X4M200 Datasheet
X4M200 Datasheet
X4M200 Datasheet
Respiration Sensor
XeThru Datasheet by Novelda AS
Rev. E - Preliminary - October 18. 2018
The XeThru X4M200 Respiration Sensor is an
industrialized sensor that complies with worldwide
regulations ready for product integration. Based on
Novelda’s proprietary, highly integrated X4 system-
on-chip (SoC), the sensor provides highly accurate
measurement of a person's breathing frequency,
together with distance and movement information.
Table of Contents
List of Features __________________________________________________________________ 5
Order information ______________________________________________________________ 6
XeThru X4M200 Respiration Sensor _________________________________________________ 6
Sensor Operation ________________________________________________________________ 6
Power-up and Reset _____________________________________________________________ 6
First Power-Up ______________________________________________________________ 6
Configuration _______________________________________________________________ 6
Running Sensor Directly from Power-up or Reset __________________________________ 7
IO-pins ________________________________________________________________________ 7
Firmware Versions ______________________________________________________________ 7
Bootloader ____________________________________________________________________ 7
Fail Safe Mode _________________________________________________________________ 8
X4M200 Respiration Profiles _______________________________________________________ 9
Overview ______________________________________________________________________ 9
User Settings __________________________________________________________________ 10
Set Detection Zone __________________________________________________________ 10
Sensitivity _________________________________________________________________ 10
LED ______________________________________________________________________ 10
Frequency Band _____________________________________________________________ 11
Noise Map Control ___________________________________________________________ 11
Use Stored Noise Map ________________________________________________________ 11
Use Default Noise Map _______________________________________________________ 12
Adaptive Noise Map _________________________________________________________ 12
Default User Settings _________________________________________________________ 12
Sensor Operation in X4M200 Respiration Profiles ____________________________________ 13
Detect Presence and Breathing ________________________________________________ 13
Measure Respiration Data _____________________________________________________ 13
IO-pin Functionality _________________________________________________________ 14
Detection Range _______________________________________________________________ 15
Detection Time ________________________________________________________________ 15
Firmware Algorithms ___________________________________________________________ 16
Default Noise Map ___________________________________________________________ 17
Stored Noise Map ___________________________________________________________ 17
Start-up Time _______________________________________________________________ 18
Baseband Data Output __________________________________________________________ 18
Pulse-Doppler Processing and Range-Doppler Data Output ____________________________ 19
Certification Mode _______________________________________________________________ 19
Overview _____________________________________________________________________ 19
Certification Modes _____________________________________________________________ 19
Firmware versions _______________________________________________________________ 21
X4M200 Version 1.2.1 ___________________________________________________________ 21
X4M200 Version 1.3.1 ___________________________________________________________ 22
X4M200 Version 1.4.7 ___________________________________________________________ 22
X4M200-TR100 X4M200 Respiration Sensor 100 100 100 units in anti-static tray
FCC and CE/ETSI version
X4M200 is able to sense human presence by detecting any motion such as a person walking,
hand movements and even a person with no other movements than respiration. The unique
ability to sense respiration movement enables products that do not lose track of a person's
presence if he/she sits still for a longer time period. Its extreme sensitivity enables it to detect
presence up to a distance of 5.0 meters. It is also able to measure the distance between the
sensor and the person with centimeter accuracy, and is not susceptible to “dead spots” within
the detection zone.
With the XeThru technology's ability to see through light materials it also enables products that
detect a person's presence and collects vital signs data while sleeping with a blanket, duvet or
clothes covering the person's body.
3 Sensor Operation
3.1 Power-up and Reset
3.1.2 Configuration
Profiles and User Settings can be modified and loaded as described in the Module Connector
documentation found on www.xethru.com.
User Settings vary between different Profiles and each Profile has its own default settings. See
the Profile description chapters for details.
Novelda AS Copyright © 2018 Novelda AS Rev. E - Preliminary - X4M200 Datasheet
www.xethru.com Page 6
User Settings can only be changed when the Profile is not running. To change any setting, follow
these steps:
New settings will be programmed into the sensor when a Profile is started. If new settings are
given to the sensor, but power is turned off or lost before a Profile is started, the new settings
are lost, and the sensor will remember its old settings at the next power up.
