Improve Your Lead Guitar Playing With Scales And Modes
You're the lead guitarist. After the second chorus you have 16 bars to make the song your own. Is your guitar solo going to be dull, safe and uninspired, or is it going to be a memorable piece of music in its own right? Break away from the crowd and go with option 2. Use your knowledge of the fretboard to create solos that your fans will love.
Download Guitar Command Backing Tracks from
Amazon, iTunes, and many other stores. Guitar Scales and Guitar Modes backing tracks albums have been specially produced for lead guitarists wishing to learn, and practice playing with, scales and modes. Each track has been written to allow improvisation with a specific scale. • Learn the scales and modes, then turn them into great music • Master playing different scales all over the neck and add depth to your solos Guitar Command Backing Tracks allow you to make the most of your practice time, giving you the advantage you need to stand out from the crowd. Check out these other awesome backing tracks albums: