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GMO Golden Rice

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AgBioForum, 10(3): 154-160. ©2007 AgBioForum.

Crop Case Study: GMO Golden Rice in Asia with Enhanced Vitamin A
Benefits for Consumers

David Dawe Golden Rice is genetically modified to provide beta-carotene in

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) the rice grain and it could potentially address widespread Vita-
min A deficiency in poor countries where rice is a staple. Politi-
Laurian Unnevehr cal opponents have viewed Golden Rice as representing the
interests of multi-nationals and as inherently unsafe for con-
University of Illinois
sumption. Progress has been made towards adapting this crop
to tropical-rice growing environments, but it has not yet been
introduced into farmer’s fields. Efficacy and safety have not yet
been fully tested. Substantial work remains to target and deliver
this intervention to Vitamin A-deficient populations, and to over-
come remaining resistance to this technology. The political
response to the on-going development of Golden Rice is
reviewed to draw lessons for biofortification efforts that employ
modern biotechnology. Within Asian countries, successful
development and delivery will require policy dialogue among
agriculturalists, health specialists, and advocates for the poor.

Key words: rice, biotechnology, Vitamin A deficiency.

A. In low-income populations where rice is the primary
Genetically modified rice that contains beta-carotene,
staple, several micronutrient deficiencies are chronic
widely known as Golden Rice (GR), has not yet been
problems, including lack of Vitamin A. Such deficien-
introduced in any country. It was developed to address
cies are particularly pronounced in small children, who
Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) in low-income rice con-
need greater nutrient density in food to meet their higher
sumers, but currently needs much more development
nutrient needs. While the link between VAD and blind-
and testing before it can be introduced into farmers’
ness captures public attention, VAD also lowers immune
fields. GR is the most famous biofortification effort
response and increases the death rate from common
undertaken with modern biotechnology, due to the ini-
childhood diseases in developing countries, and as such
tial publicity (e.g., the cover of Time magazine on July
VAD is often considered primarily in terms of child-
31, 2000). As such, it has been a lightening rod for the
hood-mortality effects.
debate about the use of GMOs in meeting nutritional
VAD is widely recognized as a globally significant
needs. Thus, for this special issue on GM foods and bio-
problem. The United Nations Children’s Fund
fortification, a review of the lessons learned from the
(UNICEF) (2004, p. 4) estimates that “Vitamin A defi-
GR case is crucial to understanding the political land-
ciency is compromising the immune systems of approx-
scape for other biofortification efforts. GR shows both
imately 40% of the developing world’s under-fives and
the dramatic nutritional benefits that can be achieved
leading to the early deaths of an estimated one million
with use of modern biotechnology and the considerable
young children each year.” VAD is often a problem
hurdles to eventual adoption and impact.
where rice gruel is used as a weaning food. It is most
Below, this article presents the story of GR, includ-
important in the poorest nations of the world, including
ing a review of the controversies regarding its develop-
most of South and Southeast Asia where rice is the main
ment and the literature estimating ex-ante benefits,
staple, and that situation has not changed during the past
risks, and costs. The article closes with an assessment of
the current prospects for GR and lessons for other bio-
The idea of using rice as a vehicle to address micro-
fortification efforts.
nutrient deficiencies dates at least to the early 1980s.
Impetus, Development, and Initial This idea emerged within the Consultative Group on
International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system
and led to conventional breeding efforts to increase iron
The polished rice grain does not contain beta-carotene, a and zinc in rice in the 1990s. Creating rice with beta-
Vitamin A precursor that the body converts into Vitamin carotene content was not possible until the advent of
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modern biotechnology techniques. The Rockefeller as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) engaged in

Foundation (RF) funded the initial GR research through nutrition and food-security issues in developing coun-
its Rice Biotechnology Network, which was specifically tries. In Southeast Asia, such groups included Biodiver-
established to address the need for basic biotechnology sity and Community Rights Action (BIOTHAI) in
research on this important food crop that was likely to Thailand, the Cambodian Center for Study and Devel-
be ignored by the private sector in industrialized coun- opment in Agriculture (CEDAC), the Development
tries. With support from the RF in the 1990s, Ingko Pot- Research Communication and Services Centre
rykus at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and (DRCSC) in India, GRAIN-MASIPAG (Farmer-Scien-
Peter Beyer at the University of Freiburg, Germany, col- tist Partnership for Development, Inc.) in the Philip-
laborated to introduce daffodil genes into rice. The sci- pines, and PAN-Indonesia and Policy Research for
ence was complex and cutting edge at that time, as it Development Alternatives (UBINIG) in Bangladesh
was an early example of the use of pathway engineering. (BIOTHAI et al., 2001). First-world opposition includes
Their success was hailed as a significant breakthrough organizations opposed to GM technology, such as
in the application of modern biotechnology, and the Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and Food First, as
work appeared in Science (Ye et al., 2000). well as various groups in Europe (e.g., Institute for Sci-
In conjunction with scientific publication, Potrykus ence in Society in the United Kingdom). Nutrition inter-
appeared on the cover of Time (July 31, 2000). Interest- vention groups do not seem to have been as vocal in the
ingly, the cover itself posed the debate that has dogged debate.
