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UNIT 4 Physical Education & Sports For (CWSN)

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(Children With Special
Needs- Divyang)
List of Topics
Organisations promoting Disability Sports Topic-1: Organisations
Syllabus (Special Olympics; Paralympics;
promoting Disability
Sports (Special Olympics;
Advantages of Physical Activities for Paralympics; Deaflympics)
children with special needs. Page No. 73
Strategies to make Physical Activities
assessable for children with special needs. Topic-2 : Advantages
of Physical Activities for
children with special
In this chapter you will study needs and Strategies to
" Diferent organisations promoting disability sports, Advantages of physical activities for make Physical Activities
students (CWSN), different strategies to make physical activities assessable for CWSN. assessable for children
(Diyyang). with special needs.
Page No. 78

Organisations promoting Disability Sports

(Special Olympics; Paralympics; Deaflympics)
Topic-1 Concepts Covered Organisations promoting Disability sports (Special Olympics,
Revision Notes
Disability is an integral part of human life. Almost
experience may be physical, cognitive, linguistic,
social, emotional or psychological. They may,
everyone of us has faced some kind of temporary therefore, require special and extra inputs to
at some point in life
Or permanent impairmentexperience overcome their challenges.
that may have led us to difficulties in
tunctioning. In other words, in addition to needs Special Olympics Bharat: Special Olympics Bharat
In common with other children, some children
may is a National Sports Federation registered in 2001
have needs that are special needs. under the Indian Trust Act, 1882. It is accredited by
Special Olympics International to conduct Special
Thus, the understanding of the concept of Children
With Special Needs (CwSN) is essential. Olympics Programs in India. The Government of
CWSN are children who have some difficulties which India hasaccredited it as aNational Sports Federation
nay in some way impede their ability to in the Priority Category, for development of Sports
adequately in the family, community or school. for persons with special needs intellectually. It is
it challenging
Because of these difficulties they finddifficulties the Nodal Agency for the purpose due to national
potential. The they
t0 attain their full
74 Oswaal CBSE Question Ronk Chentemeslen 9. Monicuriee PHYSICAL EDUCATION, Class-XII

mobility Olympic disabilities
as children
multi Third
withwith Special
international lives mentally
athletes that
Bharat- Map
thesuch cerebral change MindLevel
Paralympic palsy. Olympic and
major disabilities Second
for disability; the
events a
a is catalyst
Special Trace
are Bharat

CWUSN Physical
Education for

Spots Strategies

4 (France)
every athletes
disability and
in Paris
in ever
heldheld Accommoda
are games "Creating
firstAlso, games
The "Assistive
classrooms Profession
ofPhysical physical
years. Activities
Adaptive on
relationships Focus
efficiency energy
changespressure " " "

social improve
to Regulate
" " " "
PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS FOR CWSN (Children With Special Needs-Divyang) 75

presenceand experience, particularlyin rural cerebral palsy were included

thataaccountfor around 75% of the population areas tor the athletes with
in 1980 Paralympic Games. In spite of these
India. were still not
specialneedsof Improvements, the Paralympic Games Games.
Special A considered equal or parallel to the Olympic
Olympics There was a rapid growth in the Paralympic
for the
Bharat Movement. In 1980, the first governing body
It was known
P'aralympic Movement was formed.
Committee of World
as International Coordination
o mission of Special Olympics is to provide year the Disabled (1CC). In
Sports Organisations for International Paralympic
nd sports training and athletic competition in 1989, ICC was replaced by success
ariety of Olympic-type sports for children and Committee (|PC). These games were a great
with special needs intellectually, and boosted the movement's momentum.
ihem continuing opportunities to develop physical Deaflympics:
Ekness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and for deaf athletes.
The 'Deaflympics' are games International
articipate in sharing of gifts, skills and friendship Previously they were called the games
ith their families, other Special Olympics athletes for the Deaf. These games are organised by The
and the community. International committee of sports for the Deaf
sanctioned by
Paralympics: since the first event and they are
The Paralympic Games are the world's largest International Olympic Committee. deaflympion
Sporting event for the people with special needs can not be guided by sounds for example, the starter
physicaly, visually and intellectually. The gun, bullhorn commands or referee whistles.
Deaflympics were held in Paris in 1924 and were
Paralympic Movement was started by Sir Luding
Guttmann and the movement finally developed into also the first ever international sporting events for
Paralympic Games. Guttmann was a firm believer athletes with disability.
that sports was the most appropriate method of
therapy for those who have special needs physically
to help them in building physical strength and self
esteem. In 1948, he organised a sports competition
for British World War II veteran, patients with
spinal cord injuries. These games were known as
the Stoke Mandeville Games and were recognised
by International Olympics Association.

