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JR Chemistry TP Material 2024-25

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1) Write the postulates of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom? Discuss
the importance of this model to explain various series of line
spectra in hydrogen atom.
A) Postulates of Bohr’s atomic model :
1. The electron in hydrogen atom revolves around the nucleus in a fixed circular
paths called orbits.
2. Each orbit is associated with definite energy. So those are called energy levels
or energy shells.
3. These energy levels are represented as 1, 2, 3, 4, .... or K, L, M, N, .... from the
side of nucleus.
4. As long as the electron revolves in an orbit, it neither lose nor gain energy so
the energy of the electron in an orbit remains constant, hence these orbits are
called stationary orbits.

5. The angular momentum of an electron is always integral multiple of . It is
given by mvr  ; where m= mass of electron, v=velocity of electron. r =
radius of an orbit, h=Plank’s constant, n=Principle Quantum Number.
6. If an electron jumps from one level to another leve it may emit or absorb
energy. E  E2  E1  H ; Where E2=Energy of higher orbit; E1=Energy of
lower orbit.
7. If electron jumps from lower orbit to higher orbit it absorbs energy.
8. If electron jumps from higher orbit to lower orbit then it emits energy.

Bohr’s Explanation to Hydrogen Spectrum:

1. Hydrogen atom has one proton and one electron in the ground state.
2. By the absorption of 13.56 e.v. energy, electron jumps to the higher energy
level; which is unstable. Hence it comes back to ground state by emitting the
3. The emission of energy may occur in one step or in several spectral lines are
formed. They are Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Bracket and Pfund series.
4. The ware number and wave length of these spectal lines can be calculated by
using Rydberg’s equation.

1  1 1 
   R  , R= Rydberg’s constant = 109677 cm-1.
 n12 n2 2 

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n1= Lower orbit, n2= higher orbit

2) How are the quantum numbers n, l, m, s arrived and explain the significance
of these quantum number?
A) Quantum numbers: Quantum numbers are introduced to explain the mainshell,
subshell, orientation and spin of an electron. The four quantum numbers are
1) Principle Quantum number (n) 2) Azimuthal Quantum number (l)
3) Magnetic Quantum number (m) 4) Spin Quantum number (s)
1. Principle Quantum number (n) :
1. It was proposed by Neils Bohr.
2. It denoted by ‘n’.
3. The values of ‘n’ are 1, 2, 3, 4,.... (or) K, L, M, N, ... respectively.
Significance : 1. Size of an orbit. 2. Energy of an electron
2. Azimuthal Quantum number (l):
1. It was proposed by ‘Sommerfeld’.
2. It is denoted by ‘ l ’.
3. The values of ‘ l ’ are 0, 1, 2, 3, ... (n–1).

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Significance : 1. Shape of orbital.
2. Number of sub-shells in a main shell.
3. Magnetic Quantum number (m):
1. It was proposed by ‘Lande’.
2. It is denoted by ‘m’.
3. The values of ‘m’ are from – l to + l including ‘O’.
Significance : 1. The orientation of orbitals in space.
2. Number of orbitals present in a subshell.
4. Spin Quantum number (s) :
1. It was proposed by ‘Uhlenbeck’ and ‘Goudsmith’.
2. It is denoted by ‘s’.

1 1
3. The values of ‘s’ are from  and  .
2 2
Significance : 1. The direction of spin of an electron.

2. 
denotes clock-wise   spin of an electron.

3. 
denotes anticlock-wise   spin of electron.


3. Explain the difference betwen Emission and Absorption Spectra?
A) Emission Spectrum Absorption Spectrum
i) The spectra is formed when i) The spectra is formed when
electron jump from higher electron jumps from lower
orbits to lower orbits orbit to higher orbits.
ii) It is formed due to Emission ii) It is formed due to absorption
of Energy in Quanta. of energy in Quanta.

1) What is periodic property? How the following properties vary in a group

and in a period? Explain 1. atomic radius 2. metallic property 3. IE
4. EN 5. Electron affinity.
A) Periodicity: The properties of elements which are repeated at regular intervals
are called periodic properties and the phenomenon is called periodicity.
1. Atomic radius:
In a group : Atomic radius increases from top to bottom.
Reason: The differentiating electron enters into a new subshell.
In a period : Atomic radius decreases from left to right.
Reason: The differentiating electron is added to same subshell.

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2. Metallic property:
In a group: Metallic propety increases from top to bottom.
Reason: Atomic radius increases
In a period : Metallic property decreases from left to right.
Reason: Atomic radius decreases.
3. Ionization energy (IE) (Ionization Potential):
In a group: Ionization energy decreases from top to bottom.
Reason: Atomic radius increases
In a period : Ionization enthalpy increases from left to right.
Reason: Atomic radius decreases.
4. Electronegativity (EN):
In a group: Electronegativity decreases from top to bottom.
Reason: Atomic radius increases
In a period : Electro negativity increases from left to right.
Reason: Atomic radius decreases.
5. Electron gain enthalpy (Electron Affinity) (EA):
In a group : Electron Affinity decreases from top to bottom.
Reason: Atomic Radius increases
In a period: Electron Affinity increases from left to right.
Reason: Atomic radius decreases.
2) Define IE1 and IE2. Why is IE2 > IE1 for a given atom? Discuss the factors
that effect IE of an element.
A) First ionization enthalpy (IE1): The minimum amount of energy e required to
remove the most loosely bound electrom from a neutral, isolated gaseous
atom is calle ionization enthalpy.

