Proposal Evha
Proposal Evha
Proposal Evha
ability to master the four language skills such as: listening, speaking,
reading, writing. There are also language component such as: vocabulary,
other people easily. English has been the most widely used as an
junior high school until universities. English has been taken into our
curriculum and so the students can develop English skill. The students
that is developed by using many different techniques, and there are many
using game needs long time and all of the students should play and take a
Based on the statement above, the write focused the research on the
school, the student were still confused about vocabulary and limited
knowledge about vocabulary. Based on preliminary research in SMP 2
Pubian in the academic year 2014/2015, the write found the problem about
2014/2015 was still low. The students still felt difficult vocabulary
academic year 2014/2015. It is one the teaching and how to increase the
Based on the explain above, the writer conducted the research entitled: “
The writer limits the study about, how to improve vocabulary for the
in teaching learning English for the class seventh at the first semester.
In this paper, the writer focused to study about the effectiveness of the
students’ vocabulary.
Cup Game?
following uses:
card, media and etc. but in the research the write used Alphabet In The
A. Definition of Vocabulary
First used in the 1500s to mean a list of words with explanations, the noun
about two hundred years later. A lot of hobbies, like fishing or knitting,
require that you learn their unique vocabulary before you can get the most
that they use for different purposes. Failure to distinguish among the
that an individual can use when writing or speaking. They are words that
assign meanings when listening or reading. These are words that bare
often less well known to students and less frequent in use. Individuals may
be able assign some sort of meaning to them, even though they may not
know the full subtleties of the distinction. Typically, these are also words
These rare words are much more likely to occur in the vocabularies of text
the words. In the last session of the teaching activity, it is hoped that
students will be able to use the vocabulary in correct forms both written
and spoken
C. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary
help learners to figure out the meaning on their own. Useful words are
words that children are likely to encounter words that occur in high
frequency. Useful words are also words which are interesting to children.
teaching the four language skill: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
learner, partly because of the size of task, partly because of the variety of
fixed expression.
Based on the definition above, the teachers are able to choose game as a
understand English thorough “the other way” that is more interesting and
it is not leaving the language elements. And it is better use Alphabet in the
cup or makes word. Besides to add vocabulary, word games also help the
Batteridge and Buckby in Yulianto ( 2010: 12-13) say that there are the
1. Games make the students enjoy the lesson, when they feel relax in
following the lesson, so they can understand and remember the lesson
3. Games offer the good progress, when the students become success to
4. Game help the teacher to teach the lessons, than only using the usual
2. Word game prepare the medium for the students in learning the
4. Word games create the context and real situation where the word
Based on the statement above, the writer assumes that word games
E. Concept of Game
Language games are not activates mainly aimed to break the ice between
fun. They are not just a diversion, a break from routine activities, but away
of getting the learner to use the language in the course of the game.
the language that being learned by the children since they are able to
provide a modal of language on what the learners will use in real life.
3. Games help the students to make and sustain the effort of learning
language skills
by the students
Similarly, Kim, Mei and Yu Jing (2013:80) state that through laying
games, student can learn English as the way the children learn and say
their mother language without being aware they are studying : thus
without stress, the student can learn a lot in learning the target
games can attract the students’ interest in learning English, the use of
language games can also motivate student to practice their English in
Before game started to prepare a set of alphabet block or plate write down
letter an until z provide a bowl to place the letter. This game can be played
by many player as early game, shake letter in bowl so that its become
randomly. And then with closed of eyes, take a plate letter and read off
that chosen letter to all players. Duty player to make a word language
English with prefix letter you which have take. Give value one player able
to make real correct and quickest. Fastest word player collecting value
expressed many as winner. Take example you take plate letter w, hence
one of player possibility will give answer window, wear, well, worry, etc.