The Deaflympic winter games, was added in
1949. The games began as a small gathering of 148
athletes. Now these games are grown into a global
In 1960, these games were held in Rome after the movement.

Rome Olympics. However, they were still known To qualify for the games, athletes must have a
as the Mandeville Games. These games were the hearing loss of atleast 55db in their "better ear".
first official Paralympic Games. In these games, Hearing aids, cochlear implant are not allowed to
400 athletes participated from 23 countries. After be used in competition.
1960 Paralympic Games, things began to improve Deaflympions can not be guided by sounds so
and the Paralympic movement continued to alternative methods are used to address the
grow, modernise and incude more and more athletes. For example: the football referees wave
sports for other differently abled groups also. In a flag instead of blowing a whistle, on the track,
1976 Paralympic Games, events for amputees and races are started by using a light, instead of using a
visually impaired athletes were organised for the starting pistol.
first time. After the gap of few years, the events


Explanation: The Special Olympics Bharat was
A Multiple Choice Questionsc9 registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 in the
year 2001.
Q.1. Special Olympics Bharat was registered in the Q.2. The Games are the world's largest
year sporting event for people with special needs.
(A) 1995 (B) 2001 (A) Summer Olympics (B) Winter Olympics
(C) 2005 (D) 2020 (C) Deaflympics (D) Paralympics
Ans. Option (B) is Ans. Option (D) is correct.
76 Oswaal CBSE Question Bank Chapterwise &Topicwise, PHYSICAL EDUCATION,
Deaf and
Explanation: Summer and Winter Olympics are for World Games for the
general athletes, Deaflympics are for the athletes
with hearing impairment and
the athletes with special needs. Paralympics are tor
Games for the Deaf) are an
Committee(10C)-sanctioned event at
athletes compete at an elite
guided by
Q.3. The Paralympic Movement was
started by Q.7. Deaflympians cannot be (B) Camera
(A) Sir Luding Guttmann (A) Light
(B) Stoke Mandeville (C) Whistle (D) Signb0ard
(C) J. R. Sherman Ans. Option (C) is correct.
(D) J. F. Williams Explanation: Unlike the athletes in
Ans. Option (A) is correct. sanctioned events (the Olympics, the other 10C
Explanation: Guttmann was afirm believer that
sports was the most appropriate method
for those who have special needs of therapy
and the Special Olympics), the the
be guided by soundsor (e.g.,
bullhorn commands, referee whistles)
Deaflympics cannot
starter's guns,
them in building physical strength and to help
Q.4. The first governing body for self-esteem. of the hearing impairment of the athletes
Assertion &ReaSon
Movenent was formed in Paralympic
(A) 1950 (B) 1960 Directions: In the following questions, a
of Assertion (A) is followed by a
(C) 1970 (D) 1980
Ans. Option (D) is correct. Reason (R), Mark the correct choice as:
Explanation: In 1980, the first governing body for (A) Both Assertion (A) and1 Reason (R) are true, ,and Reason
the Paralympic Movement was formed. It was (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
known as International Coordination Committee (B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true u
of World Sports Organisations for the Reason R) is not the correct explanation
(ICC). In 1989, ICC was replaced by International Assertion (A).
Paralympic Committee (IPC). {C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false
Q.5. The original name of the Paralympic (D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
was ICC of World Sports Organisation for the 0.1. Assertion (A): Paralympic Games are a maior
international multi-sport event for the athletes
(A) Disabled with special needs such as athletes with mobilit
(B) Specially Abled
(C) Differently Abled (D) Unabled impairments, amputations, blindness, and cerebral
Ans. Option (A) is correct. palsy.
Explanation: In 1980, the first governing body for Reason (R): Paralympic Games are held at an
the Paralympic Movement was formed. It was interval of every two years following the Olympic
known as International Coordination Committee
Ans. Option (C) is correct.
of World Sports Organisations for the Disabled
(ICC). In 1989, ICC was replaced by International Explanation: Paralympics are held at the same
interval as Olympics, that is, every four years.
Paralympic Committee (IPC). 0.2. Assertion (A: Deaflympics are organised for
Q.6. The was previously called as World athletes with hearing impairments.
Games for the Deaf.
Reason (R): Most of the Deaflympics are guided by
(A) Deaflympics referee's whistle.
(B) Paralympics Ans. Option (C) is correct.
(C) Differently Abled Olympics Explanation: Unlike the athletes in other 10C
(D) Specially Abled Olympics sanctioned events (the Olympics, the Paralympics
Ans. Option (A) is correct. and the Special Olympics), the Deaflympics cannot
Explanation: The Deaflympics (previously called be guided by sounds (e.g., the starter's guns,
bullhorn commands, or referee whistles).


