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Proposal Evha

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A. Background Of The Problem

English is the communication tool, communication is to comprehend and

to express information, idea, and feeling and to develop knowledge,

technology and culture. The ability of communication means that the

ability to master the four language skills such as: listening, speaking,

reading, writing. There are also language component such as: vocabulary,

spelling and structure. The communication among people from different

countries requires an international language which can be understood by

other people easily. English has been the most widely used as an

international language. And now the demand of English as a tool of

communication among people in the world is getting broader.

Indonesia has national language that is Bahasa Indonesia. Bahasa

Indonesia is used by Indonesia people to communication among the

societies in Indonesia. It is also used as a formal language. It is used in the

school, office and government institution, but it is not international

language. It cannot be used to communicate among the people in the world

and international programs.

English is very important thing for humans, because it is used in all

aspects of human life. Nowadays, English has become an international

language that is used in many countries all over the world. English is

important for students in Indonesia, in the KURIKULUM 2013 the

government in Indonesia declared English as compulsory subject from

junior high school until universities. English has been taken into our

curriculum and so the students can develop English skill. The students

should master four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and

writing based on concept of language.

Learning a language will automatically in involve learning its vocabulary

that is developed by using many different techniques, and there are many

techniques that can be used to teach or to improve students’ vocabulary.

Using an appropriate technique will ease the students to understand the


Among kinds of technique and method that can be applied in teaching

English vocabulary, writer used the technique of the game to improve

students’ vocabulary mastery. Teaching vocabulary using game gives the

new atmosphere in teaching learning in the class. Teaching vocabulary

using game needs long time and all of the students should play and take a

part of the game.

Based on the statement above, the write focused the research on the

vocabulary mastery of the students as teaching English in junior high

school, the student were still confused about vocabulary and limited
knowledge about vocabulary. Based on preliminary research in SMP 2

Pubian in the academic year 2014/2015, the write found the problem about

vocabulary of the students SMP N 2 Pubian in the academic year

2014/2015 was still low. The students still felt difficult vocabulary

mastery. Based on the background of the problems the teacher is interested

to solve the problem especially in vocabulary by using Alphabet In The

Cup Game in teaching vocabulary mastery in SMP N 2 Pubian in the

academic year 2014/2015. It is one the teaching and how to increase the

students’ vocabulary mastery.

Based on the explain above, the writer conducted the research entitled: “

The Effectiveness of Using Alphabet In The Cup Game Toward Students’

Vocabulary Mastery At The First Semester of The Seventh Class At SMP

N 2 Pubian In The Academic Year 2014/2015”

B. Formulation of The Problem

Based on the problem, the write formulated the problem as follows:

1. How well is the students’ vocabulary mastery?

2. How far is the effectiveness of using Alphabet in the Cup Game

toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery?

C. Limitation of The Problem

The writer limits the study about, how to improve vocabulary for the

students at the secondary school grade, through mapping word technique

in teaching learning English for the class seventh at the first semester.
In this paper, the writer focused to study about the effectiveness of the

Alphabet In the cup, apply in teaching learning activity to build up

students’ vocabulary.

D. Objectives and the Significant of Research

1. The Objectives of Research

The objectives of this research as follows:

a. To know the students’ vocabulary mastery using Alphabet In The

Cup Game?

b. To know the effectives of using Alphabet In The Cup Game

toward students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. The Use of Research

In relation to the problem and objectives this research had the

following uses:

a. To give information to English teacher about the effectiveness of

Alphabet In The Cup Game toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

in SMP N 2 Pubian in the academic year of 2014/2015.

b. To give motivation for the students’ and develop their skill.

c. To give information for further present was certain interest.

E. Scope of the Research

The scope of this Research as follows:

1. There are some methods in teaching vocabulary such as cup, flash

card, media and etc. but in the research the write used Alphabet In The

Cup game as method.

2. The writer used Alphabet In The Cup Game as method, the subject ot

the research is the students SMP N 2 Pubian in the academic year of

2014/2015 at Seventh Grade First Semester Year 2014



A. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is all about words — the words in a language or a special set

of words you are trying to learn. Vocabulary is so important; we even

created a web site to help expand yours.