this idea from the beginning: “This rice could save a Many of these reactions reworked long-standing
million kids a year, but protesters believe such geneti- concerns about Green Revolution technologies and the
cally modified foods are bad for us and our planet.” The commercialization of smallholder agriculture and thus
article appeared at the height of the relatively new were not specific to GR. All of the opposing groups
debate about the acceptance of GM foods, largely trig- agree that VAD is an important problem but objected to
gered by trade conflicts between exporting countries GR either as an inappropriate or an ineffective solution.
that had adopted the technology (the United States, Can- To summarize, the negative reactions were based on
ada, and Argentina) and the importing countries (largely these points:
the European Union [EU] and other European nations).
Part of the publicity focused on the donation of intel- 1. Malnutrition is a result of poverty and interventions
lectual property (IP) rights for the GR technology so already exist to address micronutrient deficiencies.
that it could be further developed and adapted for intro- Instead of developing GR, resources should be
duction in the developing world. Apart from the patent focused on poverty alleviation, sustainable farming,
held by Potrykus, several enabling technologies were and proven strategies for nutrition intervention,
also needed for further development. Potrykus formed a such as supplementation and diet diversification
partnership with Zeneca (which later became Syngenta through backyard or community gardens.
Seeds AS after its merger with Novartis), due to their 2. GM foods are inherently unsafe to human health
history of work in carotenoids. Syngenta negotiated to and the environment. GR poses risks of these kinds
put together a package of rights to be donated for and thus will not achieve its humanitarian goals.
humanitarian use, including patents held by Bayer AG, 3. Rice is directly consumed by the poor, and thus the
Monsanto Co., Orynova BV, and Zeneca Mogen BV. poor would be “guinea pigs” for any human health
The condition for use of these patents include a) that impacts. Either GR will not provide enough Vita-
seeds are developed for distribution to farmers in devel- min A to do any good or will provide too much,
oping countries earning less than $10,000 per year from resulting in Vitamin A toxicity.
farming and 2) that release only takes place in countries 4. The IP arrangements are so convoluted that they do
with adequate biosafety regulations. The donation of not preclude commercial abuse and do not represent
this package of IP rights for humanitarian purposes was a useful replicable model. The idea of “donation” is
advertised as a model for the future transfer of this tech- an anathema to those who object to commercial
nology to developing countries. control of any agricultural IP.
Negative reactions to GR were immediate and in 5. GR is part of the continued use of “Green Revolu-
many cases quite emotional. The groups reacting tion” technologies that are unsustainable and harm-
included environmental advocacy groups already ful to the poor.
engaged in arguing against GM crops in general, as well
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It is not this case study’s purpose to debate these points than the original line, and these materials could provide
but rather to delineate issues that are under debate. all of the Vitamin A requirements for children eating
The virulence of the debate is surprising to someone rice-based diets (Stein, Sachdev, & Qaim, 2006). This
who is agnostic on the subject. On the one hand, scien- improvement in beta-carotene content brought forth a
tists, multi-national seed companies, and the CGIAR few restatements of the same general objections from
felt that they deserved credit for addressing a humanitar- those originally opposed to the technology (e.g., see
ian issue head-on and for donating technology for bene- Greenpeace, 2005).