Luding Guttmann and the movement finally
Very Short Answer Type developed into Paralympic Games.
Questions (1 mark each) Q.3. How Special Olympics Bharat help individuals
Q.1. When and where the Deaflympics were heid? with intellectual disability?
Ans. Deaflympics were held in Paris in 1924 and were Ans. Special Olympics Bharat helps individual by giv
also the first ever international sporting events for them continuing opportunities to develop physica

athletes with disability. fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy

Q. 2. Who started the paralympic movement? participate in sharing of gits, skils and friendship
with their families, other Special Olympics athletes
Ans. The Paralympic Movement was started by Sir and the community.
PhrolAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS RODOweN Obdren With Special Needs-DivyanE)
are encouraged
Q4. How Deaflympions can be guided or addressed in People with intellectualdisabilitiesphysical activity,
the olympic games? for the
to join Special Olympics rate of cardiovascular
Ans. Deaflympions can not be guided by sounds so which helps lower the
health benefits.
alternative methods are used to address the disease and obesity, among other psychological
athletes. Also, they gain many emotional and social
For e.g.,the football referees wave a flag instead of self-confidence,
benefits, including
athletic skills and
blowinga whistle, on the track, races are started by competence, building greater
motivations for joining
using a light, instead of using a starting pistol. higher self-esteem. The individual to
from one
Short Answer Type the Special Olympics varycommon themes among
the next; yet, there are encourage them
Questions-I (2 marks each) individuals and their families that
from the Special
Q.1. Explainabout. Paralympic Games. to either participate or abstain
Ans. Paralympic Games are a major international Olympics. awarded to the first,
multisport event for the athletes with special At competitions, medals are in each event
second and third place winners
needs such as athletes with mobility impairments, who finish in
amputations, blindness and cerebral and ribbons are awarded to athletes
palsy. fourth through eight place.
Paralympic Games are held at an interval of
every four years following the Olympic Games. Symbol of Special Olympics Bharat
These games are governed by the international
Paralympic Committee. The first Paralympic
Games were held in Rome in 1960.
However, the Paralympic word was used officially Olympics
in 1988 Sumimer Olympic Games which were held Bharat
in Seoul. These were Summer Paralympic Games.
The first Winter Paralympic Games were held in
1976 in Sweden. The Winter Paralympic Games are The Special Olymnpics logo has gone through
also held after every four years. several changes in its lifetime. The "stick
0.2. Write a short note on Deaflympics. is an abstract but humnanistic form designed to
convey the impression of movement and activity.
Ans. The Deaflympics (previously called World Ganmes
for the Deaf and International Games for the Deaf) The logo is a symbol of growth, confidence and
are an International Olympic Committee (10C) joy among children and adults with
who are learning coordination, mastering skills,
sanctioned event at which deaf athletes compete participating in competiticns and preparing
at an elite level. Unlike the athletes in other IOC
themselves for richer, more productive lives. The
sanctioned events (the Olympics, the Paralympics spherical appearance of the logo is a representation
and the Special Olympics), the Deaflympics cannot of Special Olympics' global outreach.
be guided by sounds (e.g., the starter´s guns,
Oath of Special Olympics Bharat:
bullhorn commands or referee whistles). The Special Olympics athlete's oath is 'Let me win.
LongAnswer Type But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."
Questions (5 marks) It was first introduced by Eunice Kennedy Shriver
at the inaugural Special Olympics international
Q.1. Write a detailed note on Special Olympics Bharat. games in Chicago in 1968.
Ans. Special Olympics Bharat is a movement that Special Olympics Bharat offers training and
the lives of
uses sports as a catalyst to transform It is competition opportunities in 24 Olympic-style
children and adults with intellectual disability.
individual and team sports for persons with
the world's largest sports organisation providing intellectual disabilities. They organise training and
year-round training and competitions. Special competitions at local, district, state and national
Olympics competitions are held every day,and
national and international levels. The best performers are
around the world-incuding iocal, referred to as the selected probables. They attend
regional competitions. National Coaching Camps supported by the
These competitions include the Special Olympics Sports Authority of India to prepare for
World Games. which alternate between summer international competitive events. Over 23,750
and winter games. Special OlympicsOlympicsWorld athletes have participated in the National Games
Games are held every four years. Special since 2002.
programs are available for athletes free of
78 Oswaal CBSE Question Bank Chapterwise &Topicwise, PHYICAL
Advantages of Physical Activities for Children with
Special Needs and Strategies to Make Physical Ac
Topic-2 tivities Assessable for Children with Special
Concepts Covered " Physical activities for
assessable for children with special needs.
CWSN, Strategies to make
Revision Notes
(ix) This also improves motor
> Physical Activities for Children with Special
Needs: better balance and body skil s, brings
Physical Activity:
is lacking in these children.
Physical exercise finds
an outlet to
According to the Scan to know
channelise the physical
Department of Health and