Learn five new Vocabulary Lists focused on Latin roots "vocare,"

"portare," "sci," "struere," and "via."

First used in the 1500s to mean a list of words with explanations, the noun

vocabulary came to refer to the “range of language of a person or group”

about two hundred years later. A lot of hobbies, like fishing or knitting,

require that you learn their unique vocabulary before you can get the most

out of them. If you're in a rush, vocab is a faster way to say vocabulary.

B. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

A first consideration in delineating the construct of “vocabulary” in

research and practice is that individuals have various types of vocabulary

that they use for different purposes. Failure to distinguish among the

different kinds of vocabulary can lead to confusion and disagreement

about both research findings and instructional implications. Generically,

vocabulary is the knowledge of meanings of words. What complicates this

definition is the fact the words come in at least two forms: oral and print.

Knowledge of words also comes in at least two forms, respective—that

which we can understand or recognize—and productive—the vocabulary

we use when we write or speak. Productive vocabulary is the set of words

that an individual can use when writing or speaking. They are words that

are well-known, familiar, and used frequently. Conversely, receptive, or

recognition, vocabulary is that set of words for which an individual can

assign meanings when listening or reading. These are words that bare

often less well known to students and less frequent in use. Individuals may

be able assign some sort of meaning to them, even though they may not

know the full subtleties of the distinction. Typically, these are also words

that individuals do not use spontaneously. However, when individuals

encounter these words, they recognize them, even if imperfectly.

These rare words are much more likely to occur in the vocabularies of text

than in oral vocabularies. Hayes and his colleagues (Hayes&Ahrens, 1988;

Hayes et al., 1996) have considered the commonality and rareness of

words in oral and written language. Cited in Hiebert and Kamil(2005:5).

In conclusion, in vocabulary is the activity of communicating the meaning,

spelling and communicating the meaning, spelling and pronunciation of

the words. In the last session of the teaching activity, it is hoped that

students will be able to use the vocabulary in correct forms both written

and spoken
C. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary development is an important aspect of language development.

A variety of studies have proven that appropriate vocabulary instruction

benefits language students, especially school age learner.

Nation in Carol (2005:122) states that teachers should facilitate vocabulary

learning by teaching learners useful words and by teaching strategies to

help learners to figure out the meaning on their own. Useful words are

words that children are likely to encounter words that occur in high

frequency. Useful words are also words which are interesting to children.

Learners need to acquire vocabulary learning strategies in order to

discover the meaning of new words. Vocabulary should be integrated into

teaching the four language skill: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

McCarten (2007:18) states that learning vocabulary is a challenge for

learner, partly because of the size of task, partly because of the variety of

vocabulary types to be learn, including single word, phrases, collocation

and strategic vocabulary, as well as grammatical patterning, idioms and

fixed expression.

Based on the definition above, the teachers are able to choose game as a

technique to make the students interested in learning vocabulary. Teaching

vocabulary by using game can attract students’ interest in learning

English. The students will enjoy and fun in learning English.

D. Definition of Alphabet In The Cup Games

Alphabet In The Cup is word game, it is a learning medium. According to

Yulianto (2010:6) by using word games and vocabulary games, we can

understand English thorough “the other way” that is more interesting and

it is not leaving the language elements. And it is better use Alphabet in the

cup or makes word. Besides to add vocabulary, word games also help the

students to improve their spelling and pronunciation.

Batteridge and Buckby in Yulianto ( 2010: 12-13) say that there are the

advantages of word games (makes words and alphabet in the cup)

1. Games make the students enjoy the lesson, when they feel relax in

following the lesson, so they can understand and remember the lesson


2. Games in the classroom encourage the students to interact and


3. Games offer the good progress, when the students become success to

finish a game or guess the alphabet, it will motivate the students to


4. Game help the teacher to teach the lessons, than only using the usual


5. Games defend the learning situation in the classroom

An educator named Agnieszka Uberman (2010:14) also found the

advantages of word games to help the student in learning foreign

language. Those are the positive point from word game in English


1. Word games have the quality of motivation and challenging

2. Word game prepare the medium for the students in learning the

language skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing.