Changing between some Profiles will require the sensor to reset its microcontroller (MCU) to take
effect. In this case, when starting to run the new Profile, the sensor will give an error reply, take
all changes into affect, and reset. The host should then wait for a couple of seconds to issue new
commands to load and start running the Profile. The sensor will then reply OK and start the new
Profile. Examples of Profiles that require the sensor to reset its microcontroller are Profiles using
only internal MCU memory versus Profiles using external memory on the sensor.
Switching Profile will load the last used User Settings for the new Profile. If the new Profile has
not been run earlier, default User Settings for that Profile are used.
3.2 IO-pins
Various Profiles may have different uses of IO-pins. Do not connect IO-pins that are not in use.
The sensor module will pull up these IO-pins internally. Future FW upgrades of the sensor and
any existing or future pin compatible products may use these unused IO-pins for other
3.4 Bootloader
The module has a bootloader to allow field firmware upgrades. The bootloader is locked and
cannot be reprogrammed, thus it can never be erased, altered or removed from the module over
the serial protocol. The bootloader can be entered through the serial protocol, and it is also
possible to force the module into bootloader mode using the pin header interface. See datasheet
chapter Interface Options for details.
If a firmware upgrade fails (e.g. power loss) the host providing the firmware upgrade must
reinitiate the entire firmware upgrade process. The previous version of the firmware may be lost,
but the bootloader will still operate as described even after a failed firmware upgrade attempt.
If the Flash on the microcontroller is erased using an external programmer or debugger, the unit
cannot be reprogrammed to default functionality by the user.
X4M200 will count the number of resets caused by issues in the firmware and enter Fail Safe
Mode after ten such consecutive resets. In Fail Safe Mode, the LED of X4M200 will be white. In
Fail Safe Mode, X4M200 will only respond to commands from the XEP interface, and a module
reset or firmware upgrade command can be issued. A reset command or power toggle will make
X4M200 resume normal operation.
4.1 Overview
The XeThru Respiration Profiles work by measuring the minute periodic movements of the
human body while breathing. All respiration profiles can be used to measure respiration both for
a sleeping person in a bed with the sensor placed on a night stand, on the wall or in the ceiling,
and for an awake person sitting still with the sensor placed at the height of the chest or
abdomen, or pointing towards the chest or abdomen.
The body part generating the best signal will vary from person to person. Some breathe shallo
wly, drawing air into the chest area and thus the largest movement will come from the chest.
Others breathe deeper, expanding the abdomen rather than the chest. In this case, the abdomen
will give the largest movement.
X4M200 supports different profiles optimized for respiration monitoring of adults and babies.
Profile Settings
Name Intended use Detection Fast Slow RPM Optimizations
Zone range
Typically, a Profile measuring respiration rates above 30 RPM is needed for children under three
(3) years of age. Typically, a Profile measuring respiration rates below 15 RPM is needed for
children over ten (10) years of age. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respiratory_rate or
medical publications for more detailed explanations on how resting respiration rate varies with
age and between people.
X4M200 has been designed to measure respiration of people, but can be used to measure
respiration rate of some animals. For this use case, check what resting respiration rate the target
animal has, select the Profile that fits best, and validate performance against the animal in
The values for Slow and Fast in the table above shows the length of the Slow and Fast Pulse-
Doppler algorithms running in the Profile. See Firmware Algorithms section below for a
description on how these are used.
Profiles using only internal MCU memory will have lower electromagnetic interference (EMI) than
the other profiles, which uses the external memory on X4M200.
Step size between possible range settings is 5.14 cm. The desired detection zone can be set with
1 cm resolution. The actual detection zone will be set at the closest possible range setting before
the lower range desired and the closest possible range setting after the upper range desired. The
actual lower and upper range to be used by the sensor can be read back after setting the
detection zone.
Movements closer to the sensor than the Detection Zone may trigger detection because of
indirect reflection paths. Movements beyond the end of the detection zone will never trigger
4.2.2 Sensitivity
Sensitivity settings
Minimum sensitivity 0
Maximum sensitivity 9
Higher sensitivity setting gives better sensing of small targets. Lower sensitivity makes the
sensor more robust against false detections.