more about
this topic energy
helps these children to cope with which
Human Services, USA, anxiety and depression. stress,
physical activity generally (xi) Physical activity enhances the metaboie
refers to movement that of brain in the children. It Jeade
enhances health. It means Physical activity cognitive improvement in children with
the movement of the body programs for special needs allowing them to
that uses energy. Walking,
children with
special needs
new skills, learn new things and focus
running, dancing specific goals.
swimming yoga and (xii) Physical activity decreases anxiety.
gardening are a few examples of physical reduces depression, and improves mood
activity. For health benefits, physical activity and outlook in children. In addition, their
should be moderate or vigorous intensity. quality of sleep is also improved.
Exercise is a type of physical activity that > Strategies to Make Physical Activities Assessable
is planned and structured. Lifting weights, for Children with Special Needs: The various
taking an aerobics class and playing on a strategies or ways by which physical activities can
sports team are examples of exercise. be made accessible for children with special needs
are as follows:
Advantages of Physical Activities for
Children with Special Needs Sensory Integration: The first two things we
() It strengthens the heart muscle thereby always notice about physical education classes
are the loud music and fluorescent lights in the
improving cardiovascular efficiency, lung
gym. These are major barriers to students with
efficiency and exercise endurance. This some type of neurological differences. Many
helps in controlling repetitive behaviours students are also sensitive to light like bright
among disabled children.
sunlight outdoors and the sound of squeaking
(iü) Besides improving fitness, physical sneakers on the gym floor. The music problem
activity develops social relationships with is easy to solve-lower the volume or turn it off.
other children, teammates and teachers. Sound proof headphones may also be used
(ii) This brings positive changes in the social indoors and sunglasses can be used outdoors.
behaviour of these children.
Schools may find other indoor lighting options
(iv) It helps to improve energy level in the that are most cost effective, taking advantage
body. Regular physical activity often of green energy incentives for LED light bulbs
makes children more energetic and allows or simply shutting of some light and relying
them to become active. more on natural lighting.
(v) It regulates blood pressure, cholesterol Positive Behaviour: Behaviour is always à
level and diabetes. Concern in physical education classes where
(vi) Physical activity reduces stress level. there's plenty of movement and incidents
can Positive
(vii) It helps to control weight. The children happen in rapid succcession.
with disablities are not physically active Behaviour Interverntions or Support(PBIS) is
or may have deficit of calories, which takes a Systematically proven method to preveni
fat away and lowers weight and regular negative behaviours and increase healtiny
exercises help in regulating weight. interactions. Behavioural
(viii) Physical activities help in improving muscde are explained from the beginning Then
strength, coordination and flexibility among Support such as picture scheduler.positive
the class material is taught through
disabled children.
SPORTS FOR CwSN (Children With Special Needs-Divyang) 79
Team building: Physical Education is
nerfect opportunity for team the or modifications within a game, changing the
Nercises. Instead of competitive games, building rules of the game or sport to some extent can
ass can focus on creative games the help the students in a big way.
eucceed when a whole team works that only Creating Specific Environment: Students
Accessibility: Hard surtaces such astogether.
and concrete with special needs can be provided with
specific play area with special requirements
asphalt may be dangerous for individuals
ith dyspraxia and as needed by them. Loud music, glaring lights
softer such as sand or
O0d chips make it difficult often cannot be tolerated by these children, so
to manoeuvre a a lot of natural lighting should be there.
wheelchair. Gym surfaces and outdoor
can be used to make physical mats Focus on Creative Games: Instead of competitive
accessible for the children activity more games and physical activities, the strategy
Another way is to level thewithplaying
special needs. to develop creative games. This helps in
having the whole class play a game field by team building and cooperation and prevents
sitting volleyball or scooter soccer. such as unnecessary competition and boosts the
Inclusive Classrooms: It means confidence of these children.
of education laws in such a way development Accommodations and Modification: Since
with special needs get educationthatwithin
the individual needs of the children with
special needs are different, it is essential for
normal classrooms along with other children
so that they are well accepted in the teachers to modify the teaching strategies
Assistive Technology: It referssociety.
to creating
in order to accommodate the children with
disabilities. Therefore, constant modification
devices, tools or equipment that help children
and accommodation is required.
with special needs to participate in learning
activities like bigger balls, balls with bells, Professional Courses: Developing more
balls attached to strings to bring it back professional courses and teacher certification
to the programs for teaching physical education
students etc.
Adaptive Physical Education: Depending on to children with special needs is essential to
popularise the adaptive physical education
student's disability, a separate, adaptive class programme.