ficial use. Admittedly, multi-nationals were in need of The initial framework to donate GR technology for
positive publicity following the negative reactions to humanitarian purposes remains under the control of Pot-
first-generation GM crops in Europe, and this was a rykus and Beyer, who are advised by a Golden Rice
strong motivation for their action on IP issues. But it Humanitarian Board (Golden Rice Humanitarian Project
does seem that scientists involved were surprised to website). This Board does not make funding decisions.
have their motives questioned, as they genuinely Much of the current funding for development comes
believed in the positive humanitarian potential of this from USAID grants to the International Rice Research
technology. On the other hand, those opposed to GM Institute (IRRI), as well as country-mission grants to
technology for ethical, environmental, or health con- National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS). Other
cerns seem to have felt that this represented a commer- funding sources include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foun-
cial conspiracy to win over the public. They wanted to dation, the Swiss Development and Collaboration
debunk this technology because it diverts attention from Agency, the Syngenta Foundation, and the Rockefeller
potential negative impacts to potential positive ones, Foundation.1 Research collaborators include IRRI, as
thus changing the terms of the debate. They labeled it a well as NARS institutions in Bangladesh, Vietnam, the
“Trojan horse” for other biotechnology products in less- Philippines, India, China, and Indonesia.
developed countries. For the NGOs involved in poverty Field trials of the GR1 lines were conducted for the
alleviation, it represents competition for resources and first time in 2004 at Louisiana State University (as US
influence. Thus, the debate has been quite hostile in that regulations allowed this step to move forward more
each side accuses the other of acting in bad faith. quickly than in any Asian country). The first trials dem-
onstrate that the crop is agronomically sound and may
Subsequent Evolution and Current Status have higher beta-carotene when grown under field con-
The public attention to this potential new technology ditions. Limited field trials for the GR2 lines have also
reinforced for its advocates the need to address several been carried out, but these GR1 and GR2 lines need to
issues in its development. It is perhaps unfortunate that be crossed into appropriate indica varieties for use in
the first scientific breakthrough generated so much Asia.
attention when it remained fairly far removed from In Asia, research samples of the initial GR arrived at
implementation. The initial strains of GR utilizing daf- IRRI in 2001. Attempts were made to create new trans-
fodil genes did not contain very much beta-carotene and genic variants of IR64, BR29, and other widely grown
might have had little impact on VAD in most Asian varieties in Asia with high levels of beta-carotene, using
diets. This point was noted almost immediately by the same genes for beta-carotene synthesis. Breeding
astute advocates for the opposition (e.g., Shiva, 2000). work (back-crossing) into leading Asian varieties was
Later GR1 lines contain as much as 5 times more beta- also undertaken with the initial GR lines. With the avail-
carotene, although Dawe, Robertson, and Unnevehr ability of the new GR1 and GR2 lines with higher beta-
(2002) found that even this level may not have much carotene content, the activities with the initial lines were
impact in some populations that are severely affected by ended in 2003, and back-crossing work with the new
VAD and for whom rice is not the only staple. lines began in 2004. As of yet, no field trials have been
Subsequent research has utilized cereal genes rather conducted in Asia, although such trials of backcrossed
than daffodil genes to generate much higher levels of GR1 and GR2 lines may be conducted in the Philippines
beta-carotene in so-called GR2 lines (Paine et al., 2005).
In these lines, the enzymatic activity in the PSY genes 1. Rockefeller has shifted almost all of its agricultural develop-
found within maize or rice is utilized to produce much ment funding to Africa and currently has only some funding
higher levels of beta-carotene in the rice grain. The new that is partly for GR in Vietnam, the Philippines, and China.
levels of beta-carotene in GR2 lines are 20 times higher These are legacy grants from earlier investments in the Rice
Biotechnology Network.

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in 2007 and are possible in India in 2008 (G. Barry, per- These studies are beginning and will help define the
sonal communication, June 20, 2007). These countries deployment options for the product.