There were five steps which were used by the writer in her process of
1. Motivating Strategies
a. Greeting
b. Warming up
2. Presentation Strategy
In this step, the writer began to explain the material by giving some
word could make the students easier to imagine the real sentence
In teaching reading and writing the writer used some blank word as
the teaching media. First the writer asked the students to open their
book on page (…). After that the writer asked them to concern in
the sentence of a book in the table. Then the writer read the dialog
text sentence by sentence and the students have to repeat after her.
teacher asked the students to do it. After that the writer attached the
alphabet on the white board. After that she showed those sentence
related to the alphabet one by one to the students. Next the writer
asked each student to say the name of the sentence showed by the
teacher, spell the names, and then write the names on the
whiteboard. If the students made any mistakes in saying the name
of the sentence, spelling the name, or writing the right name, the
5. Closing
After the writer had finished the material, she tried to remind the
students about the material on that day. As the closing, the writer
Based on the writer’s experience when she hold job training, she found
some advantages and also some disadvantages in using games, they are:
Games are always loved by children. Games are related to fun, movement,
and competition. Children can get bored easily if there is the same activity.
teacher must apply a good and creative method to keep the student’s
English vocabulary not only gave benefit both to the teacher and the
students but also gave difficulty to them. From those reasons the writer
will discuss about the advantages and the disadvantages of using games in
1. Advantages:
they would give more attention to the lesson given. That condition
gave a good chance for both the teacher and the students. On the
occasion the teacher could deliver the material very well and the
process was the teacher didn’t need to explain too many materials. The
they can understand the material on that day by doing the games. The
games could give the students more chance to understand the materials
realized that.
2. Disadvantages:
and made noisy. Sometimes they too much moved and spoke. That
process was by doing games the teacher only had a little time to
explain the material and gave some new vocabularies. So there was no
longer time for teacher to explain more and help them to memorize all
From all the explanation above, it shows that the using of games is
the creative activity one but there were also some disadvantages in
I. Frame of Thinking
Junior high school is wished able to achieve the informational level who
school. The reality shows that the students skill in organizing information
teacher should have such kind of technique to make the students interest
Alphabet In The Cup give the players chance to expand their vocabulary
mastery. This game can increase the corporative among the students, so
a. Aspect of Vocabulary
states that the act of naming objects is essential for the process of
Teachers should also take into account that there is active and
passive vocabulary. Nation (2001: 25) states after Meara that the
that learners understand when they read or listen, but which they
do not use (or cannot remember) in their own writing and speaking
language learners understand, plus all the words that they can use
teaching techniques.
As Višnja Pavičić Takač (2008: 10) points out, the role of memory
in SMP 2 Pubian in the academic year 2014/2015, the write found the
academic year 2014/2015 was still low. The students still felt difficult
J. Sylabus
Alo Sumb
Materi Pembelajara Penilai kasi er
Pokok n an Wa Belaj
ktu ar
K. Hypothesis
A. Method of Research
B. Variable of Research
In this research the writer examined and analyzed the effect of independent
variable to the dependent variable. There are two variable in this research,
1. Population
2014-2015. The students of the seventh grade, there were two classes
they were VII a and VII b, each class consisted of 35 students, the total
2. Sample
In this research, the writer took total of population of the seventh grade
3. Sample Technique
technique sampling was used because the population has the same
ability or homogeny.
1. Instrument Development
They instrument that was used to collect the data is English vocabulary
2. Validity of Instrument
The instrument that will be achieve if the date which yielded from the
that shows the level of the validityof an instrument which able to test
what should be tasted. It means it can explain the data from the
The construct validity means that the vocabulary test used in the
)( )
V t−∑ pq
R11 = ( k −1
Where :
Vt = total variance
( Arikunto, 2010:231)
From the taken to measure the item validity of the vocabulary test
In this research , the writer used the interential satistic to test the
between studnets who are taught by using Hidden Word game and
this computation are the test of normality, and the test of homogenity.
F. Technique of Analysis Data
There are many techniques that can use to collecting the data, the
1. Test of Normality
instrument is normal. In this case, the Chi-Square test was used. If the
2 2
x 0 ( the chi square ) is lower than the x t ( the Chi table ). It can be
( F 0−F ) 2
X2 = ∑ h
Where :
2. Test of Homogenity
homogenous or whether two groups are in the some condition. The test
Where :
3. Test of Hypothesis
In order the test Hypothesis, the test was used. The formula is as
follows :
X 1− X 2
2 2
T= ( n1 ) s + ( n 2−1 ) s2 1 1
n1+n 2−2
1 N2 )
Where :