M(g)  IE1  M(g)  electron

Second ionization enthalpy (IE2): The energy required to remove an electron

from unipositive gaseous is called Second ionization enthalpy.

M(g)  IE2  M2 (g)  electron

IE2 > IE1 :

It is due to increase of effective nuclear charge from neutral atom to unipositive
Factors influencing ionization enthalpy:
1.Atomic radius:
Larger is the atomic radius, smaller is the ionization enthalpy.

Ionization enthalpy 
Atomic radius
2. Nuclear charge:
As the nuclear charge increases, ionization enthalpy values also increases.

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Ionizationen enthalpy  Nuclear Ch arg e

3. Screening effect:
Higher the screening effect, the lesser is the value of ionization enthalpy.

Ionization en enthalpy 
Screeing effect

4. Electronic condiguration :
Atoms with half filled (or) completely filled subshells are more stable.
So their IE values are very high.
5. Extent of penetration of valence electrons:
More is the penetration of orbital more will be the ionization enthalpy.
So the order of penetration power and ionization enthalpies is s>p>d>f.

Ionizationen enthalpy  Penetration power

3) Write an essay on the division of elements into s, p, d and f-blocks.
A. Based on differentiating electron enter into various atomic orbitals, the elements
are classified into four blocks. They are
1. s-Block 2. p-Block 3. d-Block 4. f-block.
1. s-Block elements : 1. The elements in which differentiating electron enters
into s-orbitals are called s-block elements.
2. The general electronic configuration is ns1–2.
3. These are placed on the left side of the periodic table.
4. It contains two groups i.e. alkali metals and alkaline earth metals (IA and IIA).
5. All they are highly electropositive, soft metals.
2. p-Block elements : 1. The elements in which differentiating electron enters
into p-orbital are called p-block elements.
2. The general electronic configuration is ns2np1–6.
3. These are placed on the righside of the periodic table.
4. It contains ‘6’ groups from 13 to 18.
5. It contains metals, non-metals and metalloids.
3. d-block elements : 1. The elements in which the differentiating electron enters
into penultimate shell or (n–1)d sub shell are called d-block elements.
2. The general electronic configuration of these elements is (n–1)d1–10ns1–2.
3. These are placed in between s–and p–block elements (middle portion).
4. The groups are disignated from 3 to 12.
All they are hard metals exhibit variable oxidation states, colours, magnetic
4. f-block elements: 1. The elements in which the differentiating electron enters

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into anti penultimate shell or (n–2)f subshell are called f-block elements.
2. The genral electronic configuration is (n–2)f1–14(n–1)d0–1ns2.
3. They are placed separately at the bottom of the table.
4. It contains two series namely lanthanides and actinides with 14 elements each.
5. They commonly show +3 oxidation state.


1. What is hydrogen bond? Give one example each for inter and intra
molecular hydrogen bonding.
A) The electrostatic forces of attraction between a partially +vely charged hydrogen
atom of a molecule and a highly electronegative atom is known as “hydrogen
Hydrogen bonds are two types:
1) Inter-molecular hydrogen bond: A hydrogen bond formed between two
different polar molecules.
Ex: H2O, NH3.
2) Intra-molecular hydrogen bond: A hydrogen bond formed between
atoms of the same molecule.
Ex: Orthonitrophenol.
2. State Fajan’s rules and give suitable examples.
A) i) Increase in cationic size increases the ionic nature of the bond.
Ex: K+>Na+>Li+
ii) Increase in anionic size increases the covalent nature.
Ex: CaBr2>CaCl2>CaF2
iii) Highly charged cation (or) anion (or) both increases covalent nature.
Ex: SnCl4 is more covalent than SnCl2.
iv) Cations with inert gas configuration favour ionic nature, while, cations with
pseudo inert gas configuration favour covalent nature.
Ex: CuCl is more covalent than NaCl.

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3. Explain the hybridisation involved in PCl5 molecule. (or)

Explain sp3d hybridization with example.
A) sp3d hybridization: The intermixing of one s-orbital, three p-orbitals and one
d-orbital in an atom is called sp3d hybridization.
Ex: PCl5.
Ground state electronic configuration of ‘p’ is:
1s22s 22p 63s 23p x13py13pz1
First excited state electronic configuration of ‘p’ is:
1s22s22p63s13p x13py13pz13d 1
Structure : Trigonalbipyramidal
Bond angles: 1200, 900 and 1800
Hybridisation : sp3d

4. Explain the hybridization involved in SF6 molecule. (or)

Explain sp3d2 hybridization with example.
A) sp3d2 hybridization: The intermixing of one s-orbital, three p-orbital and two
d-orbital in an atom is called sp3d2 hybridization.
Ex: SF6
Ground state electronic configuration
of ‘s’ is 1s22s22p63s23px23py13pz1
2nd excited state E.C of ‘s’ is
Structure: Octahedral
Bond angles: 900 and 1800
Hybridization: sp3d2
5. Define Dipole moment. Write its applications
A) Definition : The product of magnitude of charge on the poles and the
distance between the two poles is called dipole moment. It is represented by
.  = q x d
q= charge d= bond length
i) Geometry of the molecule can be determined
ii) Percentage of ionic character of a bond can be calculated
 obj
% of ionic character= x 100
 cal
iii) cis and trans isomers can be separated
iv) Bond angle can be determined

