Project STEM-EX
Project STEM-EX
Project STEM-EX
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Zeal Education Trust - Turning Pont Program
1. Table of Contents
1. Table of Contents..........................................................2
2. Executive Summary.......................................................3
3. Background...................................................................4
7. Kit Contents...................................................................7
9. Project Visibility..............................................................8
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Zeal Education Trust - Turning Pont Program
2. Executive Summary
Particulars Description
Students and teachers of targeted location.
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3. Background
School education in the past has been characterized by several features, which are
inappropriate for the present day and for the future:
Subjects are taught in isolation, with no connections established even between different
subjects in science like Biology and Physics or in maths like geometry and trigonometry.
Students learn laws, derivations and theories rather than learning to discover laws,
derive results and formulate theories.
When students perform an experiment, they are told
exactly what to do, becoming glorified clerks in the
process. When asked to participate in a science
exhibition, most students (or their parents) will copy a
model that is described in a video on YouTube, without
any understanding of the design process.
Students are rarely encouraged to work in groups. The
idea that a group of students would take up a problem,
discuss possible solutions amongst themselves and with
a guide and design the solution is foreign to our education system.
The use of technology is often limited to showing videos of experiments, saving the
school the expense of buying equipment and the teacher the trouble of performing the
experiment! The student is reduced to a passive observer rather than an active
participant of the learning process.
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Zeal Education Trust - Turning Pont Program
Year 1:
The District Education Authorities will be contacted and the
program explained to them. With their assistance, a list of 20
schools in the same area will be identified. Suitable letters of
permission will be obtained from them and a suitable school
for the workshops will be identified. The principal of each of
the selected schools will be contacted and requested to
assist in the implementation of the program. Each school will
be asked to depute 1 teacher (science or maths) for the
Through Year
Through the year, 3 workshops of 3 days duration each will be arranged. These workshops
will be arranged in conjunction with the District Education Authorities and will be attended by
all the selected 20 teachers. During each workshop, 5 explorations suitable for class 6 will
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be introduced to the teachers, who will act as students and work through the explorations
under our guidance. All the necessary materials will be provided by Zeal. In the first year,
all targeted students (class 6, 7 and 8) will be performing the same explorations.
Following each workshop, the following material will be provided to each school:
45 copies of the student kits for each of the 5 explorations of class 6, to be used by
students of class 6, 7 and 8 (same kits to be used by all students)
15 copies of the permanent models for each of the 5 explorations of class 6, to be used
by students of class 6, 7 and 8 (same kits to be used by all students)
A set of tools (scales, protractors, paper cutters, paper punches, etc.) that would be
required for performing the explorations.
During the year, students will go through the explorations and arrange an exhibition at the
end of the year wherein they will showcase their understanding and experiences throughout
the year.
A special exhibition will be arranged in a central location where all schools will be asked to
send teams to exhibit their work. This exhibition will be attended by education officials and
other officers.
Year 2:
The District Education Authorities will be contacted for finalizing dates and location for the
workshops and the same will be communicated with
Through Year
Through the year, 3 workshops of 4 days duration each will
be arranged. During each workshop, 5 explorations suitable
for class 7 will be introduced to the teachers, who will act as
students and work through the explorations under our
guidance. All the necessary materials will be provided by
Zeal. In this year, all students of class 7 and 8 will be
performing the same newly introduced explorations, while students of class 6 will be
performing the explorations introduced in Year 1. One day of each workshop will be
used to review the work done in the previous year and to identify any replacements/repairs
needed for older material. Following each workshop, the following material will be provided
to each school:
15 copies of the student kits for each of the 5 explorations of class 6 to be used by
students of class 6 and 30 copies of the explorations of class 7 to be used by students of
class 7 and 8
15 copies of the permanent models for each of the 5 explorations of class 7, to be used
by students of class 7 and 8. Students of class 6 will use the models already used in the
previous year.
Any replacements/repairs that are needed to be done to the permanent models and tools
provided in year 1.
During the year, students will go through the explorations and arrange an exhibition at the
end of the year wherein they will showcase their understanding and experiences throughout
the year.
A special exhibition will be arranged as in Year 1.
Year 3:
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The District Education Authorities will be contacted for finalizing dates and location for the
workshops and the same will be communicated with principals.
Through Year
Through the year, 3 workshops of 4 days duration each will be arranged. During each
workshop, 5 explorations suitable for class 8 will be introduced to the teachers, who will act
as students and work through the explorations under our guidance. All the necessary
materials will be provided by Zeal. In this year, all students will be performing the
explorations of their classes. One day of each workshop will be used to review the work
done in the previous year and to identify any replacements/repairs needed for older material.
Following each workshop, the following material will be provided to each school:
15 copies of the student kits for each of the 5 explorations of each class (45 in all)
15 copies of the permanent models for each of the 5 explorations of class 8, to be used
by students of class 8. Students of class 6 and 7 will use the models already used in the
previous year.
Any replacements/repairs that are needed to be done to the permanent models and tools
provided in previous years.
During the year, students will go through the explorations and arrange an exhibition at the
end of the year wherein they will showcase their understanding
and experiences throughout the year.
A special exhibition will be arranged as in Year 1.
Year 4 & 5:
The District Education Authorities will be contacted for finalizing
dates and location for the workshops and the same will be
communicated with principals.
Through Year
Through the year, 3 workshops of 1 day duration each will be
arranged. During each workshop, we will review the work done in the previous year and
identify any replacements/repairs needed for older material. Following each workshop, the
following material will be provided to each school:
15 copies of the student kits for each of the 5 explorations of each class (45 in all)
Any replacements/repairs that are needed to be done to the permanent models and tools
provided in previous years.
