Factors Behind Global Warming
Factors Behind Global Warming
Factors Behind Global Warming
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe the main factors that are responsible for
global warming.
different universities and then it was interpreted by doing regression analysis and frequency
Findings: Findings of this paper illustrate the main factor responsible for global warming
is carbon dioxide gases emission from different activities such as fossil fuel burning,
deforestation, green house activity, which acts as trapping blanket for heat in the atmosphere
Practical Implications: This paper can be helpful for those people who are interested in
climate change study and want to enhance their knowledge related to our environment.
Keywords: Global warming, climate change, green house gases, deforestation, volcanic
Mir Ibrahim Misbah – Undergraduate student – Earth and Environmental Sciences Department- Bahria
changes in the overall climate of earth. Many of the scientists believe that a dangerous
warming is about to take place in the overall. The global climate which is becoming a
problem is referred to as “global warming “. This paper will attempt to reconnoiter this
very issue.
Since the industrial revolution (from about 1850 to the present) astounding
amounts of greenhouse gases have been compounded into the earth’s atmosphere. This is
primarily due to excessive increased in needs for human and use of fossil fuels for
generating power. Global warming is a main problem of too much carbon dioxide that is
trammeled in the atmosphere, which plays role in trapping heat and warms the planet
resulting in increase in temperature. As we burn fossil fuels for power or cut down and
burn forests to create pastures and plantations, carbon particles combines and overcharges
our atmosphere. Some waste direction and deforestation activities also aggravate the
problems by releasing other potent global warming gases in the atmosphere, such as
done all over the world, on shore and offshore have revealed that during 20th century the
earth’s surface and sub surface part has warmed up on an average by about 0.6°C.
Changes in climate can result in both natural events and artificial events. During this
period, manmade emissions of green house gases, including carbon dioxide and methane
have increased, largely as a result of burning fossil fuels for energy and migration.
1.2 Problem Statement
Climate change is a term used to describe trends in the earth’s climate. For
example, scientists see that the planet’s average temperature is rising. This affects wind
and ocean currents also the annual amounts of rainfall and snow enrolling. Climate
change affects different parts of the world in different ways. Another term used for
climate change now a days is global warming which refers to the global increase in the
planet’s mean temperature, which acts as a source of changing climate patterns across
the globe. Global warming invokes to an unequal and continuing rise in the average
temperature of earth’s climate system. The earth’s temperature has been rising since
1880. There is some evidence that suggests that the U.S Northeast will be colder at the
poles as it melts and colds, fresh water changes the current near the East coast.
The problem statement “Is global warming mostly caused by human activities”
3. To determine the most effective source that is increasing its rate annually.
The scope of my paper is based on all over globe related to global warming
impacts and its causes. Limitations were at some stages where my research could have
historical process controlling global warming event like; Human changes in the land use
and land cover have changed earth’s reflection. Some processes which often contribute to
destructive use of land and urbanity. These impacts have importance entirely, but are
smaller when they are averaged overall. In accession, artificial events have generally
added the number of aerosols particles in the climate. Overall, aerosols generated by
fossil fuel burns have a net cooling effect offsetting about one-third of the total warming
effect associated with human greenhouse gases emission. Reduction in overall aerosols
emissions can therefore lead to more warming. However, targeted reduction in Black
Joe kinney 2003, in this article researcher tells that global warming is one issue
that has not been understands well enough to prevent its effects on planet earth. Another
issue is that there is democratic government systems useful in protecting society’s from
its diverse effects. Where democracy is used for the interest of populace, but what is the
population directed towards. The main issue is that a single lifetime populace cannot
address the precautions for global warming. It should be studied in depth from early
stages in order to profit the socials welfare from threat of future demolition of planet.
This is why democracy does not apply for adequate means of governing issue related to
alarming and risk to health scenario about the adverse short term affects of global
warming. The reason for that is the abrupt climate change due to severe emission of CO2
gas in large quantity which is not possible to stop at once. Ice sheets are melting and
water level is rising due to flood appear in Atlantic Ocean. The affects are to repeat as it
and the consequences would not be too awesome. This whole scenario would not even
in global warming by using a computer model and has come to a conclusion that soot that
the major factor contributing in global warming that the green houses gases emission.
How it affects as soot affects solar radiations and by combining with solar radiations its
produces more heat in the atmosphere. Another emeritus professor Francis Brethertson
also calls this theory legitimate. Although Soot plays important role in global warming
than CO2 gases emission, it is tractable and also most of the soot is removed by rainfall.
