NEET-2024: Shiv Chhatrapati Shikshan Sanstha, Latur
NEET-2024: Shiv Chhatrapati Shikshan Sanstha, Latur
NEET-2024: Shiv Chhatrapati Shikshan Sanstha, Latur
Sections : (A) Physics (B) Chemistry (C) Biology
Questions : 50 50 100
Marks : 180 180 360
Roll No.
NEET-2024 CT-01
Date : 25 June 2023
23 Time : 3.20 Hours
This is to certify that, the entry of Roll No. has been correctly written and verified.
and (1, 1, 1) respectively. Find the force on sec- 27. Two small spherical balls each carrying a charge
ond in vector form Q = 10 C (10 micro-coulomb) are suspended
by two insulating threads of equal lengths 1 each,
1) ˆ
3 10 6 (iˆ ˆj k)N from a point fixed in the ceiling. If is found that
is equilibrium threads are separated by an angle
2) ˆ
3 10 6 (iˆ ˆj k)N
60º between them, as shown in the fig. What is
ˆ the tension in the threads
3) 3 10 6 (iˆ ˆj k)N
ˆ (Given ( 4 ) = 9 × 109 Nm/C2)
4) 3 10 (iˆ ˆj k)N
1 N m2
C is, 4 = 9 × 109 Q Q
0 C2
1) 0.9 N 2) 1.8 N
1) 18 N 2) 1.8 N
3) 2.7 N 4) 3.6 N
3) 0.18 N 4) 0.018 N
25. Assertion : Two positively charged bodies may
28. Two equal charges are separated by a distance
attract each other electrically
d. A third charge placed on a perpendicular bi-
Reason : Similar charges repel each other
sector at x distance will experience maximum
1) Both assertion and reason are true and
coulomb force when -
reason is the correct explanation of
assertion. 1) x d/ 2 2) x = d/2
2) Both assertion and reason are true but
reason is not the correct explanation of 3) x = d/2 2 4) x = d/ 2 3
3) Assertion is true but reason is false.
4) Both assertion and reason are false.
1) IV 2) III
3) I 4) II
1) 5-carboxy-3-oxocyclohexanecarboxaldehyde is
2) 2-carboxy-5-formylecyclohexane 1) 2-methylbut-2-enoic acid
3) 4-formyl-2-oxocyclohexanecarboxylic 2) 3-methylbut-3-enoic acid
acid 3) 3-methylbut-2-enoic acid
4) 4-carboxy-3-oxocyclohexanal 4) 2-methylbut--3-enoic acid
68. IUPAC name of the following compound is 73. The IUPAC name of the compound
1) 5-oxo-4-hydroxy-2-pentanone
1) 1-Methylpropanamide 2) 4-hydroxy-5-al-2-pentanone
2) N-Methyl propanamide 3) 2-hydroxy-4-oxopentanal
3) N-Butylethanamide 4) 1-al-4-oxo-2-pentanol
4) N-Methylbutanamide 75. The ionic bonds X+ Y– are formed when :
70. The IUPAC name of I) electron affinity of Y is high
II) ionization energy of X is low
is III) lattice energy of XY is high
IV) lattice energy of XY is low
1) 4-hydroxy-1-methylpentanal Choose the correct code :
2) 4-hydroxy-2-methylpent-2-en-1-al 1) I and II
3) 2-hydroxy-4-methylpent-3-en-5-al 2) I and III
4) 2-hydroxy-3-methylpent-2-en-5-al 3) I, II and III
4) All
SCSS CW-01 Page 8
76. Which of the following is an example of super 84. In which of the following species, the bonds
octet molecule ? are non-directional?
1) ClF3 2) PCl5 1) NCl3 2) RbCl
3) IF7 4) All the three 3) BeCl2 4) BCl3
77. Which of the following species is neither 85. The element X of group VA combines with the
hypervalent nor hypovalent ? element Y of group VIA. The resulting
1) ClO 4– 2) BF3 compound may have the formula
3) SO 4 2– 4) CO 3 2– 1) X2Y3 2) X5Y6
78. A -bond is formed by the overlap of : 3) X3Y2 4) X6Y5
1) s-s orbitals
2) s-p orbitals
3) p-p orbitals in end to end fashion
4) p-p orbitals in sidewise manner 86. The total number of proton in 10g of calcium
79. The electronic configurations of four elements carbonate is (N0 = 6.023 × 1023)
are : 1) 3.01 × 1024 2) 4.06 × 1024
A : 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 3p4 3) 2.01 × 10 24
4) 3.02 × 1024
B : 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 3p5 87. Number of atoms in 560g of Fe (atomic mass
C : 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s1 56g mol–1) is
D : 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 1) twice that of 70g N
The formulae of ionic compounds that could 2) half that of 20g H
be formed between them are : 3) both are correct
1) A2C, DA, CB, D2B 4) none of these
2) C2A, DA, CB, DB 88. A signature, written in carbon pencil weights 1
3) AC, D2A, C2B, DB mg. What is the number of carbon atoms present
4) C2A, DA, CB, DB2 in the signature?