3. Word games encourage the students to interact and communicate,

in other word it support them practice their language mastery.

4. Word games create the context and real situation where the word


Based on the statement above, the writer assumes that word games

especially Alphabet in the cup can motivate and entertain the

student, Alphabet in the cup also offers a medium to get new

experience in learning the foreign language.

E. Concept of Game

Language games are not activates mainly aimed to break the ice between

students or to kill time. Byrne in Deesri, (2002:1) give the definition of

games as a from of play governed by rules. They should be enjoyed and

fun. They are not just a diversion, a break from routine activities, but away

of getting the learner to use the language in the course of the game.

Similarly, Hadfield (1999:4) defines games as an activity which rules, a

goal and an element of fun.

According to Uberman (2013:80) games can be a good way in practicing

the language that being learned by the children since they are able to

provide a modal of language on what the learners will use in real life.

Related to the statement, Kim (2013:80) present six advantages of using

the language games in classroom, which are:

1. Games are motivating and challenging

2. Games are as a welcome break from the usual routine of language


3. Games help the students to make and sustain the effort of learning

4. Games provide language practice in the various and integrated

language skills

5. Games encourage students to interact and communicate to each other

6. Games create a meaningful context for language that is being learned

by the students

Similarly, Kim, Mei and Yu Jing (2013:80) state that through laying

games, student can learn English as the way the children learn and say

their mother language without being aware they are studying : thus

without stress, the student can learn a lot in learning the target


In respect to the statements above, the writer assumes that language

games can attract the students’ interest in learning English, the use of
language games can also motivate student to practice their English in

real life situation by taking part actively in the classroom interaction.

F. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary in Alphabet In The Cup

Before game started to prepare a set of alphabet block or plate write down

letter an until z provide a bowl to place the letter. This game can be played

by many player as early game, shake letter in bowl so that its become

randomly. And then with closed of eyes, take a plate letter and read off

that chosen letter to all players. Duty player to make a word language

English with prefix letter you which have take. Give value one player able

to make real correct and quickest. Fastest word player collecting value

expressed many as winner. Take example you take plate letter w, hence

one of player possibility will give answer window, wear, well, worry, etc.

G. Process of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Games

There were five steps which were used by the writer in her process of

teaching vocabulary by using games, they are:

1. Motivating Strategies

a. Greeting

Greeting is the first step which is needed in the beginning of the

lesson. It is used to make the students familiar in expressing English


b. Warming up

Warming up or brainstorming is used to make the students

interested in the lesson and it gives a chance for them to express

their opinion. The writer did it by asking some questions related to

the material which would be discussed in the lesson.

2. Presentation Strategy

In this step, the writer began to explain the material by giving some

skills that must be mastered by them in learning English. They are

listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, and simple grammar.

a. Teaching Listening and Speaking

In teaching listening the writer used some word. In addition blank

word could make the students easier to imagine the real sentence

and more interested in learning the material.

b. Teaching Reading and Writing

In teaching reading and writing the writer used some blank word as

the teaching media. First the writer asked the students to open their

book on page (…). After that the writer asked them to concern in

the sentence of a book in the table. Then the writer read the dialog

text sentence by sentence and the students have to repeat after her.

c. Alphabet in the cup

In this game the writer provided a paper for each student

containing alphabet in the cup with some sentence. Then the

teacher asked the students to do it. After that the writer attached the

alphabet on the white board. After that she showed those sentence

related to the alphabet one by one to the students. Next the writer

asked each student to say the name of the sentence showed by the

teacher, spell the names, and then write the names on the
whiteboard. If the students made any mistakes in saying the name

of the sentence, spelling the name, or writing the right name, the

writer corrected them.

5. Closing

After the writer had finished the material, she tried to remind the

students about the material on that day. As the closing, the writer

reviewed students about the previous material. The aim of this

activity is to know whether the students really understood about the

material that they had been learned before or not.

H. Advantages and Disadvantages in Using Games

Based on the writer’s experience when she hold job training, she found

some advantages and also some disadvantages in using games, they are:

Games are always loved by children. Games are related to fun, movement,

and competition. Children can get bored easily if there is the same activity.