4.2.3 LED
The module has 1 multi-color RGB LED. The module LED can be configured between "Full" state
indication, a "Simple" indication or "Off", which is convenient for sleep monitoring use.
Initializing: Green (0.2sec) -> Orange (0.2sec) -> Red (0.3sec) -> Orange (0.2sec) -> Green (0.2
sec) -> Off (0.3sec)
Breathing: Blue On
Movement tracking: Green On
Movement: Orange On
No movement: Red (0.3sec)-Off (4.7sec)
Always: Off
In the low frequency band, X4M200 will operate within the 6.0 - 8.5 GHz band.
In the high frequency band, X4M200 will operate within the 7.25 - 10.20 GHz band.
If a valid Stored Noise Map exists this will be used at reset or when the Profile is started.
If no valid Stored Noise Map exists and Use Default Noise Map is off, a new Noise Map will be
created during Initialization state. The newly created Noise Map will be stored in the sensor when
Initialization is done. A noise map created with a different Detection Zone is not valid.
If no valid Stored Noise Map exists and Use Default Noise Map is on, the Default Noise Map will
be used at reset or when the Profile is started.
If Use Default Noise Map is on, the Default Noise Map will be used at reset or when the Profile is
If Use Store Noise Map is on and a valid Stored Noise Map exists, Default Noise Map will not be
If Use Stored Noise Map is on and no valid Stored Noise Map exists, the Default Noise Map will be
used at reset or when the Profile is started.
If Use Stored Noise Map is off, the Default Noise Map will be used at reset or when the Profile is
Enables Noise Map adaptation. Noise Map will still not adapt in certain conditions as described in
Firmware Algorithms section below.
Detection Zone 0.40 - 5.00m 0.40 - 5.00m 0.40 - 3.00m 0.40 - 3.50m
Sensitivity 5 5 5 5
If more than one person is present in the detection zone, the X4M200 sensor will measure the
one who is closest to the sensor. If the intention is to not measure the closest person, the
detection zone can be set to a minimum distance that excludes the closest person, but because
of indirect reflection paths that could lead to the closer person being read at a longer distance.
This specific scenario is unlikely to work reliably in real-life scenarios as soon as the closest
person has any significant movement.
In all states except Initializing and Error states, the following data is measured:
Movement Slow and Movement Fast show the degree of movement as a relative number from 0
to 100 both for 5.14 cm intervals in the Detection Zone and for the entire Detection Zone. 0
means no Doppler cells above the detection threshold, while 100 means that all Doppler cells in
the range interval are above the detection threshold.
Normalized Movement Slow and Normalized Movement Fast also show the degree of movement,
but are adjusted for distance to give approximately the same value for the same size of
movement at different distances. Outputs shows a logarithmic value of the size of the movement
and typically varies from -20, which means no movement, and 30 or above, which means very
large movements. Normalized Movement Slow and Normalized Movement Fast is provided for
5.14 cm intervals in the Detection Zone.
When in Movement, Movement Tracking, or Breathing states, the following additional data is
Distance to closest target and breathing target may be different even when only one target
person is present in the Detection Zone. Distance to closest target measures the distance to the
closest movements the sensor can see. Distance to breathing target measures the distance to
where the respiration motion is seen. As an example, if the target person's hands are closer to the
sensor than the chest or abdomen and have some minimal movement, distance to closest target
will measure the distance to the hands and distance to breathing target will measure the distance
to the chest or abdomen where the respiration motion is.
With two or more targets in the Detection Zone, different distance to closest target and distance
to breathing target can also be experienced. As an example, if a still person is still at a longer
distance than a second moving person closer to the sensor, the sensor may lock on the breathing
of the person further away. In this case distance to closest target will be to the person moving
closer to the sensor and distance to breathing target will be on the still person further away.
Achieving breathing lock on a still person may be difficult if a moving person is closer to the
sensor due to multiple direct path and multi path reflections from the closest moving person.
Normalized Movement Interval Slow and Normalized Movement Interval Fast are intended to
show how much movement a sleeping or still person has, without having to identify where in the
Detection Zone the target person is.
