and deployment for the
adoption and ready feedback for further
Implementation Statistics enhancements. “Be it the quality of data
or the enhancements, it would not have 3. Train operators about the consequence of
been possible without the support and deviating from safety norms.
continuous feedback from all the IC and

W !
site teams,” sums up Anantha.

Today, WISA is a testimony to appreciate
the value of quality of data in a central
system and the potential of using that
data for critical business needs. Another
digital solution scores!

32 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 33

Communicating effectively … even from behind a mask!

eter Drucker, the famous time, with constant use one can that with the mandates of the new With no faces to read, people are
marketing guru, once famously communicate by rolling one’s eyes normal to wear masks, human struggling to quickly learn how
said, “The most important thing in in exasperation or wrinkling one’s beings around the world are striving to understand one another purely
communication is hearing what isn’t said!” nose in distaste or just smiling that to express themselves clearly and through voice, words, semaphore,
cues a wealth of expressions. This cogently with their faces covered. With and the visible part of the face. While
Even before cognitive and language is well illustrated by the plethora the face no longer entirely visible, the communicator must find more
development, we human beings of emoticons available on social holistic processing of communication easily recognizable, non-verbal cues,
learnt to communicate with a fine, media platforms that punctuate all has been disrupted, lament experts the receiver too needs to adapt to a
often unconscious, mix of facial present-day social media ‘virtual’ and psychologists, and a lot more is new normal by developing the ability
expressions, hand gestures, body conversations. being lost in transit since we have to pick up non-verbal and / or body
language, pitch & tone of voice, and been incredibly attuned to reading and clues to comprehend better. Some
much more. In fact, studies have When so much of communication
processing facial expressions to interact of us may find it difficult to conduct
revealed that almost 55% of all depends on facial expressions, verbal
socially, avoid misunderstandings and deep and meaningful conversations
communication is non-verbal. Over and non-verbal, it is not surprising
comprehend messaging. from behind a mask. Imagine a

discussion with your Immediate

All our sites pose Superior about your performance
respiratory hazards like ratings with both of you behind a
particulate or vapor mask!
hazards, and therefore
it is not just about Ever adaptable, humans are already
wearing masks but learning to be more attentive and
V Ramanathan using hazard-specific attuned to gestures, intonations,
Head – EHS, PT&D IC
Respiratory Protective physical cues, and such like. Difficulty
Equipment or RPE. to hear and understand words owing to
muffled voices behind a mask are some

34 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 35

Interestingly, at construction sites, yy Get his/her attention and establish
the mandate can be considered a eye contact before starting the
blessing in disguise. “All our sites pose conversation
respiratory hazards like particulate or
yy It is always better to face the person
vapor hazards,” warns, V Ramanathan,
you are addressing
Head – EHS, PT&D IC, “and therefore
it is not just about wearing masks yy Speak a little louder than normal
but using hazard-specific Respiratory without shouting
Protective Equipment or RPE.” An yy Speak slower than normal; it helps
industry that records a high incidence to over-stress your words
of lung-related ailments, masks
yy Body language can come in very
protect workmen and supervisors
from inhaling the dreaded silica dust
that is proving to be the undoing of yy Amplify verbal and visual cues like
many, apart from other toxic dust and intonations, nodding, pronounced
vapours. movement of eyes, eyebrows, and
In his famous book, Think and
yy Use of hand gestures can be effective
grow rich, Napoleon Hill once said,
especially in a noisy site atmosphere
“Every adversity, every failure, every
or during PEP talks at project sites
heartache comes with the seed
of an equal or greater benefit.” yy Keep checking if the receiver has
K S Sudheesh Kumar, Head – EHS, received the message the way that
WET IC elaborates, “At our construction you want him/her to understand it.
sites, everyone including clients are yy Be more empathetic, patient, and
wearing masks along with all the focused
necessary PPEs revealing an enhanced
level of commitment towards EHS The Coronavirus has come to live with
implementation and Digitalization to us. Measures like maintaining social
achieve Vision Zero Harm at every level distancing and wearing masks will
of business operation.” have to continue not only to protect
At our construction sites, everyone including clients are yourself but our colleagues and loved
wearing masks along with all the necessary PPEs revealing an With masks unavoidable, it pays to follow ones until we are able to overcome the
enhanced level of commitment towards EHS implementation a few ground rules to communicate virus. At all times, let us keep following
and Digitalization to achieve Vision Zero Harm at every level of effectively from behind it: the 3 Ws – Wear a mask, Wash your
business operation.
yy First and foremost, ascertain hands and Watch your distance from
K S Sudheesh Kumar if you have correctly identified others. Till such time that we are not
Head – EHS, WET IC
the person you wish to out of harm’s way, if we have lemons,
communicate with let us make lemonade!

oft heard complaints in recent times Certainly, those with hearing

best explained when listening to ground difficulties are the hardest hit who At all times, let us keep following the 3Ws –
reports from TV journalists. Even so, constitute about 5% of the world’s
people are learning to speak with greater population. Apart from loss of clarity, Wear a mask, Wash your hands and
vocal inflections, varying pitches, and lip reading has been completely Watch your distance from others.
tones of voice, and even using eyes and taken out of the equation leading to
eyebrows to greater effect! experiments in transparent masks.