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6. Explain the formation of coordinate covalent bond with one example.
A) 1. Coordinate covalent bond is a speical type of covalent bond. The bond
formed by sharing of electron pair which is contributed by one of the two
bonded atom is known as coordinate covalent bond (or) dative bond.
2.The bond is represented by an arrow  pointing from the donor to
the acceptor.
3. The atom which donates electron pair is called donor while the
atom whcih accepts electron pair is called acceptor.
4. The donor atom must be having 1 (or) 2 lone pairs electrons and
acceptor must have empty orbitals.
Ex: NH4+ ion formation: A dative bond is formed between NH3 and H+, where NH3
acts as donor due to the prosence of a lone pair of electrons on Nitrogen atom
and H+ acts as electron pair acceptor due to its vacant orbitol.


1. Write the postulates of Kinetic molecular theory of gases (any 4 points).

A) 1. Gases contain large number of tiny and discrete particles called molecules.
2. The molecules move randomly in all direction with high velocities.
3. Molecular collisions are perfectly elastic.
4. Molecular motions are uneffected by gravity.
5. Average kinetic energy of the gas molecules is directly proportional
to the absolute temperature. KE  T 
6. The gas molecules are very much apart from each other.
7. Gas molecules are electrically neutral.
2. Deduce Boyle’s Law, Charle’s Law from Kinetic Gas Equation.
A) Boyle’s Law: Charle’s Law:
According to Kinery Gas Equation According to Kinetic Gas Equation
1 1
PV  mnu2rms PV  mnu2rms
3 3
2 1  1  2 1  1 
= x mnu2  mu2  KE   x mnu2  mnu2  K.E.
3 2  2  3 2  2 
2 2
3 3
2 2
PV  KT  KE  KT  PV  KT KE  KT 
3 3
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2 KT
PV = constant (At constnt ‘T’) V
3 P
This is Boyle’s Law VT At cons tan t ' P'
This is Charle’s Law.
3. Deduce Graham’s Law, Daltons Law from Kinetic Gas Equation.
A) Graham’s Law: Dalton’s Law:
According to Kinetic Gas Equation According to Kinetic Gas Equation
1 1
PV  mnu2 PV  mnu2
3 3
PV  Mu2   M  mn If pressure of the two gases:
3PV 3PV  V 1  1 m1n1u1
1 m2n2u2
u2  u    P1  , P2 
M M  M d 3 v 3 v
3P 1 2 2
u  u At cons tan t ' P' 1 m1n1u1 1 m2n2u2
Ptotal  ,
d d 3 v 3 v
r At cons tan t ' P' Ptotal= P1+P2
This is Graham’s Law. This is Dalton’s Law.

4. State and explain Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures.

A) “At constant temperature and volume, the total pressure exerted by the mixture
of non reacting gases is equal to the sum of partial pressures of all individual
This is known as Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures.
Ptotal = P1+P2+P3+..... (at constant ‘T’, ‘V’).
Where P1, P2, P3, .... are partial pressures of gases.
According to ideal gas equation
nRT n1RT
P 
 (1) P1  
 (2)
n2RT n3RT
P2  (3) P3  
 (4)
According to Dalton’s Law:
P = P1+P2+P3
n1RT n2RT n3RT
  
 n1  n2  n3 

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P 
P1 n1RT / V n1
   x1
P nRT / V n

Similarly, P2= x2P

Partial Pressure = mole fraction x Total Pressure

5. State and explain Graham’s Law of Diffusion, its Applications?
A. At a constant temperature and pressure, the rate of diffusion of a gas is
inversely proportional to the square root of density (or) vapour density (or)
Molar mass of the gas.
1 1 1
r ; r ; r
d VD M
If r1 and r2 are the rates of diffusion of two gases; d1 and d2 are their densities

r1 d2
respectively; then r  d1 .

r1 d2 VD2 M2
This equation can be written as r  d1



Volume of diffusion v
Rate of diffusion r   r 
Time t
v1 v r v t
r1  , r2  2 ; 1  1 x 2
t1 t2 r2 t1 v2

r1 d2 M2 VD2 v t
     12
r2 d1 M1 VD1 v2t1
Applications: (i) Isotopes like U235 and U238 mixture is separated by
diffusion method.
(ii) r Molar mass of unknown gas is determined by comparing its rate of
diffusion with that of a gas of known molecules mass.
6. Derive ideal gas equation.
Ideal Gas: The gas which obeys Avogadro’s Law, Boyle’s Law and Charle’s law
at all temperatures and pressures is called an ideal gas.
 Ideal gas equation is obtained by combining Boyle’s, Charle’s Law and
Avogadro’s Laws.
According to Boyle’s Law : V  
 (1) (At cons tan t ' T' )