Moreover their concentration is shorter than adult’s concentration. So the

teacher must apply a good and creative method to keep the student’s

concentration in learning the material. The use of games in teaching

English vocabulary not only gave benefit both to the teacher and the

students but also gave difficulty to them. From those reasons the writer

will discuss about the advantages and the disadvantages of using games in

teaching vocabulary especially to young learners.

The advantages and disadvantages of using games in teaching vocabulary

especially to young learners are as follows:

1. Advantages:

The first advantage of applying some games in teaching learning

process was the students could be more interested in learning the

material. When the students were interested in learning the material,

they would give more attention to the lesson given. That condition

gave a good chance for both the teacher and the students. On the

occasion the teacher could deliver the material very well and the

students could understand what they had learned on that day.

The second advantage of applying some games in teaching learning

process was the teacher didn’t need to explain too many materials. The

teacher just explained the materials needed by the students because

they can understand the material on that day by doing the games. The

games could give the students more chance to understand the materials

given because through playing they can learned something without

realized that.

2. Disadvantages:

The first disadvantage of applying games in teaching learning process

was by attracting student’s interest to games, all of them were active

and made noisy. Sometimes they too much moved and spoke. That

condition made the teacher difficult to control them.

The second advantage of applying some games in teaching learning

process was by doing games the teacher only had a little time to
explain the material and gave some new vocabularies. So there was no

longer time for teacher to explain more and help them to memorize all

the new vocabularies.

From all the explanation above, it shows that the using of games is

good method for teaching English vocabulary especially by applying

the creative activity one but there were also some disadvantages in

using games in teaching English vocabulary to the young learners

especially for the third grade students in Top School elementary


I. Frame of Thinking

Junior high school is wished able to achieve the informational level who

emphasize to reading skill. Because the students of junior high school to

be prepare to continue senior high school to be prepare to continue high

school. The reality shows that the students skill in organizing information

or the idea they owned in vocabulary need to be improved. Therefore, the

teacher should have such kind of technique to make the students interest

and having motivation in learning English in vocabulary mastery.

Alphabet In The Cup give the players chance to expand their vocabulary

mastery. This game can increase the corporative among the students, so

they study vocabulary mastery.

Based on the theory above, the write assumes that Alphabet in the cup can

be as of technique in teaching vocabulary mastery.

a. Aspect of Vocabulary

Vocabulary mastery is an important part of language learning. By dint

of knowing as many words as possible we can have better access to

information and communicate with each other more easily. This

subsection is focused only on some selected aspects of vocabulary

teaching and learning, like the importance of acquiring vocabulary for

language learning and the role of memory in these processes.

1. The importance of vocabulary

Vocabulary is a very important aspect of our life. Without knowing

words it would be impossible to name objects around us or

communicate with other people. Moreover Linda Taylor (1999: 1)

states that the act of naming objects is essential for the process of

constructing the reality. Without a name it is difficult to accept the

existence of an object, an event, and above all, an abstract thing,

like a feeling. By assigning names we impose a pattern and a

meaning which allows us to manipulate the world.

2. Active and passive vocabulary

Teachers should also take into account that there is active and

passive vocabulary. Nation (2001: 25) states after Meara that the

difference between active (productive) and passive (receptive)

vocabulary is the result of different types of association between

words. Active vocabulary can be activated by other words, because

it has many incoming and outgoing links with other words.

Passive vocabulary consists of items which can only be activated

by “external stimuli.” As a result, vocabulary that second language

learners know can be divided into two groups – passive vocabulary

and active vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contains all the words

that learners understand when they read or listen, but which they

do not use (or cannot remember) in their own writing and speaking

(receptive vocabulary). Active vocabulary is all the words second

language learners understand, plus all the words that they can use

themselves (productive vocabulary).

Their active vocabulary is usually more limited than passive

vocabulary. Thus, the more vocabulary the learners get to know,

the better their language competence is. To help them master as

much vocabulary as possible, teachers should use different

teaching techniques.