have relatively well established biosafety guidelines, Costs of development will include basic research,
and have already approved other GM crops for commer- adaptation to local conditions, biosafety testing, and
cial purposes. costs of consumer and producer education, as well as
Beyond issues of agronomic viability, there are other any specific marketing regulations and future mainte-
development efforts required to address issues of accep- nance breeding. In 2002, Dawe et al. made very crude
tance, safety, and impact. Some taste tests have been estimates of GR costs for Asia, which now appear to
carried out (Dubock, 2005), although not yet in Asia. have underestimated the costs of development and pro-
Bioavailability testing is currently ongoing at Tufts Uni- motion. Stein’s (2006) estimates of the costs for bring-
versity, using GR2 lines (Stein, Sachdev, & Qaim, ing GR to market in India are $21-28 million total for
2007), and the next phase will be a study in Asia (G. the next 30 years (discounted to the present), or $0.7-0.9
Toenniessen, personal communication, August 1, 2006). million annually. This includes costs of development
Detailed work for biosafety risk assessment will con- within India of $4.1-8.7 million, $2.2-2.5 million for
tinue as the crop-development work advances. This risk regulatory review, and $15.6-30.7 million for promotion
assessment work will be mostly carried out in Asia by and marketing. These estimates show that significant
NARS and will take several years to complete. investments must still be made to bring GR to farmers’
Preliminary stability and retention studies are also fields in Asia, above and beyond international research
underway in Germany, the United States, and the Philip- and development (R&D) to support understanding of
pines in order to take account of varying storage and bioavailability and biosafety.
cooking conditions in different socioeconomic and cul- Every ex-ante study has shown benefits from GR,
tural settings. For example, exposure to air, light, and and these are usually substantial and cost-effective.
moisture during storage will vary across locations. As Dawe et al. (2002) found that the initial GR strain would
another example, rice is parboiled in Bangladesh before deliver very modest amounts of Vitamin A in the diets
eating. Conditions and food preparation processes such of VAD children in one area of the Philippines. They
as these could have large effects on the quantity of beta- also estimated that the initial GR was very cost-effective
carotene in the cooked grain, so the results of these stud- compared with other interventions, such as wheat forti-
ies will be critical for making a better assessment of the fication or supplementation. Zimmermann and Qaim
potential contribution of GR to alleviating VAD. More (2004) estimated the benefits in terms of saved disabil-
work of this kind will need to be done as more material ity-adjusted life years (DALYs), and found potential
adapted to local conditions is developed. reductions in annual health-related costs of $16-88 mil-
lion in the Philippines. Anderson, Jackson, and Nielsen
An Ex-Ante Analysis of Benefits, Costs, (2004) used their results to estimate benefits of better
and Risks health for unskilled workers in a general equilibrium
As discussed above, the importance of VAD is widely framework and found that health benefits potentially
recognized. Its persistence is testimony to the limita- dwarf any agricultural productivity benefits from GM
tions of current interventions (discussed more fully in rice, maize, and oilseed crops in Asia.
other papers in this special issue). GR has the potential The most recent study is by Stein (2006) for India,
to reach important subpopulations that have not been and it finds that the newer GR would reduce the burden
targeted by current interventions, most notably small of VAD in India by 5-54%, depending upon assump-
children in parts of rural Asia where rice is the predomi- tions about adoption and who consumes it. The cost-per-
nant staple and weaning food. Several different studies DALY-saved would be $3.40-35.47 for GR, which com-
have now tried to assess the potential benefits of GR pares favorably with alternative interventions. However,
using different economic methods and building their these costs-per-DALY-saved for GR are significantly
analyses on some strong assumptions about nutritional higher than equivalent costs for biofortification of rice
benefits. Because GR is still so far from actual produc- or wheat with either iron or zinc. The latter biofortifica-
tion and consumption, little is known about bioavailabil- tions are easier to achieve and to promote, as they
ity, losses in storage or cooking, or many other factors involve less complex breeding applications and fewer
that would influence the actual delivery of Vitamin A. consumer-acceptance issues. The Stein (2006) study
confirms that major benefits are possible from GR, but
also that it may be a more challenging biofortification
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application than other potential biofortification interven- of their rice on markets. Yet another possibility would
tions. be for governments to subsidize the production and/or
What are the risks for supporters of GR? One risk consumption of GR through public distribution systems
that seems minimal at this stage is that NGOs will be to encourage adoption by farmers and consumption by
able to derail field testing on a large scale. Several coun- poor consumers. However, it should be noted that tar-
tries in Asia (including the Philippines and India) have geted government subsidies in agriculture and food are
already approved GM crops for commercial purposes, difficult to deliver without substantial leakage of finan-
and there are procedures for such approval in many cial resources.