Input or output
Open drain or push-pull
Active high or active low
Pull-up enable or disable
Disable all IO-pins. Using this feature overrides Pin Setup. Disabling all IO-pins means all IO-
pins are input with pull-up.
According to default functionality shown above. Using this feature overrides Pin Setup.
Default IO-pin functionality also specifies which pins are inputs and outputs.
Passive. Set and get IO-pin level over communication interface.
Movement. Function as described in table above, but can be set to any pin.
Breathing. Function as described in table above, but can be set to any pin.
Detection range should not be confused with the user setting Detection Zone. Detection Zone
defines at what range X4M200 is doing measurements. Detection range describes what can be
detected inside the Detection Zone.
Characterization of detection range for various targets will be included here when available.
Detection time is given by the length of the range-Doppler matrices and the M/N detection logic
described in the Firmware Algorithm section below.
All firmware algorithms for movement detection and respiration measurements are running in the
X4M200. The X4 UWB radar SoC is set up to provide 17 baseband data frames per second. The
radar data frames are stored in a buffer. Two Range-Doppler matrices are running in parallel. The
Slow and Fast Range-Doppler matrices are using data from different periods of radar frames.
Length of Slow and Fast periods may vary between Profiles and are shown above in the table
Profile Settings.
Both Range-Doppler matrices have individual Noise Maps to determine if a reflection at a certain
distance and frequency is above a threshold. Creating and enabling a Noise Map will give
different threshold values at different distances and frequencies.
The Noise Maps will adapt to changes in the environment unless User Setting Noise Map
Adaptation is off. Noise Map Adaptation works continuously and will over time remove presence
detection of reflectors with small movement at a fixed distance. The Noise Map will not adapt if a
still person with breathing frequency matching the RPM Range specified in the Profile Settings
table above is detected.
The Fast Range-Doppler matrix with its Fast Movement Detector will detect presence quickly,
typically when a person enters the Detection Zone. The Fast Movement Detector has two states,
Movement or No Movement. The Fast M/N Combiner uses these states to determine the
LocalStateFast. An M/N Combiner determines that M out of N detections need to be a certain
value for the output to change.
All detection algorithms are run once per second, meaning all outputs like State, Distance, RPM
etc. are updated once per second.
The State Machine determines the (global) State using the following logic.
To initialize a new Noise Map, delete the Stored Noise Map, and then stop and start the Profile
with User Setting Use Store Noise Map on. A new Noise Map will then be created during
Initialization, unless User Setting Use Default Noise Map is on, which dictates use of the Default
Noise Map.
The Stored Noise Map can be read and stored by the host and a new Stored Noise Map can be
loaded over the serial interface.
The length and position of Radar Frames is controlled by the actual lower and upper range
determined by the Detection Zone User Setting. The Radar Frame starts 5.14 cm before the
actual lower range and ends 5.14 cm after the actual upper range.
Baseband data outputs either amplitude and phase information of reflections, or the same data
represented with I and Q values.
A Frame Counter is supplied with the Baseband Data. The Frame Counter increases by 1 for each
radar frame that is output from the X4 UWB radar SoC. Stopping and starting a Profile does not
reset the frame counter. Size of frame counter is 2^32. The frame counter wraps to 0 when it
reaches the maximum. With 17 frames per second, the max value is reached in approximately 8
years. A reset of the X4 UWB radar SoC or a power toggle of the sensor module will reset the
frame counter.
The example above shows the amplitude of reflections plotted for a 2 meter Radar Frame. This
particular measurement shows two reflections; the first reflection is about 0.1 meter into the
Radar Frame, which is the directly coupled energy from the TX to the RX antenna, and the
second reflection is about 1.2 meter into the Radar Frame.
Refer to application notes on www.xethru.com for more detailed descriptions on how to use
baseband data output.
Pulse-Doppler processing results in Range-Doppler data, which can be output from X4M200. The
data is represented as Range-Doppler matrices that show all reflections at different distances
and frequencies over the last time period as specified in the Firmware Algorithm section for each
Profile. All reflections with Doppler frequency 0 (static reflectors) are removed before the Pulse-
Doppler processing.
5 Certification Mode
5.1 Overview
X4M200 can be set in Certification Mode to test compliance with regulations.