A Multiple Choice Questions BAssertion &Reason

0.1. Physical activity increases Directions :In the following questions, astatement
(A) Sleep hours of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of
(B) Appetite Reason (R), Mark the correct choice as:
(C) Laziness (D) Intellect (A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason
Ans. Option (B) is correct. (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
Explanation: Physical activity increases appetite in (B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but
children. It helps to control weight. The children Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
Assertion (A).
with disabilities are not physically active or may
have deficit of calories, which takes fat away (C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
(D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
and lowers weight and regular exercises help in
Q.1. Assertion: Physical Education is the perfect
regulating weight. opportunity for team building exercises.
Q2. Physical Education is the perfect opportunity for Reason: Instead of competitive games, the class can
exercises. focus on creative games that only succeed when a
(A) Isotonic (B) Isometric whole team works together.
(D) Team building Ans. Option (B) is correct
(C) Isokinetic 0.2. Assertion: Behaviour is always a concern in
0.3. expressions are explained from the physical education classes where there's plenty
beginning with support such as picture scheduler. of movement and incidents can happen in rapid
(A) Accessibility (B) Behaviour
Reason: Negative Behaviour Interverntions or
(9 Team Building (D) All of these
Support is a systematically proven method to
Ans. Option (B) is correct. prevent positive behaviours and increase healthy
Explanation: Behavioral expressions are explained Ans. Option (C) is correct.
trom the beginning with support such as picture Explanation: Positive Behaviour Interventions or
scheduler. Then the class material is taught through Support (PBIS) is a systematically proven method
positive interactions. to prevent negative behaviours and increase
healthy interactions.
Thesequestions are at the end of the chapter
Jor practice and their solutions are available
s t Question Bank Chaptevise &Tonicwise. PHYSICAL


Very Short Answer Type Give any three strategies to
activities assessable for
Q.1. Explain how Adaptive
(1 mark each) needs.
children with
help children with specialphysical education can Ans. Strategies to make physical activities
Ans. Depending on
adaptive class orstudent's disability, a
modifications within separate,
a game,
changing the rules of the game or sport to some
1. Medical check up.
2. Interest of child to be considered.
as es ablet
extent can help the students or children with 3. Modified Equipment to be used.
special needs, in a big way. Provide specific environment.
Q. 2. Write any two 5. Variety of instruction.
children with advantages of physical activities for
special needs.
Ans. (i) It strengthens the
Modified rules.
heart muscle thereby 7. Previous knowledge to be considered
efficienc andcardiovascular eficiency, lung Q.2. Write any three advantages of
in exercise endurance. This helps for children with special needs.
Physical Acivit
repetitive behaviours among
(i) It regulates blood pressure,
and diabetes.
Q.3. How team building spirit can be
cholesterol level
Long Answer Type Questions
01 How physical activities are helpful for
(5 marks)
through physical education? chilA.
Ans. Physical Education is the perfect with special needs? Explain strategies to
team building exercises. Instead of for
competitive physical activities assessable for them. make
games, the class can focus on
only succeed when a whole team creative games that
