Zinc Coatings
Zinc Coatings
Zinc Coatings
30 65.4
© 2011 American Galvanizers Association. The material provided herein has been
developed to provide accurate and authoritative information about after-fabrication
hot-dip galvanized steel. This material provides general information only and is not
intended as a substitute for competent professional examination and verification
as to suitability and applicability. The information provided herein is not intended
as a representation or warranty on the part of the AGA. Anyone making use of this
information assumes all liability arising from such use.
1 mil
Galvanizing Process
Cooling and
Drying Zinc inspection
Flux bath
Rinsing solution
Caustic Rinsing
Figure 3: Batch hot-dip galvanizing processes
70 Rural
60 Suburban
Temperate Marine
50 Tropical Marine
40 Industrial
1. 0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
1 mil = 25.4μm = 0.56oz/ft2
Average Thickness of Zinc (mils)
*Time to first maintenance is defined as the time to 5% rusting of the steel surface.
Zinc Application Process As the steel exits the furnace, it enters into a vacuum
Continuous sheet galvanizing is also a hot-dip process, chamber, or snout, before entering the molten zinc bath to
but is only applied to steel sheet, strip, and wire. A coil prevent any air from reoxidizing the heated steel product.
to coil process, steel sheet from 0.010 to 1.70 inches The steel is then sent around a submerged roll in the
(0.25 mm to 4.30 mm) thick and up to 72 inches (1,830 mm) molten bath to create the bonded coating and removed
wide is passed as a continuous ribbon through cleaning in a vertical direction. As the product is withdrawn from
baths and molten zinc at speeds up to 600 feet per minute. the bath, precisely regulated, high-pressure air (air knife)
is used to remove any excess zinc to create a closely
Preparing the steel for the continuous hot-dip coating controlled coating thickness. The steel is then allowed to
begins with cleaning in an alkaline liquid combined with cool and solidify before contacting another roll to avoid
brushing, rinsing, and drying. Then, the steel passes into transferring or damaging the coating.
the heating or annealing furnace to soften it and impart
the desired strength and formability. In this annealing Today, this continuous hot-dip process is used to
furnace, the steel is maintained under a reducing gas make seven different types of sheet products including
atmosphere, composed of hydrogen and nitrogen, to galvanized (zinc), galvannealed (90-92% zinc/8-10%
remove any oxide that may be on the surface. Just as in iron alloy), two alloys of zinc and aluminum (55%
the batch process, the steel must be completely clean of aluminum/45% zinc alloy and 95% zinc/5% aluminum
oxides and contaminants for a successful coating. alloy), two aluminum based alloys (100% aluminum,
89-95% aluminum/5-11% silicon alloy), and the terne
coating (85-97% lead/3-15% tin alloy).
• Factory controlled
• Precise and consistent coating thickness
• Interior applications only
(unless painted over)
• Available in annealed condition
for formability
• Mostly pure zinc coating – softer than steel
Zinc Application Process is another reason constant agitation and homogenous
Zinc painting, often erroneously termed cold galvanizing, mixture is important during application. There is some
is the application by brush or spray of zinc dust mixed question as to whether cathodic protection is possible at
with organic or inorganic binders. Prior to application, all if the zinc particles are encapsulated in the binder and
the steel must be cleaned by sand blasting to near the binder is non-conductive.
white metal (SSPC–SP 10), commercial blast cleaning
Inorganic and organic zinc-rich paints vary somewhat
(SSPC-SP 6) or white metal (SSPC-SP 5). The zinc dust
in their performance. Inorganic zinc-rich paints, which
must be mixed with a polymeric-containing vehicle
adhere to the steel with mild chemical reactivity, have
and constantly agitated during application to produce
good solvent resistance and can withstand temperature
a homogenous mixture and proper adhesion. Zinc-rich
up to about 700 F (375 C). Inorganic zinc-rich paints do
paints typically contain 92-95% metallic zinc in dry film.
not chalk, peel, or blister readily, are easy to weld and
When spray applying, feed lines should be kept as short
provide simpler cleanup than organics. The density of
as possible to prevent settling of zinc dust and uneven
inorganic zinc-rich paints are about half the density of
film coats. Zinc painting can be applied in either the
zinc per mil of batch hot-dip galvanized coatings.
shop or the field.