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Charle’s Law : V  T 
 (2) (At cons tan t ' P' )
Avogadro’s Law: V  n   (3) (At cons tan t T and P)
Combining the above three equations
V   R (universal gas constant)
P nT
PV=nRT This is called ideal gas equation
7. Which of the gases diffuses faster among N2, O2 and CH4 -- why?
A) CH4 diffuses faster among N2, O2 and CH4 due to lower molecular mass according
to Graham’s law.
8. Calculate kinetic energy of 5 moles of Nitrogen at 270C.
A) Kinetic energy = nRT ; Where n=5 moles, R=2 Cal.mol-1.K-1
KE= x 5 x 2 x 300 (T= 270C +273 = 300 K) KE = 4500 cal.
9. State Graham’s law of diffusion
A) At constant pressure and temperature, the rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely
proportional to square root of its density (or) molar mass.  r
10.State Dalton’s law of partial pressures.
A) At constant temperature and volume, the total pressure exerted by a non-
reacting gaseous mixture is equal to sum of their partial pressure.
P= P1+P2+P3.
11.What is Boltzman’s constant? Give its value.
A) The value of gas constant per molecule is called Boltzmann constant. K 
Boltzman’s constant value (K) = 1.38 x 10–23 J.mole-1.k-1

12.How many times methane diffuses faster than Sulphurdioxide?

r1 M2 MSO2 64
A) r  M1


 2 . Hence CH diffuses 2 times faster thatn SO .
4 2

13.Calculate kinetic energy of three moles of CO2 at 270C (in calories only)
A) Given n=3 moles, T=270C + 273= 300k; R=1.987 Cal.k-1mol-1.
3 3
Kinetic energy =nRT  x 3 x 2 x 300 = 2700 cal.
2 2
14.Write Vander Waal’s Equation.

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 an 
A) Vander Waal’s equation is P  2  v  nb  nRT
 v 
Where: P= Pressure of the gas n= no. of moles of the gas
V= Volume of the container R= Gas Constant. T= Absolute Temperature.
15. Why pressure cooker is used for cooking food on hills?
A) At high altitudes atomospheric pressure is less. So boiling point of water is
lowered. Water boils at low temperature hence pressure cookers are used for
cooking food on hills.
16.What is laminar flow of a liquid?
A) The flow in which there is a regular gradation of velocity in passing from one
layer to next layer is called laminar flow of a liquid.
17.State Charle’s Law. Give its mathematical expression.
A) “At constant pressure, the volume of a given mass of gas is directly proportional
to its absolute temperature”.
VT (or)  cons tan t
18.State Boyle’s Law. Give its methamatical expression.
A) “At constant temperatue, the volume of a given mass of gas is inversely
proportional to its pressure.
V (or) PV  cons tan t .
19.What is surface tension?
A) The force acting per unit length perpendicular to the line drawn on the surface
of liquid. Units: J/m2
20.What are Isotherms?
A) The curves drawn between pressure and volume at constant temperture.

1. How many number of moles of glucose are present in 540 grams of glucose?
A) Weight of Glucose = 540 g
Molecular weight of glucose (C6H12O6) = 180
wt 540
Number of moles of glucose =   3 moles
G.M.wt 180
2. The empirical formula of a compound is CH2O. Its molecular weight is 90.
Calculate the molecular formula of the compound.
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A) Molecular formula = (Empirical formula) x n
M.F.wt 90
n  3 M.F  CH2O3  C3H6O3
E.F.wt 30
3. What volume of CO2 is obtained at STP by heating 4 gm of CaCO3?
CaCO3  CaO  CO2
1 mole 1 mole
100 gm  22.4 litre at STP.
4  ?
Volume of CO2 obtained at STP from 100 grams of CaCO3 = 22.4 litre.
4 x 22.4
 Volume of CO2 obtained at STP from 4 grams of CaCO3 =
= 0.896 litre.
4. What are disproportionation reaction? Give example.
A) In these chemical reaction same element undergoes both oxidation and
reduction simultaneously.


5. What are comproportionation reactions? Give example.

A) The reverse of disproportionation reaction. In this type two species with the
same element in two different oxidation states form a single product in which
the element is in an intermediate oxidation state.


6. What is redox concept? Give an example.

A) A chemical reaction, which involves both oxidation and reduction is called
redox reaction. Ex: Zn  Cu2  Zn 2  Cu
7. Calculate the weight of 0.1 mole of sodium carbonate.
No. of moles of Na2CO3 (n)= 0.1
Gram Molecular Weight of Na2CO3 = 106 gm
 Weight of Na2CO3 = n x GMW = 0.1 x 106 = 10.6g.
8. Write the oxidation state of oxygen in H2O2 and O2F2.
Oxidation number of Oxygen in H2O2 is –1.
Oxidation number of Oxygen in O2F2 is +1

1. State and explain the Hess’s Law of constant heat summation with

A. Hess Law: The total enthalpy change of a reaction is same whether the
reaction takes place in a single step or in several steps.
Ex: If formation of CO2 takes, place in one step.
C  O2  CO2; H  393.5 kJ / mole
If above reaction takes place in two steps.
C O2  CO; H  110.5 kJ / mole 
 (1)
C O2  CO2; H  283 kJ / mole 
 (2)
(1)+(2)  C  O2  CO2; H  393.5 kJ / mole
2. What is heat capacity? Show CP–CV=R?
A. Heat Capacity (C): It is defined as the amount of heat required to raise its
temperature through one degree.
CP–CV = R : For an ideal gas
Differentiating w.r.t. temperature.
dH dE dPV
 
dT dT dT
For one mole of ideal gas PV=RT.
dH dE dRT
 
dT dT dT
dH dE dT
 R
dT dT dT
dH dE
 R CP–CV=R
dT dT
3. What is entropy? Explain with example.
A. (i) Entropy is a measure of discorder of molecules (or) randomness of the
(ii) Greater the discorder of molecules, higher is the entropy.
(iii) Entropy is a state funciton.
(iv) Entropy change S 
For any spontaneous process the change in entropy is positive
Stotal  Ssystem  Ssurroundin gs  0
heat heat
Ice   water   vapour
(solid) (liquid) (gas)
4. State first law of Thermodynamics. Explain its mathematical notation.
A) Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but one form of energy can be
converted into another form.
Mathematical Form of First Law of Thermodynamics:

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Let a system in state A of internal energy EA absorb certain amount heat Q
from the surrounding and undergo a change in its state B. Let the internal
energy in the state B is EB. If w is the workdone by the system in the process.
 E  EB  EA . Net gain of Energy (Q–W) must be equal to E .
E  EB  EA  Q  W

E  Q  W 
5. What are intensive and extensive properties?
A) Intensive properties: The properties which are independent on the amount of
substance are called intensive properties. Eg: Density, pressure, temperature.
Extensive properteis: The properties which are dependent on the amount of
substance are called extensive properties. Eg: Mass, volume, heat capacity,
internal energy, enthalpy.
6. State the third law of Thermodynamics.
A) It states that “ The Entropy of a pure and perfectly crystalline substance is
 
zero at the absolute zero temperature (–2730C).   Lt S  0
 T 0 



1. Explain with suitable examples of Lewi’s acid-base theory.
A) Lewis acid : Electron pair acceptor. Ex: H+, BF3.
Lewis base : Electron pair donor. Ex: H2O, NH3.

Formation of NH4 ion: H+ ion accepts a pair of electrons from Nitrogen of NH3

and forms of NH4+ ions. Ex: H++:NH3  H  NH3 

2. Explain the concepts of Bronsted acids and bases. Illustrate the
answer with examples.
A) Bronsted acid: Proton donor. Ex: HCl. CH3COOH
Bronsted base: Proton acceptor. Ex H2O, NH3
Neutralization: Transfer of proton from an acid to a base is referred as
Ex: HCl+H2O H3O  C 
3. What is conjugate acid-base pair? Illustrate with example.
A) An acid-base pair that differ by single proton is called conjugate acid-base pair.
Ex: HCl+H2O C   H3O 

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In the above example, HCl and Cl– is one conjugate acid-base pair.

Similarly, H3O and H2O is another conjugate acid-base pair..

Write the conjugate acid and conjugate base of each of the following.

Species Conjugate acid Conjugate base

OH H2O O 2
 2
 
H2O H3O OH

4. Discuss the application of Le-chatelier’s principle for the industrial synthesis

of Ammonia.
A) The synthesis of ammonia by Haber’s Process:
N2(g)  3H2(g) 2NH3(g) ; H  92 kJ
According to Le-chatelier’s Principle, low temperature (725-775k) and high
pressure (200 atm) favourable conditions for the formation of NH3.
Optimum conditions:
Pressure : 200 atm
Temperature : 725-775k
Catalyst: Iron
Promoter: Mo
5. Derive the relation between Kp and Kc for the equilibrium reaction.

N2  3H2 2NH3

NH3 2
A) Molar concentration Kc 
N2 H2 2

P2 NH3
Pressure Kp 
P N2 x P3H2

n  nP  nR  2  4  2
But Kp = Kc(RT) n
Kp =Kc(RT)–2

Kp(RT)2=Kc  Kp  K c

6. Derive the relation between Kp and Kc for the equilibrium reactions following.
2SO2+O2 2SO3

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Kc 
SO3 2
A) Molar concentraiton
SO2 2 O2 

Kp 
p2SO2 x PO2

n  nP  nR  2  3  1
But Kp=Kc(RT) n

7. What is Le-chatelier’s Principle? Discuss briefly the factors which can
influence the equilibrium.
A) Le-chatelier’s Principle: If a chemical reaction at equilibrium is subjected to
change in temperature pressure or concentration, the euqilibrium position shifts
in the direction in which this change is reduced (or) nullified.
Factors which influence equilibrium:
1) Concentration : Increase in the concentration of reactants (or) decrease
in the concentration of products favours forward reaction.
Increase in the concentration of products (or) decrease in the
concentration of reactants favours backward reaction.
2) Pressure:
a) Pressure has no effect on equilibrium.
No. of moles gaseous reactant (nR)= No. of moles of gaseous products (nR)
 n  nP  nR  0
b) n  0 nP  nR  i) Increase in pressure favours that reaction.
No. of moles decreses.  n  ve
ii) decrease in pressure favours that reaction.
No. of moles Increses.  n   ve
3) Temperature: Increase in Temperature favours Endothermic and decreases in
the temperature favour exothermic reaction
4) Catalyst: Does not change the position of equilibrium, increasing the
rate of both forward and backward reaction


8. What is homogeneous equilibrium? Write two homogeneous reactions.
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A) The equilibrium reaction in which the reactants and products are in the same
phase is called homogeneous equilibrium.
N2(g)  3H2(g) 2NH3(g)

H2(g)  I2(g) 2HI(g)

9. What is heterogeneous equilibrium? Write two heterogeneous reactions.
A) The equilibrium reaction in which the reactants and products are in different
phases is called heterogeneous equilibrium
Ex: CaCO3(s) CaO(s)+CO2(g)
NH4HS(s) NH3(g)+H2S(g)
10.Define Ionic product of water? What is its value of room temperatue?
A) The product of the molar concentrations of H+ and OH– ions of water at a given
temperature is called ionic product of water.
Kw= [H+][OH–]
Kw= 1.0x10–14 mol2/Lit2 at 250C.