countries. If the data support the effectiveness and Second, GR may cause unforeseen health risks, par-
safety of the new crops, it seems politically likely that ticularly if it is the first GMO to be widely consumed by
field testing will proceed. However, exporting countries children. This speaks to the importance of extensive
like Thailand and Vietnam are cautious about GM con- testing to ensure that GR has limited side effects and,
tent that might reduce export prospects. GR at least pro- after storage and cooking, has enough bioavailable beta-
vides a visible marker (golden color) that would carotene to substantially reduce VAD. The lengthy
facilitate market segmentation. approval process still underway for commercialization
However, NGOs may have more influence on adop- of Bt rice in China shows the concerns that governments
tion by farmers and consumers than on field testing. have over GM food crops (as opposed to Bt maize
Many large NGOs are likely to support GR if it is safe intended for animal feed or Bt cotton). These issues are
and effective, e.g., the influential NGOs in Bangladesh discussed more fully in the China and Philippines case
such as Grameen, Bangladesh Rural Advancement studies elsewhere in this special issue. If Bt rice is
Committee (BRAC), and Proshika. These NGOs are approved in China, this will most likely smooth the path
unlikely to take a major lead in promoting GR, but they for approval of GR—certainly in China and possibly in
will probably not oppose it and may lend some support other countries as well.
to its dissemination if there is strong evidence it will Third, GR may be adopted and have a positive
help the poor. But many other NGOs advocate organic impact, but one that is difficult to perceive or measure,
farming, and it seems unlikely that any amount of evi- so that little “credit” is given to the innovation. To rem-
dence will convince them to support GR: their objec- edy this situation, it will be important to undertake edu-
tions are due to ethical or ideological considerations, not cation campaigns to inform any skeptical farmers,
scientific skepticism. Their influence is not to be consumers, or NGOs about the nutritional benefits of
ignored, and if GR is to be adopted, educational cam- GR (assuming a successful variety is developed) and its
paigns targeted to farmers and the general public will be benefits for farmers. Such campaigns will be important
of crucial importance. for ensuring widespread adoption as well as giving due
There are several other risks that could be important. credit once it is adopted.
First, after substantial investment, GR may not be Many members of the educated general public in
widely adopted and will have little semblance of the Asia are convinced that most new technologies hurt
impact envisioned. Farmers who wish to sell it in mar- farmers, especially if the corporate sector is involved in
kets (most rice in Asia is traded in markets, not con- the technology. To some extent, this is a legacy of the
sumed at home) may not want to take the risks of Green Revolution, which is still viewed with skepticism
adopting a new variety (e.g., lower yield, susceptibility by many even though it increased productivity, has been
to pests and diseases) unless they are compensated with adopted widely by farmers, and was a major force in
higher prices or yields. However, such higher prices averting the widespread famines forecast by many
would work against its incorporation into the diets of the observers. As a specific example, many people assume
poor, possibly causing it to wind up as a niche product that because of the corporate sector’s involvement in the
for rich consumers. One possibility to counter these origins of GR, farmers will need to purchase this seed
incentives would be to bundle the increased beta-caro- every year. While this is true for many crops in devel-
tene content with other new desirable traits that farmers oped economies, no company at present has plans to
find helpful. Alternatively, GR could be grown by poor commercialize GR in developing countries. In addition,
farmers for their own consumption, although again they the technology to create GR was donated by its inven-
may be discouraged by the risks noted above. Further- tors and private companies holding intellectual property
more, this strategy would limit the potential impact of licenses so that any organization or farmer can freely
GR because the poorest of the poor typically buy much distribute or replant seed. Thus, farmers will be under
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no compulsion to buy new seeds every year, but this fact Second, any biofortification effort will need support and
will need to be clearly and creatively communicated to guidance from NARS and NGOs within countries with
the public. The public may also need to be convinced nutritionally deficient populations in order to be
that a reasonable share of benefits from adoption of GR designed and targeted appropriately. These lessons for
goes to farmers. Economists typically assume that adop- future strategy are explored further in the final article in
tion by farmers is prima facie evidence that it provides this special issue.
them benefits, but this line of reasoning is not necessar-
ily convincing to others. References
Anderson, K., Jackson, L.A., & Nielsen, C.P. (2004). Genetically
Future Potential and Lessons for Other modified rice adoption: Implications for welfare and poverty
Biofortification Efforts alleviation (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
3380). Washington, DC: World Bank.