3. The role of memory in vocabulary mastery

As Višnja Pavičić Takač (2008: 10) points out, the role of memory

is significant for any kind of learning. Memory and its components

can be extremely helpful in vocabulary mastery. One should

remember that memorising vocabulary is not a linear process, a

view supported by Schmitt (2000: 129). In short-term as well as in

long-term memory forgetting and backsliding can occur. That is

why vocabulary remembering and retrieval is a constant struggle.

Language learners should remember not only to seek for some

vocabulary learning strategies but also to try to help their memory.

b. Vocabulary In Junior High School

in SMP 2 Pubian in the academic year 2014/2015, the write found the

problem about vocabulary of the students SMP N 2 Pubian in the

academic year 2014/2015 was still low. The students still felt difficult

vocabulary mastery. The problems the teacher is interested to solve the

problem especially in vocabulary by using Alphabet In The Cup Game

in teaching vocabulary mastery in SMP N 2 Pubian in the academic

year 2014/2015. It is one the teaching and how to increase the

students’ vocabulary mastery.

J. Sylabus

Alo Sumb
Materi Pembelajara Penilai kasi er
Pokok n an Wa Belaj
ktu ar

1.1. Teks lisan Mengamati KRITERIA 3x  Model

Mensy untuk PENILAIA 4 ucapan
 Siswa
ukuri sapaan, N: J dan
kesem pamitan, P tindak
an/  Tingkat
patan ucapan an
menonton keterca
dapat terimakasi guru
interaksi paian
memp h, dan mengg
sapaan, fungsi
elajari permintaa unakan
pamitan, sosial
bahas n maaf setiap
ucapan sapaan
a tindak
terimakasih, ,
Inggris an
dan pamita
sebag Fungsi komuni
permintaan n,
ai sosial kasi
maaf ucapan
bahas transa
Menjaga terima
Alo Sumb
Materi Pembelajara Penilai kasi er
Pokok n an Wa Belaj
ktu ar

a hubungan  Siswa kasih, ksional

penga interperso mengikuti dan dan
ntar nal interaksi permin fungsio
komun dengan sapaan, taan nal
ikasi guru dan pamitan, maaf denga
intern teman ucapan n
 Tingkat
asiona terimakasih, benar,
l yang Struktur dan tepat,
diwuju teks permintaan dan
dkan maaf. denga
(ungkapan kerunt
dalam n sikap
hafalan,  Siswa utan
seman yang
tidak menirukan struktu
gat sesuai.
perlu model r teks
dijelaskan interaksi sapaan  Contoh
tata sapaan, , peraga
2.1. Menun bahasany pamitan, pamita an
jukkan a) ucapan n, dalam
perilak terimakasih, ucapan bentuk
a. Good
u dan terima rekam
santun permintaan kasih, an
g. How
dan maaf. dan CD/VC
peduli permin D/
you?,  Dengan
dalam taan DVD/k
Fine, bimbingan
melak maaf aset
thank dan arahan
sanak guru, siswa  Tingkat  Contoh
an mengidentifik ketepa interak
komun asi ciri-ciri tan si
ikasi interaksi unsur tertulis
interp sapaan, kebaha
ersona  Contoh
mnya pamitan, saan:
l teks
ucapan tata
denga b. Goodby tertulis
terimakasih, bahasa
n guru e. Bye.
dan , kosa  Teks
dan See you
permintaan kata, atau
teman later.
maaf (fungsi ucapan latihan
. See
sosial, , dari
3.1. struktur teks, tekana buku
Mema dan unsur n kata, teks
hami kebahasaan). intonas Bahasa
fungsi i Inggris
semaca Mempertanya
sosial, kan CARA
mnya  Teks
strukt PENILAIA dari
ur c. Thank Dengan
N: buku
teks, you. bimbingan dan
dan You are arahan guru, KINERJA
unsur welcom siswa (praktik
kebah e., dan mempertanyaka )  Sumbe
asaan semaca n antara lain r dari
 Bermai
pada mnya perbedaan interne
ungka antar berbagai t,
Alo Sumb
Materi Pembelajara Penilai kasi er
Pokok n an Wa Belaj
ktu ar