1. Explain the term hardwater and soft water write a note on

i) calgon method for the removal of hardness of water.
What is hardness of water? Write Calgon’s method for the removal of
parmanent hardness of water?
A) Hard water: Water which does not give good lather readily with soap is called
hard water.
Soft water: Water which gives good lather readil with soap is called softwater.
Calgon’s Method: Sodium hermeta phosphate (Na6P6O18) is known as calgon. When
calgon is is added to hard water, the following reactions takes place
Na6P6O18  2Na  Na4P6O18

 Na2MP6O18   2Na M  Ca, Mg

2 2
M 2  Na4P6O18
2CaCl  Na2 Na4 PO3 6   Na2 Ca2 PO3 6   4NaCl
Ion exchange method for the removal of hardness of water:
Zeolite: NaAlSiO4 (Sodium aluminium silicate) is written as NaZ. When Zeolite
is added to hardwater, the following ion exchange reactions takes place.
2NaZ  M2  MZ2  2Na  M  Mg, Ca 3
2. Explain with suitable examples, the following:
A) i) Electron deficient hydrides: These hydrides have the lesser number of
electrons to write their Lewis structure. Ex: Diborane (B2H6)
ii) Electron rich hydrides: These hydrides have excess electrons which are
present as lone pairs.

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Ex: H2O has 2 lone pairs, NH3 has 1 lone pair.
iii) Electron precise hydrides: These hydrides have the required number of
electrons to write their Lewis structure. Ex: CH4 (Methane)

3. Write any four uses of dihydrogen:

A) i) It is used in the preparation of hydrogen chloride.
ii) It is used in fuel cells for generating electrical energy.
iii) It is used in manufacture of ‘vanaspathi fat’ hy hydrogenation of oils.
iv) It is used as a rocket fuel in space research.
4. Write a few lines on the utility of hydrogen as a fuel.
i) Hydrogen also used as a rocket fuel.
ii) Hydrogen also used in fuel cells for generating electrical energy.
iii) The heat of combustion of hydrogen is high i.e., about 242 kJ/mole.
Hence hydrogen is used as industrical fuel.
iv) It is used for cutting and welding purpose.
v) The energy resolved by the combustion of dihydrogen is more than
the petrol (3 times).
5. Discuss, with relevant chemical equations, various method of preparing
hydrogen peroxide. Which of these methods is useful to prepare D2O2?
A) i) H2O2 is prepared by the action of dilute sulphuric acid on barium perodixe.
BaO2 8H2O  H2SO4  BaSO4  H2O2  8H2O
ii) Auto Oxidation method: Industrially H2O2 is prepared by the auto oxidation of

2-ethylanthra quinol H2O2 + 2-ethylanthraquinone.

iii) Preparation of D2O2:

K2S2O2 is treated with heavy water to prepare D2O2.
K2S2O8  2D2O2  2KDSO4  D2O2

6. Write the chemical reaction to justify that hydrogen peroxide can function
as an oxidizing as well as reducing agent?
A) Oxidising properties:
i) H2O2 oxidises black lead sulphide to white lead sulphate in acid medium.

PbS  4H2O2  PbSO4  4H2O

ii) H2O2 oxidises formaldehyde to formic acid in alkali medium.
2HCHO  H2O2    
 2HCOOH  H2
Reducing Properties:
iii) H2O2 reduces hypochlorous acid to hydrochloric acid.

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HOCl+H2O  HC   H2O  O2
iv) H2O2 reduces iodine to iodide in alkaline medium.

l2+H2O+2OH–  2I  2H2O  O2

7. What is temporary and permanent hardness of water? Mention which

ions causes the hardness of water.
A) Hardness of water: Soluble bicarbonates, chlorides and sulphates of Ca and
Mg cause hardness of water.
Permanent hardness of water is due to the presence of chlorides and sulphates
of Calcium and magnetism.
Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of bicarbonates of Calcium
and magnesium.
Hard water: Water which does not give good lather readily with soap is called
hard water.
Soft water: Water which gives good lather readily with soap is calld soft water.
8. Discuss the position of hydrogen in the periodic table on the basic of its
Electronic configuration.
A) Hydrogen has the Electronic configuration 1s1. Its position in the periodic table
is controvertial.
It can be placed along with alkali maetals (IA) or along with Halogens (VIIA).
IA Group (support) VIIA Group (support)
i. Like Alkalimetals i. Hydrogen exists as gas like h
Hydrogen H -- 1S Halogens
ii. It can form H+ ion by ii. It can forms hydride ion (H–)
losing one electron like
alkali metals
iii. Monovalent positive ion. iii. Monovalent Negative ion.
iv. Hydrogen is a good reducing iv. H2 is a non-metal and like
agent. Halogens

s–Block Elements

1. Give an account of the bilogical importance of Na+, K+ ions

A. Na+(sodium ion):
1. Na+ ions help in the transmission of nerve signals
2. They also help in transporting sugars and Amino acids into the cells
3. They help in regulating the flow of water accross the cell membrane.