Soot is not only responsible for global warming but also as it combines with other
American Sociological Association Fall 2004, in this article researcher studys that
the recent box office hit portrays that the world is divested and most concern about the
environment being endangered by global warming, and the also didn’t believed in
greenhouse gases. As now they do they are not well prepared and the government is not
taking any hard actions for it, as the calculations say that the government is most concern
Jhon F. Cajdwell et.al 1998, this article is a discussion about the articles that was
presented in November 1999 which failed to state the global warming is a fact but why
not global cooling is also a fact. Well as the global warming effects are being seen
nowadays we can say that it is the fact but we should include the presence of global
cooling many scientist have argued on this topic and came to a conclusion that this is a
political effort as most climate scientist does not accept global warming.
J. Hansen et al 2011, this article discusses about the temperature throughout the
world has been given much consideration in it to be important factor of global warming
and decreasing. Temperature recorded in 2001 was given the second warmest year. The
global surface air warming has increased from the past 25 years. However the surface and
troposphere warming’s remaining same. The Indian and Pacific oceans were warm but
the Atlantic Ocean is notably warmer and increasing and usually cool condition in
countries like Greenland has also given warmer anomalies. This warming is considered to
Barry D. Solomen et al 1990, the researcher argues about a broad and "balanced"
energy technology research and development (R&D) effort as a prudent response to the
greenhouse effect. We think the way the authors have framed the issue, that is, implying
that an increased R&D investment is our major insurance against global warming,
reflects too narrow a perspective on the basic policy and technological issues. Although
we fully support energy R&D, the fact that currently viable options, especially energy
efficiency and natural gas, are available needs to be more widely recognized; and a
the use of new technologies produced through R&D .In the area of energy, the authors'
statement that "none of the no fossil energy sources are ready to be substituted
competitively for fossil fuels at the scale necessary to reduce CO2 emissions" incorrectly
implies that there are no currently viable alternatives and that we must wait for R&D,
with its corresponding uncertainties, to bring these technologies to fruition. This slights
the significant contribution of energy efficiency technologies that, in many cases, are
cheaper than fossil fuels. Also neglect the policy framework in which new technologies
must compete. Spending for R&D can be squandered unless a simultaneous effort is
London by NEF (New Economic Foundation) elaborates the problem related to global
warming which people are more scared and not by war. The report published by
Environmental refugee has brought these problems into the public arena although many
believe that they must get refugee status but United Nation commission of refugee didn’t
allow that because their budgets were already overstrained. Oxford ecologist Norman
Myers did research on the basis of refugees and believes that global warming will cause
huge upsurge in migration of people. The author of this report believes that if we left this
occurring and humans are mostly contributing in it. The main cause is that people still
have skepticism about global warming occurrence. The scientist calls this cause of the
media, because the relationship between media and civilians is very strong. According to
some news channel the global warming has not been given importance so people believe
that global warming is not occurring while other news channel gives proper information
so people are well aware of the occurrence of global warming. There are still some
democrats that say, global warming occurrence has not changed whether they have
Ola M. Johannesen et al 1996, Dennis Normile, Jhon Walsh from the university
of Illinois and H. Jay Zwalle has research on retreated ice of Arctic and Antarctic and has
come to a conclusion by referring to many others researchers survey of years of data that
polar regions which shows the colder theories are showing the signs of decreasing of ice
sheets in Arctic region than the Antarctic region. The greatest decreasing trends were in
Arctic extent 4.6% out of ice area of 5.8%. Their study indicates decreasing of ice extent
and area from 1978 to 1994. Which they are assuming may be a signal of green house
gases emission.
The American Biology Teacher 1992, the researcher asks anyone about global
warming and you will get as many answers as many environmentalists there are. The
video was made illustrating the diversity by using a 32-page mini-textbook, Climate,
Weather and People. While the wide gamut of opinions presented may be useful in
generating discussion, the program presents them in a dry interview format with recurring
shots of traffic jams, smoke-stacks and computer models of global warming trends. There
are distracting reflections in background windows, computer monitors and bald heads.
The author believes students will learn far more by researching the contradictions in
problem global warming is dating back from fourier1827 and its origin as a political issue
is recent while the effects of green house gases on global warming were started in 1970
which were also termed as human activities that are causing global warming. The
evolution of climate questions from science to politics have been as a void leading a
damaging perspective to public areas as they are not aware about it. Spencer Warts” The
Discovery of Global Warming” has gone a long way in rectifying this situation but he is
Bert Bolin discussion about scientist’s activity after mid 1980 which helped building the
road to the U.N Framework Convention on climate change and the Kyoto Protocol is
more superficial.