works together. Ans. All individuals benefit
Delhi 202
Q.4. What is the concept of Inclusive education? activity and children with specialregular physia
needs specal
Ans. It means development of education laws in such a They could gain from these physical, mental. and
way that children with special needs get education social benefits by being active.
within the normal classrooms along with other Their helpfulness is as under:
children so that they are well accepted in society. (i) See improvements in muscle
Short Answer Type coordination, and flexibility.
(i) Improve exercise endurance, cardiovasculat
Questions-I (2 narkS each) efficiency, and possibly increased lie
Q.1. Define physical activity. expectancy.
(ii) Experience better balance, motor skills, and
Ans. AcCording to the Department of Health andHuman
Services, USA, physical activity generally refers body awareness.
to movement that enhances health. It means the (iv) Will show improvement in behaviour, academ
movement of the body that uses energy. Walking, ics, self-confidence, and building fiendships.
running, dancing, swimming, yoga and gardening (v) Will have positive changes their health,
are afew examples of physical activity. Yor health quality of life, and bo0st their self-esteem.
benefits, physical activity should be moderate or (vi) Gets to experience a sense of accomplishment
vigorous intensity. and possibly the taste of winning or personal
Q.2. What role is played by positive behaviour for satisfaction.
making physical activities assessable for children (vii) Experience increases in attention span on task
with special needs? behaviour, and level of correct responding
Ans. Behaviour is always a concern in physical education (vii) Will increase appetite and quality of sleep.
classes where there's plenty of movement and (ix) Will find an outlet for their physical energy
incidents can happen in rapid succession. Positive will help them cope with stress, anxiety and
Behaviour Interventions or Support (PBIS) is a
systematically proven method to preventtnegative depression.
behaviours and increase healthy interactions. Strategies to make physical activities assessabl
Behavioural expressions are explained from the for children with special needs:
beginning with support such as picture scheduler. () Sensory Integration: The first two things
Then the class material is taught through positive always notice about physical education clase
interactions. are the loud music and fluorescent lights
the gym. These are major barriers to studen"
Short Answer Type with some type of neurological difference
Many students are also sensitive to
Questions-II (3 marks each) ot
bright sunlight outdoors and the sound
Q.1. Plan a strategy for making physical activity squeaking sneakers on the gym floor.indoos
assessable for Children with Special Need.
[CBSE SQP 2020-21] proof headphones may also be used
and sunglasses can be used outdoors.
These questions are for practice and their solutions are available at the end of the chapter
With Special Necos1
Behaviour: Behaviour is always a
in concern
physical education casses. Positive class can focus on creative games that only
Behaviour succeed when a whole team works together.
a Interventions Support (PBIS) is
systematically proven method to prevent (iv) Accessibility: Hard surfaces such as concrete
negative behaviours and increase healthy and asphalt may be dangerous for individuals
as sand
interactions, with dyspraxia and softer surfaces such
si) Team building: Physical or wood chips make it difficult to manoeuvre a
perfect opportunity for Education
is the wheelchair. Gym surfaces and outdoors mats can
Pxercises. Instead of competitive games, the be used to make physical activity more accessible
for the use of children with special needs.