pan d. I’m ungkapan (role seperti

sapaa sorry. sapaan, play) :
n, That’s pamitan, dalam
- www.
pamita fine, ucapan bentuk
n, okay. terimakasih, interak
ucapa Allright. dan permintaan si
n , dan maaf dalam sapaan
terima semaca bahasa Inggris, ,
kasih, mnya perbedaan pamita - http:/
dan ungkapan n, /
permi Unsur dengan yang ucapan amer
ntaan kebahasaa ada dalam terima icane
maaf, n bahasa kasih, nglis
serta Indonesia, dan h.sta
respon kemungkinan permin te.go
kata, tata
nya, menggunakan taan v/
sesuai ungkapan lain, maaf. files/
denga dsb. ae/
tekanan  Ketepa
n resou
kata, dan tan
kontek rce_fi
intonasi. Mengeksplora dan
s les
si kesesu
Topik aian - http:/
unaan Siswa menyapa,
mengg /
nya. Berbagai berpamitan,
unakan learn
hal terkait mengucapkan
4.1. struktu engli
dengan terimakasih,
Menyu r teks sh.bri
interaksi dan merminta
sun dan tishc
antara maaf dengan
teks unsur ounci
guru dan bahasa Inggris
lisan kebaha l.org/
siswa dalam konteks
sederh saan en/
selama simulasi, role-
ana dalam
proses play, dan
untuk ungkap
pembelaja kegiatan lain
mengu an
ran, di yang
capka sapaan
dalam terstruktur.
n dan ,
meres maupun di pamita
luar kelas. Mengasosiasi
pon n,
sapaa  Siswa ucapan
n, membanding terima
pamita kan kasih,
n, ungkapan dan
ucapa sapaan, permin
n pamitan, taan
terima ucapan maaf
kasih, terimakasih, serta
dan dan respon
permi permintaan nya
ntaan maaf yang
maaf, telah
denga dipelajari
n dengan yang Penilaian
Alo Sumb
Materi Pembelajara Penilai kasi er
Pokok n an Wa Belaj
ktu ar

memp ada di untuk

erhatik berbagai tujuan
an sumber lain. memberi
fungsi balikan.
 Siswa
sosial, Sasaran
strukt penilaian
kan antar
ur :
sapaan,  Upaya
pamitan, meng
ucapan gunak
terimakasih, an
dan bahas
permintaan a
maaf dalam Inggri
bahasa s
Inggris dan untuk
dalam meny
bahasa apa,
siswa. berpa
 Siswa an
menyapa, terima
berpamitan, kasih,
mengucapka dan
n mermi
terimakasih, nta
dan maaf
merminta ketika
maaf dengan munc
bahasa ul
Inggris, di kesem
dalam dan di patan.
luar kelas.
 Kesun
 Siswa gguha
menuliskan n
permasalaha siswa
n dalam dalam
menggunaka proses
n bahasa pemb
Inggris untuk elajar
menyapa, an di
berpamitan, setiap
mengucapka tahap
n an.
 Kesant
maaf dalam
Alo Sumb
Materi Pembelajara Penilai kasi er
Pokok n an Wa Belaj
ktu ar
jurnal belajar ulian
(learning dalam
journal). melak
1 1.
Teks lisan Mengamati KRITERIA 1 x  Model
dan tulis PENILAIA 4 ucapan
kuri  Siswa
sederhana N: J dan
kesemp mendengarka
untuk P tindak
atan n/ menonton  Tingka
menyatak an
dapat interaksi t
an, guru
mempe perkenalan keterc
menanyak mengg
lajari diri apaian
an, dan unakan
bahasa fungsi
merespon  Siswa setiap
Inggris sosial
perkenala mengikuti tindak
sebagai perken
n diri interaksi an
bahasa alan
perkenalan komuni
pengan diri
Fungsi diri kasi
sosial  Tingka transa
komuni  Siswa
t ksional
kasi Memperk menirukan
keleng dan
interna enalkan model
kapan fungsio
sional diri untuk interaksi
dan nal
yang menjalin perkenalan
kerunt denga
diwujud hubungan diri.
utan n
kan interperso
 Dengan struktu benar,
dalam nal
bimbingan r teks tepat,
seman dengan
dan arahan perken dan
gat guru dan
guru, siswa alan denga
belajar. teman
mengidentifik diri n sikap
asi ciri-ciri yang
Struktur  Tingka
2.1 interaksi sesuai.
teks t
Menunj perkenalan
ketepa  Contoh
ukkan My name diri (fungsi
tan peraga
perilak is ..., sosial,
unsur an
u I’m ..., I struktur teks,
kebah dalam
santun live in ... dan unsur
asaan: bentuk
dan dan kebahasaan).
tata rekam
peduli semacam
Mempertanya bahasa an
dalam nya.
kan , kosa CD/VC
kata, D/
anakan Unsur Dengan
ucapa DVD/k
komuni kebahasaa bimbingan
n, aset
kasi n dan arahan
interpe  Kosa guru, siswa  Contoh
n kata,
rsonal kata, mempertanya interak
dengan  Tata kan antara si
guru bahasa lain tertulis
dan (be, perbedaan CARA
 Contoh
Alo Sumb
Materi Pembelajara Penilai kasi er
Pokok n an Wa Belaj
ktu ar