6 Firmware versions
The firmware version can be read over the serial interface. All firmware versions support
upgrading to a different firmware version.
In addition to the firmware versions described in this section, additional firmware versions with
potential error corrections and stability improvements should be expected.
Baseband data
Distance to closest target
Distance to breathing target
RPM for closest target
RCS for closest target
MovementFast and MovementSlow data
Store Noise Map to sensor
Baby Respiration Profile has limited testing on real babies and children. This Profile should be
used for evaluation only with this FW version.
Baby Respiration Profile has limited testing on real babies and children. This Profile should be
used for evaluation only with this FW version.
GPIO functions
USRT communication mode
See errata section for bug fixes. Baby Respiration Profile has limited testing on real babies and
children. This Profile should be used for evaluation only with this FW version.
Enable / disable Noise Map adaption (Previous versions always enable Noise Map
Load a Stored Noise Map into Active Noise Map in sensor
Load and Store Stored Noise Map to host
Some of these features may be introduced as a new Profile not yet documented in this datasheet.
7 X4M200 HW Revisions
X4M200 uses the X4M02 hardware. This section describes all HW revisions of X4M02 that has
been used in production, the difference between them and how to identify what HW revision
your X4M200 is.
Some FW versions may require a specific HW revision. If applicable, this will be described in the
FW version section of this datasheet.
8 Software Resources
8.1 XeThru Explorer
The XeThru Explorer application is a visual presentation of the protocol and data output from the
sensor. It also allows for storing the measured data into a log file.
Firmware upgrades of X4M200 are deployed with new versions of XeThru Explorer.
XeThru Module Connector includes a SW API that implements the serial protocol of X4M200.
Typical use for the MCP Wrapper is when implementing a host application communicating with a
XeThru module on an embedded target that does not need or have the Module Connector
available .
9 Mechanical Data
10 Electrical Specification
Parameter Value Comment
Pin descriptions
Pin Description Name Type Usage
5 MODE MODESEL1 Input Mode select pin 1, ref table below for details /
SELECT 1 / with pull-
USART up USART serial clock (USRT mode only)
6 MODE MODESEL2 Input Mode select pin 2, ref table below for details
SELECT 2 with pull-
When USB is used this takes precedence over the table below. The use of USB is detected by the
presence of power at the USB 5V power wire at startup. To change communication mode
X4M200 need to be reset.
UART High/Open High/Open Default UART settings are 115200 baud rate, 8 data
(*) (*) bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
(*) MODESEL1 and MODESEL2 has pull-up resistors and can be left open if a "High" is required.
Not supported modes should not be selected. Future firmware versions may use these modes.
Firmware algorithms in the sensor module are sensitive to vibrations. If vibrations occur, the
sensor may report movement in an empty detection zone.
If a sensor casing is required, the material should be of a kind that does not attenuate the high
frequency signals in the sensor´s main direction. Recommended materials are ABS and other
types of non-conductive plastics (*).
(*): Different materials will attenuate the signal. Application note regarding this topic is found at
1. Via USB
2. Via the interface connector using the UART interface
3. Via the interface connector using the USRT interface. X4M200 will be a USRT slave.
14 Regulatory Approval
X4M200 is designed to meet UWB RF specifications of ETSI (Europe), FCC (USA) and ISED
Some regulatory specifications also specify how the sensor is used. Users of X4M200 must check
regulatory requirements for their own use case and determine whether the regulatory approvals
obtained from Novelda are sufficient for their product.
Novelda AS vakuuttaa, etta radiolaitetyyppi X4M200 on direktiivin 2014/53/EU mukainen. EU-
vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutuksen koko teksti on saatavilla alla.
Hierbij verklaar ik, Novelda AS, dat het type radioapparatuur X4M200 conform is met Richtlijn
2014/53/EU. De volledige tekst van de EU-conformiteitsverklaring is hieronder beschikbaar.
Le soussigne, Novelda AS, declare que l’equipement radioelectrique du type X4M200 est
conforme a la directive 2014/53/UE. Le texte intégral de la déclaration de conformité de l'UE est
disponible ci-dessous.