80. According to Fajan rules, the covalent character 1) 5.02 × 1023
is most favoured in 2) 5.02 × 1020
1) small cation, large anion
3) 6.02 × 1020
2) small cation, small anion
4) 0.502 × 1020
3) large cation, large anion
89. The mass of 11.2 L of ammonia gas at STP is
4) large cation, small anion
1) 8.5 g 2) 85 g
81. Which one of the following is an electron
3) 17 g 4) 1.7 g
deficient compound?
90. A gas has a vapour density 11.2. The volume
1) C 2H 2 2) AlCl3
occupied by 1g of the gas at NTP is
3) H2O 4) NH3
1) 1L 2) 11.2 L
82. Which of the following compound does not 3) 22.4 L 4) 4L
follow octet rule? 91. The IUPAC name of CH3CH=CHCOOC2H5 is
1) CO 2 2) PCl3 1) ethylbut-1-enoate
3) ICl 4) ClF3 2) ethylbut-2-enoate
83. Which one is the highest melting halide? 3) ethylprop-2-enoate
1) NaCl 2) NaF 4) none of these
3) NaBr 4) NaI
1) evolutionary relationship of organism minutes. What is the total time required to fill
2) cytotaxonomy the cup if bacteria divided in one minute?
3) cytological information 1) 20 2) 21
4) structural embryology.
3) 22 4) 23
141. Assertion : All living organism have the potential
146. Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria are named
to evolve.
so because
Reason:-Living organism interact with one
1) They oxidise various inorganic substances
another and with the environment.
such nitrates, nitrites and ammonia and
1) If both Assertion and Reason are true,
use the released energy for their ATP
and Reason is the correct explanation
of Assertion.
2) They oxidise various organic substances
2) If both Assertion and Reason are true
and use the released energy for their ATP
but Reason is not the correct explanation
of Assertion.
3) Presence of rigid cell wall
3) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
4) 1 and 2
4) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
147. Statement-1 : Aristotle classified plants into trees,
142. Which of the following statement(s) is/are NOT shrubs and herbs, on the basis of morphologi-
true about Bacteria? cal characters
1) They are the members of the kingdom Statement-2 : Linnaeus divided animals into
Monera group Anaima nad Enaima
2) They live in exterme habitats such as
1) Only statement-1 is correct
hot springs, deserts, snow and deep
2) Only statement-2 is correct
3) Both statement-1 and statement-2 are
3) They do not show the most extensive
metabolic diversity
4) Both statement-1 and statement-2 are
4) 1 and 3
SCSS CW-01 Page 14
148. Heterotrophic, eukaryotic, multicellular organ-
isms lacking a cell wall are included in the king-
1) Protista 2) Fungi
3) Plantae 4) Animalia
149. Bacterial cell divides every one minute. It takes
15 minutes a cup to be one-fourth full. How
much time will it take to fill the cup?
1) 30 minutes 2) 45 minutes
3) 60 minutes 4) 17 minutes
150. Which one of the following statements about
Mycoplasma is WRONG?
1) They are pleomorphic
2) Can survive with oxygen
3) They cause diseases in plants
4) They are also called PPLO
1 1 14 3 27 2 40 2 51 1 64 2 77 4 90 1
2 1 15 4 28 3 41 3 52 1 65 2 78 4 91 2
3 2 16 1 29 1 42 4 53 4 66 3 79 4 92 2
4 2 17 2 30 2 43 1 54 2 67 3 80 1 93 2
5 4 18 1 31 2 44 2 55 3 68 1 81 2 94 1
6 1 19 2 32 4 45 3 56 4 69 4 82 4 95 1
7 1 20 3 33 3 46 1 57 2 70 2 83 2 96 2
8 4 21 1 34 2 47 4 58 3 71 1 84 2 97 2
9 2 22 4 35 2 48 1 59 1 72 3 85 1 98 1
10 2 23 2 36 2 49 1 60 3 73 1 86 1 99 2
11 1 24 2 37 4 50 4 61 3 74 3 87 3 100 1
12 4 25 2 38 3 62 3 75 3 88 4
13 1 26 2 39 4 63 4 76 4 89 1
101 4 114 2 127 4 140 1 151 4 164 3 177 3 190 2
102 3 115 2 128 4 141 1 152 3 165 3 178 3 191 4
103 2 116 3 129 2 142 3 153 3 166 1 179 3 192 2
104 3 117 3 130 3 143 1 154 1 167 3 180 4 193 2
105 2 118 2 131 2 144 4 155 3 168 4 181 3 194 3
106 4 119 3 132 3 145 4 156 2 169 1 182 3 195 4
107 1 120 2 133 2 146 1 157 4 170 4 183 3 196 2
108 2 121 4 134 1 147 1 158 3 171 4 184 1 197 2
109 1 122 3 135 4 148 4 159 3 172 3 185 3 198 1
110 3 123 3 136 4 149 4 160 4 173 4 186 4 199 1
111 2 124 3 137 3 150 2 161 4 174 4 187 4 200 1
112 4 125 1 138 2 162 1 175 2 188 1
113 4 126 1 139 3 163 2 176 2 189 1