K+(Potassium ion):
1. K+ ions help in activating many enzymes.
2. They also participate in oxidising glucose to prodce ATP.
PRAGATI EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 22 KakinadaPeddapuramJagapathinagaramRajamahendravaram

3. They also help in transmitting nerve signals.


2. Why gypsum added to Cement?

A) Calcium sulphate dihydrate is called Gypsum. Gypsum is added to cement to
regulat the setting time.
3. Describe the important uses of quick lime.
A) i) It is used in the manufacture of dye stuffs.
ii) It is used in the manufacture of Na2CO3 from Caustic Soda.
4. Describe the important uses of Caustic Soda (any two points).
A) i) It is used in the manufacture of soap, paper etc.
ii) It is used in petrolium refiing.
iii) For the preparation of pure fats and oils.
iv) It is used as a laboratory reagent.
5. Why are alkali metals not found in the free state in nature?
A) Alkali metals are highly reactive. So they do not occur in free state. They
always occurs in combined state.
6. Describe the important uses of Sodium Carbonate? (any two points)
A) i) It is used in the preparation of glass caustic soda.
ii) It is used in laundries as washing soda.
iii) It is used to remove hardness of water.
iv) It is used in paper, paints and petroleum industries.
7. Which is called “Milk of Magnesia”? Give its use.
A) A suspension of Mg(OH)2 in water is called “Milk of Magnesia”. It is used as
antacid in medicine.
8. Describe the importance of plaster of paris.
 1 
A) Calcium sulphate halfhydrate  CaSO4 H2O  is called paster of paris.
 2 
Uses: i) It is used in preparation of moulds, crucibles and chalks.
ii) It is used in medicine for setting the fractured bones in position and dentistry.
9. Write the Biological Importance of Mg and Ca (two points).
A) Role of Mg+2 in biology:
i) Mg+2 is a constituent of chlorophyll, the green compoent of plants.
ii) Mg+2 is concentrated in animal cells.
Role of Ca+2
i) Ca+2 is nessary for muscle contraction.
ii) It is also plays important role in neuromuscular function.
10.Write the average composition of portland cement.
A) CaO : 50-60% MgO: 2-3%
SO2: 20-25% Fe2O3: 1-2%
Al 2O3: 5-10% SO3: 1-2%
11. Why the IA group elements are called as alkali metals?
A) IA group elements reacts with water to form corresponding Hydroxides and
PRAGATI EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 23 KakinadaPeddapuramJagapathinagaramRajamahendravaram

They are alkali in nature. So IA group elements called alkali metals.
12. What happens when magnesium metal is burnt in air?
A) When heated in air, magnesium burns with dazzling white light richer in U.V.
radiation forming magnesium oxide and magnesium nitride.
2Mg  O2  2MgO 3Mg  N2  Mg3N2
13.What happens when hydrated Mg(NO3)2 (or) Ca(NO3)2 is heated?
Give the balanced equation.
A) Mg(NO3)2 decompses on heating to give MgO.
2MgNO3 2  2MgO  4NO2  O2
14.Lithium reacts with water less vigorously than sodium. Give your reasons.
A) So Lithium has small size and very high hydration energy than sodium.
15.Write the properties of washing soda.
A) i) Na2CO3 is a white crystalline solid.
ii) Na2CO3 exists as a decahydrate (NaCO3.10H2O). This is called washing soda.
iii) Na2CO3 is readily soluble in water.
16.What happens when calcium nitrate is strongly heated?
A) It decomposes on heating to form CaO and NO2
2CaNO3 2  2CaO  4NO2  O2

1. Explain Borax Bead Test with example.
A) This test is useful for the Identification of radicals in qualitative analysis. On
heating, borax swells in to a white, opaque mass of anydrous sodium tetra
borate, when it is fused, borax glass is obtained and sodium metaborate and
Na2B4O7.10H2O  Na2B4O7    2NaBO2  B2O3

 Co BO2 2
B2O3  CoO 
2. Write methods of Preparation of diborane?
A. i) Boron trifluride react with lithium hydride to form diboarane.
2BF3  6LiH  B2H6  6LiF
ii) Boron trichloride react with Hydrogen to form B2H6.
2BC 3  6H2  B2H6  6HC
3. How does diborane reacts with a) H2O, b) Co c) N(CH3)3 d) NH3
A) a) B2H6 react with H2O to form H3BO3
B 2 H 6  6 H2 O  2H 3BO 3  6 H 2 (g)

b) B2H6 react with Co to Form Borane Carbonyl

B2H6  2Co  2BH3Co
c) B2H6 react with N(CH3)3 form (CH3)3N  BH3

B2H6  2NCH3 3  2 CH3 3N  BH3 
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d) B2H6 react with NH3 to form B3N3H6.
B2H6  NH3  B3N3H6 
4. Explain the structure of diboarane?
A) i) Diborane formula B2H6
ii) Doborane is an electron deficient compound

Structure of Diborane

iii) In diborane Boron undergoes sp3 hybridisation to form 4sp3 hybrid

iv) Diborane containing two B–H–B bond is formed.
This is known as Banana Bond (or) Tau Bond.
v) Diborane has two coplanat BH2 groups, 4 Hydrogen atoms present in 2 BH2
groups are known as terminal hydrogen atoms (Ht). The remaining 2 Hydrogen
atoms (H3) brigdge hydogen atoms.