The properties of organic zinc-rich paints depend on
Coating Characteristics and Performance the solvent system. Multiple coats may be applied within
Like all paint coatings, zinc-rich paint is a surface 24 hours without cracking. Organic zinc-rich paints do
coating, mechanically bonded to the steel at a few not have the same temperature resistance of inorganic
hundred pounds per square inch (psi). Zinc-rich paints zincs, as they are limited to 200-300 F. They are also
are either organic, consisting of epoxies, chlorinated subject to ultraviolet (sunlight) degradation, and are not
hydrocarbons, and other polymers, or inorganic based as effective as inorganics in corrosion protection.
on organic alkyl silicates. The organic or inorganic paints
are applied to a dry film thickness of 2.5 to 3.5 mils. If Applications
applied too thick, cracking may occur. Zinc-rich paint can be applied to steel of any size and
shape, though application is difficult on more complex
fabrications. Zinc-rich paints are widely used as primers
to high-performance two and three coat systems and
for touch-up and repair of batch hot-dip galvanized
coatings. In mild environments, inorganic zinc paint
may be used independently for corrosion protection, but
should be top coated in more severe environments to
extend service life.
Electric Arc
Power Supply
Zinc Wire Feeder
Spray Gun
Heat Control
Source Compressed Air Source Cable
Figure 6: Zinc Spray Metallizing
Zinc Application Process
Mechanical zinc plating is accomplished by tumbling
small parts in a drum with zinc and proprietary
chemicals. Small iron and steel parts – usually limited in
size to about 8-9 inches (200-300 mm) and weighing less
than one pound (0.5 kg) – are cleaned and flash copper
coated before loading into a plating barrel. The barrel is
then loaded with proprietary chemicals, glass beads and
zinc powder and tumbled (Figure 7). During tumbling,
the glass beads peen zinc powder onto the part. Once
finished, the parts are dried and packaged, or post-
treated with a passivation film, dried, and packaged.
Because of the application process (tumbling and
GLASS peening), the coating thickness can vary throughout the
BEADS part. Complex designs with recesses or blind holes as
well as edges, corners and threads can have inconsistent
or non-existent coatings due to inaccessibility to the
PLATING peening action of the glass beads. It is also important
PLATING CHEMICALS the compaction agents (beads) are large enough to avoid
being lodged in any cavities, recesses, or small threads in
the part. The coating is mechanically-bonded to the steel
METAL with a similar adhesion to zinc plating.
Applications/Exposure Conditions
As mentioned, mechanical plating can only be applied
WATER to small parts limited to the capacity of the drum.
Furthermore, the materials must be simple in design to
COPPERED PARTS ensure peening to all surfaces. Mechanical zinc plating
is most commonly used on high-strength fasteners and
Figure 7: Mechanical Plating
other small parts not suitable for hot-dip galvanizing.
Coating Characteristics & Performance
Mechanical plating consists of a flash coating of
copper followed by the zinc coating. Coating thickness MECHANICAL PLATING
requirements specified in ASTM B695 range from SUMMARY
0.2 to 4.3 mils (5 to 110 µm). While thicker coatings
• Factory controlled
are possible, the common thickness on commercial
• Small parts only
fasteners is 2 mils (50 µm). Coating thickness is
regulated by the amount of zinc charged to the • Poor/no coverage in recesses
plating barrel and the duration of tumbling time. • Variable thickness of coating depending
The coating has a density of about 70% compared on tumbling time
to a batch hot-dip galvanized coating density. The • Inconsistent coating thickness
hot-dip coating has over 30% more zinc per unit • Thinner coating on edges and corners
volume than a mechanical coating.