GR technology still needs considerable research invest-
ment to be viable in farmers’ fields and to meet a rigor- BIOTHAI, CEDAC, DRCSC, GRAIN-MASIPAG, PAN-
Indonesia, & UBINIG. (2001, February). Grains of delusion:
ous standard for consumer safety. Moving past Golden rice seen from the ground (2001 Briefing). Los Baños,
regulatory hurdles will not be easy, and thus, this crop is Laguna: The Philippines: Author. Available on the World
unlikely to play a role in meeting micronutrient needs Wide Web: http://www.grain.org/briefings/?id=18.
before the next decade. Dawe, D., Robertson, R., & Unnevehr, L. (2002). Golden Rice:
From the political standpoint, there are still no advo- What role could it play in alleviation of Vitamin A
cates for this technology within Asian countries. Minis- deficiency? Food Policy, 27, 541-560.
tries of Agriculture and NARS are production-oriented Dubock, A. (2005, July). Golden Rice—The partitioning of
by training and mandate; thus, they have little interest in influence. Paper presented at the 9th annual ICABR
a project that diverts attention from production goals International Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology,
and requires innovative cooperation with nutritional sci- Ravello, Italy.
ence. The IP arrangements have not given participating Golden Rice Humanitarian Project website. Accessed on July 11,
NARS a sense of ownership or control of this technol- 2006, from http://www.goldenrice.org.
ogy. Ministries of Health may find that biofortification Greenpeace. (2005, March 16). Golden Rice: All glitter, no gold
poses a threat to their traditional programs, although it (Press Release). Amsterdam: The Netherlands: Author.
can potentially save lives and government expenditures Accessed July 11, 2006, from http://www.greenpeace.org/
in the long run. NGOs have yet to embrace this technol- international/news/failures-of-golden-rice.
ogy. Paine, J.A., Shipton, C.A., Chaggar, S., Howells, R.M., Kennedy,
To move forward, it seems clear that GR must be M.J., Vernon, G., et al. (2005). A new version of Golden Rice
agronomically viable at a minimum. To be acceptable to with increased pro-Vitamin A content. Nature Biotechnology,
consumers and accomplish its nutritional goals will 23, 482-487.
require that countries make some strategic decisions Shiva, V. (2000, September). The “Golden Rice” hoax—When
about implementation, adoption, and promotion. Such public relations replaces science. New Delhi, India: Research
decisions include desirable beta-carotene levels, target Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology. Accessed
July 11, 2006, from http://online.sfsu.edu/~rone/GEessays/
populations, desirable agronomic characteristics, and
methods for distribution and promotion. These choices
Stein, A.J. (2006). Micronutrient malnutrition and the impact of
would be best informed if the health and agricultural
modern plant breeding on public health in India: How cost-
policy-makers can agree on the need for and potential effective is biofortification? Göttingen, Germany: Cuvillier
benefits from this technology and if NGOs who work Verlag.
with the poor embrace it. As this approach to biofortifi-
Stein, A.J., Sachdev, H.P.S., & Qaim, M. (2006). Potential impact
cation is relatively challenging, future investments in and cost-effectiveness of Golden Rice. Nature Biotechnology,
research need to increasingly be driven by policy dia- 24(10), 1200-01.
Stein, A.J., Sachdev, H.P.S., & Qaim, M. (2007). Correspondence.
The GR story provides guidance for other biofortifi- Nature Biotechology, 25(6), 624.
cation efforts. First, any biofortification of a staple crop
Time Magazine. (2000, July 31). 156(5). Available on the World
using GM technology will likely encounter greater Wide Web: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/0,9263,7601
political resistance, as well as more challenges in safety 000731,00.html.
assessments and delivery, than non-GM approaches.

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United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). (2004). Vitamin and biosynthetic pathway into (carotenoid-free) rice endosperm.
mineral deficiency: A global damage assessment report. New Science, 287, 303-305.
York, NY: Author. Retrieved on July 11, 2006, from http:// Zimmermann, R., & Qaim, M. (2004). Potential health benefits of
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Ye, X., Al-Babili, S., Klöti, A., Zhang, J., Lucca, P., Beyer, P., et
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Dawe & Unnevehr — Crop Case Study: GMO Golden Rice in Asia With Enhanced Vitamin A Benefits for Consumers

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