Härmed försäkrar Novelda AS att denna typ av radioutrustning X4M200 överensstämmer med
direktiv 2014/53/EU. Den fullständiga texten till EU-försäkran om överensstämmelse finns nedan.
Hermed erklarer Novelda AS, at radioudstyrstypen X4M200 er i overensstemmelse med direktiv
2014/53/EU. EU-overensstemmelseserklæringens fulde tekst kan findes nedenfor.
Hiermit erklart Novelda AS, dass der Funkanlagentyp X4M200 der Richtlinie 2014/53/EU
entspricht. Der vollständige Text der EU-Konformitätserklärung finden Sie weiter unten.
Με την παρούσα ο/η Novelda AS, δηλώνει ότι ο ραδιοεξοπλισμός X4M200 πληροί την οδηγία
2014/53/ΕΕ. Το πλήρες κείμενο της δήλωσης συμμόρφωσης της ΕΕ είναι διαθέσιμο παρακάτω.
Il fabbricante, Novelda AS, dichiara che il tipo di apparecchiatura radio X4M200 e conforme alla
direttiva 2014/53/UE. Il testo integrale della dichiarazione di conformità dell'UE è disponibile
Por la presente, Novelda AS declara que el tipo de equipo radioeléctrico X4M200 es conforme
con la Directiva 2014/53/UE. El texto completo de la declaración de conformidad de la UE está
disponible a continuación.
O(a) abaixo assinado(a) Novelda AS declara que o presente tipo de equipamento de radio
X4M200 esta em conformidade com a Diretiva 2014/53/UE. O texto completo da declaração de
conformidade da UE está disponível abaixo.
Timto Novelda AS prohlašuje, že typ radioveho zařizeni X4M200 je v souladu se směrnici 2014/53
/EU. Úplné znění prohlášení o shodě EU je k dispozici níže.
Novelda AS igazolja, hogy a X4M200 tipusu radioberendezes megfelel a 2014/53/EU
iranyelvnek. Az EU-megfelelőségi nyilatkozat teljes szövege az alábbiakban található.
Latviešu valoda:
Ar šo Novelda AS deklarē, ka radioiekārta X4M200 atbilst Direktīvai 2014/53/ES. ES atbilstības
deklarācijas pilns teksts ir pieejams zemāk.
Lietuvių kalba:
Aš, Novelda AS, patvirtinu, kad radijo įrenginių tipas X4M200 atitinka Direktyvą 2014/53/ES.
Visas ES atitikties deklaracijos tekstas pateikiamas toliau.
B’dan, Novelda AS, niddikjara li dan it-tip ta’ tagħmir tar-radju X4M200 huwa konformi mad-
Direttiva 2014/53/UE. It-test sħiħ tad-dikjarazzjoni ta 'konformità tal-UE huwa disponibbli hawn
Novelda AS týmto vyhlasuje, že rádiové zariadenie typu X4M200 je v súlade so smernicou 2014
/53/EÚ. Úplné znenie vyhlásenia o zhode EÚ je k dispozícii nižšie.
Novelda AS potrjuje, da je tip radijske opreme X4M200 skladen z Direktivo 2014/53/EU. Celotno
besedilo izjave EU o skladnosti je na voljo spodaj.
Prin prezenta, Novelda AS declară că tipul de echipamente radio X4M200 este in conformitate
cu Directiva 2014/53/UE. Textul integral al declarației UE de conformitate este disponibil mai jos.
С настоящото Novelda AS декларира, че този тип радиосъоръжение X4M200 е в
съответствие с Директива 2014/53/ЕС. Пълният текст на декларацията за съответствие на
ЕС е на разположение по-долу.
Novelda AS niniejszym oświadcza, że typ urządzenia radiowego X4M200 jest zgodny z
dyrektywą 2014/53/UE. Pełny tekst deklaracji zgodności UE jest dostępny poniżej.
Novelda AS erklærer herved at radioutstyr type X4M200 er i samsvar med direktiv 2014/53/EU.
Den fullstendige teksten i EU-samsvarserklæringen er tilgjengelig nedenfor.
Hér með Novelda AS lýsir yfir að tegund þráðlausan búnað X4M200 er í samræmi við tilskipun
2014/53/ESB. Fullkominn texti ESB samræmisyfirlýsing er að finna hér að neðan.