teman. have, antara PENILAIA teks

kata ungkapan N: tertulis
2.2 Menunj
ganti I, perkenalan
ukkan KINERJA  Teks
he, she, diri dalam
perilak (praktik atau
they; bahasa
u jujur, ) latihan
kata Inggris,
disiplin, dari
ganti perbedaan  Bermai
percay buku
kepunyaa ungkapan n
a diri, teks
n, my, dengan yang peran
dan Bahasa
your, his, ada dalam (role
bertang Inggris
their) bahasa play)
 ucapan, Indonesia, dalam  Teks
 tekanan kemungkinan bentuk dari
kata, menggunakan interak buku
ungkapan si non-
anakan  dan
lain, dsb. perken teks
komuni intonasi.
kasi 
Mengeksplora diri.
transak Topik Sumbe
sional  Ketepa r dari
Berbagai Siswa
dengan tan interne
hal terkait memperkenal
guru dan t,
dengan kan diri
dan kesesu seperti
interaksi dengan
teman. aian :
antara bahasa Inggris
3.2 Memah guru dan dalam konteks - www.
ami siswa simulasi, role- daily
fungsi selama play, dan engli
sosial, proses kegiatan lain sh.co
r teks
struktur pembelaja yang m
teks, ran, di terstruktur.
unsur - http:/
dan dalam
kebah /
unsur maupun Mengasosiasi
asaan amer
kebaha di luar
 Siswa dalam icane
saan kelas.
membanding interak nglis
kan si h.sta
ungkapan perken te.go
perkenalan alan v/
diri yang diri files/
telah serta ae/
dipelajari respon resou
dengan yang nya rce_fi
ada di les
nya, observa
sesuai si: - http:/
sumber lain.
dengan /
 Siswa Penilaian
konteks learn
membanding untuk
penggu engli
kan antara tujuan
naanny sh.bri
ungkapan memberi
a. tishc
perkenalan balikan.
4.2 diri dalam Sasaran ounci
Menyus bahasa penilaian l.org/
Alo Sumb
Materi Pembelajara Penilai kasi er
Pokok n an Wa Belaj
ktu ar
un teks Inggris dan :
lisan dalam
 Upaya
dan bahasa
tulis siswa.
Mengomunika an
sikan bahas
menyat  Siswa
akan, memperkena
menan lkan diri
yakan, dengan
dan bahasa
meresp Inggris, di
on dalam dan di
perken luar kelas.
 Siswa munc
menuliskan ul
permasalaha kesem
n dalam patan.
dan  Kesun
n bahasa
sederh gguha
Inggris untuk
ana, n
dengan siswa
lkan diri
mempe dalam
dalam jurnal
rhatika proses
n pemb
fungsi elajar
sosial, an di
struktu setiap
r teks, tahap
dan an.
 Perila
, jujur,
Alo Sumb
Materi Pembelajara Penilai kasi er
Pokok n an Wa Belaj
ktu ar


K. Hypothesis

The writer formulates the hypothesis as follows:

1. There is an effective of using Alphabet in the cup game towards

students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. There is positive effective of using Alphabet in the cup game towards

students’ vocabulary mastery.