Tanya Tillet 2006, the researcher tells that it has been revealed that the
Metrolpolitan areas account for the most green house gases emission and they should be
responsible in the account of it. William J. Clinton with many large countries climate
leadership has launched Clinton Climate Change Initiative. The partnership will take
practical steps in slowing down the global warming. There first objective is to allow
participants to save money on buying and developing energy saving products. Global
warming experts see the CCI’s component as a first integral step in slowing the rate of
efficiency projects and thus decreases in emission and also the large countries need to
Richard A. Kier 1990, according to the scientists 1989 was the warmest year the
temperature was increase by 0.23C. The chances of green house gases the main cause of
global warming has not been confirmed yet. The recent access warmth is considerable
and making the year 1989 the fifth warmest year. Although the temperature is increasing
the direct signs give that the greenhouse gases effects are still hard to come by the
temperature record. The temperature increased is mostly in the Arctic regions. This
makes the author believed that the greenhouse gases are the most likely cause of the
global warming.
David Stradling 2000, the researcher studies that with greenhouse Gale
Christianson has tackled a timely and valuable topic about global warming causes.
Christianson’s lively writing is supporting global warming theory and to the industrial
history behind the rising of carbon gases in the atmosphere. Christianson’s approaches
his conclusion by giving some dire forecast about climate change. His project takes the
current understanding about climate change on an absolute truth. A position that greatly
diminishes the value of his own work revealing the many changes in opinion that have
6. How severe can global warming impacts will reach if not considered seriously?
Global warming is a major problem for life now a days and the main source
activities since the evolution of industrial activities. This means there is a significant
relationship between greenhouse gases and global warming. The main source of global
warming is carbon dioxide because carbon dioxide acts as a trapping blanket in the
atmosphere which traps heat and global temperature rises due to the trapping of heat and
also carbon dioxide in the atmosphere survives for long time and heat trap in it
compounds over a long time. The gases that affect global warming are not only coming
from greenhouse gases they are also arriving from other events such as disforestation,
ozone layer depletion, volcanic activity which that global warming does not only have
relationship with greenhouse gases but also with other events both natural and artificial or
5.1 Variables
1.Greenhouse gases
2. Volcanic eruption
3. Ozone layer
4. Deforestation
5.Volcanic activities.
4. Melting of ice,
Some other variable used in this research paper are what level of priority should
Sampling method used in this research paper is non probability sampling in which
universities in Karachi and conducted questionnaire survey for collection of data for
research paper.
Time horizon selected for my research paper was cross sectional study which was
done under four months and about two hundred and eleven questionnaires forms were
The collection of data for this research paper was done manually by preparing
SPSS software.
Analytical test was done by using SPSS software in which regression analysis,
frequency distribution, reliability of the data collected were checked and interpreted.
The above frequency chart shows the percentage of respondents that agree that
Volcanic Eruption
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 26 12.3 12.3 12.3
Neither agree nor disagree 75 35.5 35.5 47.9
Valid Disagree 93 44.1 44.1 91.9
Simply Disagree 17 8.1 8.1 100.0
Total 211 100.0 100.0
how much greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming.
The above frequency chart shows the percentage of respondents that how much
Ozone Layer
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 26 12.3 12.3 12.3
Neither agree nor disagree 101 47.9 47.9 60.2
Valid Disagree 51 24.2 24.2 84.4
Simply Disagree 33 15.6 15.6 100.0
Total 211 100.0 100.0
The above frequency chart shows the rate of percentage of respondents that
believe that the ozone layer depletion is resulting in the cause of global warming.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 26 12.3 12.3 12.3
Neither agree nor disagree 123 58.3 58.3 70.6
Valid Disagree 45 21.3 21.3 91.9
Simply Disagree 17 8.1 8.1 100.0
Total 211 100.0 100.0
The previous frequency chart shows the rate of respondents that I choose for my
questionnaire sampling that how much deforestation tends to increase in global warming.
Human Activities
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 68 32.2 32.2 32.2
Neither agree nor disagree 126 59.7 59.7 91.9
Disagree 17 8.1 8.1 100.0
Total 211 100.0 100.0
The above frequency chart shows the rate of respondents that think that human
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.839 18
The above given charts shows the reliability analysis of 211 questionnaires with 18 questions in
each questionnaire.
6.3 Regression Analysis
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 7.654 .423 18.090 .000
Causes_GHG_1 1.654 .215 .459 7.709 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Global Warming
b = Slope
According to the equation as the green house gases rate (x) increases the global
The value of R for linear regression s is the result of greenhouse gases emission
on global warming which shows that greenhouse gases has strong positive relationship
with global warming. As greenhouse gases amount increases the global arming rate also
increases as shown in the above equation. The value of R square shows the percent
variability which has been expanded by the model. The p value was found to be very
significant which means there is a significant positive relationship between greenhouse
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 6.211 .395 15.716 .000
1 Causes Volcanic Eruption
1.868 .156 .626 12.003 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Global Warming
b = Slope
According to the equation as the volcanic eruption rate (x) increases the global
global warming which shows that volcanic eruption has strong positive relationship with
global warming. As volcanism amount increases the global arming rate also increases as
shown in the above equation. The value of R square shows the percent variability which
has been expanded by the model. The p value was found to be very significant which
means there is a significant positive relationship between volcanic eruption and global
Model Summary
Mo R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 9.708 .357 27.204 .000
1 Causes_Depletion_Of_O
.458 .142 .212 3.232 .001
a. Dependent Variable: Global Warming
EQUATION: By using simple linear regression I have derived an equation;
b = Slope
According to the equation as the ozone layer depletion rate (x) increases the
The value of R for linear regression s is the result of ozone layer depletion rate on
global warming which shows that ozone layer depletion has strong positive relationship
with global warming. As ozone layer depletion amount increases the global arming rate
also increases as shown in the above equation. The value of R square shows the percent
variability which has been expanded by the model. The p value was found to be very
significant which means there is a significant positive relationship between ozone layer
4. Effects of Deforestation
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
b = Slope
x = Deforestation Rate
According to the equation as the deforestation rate (x) increases the global
The value of R for linear regression s is the result of deforestation rate on global
warming which shows that deforestation has strong positive relationship with global
warming. As deforestation amount increases the global arming rate also increases as
shown in the above equation. The value of R square shows the percent variability which
has been expanded by the model. The p value was found to be very significant which
It has been illustrated that global warming is mostly caused by human activities
such as green house gases, ozone layer depletion, deforestation related to natural hazards
like volcanic eruption. The main cause of increase in global mean temperature is
emission of carbon dioxide because, fossil fuels which mostly contains carbon in them
when burned they react with oxygen and produce carbon dioxide. The destruction in
forest which uses carbon dioxide also contributes to the increase in carbon dioxide. This
does not only mean that only artificial events such as human activities are responsible for
global warming but also natural events such as volcanic activity and also carbon emission
from various natural events also contribute in global warming but in lesser quantity.
Human based activities such as greenhouse, deforestation are the main cause of
global warming or global rise in temperature. As shown by the frequency table and
regression analysis as the variables rates increases the global warming also increases.
Most of the research questions were answered by questionnaire survey and also
by using SPSS software which helped in Reliability analysis, frequency distribution and
Complete study may help people to have better understanding of the global
warming and its causes and how can we help to reduce it. For its precaution steps it is
important that you should first understand what is global warming and how it is
processing and most of this you can get from this research paper.
1. (Richard A. Kier 1990), Science, New Series, Global Warming Continues in 1989 Vol.
2. (Barry D. Solomen et al 1990) Science, New Series, Global Warming Vol. 247, No.
4943, p. 620.
3. (The Americn Biology Teacher 1992) Global Warming Future Contest, Vol. 54, No. 2,
p. 127
4. (Ola M. Johannessen et al 1996) Science, New Series , Global Warming And Arctic
5. (The Wilson Quaterly 1996) Climate On Cable, Climate Patterns Vol. 36, No. 1 (Winter
2012), p. 71
6. (Jhon F. Caldwell et al. 1998) Journal (American Water Works Association), global
Warming Articles Make Readers Hot Under Collar Vol. 90, No. 1, p. 6.
7. (David Stradling 2000), Environmental History, Green house Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 261-262
10. (Martina Habeck 2003) Frontier in ecology and the environment, Hidden Casualties of
11. ( American Sociological Association Fall 2004) Contexts, Global Warming And The
13. (Environmental History 2004), The Discovery of Global Warming Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.
14. (Tanya Tillet 2006), Environmental Health Perspectives, Clinton Climate Initiatives
15. (J. Hansen et al 2011) Science, New Series, Global Warming Continues Vol. 295, No.
5553, p. 275.