COMPETENCYBASED oUESTIONS with disabilities and students of general education

Case based MCQs
into the same platform of learning.
1Read the below passage and (A) Inclusive education
answer the following
management needs to recognise the
essential place of physical activity in the education
(C) Child Rights and You
of children with special needs. In (D) Child Rights International Network
ifelong habits for fitness and toorder to develop
provide them Ans. (1) (C) Increase in depression
with many opportunities of socialisation, schools (iü) (A) A-II, B-I, C-I, D-IV
need to understand that physical education is not
a secondary subject but it is just as important as (iiü) (A) Inclusive education
other skills.
[CBSÉ QB 2021] II Read the below passage and answer the following
n1 Which of these is not one of the results of questions:
activities in children with special needs? physical The Class teacher of VII A
observed newly joined
(A) Improvement in confidence student Sekhar's behaviour. He is different from
(B) Improvement in endurance other students. He has difficulty in thinking and
C Increase in depression understanding concepts taught at school. The class
(D) Better hand-eye coordination teacher calledhis parents and suggested them to
0.2. Match the following take him to a psychologist. (CBSE QB 2021)
Q.1. The person with intellectual disability has IQ
|A. Cognitive Disorder between
B. OCD (A) 70-75% (B) 80-85%
Improvement (C) 85-90% (D) 90-95%
techniques Q.2. age
Generally intellectual disability occurs before the
C. Physical II. Disability of
activities (A) 18 (B) 12
(C) 6 (D) 3
D. Competition in IV. Paralympics Q.3. Disability means
sports &games (A) Impairment of cognitive abilities.
for CWSN (B) Problem or illness.
(C) Not able to work.
(A) A-M, B-I, C-II, D-IV (D) Impairment of brain.
(B) A-IV, B-II, C-L, D-II Ans. (1) (A) 70-75%
(C) A-I, B-III, C-IV, D-I (iü) (A) 18
(D) A-IV, B-II, C-I, D-II
Q.3. Name the model which refers to bringingstudents () (A) Impairment of cognitive abilities.

Solutions for Practice Questions (Topic-2)

Multiple Choice Questions Short Answer Type Questions-ll

Ans. 2: Option (D) is correct. Ans. 2: Refer Revision Notes, "Advantages of
Explanation: Team building exercises can be Physical Activities", pg 78
developed with the help of physical education.

Snsiaei stan REFLECTIONS

la) As you have studied in this chapter that positive interactions, so can you recall some other methods
(PB0S) is a or strategies to make physical activities assessable
behaviour interventions or support
yStematically proven method to prevent negative for CWSGN?
behaviours and subsequently increase healthy

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