A. Method of Research

In this research use the experimental method to know the effective of

using advertisement toward students’ vocabulary mastery. The write used

experimental method because this research intended to investigate and to

find out a result of the influence of using advertisement toward students’

vocabulary mastery. The write do it the experiment for one class as a

sample., where the experiment use pre test and post test was multiple

choice that consisted of 40 items with four options a,b,c and d.

B. Variable of Research

In this research the writer examined and analyzed the effect of independent

variable to the dependent variable. There are two variable in this research,


1. The independent variable of research is advertisement (x).

2. The dependent variable of research is students’ vocabulary mastery


C. Operational Definition of Variable

The operational of variable in this research are:

1. Advertisement means an announcement, particularly for item or

service that are available, a public promotion or service.

2. The students’ vocabulary mastery is the students ability to understand

the meaning of English words and able to use for communication.

D. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique of the Research

1. Population

The population this research was the students of SMP N 2 pubian in

2014-2015. The students of the seventh grade, there were two classes

they were VII a and VII b, each class consisted of 35 students, the total

number of students was 70 students.

2. Sample
In this research, the writer took total of population of the seventh grade

SMP N 2 Pubian as the sample.

3. Sample Technique

The writer used simple random sampling as a sampling technique. This

technique sampling was used because the population has the same

ability or homogeny.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

1. Instrument Development

They instrument that was used to collect the data is English vocabulary

test. The vocabulary test is this research is in the form of multiple

choices. The test consists of 40 items and each item consists of 4

alternatives for each question.

2. Validity of Instrument

The instrument that will be achieve if the date which yielded from the

instrument itself is suitable with the date or the other information

concerned. Arikunto (2010 :211) states that validity is an instrument

that shows the level of the validityof an instrument which able to test

what should be tasted. It means it can explain the data from the

variables which are accurately researched. There are two kinds of

validity applied in this research construct validity and item validity.

The construct validity means that the vocabulary test used in the

research is based on indicatots of the item or based on the theories

related to the material of vocabulary.

3. Reliability of the Test

To measure the reliability of the instrument, the researcher used KR-20

formula, the formulation is as follows:

)( )
V t−∑ pq
R11 = ( k −1

Where :

R11 = instrument reliability

K = the number of item

Vt = total variance

P = the propotion of correct answer

Q = the propotion of incorrect answer

( Arikunto, 2010:231)

From the taken to measure the item validity of the vocabulary test

instrument, it is found that the reliability is 0.92 or 92%, so this

instrument is acceptable to be used in the research.

4. Data Collecting Technique

In this research , the writer used the interential satistic to test the

hypotesis wheter there is significant difference of vocabulary mastery

between studnets who are taught by using Hidden Word game and

those are thouht by using Acoustic Crossword. The statistic used in

this computation are the test of normality, and the test of homogenity.
F. Technique of Analysis Data

There are many techniques that can use to collecting the data, the

techniques are follows :

1. Test of Normality

It is used to see whether or not the distribution of the respponses to the

instrument is normal. In this case, the Chi-Square test was used. If the
2 2
x 0 ( the chi square ) is lower than the x t ( the Chi table ). It can be

stated the score have a normal distribution. The formula is as follow :

( F 0−F ) 2
X2 = ∑ h


Where :

F0 = the observed frequency

Fe = the expected Frequency

2. Test of Homogenity

It is used to analyze whether or not mthe sample variance is

homogenous or whether two groups are in the some condition. The test

used was the F-test. The F-test formula is as follows :

SD . Bs
F= 2
SD . Kt

Where :

SD2. Bt = the biggest varience

SD2. Kt = the smallest varience

3. Test of Hypothesis
In order the test Hypothesis, the test was used. The formula is as

follows :

X 1− X 2

2 2
T= ( n1 ) s + ( n 2−1 ) s2 1 1

n1+n 2−2
1 N2 )
Where :

X1 = mean of the control group

X2 = mean of the experimental group

S1 = standart of deviation of the control of group

S2 = standart of deviation of the experimental of group

N1 = the number of students of the control group

N2 = the number of students of the experimentall group

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