Novelda AS ovime izjavljuje da je radijska oprema tipa X4M200 u skladu s Direktivom 2014/53
/EU. Cijeli tekst izjave o sukladnosti EU-a nalazi se u nastavku.
Burada, Novelda AS radyo ekipmanı türünün X4M200 2014/53/EU direktiflerine uyumlu
oldugunu beyan eder. AB uyumu beyanının tam metni aşağıda verilmektedir.
The X4M200 module meets FCC Part 15 requirements for UWB transmission equipment intended
for unlicensed indoor use or outdoor use when not permanently installed as specified in FCC Part
15.519, 15.521 and 15.209.
The systems clocks are derived from a 12 MHz crystal oscillator connected to the main
microcontroller, and a 27 MHz oscillator connected to the Novelda X4 UWB impulse radar chip.
The communication between the microcontroller and the X4 radar chip uses SPI protocol. The
SPI communication clock is set up to run at 50 MHz.
The module is powered externally from either the USB port or an external power supply. If both
power sources are connected, the USB takes precedence over the external power.
The antennas are embedded onto the PCB and cannot be changed by users. Please refer to the
Antenna chapter in the X4M02 datasheet for details on the antennas.
Novelda AS has not approved any changes or modifications to this device by the user. Any
changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Interference Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
RF Exposure Safety
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.
It is designed not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set
by the Federal Communications Commission.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
The host device shall be properly labelled to identify the modules within the host device. The
certification label of the module shall be clearly visible at all times when installed in the host
device, otherwise the host device must be labelled to display the FCC ID of the module,
preceded by the words "Contains transmitter module", or the word "Contains", or similar wording
expressing the same meaning, as follows:
UWB devices may not be employed for the operation of toys. Operation on-board an aircraft, a
ship or a satellite is prohibited.
This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference; and (2) This device must
accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio
exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne
doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
It is designed not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set
by the ISED.
Le’équipement hôte doit être correctement étiqueté pour identifier les modules dans l’
équipement. L'étiquette de certification du module doit être clairement visible en tout temps
lorsqu'il est installé dans l'hôte, l’équipement hôte doit être étiqueté pour afficher l'IC du module,
précédé des mots "Contient le module émetteur", ou le mot "Contient", ou un libellé similaire
exprimant la même signification, comme suit:
15 Errata
15.1 Firmware Version 1.2.1
RPM may lock on second harmonic frequency of the respiration frequency. Future FW
upgrades are planned to improve this.
RPM frequencies higher than maximum for a Profile (30 or 65 depending on Profile) may
report as a frequency below the maximum value. Future FW upgrades are planned to
improve this.
RPM frequencies lower than minimum for a Profile (8 or 15 depending on Profile) may
report as a frequency above the minimum value. Future FW upgrades are planned to
improve this.
Distance to breathing target may occasionally report a longer distance due to lock on multi
path reflections. Future FW upgrades are planned to improve this.
Memory leak in firmware may cause X4M200 to enter Fail Safe Mode.
Workaround: Toggle power or send a module reset command.
Any reset, including intentional reset commands from a host, will cause the reset counter
to increase. Fail Safe Mode may trigger after first reset caused by issues in the firmware if
nine or more reset from any source has been experienced since last power-up.
Workaround: Leave Fail Safe Mode by toggling power or send a module reset
Data messages coming from the sensor has sporadic data corruptions. For application
messages like Sleep and PresenceSingle, the checksum will be invalid. For data messages
using the NoEscape format, there is no checksum in use.
The field trx_dac_step_clog2 in the X4 register trx_dac_step is incorrectly set to value 1,
instead of the correct value of 0. This causes 3dB reduction in the signal-to-noise ratio and
can lead to lower sensitivity for practical applications.
17 Disclaimer
Novelda™, XeThru™ and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Novelda AS. Other
terms and product names may be trademarks of others.
DISCLAIMER: The information in this document is provided in connection with Novelda products.
No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is
granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Novelda products. EXCEPT AS SET
DAMAGES. Novelda makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or
completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to
specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Novelda does not make any
commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise,
Novelda products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Novelda
products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications
intended to support or sustain life.