Zinc Application Process zinc coating is thin, up to a maximum thickness of 1 mil
Zinc plating is identical to electrogalvanizing in principle (25 µm), and mechanically bonded to the surface with a
because both are electro-deposition processes. However, hardness of about a third to a half that of most steels. The
zinc plating is used on small parts such as fasteners, governing specification, ASTM B633, lists four classes
crank handles, springs and other hardware items rather of zinc-plating: Fe/Zn 5, Fe/Zn 8, Fe/Zn 12 and Fe/Zn
than sheet metal. The zinc is applied as an expendable 25 where the number indicates the coating thickness in
electrode in a cyanide, alkaline non-cyanide, or acid microns (µm).
chloride salt solution. Cyanide baths are the most
Applications/Exposure Conditions
operationally efficient but can potentially create pollution
and are hazardous. Zinc plating is typically used for screws and other small
fasteners, light switch plates, and various small parts
After alkaline or electrolytic cleaning, pickling to remove that will be exposed in interior or mildly corrosive
surface oxides, and rinsing, the parts are loaded into conditions. For use in moderate or severe environments,
a barrel, rack, or drum and immersed in the plating the materials must be chromate-conversion coated for
solution. Various brightening agents may be added to additional corrosion protection.
the solution to add luster, but careful control is needed to
ensure a quality product. Post-plating treatments may be
used to passivate the zinc surface as well as impart various ZINC PLATING SUMMARY
translucent colors or to extend the life of the coating.
• Factory controlled
Coating Characteristics & Performance • Small parts only
Typical zinc-plated coatings are dull gray with a matte • Interior use only
finish, although whiter, more lustrous coatings can be • Very thin coating
produced, depending on the process or agents added to
the plating bath or through post-treatments. The pure
Though all of the coatings in this publication are comprised of zinc and often lumped under the umbrella term
“galvanizing,” each is very different in its application, characteristics, and performance in various environments. It is
important to evaluate the exposure condition of each project before selecting the most effective zinc coating for that
particular application, because as this aid points out, not all zinc coatings are created equally.
11 •
Zinc Co
In shop factory-
Batch Hot-Dip ASTM A123, A153, A767, 1.4 to 3.9 milsa/ Fasteners to
controlled; no special <1 hr
Galvanizing requirement
CSA G164, ISO 1461 2 to 8.0 mils 90’ beams
Sheet steel
In shop factory-
Continuous Sheet 0 to 3.2 milsb/ 0.010”-1.70”
controlled; no special ASTM A653 <1 hr
Galvanizing requirement
0 to 3.2 mils thick,
72” wide
In shop or field; SSPC-PS Guide 12.00,
conditions are 22.00; 0.6 to 5.0 mils/coat/ 24-72
Zinc Painting Unlimited
subjective and prone SSPC-PS Paint 20; 4.0 to 6.0 mils hrs
to human error SSPC-PS 12.01
Zinc Spray 3.3 mils/
In shop or field AWS C2.2 Unlimited <24 hrsd
Metallizing 4.0 to 6.0 mils
In shop factory- Small parts
Mechanical 0.2 to 4.2 milsc/
controlled; no special ASTM B695 8”-9” and <1 hr
Plating requirement
0.2 to 4.2 mils
under 1 lb
In shop factory-
0.28 milsb/
Electrogalvanizing controlled; no special ASTM A879 Sheet steel <1 hr
0 to 0.28 mils
In shop factory-
0.2 to 1.0 milsc/
Zinc Plating controlled; no special ASTM B633 Small parts <1 hr
0.2 to 1.0 mils
Range based on ASTM, ISO, and CSA minimum thicknesses for all grades, classes, etc., encompassed by the specifications.
Total for both sides of sheet.
Range based on ASTM minimum thicknesses for all grades, classes, etc., encompassed by the specifications.
Dependent on sealer top coat
Table 3: Zinc Coatings and Applications
Controlled Interior or
Uniform thickness Metallurgical
~70 DPN Minimum to highly mildly corrosive
Controlled by air knife ~3,600 psi
spangled conditions
Smooth finish
100% coverage 75 DPN Dull gray to shiny Interior
300-500 psi
Controlled by additives
We acknowledge the assistance of the following who supplied illustrations for use in this booklet:
Figure 2: Teck Metals Ltd.
Figure 3: Adapted from drawing courtesy Nordisk Förzinkningsförening, Stockholm, Sweden from
Rust Prevention by Hot Dip Galvanizing.
Figure 6: Xstrata Canada Corp.
Figure 7: Lester Coch, Tru-Plate Process, Inc., Jericho, New York from the Economics of Mechanical
Plating, April 1978.
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American Galvanizers Association
6881 S. Holly Circle, Suite 108
Centennial, CO 80112