36 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 37

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

Helmet congratulates the following sites for achieving

million and more LTI free safe man-hours BIAL T2 Airport Project, WDFC CTP-14
Bengaluru 15 Million Safe Man Hours
12 Million Safe Man Hours February 2017 to September 2020
August 2019 to September 2020
Wipro IT SEZ Project, Bengaluru 20 Million Safe Man Hours
Yadgiri Warangal Road Project
33 Million Safe Man Hours November 2017 to September 2020
Statue of Unity Project 14 Million Safe Man Hours
December 2016 to September 2020 12 Million Safe Man Hours June 2016 to September 2020
Oberoi Sky City Project, Borivali March 2018 to September 2020
Crescent Bay Project, Mumbai 16 Million Safe Man Hours
EDFC - CP-303
28 Million Safe Man Hours June 2016 to September 2020 Oberoi Eternia Mulund Project, 13 Million Safe Man Hours
January 2016 to September 2020 Mumbai March 2018 to September 2020
Prestige Song of the South 11 Million Safe Man Hours
IICC Dwarka Project Project, Bengaluru January 2017 to September 2020 Mumbai Nagpur Expressway
26 Million Safe Man Hours 16 Million Safe Man Hours
February 2018 to September 2020 April 2016 to September 2020 TRANSPORTATION 12 Million Safe Man Hours
INFRASTRUCTURE IC November 2018 to September 2020
DLF Cyber Park Project, Gurgaon TATA Housing Project, Kolkata
25 Million Safe Man Hours 16 Million Safe Man Hours Western Dedicated Freight Baharagora Singhara Road Project
December 2015 to September 2020 September 2014 to September 2020 Corridor Corporation CTP - 12 10 Million Safe Man Hours
37 Million Safe Man Hours November 2017 to September 2020
Cricket Stadium Project, Motera August 2017 to September 2020
IGH Dwaraka Project, Delhi
21 Million Safe Man Hours
14 Million Safe Man Hours
January 2017 to September 2020 Delhi Agra Road Project BIAL Runway
September 2014 to September 2020
20 Million Safe Man Hours 9 Million Safe Man Hours
July 2016 to September 2020 December 2018 to September 2020
Rustomjee Crown Project,
Mumbai Raintree Boulevard Project
20 Million Safe Man Hours Bengaluru Hospet Chitradurga Road Project Delhi Airport II (TI IC)
April 2010 to September 2020 14 Million Safe Man Hours 19 Million Safe Man Hours 9 Million Safe Man Hours
September 2016 to September 2020 May 2017 to September 2020 April 2019 to September 2020

38 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 39

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

Mukkola - KL/TN Border Road Aurangabad to Karodi Roha Verna Railway Phase XI Addendum Packages
Project 5 Million Safe Man Hours Electrification Project 6 Million Safe Man Hours
8 Million Safe Man Hours October 2018 to September 2020 5 Million Safe Man Hours May 2016 to September 2020
June 2016 to September 2020 May 2017 to September 2020
Pragati Maidan 250 MW ACEPL SPV Plant MP
Bidkin Industrial Area (Package - I) 5 Million Safe Man Hours WDFC EMP-4 6 Million Safe Man Hours
7 Million Safe Man Hours December 2017 to September 2020 5 Million Safe Man Hours January 2018 to September 2020
July 2017 to September 2020 May 2015 to September 2020
Dept Code - Central Office TI Erection Job for ODSSP PH II
Bar Bilara Jodhpur Road Project -RKJLRP(Jabalpur MP) WDFC EMP - 16 PKG 4
7 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours 5 Million Safe Man Hours
April 2017 to September 2020 January 2019 to September 2020 May 2016 to September 2020 January 2016 to September 2020