1. Explain the difference in properties of diamond and graphite on the basis
of their structure.
A. Diamond Graphite
i) It is a three dimensional polymar i) It is a 2 dimensional polymer
ii) C-C bond length is 1.5 A0 and ii) C-C bond length 1.42 A0 and
bond angle is 109028’ bond angle is 1200.
iii) SP3 hybridisation iii) SP2 hybridisation
iv) Carbon atoms are strongly iv) Hexagonal layers of Carbon
help by covalent bonds. are held by weak VanderWaal’s force.
v) Hardest material and bad v) Soft material and good conductor
conductor and tetra hydrally and hexagonal ring.
2. Why is diamond hard?
A) 1. In diamond, each carbon undergoes sp3 hybridization and linked with four

PRAGATI EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 25 KakinadaPeddapuramJagapathinagaramRajamahendravaram

other than atoms in tetrahedal.
2. So a three dimensional network of carbon atoms, joined together through
strong covalent bonds.
3. The C-C bond length is 1.54 A0.
4. The amount of energy required to break these bonds is very high (348 kJ/mol)


3. Give the hybridization of carbon in
a) CO3–2 b) diamond c) graphite d) fullerene e) CO2
–2 2
A) a) Hybridisation of ‘C’ in CO3 is sp
b) Hybridisation of ‘C’ in diamond is sp3
c) Hybridisation of ‘C’ in graphite is sp2
d) Hybridisation of ‘C’ in fullerene is sp2
e) Hybridisation of ‘C’ in CO2 is sp2.
4. Why is ‘CO’ poisonous?
A) The CO forms a stable complex with haemoglobin called carboxy haemoglobin.
Due to this supply of O2 into cells decreases ultimately resulting in death. So
it is highly poisonous.
5. What is Allotropy? Give the crystalline allotropes of Carbon.
A) The existence of an element in different physical forms with same chemical
properties is called allotropy.
Ex: Grystallin allotropes of Carbon: Diamond and graphite
6. Name any two man-made silicates.
A) Glass and Cement
7. What is synthesis gas (or) water gas (or) Blue gas (or) syn gas?
A) The mixture of CO and H2 is Syngas.
8. What producer gas?
A) The mixture of CO and N2 is called producer gas.
9. Write the use of ZSM-5?
A) ZSM-5 is one type of zeolite. It is used to convert alcohols directly into gasoline.
10.What is meant by dry ice? What is the use of dry ice?
A) Solid CO2 is called as dry ice. It is used as a refrigerant for ice-cream and
frozen food.
11.Give the use of CO2 in photosyntheis?
A) In presence of sunlight green plants convert atmospheric CO2 into Carbohydrates
such as glucose. This process is known as photosynthesis.

6CO2  12H2 0 C6H12O6+6O2+6H2O

12.How is water gas prepared?

A) Water gas is prepared by passing steam over real hot coke.

Water gas

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13.How is producer gas prepared?
A) Producer gas is prepared by passing air over red hot coke.
2C+O2+4N2 

Producer gas

14.What are silicones? Give one example.

A) Silicones are the synthatic organosilicone polymers containing Si-O-Si
linkages. Ex: MeSiCl3.
15.How does graphite function as a lubricant?
A) Graphite has a two dimensional layer structure. The layers are held hy weak
vanderwaals forces. The layers can easily slide over each other. Hence graphite
can be used a lubricant.
16.CCl4 is not dissolved in water, but SiCl4 dissolves why? Give reason?
A) Due to absence of d-orbitals CCl4 is not dissolved. Vacant d-orbitals of Si
accepting lone pair of electrons from water molecule and loading to the formation
of Si(OH)4. Hence SiCl4 dissolves in water.
17.SiF6-2 is known while SiCl4-2 is not -- explain.
A) i) Si+4 is smaller in size. Six large chloride ions can not be acommodated
around Si+4.
ii) Interaction between ion pair of chloride ion and Si+4 is not very strong.
18.Graphite is a good conductor - explain.
A) In graphite each carbon atom is in sp2 hybridised state. Each carbon
atom is left with one electron in pure ‘p’-orbital. Due to presence of free
electrons, graphite acts as a good conductor of electricity.
19.Diamond has high melting point - Explain.
A) Diamond has a three dimensional network involving strong C-C bonds. Which
are very difficult to break . Hence diamond has high melting point.
1. What is pollutant, contaminant, speciation?
A) Pollutant: The substance which is present in nature in greater amount
and cause of pollution is called as pollutant Ex: CO2, SO2...
Contaminant: A material which doe not occur in nature but releases due to
human acitivity and cause of pollution is known as contaminant: Ex: MIC
Speciation: The method of classifying pollutant into inorganic, organic (or)
organo - metallic is called as speciation.
2. Mention the harmful effects caused due to depletion of ozone layer.
A) 1. Skin cancer, 2. Cataract of eyes, 3. Decreasing moisture content of the soil.
3. Define term Green Chemistry.
A) The production process that would bring about minimum pollution to the
environment is called Green Chemistry.
4. What are smoke and mist?
A) Smoke: A mixture of CO2, water vapour with very small soot particles produced

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