During the year, students will go through the explorations and arrange an exhibition at the
end of the year wherein they will showcase their understanding and experiences throughout
the year.
A special exhibition will be arranged as in Year 1.
7. Kit Contents
Student Kits
All the materials required to perform the explorations, normally made of card/cardboard
Worksheets to be filled by students
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Permanent Kits
All common materials to be used by students in groups, normally made of
acrylic/wood/metal. These are meant to be used over and over again by different groups
of students.
Teachers' notes and keys to worksheets.
Tool kits
Common tools used in making models, e.g. protractors, scales, paper punches,
compasses and clips
9. Project Visibility
A Banner will be designed bearing the name and logo of the corporate, along with the
name and logo of Zeal Education Trust
The banner would be displayed during the workshops
One copy of the banner will be given to each school. The teachers will display the
banner when they work with the students when they train them
The banner will be displayed during the exhibitions
The boxes of material supplied to the schools will bear the same poster in the form of a
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Zeal Education Trust - Turning Pont Program
10.Project Outcome
The success of this intervention lies mainly in terms of the change the program brought in
their lives, let alone in the classes, months and years after the program got over. Students
claimed that they decided to pursue a career in science thanks to our programs. Besides,
due to the keen interest in Science and Mathematics, a significant reduction of dropout and
more children getting fascinated by these subjects are found. There are some pointers to the
effect of the program which can be (and have been) observed during interactions.
Pedagogical techniques of facilitating learning: During the program, teachers were made to
go through techniques like the process approach and the Socratic methods of learning by
questioning. Teachers realized and gained the belief that such methods could be actually put
into practice with their students. This is seen through the effect of teachers using the
approaches in interactions with students.
The teachers learn new skills like measuring accurately, cutting, pasting, understanding
plans, etc. They grow in confidence with every model they made and become sure that they
could make models by themselves
11.Budget Summary
Year Type Amount
1 Activity 48,50,000
Personnel 2,40,000
Total 50,90,000
2 Activity 36,85,000
Personnel 2,40,000
Total 39,25,000
3 Activity 38,35,000
Personnel 2,40,000
Total 40,75,000
4 Activity 23,50,000
Personnel 2,40,000
Total 25,90,000
5 Activity 23,50,000
Personnel 2,40,000
Total 25,90,000
Grand 1,82,70,000
12.Budget Detailed
A Activity Cost Total
Year 1
1 Approval Meetings 1 meeting 25,000
2 Student Kits 45 kits x 1500 per kit x 20 schools 13,50,000
3 Class kits for Workshop and Schools 5 x 15 kits @ 1000 per kit x 20 schools 15,00,000
4 Tools 45 sets @ 1000 per set x 20 schools 15,00,000
5 Workshop expenses (travel, 9 days workshop, 3 resource persons, 3,00,000
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Year 2
1 Approval Meetings 1 meeting 25,000
2 Student Kits 45 kits x 1500 per kit x 20 schools 13,50,000
3 Class kits 5 x 15 kits @ 1000 per kit x 20 schools 15,00,000
4 Maintenance for kits and tools 10% of value 3,00,000
5 Workshop expenses (travel, 16 days workshop, 3 resource persons, 3,35,000
resource persons, food) food for 25 persons
6 Final Exhibition 1,00,000
7 Monitoring 75,000
Total for Year 2 36,85,000
Year 3
1 Approval Meetings 1 meeting 25,000
2 Student Kits 45 kits x 1500 per kit x 20 schools 13,50,000
3 Class kits 5 x 15 kits @ 1000 per kit x 20 schools 15,00,000
4 Maintenance for kits and tools 10% of value 4,50,000
5 Workshop expenses (travel, 16 days workshop, 3 resource persons, 3,35,000
resource persons, food) food for 25 persons
6 Final Exhibition 1,00,000
7 Monitoring 75,000
Total for Year 3 38,35,000
Year 4
1 Approval Meetings 1 meeting 25,000
2 Student Kits 45 kits x 1500 per kit x 20 schools 13,50,000
3 Class kits 5 x 15 kits @ 1000 per kit x 20 schools NIL
4 Maintenance for kits and tools 10% of value 6,00,000
5 Workshop expenses (travel, 3 days workshop, 3 resource persons, 2,00,000
resource persons, food) food for 25 persons
6 Final Exhibition 1,00,000
7 Monitoring 75,000
Total for Year 4 23,50,000
Year 5
1 Approval Meetings 1 meeting 25,000
2 Student Kits for Workshop and 45 kits x 1500 per kit x 20 schools 13,50,000
3 Class kits for Workshop and Schools 5 x 15 kits @ 1000 per kit x 20 schools NIL
4 Maintenance for kits and tools 10% of value 6,00,000
5 Workshop expenses (travel, 3 days workshop, 3 resource persons, 2,00,000
resource persons, food) food for 25 persons
6 Final Exhibition 1,00,000
7 Monitoring 75,000
Total for Year 5 23,50,000
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13.Sample Explorations
Class 6
Exploring Animation
Exploring Colour Mixing
Exploring Calendar Patterns
Exploring Algebra with tiles
Exploring Characteristics of living creatures
Class 7
Exploring Searching techniques
Exploring Constellations
Exploring simple electrical circuits
Exploring image formation in a lens
Exploring graphs: Unicursal curves
Class 8
• Exploring how a sundial works
• Exploring Map Making
• Exploring Error Detecting and Correcting Codes
• Exploring Equilibrium
• Exploring different number bases
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