DMRC CE - 07
Villukuri Kanyakumari Road Ghoshpukur Salsalabari Road ODSSP Phase-III Package-4
Project Project
3 Million Safe Man Hours
5 Million Safe Man Hours
7 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
July 2013 to September 2020
August 2016 to September 2020
September 2016 to September 2020 September 2019 to September 2020
Raipur Bilaspur Road Project- LRT Mauritius
3 Million Safe Man Hours R-TL-Trans Scheme-
June 2016 to September 2020 Consulatancy Serv-JSEB-PCGIL
Pkg-II 2 Million Safe Man Hours 4 Million Safe Man Hours
6 Million Safe Man Hours May 2019 to September 2020
Delhi Core Project May 2013 to September 2020
September 2016 to September 2020
2 Million Safe Man Hours
RAILWAY SBG July 2018 to September 2020 UG Cabling works under
WDFC CTP 3R Advance Scrips Project
5 Million Safe Man Hours
OPGC MGR Project POWER TRANSMISSION & 4 Million Safe Man Hours
March 2020 to September 2020
11 Million Safe Man Hours DISTRIBUTION IC October 2016 to September 2020
July 2015 to September 2020
Chandigarh Kharar Elevated 765 kV ERSSTL01 Ranchi- Replace Electrical Equipment at
Corridor Medinipur TL Southern Area GOSPs
Riyadh Metro Project
5 Million Safe Man Hours
9 Million Safe Man Hours 6 Million Safe Man Hours 4 Million Safe Man Hours
August 2016 to September 2020 September 2018 to September 2020 April 2016 to September 2020
December 2015 to September 2020

40 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 41

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

UPD-Saubh-1 Meerut/Bagpat/ V-UPD-Saubhagya-RE works 132/66 kV Tower Package TW02 K-SS- DDUGJY North 24
Ghazb/Hapur PVVNL Ghazipur Chandauli-PUVVNL Sikkim TL Parganas (WBSEDCL)
(Shaubhagya Cluster-1) 3 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
4 Million Safe Man Hours June 2018 to September 2020 March 2016 to September 2020 January 2018 to September 2020
May 2018 to September 2020
DDUGJY RE Works in K-SS- DDUGJY Birbhum
LE180002-400 kV Switching
Madhubani - NBPDCL (WBSEDCL)
RGGVY Jammu - PGCIL Stattion at Al Dhafrah 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
3 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours March 2018 to September 2020 February 2018 to September 2020
April 2018 to September 2020 May 2018 to September 2020
IPDS Works in PESU(West)- UPD-Saubhagya Lakhimpur
UPD-Saubha2 Saharanpur/ C-SS-UG cabling works in SBPDCL Kheri Dist-MVVNL
Muzaffarnagar/Shaml PVVNL Vishakapatnam (Pkg-2) 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
(Shaubhagya Cluster-2) 3 Million Safe Man Hours
February 2018 to September 2020 April 2018 to September 2020
3 Million Safe Man Hours February 2018 to September 2020
Electrification Works under
May 2018 to September 2020 Construction of 380 kV Double
IPDS Scheme Circuit Overhead Transmission
Erection Job for ODSSP PH II 2 Million Safe Man Hours Line between Qassim-2
UPD-IPDS KANPUR-KESCO PKG 3 November 2017 to September 2020 BSP#9025 and Madina East
3 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours (MDE) BSP#21900
November 2016 to September 2020 February 2017 to September 2020 K-SS- DDUGJY Hooghly
2 Million Safe Man Hours
December 2017 to September 2020
Rural Electrical Work Under
2 Million Safe Man Hours
Saubhagya - RE works at Basti July 2017 to September 2020
Sant Kabir Nagar DDUGJY (WESCO) PK-4 LE130286-MTC-Airside Works
3 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours K-SS- DDUGJY Nadia (WBSEDCL)
(Electrical), Abu Dhabi Airport
May 2018 to September 2020 January 2017 to September 2020 2 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours
September 2013 to September 2020
July 2017 to September 2020
V-UPD-Saubhagya RE works 100 MW(AC) SBE SPV Plant LE170322-A-12838 4 Nos of SS in
K-SS- DDUGJY Paschim
Gorakhpur Deoria-PUVVVNL Bhadla Al Ain Region
Midnapore (WBSEDCL)
3 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
May 2018 to September 2020 March 2018 to September 2020 January 2018 to September 2020 September 2017 to September 2020

42 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 43

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

HEAVY CIVIL AFA - Hyderabad Project Iswar Gupta Bridge Project ZB Ambala Project
INFRASTRUCTURE IC 6 Million Safe Man Hours 4 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours

Riyadh Metro JV VIH project RAPP Project Bangalore Metro -RT03 Project
116 Million Safe Man Hours 6 Million Safe Man Hours 4 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours

Kakrapar – Main Plant Project Kakrapar – NDCT Project ZF Shillong Project MTHL Package-3 Project
18 Million Safe Man Hours 6 Million Safe Man Hours 4 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours

Vizag vessels Project

Kakrapar – IDCT Project Khulna Mongla Bridge
14 Million Safe Man Hours
6 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours 1
MEGA Project, GMRC
Million Safe Man Hours
Kudankulam Main Plant Project
11 Million Safe Man Hours
Mumbai Metro UGC 07 Project
Million Safe Man Hours 3
WDFC 15 B Bridge Project
Million Safe Man Hours
Kalpakkam - FRFCF IGCAR
Kalpakkam - WMP & Allied Project 1 Million Safe Man Hours
11 Million Safe Man Hours Kalpakkam-FRP Project Mandovi Bridge Project, Goa
5 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours Kachchi Darga Bridge Project
Kudankulam Hydrostructure- 1 Million Safe Man Hours
HTS Project MTHL Package-1 Project Bangalore Metro - RT02 Project
11 Million Safe Man Hours 5 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours WATER & EFFLUENT
WDFCC CTP 14 Project Mumbai metro UGC01 Project Kakrapar – CSP Project
7 Million Safe Man Hours 5 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
Laying of Sewers at Cuttack
Barapullah Bridge, Delhi
10 Million Safe Man Hours
Kochi Dry Dock Project WDFC 15 C Bridge
7 Million Safe Man Hours 4 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
Bhatpara Sewer Network and
WDFC 15 A Bridge Project Waste Water Treatment
7 Million Safe Man Hours
Sea Bird Project ZH1 Port Blair Project 9 Million Safe Man Hours
4 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours

44 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 45

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

Integrated Sewerage Work - Pali Infrastructure Works in Bidkin Koppal WSP Hogenakkal - PKG V - O and M
(Design and Build) 4 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
6 Million Safe Man Hours
Nellore UGDS Ranchi Urban Water Supply Cuttack Water Supply Project
Sewerage Scheme in Varanasi City 4 Million Safe Man Hours Scheme 3 Million Safe Man Hours
6 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
Execution of Lift Canal System of
UIIP Kalahandi Kundalia Irrigation Project-Right WTP for NMDC
Banswara District & Pratapgarh 4 Million Safe Man Hours Bank 3 Million Safe Man Hours

District WSS
Million Safe Man Hours
3 Million Safe Man Hours
Rourkela WWS Providing Sewerage Facility in
4 Million Safe Man Hours Chhaigaonmakhan LIS Mohan Garden
DHOLERA SIR 3 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
6 Million Safe Man Hours Tanzania Water Supply Scheme
Dept Code MLIP Cluster XII Industrial Area STP Qatar
O and M for Sri Sathya Sai Water 4 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
Supply Anantapur
5 Million Safe Man Hours Pune ESR and GSR Udaipur Integrated
4 Million Safe Man Hours Infrastructure Project Rehab Works at Colombo
3 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
DWSP ISP - Kalisindh Ph I MLIS
5 Million Safe Man Hours 4 Million Safe Man Hours Development of IT City IMT Rohtak Phase III
3 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
Water Supply scheme to Erode 9 Nos LIS in Cluster-VI IN
Corporation Cuttack Dist Sikar Alwar Bhiwadi Cluster Cuddalore PH.I
4 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours Sewerage Project 2 Million Safe Man Hours
3 Million Safe Man Hours
WS Scheme- Balasore/Bhadrak/ Barrackpore Sewerage
Integration Work Vijayawada SWD Moradabad Sewerage Scheme

Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours

46 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 47

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

RRWSFMP-Package 7 O and M for Adilabad Project 13 Nos LIS in Cluster-VIII in Chhatarpur WSS
(Nagaur CDS-04)-Degana 2 Million Safe Man Hours Anguldeogarh Sunderg 1 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
MLIP Cluster IX Keonjhar Water Supply Project
Alirajpur LIS 2 Million Safe Man Hours RRWSFMP-Package 5 1 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours
(Nagaur CDS-02)-Makrana
Lnt Passavant JV Dept Code Beur Sewerage Network-Patna 2 Million Safe Man Hours Mohanpura MVRWSS
2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours 1 Million Safe Man Hours
Water Supply facilities to
Cuttack Sewer Scheme Phase-2 O and M East and West Godavari Bommanahalli Zone Kundalia Irrigation Project-Left
Construction 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours Bank
2 Million Safe Man Hours 1 Million Safe Man Hours
12 Nos LIS in Cluster-XI in Integrated WS and WW
Kakrapar LIS Jajpur And Kendrapara Sri Ganganagar Project (DB) 24X7 Water Supply to
2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours Tumakuru City
BDA NPKL Package 1
1 Million Safe Man Hours
Allahabad Sewerage Network
2 Million Safe Man Hours HPCL Vizag - ETP
2 Million Safe Man Hours Million Safe Man Hours Saidpur Sewerage Network
Narmada Kshipra Multipurpose 1 Million Safe Man Hours
Project Hogenakkal - PKG III O and M Satna MVRWSS
2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours 1 Million Safe Man Hours Kirulapone-WWS
1 Million Safe Man Hours
Water Supply to Karimnagar and O and M for Khammam Project O and M for Bhagirathi WTP,
other Municipalities 2 Million Safe Man Hours Delhi Indore-UWSS
2 Million Safe Man Hours 1 Million Safe Man Hours 1 Million Safe Man Hours
Improvement of Water Supply RRWSFMP-Package 6 Nagaur
CDS-03-Deedwana VSP Reservoir Faridabad Smart City
to Greater Berhampur
2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours 1 Million Safe Man Hours 1 Million Safe Man Hours

48 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 49

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

Moga WSS METALLURGICAL & Maintenance of Machines, IWAI - Sahibganj

1 Million Safe Man Hours MATERIAL HANDLING SBG NLC, Neyveli 3 Million Safe Man Hours
3 Million Safe Man Hours December 2016 to September 2020
Hot Strip Mill, RSP, Rourkela
1 Million Safe Man Hours
39 Million Safe Man Hours
Coal Handling Plant and Ash
BHEL – Ennore
Handling Plant, Tanda
Coimbatore UGSS Phase-II 3 Million Safe Man Hours
3 Million Safe Man Hours
November 2017 to September 2020
1 Million Safe Man Hours Coal Handling Plant, RRVUNL,
Chhabra Civil and Structural Works,
Jawai Cluster - IV WSS
19 Million Safe Man Hours UAIL, Rayagada JSW- EQ1-EQ2- Paradip
(224 Villages) 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours Coal Handling Plant. January 2018 to September 2020
Khargone Coal Handling Plant, MCL,
UGD 110 Villages - RR Nagar 11 Million Safe Man Hours Bhubaneshwari
CMRL Package- Chennai
Dasarahalli zone 2 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours Slab Caster, Bokaro March 2019 to September 2020
Mansourah Massarah Gold
9 Million Safe Man Hours
Project, KSA
Kanpur Water Carrier System
1 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours NTPGC - Nabinagar
LTEW, Kanchipuram 2 Million Safe Man Hours

Nandawadagi LIS
9 Million Safe Man Hours L&T GEOSTRUCTURE May 2015 to September 2020
1 Million Safe Man Hours
JSW, Dolvi MTHL- Mumbai
6 Million Safe Man Hours
3 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours
Surya WSS
May 2018 to September 2020
1 Million Safe Man Hours September 2018 to September 2020
New Fabrication Yard, Navigational Lock - Farakka
Tirunelveli UGSS - Phase II Kansbahal 3 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours 5 Million Safe Man Hours December 2016 to September 2020

50 HELMET, July - September 2020 HELMET, July - September 2020 51


of our sites across

businesses have won
RoSPA Gold Awards
in 2020!

16 15 12

07 02 01

Chacko forforL&TL&TConstruction
Construction from L&TL&T
from Construction
Construction Headquarters, Manapakkam,
Headquarters, Manapakkam, Chennai - 600 089.
Chennai - 600 089.
V. Eswar Chand
| Ashwin | V. Eswar,
Chand, Photography:
Kamarajan | Dr. K.N.
| K. N. Sen
Sen || Malay
William Sanderson
Mahanta | K.S. Sudheesh
| Stephen Kumar
Philip Storey | V. RamanathanN || Vireshkumar
| Ramachandran Ramesh
K. S. Sudheesh Kumar Nawale
Viswanathan Kesavan P.
Technical Associates: | K.Nagarajan
P. Ravinath| Gabrial Fernandez | Sudarsan Rajendran | Kavin. S | Vinoth. A | Minhaj Ahmed Ansari
MathivananAssociates: M. Nachiappan
Palaniappan | S. Anantha | Gabrial Fernandez
Prasanna | Joseph K Jose | A. Vinoth | Adapa Suguna | G. Divakar | V. Marudhukavi | N. Viswanath
R. Palanikumar
Design & layout: Global Print Design, Chennai.
Design & layout: Global Print Design, Chennai.
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